For most pachycaul
trees, we use the Eggli volume on
Dicotyledons. Several specialty volumes
are also useful, including:
Beentje, Henk, 1994,
Kenya Trees Shrubs and Lianas: National
Museums of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya.
Burrows, John, and
Burrows, Sandra, 2003, Figs of Southern
and South-Central Africa: Umdaus Press,
Hatfield, South Africa.
Eslamieh, J., 2011, Cultivation of Boswellia, Sacred Trees of Frankincense: A Book's Mind, Phoenix, AZ.
Packenham, T., 2004, The Remarkable Baobab: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, UK.
Steyn, M., 2003, Southern Africa Commiphora: Privately published.
de Vosjoli, P., 2004, Pachyforms, A Guide to Growing Pachycauland Caudiciform Plants: Advanced Visions, Vista, CA.