Adenia ballyi (rooted cuttings) 4-inch pots


This species is from northern and central Somalia. It is a geophyte, like Adenia globosa, except the thorns turn white with age instead of remaining green and the body of the plant has less thorns on it. These rooted cuttings are probably female and have little chance of forming a normal caudex. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.

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1 x Opuntia santa-rita 5-inch pots
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1 x Jatropha curcas 8-inch pots
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1 x Dorstenia foetida 3-inch pots
1 x Adenium obesum 8-inch pots
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1 x Dorstenia mannii one-gallon pots
1 x Ficus religiosa 5-inch pots
1 x Euphorbia lactea 4-inch pots
1 x Stenocereus alamosensis 4-inch pots
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1 x Aloe cv Tarantula 4-inch pots
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