What's In My Cart?


Aloe ambigens 5-inch pots Aloe ambigens 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe vandermerwei 5-inch pots Aloe vandermerwei 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe ellenbeckii one-gallon pots Aloe ellenbeckii one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe vogtsii 5-inch pots Aloe vogtsii 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Pink Blush 3-inch pots Aloe cv Pink Blush 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe deltoideodonta variegata Rauh 4-inch pots Aloe deltoideodonta variegata Rauh 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe pubescens 5-inch pots Aloe pubescens 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe brevifolia var. depressa 5-inch pots Aloe brevifolia var. depressa 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Doran Black 3-inch pots Aloe cv Doran Black 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe rivierei 5-inch pots Aloe rivierei 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe morijensis 5-inch pots Aloe morijensis 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe petrophila (ISI 2001-24) 5-inch pots Aloe petrophila (ISI 2001-24) 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe andongensis var. andongensis 5-inch pots Aloe andongensis var. andongensis 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe dyeri 5-inch pots Aloe dyeri 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cryptopoda hybrids 5-inch pots Aloe cryptopoda hybrids 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe ambigens 4-inch pots Aloe ambigens 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe morijensis one-gallon pots Aloe morijensis one-gallon pots

   or remove
Synadenium grantii cv 'Rubra' one-gallon pots Synadenium grantii cv 'Rubra' one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe rigens 5-inch pots Aloe rigens 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe macrosiphon one-gallon pots Aloe macrosiphon one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe cremnophila 5-inch pots Aloe cremnophila 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe vera one-gallon pots Aloe vera one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Pink Lace 5-inch pots Aloe cv Pink Lace 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe microstigma 5-inch pots Aloe microstigma 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe pendens one-gallon pots Aloe pendens one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe ngongensis (WY 1057) one-gallon pots Aloe ngongensis (WY 1057) one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe nobilis 5-inch pots Aloe nobilis 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Snowstorm 3-inch pots Aloe cv Snowstorm 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe ambigens one-gallon pots Aloe ambigens one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe striata 4-inch pots Aloe striata 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe juvenna 5-inch pots Aloe juvenna 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Black Gem 5-inch pots Aloe cv Black Gem 5-inch pots

   or remove
Frankincense (Boswellia sacra exudate) coarse 28 g Frankincense (Boswellia sacra exudate) coarse 28 g

   or remove
Aloe secundiflora (WY 1021) 4-inch pots Aloe secundiflora (WY 1021) 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Wunderkind 5-inch pots Aloe cv Wunderkind 5-inch pots

   or remove
Zamioculcas zamiifolia (clone 1) 2-gallon pots Zamioculcas zamiifolia (clone 1) 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Snowstorm 4-inch pots Aloe cv Snowstorm 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe berevoana 5-inch pots Aloe berevoana 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Wunderkind 4-inch pots Aloe cv Wunderkind 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe jacksonii 3-inch pots Aloe jacksonii 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe hildebrandtii 5-inch pots Aloe hildebrandtii 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe aristata 4-inch pots Aloe aristata 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe jacksonii 4-inch pots Aloe jacksonii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe duckeri 5-inch pots Aloe duckeri 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe globuligemma 4-inch pots Aloe globuligemma 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe maculata one-gallon pots Aloe maculata one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe kedongensis 4-inch pots Aloe kedongensis 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe diolii one-gallon pots Aloe diolii one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe bulbillifera var. bulbillifera 5-inch pots Aloe bulbillifera var. bulbillifera 5-inch pots

   or remove
Socotri frankincense (Boswellia socotrana exudate) 28 g Socotri frankincense (Boswellia socotrana exudate) 28 g

   or remove
Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (verdoorniae) 5-inch pots Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (verdoorniae) 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Dapple Green 4-inch pots Aloe cv Dapple Green 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe deltoideodonta variegata Rauh 5-inch pots Aloe deltoideodonta variegata Rauh 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe vera chinensis hybrid one-gallon pots Aloe vera chinensis hybrid one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe cryptopoda hybrids 4-inch pots Aloe cryptopoda hybrids 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe juvenna 4-inch pots Aloe juvenna 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe nobilis 4-inch pots Aloe nobilis 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe congolensis one-gallon pots Aloe congolensis one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Pepe 3-inch pots Aloe cv Pepe 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe butiabana 4-inch pots Aloe butiabana 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe wilsonii 5-inch pots Aloe wilsonii 5-inch pots

   or remove
Ferocactus emoryi ssp. emoryi 3-inch pots Ferocactus emoryi ssp. emoryi 3-inch pots

   or remove
Peperomia asperula x dolabriformis (BGH 70496) 4-inch pots Peperomia asperula x dolabriformis (BGH 70496) 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe eumassawana 4-inch pots Aloe eumassawana 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (barbertonii) 5-inch pots Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (barbertonii) 5-inch pots

   or remove
Jatropha curcas one-gallon pots Jatropha curcas one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe microstigma 4-inch pots Aloe microstigma 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe wilsonii 4-inch pots Aloe wilsonii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (Candy Stripe) 5-inch pots Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (Candy Stripe) 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Bright Ember one-gallon pots Aloe cv Bright Ember one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe pendens 4-inch pots Aloe pendens 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv White Stag 5-inch pots Aloe cv White Stag 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe turkanensis 5-inch pots Aloe turkanensis 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe maculata 5-inch pots Aloe maculata 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Doran Black 4-inch pots Aloe cv Doran Black 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Dapple Green 3-inch pots Aloe cv Dapple Green 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe diolii 5-inch pots Aloe diolii 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Pink Blush 5-inch pots Aloe cv Pink Blush 5-inch pots

   or remove
Agave lechuguilla 5-inch pots Agave lechuguilla 5-inch pots

   or remove
Agave kristenii 4-inch pots Agave kristenii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Agave leopoldtii 3-inch pots Agave leopoldtii 3-inch pots

   or remove
Adenium crispum x obesum 5-inch pots Adenium crispum x obesum 5-inch pots

   or remove
Adenium arabicum x cv Black Ruby one-gallon pots Adenium arabicum x cv Black Ruby one-gallon pots

   or remove
Adenium socotranum x dhofarense 8-inch pots Adenium socotranum x dhofarense 8-inch pots

   or remove
Adenium cv 'Lily' x 286 x crispum 8-inch pots Adenium cv 'Lily' x 286 x crispum 8-inch pots

   or remove
Adenium boehmianum x crispum 4-inch pots Adenium boehmianum x crispum 4-inch pots

   or remove
Adenium cv 'Lily' x 286 x crispum 2-inch pots Adenium cv 'Lily' x 286 x crispum 2-inch pots

   or remove
Adenium crispum x obesum one-gallon pots Adenium crispum x obesum one-gallon pots

   or remove
Adenium crispum x obesum 8-inch pots Adenium crispum x obesum 8-inch pots

   or remove
Cyphostemma quinatum 4-inch pots Cyphostemma quinatum 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe scorpiodes one-gallon pots Aloe scorpiodes one-gallon pots

   or remove
Dorstenia hildebrandtii 5-inch pots Dorstenia hildebrandtii 5-inch pots

   or remove
Cyphostemma hardyi 2-inch pots Cyphostemma hardyi 2-inch pots

   or remove
Portulacaria afra variegata 5-inch pots Portulacaria afra variegata 5-inch pots

   or remove
Sansevieria sp. (Mbaga Mountain, Tanzania) one-gallon pots Sansevieria sp. (Mbaga Mountain, Tanzania) one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe bussei 2-gallon pots Aloe bussei 2-gallon pots***

   or remove
Alluaudia procera 5-inch pots Alluaudia procera 5-inch pots

   or remove
Echinocactus platyacanthus 2-inch pots Echinocactus platyacanthus 2-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe gilbertii 4-inch pots Aloe gilbertii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe megalacantha one-gallon pots Aloe megalacantha one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe schoelleri 2-inch pots Aloe schoelleri 2-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe gilbertii one-gallon pots Aloe gilbertii one-gallon pots

   or remove
Astroloba herrei (dodsoniana) 5-inch pots Astroloba herrei (dodsoniana) 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe shadensis 3-inch pots Aloe shadensis 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe sinana 3-gallon pots Aloe sinana 3-gallon pots***

   or remove
Aloe glauca one-gallon pots Aloe glauca one-gallon pots

   or remove
Ebracteola wilmaniae 4-inch pots Ebracteola wilmaniae 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe sinkatana (zub) 5-inch pots Aloe sinkatana (zub) 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe delphinensis one-gallon pots Aloe delphinensis one-gallon pots***

   or remove
Aloe megalacantha 4-inch pots Aloe megalacantha 4-inch pots

   or remove
Cyphostemma quinatum 2-inch pots Cyphostemma quinatum 2-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (Candy Stripe) 4-inch pots Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (Candy Stripe) 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe lineata (Blue Strap Form) 4-inch pots Aloe lineata (Blue Strap Form) 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe sinkatana (zub) 4-inch pots Aloe sinkatana (zub) 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe burgersfortensis 5-inch pots Aloe burgersfortensis 5-inch pots

   or remove
Portulacaria afra variegata 3-inch pots Portulacaria afra variegata 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe decaryi 5-inch pots Aloe decaryi 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe vacillans 2-gallon pots Aloe vacillans 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe arborescens (variegate) 5-inch pots Aloe arborescens (variegate) 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe pluridens one-gallon pots Aloe pluridens one-gallon pots

   or remove
Pelargonium quinquelobatum one-gallon pots Pelargonium quinquelobatum one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe scorpiodes 2-gallon pots Aloe scorpiodes 2-gallon pots***

   or remove
Aloe nobilis (variegated) one-gallon pots Aloe nobilis (variegated) one-gallon pots

   or remove
Hereroa wilmaniae 4-inch pots Hereroa wilmaniae 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe vanbalenii 4-inch pots Aloe vanbalenii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Sansevieria sp. (Ivory Coast) one-gallon pots Sansevieria sp. (Ivory Coast) one-gallon pots

   or remove
Gift Certificate $25 Gift Certificate $25

   or remove
Aloe sereti (Cameroon) 3-gallon pots Aloe sereti (Cameroon) 3-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe gilbertii 2-inch pots Aloe gilbertii 2-inch pots

   or remove
Frithea pulchra 2-inch pots Frithea pulchra 2-inch pots

   or remove
Gift Certificate $75 Gift Certificate $75

   or remove
Aloe burgersfortensis 3-inch pots Aloe burgersfortensis 3-inch pots***

   or remove
Adenia volkensii 5-inch pots Adenia volkensii 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe divaricata one-gallon pots Aloe divaricata one-gallon pots

   or remove
Pelargonium cotyledonis 4-inch pots Pelargonium cotyledonis 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe bulbillifera var. bulbillifera one-gallon pots Aloe bulbillifera var. bulbillifera one-gallon pots***

   or remove
Dorstenia foetida 3-inch pots Dorstenia foetida 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe pubescens 3-gallon pots Aloe pubescens 3-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe pluridens 2-gallon pots Aloe pluridens 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe duckeri one-gallon pots Aloe duckeri one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe schelpei 8-inch pots Aloe schelpei 8-inch pots***

   or remove
Aloe pubescens one-gallon pots Aloe pubescens one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe bussei 5-inch pots Aloe bussei 5-inch pots***

   or remove
Aloe immaculata one-gallon pots Aloe immaculata one-gallon pots

   or remove
Cyphostemma juttae 4-inch pots Cyphostemma juttae 4-inch pots

   or remove
Uncarina roeoesliana x grandidieri 5-inch pots Uncarina roeoesliana x grandidieri 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe microstigma 3-inch pots Aloe microstigma 3-inch pots

   or remove
Sansevieria sp. (ES 1022, Morogoro, Tanzania) 2-gallon pots Sansevieria sp. (ES 1022, Morogoro, Tanzania) 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Cyphostemma quinatum 5-inch pots Cyphostemma quinatum 5-inch pots

   or remove
Alluaudia humbertii 5-inch pots Alluaudia humbertii 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe scorpiodes 4-inch pots Aloe scorpiodes 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe plicatilis 4-inch pots Aloe plicatilis 4-inch pots

   or remove
Sansevieria sp. (Southern Africa) 8-inch pots Sansevieria sp. (Southern Africa) 8-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe millotii 4-inch pots Aloe millotii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe divaricata 5-inch pots Aloe divaricata 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe vandermerwei 4-inch pots Aloe vandermerwei 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe isaloensis 10-inch pots Aloe isaloensis 10-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe schoelleri 2-gallon pots Aloe schoelleri 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Gift Certificate $50 Gift Certificate $50

   or remove
Portulacaria afra variegata 4-inch pots Portulacaria afra variegata 4-inch pots

   or remove
Fenestraria rhopalophylla ssp. rhopalophylla 4-inch pots Fenestraria rhopalophylla ssp. rhopalophylla 4-inch pots

   or remove
Echinocactus grusonii 4-inch pots Echinocactus grusonii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Pelargonium tongaense 5-inch pots Pelargonium tongaense 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe dichotoma one-gallon pots Aloe dichotoma one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe scorpiodes one-gallon pots Aloe scorpiodes one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe vanbalenii 4-inch pots Aloe vanbalenii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe lineata (Strap Form) 3-inch pots Aloe lineata (Strap Form) 3-inch pots

   or remove
Alluaudia humbertii 4-inch pots Alluaudia humbertii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Alluaudiopsis fiherenensis 2-inch pots Alluaudiopsis fiherenensis 2-inch pots***

   or remove
Echinocactus platyacanthus one-gallon pots Echinocactus platyacanthus one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe burgersfortensis 2-inch pots Aloe burgersfortensis 2-inch pots

   or remove
Carruanthus peersii 4-inch pots Carruanthus peersii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe greenii 5-inch pots Aloe greenii 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe secundiflora (WY 1021) 5-inch pots Aloe secundiflora (WY 1021) 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe deltoideodonta var. candicans 4-inch pots Aloe deltoideodonta var. candicans 4-inch pots

   or remove
Frithea pulchra 4-inch pots Frithea pulchra 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe sinana 2-gallon pots Aloe sinana 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe butiabana 3-gallon pots Aloe butiabana 3-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe pseudorubroviolacea 5-gallon pots Aloe pseudorubroviolacea 5-gallon pots

   or remove
Pelargonium alternans 4-inch pots Pelargonium alternans 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe dorotheae 2-gallon pots Aloe dorotheae 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe greenii 5-gallon pots Aloe greenii 5-gallon pots

   or remove
Dorstenia mannii 4-inch pots Dorstenia mannii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Pelargonium alternans 5-inch pots Pelargonium alternans 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe schelpei 2-gallon pots Aloe schelpei 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Portulacaria afra fm macrophylla one-gallon pots Portulacaria afra fm macrophylla one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe glauca ssp. spinosior 4-inch pots Aloe glauca ssp. spinosior 4-inch pots

   or remove
Sansevieria sp. (Lake Borgoria, Kenya) 5-gallon pots Sansevieria sp. (Lake Borgoria, Kenya) 5-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe deltoideodonta var. brevifolia 5-inch pots Aloe deltoideodonta var. brevifolia 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe dewetii 4-inch pots Aloe dewetii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Uncarina roeoesliana x grandidieri 4-inch pots Uncarina roeoesliana x grandidieri 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe burgersfortensis 4-inch pots Aloe burgersfortensis 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe dawei 5-inch pots Aloe dawei 5-inch pots

   or remove
Adenia venenata 4-inch pots Adenia venenata 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe greenii one-gallon pots Aloe greenii one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe diolii one-gallon pots Aloe diolii one-gallon pots

   or remove
Adenia globosa (rooted cuttings) 4-inch pots Adenia globosa (rooted cuttings) 4-inch pots

   or remove
Cyphostemma hardyi 5-inch pots Cyphostemma hardyi 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe arborescens (variegate) one-gallon pots Aloe arborescens (variegate) one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe plicatilis 5-inch pots Aloe plicatilis 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe schelpei 5-inch pots Aloe schelpei 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe lineata (Strap Form) one-gallon pots Aloe lineata (Strap Form) one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe ikiorum one-gallon pots Aloe ikiorum one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe greatheadii var. greatheadii 2-gallon pots Aloe greatheadii var. greatheadii 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe ikiorum 5-inch pots Aloe ikiorum 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe bulbillifera var. bulbillifera 4-inch pots Aloe bulbillifera var. bulbillifera 4-inch pots

   or remove
Sansevieria sp. (ES 1022, Morogoro, Tanzania) one-gallon pots Sansevieria sp. (ES 1022, Morogoro, Tanzania) one-gallon pots

   or remove
Cyphostemma juttae one-gallon pots Cyphostemma juttae one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe dyeri 2-inch pots Aloe dyeri 2-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe scorpiodes one-gallon pots Aloe scorpiodes one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe lineata (Strap Form) 4-inch pots Aloe lineata (Strap Form) 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe pseudorubroviolacea 4-inch pots Aloe pseudorubroviolacea 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe vacillans 3-gallon pots Aloe vacillans 3-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe glauca 2-gallon pots Aloe glauca 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe brandhamii 10-inch pots Aloe brandhamii 10-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe distans 5-inch pots Aloe distans 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe dichotoma 5-inch pots Aloe dichotoma 5-inch pots

   or remove
Adenia volkensii one-gallon pots Adenia volkensii one-gallon pots

   or remove
Sedum frutescens 4-inch pots Sedum frutescens 4-inch pots

   or remove
Adenia globosa (rooted cuttings) 5-inch pots Adenia globosa (rooted cuttings) 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe officinalis 5-inch pots Aloe officinalis 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe nyeriensis 2-gallon pots Aloe nyeriensis 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Adenia glauca 4-inch pots Adenia glauca 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe ngongensis (WY 1057) 2-gallon pots Aloe ngongensis (WY 1057) 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Agave nickelsiae one-gallon pots Agave nickelsiae one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe tegetiformis 5-inch pots Aloe tegetiformis 5-inch pots

   or remove
Pachyphytum compactum 3-inch pots Pachyphytum compactum 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe tenuoir 5-inch pots Aloe tenuoir 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe officinalis 2-gallon pots Aloe officinalis 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe officinalis 2-inch pots Aloe officinalis 2-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe vera 3-gallon pots Aloe vera 3-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe tenuoir 4-inch pots Aloe tenuoir 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe butiabana 5-inch pots Aloe butiabana 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe ngongensis (WY 1057) 3-gallon pots Aloe ngongensis (WY 1057) 3-gallon pots

   or remove
Agave colorata 3-inch pots Agave colorata 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe officinalis one-gallon pots Aloe officinalis one-gallon pots

   or remove
Pachyphytum compactum 4-inch pots Pachyphytum compactum 4-inch pots

   or remove
Agave capensis 4-inch pots Agave capensis 4-inch pots

   or remove
Echeveria agavoides 4-inch pots Echeveria agavoides 4-inch pots

   or remove
Pachyphytum compactum 3-inch pots Pachyphytum compactum 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe niensiensis 5-inch pots Aloe niensiensis 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe bussei 2-gallon pots Aloe bussei 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Sedum frutescens 3-inch pots Sedum frutescens 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe viguieri 2-inch pots Aloe viguieri 2-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe tewoldei 2-gallon pots Aloe tewoldei 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Agave chiapensis one-gallon pots Agave chiapensis one-gallon pots

   or remove
Pachyphytum oviferum 5-inch pots Pachyphytum oviferum 5-inch pots

   or remove
Monanthes polyphylla 4-inch pots Monanthes polyphylla 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe hildebrandtii one-gallon pots Aloe hildebrandtii one-gallon pots

   or remove
Copiapoa humilis var. esmeraldana 4-inch pots Copiapoa humilis var. esmeraldana 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe camperi one-gallon pots Aloe camperi one-gallon pots

   or remove
Notocactus erythracantha 4-inch pots Notocactus erythracantha 4-inch pots

   or remove
Cleistocactus samaipatanus 4-inch pots Cleistocactus samaipatanus 4-inch pots

   or remove
Operculicarya decaryi 4-inch pots Operculicarya decaryi 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe humilis (GM 417) 5-inch pots Aloe humilis (GM 417) 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe castilloniae 5-inch pots Aloe castilloniae 5-inch pots***

   or remove
Echinocereus sanpedroensis 4-inch pots Echinocereus sanpedroensis 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe camperi 5-inch pots Aloe camperi 5-inch pots

   or remove
Thelocactus matudae 4-inch pots Thelocactus matudae 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe brevifolia var. brevifolia 5-inch pots Aloe brevifolia var. brevifolia 5-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis 3-inch pots Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis 3-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis (riebeeckensis) 5-inch pot Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis (riebeeckensis) 5-inch pot

   or remove
Echinocereus reichenbachii ssp. reichenbachii (minor) 4-inch pot Echinocereus reichenbachii ssp. reichenbachii (minor) 4-inch pot

   or remove
Aloe cipolinicola 4-inch pots Aloe cipolinicola 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe camperi 3-gallon pots Aloe camperi 3-gallon pots

   or remove
Echinocereus pectinatus 4-inch pots Echinocereus pectinatus 4-inch pots

   or remove
Mammillaria glassii 4-inch pots Mammillaria glassii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe hildebrandtii 4-inch pots Aloe hildebrandtii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Trichodiadema bulbosum 5-inch pots Trichodiadema bulbosum 5-inch pots

   or remove
Sulcorebutia candiae 4-inch pots Sulcorebutia candiae 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe helenae 12-inch pots Aloe helenae 12-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe helenae 5-inch pots Aloe helenae 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe castanea 2-gallon pots Aloe castanea 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Notocactus arachnitis 4-inch pots Notocactus arachnitis 4-inch pots

   or remove
Gerrardanthus macrorrhizus 5-inch pots Gerrardanthus macrorrhizus 5-inch pots

   or remove
Bombax ellipticum 4-inch pots Bombax ellipticum 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cameronii var. dedzana one-gallon pots Aloe cameronii var. dedzana one-gallon pots

   or remove
Ferocactus alamosanus 4-inch pots Ferocactus alamosanus 4-inch pots

   or remove
Notocactus scopa var. murielli 4-inch pots Notocactus scopa var. murielli 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe brandhamii one-gallon pots Aloe brandhamii one-gallon pots

   or remove
Wigginsia erinacea 4-inch pots Wigginsia erinacea 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe meyeri 4-inch pots Aloe meyeri 4-inch pots

   or remove
Sansevieria bagamoyoensis one-gallon pots Sansevieria bagamoyoensis one-gallon pots

   or remove
Echinocereus viridiflorus ssp. davisii 4-inch pots Echinocereus viridiflorus ssp. davisii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Pseudolobivia kratochvilliana 4-inch pots Pseudolobivia kratochvilliana 4-inch pots

   or remove
Mammillaria laui ssp. subducta 4-inch pots Mammillaria laui ssp. subducta 4-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis (riebeeckensis) 4-inch pot Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis (riebeeckensis) 4-inch pot

   or remove
Haworthia reinwardtii fm zebrina (GM 294) one-gallon pots Haworthia reinwardtii fm zebrina (GM 294) one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Krakatoa one-gallon pots Aloe cv Krakatoa one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe fleurentiniorum 4-inch pots Aloe fleurentiniorum 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe helenae 10-inch pots Aloe helenae 10-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe greenii 4-inch pots Aloe greenii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Goliath one-gallon pots Aloe cv Goliath one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe glauca ssp. spinosior one-gallon pots Aloe glauca ssp. spinosior one-gallon pots

   or remove
Haworthia specksii (JDV 92-23) 2-inch pots Haworthia specksii (JDV 92-23) 2-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia reinwardtii fm zebrina (GM 294) 4-inch pots Haworthia reinwardtii fm zebrina (GM 294) 4-inch pots

   or remove
Hoodia parviflora 2-inch pots Hoodia parviflora 2-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Green Sand 4-inch pots Aloe cv Green Sand 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Diablo 5-inch pots Aloe cv Diablo 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Hey Babe 3-inch pots Aloe cv Hey Babe 3-inch pots

   or remove
Hoodia gordonii 2-inch pots Hoodia gordonii 2-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia specksii (JDV 92-23) 3-inch pots Haworthia specksii (JDV 92-23) 3-inch pots

   or remove
Hoodia gordonii 3-inch pots Hoodia gordonii 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Hey Babe 4-inch pots Aloe cv Hey Babe 4-inch pots

   or remove
Trichocereus cv Incandescent Crimson x Ember Glow 5-inch pots Trichocereus cv Incandescent Crimson x Ember Glow 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe erinacea 4-inch pots Aloe erinacea 4-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia cv Eva Tiger 3-inch pots Haworthia cv Eva Tiger 3-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia mutica var. mutica (generic x white) 3-inch pots Haworthia mutica var. mutica (generic x white) 3-inch pots

   or remove
Jatropha varifolia 8-inch pots Jatropha varifolia 8-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia cv Kevins Pride 5-inch pots Haworthia cv Kevins Pride 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe castilloniae 4-inch pots Aloe castilloniae 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Mona Loa 5-inch pots Aloe cv Mona Loa 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe tewoldei 5-inch pots Aloe tewoldei 5-inch pots

   or remove
Albuca sp. (MVassa 4422) 3-inch pots Albuca sp. (MVassa 4422) 3-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia cuspidata x retusa 5-inch pots Haworthia cuspidata x retusa 5-inch pots

   or remove
Albuca setosa (Augrabie Hills) 5-inch pots Albuca setosa (Augrabie Hills) 5-inch pots

   or remove
Ficus menabeensis one-gallon pots Ficus menabeensis one-gallon pots

   or remove
Yucca baccata var. baccata one-gallon pots Yucca baccata var. baccata one-gallon pots

   or remove
Haworthia cv Carl Gary 2-inch pots Haworthia cv Carl Gary 2-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe barberae 4-inch pots Aloe barberae 4-inch pots

   or remove
Jatropha vernicosa one-gallon pots Jatropha vernicosa one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe cameronii var. cameronii 4-inch pots Aloe cameronii var. cameronii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe tenuoir 3-inch pots Aloe tenuoir 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe arborescens 3-gallon pots Aloe arborescens 3-gallon pots

   or remove
Ficus obliqua 5-inch pots Ficus obliqua 5-inch pots

   or remove
Ficus watkinsiana 8-inch pots Ficus watkinsiana 8-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe archeri one-gallon pots Aloe archeri one-gallon pots

   or remove
Albuca tortuosa one-gallon pots Albuca tortuosa one-gallon pots

   or remove
Haworthia cv breticula 4-inch pots Haworthia cv breticula 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe arborescens 10-inch pots Aloe arborescens 10-inch pots

   or remove
Mammillaria geminispina 3-inch pots Mammillaria geminispina 3-inch pots

   or remove
Ficus petiolaris one-gallon pots Ficus petiolaris one-gallon pots

   or remove
Ficus menabeensis 5-inch pots Ficus menabeensis 5-inch pots

   or remove
Jatropha podagrica 4-inch pots Jatropha podagrica 4-inch pots

   or remove
Gasteria doreeniae 4-inch pots Gasteria doreeniae 4-inch pots

   or remove
Trichocereus hybrid (white) 5-inch pots Trichocereus hybrid (white) 5-inch pots

   or remove
Gasteria nitida 2-inch pots Gasteria nitida 2-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia cv Korizato 3-inch pots Haworthia cv Korizato 3-inch pots

   or remove
Trichocereus cv Western Red 2-gallon pots Trichocereus cv Western Red 2-gallon pots

   or remove
Haworthia limifolia (keithii) 4-inch pots Haworthia limifolia (keithii) 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Pink Lace 2-inch pots Aloe cv Pink Lace 2-inch pots

   or remove
Haworthia cv Ollasonii 4-inch pots Haworthia cv Ollasonii 4-inch pots

   or remove
Mammillaria longimamma 5-inch pots Mammillaria longimamma 5-inch pots

   or remove
Notocactus schumanniana var. brevispina 5-inch pots Notocactus schumanniana var. brevispina 5-inch pots

   or remove
Gift Certificate $150 Gift Certificate $150

   or remove
Kalanchoe humilis 4-inch pots Kalanchoe humilis 4-inch pots

   or remove
Euphorbia nesemannii 2-inch pots Euphorbia nesemannii 2-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Bright Ember 2-inch pots Aloe cv Bright Ember 2-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe decaryi one-gallon pots Aloe decaryi one-gallon pots

   or remove
Euphorbia cylindrifolia ssp. cylindrifolia 2-inch pots Euphorbia cylindrifolia ssp. cylindrifolia 2-inch pots

   or remove
Tinospora caffra one-gallon pots Tinospora caffra one-gallon pots

   or remove
Echinocereus triglochidiatus one-gallon pots Echinocereus triglochidiatus one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe claviflora 4-inch pots Aloe claviflora 4-inch pots

   or remove
Mammillaria albicoma 2-inch pots Mammillaria albicoma 2-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe dawei 5-gallon pots Aloe dawei 5-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe eumassawana 5-inch pots Aloe eumassawana 5-inch pots

   or remove
Agave ellemeetiana 4-inch pots Agave ellemeetiana 4-inch pots

   or remove
Ibervillea tenuisecta 4-inch pots Ibervillea tenuisecta 4-inch pots

   or remove
Dorstenia mannii one-gallon pots Dorstenia mannii one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe decurva 4-inch pots Aloe decurva 4-inch pots

   or remove
Stapelia mutabilis 4-inch pots Stapelia mutabilis 4-inch pots

   or remove
Coryphantha pycnacantha var. andreae 6-inch pots Coryphantha pycnacantha var. andreae 6-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe ruffingiana 5-inch pots Aloe ruffingiana 5-inch pots

   or remove
Stapelia mutabilis 5-inch pots Stapelia mutabilis 5-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe rupestris 3-inch pots Aloe rupestris 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe decurva 2-inch pots Aloe decurva 2-inch pots

   or remove
Notocactus ottonis var. aigua 4-inch pots Notocactus ottonis var. aigua 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe eumassawana one-gallon pots Aloe eumassawana one-gallon pots

   or remove
Notocactus vanvlietii 3-inch pots Notocactus vanvlietii 3-inch pots

   or remove
Mammillaria decipiens ssp. camptotricha 4-inch pots Mammillaria decipiens ssp. camptotricha 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe rauhii 5-inch pots Aloe rauhii 5-inch pots

   or remove
Albuca cooperi 4-inch pots Albuca cooperi 4-inch pots

   or remove
Mammillaria duwei 4-inch pots Mammillaria duwei 4-inch pots

   or remove
Carnegiea gigantea (saguaro) 6-inch pots Carnegiea gigantea (saguaro) 6-inch pots

   or remove
Notocactus scopa var. rubra 5-inch pots Notocactus scopa var. rubra 5-inch pots

   or remove
Astrophytum ornatum 6-inch pots Astrophytum ornatum 6-inch pots

   or remove
Nannorrhops ritchiana 5-inch pots Nannorrhops ritchiana 5-inch pots

   or remove
Pachypodium geayi one-gallon pots Pachypodium geayi one-gallon pots

   or remove
Kalanchoe bracteata one-gallon pots Kalanchoe bracteata one-gallon pots

   or remove
Plectranthus amboinicus 10-inch pots Plectranthus amboinicus 10-inch pots

   or remove
Anthurium gracile (HBG 90658) 6-ingh pots Anthurium gracile (HBG 90658) 6-ingh pots

   or remove
Dorstenia hybrid 2-inch pots Dorstenia hybrid 2-inch pots

   or remove
Stapelia leendertziae 4-inch pots Stapelia leendertziae 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (Candy Stripe) one-gallon pots Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (Candy Stripe) one-gallon pots

   or remove
Plectranthus amboinicus one-gallon pots Plectranthus amboinicus one-gallon pots

   or remove
Mammillaria albicoma 4-inch pots Mammillaria albicoma 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe erinacea 3-inch pots Aloe erinacea 3-inch pots

   or remove
Dorstenia hybrid 5-inch pots Dorstenia hybrid 5-inch pots

   or remove
Notocactus schumanniana var. brevispina 4-inch pots Notocactus schumanniana var. brevispina 4-inch pots

   or remove
Peperomia prostrata 3-inch pots Peperomia prostrata 3-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv Blue Elf 4-inch pots Aloe cv Blue Elf 4-inch pots

   or remove
Notocactus turecekianus 2-inch pots Notocactus turecekianus 2-inch pots

   or remove
Plectranthus igniarius (Lav 23156) one-gallon pots Plectranthus igniarius (Lav 23156) one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe spinosissima one-gallon pots Aloe spinosissima one-gallon pots

   or remove
Aloe ciliaris var. ciliaris 5-inch pots Aloe ciliaris var. ciliaris 5-inch pots

   or remove
Stapelia leendertziae 5-inch pots Stapelia leendertziae 5-inch pots

   or remove
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 4-inch pots Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe succotrina hybrid 4-inch pots Aloe succotrina hybrid 4-inch pots

   or remove
Aloe cv White Stag 4-inch pots Aloe cv White Stag 4-inch pots

   or remove

Sub-Total: $9,871.00

Products marked with *** dont exist in desired quantity in our stock.
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1 x Aloe ambigens 5-inch pots
2 x Aloe vandermerwei 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe ellenbeckii one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe vogtsii 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Pink Blush 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe deltoideodonta variegata Rauh 4-inch pots
2 x Aloe pubescens 5-inch pots
2 x Aloe brevifolia var. depressa 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Doran Black 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe rivierei 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe morijensis 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe petrophila (ISI 2001-24) 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe andongensis var. andongensis 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe dyeri 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe cryptopoda hybrids 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe ambigens 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe morijensis one-gallon pots
1 x Synadenium grantii cv 'Rubra' one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe rigens 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe macrosiphon one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe cremnophila 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe vera one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe cv Pink Lace 5-inch pots
2 x Aloe microstigma 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe pendens one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe ngongensis (WY 1057) one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe nobilis 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Snowstorm 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe ambigens one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe striata 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe juvenna 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Black Gem 5-inch pots
1 x Frankincense (Boswellia sacra exudate) coarse 28 g
2 x Aloe secundiflora (WY 1021) 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Wunderkind 5-inch pots
1 x Zamioculcas zamiifolia (clone 1) 2-gallon pots
1 x Aloe cv Snowstorm 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe berevoana 5-inch pots
2 x Aloe cv Wunderkind 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe jacksonii 3-inch pots
2 x Aloe hildebrandtii 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe aristata 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe jacksonii 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe duckeri 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe globuligemma 4-inch pots
2 x Aloe maculata one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe kedongensis 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe diolii one-gallon pots
2 x Aloe bulbillifera var. bulbillifera 5-inch pots
1 x Socotri frankincense (Boswellia socotrana exudate) 28 g
2 x Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (verdoorniae) 5-inch pots
3 x Aloe cv Dapple Green 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe deltoideodonta variegata Rauh 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe vera chinensis hybrid one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe cryptopoda hybrids 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe juvenna 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe nobilis 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe congolensis one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe cv Pepe 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe butiabana 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe wilsonii 5-inch pots
1 x Ferocactus emoryi ssp. emoryi 3-inch pots
2 x Peperomia asperula x dolabriformis (BGH 70496) 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe eumassawana 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (barbertonii) 5-inch pots
1 x Jatropha curcas one-gallon pots
3 x Aloe microstigma 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe wilsonii 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (Candy Stripe) 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Bright Ember one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe pendens 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv White Stag 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe turkanensis 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe maculata 5-inch pots
2 x Aloe cv Doran Black 4-inch pots
2 x Aloe cv Dapple Green 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe diolii 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Pink Blush 5-inch pots
1 x Agave lechuguilla 5-inch pots
1 x Agave kristenii 4-inch pots
1 x Agave leopoldtii 3-inch pots
1 x Adenium crispum x obesum 5-inch pots
1 x Adenium arabicum x cv Black Ruby one-gallon pots
1 x Adenium socotranum x dhofarense 8-inch pots
1 x Adenium cv 'Lily' x 286 x crispum 8-inch pots
1 x Adenium boehmianum x crispum 4-inch pots
1 x Adenium cv 'Lily' x 286 x crispum 2-inch pots
1 x Adenium crispum x obesum one-gallon pots
1 x Adenium crispum x obesum 8-inch pots
2 x Cyphostemma quinatum 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe scorpiodes one-gallon pots
2 x Dorstenia hildebrandtii 5-inch pots
1 x Cyphostemma hardyi 2-inch pots
1 x Portulacaria afra variegata 5-inch pots
1 x Sansevieria sp. (Mbaga Mountain, Tanzania) one-gallon pots
2 x Aloe bussei 2-gallon pots
1 x Alluaudia procera 5-inch pots
1 x Echinocactus platyacanthus 2-inch pots
1 x Aloe gilbertii 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe megalacantha one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe schoelleri 2-inch pots
1 x Aloe gilbertii one-gallon pots
1 x Astroloba herrei (dodsoniana) 5-inch pots
2 x Aloe shadensis 3-inch pots
2 x Aloe sinana 3-gallon pots
1 x Aloe glauca one-gallon pots
1 x Ebracteola wilmaniae 4-inch pots
2 x Aloe sinkatana (zub) 5-inch pots
2 x Aloe delphinensis one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe megalacantha 4-inch pots
1 x Cyphostemma quinatum 2-inch pots
1 x Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (Candy Stripe) 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe lineata (Blue Strap Form) 4-inch pots
2 x Aloe sinkatana (zub) 4-inch pots
2 x Aloe burgersfortensis 5-inch pots
1 x Portulacaria afra variegata 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe decaryi 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe vacillans 2-gallon pots
1 x Aloe arborescens (variegate) 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe pluridens one-gallon pots
1 x Pelargonium quinquelobatum one-gallon pots
2 x Aloe scorpiodes 2-gallon pots
1 x Aloe nobilis (variegated) one-gallon pots
1 x Hereroa wilmaniae 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe vanbalenii 4-inch pots
1 x Sansevieria sp. (Ivory Coast) one-gallon pots
1 x Gift Certificate $25
1 x Aloe sereti (Cameroon) 3-gallon pots
1 x Aloe gilbertii 2-inch pots
1 x Frithea pulchra 2-inch pots
1 x Gift Certificate $75
2 x Aloe burgersfortensis 3-inch pots
1 x Adenia volkensii 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe divaricata one-gallon pots
1 x Pelargonium cotyledonis 4-inch pots
3 x Aloe bulbillifera var. bulbillifera one-gallon pots
2 x Dorstenia foetida 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe pubescens 3-gallon pots
1 x Aloe pluridens 2-gallon pots
1 x Aloe duckeri one-gallon pots
2 x Aloe schelpei 8-inch pots
1 x Aloe pubescens one-gallon pots
3 x Aloe bussei 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe immaculata one-gallon pots
2 x Cyphostemma juttae 4-inch pots
1 x Uncarina roeoesliana x grandidieri 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe microstigma 3-inch pots
1 x Sansevieria sp. (ES 1022, Morogoro, Tanzania) 2-gallon pots
2 x Cyphostemma quinatum 5-inch pots
1 x Alluaudia humbertii 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe scorpiodes 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe plicatilis 4-inch pots
1 x Sansevieria sp. (Southern Africa) 8-inch pots
1 x Aloe millotii 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe divaricata 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe vandermerwei 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe isaloensis 10-inch pots
1 x Aloe schoelleri 2-gallon pots
1 x Gift Certificate $50
1 x Portulacaria afra variegata 4-inch pots
2 x Fenestraria rhopalophylla ssp. rhopalophylla 4-inch pots
1 x Echinocactus grusonii 4-inch pots
1 x Pelargonium tongaense 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe dichotoma one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe scorpiodes one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe vanbalenii 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe lineata (Strap Form) 3-inch pots
1 x Alluaudia humbertii 4-inch pots
1 x Alluaudiopsis fiherenensis 2-inch pots
1 x Echinocactus platyacanthus one-gallon pots
3 x Aloe burgersfortensis 2-inch pots
1 x Carruanthus peersii 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe greenii 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe secundiflora (WY 1021) 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe deltoideodonta var. candicans 4-inch pots
1 x Frithea pulchra 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe sinana 2-gallon pots
1 x Aloe butiabana 3-gallon pots
1 x Aloe pseudorubroviolacea 5-gallon pots
2 x Pelargonium alternans 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe dorotheae 2-gallon pots
2 x Aloe greenii 5-gallon pots
1 x Dorstenia mannii 4-inch pots
1 x Pelargonium alternans 5-inch pots
2 x Aloe schelpei 2-gallon pots
1 x Portulacaria afra fm macrophylla one-gallon pots
2 x Aloe glauca ssp. spinosior 4-inch pots
1 x Sansevieria sp. (Lake Borgoria, Kenya) 5-gallon pots
1 x Aloe deltoideodonta var. brevifolia 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe dewetii 4-inch pots
1 x Uncarina roeoesliana x grandidieri 4-inch pots
2 x Aloe burgersfortensis 4-inch pots
2 x Aloe dawei 5-inch pots
2 x Adenia venenata 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe greenii one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe diolii one-gallon pots
2 x Adenia globosa (rooted cuttings) 4-inch pots
1 x Cyphostemma hardyi 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe arborescens (variegate) one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe plicatilis 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe schelpei 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe lineata (Strap Form) one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe ikiorum one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe greatheadii var. greatheadii 2-gallon pots
1 x Aloe ikiorum 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe bulbillifera var. bulbillifera 4-inch pots
1 x Sansevieria sp. (ES 1022, Morogoro, Tanzania) one-gallon pots
1 x Cyphostemma juttae one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe dyeri 2-inch pots
1 x Aloe scorpiodes one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe lineata (Strap Form) 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe pseudorubroviolacea 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe vacillans 3-gallon pots
2 x Aloe glauca 2-gallon pots
1 x Aloe brandhamii 10-inch pots
1 x Aloe distans 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe dichotoma 5-inch pots
1 x Adenia volkensii one-gallon pots
1 x Sedum frutescens 4-inch pots
1 x Adenia globosa (rooted cuttings) 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe officinalis 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe nyeriensis 2-gallon pots
1 x Adenia glauca 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe ngongensis (WY 1057) 2-gallon pots
1 x Agave nickelsiae one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe tegetiformis 5-inch pots
1 x Pachyphytum compactum 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe tenuoir 5-inch pots
2 x Aloe officinalis 2-gallon pots
1 x Aloe officinalis 2-inch pots
1 x Aloe vera 3-gallon pots
1 x Aloe tenuoir 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe butiabana 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe ngongensis (WY 1057) 3-gallon pots
1 x Agave colorata 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe officinalis one-gallon pots
1 x Pachyphytum compactum 4-inch pots
1 x Agave capensis 4-inch pots
1 x Echeveria agavoides 4-inch pots
1 x Pachyphytum compactum 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe niensiensis 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe bussei 2-gallon pots
1 x Sedum frutescens 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe viguieri 2-inch pots
1 x Aloe tewoldei 2-gallon pots
1 x Agave chiapensis one-gallon pots
1 x Pachyphytum oviferum 5-inch pots
1 x Monanthes polyphylla 4-inch pots
2 x Aloe hildebrandtii one-gallon pots
1 x Copiapoa humilis var. esmeraldana 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe camperi one-gallon pots
1 x Notocactus erythracantha 4-inch pots
1 x Cleistocactus samaipatanus 4-inch pots
1 x Operculicarya decaryi 4-inch pots
2 x Aloe humilis (GM 417) 5-inch pots
3 x Aloe castilloniae 5-inch pots
1 x Echinocereus sanpedroensis 4-inch pots
2 x Aloe camperi 5-inch pots
1 x Thelocactus matudae 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe brevifolia var. brevifolia 5-inch pots
1 x Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis 3-inch pots
1 x Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis (riebeeckensis) 5-inch pot
1 x Echinocereus reichenbachii ssp. reichenbachii (minor) 4-inch pot
2 x Aloe cipolinicola 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe camperi 3-gallon pots
1 x Echinocereus pectinatus 4-inch pots
2 x Mammillaria glassii 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe hildebrandtii 4-inch pots
1 x Trichodiadema bulbosum 5-inch pots
1 x Sulcorebutia candiae 4-inch pots
2 x Aloe helenae 12-inch pots
1 x Aloe helenae 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe castanea 2-gallon pots
1 x Notocactus arachnitis 4-inch pots
1 x Gerrardanthus macrorrhizus 5-inch pots
1 x Bombax ellipticum 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe cameronii var. dedzana one-gallon pots
1 x Ferocactus alamosanus 4-inch pots
1 x Notocactus scopa var. murielli 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe brandhamii one-gallon pots
1 x Wigginsia erinacea 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe meyeri 4-inch pots
1 x Sansevieria bagamoyoensis one-gallon pots
1 x Echinocereus viridiflorus ssp. davisii 4-inch pots
1 x Pseudolobivia kratochvilliana 4-inch pots
1 x Mammillaria laui ssp. subducta 4-inch pots
1 x Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis (riebeeckensis) 4-inch pot
1 x Haworthia reinwardtii fm zebrina (GM 294) one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe cv Krakatoa one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe fleurentiniorum 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe helenae 10-inch pots
1 x Aloe greenii 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Goliath one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe glauca ssp. spinosior one-gallon pots
1 x Haworthia specksii (JDV 92-23) 2-inch pots
1 x Haworthia reinwardtii fm zebrina (GM 294) 4-inch pots
1 x Hoodia parviflora 2-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Green Sand 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Diablo 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Hey Babe 3-inch pots
1 x Hoodia gordonii 2-inch pots
1 x Haworthia specksii (JDV 92-23) 3-inch pots
1 x Hoodia gordonii 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Hey Babe 4-inch pots
1 x Trichocereus cv Incandescent Crimson x Ember Glow 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe erinacea 4-inch pots
1 x Haworthia cv Eva Tiger 3-inch pots
1 x Haworthia mutica var. mutica (generic x white) 3-inch pots
1 x Jatropha varifolia 8-inch pots
1 x Haworthia cv Kevins Pride 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe castilloniae 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Mona Loa 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe tewoldei 5-inch pots
1 x Albuca sp. (MVassa 4422) 3-inch pots
1 x Haworthia cuspidata x retusa 5-inch pots
1 x Albuca setosa (Augrabie Hills) 5-inch pots
1 x Ficus menabeensis one-gallon pots
1 x Yucca baccata var. baccata one-gallon pots
1 x Haworthia cv Carl Gary 2-inch pots
1 x Aloe barberae 4-inch pots
1 x Jatropha vernicosa one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe cameronii var. cameronii 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe tenuoir 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe arborescens 3-gallon pots
1 x Ficus obliqua 5-inch pots
1 x Ficus watkinsiana 8-inch pots
1 x Aloe archeri one-gallon pots
1 x Albuca tortuosa one-gallon pots
1 x Haworthia cv breticula 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe arborescens 10-inch pots
1 x Mammillaria geminispina 3-inch pots
1 x Ficus petiolaris one-gallon pots
1 x Ficus menabeensis 5-inch pots
1 x Jatropha podagrica 4-inch pots
1 x Gasteria doreeniae 4-inch pots
1 x Trichocereus hybrid (white) 5-inch pots
1 x Gasteria nitida 2-inch pots
1 x Haworthia cv Korizato 3-inch pots
1 x Trichocereus cv Western Red 2-gallon pots
1 x Haworthia limifolia (keithii) 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Pink Lace 2-inch pots
1 x Haworthia cv Ollasonii 4-inch pots
1 x Mammillaria longimamma 5-inch pots
1 x Notocactus schumanniana var. brevispina 5-inch pots
1 x Gift Certificate $150
1 x Kalanchoe humilis 4-inch pots
1 x Euphorbia nesemannii 2-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Bright Ember 2-inch pots
1 x Aloe decaryi one-gallon pots
1 x Euphorbia cylindrifolia ssp. cylindrifolia 2-inch pots
1 x Tinospora caffra one-gallon pots
1 x Echinocereus triglochidiatus one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe claviflora 4-inch pots
1 x Mammillaria albicoma 2-inch pots
1 x Aloe dawei 5-gallon pots
1 x Aloe eumassawana 5-inch pots
1 x Agave ellemeetiana 4-inch pots
1 x Ibervillea tenuisecta 4-inch pots
1 x Dorstenia mannii one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe decurva 4-inch pots
1 x Stapelia mutabilis 4-inch pots
1 x Coryphantha pycnacantha var. andreae 6-inch pots
1 x Aloe ruffingiana 5-inch pots
1 x Stapelia mutabilis 5-inch pots
1 x Aloe rupestris 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe decurva 2-inch pots
1 x Notocactus ottonis var. aigua 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe eumassawana one-gallon pots
1 x Notocactus vanvlietii 3-inch pots
1 x Mammillaria decipiens ssp. camptotricha 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe rauhii 5-inch pots
1 x Albuca cooperi 4-inch pots
1 x Mammillaria duwei 4-inch pots
1 x Carnegiea gigantea (saguaro) 6-inch pots
1 x Notocactus scopa var. rubra 5-inch pots
1 x Astrophytum ornatum 6-inch pots
1 x Nannorrhops ritchiana 5-inch pots
1 x Pachypodium geayi one-gallon pots
1 x Kalanchoe bracteata one-gallon pots
1 x Plectranthus amboinicus 10-inch pots
1 x Anthurium gracile (HBG 90658) 6-ingh pots
1 x Dorstenia hybrid 2-inch pots
1 x Stapelia leendertziae 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (Candy Stripe) one-gallon pots
1 x Plectranthus amboinicus one-gallon pots
1 x Mammillaria albicoma 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe erinacea 3-inch pots
1 x Dorstenia hybrid 5-inch pots
1 x Notocactus schumanniana var. brevispina 4-inch pots
1 x Peperomia prostrata 3-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv Blue Elf 4-inch pots
1 x Notocactus turecekianus 2-inch pots
1 x Plectranthus igniarius (Lav 23156) one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe spinosissima one-gallon pots
1 x Aloe ciliaris var. ciliaris 5-inch pots
1 x Stapelia leendertziae 5-inch pots
1 x Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe succotrina hybrid 4-inch pots
1 x Aloe cv White Stag 4-inch pots
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