Soil |
Pots |
Light |
Air |
Water |
We ship our plants bare root for your protection. By taking plants out of the soil prior to shipping, we can inspect the roots to make sure the plant is healthy and free of pests. Also, the soil in the pots may be depleted in nutrients or the plant may need repotting, giving our customers the choice of type and size of pot to house their new acquisition. The pot and soil can weigh more than the above-ground parts, which could cause plant damage if the boxes are treated roughly during shipment. Finally, soil can be heavy and increases shipping charges, so we save our customers money by removing the soil. Since some customers want their plants shipped in pots, we will do that upon request but we will charge exact shipping costs for those purchases.
Soil provides an
anchor for the plant and holds water and
nutrients, but soil is only one factor
in a good regimen for growing succulent
plants. Other important parameters in a
growing regimen are light, air movement,
water, fertilizer, and container types
and sizes. All of these factors must be
considered when growing succulent
plants; change one, and others may need
to be adjusted. We know that no two
nurserymen – or growers for that matter
– will agree on how to grow succulent
plants, so take our suggestions as
suggestions only. This is what we do;
your results may vary and we encourage
people to experiment with their
Most succulent
plants can adapt to a wide range of soil
types and grow quite happily, and while
most growers agree that simulating
native soils is not necessary, how the
plant grows in habitat is an important
consideration. It is also true that a
soil mix that works in Arizona may not
work that well elsewhere, so you should
experiment and find out what works best
for you. Finally, no two nurserymen in
Arizona will agree on the best mix, so
keep in mind that there is no one answer
to the question of “what is the best
soil mix?” Here is what we use, at least
most of the time, for a soil mix that
meets our needs for good drainage, some
water-holding capacity, some
nutrient-holding capacity, and aeration
for good root elongation and growth:
We use two parts
(50%) pumice (3/8 inch granules, usually
sieved to remove fine material). You
could use perlite, coarse sand, or
gravel instead; pumice merely makes pots
lighter. We use one part (25%) organic
material, usually some combination of
peat moss and aged compost. You could
use coir or commercial potting soil,
sifted to remove the larger pieces. We
use one part (25%) coarse sand,
typically called “concrete sand” in
Arizona, to further enhance drainage. Do
not use “mortar sand,” which contains
paraffin in some commercial
configurations and is too fine in any
case. We will adjust the coarse to
organic ratio, increasing it for some
tropical species or decreasing it to
pure pumice for some sensitive
We use every type
of pot imaginable to grow succulent
plants. For many years, we’ve used
unglazed clay pots to grow large
specimens. The idea is to have a more
natural drying through the pot sides
than is possible with plastic pots. At
first, we blocked the bottom hole with
broken pottery or gravel; we now use cut
window screen because toxic salts built
up when flow was restricted with
pottery. For most of our saleable plants
at Arid Lands Greenhouses, we use
plastic pots of a wide variety of shapes
and sizes. When we repot, we try not to
overpot our plants, raising the size up
a little bit in diameter over the size
of the plant root ball. Many times, we
do not increase pot size, instead
raising the caudex up above the soil
line (especially for Adeniums and some
Euphorbias). Sometimes when plants do
not grow well in larger pots, we
underpot the plant to try to get better
growth. Pushing plants, by seriously
overpotting, works with some species but
not all, and care and experience will
help determine when this can be done
safely or when it will likely result in
rotting the plants.
Most succulents
come from areas of low humidity and very
clear skies, which means that most like
strong light. However, there are many
species (Stapeliads, Sansevierias) that
do not grow out in the open in habitat,
but grow under shrubs, or trees, or on
the shaded side of rocks and hills. Full
sun would be too much for such species,
particularly in Arizona. Watch your
plants closely. If a plant is showing
pale green, thin growth, it is probably
not getting enough light. If a plants is
blanching or discoloring, it is probably
getting too much light. When adjusting
the light a plant is getting, do it
slowly. Moving a plant directly from
subdued light into full sun can burn it
severely. We always recommend a slow
adjustment of light, using small pieces
of shade cloth, for example, when moving
a plant from low to high light to ease
the adjustment. In Tucson, we grow most
of our plants in 50% shade. Recently,
we’ve grown some species, such as
Adeniums, under 30% shade, but this
should be done with caution and with an
adjustment to watering. For some genera,
such as Haworthia, we use 75% shade in
the hot months and 50% shade during the
growing season, which helps to maintain
good plant form.
Most plants need
air movement for proper strong stem
development. Air quality and the amount
of movement can have a strong influence
on plant vigor; some pests (e.g., spider
mites) decrease with strong air
movement. Adequate air movement in a
small greenhouse or window greenhouse
can be a problem. A small fan running 24
hours a day can usually provide adequate
air movement. Hot air rises, so during
the winter, air movement is necessary to
properly mix air temperatures from top
to bottom (and longitudinally) in your
greenhouse. In Tucson, we open our
greenhouses to the atmosphere during
spring, summer, and fall months and let
the natural winds do the job.
If you have more
than a few plants to water, you’re
probably stuck with using what comes out
of the tap. The quality of water varies
greatly around the country. Try to find
a local source for water testing; at the
very least, find out what the pH of your
water is. If your pH is high, many
pesticides will be neutralized and trace
elements will be locked up; a low pH may
be ideal for some species but may kill
most. When you water, if your water is
hard, a residue will be left behind in
the growing medium. After a time, the
concentration of calcium and magnesium
salts can reach a detrimental, even
lethal, level. To prevent this, make
sure you flush out salts with a thorough
watering regularly. Do not use water
that has passed through a water
softener, because that water is high in
either sodium or potassium and will
damage your plants. Watering frequency
depends on many factors, particularly
air temperature, light, and soil, and
there is no formula that can be applied
to get the proper watering frequency.
Trial and error is the best teacher. In
Tucson, our watering rates in our
conditions ranges from around once a
month in winter to every 3-4 days during
summer, but with way too many exceptions
to mention.
As with other
parameters in a growing regimen,
fertilizer must be adjusted to suit the
overall regimen. The use of a balanced
(20-20-20) fertilizer with chelated
trace elements, used in a very dilute
concentration (50 ppm nitrogen), is good
for most plants. Do not fertilize with
every watering, and only fertilize when
plants are growing. A good rule would be
to use clear water every fourth watering
to wash as much buildup out of the soil
as possible. Some growers use a diluted
fertilizer solution with every watering
during the growing season while others
may fertilize with a more concentrated
solution, but no more than once or twice
during the same period. Do not fertilize
plants going into or in dormancy. It
generally is not a good idea to
fertilize plants immediately after
repotting either.
