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1 x Corallocarpus welwitschii 4-inch pots
1 x Crassula ovata cv Silver Dollar Jade one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe vaombe x jucunda 3-gallon pots
1 x Sansevieria suffruticosa (WY 1020) 8-inch pots
1 x Monadenium ritchiei ssp. ritchiei 4-inch pots
1 x Haworthia limifolia var. ubomboensis 4-inch pots
1 x Trichocereus cv Pink and Wine one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe dorotheae (yellow flower) 4-inch pots
1 x Pachycormus discolor var. pubescens 2-inch pots
1 x Aloe werneri 2-gallon pots
1 x Monadenium magnificum one-gallon pots
1 x Thelocactus bicolor ssp. bicolor 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe vacillans one-gallon pots
1 x Haworthia cv Eva Tiger 3-inch pots
1 x Echinocereus viereckii ssp. morricalii 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe yemenica 4-inch pots
1 x Lithops meyeri 2-inch pots
1 x Faucaria tuberculosa cv Sato 4-inch pots
1 x Mammillaria spinosissima cv Un Pico 5-inch pots
1 x Gasteria hybrid 1 2-inch pots
1 x Rebutia heliosa var. heliosa 2-inch pots
1 x Gasteria acinacifolia x nitida 5-inch pots
1 x Crassula falcata 4-inch pots
1 x Monadenium ritchiei ssp. ritchiei 3-inch pots
1 x Cassia artemisioides 5-inch pots
1 x Haworthia truncata x pygmaea 5-inch pots
1 x Agave stringens one-gallon pots
1 x Haworthia specksii (JDV 92-23) 2-inch pots
1 x Kleinia rowleyana 4-inch pots
1 x Sansevieria parva (WY 1174) one-gallon pots
1 x Ferocactus macrodiscus 4-inch pots
1 x Euphorbia waterbergensis 4-inch pots
1 x Tylecodon hirtifolius 4-inch pots
1 x Sansevieria suffruticosa 12-inch pots
1 x Ferocactus alamosanus 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe zebrina (transvaalensis) 4-inch pots
1 x Yucca pallida 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe virens one-gallon pots
1 x Mammillaria plumosa 2-inch pots
1 x Sansevieria senegambica 5-inch pots
1 x Sansevieria liberica 3-gallon pots
1 x Euphorbia lactea 5-inch pots
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