Euphorbia sp. (Laikipia Plateau, Kenya) 5-inch pots


This shrubby Euphorb, from the Laikipia Plateau of central Kenya, is somewhat similar to Euphorbia tescorum from more northerly regions, only it has four-angled stems. This undescribed species branches from the base, producing long, wand-like stems that are rather stout and variegated with darker green blotches. The cyathia are yellow. They are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.

Adenia (10)
Adenium-> (26)
Agaves-> (107)
Alluaudia, Didierea (8)
Aloe-> (619)
Asclepiadaceae-> (73)
Asteraceae-> (26)
Beaucarnea, Dracaena, Nolina-> (17)
Books (6)
Bulbs-> (84)
Cacti-> (767)
Cissus-> (17)
Crassulaceae-> (95)
Cycads (4)
Cyphostemma (11)
Dorstenia (13)
Ethnobotanicals (1)
Euphorbia-> (591)
  Columnar, Medusoids-> (111)
  Crests. Variegates, Hybrids-> (32)
  Madagascar plants-> (63)
  Spineless shrubs-> (24)
  Spiny shrubs, trees-> (361)
    Spiny Shrub Ab-Am (18)
    Spiny Shrub An-Aw (12)
    Spiny Shrub Ba (9)
    Spiny Shrub Be-Bu (12)
    Spiny Shrub Cac-Cae (9)
    Spiny Shrub Can-Cat (4)
    Spiny Shrub Ce-Co (10)
    Spiny Shrub Cr-Cu (10)
    Spiny Shrub Da-De (8)
    Spiny Shrub Di-Du (5)
    Spiny Shrub E (10)
    Spiny Shrub F (11)
    Spiny Shrub Ga-Gl (11)
    Spiny Shrub Go-Gr (26)
    Spiny Shrub H (12)
    Spiny Shrub I-K (9)
    Spiny Shrub L (20)
    Spiny Shrub M (14)
    Spiny Shrub N-O (5)
    Spiny Shrub Pa-Pe (13)
    Spiny Shrub Pi-Pu (13)
    Spiny Shrub Q (3)
    Spiny Shrub Re-Ri (13)
    Spiny Shrub Ro-Ru (12)
    Spiny Shrub Sa-Sc (7)
    Spiny Shrub Se (12)
    Spiny Shrub Si-Su (20)
    Spiny Shrub Ta-Te (18)
    Spiny Shrub Ti-Tu (14)
    Spiny Shrub U-V (15)
    Spiny Shrub W-Z (6)
Euphorbiaceae (4)
Fouquieria (11)
Gasteria-> (135)
Geophytes-> (42)
Gift certificates (6)
Haworthia-> (339)
Ipomoea (4)
Jatropha (17)
Mesembs-> (158)
Monadenium-> (47)
Other species (16)
Pachycaul trees-> (102)
Pachypodium-> (17)
Pedilanthus (13)
Pelargonium-> (19)
Plectranthus (10)
Portulacaceae-> (26)
Sansevieria-> (157)
Sarcocaulon (Monsonia) (1)
T-Shirts-> (35)
Terrestrial Bromeliads, Orchids-> (63)
Uncarina (1)
Yucca-> (11)
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