Euphorbia aeruginosa (major) 2-inch pots


From the Northern Province of South Africa, this small tufted shrub has beautiful blue-green stems and spine shields with two pair of copper colored spines. Closely related to E. schinzii and E. lydenbergensis, this species makes a beautiful potted plant with its coloration and yellow cyathia. We previously offered three varieties of this species, but two of those (major and minor) are lumped together here. These are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.

Adenia (10)
Adenium-> (27)
Agaves-> (108)
Alluaudia, Didierea (8)
Aloe-> (623)
Asclepiadaceae-> (77)
Asteraceae-> (26)
Beaucarnea, Dracaena, Nolina-> (17)
Books (6)
Bulbs-> (84)
Cacti-> (773)
Cissus-> (17)
Crassulaceae-> (95)
Cycads (4)
Cyphostemma (11)
Dorstenia (14)
Ethnobotanicals (1)
Euphorbia-> (595)
  Columnar, Medusoids-> (113)
  Crests. Variegates, Hybrids-> (32)
  Madagascar plants-> (63)
  Spineless shrubs-> (24)
  Spiny shrubs, trees-> (363)
    Spiny Shrub Ab-Am (18)
    Spiny Shrub An-Aw (12)
    Spiny Shrub Ba (9)
    Spiny Shrub Be-Bu (12)
    Spiny Shrub Cac-Cae (9)
    Spiny Shrub Can-Cat (4)
    Spiny Shrub Ce-Co (10)
    Spiny Shrub Cr-Cu (10)
    Spiny Shrub Da-De (8)
    Spiny Shrub Di-Du (5)
    Spiny Shrub E (10)
    Spiny Shrub F (11)
    Spiny Shrub Ga-Gl (11)
    Spiny Shrub Go-Gr (26)
    Spiny Shrub H (12)
    Spiny Shrub I-K (9)
    Spiny Shrub L (20)
    Spiny Shrub M (14)
    Spiny Shrub N-O (5)
    Spiny Shrub Pa-Pe (14)
    Spiny Shrub Pi-Pu (13)
    Spiny Shrub Q (4)
    Spiny Shrub Re-Ri (13)
    Spiny Shrub Ro-Ru (12)
    Spiny Shrub Sa-Sc (7)
    Spiny Shrub Se (12)
    Spiny Shrub Si-Su (20)
    Spiny Shrub Ta-Te (18)
    Spiny Shrub Ti-Tu (14)
    Spiny Shrub U-V (15)
    Spiny Shrub W-Z (6)
Euphorbiaceae (4)
Fouquieria (12)
Gasteria-> (138)
Geophytes-> (42)
Gift certificates (6)
Haworthia-> (342)
Ipomoea (4)
Jatropha (17)
Mesembs-> (163)
Monadenium-> (47)
Other species (16)
Pachycaul trees-> (102)
Pachypodium-> (17)
Pedilanthus (13)
Pelargonium-> (19)
Plectranthus (10)
Portulacaceae-> (26)
Sansevieria-> (165)
Sarcocaulon (Monsonia) (1)
T-Shirts-> (35)
Terrestrial Bromeliads, Orchids-> (64)
Uncarina (1)
Yucca-> (11)
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