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Peperomia asperula x dolabriformis (BGH 70496) 4-inch pots Peperomia asperula x dolabriformis (BGH 70496) 4-inch pots

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Dorstenia hybrid 4-inch pots Dorstenia hybrid 4-inch pots

   or remove
Tradescantia sillamontana cv 'White Velvet' 4-inch pots Tradescantia sillamontana cv 'White Velvet' 4-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana (GM 266) 4-inch pots Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana (GM 266) 4-inch pots

   or remove
Frankincense (Boswellia sacra exudate) coarse 28 g Frankincense (Boswellia sacra exudate) coarse 28 g

   or remove
Pedilanthus sp. (Jalisco, Mexico) one-gallon pots Pedilanthus sp. (Jalisco, Mexico) one-gallon pots

   or remove
Pedilanthus tithymaloides ssp. smallii (variegated) 5-inch pots Pedilanthus tithymaloides ssp. smallii (variegated) 5-inch pots

   or remove
Dorstenia hybrid 3-inch pots Dorstenia hybrid 3-inch pots

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Dragon's Blood Dragon's Blood

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Fouquieria macdougalii 4-inch pots Fouquieria macdougalii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Pedilanthus tithymaloides ssp. smallii (variegated) one-gallon p Pedilanthus tithymaloides ssp. smallii (variegated) one-gallon p

   or remove
Synadenium grantii cv 'Rubra' one-gallon pots Synadenium grantii cv 'Rubra' one-gallon pots

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Fouquieria splendens 2-inch pots Fouquieria splendens 2-inch pots

   or remove
Dorstenia hybrid 2-inch pots Dorstenia hybrid 2-inch pots

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Callisia fragrans 8-inch pots Callisia fragrans 8-inch pots

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Dorstenia hybrid 5-inch pots Dorstenia hybrid 5-inch pots

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Euphorbia pseudoburuana 4-inch pots Euphorbia pseudoburuana 4-inch pots

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Jatropha curcas one-gallon pots Jatropha curcas one-gallon pots

   or remove
Pedilanthus sp. (Jalisco, Mexico) 5-inch pots Pedilanthus sp. (Jalisco, Mexico) 5-inch pots

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Yungasocereus inquisivensis 4-inch pots Yungasocereus inquisivensis 4-inch pots

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Pedilanthus macrocarpus (green form) one-gallon pots Pedilanthus macrocarpus (green form) one-gallon pots

   or remove
Socotri frankincense (Boswellia socotrana exudate) 28 g Socotri frankincense (Boswellia socotrana exudate) 28 g

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Pedilanthus macrocarpus 5-inch pots Pedilanthus macrocarpus 5-inch pots

   or remove
Kalanchoe beharensis (glabrous) 5-inch pots Kalanchoe beharensis (glabrous) 5-inch pots

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Beaucarnea recurvata 4-inch pots Beaucarnea recurvata 4-inch pots

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Kalanchoe humilis 6-inch pots Kalanchoe humilis 6-inch pots

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Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 5-inch pots Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 5-inch pots

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Ferocactus cylindraceous 2-inch pots Ferocactus cylindraceous 2-inch pots

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Ferocactus emoryi ssp. emoryi 4-inch pots Ferocactus emoryi ssp. emoryi 4-inch pots

   or remove
Beaucarnea recurvata 2-inch pots Beaucarnea recurvata 2-inch pots

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Beaucarnea recurvata 10-gallon pots Beaucarnea recurvata 10-gallon pots

   or remove
Beaucarnea recurvata 5-inch pots Beaucarnea recurvata 5-inch pots

   or remove
Kalanchoe humilis 4-inch pots Kalanchoe humilis 4-inch pots

   or remove
Kalanchoe bracteata one-gallon pots Kalanchoe bracteata one-gallon pots

   or remove
Kalanchoe beharensis (glabrous) one-gallon pots Kalanchoe beharensis (glabrous) one-gallon pots

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Ferocactus alamosanus 4-inch pots Ferocactus alamosanus 4-inch pots

   or remove
Beaucarnea recurvata 3-inch pots Beaucarnea recurvata 3-inch pots

   or remove
Kalanchoe marmorata 5-inch pots Kalanchoe marmorata 5-inch pots

   or remove
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 3-inch pots Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 3-inch pots

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Kalanchoe hildebrandtii 4-inch pots Kalanchoe hildebrandtii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Kalanchoe humilis 5-inch pots Kalanchoe humilis 5-inch pots

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Plectranthus igniarius (Lav 23156) one-gallon pots Plectranthus igniarius (Lav 23156) one-gallon pots

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Aloe dorotheae one-gallon pots Aloe dorotheae one-gallon pots

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Aloe rendilliorum 4-inch pots Aloe rendilliorum 4-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera (planifolia) 5-inch pots Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera (planifolia) 5-inch pots

   or remove
Plectranthus amboinicus 5-inch pots Plectranthus amboinicus 5-inch pots

   or remove
Sinningia tubiflora 4-inch pots Sinningia tubiflora 4-inch pots

   or remove
Plectranthus barbatus 5-inch pots Plectranthus barbatus 5-inch pots

   or remove
Adenia globosa (rooted cuttings) 4-inch pots Adenia globosa (rooted cuttings) 4-inch pots

   or remove
Echinocactus grusonii one-gallon pots Echinocactus grusonii one-gallon pots

   or remove
Adenia globosa (rooted cuttings) 5-inch pots Adenia globosa (rooted cuttings) 5-inch pots

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Echinocactus grusonii (red flowers) 8-inch pots Echinocactus grusonii (red flowers) 8-inch pots

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Aloe reynoldsii 2-gallon pots Aloe reynoldsii 2-gallon pots

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Pelargonium alternans 5-inch pots Pelargonium alternans 5-inch pots

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Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana 3-inch pots Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana 3-inch pots

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Gasteria acinacifolia one-gallon pots Gasteria acinacifolia one-gallon pots

   or remove
Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera (planifolia) 3-inch pots Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera (planifolia) 3-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia angustifolia var. baylissii (Oudekraal) 4-inch pots Haworthia angustifolia var. baylissii (Oudekraal) 4-inch pots

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Aloe rapanarivoi 2-inch pots Aloe rapanarivoi 2-inch pots

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Aloe dorotheae (yellow flower) 4-inch pots Aloe dorotheae (yellow flower) 4-inch pots

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Synadenium sp. (Suyian) 5-inch pots Synadenium sp. (Suyian) 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe vogtsii 4-inch pots Aloe vogtsii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe dorotheae 2-gallon pots Aloe dorotheae 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe diolii one-gallon pots Aloe diolii one-gallon pots

   or remove
Adenia venenata 4-inch pots Adenia venenata 4-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia cymbiformis var. cymbiformis 3-inch pots Haworthia cymbiformis var. cymbiformis 3-inch pots

   or remove
Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana 2-inch pots Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana 2-inch pots

   or remove
Plectranthus amboinicus 4-inch pots Plectranthus amboinicus 4-inch pots

   or remove
Plectranthus amboinicus 8-inch pots Plectranthus amboinicus 8-inch pots

   or remove
Dorstenia mannii 4-inch pots Dorstenia mannii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe distans 4-inch pots Aloe distans 4-inch pots

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Agave striata ssp. falcata 5-inch pots Agave striata ssp. falcata 5-inch pots

   or remove
Dorstenia hildebrandtii 5-inch pots Dorstenia hildebrandtii 5-inch pots

   or remove
Plectranthus tenuiflorus 4-inch pots Plectranthus tenuiflorus 4-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia fasciata (Port Elizabeth, RSA) 2-inch pots Haworthia fasciata (Port Elizabeth, RSA) 2-inch pots

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Pedilanthus bracteatus 5-inch pots Pedilanthus bracteatus 5-inch pots

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Gasteria armstrongii (GM 388) one-gallon pots Gasteria armstrongii (GM 388) one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe rivierei 5-inch pots Aloe rivierei 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe vryheidensis 4-inch pots Aloe vryheidensis 4-inch pots

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Echinocactus platyacanthus one-gallon pots Echinocactus platyacanthus one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe vandermerwei 5-inch pots Aloe vandermerwei 5-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia cymbiformis var. cymbiformis 2-inch pots Haworthia cymbiformis var. cymbiformis 2-inch pots

   or remove
Gasteria acinacifolia 4-inch pots Gasteria acinacifolia 4-inch pots

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Aloe vanbalenii one-gallon pots Aloe vanbalenii one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe dichotoma 2-inch pots Aloe dichotoma 2-inch pots

   or remove
Pyrenacantha malvifolia 5-inch pots Pyrenacantha malvifolia 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe dorotheae (yellow flower) 5-gallon pots Aloe dorotheae (yellow flower) 5-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe reynoldsii one-gallon pots Aloe reynoldsii one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe veseyi 5-inch pots Aloe veseyi 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe fragilis 4-inch pots Aloe fragilis 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe vanbalenii 5-inch pots Aloe vanbalenii 5-inch pots

   or remove
Sinningia bullata 4-inch pots Sinningia bullata 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe fleurentiniorum 5-inch pots Aloe fleurentiniorum 5-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia cymbiformis var. obtusa (IB 258) 4-inch pots Haworthia cymbiformis var. obtusa (IB 258) 4-inch pots

   or remove
Plectranthus tenuiflorus 5-inch pots Plectranthus tenuiflorus 5-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia cymbiformis var. obtusa (IB 258) 3-inch pots Haworthia cymbiformis var. obtusa (IB 258) 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe vogtsii one-gallon pots Aloe vogtsii one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe veseyi 4-inch pots Aloe veseyi 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe dichotoma one-gallon pots Aloe dichotoma one-gallon pots

   or remove
Haworthia fasciata 4-inch pots Haworthia fasciata 4-inch pots

   or remove
Dorstenia foetida 4-inch pots Dorstenia foetida 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe ruffingiana 4-inch pots Aloe ruffingiana 4-inch pots

   or remove
Agave stringens one-gallon pots Agave stringens one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe rauhii 4-inch pots Aloe rauhii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia fasciata 5-inch pots Haworthia fasciata 5-inch pots

   or remove
Echinocactus grusonii 8-inch pots Echinocactus grusonii 8-inch pots

   or remove
Echinocactus platyacanthus 3-inch pots Echinocactus platyacanthus 3-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia glabrata 3-inch pots Haworthia glabrata 3-inch pots

   or remove

Sub-Total: $2,240.00

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1 x Peperomia asperula x dolabriformis (BGH 70496) 4-inch pots
2 x Dorstenia hybrid 4-inch pots
1 x Tradescantia sillamontana cv 'White Velvet' 4-inch pots
1 x Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana (GM 266) 4-inch pots
1 x Frankincense (Boswellia sacra exudate) coarse 28 g
2 x Pedilanthus sp. (Jalisco, Mexico) one-gallon pots
1 x Pedilanthus tithymaloides ssp. smallii (variegated) 5-inch pots
2 x Dorstenia hybrid 3-inch pots
1 x Dragon's Blood
1 x Fouquieria macdougalii 4-inch pots
1 x Pedilanthus tithymaloides ssp. smallii (variegated) one-gallon p
1 x Synadenium grantii cv 'Rubra' one-gallon pots
1 x Fouquieria splendens 2-inch pots
1 x Dorstenia hybrid 2-inch pots
1 x Callisia fragrans 8-inch pots
1 x Dorstenia hybrid 5-inch pots
1 x Euphorbia pseudoburuana 4-inch pots
1 x Jatropha curcas one-gallon pots
1 x Pedilanthus sp. (Jalisco, Mexico) 5-inch pots
1 x Yungasocereus inquisivensis 4-inch pots
1 x Pedilanthus macrocarpus (green form) one-gallon pots
1 x Socotri frankincense (Boswellia socotrana exudate) 28 g
2 x Pedilanthus macrocarpus 5-inch pots
1 x Kalanchoe beharensis (glabrous) 5-inch pots
1 x Beaucarnea recurvata 4-inch pots
1 x Kalanchoe humilis 6-inch pots
1 x Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 5-inch pots
1 x Ferocactus cylindraceous 2-inch pots
1 x Ferocactus emoryi ssp. emoryi 4-inch pots
1 x Beaucarnea recurvata 2-inch pots
1 x Beaucarnea recurvata 10-gallon pots
1 x Beaucarnea recurvata 5-inch pots
1 x Kalanchoe humilis 4-inch pots
1 x Kalanchoe bracteata one-gallon pots
1 x Kalanchoe beharensis (glabrous) one-gallon pots
1 x Ferocactus alamosanus 4-inch pots
1 x Beaucarnea recurvata 3-inch pots
1 x Kalanchoe marmorata 5-inch pots
1 x Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 3-inch pots
1 x Kalanchoe hildebrandtii 4-inch pots
1 x Kalanchoe humilis 5-inch pots
1 x Plectranthus igniarius (Lav 23156) one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe dorotheae one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe rendilliorum 4-inch pots
1 x Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera (planifolia) 5-inch pots
1 x Plectranthus amboinicus 5-inch pots
1 x Sinningia tubiflora 4-inch pots
1 x Plectranthus barbatus 5-inch pots
1 x Adenia globosa (rooted cuttings) 4-inch pots
1 x Echinocactus grusonii one-gallon pots
2 x Adenia globosa (rooted cuttings) 5-inch pots
1 x Echinocactus grusonii (red flowers) 8-inch pots
1 x Aloe reynoldsii 2-gallon pots
1 x Pelargonium alternans 5-inch pots
1 x Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana 3-inch pots
1 x Gasteria acinacifolia one-gallon pots
1 x Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera (planifolia) 3-inch pots
1 x Haworthia angustifolia var. baylissii (Oudekraal) 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe rapanarivoi 2-inch pots
1 x Aloe dorotheae (yellow flower) 4-inch pots
1 x Synadenium sp. (Suyian) 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe vogtsii 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe dorotheae 2-gallon pots
1 x Aloe diolii one-gallon pots
1 x Adenia venenata 4-inch pots
1 x Haworthia cymbiformis var. cymbiformis 3-inch pots
1 x Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana 2-inch pots
1 x Plectranthus amboinicus 4-inch pots
1 x Plectranthus amboinicus 8-inch pots
1 x Dorstenia mannii 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe distans 4-inch pots
1 x Agave striata ssp. falcata 5-inch pots
1 x Dorstenia hildebrandtii 5-inch pots
1 x Plectranthus tenuiflorus 4-inch pots
1 x Haworthia fasciata (Port Elizabeth, RSA) 2-inch pots
1 x Pedilanthus bracteatus 5-inch pots
1 x Gasteria armstrongii (GM 388) one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe rivierei 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe vryheidensis 4-inch pots
1 x Echinocactus platyacanthus one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe vandermerwei 5-inch pots
1 x Haworthia cymbiformis var. cymbiformis 2-inch pots
1 x Gasteria acinacifolia 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe vanbalenii one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe dichotoma 2-inch pots
1 x Pyrenacantha malvifolia 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe dorotheae (yellow flower) 5-gallon pots
1 x Aloe reynoldsii one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe veseyi 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe fragilis 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe vanbalenii 5-inch pots
1 x Sinningia bullata 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe fleurentiniorum 5-inch pots
1 x Haworthia cymbiformis var. obtusa (IB 258) 4-inch pots
1 x Plectranthus tenuiflorus 5-inch pots
1 x Haworthia cymbiformis var. obtusa (IB 258) 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe vogtsii one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe veseyi 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe dichotoma one-gallon pots
1 x Haworthia fasciata 4-inch pots
1 x Dorstenia foetida 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe ruffingiana 4-inch pots
1 x Agave stringens one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe rauhii 4-inch pots
1 x Haworthia fasciata 5-inch pots
1 x Echinocactus grusonii 8-inch pots
1 x Echinocactus platyacanthus 3-inch pots
1 x Haworthia glabrata 3-inch pots
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