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1 x Aloe bulbillifera var. bulbillifera 2-gallon pots
1 x Euphorbia candelabrum 8-inch pots
1 x Sansevieria concinna (EVJ 33) one-gallon pots
1 x Euphorbia cylindrifolia ssp. cylindrifolia 4-inch pots
1 x Haworthia caespitosa (IB 2869) 3-inch pots
1 x Agave vivipara (angustifolia) variegated one-gallon pots
1 x Hoya kerrii (variegate) 6-inch pots
1 x Aloe butiabana one-gallon pots
1 x Ficus religiosa 4-inch pots
1 x Ceropegia stapeliformis ssp. serpentina 4-inch pots
1 x Euphorbia heterospina ssp. heterospina 5-inch pots
1 x Leuchtenbergia principis one-gallon pots
1 x Mammillaria albicoma 4-inch pots
1 x Frailea pumila ssp. albisetosa 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe congolensis one-gallon pots
1 x Kleinia rowleyana 3-inch pots
1 x Agave parryi var. truncata one-gallon pots
1 x Adenia volkensii one-gallon pots
1 x Euphorbia gillettii ssp. tenuoir 3-inch pots
1 x Euphorbia aeruginosa (major) 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe rendilliorum 5-inch pots
1 x Ceropegia aristolochoides ssp. aristolochoides 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe deltoideodonta var. brevifolia 5-inch pots
1 x Euphorbia bussei var. bussei 5-inch pots
1 x Gasterhaworthia ‘A-1’ Verhoeven 4-inch pots
1 x Haworthia turgida var. pallidifolia 4-inch pots
1 x Cotyledon orbiculata var. dactylopsis 5-inch pots
1 x Oeceoclades calcarata 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe yemenica 4-inch pots
1 x Euphorbia knuthii ssp. johnsonii 5-inch pots
1 x Sedum rubrotinctum 3-inch pots
1 x Bursera hindsiana 5-inch pots
1 x Lobivia schieliana ssp. quiabayensis 5-inch pots
1 x Crassula falcata 10-inch pots
1 x Euphorbia ingens (monstrose) 2-gallon pots
1 x Euphorbia schoenlandii 2-inch pots
1 x Aloe bertemariae 4-inch pots
1 x Faucaria felina 4-inch pots
1 x Senecio talinoides ssp. mandraliscae one-gallon pots
1 x Scilla paucifolia 3-inch pots
1 x Gasteria hybrid 1 2-inch pots
1 x Cissus quadrangularis var. pubescens (Voi, Kenya) one-gallon pot
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