We use the older classification of numerous species of Adeniums and reject the contention advanced by Gordon Rowley that lumps species into only a few species.
Dimmitt, M., G. Joseph, and D. Palzkill, 2009, Adenium: Sculptural Elegance, Floral Extravagance: Arizona Lithographers, Tucson, Arizona.
Rapanarivo, S.H.J.V., J.J. Lavranos, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg, and W. Roosli, 1999, Pachypodium (Apocynaceae): Taxonomy, Habitats and Cultivation: A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Rowley, G., 1999, Pachypodium & Adenium: the Cactus File Handbook 5.