Name Price
Acacia burkei 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from the summer rainfall areas of northeastern South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, and southeastern Zimbabwe. It is a deciduous tree with smooth gray bark and hooked blackish-brown spines. The leaves are pinnate and medium green, and the flowers occur in whitish spikes. This plant is often used for bonzai. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Acacia burkei one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from the summer rainfall areas of northeastern South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, and southeastern Zimbabwe. It is a deciduous tree with smooth gray bark and hooked blackish-brown spines. The leaves are pinnate and medium green, and the flowers occur in whitish spikes. This plant is often used for bonzai. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Acanthocalycium glaucum 4-inch pots $15.00
From Argentina, this species is solitary and has a globose green body with numerous ribs and gray-black spines. We use this name instead of Echinopsis glaucina, the name we previously used. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Acanthocalycium hoevenii 4-inch pots $15.00
From Argentina, this species is somehow synonymous with Lobivia hoevenii. It is a solitary species with a globose green body with numerous ribs and grayish-white spines. The flowers are an orange-red color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Acanthocalycium hoevenii 5-inch pots $20.00
From Argentina, this species is somehow synonymous with Lobivia hoevenii. It is a solitary species with a globose green body with numerous ribs and grayish-white spines. The flowers are an orange-red color. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Acanthocalycium hoevenii one-gallon pots $25.00
From Argentina, this species is somehow synonymous with Lobivia hoevenii. It is a solitary species with a globose green body with numerous ribs and grayish-white spines. The flowers are an orange-red color. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Acanthocalycium klimpelianum 4-inch pots $15.00
From Argentina, this species is solitary and has a flattened globose green body with numerous ribs and gray-black spines. The flowers are white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Acanthocalycium pietscherianum 2-inch pots $12.00
From Argentina, this species is solitary and has a globose green body with a flattened apex. It has numerous ribs and gray-black spines. We use this name instead of A. klimpelianum, the name under which this is supposedly lumped. The flowers are white. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Acanthocalycium pietscherianum 3-inch pots $15.00
From Argentina, this species is solitary and has a globose green body with a flattened apex. It has numerous ribs and gray-black spines. We use this name instead of A. klimpelianum, the name under which this is supposedly lumped. The flowers are white. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Acanthocereus tetragonus one-gallon pots $25.00
This highly variable species is widely distributed from southern Florida into northern South America. It has long green stems with 4-5 ribs and black spines. The flowers are white, and this is one of the numerous ‘Dragon Fruit’ cactus with edible fruits. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Adenia glauca 4-inch pots $25.00
This Adenia is remarkable for its thick, green caudex and beautiful digitate leaves. The flowers are lemon colored and sweetly scented. These seedlings are 4-6-inches high before the start of the tendrils and have nice caudices in the 4-inch pots.
Adenia globosa (rooted cuttings) 4-inch pots $15.00
From Somalia, Kenya, and Tanzania, this species has a large green caudex that produces numerous, long and spiny branches. What is remarkable and distinctive are the spines, which are conical and quite stout. Cuttings of these plants produce typical branches but do not form a usual caudex; they are very useful for producing seed. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Adenia spinosa 4-inch pots $25.00
This fantastic caudiciform is from South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwe. The caudex is dark green, and the thin woody, spiny branches arise from the center of caudex. The plants are dioecious and the flowers are relatively large but not showy. The plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Adenia subsessilifolia 4-inch pots $15.00
From southwestern Madagascar, where many of our species occur naturally, this little Adenia is geophytic with mostly annual tendrils bearing three-parted palm-shaped leaves. Because of the color and round stems, it took us a while to separate these plants from Seyrigia gracilis, which grows in the same area. The flowers are inconspicuous but the plants may be either monoecious or dioecious. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Adenia venenata 4-inch pots $15.00
From Yemen and East Africa (Somalia through Tanzania), this species has a conical caudex up to three-four feet tall. The leaves are deeply lobed, and the flowers of this dioecious species are small and cream colored. The fruit are striped with two shades of green. The woody vines arise from the caudex; we recommend trimming the vines, not the caudex, of this species. We offer seedlings of this species with caudices about a half inch across in 4-inch pots.
Adenia venenata 5-inch pots $20.00
From Yemen and East Africa (Somalia through Tanzania), this species has a conical caudex up to three-four feet tall. The leaves are deeply lobed, and the flowers of this dioecious species are small and cream colored. The fruit are striped with two shades of green. The woody vines arise from the caudex; we recommend trimming the vines, not the caudex, of this species. We offer seedlings of this species with caudices about a half inch across in 5-inch pots.
Adenia volkensii 4-inch pots $15.00
From East Africa, this is a shrubby species with stems arising from a tuberous rootstock. It has a similar form to Adenia ellenbeckii, which has stems streaked with yellow-green lines. The leaves are deeply lobed, and the flowers of this dioecious species are small and cream colored. The large fruits are green turning red at maturity. We offer seedlings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Adenia volkensii 5-inch pots $20.00
From East Africa, this is a shrubby species with stems arising from a tuberous rootstock. It has a similar form to Adenia ellenbeckii, which has stems streaked with yellow-green lines. The leaves are deeply lobed, and the flowers of this dioecious species are small and cream colored. The large fruits are green turning red at maturity. We offer seedlings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Adenia volkensii one-gallon pots $25.00
From East Africa, this is a shrubby species with stems arising from a tuberous rootstock. It has a similar form to Adenia ellenbeckii, which has stems streaked with yellow-green lines. The leaves are deeply lobed, and the flowers of this dioecious species are small and cream colored. The large fruits are green turning red at maturity. We offer seedlings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Adenium arabicum (Shada form) 4-inch pots $15.00
From Shada, Saudi Arabia, this Adenium typically is considered to be a form of A. arabicum but probably is between that species and what is now considered to be A. obesum. This form boasts a large caudex and the typical A. arabicum small, mostly pink and white flower. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Adenium arabicum 8-inch pots $65.00
This species, from the southern Arabian Peninsula, has numerous branches arising from a low, wide caudex. The smallish flowers are pale pink, and the leaves are softly pubescent. This easy-to-grow species forms the nicest caudex of the genus. These seedlings are flowering size in 8-inch pots.
Adenium arabicum cv Black Giant x self 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from the southern Arabian Peninsula, has numerous branches arising from a low, wide caudex. The smallish flowers are pale pink, and the leaves are softly pubescent. This cultivar was selected because its appearance is darker than the typical species and I guess the name is kind of cool. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Adenium arabicum cv Fat Guy x self 2-inch pots $8.00
This species, from the southern Arabian Peninsula, has numerous branches arising from a low, wide caudex. The smallish flowers are pale pink, and the leaves are softly pubescent. This cultivar was selected because, as the name indicates, the caudex tends to be fatter than the typical species. These seedlings are in 2-inch pots.
Adenium arabicum cv Fat Guy x self 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from the southern Arabian Peninsula, has numerous branches arising from a low, wide caudex. The smallish flowers are pale pink, and the leaves are softly pubescent. This cultivar was selected because, as the name indicates, the caudex tends to be fatter than the typical species. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Adenium arabicum cv Fat Guy x self 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from the southern Arabian Peninsula, has numerous branches arising from a low, wide caudex. The smallish flowers are pale pink, and the leaves are softly pubescent. This cultivar was selected because, as the name indicates, the caudex tends to be fatter than the typical species. These seedlings are in 5-inch pots.
Adenium arabicum cv Fat Guy x self one-gallon pots $30.00
This species, from the southern Arabian Peninsula, has numerous branches arising from a low, wide caudex. The smallish flowers are pale pink, and the leaves are softly pubescent. This cultivar was selected because, as the name indicates, the caudex tends to be fatter than the typical species. These seedlings are in one-gallon pots.
Adenium arabicum x obesum 8-inch pots $45.00
This is an interspecific hybrid created by Mark Dimmitt between Adenium arabicum and A. obesum. These plants have the best characters of each species, namely the large caudex of A. arabicum and the large red flowers of A. obesum. These plants ultimately would resemble the plant seen in Martha Stewart Living October 2009. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Adenium cv Bubblegum 4-inch pots $15.00
This cultivar has an uncertain origin – likely southeast Asia -- is a cross between something and Adenium somalense var. crispum. This suggests that the flowers are pinkish-red with white, star-like centers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Adenium cv Crimson Star 5-inch pots $25.00
This Mark Dimmitt creation is one of the oldest and best hybrids available. A cross between A. obesum and A. swazicum, the flowers are nearly solid red and star-shaped. This hybrid has a very long flowering season. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Adenium cv Pink Elephant (MAD 923) 8-inch pots $75.00
This is a complex hybrid from Mark Dimmitt that involves Adenium obesum and A. arabicum cultivars. Besides the flowers, which are pink to red with yellow throats, what makes this plant interesting is the large fast-growing caudex. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Adenium multiflorum 4-inch pots $15.00
From the northeastern provinces of South Africa, this shrubby species forms a subspherical caudex with many branches. The leaves are a shiny green and are oblanceolate. This species, which only flowers in the spring before putting on leaves, has white flowers with hot pink edging. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Adenium obesum (DP-191) x self 8-inch pots $35.00
The most common of the Adeniums, this species is from East Africa (DP-194). It has a nice caudex with numerous branches that, if unchecked by pruning, can create a large shrub. The leaves are ovate, and the flower is large and highly variable but usually is pink with dark pink nectar guides in the throat. We offer in 8-inch pots.
Adenium obesum (red) 4-inch pots $15.00
The most common of the Adeniums, this species is from East Africa. It has a nice caudex with numerous branches that, if unchecked by pruning, can create a large shrub. The leaves are ovate, and the flower is large and highly variable, but we purposefully selected some plants with flowers that are more red in color than the typical species. We offer seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Adenium obesum 4-inch pots $15.00
The most common of the Adeniums, this species is from East Africa. It has a nice caudex with numerous branches that, if unchecked by pruning, can create a large shrub. The leaves are ovate, and the flower is large and highly variable but usually is pink with dark pink nectar guides in the throat. This is a very easy to grow species. We offer seedlings of flowering size in 4-inch pots.
Adenium obesum 5-inch pots $20.00
The most common of the Adeniums, this species is from East Africa. It has a nice caudex with numerous branches that, if unchecked by pruning, can create a large shrub. The leaves are ovate, and the flower is large and highly variable but usually is pink with dark pink nectar guides in the throat. This is a very easy to grow species. We offer seedlings of flowering size in 5-inch pots.
Adenium obesum cv Black Ruby x self 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid Adenium features a dark red flower with ruffled edges tending towards black. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Adenium obesum cv Black Ruby x self one-gallon pots $30.00
This hybrid Adenium features a dark red flower with ruffled edges tending towards black. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Adenium obesum cv Grumbleys White 4-inch pots $15.00
We offer this variety of Adenium obesum with white flowers produced from seed. This plant is a sexually reproducing version of the well-known Grumblys White, the original of which was collected in northern Kenya by Tom Grumbly. We are offering seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Adenium obesum cv Merrylynns Pink one-gallon pots $30.00
We offer this variety of Adenium obesum with white flowers produced from seed. This plant is a sexually reproducing version of the well-known Grumblys White, the original of which was collected in northern Kenya by Tom Grumbly. This cultivar was produced by our very own Marilyn Bernzott, who worked several years to achieve this plant. However, instead of a pure white flower with a light yellow center, these plants bloom with a pink rim around the petals. We are offering seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Adenium obesum cv Merrylynns White 4-inch pots $15.00
We offer this variety of Adenium obesum with white flowers produced from seed. This plant is a sexually reproducing version of the well-known Grumblys White, the original of which was collected in northern Kenya by Tom Grumbly. This cultivar was produced by our very own Marilyn Bernzott, who worked several years to achieve this plant. We are offering seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Adenium swazicum 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Kwa-Zulu Natal of South Africa and its namesake Swaziland, this shrubby Adenium has narrow leaves that are pubescent. The caudex size and shape is similar to A. obesum, but the flowers are pink with a dark purple throat. This species is floriferous and tends to have a longer flowering season than most of the Adeniums. We offer seedlings of this species in 3-inch pots.
Adromischus cristatus 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this small plant has roots with fibrous roots that appear to be a red mat on the stem. The leaves are crinkly and roughly triangular. These plants are leaf offsets in 4-inch pots.
Adromischus cristatus 5-inch pots $15.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this small plant has roots with fibrous roots that appear to be a red mat on the stem. The leaves are crinkly and roughly triangular. These plants are leaf offsets in 5-inch pots.
Adromischus filicaulis ssp. marlothii 3-inch pots $10.00
From the succulent Karoo of South Africa, Adromischus filicaulis has lanceolate-elliptical leaves that can be reddish in the sun turning gray with age. This plant makes a nice hanging pot. We offer these plants as leaf offsets in 3-inch pots.
Adromischus marianiae herrei 3-inch pots $25.00
This is the classic form of “Adromischus herrei,” an extremely slow growing and difficult plant from Kourkammaberg in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. This form has reddish-green, club-shaped and heavily tubercled leaves that are fascinating natural works of art. Easily rotted, it can be rerooted relatively easily. These plants are rooted leaves in 3-inch pots.
Adromischus marianiae herrei 4-inch pots $30.00
This is the classic form of “Adromischus herrei,” an extremely slow growing and difficult plant from Kourkammaberg in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. This form has reddish-green, club-shaped and heavily tubercled leaves that are fascinating natural works of art. Easily rotted, it can be rerooted relatively easily. These plants are rooted leaves in 4-inch pots.
Adromischus triflorous (Garcias Pass) 2-inch pots $8.00
From Garcias Pass in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, this Adromischus blooms in mid-summer. This highly variable species has grey leaves with highly variable purple spotting on the faces. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Adromischus triflorous 4-inch pots $15.00
From the vicinity of Kuboos, near the Richtersveld, Northern Cape Province of South Africa, this Adromischus blooms in mid-summer. This highly variable species has grey leaves with highly variable purple spotting on the faces. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Adromischus triflorous 5-inch pots $20.00
From the vicinity of Kuboos, near the Richtersveld, Northern Cape Province of South Africa, this Adromischus blooms in mid-summer. This highly variable species has grey leaves with highly variable purple spotting on the faces. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Adromischus trigynus 2-inch pots $8.00
From the northwestern provinces of South Africa, this Adromischus is a little dwarf plant characterized by grey-green, oblanceolate leaves arising from a succulent stem. This plant stays rather small. These are leaf offsets in 2-inch pots.
Adromischus trigynus 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, now lumped under A. trigynus, formerly ranged across the northwestern provinces of South Africa. Variety rupicola differs because the leaves are much smaller and rounder than A. trigynus. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Adromischus trigynus 4-inch pots $12.00
From the northwestern provinces of South Africa, this Adromischus is a little dwarf plant characterized by grey-green, oblanceolate leaves arising from a succulent stem. This plant stays rather small. These are leaf offsets in 4-inch pots.
Adromischus trigynus 4-inch pots $15.00
From the northwestern provinces of South Africa, this Adromischus is a little dwarf plant characterized by grey-green, oblanceolate leaves arising from a succulent stem. This plant stays rather small. These are leaf offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aechmea lueddemanniana cv Mend 2-gallon pots $40.00
This terrestrial bromeliad is from Central America. This cultivar has long, recurving leaves that have four colors, ranging from white to pink, in bands. This is a long-blooming species with a rather complex inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aechmea recurvata cv Aztec Gold 6-inch pots $30.00
This terrestrial bromeliad is from the east central part of South America. This cultivar has long, recurving leaves that have 3-4 colors, ranging from white to pink, in longitudinal stripes. This is a long-blooming species with a rather complex inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in 6-inch pots.
Aeollanthus rehmannii one-gallon pots $25.00
This small caudiciform, which ranges from Tanzania to Namibia through Zimbabwe to northeastern South Africa, has tiny pale blue flowers. The leaves are small but aromatic. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Agapanthus praecox ssp. orientalis 4-inch pots $15.00
This bulb is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa and is particularly prevalent in the winter rainfall regions. The leaves are evergreen and have a plain light green color. When in bloom, this plant bears umbels with numerous large light blue flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Agave albipilosa one-gallon pots $90.00
This Agave from northeastern Mexico is unusual because it has little hairs from the ends of the leaves. The numerous leaves are yellow-green in color and lack marginal spines. We have no idea how hardy to frost these plants are. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Agave americana cv Quasimoto one-gallon pots $25.00
The Agave americana complex has a number of variegates, and technically this one is in the var. medio-alba monstrosus group, whatever that is. What we know is that this cultivar has streaky yellow stripes in the blue-green leaves and is extremely attractive. We grow these plants outside in Tucson, where they can take frost of at least 18F without damage. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Agave americana ssp. protoamericana 4-inch pots $15.00
Gentry (1982) considers the wild populations of Agave americana ssp. protoamericana in the Sierra Madre to be the original source for the Agave americana complex. This is a highly variable species, with its offsetting glaucous blue-green, medium- to-large rosettes. The leaves tend to have upturned tips with significant terminal spines and fierce marginal spines. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave americana var. medio-picta alba 5-inch pots $20.00
This proliferous Agave is from the large complex of A. americana in Mexico, and it can be considered as a cultivar for all intents and purposes. The numerous leaves are blue-gray with a center yellow-white stripe and are lined with small, sharp spines. We have grown this cultivar outside for decades in Tucson, where it can withstand frost to at least 18F. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Agave bovicornuta 2-gallon pots $35.00
This beautiful Agave is from the northwestern Mexican states of Sonora, Chihuahua, and Sinaloa. The name refers to cow horns, which describes the opposite pattern of the fierce horn pattern on the leaf margins. This large rosette species does not offset. The leaves are a lovely yellow-green with some red highlights, and they are glossy with prominent leaf imprints. This species is frost sensitive, although in our experience we get marginal leaf damage at 23F. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Agave bovicornuta 4-inch pots $15.00
This beautiful Agave is from the northwestern Mexican states of Sonora, Chihuahua, and Sinaloa. The name refers to cow horns, which describes the opposite pattern of the fierce horn pattern on the leaf margins. This large rosette species does not offset. The leaves are a lovely yellow-green with some red highlights, and they are glossy with prominent leaf imprints. This species is frost sensitive, although in our experience we get marginal leaf damage at 23F. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave bovicornuta 5-inch pots $20.00
This beautiful Agave is from the northwestern Mexican states of Sonora, Chihuahua, and Sinaloa. The name refers to cow horns, which describes the opposite pattern of the fierce horn pattern on the leaf margins. This large rosette species does not offset. The leaves are a lovely yellow-green with some red highlights, and they are glossy with prominent leaf imprints. This species is frost sensitive, although in our experience we get marginal leaf damage at 23F. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Agave bracteosa 3-inch pots $10.00
From the northern Sierra Madre, these plants are relatively small and offset to form mounds. The leaves are light green, and the new leaves tend to twirl at the top in a very graceful pattern. Our plants have endured 23F undamaged. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Agave bracteosa 4-inch pots $15.00
From the northern Sierra Madre, these plants are relatively small and offset to form mounds. The leaves are light green, and the new leaves tend to twirl at the top in a very graceful pattern. Our plants have endured 23F undamaged. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave capensis 2-gallon pots $35.00
This offsetting species is related to Agave aurea and A. promontorii. From the Cape Region of Baja California, it has small to medium rosettes of gray-green lanceolate leaves with sparse marginal spines. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Agave capensis one-gallon pots $25.00
This offsetting species is related to Agave aurea and A. promontorii. From the Cape Region of Baja California, it has small to medium rosettes of gray-green lanceolate leaves with sparse marginal spines. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Agave chiapensis one-gallon pots $25.00
As the name suggests, this species is from Chiapas, Mexico (ISI 1243). This offsetting species has medium-large rosettes of light green, relatively broad leaves. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it withstood 23F with minimum damage, but we can hardly recommend this plant for landscaping given its home and seeming vulnerability of its leaves. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Agave colorata 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Mexican states of Sonora and Sinaloa, this beautiful gray-green Agave is known for its broad leaves lined with fierce spines. It offsets, sometimes prolifically, from the central rosette. We have grown this in the ground in Tucson for years, where it easily can take 18F. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Agave colorata 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Mexican states of Sonora and Sinaloa, this beautiful gray-green Agave is known for its broad leaves lined with fierce spines. It offsets, sometimes prolifically, from the central rosette. We have grown this in the ground in Tucson for years, where it easily can take 18F. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave cv Blue Glow 8-inch pots $65.00
This cultivar is a cross between Agave ocahui and A. attenuata. These plants sparsely offset but have rather stunning clumps of blue-green leaves on medium rosettes. The leaf margins are a dark reddish-blue color. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Agave cv Sharkskin 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid between Agave asperrima and A. ferdinandi-regis forms clumps of medium-sized rosettes. So with the name changes this is a hybrid between A. scabra and A. nickelsiae. The leaves are gray-blue-green with slightly roughened surfaces, and while the marginal spines are minimal to non-existent, the terminal spine is stout and purple. This hybrid is hardy in Tucson to at least 18F. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Agave cv Sharkskin 5-inch pots $20.00
This hybrid between Agave asperrima and A. ferdinandi-regis forms clumps of medium-sized rosettes. So with the name changes this is a hybrid between A. scabra and A. nickelsiae. The leaves are gray-blue-green with slightly roughened surfaces, and while the marginal spines are minimal to non-existent, the terminal spine is stout and purple. This hybrid is hardy in Tucson to at least 18F. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Agave datylio var. datylio 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Baja California Sur, Mexico, this species superficially resembles certain Sansevieria in its yellow-green coloration and prolific offsetting. The rosettes stay relatively small, and the leaves are linear to lancheolate, rigid, and channeled. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Agave datylio var. datylio one-gallon pots $30.00
From Baja California Sur, Mexico, this species superficially resembles certain Sansevieria in its yellow-green coloration and prolific offsetting. The rosettes stay relatively small, and the leaves are linear to lancheolate, rigid, and channeled. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Agave felgeri 5-inch pots $20.00
From coastal areas in Sonora, Mexico, this species forms large clumps of plants with relatively narrow leaf blades. The leaves are green with white-purple markings and shredding margins, somewhat like a Yucca. These are extremely hardy plants, withstanding drought and freezing temperatures less than 20F in Tucson with no damages. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Agave felgeri one-gallon pots $25.00
From coastal areas in Sonora, Mexico, this species forms large clumps of plants with relatively narrow leaf blades. The leaves are green with white-purple markings and shredding margins, somewhat like a Yucca. These are extremely hardy plants, withstanding drought and freezing temperatures less than 20F in Tucson with no damages. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Agave filifera ssp. filifera 2-gallon pots $35.00
From central Mexico, this very nice species forms clumps with small to medium rosettes. The leaves are mostly linear, light green, and nicely marked with white markings, and abundant shedding filaments develop along the margins. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Agave filifera ssp. schidigera 5-inch pots $25.00
This species, widely distributed in Mexico generally east of the Sierra Madre, generally has a solitary rosette. The leaves are a beautiful dark green with a nice sheen and a shredding margin. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Agave filifera ssp. schidigera 8-inch pots $40.00
This species, widely distributed in Mexico generally east of the Sierra Madre, generally has a solitary rosette. The leaves are a beautiful dark green with a nice sheen and a shredding margin. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Agave filifera ssp. schidigera one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, widely distributed in Mexico generally east of the Sierra Madre, generally has a solitary rosette. The leaves are a beautiful dark green with a nice sheen and a shredding margin. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Agave franzosini 2-gallon pots $30.00
This species is one of the largest of the blue-green Agaves, and it is of unknown origin in Mexico. Although it superficially resembles Agave americana in color, the rosettes of this species are much larger and the leaves are narrower, longer, and with more interesting marginal spination. These plants are drought and frost hardy in Tucson. We offer rooted offsets of this species in 2-gallon pots.
Agave ghiesbreghtii 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is widely distributed in southern Mexico and Guatemala. Related to Agave kerchovei, it proliferously suckers and has generally light green, stout leaves with striking gray-brown marginal spines. This species is desirable because of its relatively short leaves with fierce spines on the margins, but it is not as frost-hardy as is A. kerchovei. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Agave ghiesbreghtii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is widely distributed in southern Mexico and Guatemala. Related to Agave kerchovei, it proliferously suckers and has generally light green, stout leaves with striking gray-brown marginal spines. This species is desirable because of its relatively short leaves with fierce spines on the margins, but it is not as frost-hardy as is A. kerchovei. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave gracielae 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is native to Mexico, where it occurs in pine-oak woodlands and forests of the Sierra Madre Oriental in northeastern Querétaro and southeastern San Luis Potosí. It prolifically offsets and each rosette has numerous light-green leaves without marginal spines. These seedlings are in 2-inch pots.
Agave guiengola cv Crème Brulee 5-inch pots $20.00
This blue-gray Agave comes from Oaxaca, Mexico, from one locality in the Cerro Guiengola. Thought to be frost sensitive among the Agave, We’ve had it take 20F under shade cloth with no damage. It clumps prolifically, forming large mounds. Cultivar Crème Brulee has white margins on the leaves and probably is more frost sensitive than the typical species. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Agave guiengola cv Crème Brulee one-gallon pots $25.00
This blue-gray Agave comes from Oaxaca, Mexico, from one locality in the Cerro Guiengola. Thought to be frost sensitive among the Agave, We’ve had it take 20F under shade cloth with no damage. It clumps prolifically, forming large mounds. Cultivar Crème Brulee has white margins on the leaves and probably is more frost sensitive than the typical species. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Agave isthmensis cv Ohi Raijeri Shiro-nakafu 4-inch pots $15.00
Long misidentified in collections, Agave isthmensis has been somewhat of a problematic species. These plants are a Japanese cultivar of this species, and they have center-leaf variegation of yellow-white stripes and streaks. The full name appears to be "Ohi Raijeri Shiro-Nakafu." These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Agave kristenii 5-inch pots $20.00
Related to Agave gypsophila, this species is from coastal western Mexico. It has blue-green leaves that tend to be long and narrow, and it is a summer grower. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Agave lechuguilla 5-inch pots $20.00
One of the iconic species of the Chihuahuan Desert, this proliferously suckering species has relatively narrow green leaves. Related to A. lophantha, our plants have a faint yellow stripe in the center of the leaves and discontinuous lines on the bottoms. It is very hardy, withstanding the most severe frosts in Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Agave lechuguilla one-gallon pots $25.00
One of the iconic species of the Chihuahuan Desert, this proliferously suckering species has relatively narrow green leaves. Related to A. lophantha, our plants have a faint yellow stripe in the center of the leaves and discontinuous lines on the bottoms. It is very hardy, withstanding the most severe frosts in Tucson. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Agave leopoldtii 3-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a hybrid between two subspecies of Agave filifera: A. filifera ssp. filifera and A. filifera ssp. schidigera. The result is a compact rosette with many narrow leaves with shredding margins. The rosettes offset to produce small clumps with time. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Agave lophantha cv Quadricolor 2-gallon pots $40.00
This is one beautiful plant. Agave lophantha generally has a light-yellow stripe down the middle of the leaves, but the bright-yellow stripes on this variegate are prominent on the leaf margins. Under stress, a pink cast in the middle stripes, which include a grayish zone, creates a wonderful, highly desired plant that could be the showcase of a collection or a yard. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Agave lophantha cv Quadricolor 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one beautiful plant. Agave lophantha generally has a light-yellow stripe down the middle of the leaves, but the bright-yellow stripes on this variegate are prominent on the leaf margins. Under stress, a pink cast in the middle stripes, which include a grayish zone, creates a wonderful, highly desired plant that could be the showcase of a collection or a yard. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Agave lophantha cv Quadricolor 5-inch pots $20.00
This is one beautiful plant. Agave lophantha generally has a light-yellow stripe down the middle of the leaves, but the bright-yellow stripes on this variegate are prominent on the leaf margins. Under stress, a pink cast in the middle stripes, which include a grayish zone, creates a wonderful, highly desired plant that could be the showcase of a collection or a yard. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Agave lophantha cv Quadricolor one-gallon pots $25.00
This is one beautiful plant. Agave lophantha generally has a light-yellow stripe down the middle of the leaves, but the bright-yellow stripes on this variegate are prominent on the leaf margins. Under stress, a pink cast in the middle stripes, which include a grayish zone, creates a wonderful, highly desired plant that could be the showcase of a collection or a yard. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Agave macracantha 4-inch pots $15.00
This beautiful small Agave is from Huajuapan, Tehuacan. It has distinctive long black spines at the ends of the leaves and forms large clumps in Tucson, where it typically is part of the landscape and can sustain frost to about 25 F before leaf damage occurs. Our plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave macracantha 5-inch pots $20.00
This beautiful small Agave is from Huajuapan, Tehuacan. It has distinctive long black spines at the ends of the leaves and forms large clumps in Tucson, where it typically is part of the landscape and can sustain frost to about 25 F before leaf damage occurs. Our plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Agave mapisaga 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from central Mexico where, along with Agave salmiana, it is used for horticultural plants. It has large, gray-green rosettes that offset less than typical species, such as A. salmiana and A. americana, and have long linear leaves with closely spaced small spines. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave mapisaga 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from central Mexico where, along with Agave salmiana, it is used for horticultural plants. It has large, gray-green rosettes that offset less than typical species, such as A. salmiana and A. americana, and have long linear leaves with closely spaced small spines. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Agave maximilliana 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the highlands of west central Mexico. Known for its glaucous green leaves and fierce spines on teats, these plants form solitary, medium-sized rosettes. We expect this species to be hardy in Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave mitis var. albidior one-gallon pots $25.00
Gentry called it Agave celsii, but recently the name has reverted to the older A. mitis. This subspecies differs from A. mitis var. mitis by the light gray-green leaves, which makes it an extremely attractive plant. The seed for our plant came from Tuzanapa, Hidalgo, although the species is widespread in central Mexico. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Agave ocahui var. longifolia 5-inch pots $20.00
Narrowly distributed in Sonora, Mexico, this species has a beautiful solitary rosette of dark green leaves with a reddish-brown border that is quite attractive. Variety longifolia has much larger rosettes and longer leaves than the typical species. Our plants in Tucson have been undamaged at 15-20F. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Agave oteroi (FO76) 2-gallon pots $35.00
This plant has been somewhat of a mystery for a long time. Once sold as Agave titanota, then as other species, those who knew the plant realized it is something different. This species can offset prolifically. It is very nice because of the fierce white spines on the leaf margins and the light yellow-green leaf color. Many have had problems with this species in cold less than 25F, but We’ve had little trouble with our plants outside in Tucson. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Agave oteroi (FO76) 4-inch pots $15.00
This plant has been somewhat of a mystery for a long time. Once sold as Agave titanota, then as other species, those who knew the plant realized it is something different. This species can offset prolifically. It is very nice because of the fierce white spines on the leaf margins and the light yellow-green leaf color. Many have had problems with this species in cold less than 25F, but We’ve had little trouble with our plants outside in Tucson. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Agave oteroi (FO76) 5-inch pots $20.00
This plant has been somewhat of a mystery for a long time. Once sold as Agave titanota, then as other species, those who knew the plant realized it is something different. This species can offset prolifically. It is very nice because of the fierce white spines on the leaf margins and the light yellow-green leaf color. Many have had problems with this species in cold less than 25F, but We’ve had little trouble with our plants outside in Tucson. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Agave oteroi (FO76) one-gallon pots $25.00
This plant has been somewhat of a mystery for a long time. Once sold as Agave titanota, then as other species, those who knew the plant realized it is something different. This species can offset prolifically. It is very nice because of the fierce white spines on the leaf margins and the light yellow-green leaf color. Many have had problems with this species in cold less than 25F, but We’ve had little trouble with our plants outside in Tucson. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Agave palmeri 5-inch pots $20.00
Agave palmeri is a common species widely distributed in southeastern Arizona and the adjacent Mexican states of Sonora and Chihuahua. The rosettes get quite large and are solitary. The leaves are blue-green, lancheolate, and lined with relatively small and regularly spaced spines. This species probably can withstand low temperatures between 0-10F. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Agave parryi var. parryi 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Arizona, this medium-sized species does not offset significantly. Unlike several other varieties, var. parryi has a relatively open rosette of blue-green leaves. It can probably take freezing temperatures approaching 0 F. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Agave parryi var. parryi 4-inch pots $15.00
From Arizona, this medium-sized species does not offset significantly. Unlike several other varieties, var. parryi has a relatively open rosette of blue-green leaves. It can probably take freezing temperatures approaching 0 F. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave parryi var. parryi 5-inch pots $20.00
From Arizona, this medium-sized species does not offset significantly. Unlike several other varieties, var. parryi has a relatively open rosette of blue-green leaves. It can probably take freezing temperatures approaching 0 F. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Agave parryi var. truncata 3-gallon pots $60.00
From northwestern Mexico, this medium-sized species does not offset significantly. Unlike several other varieties, var. truncata has a relatively open rosette of blue-green leaves and marginal spines. It can probably take freezing temperatures approaching 0 F. These plants are seedlings in 3-gallon pots.
Agave polyanthiflora 4-inch pots $15.00
This lovely little Agave is from central Mexico. The plants have leaves with shredding margins as well as white markings from the leaves unfolding. These plants are in 4-inch pots.
Agave potatorum cv kichiokan (variegated) 8-inch pots $40.00
Agave potatorum is from central Mexico. This cultivar form is from who knows where, and although it has been linked to A. potatorum for a long time, it may be a different species or a hybrid. Whatever it is, it is a beautiful plant with thin, spathulate leaves with beautiful, light spination and a light blue-green color with variegation. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Agave potatorum cv kichiokan 5-inch pots $20.00
Agave potatorum is from central Mexico. This cultivar form is from who knows where, and although it has been linked to A. potatorum for a long time, it may be a different species or a hybrid. Whatever it is, it is a beautiful plant with thin, spathulate leaves with beautiful, light spination and a light blue-green color. Until the recent drought claimed our plants, we had this growing in our yard, where it created a one-foot diameter clump that withstood low temperatures of 25F. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Agave potatorum cv kichiokan one-gallon pots $25.00
Agave potatorum is from central Mexico. This cultivar form is from who knows where, and although it has been linked to A. potatorum for a long time, it may be a different species or a hybrid. Whatever it is, it is a beautiful plant with thin, spathulate leaves with beautiful, light spination and a light blue-green color. Until the recent drought claimed our plants, we had this growing in our yard, where it created a one-foot diameter clump that withstood low temperatures of 25F. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Agave promontori 2-gallon pots $40.00
From the Sierra la Laguna in Baja California Sur, Mexico, this species is closely related to Agave aurea. It is a solitary species with large rosettes of medium green leaves. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Agave purpusorum one-gallon pots $25.00
Agave purpusorum is from southern Mexico, and Gentry lumps it in with Agave ghiesbrechtii. We keep it separate because these plants do not resemble the typical A. ghiesbrechtii that we have as small plants. Instead, they have smallish spines on the leaf margins with a two-tone leaf. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Agave quiotepecensis 4-inch pots $15.00
From Oaxaca, Mexico, this solitary species is related to Agave titanota. It has pale blue-green leaves with a central stripe and light-colored marginal spines. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave quiotepecensis 5-inch pots $20.00
From Oaxaca, Mexico, this solitary species is related to Agave titanota. It has pale blue-green leaves with a central stripe and light-colored marginal spines. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Agave rhodacantha one-gallon pots $25.00
This striking species, with its long, narrow leaves, is from Sinaloa, Mexico. Its sword-like leaves are green to dark green in color, relatively rigid, and lined with highly variable marginal spines. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Agave schottii 4-inch pots $15.00
Commonly known as “shin-dagger” in southeastern Arizona, this species forms dense stands in Arizona, New Mexico, and into Sonora, Mexico. The curving leaves are stout, sharply pointed, and have shredding margins. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave schottii 4-inch pots $15.00
Commonly known as “shin-dagger” in southeastern Arizona, this species forms dense stands in Arizona, New Mexico, and into Sonora, Mexico. The curving leaves are stout, sharply pointed, and have shredding margins. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave shrevei ssp. shrevei 4-inch pots $15.00
From near the border of Sonora and Chihuahua, Mexico, this beautiful species generally is solitary. The gray-green leaves are strikingly beautiful and have slightly waving margins bearing strong spines on teats. This plant is frost hardy in Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave striata cv Hedgehog 2-inch pots $8.00
Widely distributed in central Mexico east of the Sierra Madre, this species clumps to resemble Nolinas or certain Dracaenas. The leaves are green, linear, and sharp tipped. This cultivar is just spinier with more leaves than the typical species. This species takes no damage at 23F. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Agave striata cv Hedgehog 4-inch pots $15.00
Widely distributed in central Mexico east of the Sierra Madre, this species clumps to resemble Nolinas or certain Dracaenas. The leaves are green, linear, and sharp tipped. This cultivar is just spinier with more leaves than the typical species. This species takes no damage at 23F. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave striata ssp. falcata 5-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed in central Mexico east of the Sierra Madre, Agave striata clumps to resemble Nolinas or certain Dracaenas. The leaves are green, linear, and sharp tipped. Subspecies falcata occurs further north than the typical species and has wider leaves and stouter plants. This species takes no damage at 23F. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Agave tequilana 4-inch pots $15.00
This legendary blue Agave, which once was the sole species used to make tequila in Mexico, comes from near the town of Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico. Its leaves are blue-gray in color and lack marginal spines. The species offsets prolifically, which is how it persists since the flowering stalks of most plants are aborted to make liquor. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where the leaves have been damaged at 23F. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave tequilana 5-inch pots $20.00
This legendary blue Agave, which once was the sole species used to make tequila in Mexico, comes from near the town of Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico. Its leaves are blue-gray in color and lack marginal spines. The species offsets prolifically, which is how it persists since the flowering stalks of most plants are aborted to make liquor. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where the leaves have been damaged at 23F. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Agave underwoodii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Cuba, where it grows in volcanic mountains. The solitary plants have light green leaves that are lined with brown spines. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Agave underwoodii one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from Cuba, where it grows in volcanic mountains. The solitary plants have light green leaves that are lined with brown spines. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Agave verschaffeltii (dwarf) 3-inch pots $10.00
Agave potatorum is a highly variable species from central Mexico. Agave potatorum (verschaffeltii) varies from the typical A. potatorum by more prominent teats and more undulate leaf margins. This dwarf form is, well, a dwarf. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Agave verschaffeltii (dwarf) 4-inch pots $15.00
Agave potatorum is a highly variable species from central Mexico. Agave potatorum (verschaffeltii) varies from the typical A. potatorum by more prominent teats and more undulate leaf margins. This dwarf form is, well, a dwarf. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave victoriae-reginae (yellow variegate) 4-inch pots $25.00
This large form is one of the most desirable agaves from Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango). Our plants have short stiff, leaves with bold yellow, green, and white stripes and no spines. This form offsets. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Agave victoriae-reginae (yellow variegate) 8-inch pots $55.00
This large form is one of the most desirable agaves from Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango). Our plants have short stiff, leaves with bold yellow, green, and white stripes and no spines. This form offsets. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Agave victoriae-reginae (yellow variegate) one-gallon pots $45.00
This large form is one of the most desirable agaves from Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango). Our plants have short stiff, leaves with bold yellow, green, and white stripes and no spines. This form offsets. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Agave victoriae-reginae 4-inch pots $15.00
This large form is one of the most desirable agaves from Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango). Our plants have short stiff, dark green leaves with bold white lines and no spines. This form, which is most typical, does not offset. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave victoriae-reginae 5-gallon pots $90.00
This large form is one of the most desirable agaves from Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango). Our plants have short stiff, dark green leaves with bold white lines and no spines. This form, which is most typical, does not offset. These plants are seedlings in 5-gallon pots.
Agave victoriae-reginae cv White Rhino one-gallon pots $90.00
This form is one of the most desirable agaves from Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango). Our plants have short stiff, leaves with white marginal stripes (‘albimarginaga’ to some) and no spines. This form offsets. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Agave vilmoriniana (variegates) 2-gallon pots $35.00
Widely distributed in west-central Mexico, Agave vilmoriniana hangs off cliffs in its typical habitat. It has long, recurved leaves that are a light blue-green color. We use this plant in Tucson landscaping, where it takes surprisingly little water to survive. These variegates have the typical leaves short through with white or light yellow longitudinal stripes. These plants are rooted offsets (rooted bulbils) in 2-gallon pots.
Agave vilmoriniana 2-gallon pots $35.00
Widely distributed in west-central Mexico, Agave vilmoriniana hangs off cliffs in its typical habitat. It has long, recurved leaves that are a light blue-green color. We use this plant in Tucson landscaping, where it takes surprisingly little water to survive. These plants are rooted offsets (rooted bulbils) suitable for 2-gallon pots.
Agave vivipara (angustifolia) variegate 5-inch pots $20.00
This is the most widespread Agave in Mexico and Central America, and it is very common in cultivation. The medium to large rosette tends to sparsely offset until flowering, when it sends out numerous clones. The deeply guttered leaves are narrow and linear with sharp terminal spines. Numerous cultivars exist, but we offer the typical form. These plants are moderately frost hardy, taking leaf-margin damage below 25F. These plants are rooted bulbils in 5-inch pots.
Agave vizcainoensis 2-inch pots $8.00
This narrow endemic, which occurs in the western Vizcaino Desert (hence the name) of Baja California Sur, Mexico, is an intermediate-sized species that does not offset. The leaves are fleshy, blue-green, and lined with fierce spines. The terminal spine is relatively long and gray-brown. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Agave vizcainoensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This narrow endemic, which occurs in the western Vizcaino Desert (hence the name) of Baja California Sur, Mexico, is an intermediate-sized species that does not offset. The leaves are fleshy, blue-green, and lined with fierce spines. The terminal spine is relatively long and gray-brown. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave weberi one-gallon pots $25.00
Gentry (1982) cites a report that this species originally was from San Luis Potosi, Mexico, but mostly it is found in cultivation in the southern United States. This is the “Phoenix form,” and the plants have weak teeth along the margins, as opposed to the generally perceived normal form, which does not have teeth along the leaves. This is one of the largest of the Agaves, with a main rosette of gracefully arching blue-green leaves and proliferous offsets around the base. The inflorescence is extremely tall – several of our plants recently bloomed to produce spikes 25-30 feet tall! These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Agave xylonacantha 2-inch pots $8.00
From east-central Mexico, this solitary species produces relatively small rosettes. The gray-green leaves are sword-like, long and thick in the middle, and are armed with stout, fierce spines on the horny leaf margin. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it has taken 23F with minimal damage. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Agave xylonacantha 3-inch pots $10.00
From east-central Mexico, this solitary species produces relatively small rosettes. The gray-green leaves are sword-like, long and thick in the middle, and are armed with stout, fierce spines on the horny leaf margin. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it has taken 23F with minimal damage. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Agave xylonacantha 4-inch pots $15.00
From east-central Mexico, this solitary species produces relatively small rosettes. The gray-green leaves are sword-like, long and thick in the middle, and are armed with stout, fierce spines on the horny leaf margin. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it has taken 23F with minimal damage. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Agave xylonacantha 5-inch pots $20.00
From east-central Mexico, this solitary species produces relatively small rosettes. The gray-green leaves are sword-like, long and thick in the middle, and are armed with stout, fierce spines on the horny leaf margin. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it has taken 23F with minimal damage. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Albuca acuminata 4-inch pots $15.00
This bulb is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It can be raised partially above ground to display the onion-like tunic coverings of the bulb. The flowers are a typical Albuca green and white. Despite its natural habitat in a winter-rainfall area, it seems able to grow much of the year. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Albuca acuminata 5-inch pots $20.00
This bulb is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It can be raised partially above ground to display the onion-like tunic coverings of the bulb. The flowers are a typical Albuca green and white. Despite its natural habitat in a winter-rainfall area, it seems able to grow much of the year. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Albuca acuminata one-gallon pots $25.00
This bulb is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It can be raised partially above ground to display the onion-like tunic coverings of the bulb. The flowers are a typical Albuca green and white. Despite its natural habitat in a winter-rainfall area, it seems able to grow much of the year. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Albuca aurea 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this bulb tends to be bluish in color. It produces lanceolate, green leaves that can be a foot long or more. The flowers are erect and white to yellow in color. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Albuca cooperi 4-inch pots $15.00
Widely distributed in western South Africa, this bulb produces a short tunic above ground. The leaves are linear and medium length (1-2 feet). The flowers are light yellow with prominent green keels. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Albuca fastigiata 3-inch pots $10.00
From South Africa, this species differs from many Albucas by having broad, channeled leaves. The flowers are white with green keels. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Albuca fastigiata 5-inch pots $20.00
From South Africa, this species differs from many Albucas by having broad, channeled leaves. The flowers are white with green keels. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Albuca glauca 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from east-central South Africa, mostly in the summer rainfall area. The leaves produced by the rather large bulbs tend to be cylindrical linear. The flowers are green-white and differ from many species in the genus in that they are borne irregularly and horizontally. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Albuca glauca 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from east-central South Africa, mostly in the summer rainfall area. The leaves produced by the rather large bulbs tend to be cylindrical linear. The flowers are green-white and differ from many species in the genus in that they are borne irregularly and horizontally. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Albuca hallii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species ranges from southern Namibia south into western South Africa. The leaves of this species have a strong curl but lack the hairs that characterize A. namaquensis. The nodding flowers are yellow with green keels. These plants are offset bulbs in 5-inch pots.
Albuca namaquensis 3-inch pots $10.00
This Albuca, from Namaqualand in western South Africa, has thick upright leaves with a strong curl and short white bristles on the back. The flowers are yellow with green veins. This species is one of our favorites and we offer seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Albuca setosa (Augrabie Hills) 3-inch pots $10.00
This is a dwarf species of Albuca from the Augrabie Hills, which lie west of Springbok, South Africa. It resembles an Ornithogalum in the way new bulbs break through the skin of the mature bulb and how the bulbs protrude above the soil surface. The leaves are very thin and 3 to 5-inches long. The upright flowers have white tepals with green keels, and the inner tepals are yellow-tipped. These plants are flowering-size seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Albuca setosa (Augrabie Hills) 4-inch pots $15.00
This is a dwarf species of Albuca from the Augrabie Hills, which lie west of Springbok, South Africa. It resembles an Ornithogalum in the way new bulbs break through the skin of the mature bulb and how the bulbs protrude above the soil surface. The leaves are very thin and 3 to 5-inches long. The upright flowers have white tepals with green keels, and the inner tepals are yellow-tipped. These plants are flowering-size seedlings with multiple offsets in 4-inch pots.
Albuca setosa (Augrabie Hills) 5-inch pots $20.00
This is a dwarf species of Albuca from the Augrabie Hills, which lie west of Springbok, Republic of South Africa. It resembles an Ornithogalum in the way new bulbs break through the skin of the mature bulb and how the bulbs protrude above the soil surface. The leaves are very thin and 3 to 5-inches long. The upright flowers have white tepals with green keels, and the inner tepals are yellow-tipped. These plants are flowering-size seedlings with multiple offsets in 5-inch pots.
Albuca setosa (Pakhuis Pass) 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, collected from Pakhuis Pass east of Clanwilliam, Western Cape Province, South Africa, has a small bulb that offsets freely. The bulbs protrude above the surface of the soil and have wrinkled tunics below the bases of the leaves. The leaves are almost thread-like, and the flowers are white and very fragrant. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Albuca setosa (Pakhuis Pass) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, collected from Pakhuis Pass east of Clanwilliam, Western Cape Province, South Africa, has a small bulb that offsets freely. The bulbs protrude above the surface of the soil and have wrinkled tunics below the bases of the leaves. The leaves are almost thread-like, and the flowers are white and very fragrant. These plants are seedlings 4-inch pots.
Albuca setosa (Pakhuis Pass) 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, collected from Pakhuis Pass east of Clanwilliam, Western Cape Province, South Africa, has a small bulb that offsets freely. The bulbs protrude above the surface of the soil and have wrinkled tunics below the bases of the leaves. The leaves are almost thread-like, and the flowers are white and very fragrant. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Albuca sp. (MVassa 4422) 3-inch pots $10.00
The original material for this potentially undescribed species was collected 27 km southwest of Willowmore, South Africa. The leaves are linear and narrow, and it rises from a tunic-covered, above-ground bulb that resembles an Ornithogalum. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Albuca sp. (MVassa 4422) 5-inch pots $20.00
The original material for this potentially undescribed species was collected 27 km southwest of Willowmore, South Africa. The leaves are linear and narrow, and it rises from a tunic-covered, above-ground bulb that resembles an Ornithogalum. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Albuca spiralis 5-inch pots $20.00
This bulb, which looks somewhat like an onion when dormant, has leaves like tightly spiraled cork screws. It grows in the Western Cape Province and Namaqualand of South Africa. This plant is so unusual it once won the "People’s Choice" award at the Tri-City show in Los Angeles. The flowers are white and green and pendulous. These plants are in 5-inch pots.
Albuca tortuosa 5-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed across the southern provinces of South Africa, this species grows in the summer rainfall area. As with many Albuca, the bulb produces wide leaves, but the leaves of this species are upright and twisted, hence the name. The flowers are yellow with a green keel. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Albuca tortuosa one-gallon pots $25.00
Widely distributed across the southern provinces of South Africa, this species grows in the summer rainfall area. As with many Albuca, the bulb produces wide leaves, but the leaves of this species are upright and twisted, hence the name. The flowers are yellow with a green keel. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Alluaudia dumosa 5-inch pots $20.00
Another Madagascaran species, this Alluaudia is from the southwestern part of the island. It has no leaves and few spines, making it quite unusual among the Alluaudias. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Alluaudia dumosa one-gallon pots $25.00
Another Madagascaran species, this Alluaudia is from the southwestern part of the island. It has no leaves and few spines, making it quite unusual among the Alluaudias. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Alluaudia humbertii 4-inch pots $15.00
Another species from Madagascar, this Alluaudia forms a large shrub or small tree. Its leaves are grey-green, and the branches are relatively thin with many spines. This species is much faster growing and is hardier than A. comosa. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Alluaudia humbertii one-gallon pots $25.00
Another species from Madagascar, this Alluaudia forms a large shrub or small tree. Its leaves are grey-green, and the branches are relatively thin with many spines. This species is much faster growing and is hardier than A. comosa. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Alluaudia procera 5-inch pots $20.00
This is one of the most common and recognized of the Alluaudias from Madagascar. It looks somewhat like the New World ocotillo but has nearly ovate green leaves among the conspicuous spines. The species, which is dioecious, has panicles of white flowers. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Alluaudia procera one-gallon pots $25.00
This is one of the most common and recognized of the Alluaudias from Madagascar. It looks somewhat like the New World ocotillo but has nearly ovate green leaves among the conspicuous spines. The species, which is dioecious, has panicles of white flowers. We offer rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Alluaudiopsis fiherenensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This shrub is larger in most respects to Alluaudiopsis marnieriana and is also from Madagascar. This species produces spiny stems bearing succulent green leaves arranged sparsely along the branches. The flowers are green-yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe acutissima var. itampolensis 5-inch pots $20.00
From Madagascar, this much-branched shrub produces a number of relatively short (<2 feet) stems. The leaves are green, narrow, and recurved downwards. The flowers are red. Variety itampolensis has more marginal teeth on the leaves and fewer branches on the inflorescence. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe acutissima var. itampolensis 4-inch pots $15.00
From Madagascar, this much-branched shrub produces a number of relatively short (<2 feet) stems. The leaves are green, narrow, and recurved downwards. The flowers are red. Variety itampolensis has more marginal teeth on the leaves and fewer branches on the inflorescence. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe acutissima var. itampolensis one-gallon pots $25.00
From Madagascar, this much-branched shrub produces a number of relatively short (<2 feet) stems. The leaves are green, narrow, and recurved downwards. The flowers are red. Variety itampolensis has more marginal teeth on the leaves and fewer branches on the inflorescence. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe adigratana one-gallon pots $30.00
From Ethiopia (JL 73), this shrubby Aloe forms erect stems to 3-6 feet in length. It has broad, triangular leaves with small white spots. The flowers are yellow-orange. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe albiflora 4-inch pots $15.00
From Madagascar, this small species freely offsets, forming small groups of rosettes. The leaves are nearly linear, densely spotted against a gray-green background. The flowers are white, as the species epithet suggests, but this clone has yellow-orange tepals on the unopened inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe albiflora 5-inch pots $20.00
From Madagascar, this small species freely offsets, forming small groups of rosettes. The leaves are nearly linear, densely spotted against a gray-green background. The flowers are white, as the species epithet suggests, but this clone has yellow-orange tepals on the unopened inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe albiflora one-gallon pots $25.00
From Madagascar, this small species freely offsets, forming small groups of rosettes. The leaves are nearly linear, densely spotted against a gray-green background. The flowers are white, as the species epithet suggests, but this clone has yellow-orange tepals on the unopened inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe albiflora one-gallon pots $25.00
From Madagascar, this small species freely offsets, forming small groups of rosettes. The leaves are nearly linear, densely spotted against a gray-green background. The flowers are white, as the species epithet suggests, but this clone has yellow-orange tepals on the unopened inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe alfredii 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Madagascar, this species is a shrub that branches from the base. The leaves are linear and gray-green in color with dull marginal teeth. The flowers are yellow with green stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe alfredii 2-gallon pots $45.00
From Madagascar, this species is a shrub that branches from the base. The leaves are linear and gray-green in color with dull marginal teeth. The flowers are yellow with green stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe alfredii 5-inch pots $20.00
From Madagascar, this species is a shrub that branches from the base. The leaves are linear and gray-green in color with dull marginal teeth. The flowers are yellow with green stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe alfredii one-gallon pots $25.00
From Madagascar, this species is a shrub that branches from the base. The leaves are linear and gray-green in color with dull marginal teeth. The flowers are yellow with green stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe ambigens 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Somalia, this shrubby species has thin, long and weak stems crowned by a rosette of blue-grey leaves. The flowers are produced in late fall and are red. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe ambigens 4-inch pots $15.00
From Somalia, this shrubby species has thin, long and weak stems crowned by a rosette of blue-grey leaves. The flowers are produced in late fall and are red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe ambigens 5-inch pots $20.00
From Somalia, this shrubby species has thin, long and weak stems crowned by a rosette of blue-grey leaves. The flowers are produced in late fall and are red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe ambigens one-gallon pots $25.00
From Somalia, this shrubby species has thin, long and weak stems crowned by a rosette of blue-grey leaves. The flowers are produced in late fall and are red. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe amudatensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from northern Kenya and Uganda, forms groups of suckering plants. This species differs from Aloe ellenbeckii by its more robust form, both in leaf and flower. We have this species growing in the ground in protected sites in Tucson. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe amudatensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from northern Kenya and Uganda, forms groups of suckering plants. This species differs from Aloe ellenbeckii by its more robust form, both in leaf and flower. We have this species growing in the ground in protected sites in Tucson. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe amudatensis one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, from northern Kenya and Uganda, forms groups of suckering plants. This species differs from Aloe ellenbeckii by its more robust form, both in leaf and flower. We have this species growing in the ground in protected sites in Tucson. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe amudatensis one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, from northern Kenya and Uganda, forms groups of suckering plants. This species differs from Aloe ellenbeckii by its more robust form, both in leaf and flower. We have this species growing in the ground in protected sites in Tucson. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe andongensis var. andongensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This shrubby species is from Angola. It prolifically offsets, producing relatively weak branches that can lay on the ground or hang, and the leaves are light green and lanceolate, with the undersides dotted with numerous white spots. The flowers are capitate and range from orange to red. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe andongensis var. andongensis one-gallon pots $25.00
This shrubby species is from Angola. It prolifically offsets, producing relatively weak branches that can lay on the ground or hang, and the leaves are light green and lanceolate, with the undersides dotted with numerous white spots. The flowers are capitate and range from orange to red. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe andongensis var. repens 5-inch pots $20.00
This shrubby species is from Angola. It prolifically offsets, producing relatively weak branches that can lay on the ground or hang, and the leaves are gray-green and lanceolate, with the undersides dotted with numerous white spots. The flowers are capitate and range from orange to red. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe arborescens (spineless) 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are the shrubby form of Aloe arborescens, one of the common species from South Africa through East Africa, but the leaves are yellow-green without marginal teeth. The plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe arborescens (spineless) one-gallon pots $25.00
These plants are the shrubby form of Aloe arborescens, one of the common species from South Africa through East Africa, but the leaves are yellow-green without marginal teeth. The plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe arborescens (variegate) one-gallon pots $25.00
These plants are the shrubby form of Aloe arborescens, one of the common species from South Africa through East Africa, but the leaves are light yellow-green with soft marginal teeth. They prolifically offset, and some of the offsets have thin white stripes. This is a striking variegate that is easy to grow but is less frost-tolerant than the non-variegated form. The plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe arborescens (yellow flowers) 4-inch pots $15.00
Aloe arborescens is one of the common species from South Africa that extends northwards into Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The leaves are light green with a glossy appearance and regularly spaced blunt spines. The flowers are yellow, which is unusual for this species, and are borne in a dense simple inflorescence. The plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe arborescens (yellow flowers) 5-inch pots $20.00
Aloe arborescens is one of the common species from South Africa that extends northwards into Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The leaves are light green with a glossy appearance and regularly spaced blunt spines. The flowers are yellow, which is unusual for this species, and are borne in a dense simple inflorescence. The plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe arborescens one-gallon pots $25.00
Aloe arborescens is one of the common species from South Africa that extends northwards into Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The leaves are light green with a glossy appearance and regularly spaced blunt spines. The flowers are red and borne in a dense simple inflorescence. This plant tends to prefer coastal, moderate environments, but We’ve grown it in Tucson for many years where it has taken the low 20sF with little or no damage. The plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe arenicola one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is mostly found in coastal areas of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. It is a dimorphic species, with the young stems snaking along the ground with short leaves, the adult leaves being densely white-spotted and upright. The flowers are orange-red. This is a difficult species to grow and it is restricted to sand sheets in winter-rainfall areas. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe aristata 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is widely distributed in central South Africa, extending into Lesotho, where We’ve seen it growing in places known to get to less than 0F. A beautiful, dwarf aloe, this species slowly clumps to form small clusters of plants that resemble A. haworthioides on steroids. The flowers are typically orange to dull red. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe aristata 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is widely distributed in central South Africa, extending into Lesotho, where We’ve seen it growing in places known to get to less than 0F. A beautiful, dwarf aloe, this species slowly clumps to form small clusters of plants that resemble A. haworthioides on steroids. The flowers are typically orange to dull red. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe aristata 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is widely distributed in central South Africa, extending into Lesotho, where we‘ve seen it growing in places known to get to less than 0F. A beautiful, dwarf aloe, this species slowly clumps to form small clusters of plants that resemble A. haworthioides on steroids. The flowers are typically orange to dull red. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe aristata one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is widely distributed in central South Africa, extending into Lesotho, where We’ve seen it growing in places known to get to less than 0F. A beautiful, dwarf aloe, this species slowly clumps to form small clusters of plants that resemble A. haworthioides on steroids. The flowers are typically orange to dull red. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe austroarabica 2-gallon pots $40.00
From Yemen and southern Saudi Arabia, this species has yellow-green leaves that are spotted when young and immaculate when mature. The flowers are white-yellow with some light wool. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe austroarabica 4-inch pots $15.00
From Yemen and southern Saudi Arabia, this species has yellow-green leaves that are spotted when young and immaculate when mature. The flowers are white-yellow with some light wool. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe austroarabica 5-inch pots $20.00
From Yemen and southern Saudi Arabia, this species has yellow-green leaves that are spotted when young and immaculate when mature. The flowers are white-yellow with some light wool. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe babatiensis one-gallon pots $30.00
From the Northern Province of Tanzania, this shrubby species is one of the three species – the other two are A. fibrosa and A. morijensis – with significant fiber in the stems and leaves. Like many East African shrubby species, it features dark green leaves with substantial marginal teeth. The flowers are pink. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe bakeri 3-inch pots $10.00
Aloe bakeri is from Madagascar, and it is listed as a CITES level 1 species for reasons beyond comprehension. Easily propagated from cuttings, it has thin stems and lanceolate-linear leaves that are very graceful. The flowers are red-orange blending to white at the mouth. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe bakeri 4-inch pots $15.00
It really does exist! Aloe bakeri is from Madagascar, and it is listed as a CITES level 1 species for reasons beyond comprehension. Easily propagated from cuttings, it has thin stems and lanceolate-linear leaves that are very graceful. The flowers are red-orange blending to white at the mouth. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe barbara-jeppeae 2-inch pots $10.00
This species is from South Africa. This species is very similar to Aloe vryheidensis. It can also be easily confused with Aloe reitzii, Aloe spicata and Aloe castanea. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe barbara-jeppeae 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from South Africa. This species is very similar to Aloe vryheidensis. It can also be easily confused with Aloe reitzii, Aloe spicata and Aloe castanea. These plants are seedlings in4-inch pots.
Aloe barberae 2-gallon pots $35.00
Previously known as Aloe bainesii, this tree Aloe can grow to 50-feet high on the east coast of South Africa. Aloe barberae forms a thick trunk with many branches, and it has leaves that are recurved and deeply channeled with minute white teeth on the margins. We have a plant outside in a protected spot in Tucson. We are offering this species in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe barberae 3-inch pots $10.00
Previously known as Aloe bainesii, this tree Aloe can grow to 50-feet high on the east coast of South Africa. Aloe barberae forms a thick trunk with many branches, and it has leaves that are recurved and deeply channeled with minute white teeth on the margins. We have a plant outside in a protected spot in Tucson. We are offering this species in 3-inch pots.
Aloe belavenokensis 3-inch pots $10.00
Formerly of the genus Lomatophyllum, this species is from southeastern Madagascar. Prolifically offsetting, the medium-size rosettes have yellow-green leaves with reddish marginal spines. The flowers are carried in a short inflorescence and are light red-orange with yellow lips. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe belavenokensis 4-inch pots $15.00
Formerly of the genus Lomatophyllum, this species is from southeastern Madagascar. Prolifically offsetting, the medium-size rosettes have yellow-green leaves with reddish marginal spines. The flowers are carried in a short inflorescence and are light red-orange with yellow lips. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe belavenokensis 5-inch pots $20.00
Formerly of the genus Lomatophyllum, this species is from southeastern Madagascar. Prolifically offsetting, the medium-size rosettes have yellow-green leaves with reddish marginal spines. The flowers are carried in a short inflorescence and are light red-orange with yellow lips. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe berevoana 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Madagascar, this shrubby Aloe prolifically offsets. The leaves are a light green color and lanceolate with acute tips. The rather sparse inflorescence has dark red flowers. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe berevoana 5-inch pots $20.00
From Madagascar, this shrubby Aloe prolifically offsets. The leaves are a light green color and lanceolate with acute tips. The rather sparse inflorescence has dark red flowers. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe bertemariae 5-inch pots $20.00
From one locality in Ethiopia, this acaulescent and clustering species produces a rosette of dull gray-green and spotted leaves with reddish margins. The flowers are dull red with green tips. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe boiteaui 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from southeastern Madagascar. This small species, which offsets, has narrow and long, glossy-green leaves in its rosette. The flowers are reddish-orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Aloe boiteaui 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from southeastern Madagascar. This small species, which offsets, has narrow and long, glossy-green leaves in its rosette. The flowers are reddish-orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe bosseri 2-inch pots $8.00
Aloe bosseri is from west central Madagascar. Related to A. viguieri, it has light-green leaves that are relatively long. The flowers are red-orange with greenish-yellow lips. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe brachystachys 4-inch pots $15.00
This is "an imperfectly known" species from southeastern Tanzania. It is acaulescent, with green leaves bearing lineations, recurved marginal teeth, and a reddish margin and tip. It has orange-red flowers held in a simple inflorescence. The key characteristic of this species are the floral bracts, which are large and reddish. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe brachystachys 5-inch pots $20.00
This is "an imperfectly known" species from southeastern Tanzania. It is acaulescent, with green leaves bearing lineations, recurved marginal teeth, and a reddish margin and tip. It has orange-red flowers held in a simple inflorescence. The key characteristic of this species are the floral bracts, which are large and reddish. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe brandhamii 3-gallon pots $45.00
This member of the Aloe secundiflora complex is from Tanzania. These sparsely offsetting plants have glossy, olive-green leaves with strong black marginal teeth, and A. brandhamii is larger in all rosette dimensions than A. secundiflora. The flowers are not secund, are red, and are held in tall, multibranched inflorescences. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-gallon pots.
Aloe brevifolia (variegated) 5-inch pots $30.00
This Aloe species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, particularly in the southern coastal region that has a winter-rainfall regime. The leaves have a variety of shapes and spination but are grey-green. The species is proliferous, eventually forming a cluster of rosettes, and the flowers are various shades of red. These plants are variegated with white and yellow stripes. We offer seedlings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Aloe brevifolia (variegated) 8-inch pots $50.00
This Aloe species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, particularly in the southern coastal region that has a winter-rainfall regime. The leaves have a variety of shapes and spination but are grey-green. The species is proliferous, eventually forming a cluster of rosettes, and the flowers are various shades of red. These plants are variegated with white and yellow stripes. We offer seedlings of this species in 8-inch pots.
Aloe brevifolia (variegated) one-gallon pots $45.00
This Aloe species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, particularly in the southern coastal region that has a winter-rainfall regime. The leaves have a variety of shapes and spination but are grey-green. The species is proliferous, eventually forming a cluster of rosettes, and the flowers are various shades of red. These plants are variegated with white and yellow stripes. We offer seedlings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Aloe brevifolia var. brevifolia 4-inch pots $15.00
This Aloe species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, particularly in the southern coastal region that has a winter-rainfall regime. The leaves have a variety of shapes and spination but are grey-green. The species is proliferous, eventually forming a cluster of rosettes, and the flowers are various shades of red. We grow this species in the ground in Tucson, where it is reasonably frost hardy. We offer seedlings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Aloe brevifolia var. brevifolia 5-inch pots $20.00
This Aloe species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, particularly in the southern coastal region that has a winter-rainfall regime. The leaves have a variety of shapes and spination but are grey-green. The species is proliferous, eventually forming a cluster of rosettes, and the flowers are various shades of red. We grow this species in the ground in Tucson, where it is reasonably frost hardy. We offer seedlings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Aloe brevifolia var. depressa 5-inch pots $20.00
This Aloe species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, particularly in the southern coastal region that has a winter-rainfall regime. This variety has fewer spines and larger rosette than the typical species. The leaves have a variety of shapes and spination but are grey-green. The species is proliferous, eventually forming a cluster of rosettes, and the flowers are various shades of red. We grow this species in the ground in Tucson, where it is reasonably frost hardy. We offer rooted offsets of this species in 5-inch pots.
Aloe bulbillifera var. bulbillifera 2-gallon pots $40.00
This species from Madagascar is known primarily for its bulbil production on the racemes. The leaves are green with relatively small and inconspicuous teeth on the margins. The flowers are red and quite pretty. Our plants grown outside have taken minimal damage at 20F and major damage at 18F. These plants are established bulbils in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe bulbillifera var. bulbillifera 2-gallon pots $35.00
This species from Madagascar is known primarily for its bulbil production on the racemes. The leaves are green with relatively small and inconspicuous teeth on the margins. The flowers are red and quite pretty. Our plants grown outside have taken minimal damage at 20F and major damage at 18F. These plants are established bulbils in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe bulbillifera var. bulbillifera 4-inch pots $15.00
This species from Madagascar is known primarily for its bulbil production on the racemes. The leaves are green with relatively small and inconspicuous teeth on the margins. The flowers are red and quite pretty. Our plants grown outside have taken minimal damage at 20F and major damage at 18F. These plants are established bulbils in 4-inch pots.
Aloe bulbillifera var. bulbillifera 5-inch pots $20.00
This species from Madagascar is known primarily for its bulbil production on the racemes. The leaves are green with relatively small and inconspicuous teeth on the margins. The flowers are red and quite pretty. Our plants grown outside have taken minimal damage at 20F and major damage at 18F. These plants are established bulbils in 5-inch pots.
Aloe bulbillifera var. bulbillifera one-gallon pots $25.00
This species from Madagascar is known primarily for its bulbil production on the racemes. The leaves are green with relatively small and inconspicuous teeth on the margins. The flowers are red and quite pretty. Our plants grown outside have taken minimal damage at 20F and major damage at 18F. These plants are established bulbils in one-gallon pots.
Aloe burgersfortensis 2-inch pots $8.00
Originally found near the town of Burgersfort, in Mpumalanga Province of South Africa, this spotted Aloe forms small groups. The leaves are white spotted on a green-gray background, and the flowers are multicolored with mostly red tubes with white striping. This plant is hardy in Tucson, taking little leaf damage at 23F. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe burgersfortensis 3-inch pots $10.00
Originally found near the town of Burgersfort, in Mpumalanga Province of South Africa, this spotted Aloe forms small groups. The leaves are white spotted on a green-gray background, and the flowers are multicolored with mostly red tubes with white striping. This plant is hardy in Tucson, taking little leaf damage at 23F. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Aloe burgersfortensis 4-inch pots $15.00
Originally found near the town of Burgersfort, in Mpumalanga Province of South Africa, this spotted Aloe forms small groups. The leaves are white spotted on a green-gray background, and the flowers are multicolored with mostly red tubes with white striping. This plant is hardy in Tucson, taking little leaf damage at 23F. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe burgersfortensis 5-inch pots $20.00
Originally found near the town of Burgersfort, in Mpumalanga Province, Republic of South Africa, this spotted Aloe forms small groups. The leaves are white spotted on a green-gray background, and the flowers are multicolored with mostly red tubes with white striping. This plant is hardy in Tucson, taking little leaf damage at 23F. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe bussei 2-gallon pots $40.00
This offsetting species is from central Tanzania. The leaves are immaculate, brown and quite distinctive most of the year but turning greenish brown when growing in the summer. The flowers are red and held on a short inflorescence. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe bussei 5-inch pots $20.00
This offsetting species is from central Tanzania. The leaves are immaculate, brown and quite distinctive most of the year but turning greenish brown when growing in the summer. The flowers are red and held on a short inflorescence. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe butiabana 2-gallon pots $35.00
From near Lake Albert in western Uganda, this species is very similar to Aloe lolwensis, which occurs much farther south. Among other differences, the rosettes are more robust and the inflorescences are taller and more branched than A. lolwensis. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe butiabana 3-gallon pots $45.00
From near Lake Albert in western Uganda, this species is very similar to Aloe lolwensis, which occurs much farther south. Among other differences, the rosettes are more robust and the inflorescences are taller and more branched than A. lolwensis. These plants are seedlings in 3-gallon pots.
Aloe butiabana 4-inch pots $15.00
From near Lake Albert in western Uganda, this species is very similar to Aloe lolwensis, which occurs much farther south. Among other differences, the rosettes are more robust and the inflorescences are taller and more branched than A. lolwensis. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe butiabana 5-inch pots $20.00
From near Lake Albert in western Uganda, this species is very similar to Aloe lolwensis, which occurs much farther south. Among other differences, the rosettes are more robust and the inflorescences are taller and more branched than A. lolwensis. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe butiabana one-gallon pots $25.00
From near Lake Albert in western Uganda, this species is very similar to Aloe lolwensis, which occurs much farther south. Among other differences, the rosettes are more robust and the inflorescences are taller and more branched than A. lolwensis. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe cameronii var. cameronii 4-inch pots $15.00
From Malawi and Mozambique, this shrubby aloe has light green leaves that gain a reddish-copper glow when stressed or in high light conditions. This beautiful plant prolifically offsets, producing simple, unbranched stems with narrow leaves, and the flowers are bright red held in an inflorescence a little less than a foot long. This is a highly variable species. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cameronii var. cameronii 5-inch pots $20.00
From Malawi and Mozambique, this shrubby aloe has light green leaves that gain a reddish-copper glow when stressed or in high light conditions. This beautiful plant prolifically offsets, producing simple, unbranched stems with narrow leaves, and the flowers are bright red held in an inflorescence a little less than a foot long. This is a highly variable species. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe camperi 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Ethiopia and Eritrea, this prolific clumping species has succulent, lance-like leaves speckled with white on the undersides. The red, broad spines are a distinctive feature of this species. This form has red flowers and tends to be more upright than the yellow version. These plants have taken 18F low temperatures in Tucson. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe camperi 5-inch pots $20.00
From Ethiopia and Eritrea, this prolific clumping species has succulent, lance-like leaves speckled with white on the undersides. The red, broad spines are a distinctive feature of this species. This form has orange-red flowers and tends to be more upright than the yellow version. These plants have taken 18F low temperatures in Tucson. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe camperi one-gallon pots $25.00
From Ethiopia and Eritrea, this prolific clumping species has succulent, lance-like leaves speckled with white on the undersides. The red, broad spines are a distinctive feature of this species. This form has red flowers and tends to be more upright than the yellow version. These plants have taken 18F low temperatures in Tucson. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe castilloniae (Castillon) 3-inch pots $12.00
From Madagascar, this small species offsets sparsely. It has rather brittle olive-green leaves that are strongly recurved. The flowers are held on a very short inflorescence and are red-orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe castilloniae 3-inch pots $12.00
From Madagascar, this small species offsets sparsely. It has rather brittle olive-green leaves that are strongly recurved and bear red tubercles. The flowers are held on a very short inflorescence and are red-orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe castilloniae 4-inch pots $15.00
From Madagascar, this small species offsets sparsely. It has rather brittle olive-green leaves that are strongly recurved and bear red tubercles. The flowers are held on a very short inflorescence and are red-orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe castilloniae 5-inch pots $20.00
From Madagascar, this small species offsets sparsely. It has rather brittle olive-green leaves that are strongly recurved and bear red tubercles. The flowers are held on a very short inflorescence and are red-orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe chaubaudii var. chaubaudii (Hwange form) 5-inch pots $20.00
This is a widely distributed aloe, ranging from Tanzania down to South Africa. It also is highly variable, and the different forms have different characteristics. This version from near Hwange, Zimbabwe, has gray-green leaves and forms large clumps. The flowers are yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe chaubaudii var. chaubaudii (Hwange form) 5-inch pots $20.00
This is a widely distributed aloe, ranging from Tanzania down to South Africa. It also is highly variable, and the different forms have different characteristics. This version from near Hwange, Zimbabwe, has gray-green leaves and forms large clumps. The flowers are yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe chaubaudii var. chaubaudii (Hwange form) one-gallon pots $25.00
This is a widely distributed aloe, ranging from Tanzania down to South Africa. It also is highly variable, and the different forms have different characteristics. This version from near Hwange, Zimbabwe, has gray-green leaves and forms large clumps. The flowers are yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe chaubaudii var. chaubaudii (Matopos form) 4-inch pots $15.00
This is a widely distributed aloe, ranging from Tanzania down to South Africa. The Matopos form is from the vicinity of Matopos National Park in Zimbabwe. The leaves tend to be more blue-green than the typical form. The flowers are a dull red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe chaubaudii var. chaubaudii 2-inch pots $8.00
This is a widely distributed aloe, ranging from Tanzania down to South Africa. It also is highly variable, and the different forms have different characteristics. This version has gray-green leaves and forms large clumps. The flowers are a dull red. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe chaubaudii var. chaubaudii 4-inch pots $15.00
This is a widely distributed aloe, ranging from Tanzania down to South Africa. It also is highly variable, and the different forms have different characteristics. This version has gray-green leaves and forms large clumps. The flowers are a dull red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe chaubaudii var. chaubaudii one-gallon pots $25.00
This is a widely distributed aloe, ranging from Tanzania down to South Africa. It also is highly variable, and the different forms have different characteristics. This version has gray-green leaves and forms large clumps. The flowers are a dull red. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe cheranganiensis (Ortum, Kenya) 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Kenya and Uganda, this shrubby species grows into dense stands that branch from the ground. The fleshy, narrow leaves are a light green and spotted with white, and the flowers are orange-yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe cheranganiensis 5-gallon pots $65.00
From Kenya and Uganda, this shrubby species grows into dense stands that branch from the ground. The fleshy, narrow leaves are a light green and spotted with white, and the flowers are orange-yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-gallon pots.
Aloe ciliaris var. ciliaris 5-inch pots $20.00
Aloe ciliaris grows in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, particularly in areas with higher rainfall. It is a sprawling plant that does best when supported on vegetation or taped to stakes. The flowers are red and conspicuous. It can take light frost, which it experiences in habitat, but will take major stem damage in the low 20s. This is the real species, not the more commonly available hybrid. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe ciliaris var. ciliaris one-gallon pots $25.00
Aloe ciliaris grows in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, particularly in areas with higher rainfall. It is a sprawling plant that does best when supported on vegetation or taped to stakes. The flowers are red and conspicuous. It can take light frost, which it experiences in habitat, but will take major stem damage in the low 20s. This is the real species, not the more commonly available hybrid. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe citrina 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from north-central Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia. This maculate Aloe forms small clumps bearing glossy-green leaves. The flowers are yellow and finely tomentose. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe citrina 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from north-central Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia. This maculate Aloe forms small clumps bearing glossy-green leaves. The flowers are yellow and finely tomentose. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe clarkei 3-gallon pots $55.00
From the border region of the Sudan and Ethiopia, this species is known from only one mountain top. It is an offsetting shrubby species with toothy green leaves. The flowers are red or yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-gallon pots.
Aloe clarkei one-gallon pots $30.00
From the border region of the Sudan and Ethiopia, this species is known from only one mountain top. It is an offsetting shrubby species with toothy green leaves. The flowers are red or yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe claviflora 4-inch pots $15.00
From the western provinces of South Africa that include the Great Karoo, this species is somewhat unusual within the genus. These plants are grown from open pollinated seeds that look like the real deal. The flower are distinctively club-shaped, earning the epithet. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe comptonii 2-inch pots $8.00
Aloe comptonii comes from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, where it commonly hangs from cliffs. Related to Aloe mitriformis and A. distans, A. comptonii can take more summer rainfall and therefore is a bit harder than those other two, which come from arid, winter-rainfall areas. This species has brilliant red flowers that bloom in early spring. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe confusa 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Kenya and Tanzania, where it forms large shrubby masses of plant. Because there are a number of species that roughly look like this one, it has earned its name, but it tends to be distinguished by its sap, which dries purple and makes it somewhat unique among this group of East African Aloes. The leaves are narrow, falcate, and gray-green with white spots. the flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe confusa 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Kenya and Tanzania, where it forms large shrubby masses of plant. Because there are a number of species that roughly look like this one, it has earned its name, but it tends to be distinguished by its sap, which dries purple and makes it somewhat unique among this group of East African Aloes. The leaves are narrow, falcate, and gray-green with white spots. the flowers are yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe confusa one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from Kenya and Tanzania, where it forms large shrubby masses of plant. Because there are a number of species that roughly look like this one, it has earned its name, but it tends to be distinguished by its sap, which dries purple and makes it somewhat unique among this group of East African Aloes. The leaves are narrow, falcate, and gray-green with white spots. the flowers are yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe congolensis 5-inch pots $20.00
Is it a species? a hybrid? No one knows for sure, but the name suggests it comes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This interesting plant has fleshy, deltoid, glossy-green leaves held on short branches. It offsets prolifically, and we have no idea what the flower color is since We’ve never seen that happen. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe congolensis one-gallon pots $25.00
Is it a species? a hybrid? No one knows for sure, but the name suggests it comes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This interesting plant has fleshy, deltoid, glossy-green leaves held on short branches. It offsets prolifically, and we have no idea what the flower color is since we've never seen that happen. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe conifera 4-inch pots $15.00
From Madagascar, this species is a solitary rosette on a short stem. The leaves are a blue-grey color that is quite distinctive. The yellow flowers are borne in a cone-shaped inflorescence. We offer seedlings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Aloe conifera 5-inch pots $20.00
From Madagascar, this species is a solitary rosette on a short stem. The leaves are a blue-grey color that is quite distinctive. The yellow flowers are borne in a cone-shaped inflorescence. We offer seedlings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cremnophila 4-inch pots $15.00
As the name indicates, this is a cliff-hanging species, and it comes from Somalia. It forms proliferous clumps of rosettes that ultimately hang over pot edges. The inflorescence has a U-shape bend in it, and the flowers are scarlet. We‘ve grown this species outside for years, where it has withstood neglect and 23F. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cremnophila 5-inch pots $20.00
As the name indicates, this is a cliff-hanging species, and it comes from Somalia. It forms proliferous clumps of rosettes that ultimately hang over pot edges. The inflorescence has a U-shape bend in it, and the flowers are scarlet. We′ve grown this species outside for years, where it has withstood neglect and 23F. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cremnophila one-gallon pots $25.00
As the name indicates, this is a cliff-hanging species, and it comes from Somalia. It forms proliferous clumps of rosettes that ultimately hang over pot edges. The inflorescence has a U-shape bend in it, and the flowers are scarlet. We've grown this species outside for years, where it has withstood neglect and 23F. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe cryptopoda hybrids 2-gallon pots $35.00
You know, sometimes you just make mistakes. We had our Aloe cryptopoda plants flowering in late December, just when it seemed that nothing else in Aloeland was blooming, and the hummingbirds pollinated our plants. To our surprise, and a little disgust, we got a lot of hybrids! These plants bear varying degrees of difference from the true species, mostly in terms of grayer leaves and the appearance of spots on the leaves. We highly suspect that these plants are at least as hardy as the original plants, which have taken 20F with only leaf-edge damage. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe cryptopoda hybrids 3-inch pots $10.00
You know, sometimes you just make mistakes. We had our Aloe cryptopoda plants flowering in late December, just when it seemed that nothing else in Aloeland was blooming, and the hummingbirds pollinated our plants. To our surprise, and a little disgust, we got a lot of hybrids! These plants bear varying degrees of difference from the true species, mostly in terms of grayer leaves and the appearance of spots on the leaves. We highly suspect that these plants are at least as hardy as the original plants, which have taken 20F with only leaf-edge damage. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Aloe cryptopoda hybrids 4-inch pots $15.00
You know, sometimes you just make mistakes. We had our Aloe cryptopoda plants flowering in late December, just when it seemed that nothing else in Aloeland was blooming, and the hummingbirds pollinated our plants. To our surprise, and a little disgust, we got a lot of hybrids! These plants bear varying degrees of difference from the true species, mostly in terms of grayer leaves and the appearance of spots on the leaves. We highly suspect that these plants are at least as hardy as the original plants, which have taken 20F with only leaf-edge damage. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cryptopoda hybrids 5-inch pots $20.00
You know, sometimes you just make mistakes. We had our Aloe cryptopoda plants flowering in late December, just when it seemed that nothing else in Aloeland was blooming, and the hummingbirds pollinated our plants. To our surprise, and a little disgust, we got a lot of hybrids! These plants bear varying degrees of difference from the true species, mostly in terms of grayer leaves and the appearance of spots on the leaves. We highly suspect that these plants are at least as hardy as the original plants, which have taken 20F with only leaf-edge damage. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cryptopoda hybrids one-gallon pots $25.00
You know, sometimes you just make mistakes. We had our Aloe cryptopoda plants flowering in late December, just when it seemed that nothing else in Aloeland was blooming, and the hummingbirds pollinated our plants. To our surprise, and a little disgust, we got a lot of hybrids! These plants bear varying degrees of difference from the true species, mostly in terms of grayer leaves and the appearance of spots on the leaves. We highly suspect that these plants are at least as hardy as the original plants, which have taken 20F with only leaf-edge damage. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Black Beauty 4-inch pots $15.00
This extremely nice hybrid Aloe has lanceolate, sword-like leaves covered with black tubercles. This hybrid offsets slowly at our greenhouses. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Black Beauty 5-inch pots $20.00
This extremely nice hybrid Aloe has lanceolate, sword-like leaves covered with black tubercles. This hybrid offsets slowly at our greenhouses. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Black Gem 4-inch pots $15.00
This extremely nice hybrid Aloe has lanceolate, sword-like leaves that are smooth and dark green. This hybrid offsets slowly at our greenhouses. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Black Gem 5-inch pots $20.00
This extremely nice hybrid Aloe has lanceolate, sword-like leaves that are smooth and dark green. This hybrid offsets slowly at our greenhouses. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Blue Elf 2-gallon pots $35.00
This Ed Hummel hybrid has long been in cultivation. This shrub prolifically offsets from the base, forming a dense plant. As the name suggests, the upright leaves have a strong blue cast. The flowers are red in color. We expect these plants to be hardy in Tucson landscapes. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Blue Elf 4-inch pots $15.00
This Ed Hummel hybrid has long been in cultivation. This shrub prolifically offsets from the base, forming a dense plant. As the name suggests, the upright leaves have a strong blue cast. The flowers are red in color. We expect these plants to be hardy in Tucson landscapes. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Blue Elf 5-inch pots $20.00
This Ed Hummel hybrid has long been in cultivation. This shrub prolifically offsets from the base, forming a dense plant. As the name suggests, the upright leaves have a strong blue cast. The flowers are red in color. We expect these plants to be hardy in Tucson landscapes. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Blue Elf one-gallon pots $25.00
This Ed Hummel hybrid has long been in cultivation. This shrub prolifically offsets from the base, forming a dense plant. As the name suggests, the upright leaves have a strong blue cast. The flowers are red in color. We expect these plants to be hardy in Tucson landscapes. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Bright Ember 2-inch pots $8.00
This is another in a long line of Kelly Griffin hybrid Aloes. This cultivar has the rather typical Aloe deltoideodonta form but features a pastel color scheme and raised tubercles on the leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Aloe cv Bright Ember 4-inch pots $15.00
This is another in a long line of Kelly Griffin hybrid Aloes. This cultivar has the rather typical Aloe deltoideodonta form but features a pastel color scheme and raised tubercles on the leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Bright Ember 4-inch pots $15.00
This is another in a long line of Kelly Griffin hybrid Aloes. This cultivar has the rather typical Aloe deltoideodonta form but features a pastel color scheme and raised tubercles on the leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Bright Ember 5-inch pots $20.00
This is another in a long line of Kelly Griffin hybrid Aloes. This cultivar has the rather typical Aloe deltoideodonta form but features a pastel color scheme and raised tubercles on the leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Bright Ember one-gallon pots $25.00
This is another in a long line of Kelly Griffin hybrid Aloes. This cultivar has the rather typical Aloe deltoideodonta form but features a pastel color scheme and raised tubercles on the leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Caukmakua Mano x Sean Red 2-inch pots $8.00
This hybrid, developed by Miles Anderson, has way too complicated a heritage. The leaves are relatively narrow, have irregular roughness on the upper surface, and have a strong blue cast with some streaks of pink-red coloration. The flowers are small and light red in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe cv Caukmakua Mano x Sean Red 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid, developed by Miles Anderson, has way too complicated a heritage. The leaves are relatively narrow, have irregular roughness on the upper surface, and have a strong blue cast with some streaks of pink-red coloration. The flowers are small and light red in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Caukmakua Mano x Sean Red 5-inch pots $20.00
This hybrid, developed by Miles Anderson, has way too complicated a heritage. The leaves are relatively narrow, have irregular roughness on the upper surface, and have a strong blue cast with some streaks of pink-red coloration. The flowers are small and light red in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Chartreuse Chanteuse 4-inch pots $15.00
This is yet another of the Kelly Griffin hybrids based on dwarf Madagascar species but manipulated for color and texture. The dark leaves, combined with the reddish spine margin, make for an attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Chartreuse Chanteuse 5-inch pots $20.00
This is yet another of the Kelly Griffin hybrids based on dwarf Madagascar species but manipulated for color and texture. The dark leaves, combined with the reddish spine margin, make for an attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Coral Fire 2-gallon pots $40.00
This is yet another of the Kelly Griffin hybrids based on dwarf Madagascar species but manipulated for color and texture. The dark leaves, combined with the reddish spine margin, make for an attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Coral Fire 5-inch pots $20.00
This is yet another of the Kelly Griffin hybrids based on dwarf Madagascar species but manipulated for color and texture. The dark leaves, combined with the reddish spine margin, make for an attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Coral Fire one-gallon pots $25.00
This is yet another of the Kelly Griffin hybrids based on dwarf Madagascar species but manipulated for color and texture. The dark leaves, combined with the reddish spine margin, make for an attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Crimson Dragon 4-inch pots $15.00
This nice little hybrid is one of many created at Altman’s Plants. It has lightly variegated, mostly green-red leaves with raised bumps. It makes a beautiful little addition to any Aloe collection, especially when it is in flower. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Dapple Green 3-inch pots $10.00
This nice little hybrid is one of many based on Aloe rauhii, including Doran Black and Lizard Lips. It has lightly variegated, mostly white leaves with green raised bumps. It makes a beautiful little addition to any Aloe collection, especially when it is in flower. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe cv Dapple Green 4-inch pots $15.00
This nice little hybrid is one of many based on Aloe rauhii, including Doran Black and Lizard Lips. It has lightly variegated, mostly white leaves with green raised bumps. It makes a beautiful little addition to any Aloe collection, especially when it is in flower. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Dapple Green 5-inch pots $20.00
This nice little hybrid is one of many based on Aloe rauhii, including Doran Black and Lizard Lips. It has lightly variegated, mostly white leaves with green raised bumps. It makes a beautiful little addition to any Aloe collection, especially when it is in flower. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Delta Lights 4-inch pots $15.00
This is another in a long line of Kelly Griffin hybrid Aloes. This plant resembles both the Dapple Green and Doran Black hybrids but has much larger rosettes. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Delta Lights 5-inch pots $20.00
This is another in a long line of Kelly Griffin hybrid Aloes. This plant resembles both the Dapple Green and Doran Black hybrids but has much larger rosettes. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Delta Lights one-gallon pots $25.00
This is another in a long line of Kelly Griffin hybrid Aloes. This plant resembles both the Dapple Green and Doran Black hybrids but has much larger rosettes. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Doran Black 3-inch pots $10.00
This nice little hybrid from Dick Wright is not black but instead is a complex cross of aloes that include A. albiflora, A. bakeri, A. descoingsii, and A. juvenna. It has nicely variegated, light green leaves with raised bumps on them. It makes a beautiful little addition to any Aloe collection, especially when it is in flower. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe cv Doran Black 4-inch pots $15.00
This nice little hybrid from Dick Wright is not black but instead is a complex cross of aloes that include A. albiflora, A. bakeri, A. descoingsii, and A. juvenna. It has nicely variegated, light green leaves with raised bumps on them. It makes a beautiful little addition to any Aloe collection, especially when it is in flower. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Firecracker 4-inch pots $15.00
Why a hybrid Aloe would be named after an explosive is a beyond me, but hey what do I know anyway? This hybrid has nice reddish-green leaves with raised patterns and fine marginal teeth. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Goliath 3-inch pots $10.00
This hybrid, which involves Aloe vaombe, A. barberae, and A. dichotoma, is a rather massive tree eventually, as the name suggests. The flowers are red and held on rather short inflorescences. These plants are seedling crosses between two of these hybrid trees in 3-inch pots.
Aloe cv Goliath 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid, which involves Aloe vaombe, A. barberae, and A. dichotoma, is a rather massive tree eventually, as the name suggests. The flowers are red and held on rather short inflorescences. These plants are seedling crosses between two of these hybrid trees in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Goliath 5-inch pots $20.00
This hybrid, which involves Aloe vaombe, A. barberae, and A. dichotoma, is a rather massive tree eventually, as the name suggests. The flowers are red and held on rather short inflorescences. These plants are seedling crosses between two of these hybrid trees in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Green Sand 4-inch pots $15.00
This cultivar is of an origin unknown to us. The leaves are peppered with fine tubercles, and their green color lends itself to the cultivar name. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Green Sand 5-inch pots $20.00
This cultivar is of an origin unknown to us. The leaves are peppered with fine tubercles, and their green color lends itself to the cultivar name. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Hercules 2-gallon pots $45.00
This hybrid is a cross between two tree Aloes, Aloe barberae and Aloe dichotoma. It mostly has the characters of A. barberae, with its large size and fast growth, but it retains the cryptic bark of A. dichotoma. The flowers are light red with green tips. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Hercules 5-gallon pots $65.00
This hybrid is a cross between two tree Aloes, Aloe barberae and Aloe dichotoma. It mostly has the characters of A. barberae, with its large size and fast growth, but it retains the cryptic bark of A. dichotoma. The flowers are light red with green tips. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-gallon pots. These plants could incur exact shipping costs.
Aloe cv Hercules one-gallon pots $35.00
This hybrid is a cross between two tree Aloes, Aloe barberae and Aloe dichotoma. It mostly has the characters of A. barberae, with its large size and fast growth, but it retains the cryptic bark of A. dichotoma. The flowers are light red with green tips. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Hey Babe 2-inch pots $8.00
This little hybrid is a cross between Aloe descoingsii and another hybrid between A. bakeri and A. parvula. It has that A. descoingsii look and flower with a big of the A. parvula leaf form. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Aloe cv Hey Babe 3-inch pots $10.00
This little hybrid is a cross between Aloe descoingsii and another hybrid between A. bakeri and A. parvula. It has that A. descoingsii look and flower with a big of the A. parvula leaf form. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe cv Hey Babe 4-inch pots $15.00
This little hybrid is a cross between Aloe descoingsii and another hybrid between A. bakeri and A. parvula. It has that A. descoingsii look and flower with a big of the A. parvula leaf form. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Krakatoa one-gallon pots $30.00
Why a hybrid Aloe would be named after a volcano that had the most violent eruption in recorded history is a strange thing, but this hybrid has nice reddish-purple leaves with raised patterns and fine marginal teeth. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Lavender Star 4-inch pots $15.00
This Kelly Griffin cultivar is a combination of a few Madagascar aloes combined with other hybrids to make a nice plant. The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the purple-pink cast, make for a highly attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Lizard Lips 3-inch pots $10.00
This nice hybrid developed by John Bleck has yellow-green leaves that seem scaly, hence the connection with lizards. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe cv Lizard Lips 4-inch pots $15.00
This nice hybrid developed by John Bleck has yellow-green leaves that seem scaly, hence the connection with lizards. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Mona Loa 2-gallon pots $35.00
OK, we don’t know who comes up with these names, but there is nothing that this Aloe hybrid has in common with a volcano on Hawaii. However, this hybrid has nice reddish markings and raised patterning on its leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Mona Loa 5-inch pots $20.00
OK, we don't know who comes up with these names, but there is nothing that this Aloe hybrid has in common with a volcano on Hawaii. However, this hybrid has nice reddish markings and raised patterning on its leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Mona Loa one-gallon pots $30.00
OK, we don't know who comes up with these names, but there is nothing that this Aloe hybrid has in common with a volcano on Hawaii. However, this hybrid has nice reddish markings and raised patterning on its leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Oik 4-inch pots $15.00
Developed by Karen Zimmerman of the Huntington Gardens, this hybrid has nice reddish markings and raised patterning on its leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Oik 5-inch pots $20.00
Developed by Karen Zimmerman of the Huntington Gardens, this hybrid has nice reddish markings and raised patterning on its leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Pepe 3-inch pots $10.00
This little hybrid developed by John Bleck has the spiny leaves of A. haworthioides and the deltoid leaves of A. descoingsii. It appears to be close to the hybrid called ‘Hey Babe,‘ but it differs significantly in color (which resembles A. descoingsii). These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe cv Pepe 4-inch pots $15.00
This little hybrid developed by John Bleck has the spiny leaves of A. haworthioides and the deltoid leaves of A. descoingsii. It appears to be close to the hybrid called 'Hey Babe,' but it differs significantly in color (which resembles A. descoingsii). These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Pink Blush 3-inch pots $10.00
This is one of the nicest Kelly Griffin hybrids, genetically a witch‘s brew starting with Madagascar species. The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the reddish cast, make for a highly attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe cv Pink Blush 3-inch pots $10.00
This is one of the nicest Kelly Griffin hybrids, genetically a witchs brew starting with Madagascar species. The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the reddish cast, make for a highly attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe cv Pink Blush 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the nicest Kelly Griffin hybrids, genetically a witch‘s brew starting with Madagascar species. The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the reddish cast, make for a highly attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Pink Blush 5-inch pots $20.00
This is one of the nicest Kelly Griffin hybrids, genetically a witch′s brew starting with Madagascar species. The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the reddish cast, make for a highly attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Pink Blush one-gallon pots $30.00
This is one of the nicest Kelly Griffin hybrids, genetically a witch‘s brew starting with Madagascar species. The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the reddish cast, make for a highly attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Pink Lace 2-inch pots $8.00
This likely is a Kelly Griffin hybrids with a completely unknown heritage. The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the reddish cast and a pinkish margin, create an attractive miniature plant. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Aloe cv Pink Lace 4-inch pots $15.00
This likely is a Kelly Griffin hybrids with a completely unknown heritage. The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the reddish cast and a pinkish margin, create an attractive miniature plant. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Pink Lace 5-inch pots $20.00
This likely is a Kelly Griffin hybrids with a completely unknown heritage. The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the reddish cast and a pinkish margin, create an attractive miniature plant. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Purple Haze 4-inch pots $15.00
This likely is a Kelly Griffin hybrids with a completely unknown heritage. The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the purplish cast and a reddish margin, create an attractive miniature plant. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Raspberry Ruffles 3-inch pots $10.00
This is one of the nicest hybrids around from Kelly Griffin. Unlike the similar Raspberry Delight, it has a frilly margin of soft "spines." The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the purple-pink cast, make for a highly attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe cv Raspberry Ruffles 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the nicest hybrids around from Kelly Griffin. Unlike the similar Raspberry Delight, it has a frilly margin of soft "spines." The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the purple-pink cast, make for a highly attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Safari Sunrise 2-inch pots $8.00
This is a nice hybrids around from Kelly Griffin. Unlike similar cultivars, it has a frilly margin of soft "spines." The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the purple-green cast, make for a highly attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Aloe cv Safari Sunrise 4-inch pots $15.00
This is a nice hybrids around from Kelly Griffin. Unlike similar cultivars, it has a frilly margin of soft "spines." The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the purple-green cast, make for a highly attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Safari Sunrise 5-inch pots $20.00
This is a nice hybrids around from Kelly Griffin. Unlike similar cultivars, it has a frilly margin of soft "spines." The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the purple-green cast, make for a highly attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Safari Sunrise one-gallon pots $25.00
This is a nice hybrids around from Kelly Griffin. Unlike similar cultivars, it has a frilly margin of soft "spines." The raised bumps on the leaves, combined with the purple-green cast, make for a highly attractive, compact hybrid. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Sidewinder one-gallon pots $25.00
We're not quite sure where this name came from either, but this hybrid has nice reddish markings and raised patterning on its green leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Snowstorm 2-inch pots $8.00
We’re not sure but this likely is one of the cultivars developed by Kelly Griffin. Its predominantly white leaves are covered with numerous dark tubercles and the overall black-and-white effect of course suggests snow. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Aloe cv Snowstorm 3-inch pots $10.00
We're not sure but this likely is one of the cultivars developed by Kelly Griffin. Its predominantly white leaves are covered with numerous dark tubercles and the overall black-and-white effect of course suggests snow. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe cv Snowstorm 4-inch pots $15.00
We're not sure but this likely is one of the cultivars developed by Kelly Griffin. Its predominantly white leaves are covered with numerous dark tubercles and the overall black-and-white effect of course suggests snow. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Sunset 2-inch pots $8.00
This is one of the numerous hybrids developed by Kelly Griffin. This offsetting cultivar has leaves that are covered with numerous tubercles and have a red-orange cast that maybe possibly whatever suggests a sunset. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Aloe cv Sunset 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the numerous hybrids developed by Kelly Griffin. This offsetting cultivar has leaves that are covered with numerous tubercles and have a red-orange cast that maybe possibly whatever suggests a sunset. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Sunset 5-inch pots $20.00
This is one of the numerous hybrids developed by Kelly Griffin. This offsetting cultivar has leaves that are covered with numerous tubercles and have a red-orange cast that maybe possibly whatever suggests a sunset. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Swordfish 2-gallon pots $40.00
We don’t know where some of these names come from, but this hybrid has nice reddish teeth and rather dark blue-green leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe cv Tarantula 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the numerous hybrids developed by Altman Plants. This offsetting cultivar has leaves that are covered with felty tubercles and have a dark green cast that maybe suggests a large spider from the Sonoran Desert. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Tarantula 5-inch pots $20.00
This is one of the numerous hybrids developed by Altman Plants. This offsetting cultivar has leaves that are covered with felty tubercles and have a dark green cast that maybe suggests a large spider from the Sonoran Desert. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Walmsley‘s Bronze 4-inch pots $15.00
This small hybrid Aloe of unknown parentage has triangular leaves that are brown, or bronze as the name indicates. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Walmsley‘s Bronze 5-inch pots $20.00
This small hybrid Aloe of unknown parentage has triangular leaves that are brown, or bronze as the name indicates. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Walmsley‘s Bronze variegate 4-inch pots $15.00
This small hybrid Aloe of unknown parentage has triangular leaves that typically are brown, or bronze as the name indicates. However, the variegated form adds a considerable color range from yellow to brown. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Walmsley‘s Bronze variegate 5-inch pots $20.00
This small hybrid Aloe of unknown parentage has triangular leaves that typically are brown, or bronze as the name indicates. However, the variegated form adds a considerable color range from yellow to brown. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv White Stag 4-inch pots $15.00
This cultivar, of unknown origin but long in cultivation, has relatively large, offsetting rosettes with white leaves variously marked with green tubercles. ‘Quicksilver‘ is another name used for this hybrid. The flowers are red-orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv White Stag 5-inch pots $20.00
This cultivar, of unknown origin but long in cultivation, has relatively large, offsetting rosettes with white leaves variously marked with green tubercles. ?Quicksilver? is another name used for this hybrid. The flowers are red-orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cv Wunderkind 4-inch pots $15.00
A selection by Brian Kemble from Aloe deltoideodonta, this cultivar has relatively large, offsetting rosettes with variously marked green and white, tuberculate leaves. The flowers are red-orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe cv Wunderkind 5-inch pots $20.00
A selection by Brian Kemble from Aloe deltoideodonta, this cultivar has relatively large, offsetting rosettes with variously marked green and white, tuberculate leaves. The flowers are red-orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe cyrtophylla 5-inch pots $20.00
From southern Madagascar, this species is related to the Aloe acutissima complex. Known from only one locality, this shrubby species offsets, producing mostly upright stems with strongly recurved green leaves. The flowers are red with orange-green tips. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe dawei 10-inch pots $40.00
Aloe dawei is a clumping, shrubby species from central Africa, ranging from Kenya and Uganda down to Rwanda and Zaire. The leaves tend to be bronze in color and heavily toothed. The flowers are red in dense panicles. These plants are rooted offsets in 10-inch pots.
Aloe dawei 2-gallon pots $35.00
Aloe dawei is a clumping, shrubby species from central Africa, ranging from Kenya and Uganda down to Rwanda and Zaire. The leaves tend to be bronze in color and heavily toothed. The flowers are red in dense panicles. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe dawei 3-inch pots $10.00
Aloe dawei is a clumping, shrubby species from central Africa, ranging from Kenya and Uganda down to Rwanda and Zaire. The leaves tend to be bronze in color and heavily toothed. The flowers are red in dense panicles. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe dawei 5-inch pots $20.00
Aloe dawei is a clumping, shrubby species from central Africa, ranging from Kenya and Uganda down to Rwanda and Zaire. The leaves tend to be bronze in color and heavily toothed. The flowers are red in dense panicles. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe dawei one-gallon pots $25.00
Aloe dawei is a clumping, shrubby species from central Africa, ranging from Kenya and Uganda down to Rwanda and Zaire. The leaves tend to be bronze in color and heavily toothed. The flowers are red in dense panicles. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe decaryi 5-inch pots $20.00
These plants are recently restored to species status. Werner Rauh, one of the experts on Madagascars prodigious flora of succulent plants, did not know what Aloe decaryi actually is, since the collection was poorly documented. However, these plants are distinctly different from any other Aloe we know of from Madagascar. We’ve grown this species outside, with low temperatures of 26F, for many years. The red-pink flowers bloom in the fall. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe decaryi one-gallon pots $25.00
These plants are recently restored to species status. Werner Rauh, one of the experts on Madagascar‘s prodigious flora of succulent plants, did not know what Aloe decaryi actually is, since the collection was poorly documented. However, these plants are distinctly different from any other Aloe we know of from Madagascar. We‘ve grown this species outside, with low temperatures of 26F, for many years. The red-pink flowers bloom in the fall. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe decurva 2-inch pots $8.00
This species, from Mozambique, generally does not offset. The leaves have a soft pastel color ranging from pink to light green. The flowers are small and orange-red. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe decurva 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from Mozambique, generally does not offset. The leaves have a soft pastel color ranging from pink to light green. The flowers are small and orange-red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe deltoideodonta var. brevifolia 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from material originally collected near Bezaha, Madagascar, forms a clump of small rosettes. The leaves are deltoid-shaped, as the name indicates, are light green, and are densely spotted. The flowers are red and borne in short inflorescences. These rooted offsets are in 4-inch pots.
Aloe deltoideodonta var. brevifolia 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from material originally collected near Bezaha, Madagascar, forms a clump of small rosettes. The leaves are deltoid-shaped, as the name indicates, are light green, and are densely spotted. The flowers are red and borne in short inflorescences. These rooted offsets are in 5-inch pots.
Aloe deltoideodonta var. brevifolia 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from material originally collected near Bezaha, Madagascar, forms a clump of small rosettes. The leaves are deltoid-shaped, as the name indicates, are light green, and are densely spotted. The flowers are red and borne in short inflorescences. These rooted offsets are in 5-inch pots.
Aloe deltoideodonta var. candicans 4-inch pots $15.00
From material originally collected by Rauh near Bezaha, Madagascar, this small species slowly offsets to form small clumps. The leaves are blue-green and marked with faint lines, white spots, and a vaguely pink margin, and they tend to gain a reddish glow when stressed. The flowers are held in a dense panicle and are orange-red. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots. Owing to the taxonomy complexity of this species, we have previously sold these plants as A. deltoideodonta var. brevifolia and A. imalotensis (spotted form). The recent Aloes of Madagascar book clarifies this species.
Aloe deltoideodonta var. candicans 5-inch pots $20.00
From material originally collected by Rauh near Bezaha, Madagascar, this small species slowly offsets to form small clumps. The leaves are blue-green and marked with faint lines, white spots, and a vaguely pink margin, and they tend to gain a reddish glow when stressed. The flowers are held in a dense panicle and are orange-red. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots. Owing to the taxonomy complexity of this species, we have previously sold these plants as A. deltoideodonta var. brevifolia and A. imalotensis (spotted form). The recent Aloes of Madagascar book clarifies this species.
Aloe deltoideodonta var. fallax 3-inch pots $10.00
We wouldn′t bet money on it, but this is the closest thing to A. deltoideodonta var. fallax that we′ve seen in cultivation. Whatever. These are beautiful plants with light green leaves featuring prominent white striations and orange-red flowers. They are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe deltoideodonta var. fallax 4-inch pots $15.00
We wouldn‘t bet money on it, but this is the closest thing to A. deltoideodonta var. fallax that we‘ve seen in cultivation. Whatever. These are beautiful plants with light green leaves featuring prominent white striations and orange-red flowers. They are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe deltoideodonta var. fallax one-gallon pots $25.00
We wouldnt bet money on it, but this is the closest thing to A. deltoideodonta var. fallax that We’ve seen in cultivation. Whatever. These are beautiful plants with light green leaves featuring prominent white striations and orange-red flowers. They are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe deltoideodonta variegata Rauh 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from Madagascar, forms a clump of small rosettes. This poorly described member of the A. deltoideodonta complex was originally collected by Rauh and is described in the Aloes of Madagascar book. The leaves are deltoid-shaped, as the name indicates, and are light green with spots. This does not meet any of the original concepts of A. deltoideodonta, and Rauh‘s own books (volume 1, 1995) called this a variegated form (see photograph on p. 212). These offsets are rooted in 4-inch pots.
Aloe deltoideodonta variegata Rauh 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from Madagascar, forms a clump of small rosettes. This poorly described member of the A. deltoideodonta complex was originally collected by Rauh and is described in the Aloes of Madagascar book. The leaves are deltoid-shaped, as the name indicates, and are light green with spots. This does not meet any of the original concepts of A. deltoideodonta, and Rauh's own books (volume 1, 1995) called this a variegated form (see photograph on p. 212). These offsets are rooted in 5-inch pots.
Aloe deserti (WE 648) 3-gallon pots $50.00
This shrubby Aloe is from East Africa, particularly eastern Kenya. It has several to numerous stems less than 3 feet long with green leaves bearing white spots. The flowers are a dull red. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-gallon pots.
Aloe dhalensis 3-inch pots $10.00
These plants are propagated from material originally collected near Dhala, Yemen. Supposedly this is synonymous with Aloe vacillans, but these are very different plants. The leaves are light yellow-green and spotted when young. The flowers are either yellow or red. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe dhalensis 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are propagated from material originally collected near Dhala, Yemen. Supposedly this is synonymous with Aloe vacillans, but these are very different plants. The leaves are light yellow-green and spotted when young. The flowers are either yellow or red. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe dhalensis 5-inch pots $20.00
These plants are propagated from material originally collected near Dhala, Yemen. Supposedly this is synonymous with Aloe vacillans, but these are very different plants. The leaves are light yellow-green and spotted when young. The flowers are either yellow or red. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe dichotoma 2-inch pots $8.00
This large, thick-trunked tree is from the Western and Northern Capes of South Africa, extending northwards into Namibia. The panicles of yellow flowers are produced in the spring. We offer seedlings of this impressive succulent species in 2-inch pots.
Aloe dichotoma 3-gallon pots $90.00
This large, thick-trunked tree is from the Western and Northern Capes of South Africa, extending northwards into Namibia. The panicles of yellow flowers are produced in the spring. We offer seedlings of this impressive succulent species in 3-gallon pots.
Aloe dichotoma 4-inch pots $15.00
This large, thick-trunked tree is from the Western and Northern Capes of the South Africa, extending northwards into Namibia. The panicles of yellow flowers are produced in the spring. We offer seedlings of this impressive succulent species in 4-inch pots.
Aloe diolii 4-inch pots $15.00
From the mountains of Sudan (Equatoria Province), this clumping species forms non-branching stems of yellow-green leaves that have some white spots. The branches may lay over; we grow this species upright. The flowers are a light red. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe diolii 5-inch pots $20.00
From the mountains of Sudan (Equatoria Province), this clumping species forms non-branching stems of yellow-green leaves that have some white spots. The branches may lay over; we grow this species upright. The flowers are a light red. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe diolii one-gallon pots $25.00
From the mountains of Sudan (Equatoria Province), this clumping species forms non-branching stems of yellow-green leaves that have some white spots. The branches may lay over; we grow this species upright. The flowers are a light red. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe diolii one-gallon pots $25.00
From the mountains of Sudan (Equatoria Province), this clumping species forms non-branching stems of yellow-green leaves that have some white spots. The branches may lay over; we grow this species upright. The flowers are a light red. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe distans 2-gallon pots $35.00
This species is a winter-growing member of the complex that ranges from Aloe mitriformis to A. comptonii, all of which are from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This species, which creeps along the ground in habitat, is distinguished by the light green, very succulent leaves that are dotted with white spots. The flowers, produced during the summer dry period, are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe distans 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is a winter-growing member of the complex that ranges from Aloe mitriformis to A. comptonii, all of which are from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This species, which creeps along the ground in habitat, is distinguished by the light green, very succulent leaves that are dotted with white spots. The flowers, produced during the summer dry period, are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe distans 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is a winter-growing member of the complex that ranges from Aloe mitriformis to A. comptonii, all of which are from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This species, which creeps along the ground in habitat, is distinguished by the light green, very succulent leaves that are dotted with white spots. The flowers, produced during the summer dry period, are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe divaricata 2-gallon pots $45.00
This is a tall, upright and rambling species from Madagascar. Aloe divaricata has small red flowers held in a very lax panicle, and this clone has pronounced red thorns on the margins of the leaves. We have grown this species outdoors in Tucson for more than a decade. We keep it in a protected place against our house, but still it has taken 26F with no damage. The plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe divaricata 4-inch pots $15.00
This is a tall, upright and rambling species from Madagascar. Aloe divaricata has small red flowers held in a very lax panicle. We have grown this species outdoors in Tucson for more than a decade. We keep it in a protected place against our house, but still it has taken 26F with no damage. The plants we offer are in 4-inch pots.
Aloe divaricata 5-inch pots $20.00
This is a tall, upright and rambling species from Madagascar. Aloe divaricata has small red flowers held in a very lax panicle. We have grown this species outdoors in Tucson for more than a decade. We keep it in a protected place against our house, but still it has taken 26F with no damage. The plants we offer are in 5-inch pots.
Aloe divaricata one-gallon pots $25.00
This is a tall, upright and rambling species from Madagascar. Aloe divaricata has small red flowers held in a very lax panicle, and this clone has pronounced red thorns on the margins of the leaves. We have grown this species outdoors in Tucson for more than a decade. We keep it in a protected place against our house, but still it has taken 26F with no damage. The plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe dorotheae 2-gallon pots $40.00
This beautiful aloe is from Tanzania. Known for its glossy green leaves with scattered white spots and a smooth surface, this shrubby aloe offsets prolifically. The flowers are multicolored, and the variety we offer has multicolored flowers that are mostly red. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe dorotheae 5-inch pots $20.00
This beautiful aloe is from Tanzania. Known for its glossy green leaves with scattered white spots and a smooth surface, this shrubby aloe offsets prolifically. The flowers are multicolored, and the variety we offer has multicolored flowers that are mostly red. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe dorotheae one-gallon pots $25.00
This beautiful aloe is from Tanzania. Known for its glossy green leaves with scattered white spots and a smooth surface, this shrubby aloe offsets prolifically. The flowers are multicolored, and the variety we offer has multicolored flowers that are mostly red. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe duckeri 5-inch pots $20.00
From Malawi and southern Tanzania, this species has solitary or sparsely offsetting acaulescent rosettes. The leaves are yellow-green with faint lines and prominent spots. The multibranched inflorescence produces orange-red flowers. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe duckeri one-gallon pots $25.00
From Malawi and southern Tanzania, this species has solitary or sparsely offsetting acaulescent rosettes. The leaves are yellow-green with faint lines and prominent spots. The multibranched inflorescence produces orange-red flowers. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe dyeri 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Mpumalanga Province of South Africa, this spotted aloe tends to be solitary and may have a short stem. The leaves have a dark green field with many irregularly shaped spots. The flowers are dull red, and the inflorescence is multibranched. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe dyeri 2-inch pots $8.00
From Mpumalanga Province of South Africa, this spotted aloe tends to be solitary and may have a short stem. The leaves have a dark green field with many irregularly shaped spots. The flowers are dull red, and the inflorescence is multibranched. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe dyeri 3-inch pots $10.00
From Mpumalanga Province of South Africa, this spotted aloe tends to be solitary and may have a short stem. The leaves have a dark green field with many irregularly shaped spots. The flowers are dull red, and the inflorescence is multibranched. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Aloe dyeri 4-inch pots $15.00
From Mpumalanga Province of South Africa, this spotted aloe tends to be solitary and may have a short stem. The leaves have a dark green field with many irregularly shaped spots. The flowers are dull red, and the inflorescence is multibranched. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe dyeri 5-inch pots $20.00
From Mpumalanga Province of South Africa, this spotted aloe tends to be solitary and may have a short stem. The leaves have a dark green field with many irregularly shaped spots. The flowers are dull red, and the inflorescence is multibranched. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe dyeri one-gallon pots $25.00
From Mpumalanga Province of South Africa, this spotted aloe tends to be solitary and may have a short stem. The leaves have a dark green field with many irregularly shaped spots. The flowers are dull red, and the inflorescence is multibranched. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe elegans 2-gallon pots $35.00
This highly variable species is from Ethiopia and Eritrea. Typically a slowly offsetting species, the rosettes bear blue-green leaves with a reddish margin, although as with many Aloes the seedlings are darker green with numerous spots. The flowers can be any color from yellow to bright red. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe elegans 2-inch pots $8.00
This highly variable species is from Ethiopia and Eritrea. Typically a slowly offsetting species, the rosettes bear light-green leaves with a reddish margin, although as with many Aloes the seedlings are darker green with numerous spots. The flowers can be any color from yellow to bright red. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe elegans 4-inch pots $15.00
This highly variable species is from Ethiopia and Eritrea. Typically a slowly offsetting species, the rosettes bear light-green leaves with a reddish margin, although as with many Aloes the seedlings are darker green with numerous spots. The flowers can be any color from yellow to bright red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe elegans 5-inch pots $20.00
This highly variable species is from Ethiopia and Eritrea. Typically a slowly offsetting species, the rosettes bear light-green leaves with a reddish margin, although as with many Aloes the seedlings are darker green with numerous spots. The flowers can be any color from yellow to bright red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe elgonica 2-gallon pots $35.00
This beautiful Aloe is from the Trans-Nzoia District of Kenya, where it forms large shrubs with robust rosettes on stems. The leaves are a beautiful brownish green with a furry appearance and prominent marginal teeth. The flowers are orange-red. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe elgonica 5-inch pots $20.00
This beautiful Aloe is from the Trans-Nzoia District of Kenya, where it forms large shrubs with robust rosettes on stems. The leaves are a beautiful brownish green with a furry appearance and prominent marginal teeth. The flowers are orange-red. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe elgonica one-gallon pots $25.00
This beautiful Aloe is from the Trans-Nzoia District of Kenya, where it forms large shrubs with robust rosettes on stems. The leaves are a beautiful brownish green with a furry appearance and prominent marginal teeth. The flowers are orange-red. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe ellenbeckii 5-inch pots $20.00
Aloe ellenbeckii is a small, proliferous species from Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. Currently, what once was called Aloe dumetorum is merged under this species. We grow Aloe ellenbeckii outside in Tucson, where it flowers with orange-red, simple racemes in the spring and summer. We grow this plant outside in Tucson, where it is drought hardy and has withstood 23F with minimal damage. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe eumassawana 4-inch pots $15.00
From the vicinity of Massawana, Eritrea, this species is distinct from A. massawana, a name reserved for a species from Tanzania. With its gray-green leaves, spotted in young plants, the major difference is that the flowers are bright red to orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe eumassawana 5-inch pots $20.00
From the vicinity of Massawana, Eritrea, this species is distinct from A. massawana, a name reserved for a species from Tanzania. With its gray-green leaves, spotted in young plants, the major difference is that the flowers are bright red to orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe eumassawana one-gallon pots $25.00
From the vicinity of Massawana, Eritrea, this species is distinct from A. massawana, a name reserved for a species from Tanzania. With its gray-green leaves, spotted in young plants, the major difference is that the flowers are bright red to orange. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe fibrosa 2-gallon pots $40.00
From the Eastern Province of Kenya, this species, narrowly endemic to one mountain range in dense vegetation, is known for its leaf fibers, earning its name. With A. morijensis, A. kedongensis, A. rabaiensis, and A. nyeriensis, this group of shrubby aloes has a distribution across southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. A. fibrosa has dark green leaves with few spots except on young growth. The flowers are multicolored but primarily orange-red. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe fibrosa one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Eastern Province of Kenya, this species, narrowly endemic to one mountain range in dense vegetation, is known for its leaf fibers, earning its name. With A. morijensis, A. kedongensis, A. rabaiensis, and A. nyeriensis, this group of shrubby aloes has a distribution across southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. A. fibrosa has dark green leaves with few spots except on young growth. The flowers are multicolored but primarily orange-red. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe fleurentiniorum 2-inch pots $8.00
This Aloe is from Saudi Arabia and northern Yemen and is quite unique. The stiff, dark green leaves have a roughened, immaculate surface. The flowers are bright red and are borne in late summer to early winter. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe fleurentiniorum 3-inch pots $10.00
This Aloe is from Saudi Arabia and northern Yemen and is quite unique. The stiff, dark green leaves have a roughened, immaculate surface. The flowers are bright red and are borne in late summer to early winter. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Aloe fleurentiniorum 4-inch pots $12.00
This Aloe is from Saudi Arabia and northern Yemen and is quite unique. The stiff, dark green leaves have a roughened, immaculate surface. The flowers are bright red and are borne in late summer to early winter. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe fleurentiniorum 5-inch pots $20.00
This Aloe is from Saudi Arabia and northern Yemen and is quite unique. The stiff, dark green leaves have a roughened, immaculate surface. The flowers are bright red and are borne in late summer to early winter. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe fragilis 3-inch pots $10.00
This small, clumping Aloe has some of the nicest leaf variegation within the genus. Our plants are from the late Werner Rauh from material collected at the type locality at Cape Manambatu, Madagascar. For reasons that are not readily understandable, this rapidly growing species is a CITES level 1 species and is not suitable for export. However, it is a wonderful Aloe for collectors from the US. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe fragilis 4-inch pots $12.00
This small, clumping Aloe has some of the nicest leaf variegation within the genus. Our plants are from the late Werner Rauh from material collected at the type locality at Cape Manambatu, Madagascar. For reasons that are not readily understandable, this rapidly growing species is a CITES level 1 species and is not suitable for export. However, it is a wonderful Aloe for collectors from the US. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe fragilis 5-inch pots $15.00
This small, clumping Aloe has some of the nicest leaf variegation within the genus. Our plants are from the late Werner Rauh from material collected at the type locality at Cape Manambatu, Madagascar. For reasons that are not readily understandable, this rapidly growing species is a CITES level 1 species and is not suitable for export. However, it is a wonderful Aloe for collectors from the US. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe gilbertii 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from Ethiopia. It is a short-stemmed caulescent species that produces clumps. The leaves are green and recurved with closely spaced marginal teeth. The multibranched inflorescence produces orange-red flowers. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe gilbertii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Ethiopia. It is a short-stemmed caulescent species that produces clumps. The leaves are green and recurved with closely spaced marginal teeth. The multibranched inflorescence produces orange-red flowers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe gilbertii one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from Ethiopia. It is a short-stemmed caulescent species that produces clumps. The leaves are green and recurved with closely spaced marginal teeth. The multibranched inflorescence produces orange-red flowers. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe glauca 2-gallon pots $35.00
From the Northern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, Aloe glauca forms a small single-stemmed tree. The flowers are variable but usually are in red-orange racemes. We are offering seedlings of this species in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe glauca 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Northern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, Aloe glauca forms a small single-stemmed tree. The flowers are variable but usually are in red-orange racemes. We are offering seedlings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Aloe glauca one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Northern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, Aloe glauca forms a small single-stemmed tree. The flowers are variable but usually are in red-orange racemes. We are offering seedlings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Aloe glauca ssp. spinosior 4-inch pots $15.00
From the hills and mountains of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, Aloe glauca ssp. spinosior forms small clumps of multi-stemmed shrubs or trees. The leaves are blue-green with scattered tubercles, typically on the undersides. The flowers are variable but usually are in red-orange racemes. We are offering seedlings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Aloe glauca ssp. spinosior one-gallon pots $25.00
From the hills and mountains of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, Aloe glauca ssp. spinosior forms small clumps of multi-stemmed shrubs or trees. The leaves are blue-green with scattered tubercles, typically on the undersides. The flowers are variable but usually are in red-orange racemes. We are offering rooted offsets of this species in one-gallon pots.
Aloe globuligemma 4-inch pots $15.00
From a broad area ranging from Zimbabwe to Botswana to the northeastern parts of South Africa, this blue-green Aloe is known for its nearly horizontal racemes with secund, multicolored flowers. It suckers proliferously, and we‘ve grown this species outside in Tucson for many years. It has endured 23F under a shrub with little damage. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe globuligemma 5-inch pots $20.00
From a broad area ranging from Zimbabwe to Botswana to the northeastern parts of South Africa, this blue-green Aloe is known for its nearly horizontal racemes with secund, multicolored flowers. It suckers proliferously, and We’ve grown this species outside in Tucson for many years. It has endured 23F under a shrub with little damage. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (barbertonii) 5-inch pots $20.00
This former species has been lumped into one of the common maculate Aloes from southern Africa. From the vicinity of Barberton, South Africa, this species generally does not usually clump, unlike A. greatheadii var. davyana, and it flowers in winter in Tucson, although the flowers are a washed-out pink color. We don’t know how hardy this species is but we suggest it can easily take the 23F without damage that others in this group can take. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (barbertonii) 5-inch pots $20.00
This former species has been lumped into one of the common maculate Aloes from southern Africa. From the vicinity of Barberton, South Africa, this species generally does not usually clump, unlike A. greatheadii var. davyana, and it flowers in winter in Tucson, although the flowers are a washed-out pink color. We don?t know how hardy this species is but we suggest it can easily take the 23F without damage that others in this group can take. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (Candy Stripe) 4-inch pots $15.00
This maculate Aloe from South Africa has triangular, spotted leaves and clumps prolifically. This plant differs from typical A. greatheadii var. davyana in that the flowers have a candy cane stripe pattern, unlike the more solid red-orange pattern. The plant are extremely hardy, having taken 18F with minimal damage, and are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (Candy Stripe) 5-inch pots $20.00
This maculate Aloe from South Africa has triangular, spotted leaves and clumps prolifically. This plant differs from typical A. greatheadii var. davyana in that the flowers have a candy cane stripe pattern, unlike the more solid red-orange pattern. The plant are extremely hardy, having taken 18F with minimal damage, and are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (verdoorniae) 2-gallon pots $35.00
This maculate Aloe from South Africa has triangular, spotted leaves and clumps prolifically. This plant differs from typical A. greatheadii var. davyana in that the leaves are much darker green and look more similar to Aloe zebrina. The flowers are a pink-red color. The plant is extremely hardy, having taken 18F with minimal damage. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (verdoorniae) 5-inch pots $20.00
This maculate Aloe from South Africa has triangular, spotted leaves and clumps prolifically. This plant differs from typical A. greatheadii var. davyana in that the leaves are much darker green and look more similar to Aloe zebrina. The flowers are a pink-red color. The plant is extremely hardy, having taken 18F with minimal damage. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (verdoorniae) one-gallon pots $25.00
This maculate Aloe from South Africa has triangular, spotted leaves and clumps prolifically. This plant differs from typical A. greatheadii var. davyana in that the leaves are much darker green and look more similar to Aloe zebrina. The flowers are a pink-red color. The plant is extremely hardy, having taken 18F with minimal damage. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe greatheadii var. greatheadii 2-gallon pots $35.00
This common species from southern Africa is a maculate Aloe with triangular leaves that tend to have withered tips. What makes this species distinctive is that it does not usually clump, unlike A. greatheadii var. davyana, and it flowers in winter in Tucson, although the flowers are a washed-out pink color. The plant is extremely hardy, having taken 23F without damage (except to flower panicles). These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe greatheadii var. greatheadii 4-inch pots $15.00
This common species from southern Africa is a maculate Aloe with triangular leaves that tend to have withered tips. What makes this species distinctive is that it does not usually clump, unlike A. greatheadii var. davyana, and it flowers in winter in Tucson, although the flowers are a washed-out pink color. The plant is extremely hardy, having taken 23F without damage (except to flower panicles). These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe greatheadii var. greatheadii 5-inch pots $20.00
This common species from southern Africa is a maculate Aloe with triangular leaves that tend to have withered tips. What makes this species distinctive is that it does not usually clump, unlike A. greatheadii var. davyana, and it flowers in winter in Tucson, although the flowers are a washed-out pink color. The plant is extremely hardy, having taken 23F without damage (except to flower panicles). These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe greatheadii var. greatheadii one-gallon pots $25.00
This common species from southern Africa is a maculate Aloe with triangular leaves that tend to have withered tips. What makes this species distinctive is that it does not usually clump, unlike A. greatheadii var. davyana, and it flowers in winter in Tucson, although the flowers are a washed-out pink color. The plant is extremely hardy, having taken 23F without damage (except to flower panicles). These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe greenii 4-inch pots $15.00
From KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this species likes it hot and shady. A prolific offsetter, this highly variable Aloe has light, bright green leaves banded with spots. This version is lighter in color than other clones of this species. A. greenii flowers mid-summer in Tucson, producing pink-red flowers, and it withstood low temperatures of 23 F with minimal damage. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe greenii one-gallon pots $25.00
From KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this species likes it hot and shady. A prolific offsetter, this highly variable Aloe has light, bright green leaves banded with spots. This version is lighter in color than other clones of this species. A. greenii flowers mid-summer in Tucson, producing pink-red flowers, and it withstood low temperatures of 23 F with minimal damage. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe grisea 2-inch pots $8.00
From a restricted area of northern Somalia, this species likes it hot. A sparsely offsetting species, and related to the Aloe lateritia group from East Africa, it has gray-green leaves with gray-white spots. It has orange-red flowers with yellow lips. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Aloe grisea 5-inch pots $20.00
From a restricted area of northern Somalia, this species likes it hot. A sparsely offsetting species, and related to the Aloe lateritia group from East Africa, it has gray-green leaves with gray-white spots. It has orange-red flowers with yellow lips. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe grisea one-gallon pots $25.00
From a restricted area of northern Somalia, this species likes it hot. A sparsely offsetting species, and related to the Aloe lateritia group from East Africa, it has gray-green leaves with gray-white spots. It has orange-red flowers with yellow lips. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe hahnii 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Limpopo Province of South Africa, this recently described species previously was thought to be a disjunct population of Aloe swynnertonii. These plants have solitary or sparsely offsetting rosettes with dark green leaves, which are spotted on the upper surface and immaculate but lined on the lower surface. The flowers are red and held in capitate inflorescences. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe hardyi 5-inch pots $20.00
This light-blue green Aloe is found in cliff habitats in Mpumalanga Province of South Africa. Because of its cremnophilous nature, it wants to hang from pots, curving upwards towards the light. The flowers are light red. This species has taken 18F with moderate leaf damage in Tucson. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe harlana 2-inch pots $8.00
This species, from Ethiopia, is part of the complex that ranges from A. somaliensis to A. jucunda. When young, the leaves are a pale gray-green with multiple stretched white spots and a reddish blush; with age, the leaves tend to become immaculate. Unlike others in the group, this species does not prolifically offset. The flowers are yellow to red. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe harlana 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from Ethiopia, is part of the complex that ranges from A. somaliensis to A. jucunda. When young, the leaves are a pale gray-green with multiple stretched white spots and a reddish blush; with age, the leaves tend to become immaculate. Unlike others in the group, this species does not prolifically offset. The flowers are yellow to red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe haworthioides 4-inch pots $15.00
This wonderful Madagascan miniature Aloe has lanceolate leaves with white pustules and small hairs. The flowers are pale pink and inconspicuous and are produced in the late fall. This species has been used extensively in hybridizing, but we offer pure species. These plants are in 4-inch pots.
Aloe haworthioides 5-inch pots $20.00
This wonderful Madagascan miniature Aloe has lanceolate leaves with white pustules and small hairs. The flowers are pale pink and inconspicuous and are produced in the late fall. This species has been used extensively in hybridizing, but we offer pure species. These plants are in 5-inch pots.
Aloe helenae 10-inch pots $50.00
From Madagascar, this is a short, generally solitary tree Aloe with long, recurving green leaves. Its flowers are red on top and the inflorescence resembles a shaving brush with extremely dense flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 10-inch pots.
Aloe helenae 5-inch pots $20.00
From Madagascar, this is a short, generally solitary tree Aloe with long, recurving green leaves. Its flowers are red on top and the inflorescence resembles a shaving brush with extremely dense flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe hildebrandtii 4-inch pots $15.00
This shrubby aloe is from Somalia, where it forms large clumps. The leaves are light green and speckled with white spots, and the margins are lined with small brownish teeth. The multicolored inflorescence is short and sparse. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe hildebrandtii 5-inch pots $20.00
This shrubby aloe is from Somalia, where it forms large clumps. The leaves are light green and speckled with white spots, and the margins are lined with small brownish teeth. The multicolored inflorescence is short and sparse. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe hildebrandtii one-gallon pots $25.00
This shrubby aloe is from Somalia, where it forms large clumps. The leaves are light green and speckled with white spots, and the margins are lined with small brownish teeth. The multicolored inflorescence is short and sparse. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe humilis (GM 417) 4-inch pots $15.00
This tiny blue-gray Aloe is from the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces of the Republic of South Africa. Our plants are GM 417, originally collected north of Hankey in the Eastern Cape Province. The leaves are unmarked but are covered with light thorny tubercles on the outsides. The flowers are bright red to pale orange. This species is frost hardy in Tucson. We offer this species in 4-inch pots.
Aloe humilis (GM 417) 5-inch pots $20.00
This tiny blue-gray Aloe is from the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces of the Republic of South Africa. Our plants are GM 417, originally collected north of Hankey in the Eastern Cape Province. The leaves are unmarked but are covered with light thorny tubercles on the outsides. The flowers are bright red to pale orange. This species is frost hardy in Tucson. We offer this species in 5-inch pots.
Aloe ikiorum 4-inch pots $15.00
From Uganda, this typically solitary and acaulescent species has light green leaves with faint to prominent lines. The flowers are orange red with greenish-yellow tips. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe ikiorum 5-inch pots $20.00
From Uganda, this typically solitary and acaulescent species has light green leaves with faint to prominent lines. The flowers are orange red with greenish-yellow tips. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe imalotensis var. longeracemosa 2-inch pots $8.00
From Madagascar, this small species slowly offsets to form small clumps. The leaves are blue-green and unspotted with faint lines and a vaguely pink margin. Variety longiracemosa has much grayer leaves than our typical species. The flowers are held in a dense, nearly capitate panicle and are red. In variety longiracemosa, as the name indicates, the raceme is much longer than in the typical species. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe isaloensis 10-inch pots $40.00
From Madagascar, this shrubby Aloe has thin, flexible stems. The gray-green leaves lack significant marginal spines, are essentially linear, and are widely distributed along the stem. The flowers are bright red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 10-inch pots.
Aloe isaloensis one-gallon pots $25.00
From Madagascar, this shrubby Aloe has thin, flexible stems. The gray-green leaves lack significant marginal spines, are essentially linear, and are widely distributed along the stem. The flowers are bright red. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe jacksonii 3-inch pots $10.00
Aloe jacksonii is native to Ethiopia, where it occurs on rock outcrops. A prolific offsetter, this species has blue-green leaves with white spots. The flowers are red with white tips. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe jacksonii 4-inch pots $15.00
Aloe jacksonii is native to Ethiopia, where it occurs on rock outcrops. A prolific offsetter, this species has blue-green leaves with white spots. The flowers are red with white tips. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe jacksonii 5-inch pots $20.00
Aloe jacksonii is native to Ethiopia, where it occurs on rock outcrops. A prolific offsetter, this species has blue-green leaves with white spots. The flowers are red with white tips. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe jibisana 2-gallon pots $40.00
These plants are from the isolated Jibisa Mountain range in east-central Kenya (Newton 5573). This is a slowly offsetting species known from only one locality. The flowers are pale yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe jibisana 5-inch pots $20.00
These plants are from the isolated Jibisa Mountain range in east-central Kenya (Newton 5573). This is a slowly offsetting species known from only one locality. The flowers are pale yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe jibisana one-gallon pots $30.00
These plants are from the isolated Jibisa Mountain range in east-central Kenya (Newton 5573). This is a slowly offsetting species known from only one locality. The flowers are pale yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe jucunda 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, from Somalia, is part of the group that includes A. somaliensis, A. peckii, and A. hemmingii, and A. jucunda has both the smallest leaves and the greatest tendency to form large clumps. The leaves are triangular shaped and glossy, with pale white-green spots on a bright green background. The flowers range from pink to red. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe jucunda 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from Somalia, is part of the group that includes A. somaliensis, A. peckii, and A. hemmingii, and A. jucunda has both the smallest leaves and the greatest tendency to form large clumps. The leaves are triangular shaped and glossy, with pale white-green spots on a bright green background. The flowers range from pink to red. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe juvenna 4-inch pots $15.00
Known in the wild only from one locality in Kenya, this species is common in cultivation. Given sufficient time, it will form a small shrub that freely branches, producing deltoid, pale-green leaves with elongated white spots. As with many Aloes, the flowers are a coral-pink color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe juvenna 5-inch pots $20.00
Known in the wild only from one locality in Kenya, this species is common in cultivation. Given sufficient time, it will form a small shrub that freely branches, producing deltoid, pale-green leaves with elongated white spots. As with many Aloes, the flowers are a coral-pink color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe juvenna one-gallon pots $25.00
Known in the wild only from one locality in Kenya, this species is common in cultivation. Given sufficient time, it will form a small shrub that freely branches, producing deltoid, pale-green leaves with elongated white spots. As with many Aloes, the flowers are a coral-pink color. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe karasbergensis 3-inch pots $10.00
This species produces large, sparsely offsetting rosettes and is from the Northern Cape Province of South Africa and southern Namibia. The leaves are blue-gray with some pastel orange-red hints and have prominent stripes, making it one of the prettiest of the Aloes. The flowers are small in comparison to the size of the rosettes and are red. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Aloe karasbergensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species produces large, sparsely offsetting rosettes and is from the Northern Cape Province of South Africa and southern Namibia. The leaves are blue-gray with some pastel orange-red hints and have prominent stripes, making it one of the prettiest of the Aloes. The flowers are small in comparison to the size of the rosettes and are red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe karasbergensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species produces large, sparsely offsetting rosettes and is from the Northern Cape Province of South Africa and southern Namibia. The leaves are blue-gray with some pastel orange-red hints and have prominent stripes, making it one of the prettiest of the Aloes. The flowers are small in comparison to the size of the rosettes and are red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe karasbergensis one-gallon pots $25.00
This species produces large, sparsely offsetting rosettes and is from the Northern Cape Province of South Africa and southern Namibia. The leaves are blue-gray with some pastel orange-red hints and have prominent stripes, making it one of the prettiest of the Aloes. The flowers are small in comparison to the size of the rosettes and are red. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe kedongensis 2-gallon pots $45.00
From the Kedong Valley, part of the Great Rift Valley system of Kenya, Aloe kedongensis is a shrub with thin, green leaves with distinct soft spines on the margins. In the wild, the plant develops an extremely large trunk and root system. The flowers are bright red and tend to form on all of the multiple stems formed by this species. Our plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe kedongensis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Kedong Valley, part of the Great Rift Valley system of Kenya, Aloe kedongensis is a shrub with thin, green leaves with distinct soft spines on the margins. In the wild, the plant develops an extremely large trunk and root system. The flowers are bright red and tend to form on all of the multiple stems formed by this species. Our plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe kedongensis one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Kedong Valley, part of the Great Rift Valley system of Kenya, Aloe kedongensis is a shrub with thin, green leaves with distinct soft spines on the margins. In the wild, the plant develops an extremely large trunk and root system. The flowers are bright red and tend to form on all of the multiple stems formed by this species. Our plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe kedongensis one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Kedong Valley, part of the Great Rift Valley system of Kenya, Aloe kedongensis is a shrub with thin, green leaves with distinct soft spines on the margins. In the wild, the plant develops an extremely large trunk and root system. The flowers are bright red and tend to form on all of the multiple stems formed by this species. Our plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe kilifiensis 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are endemic to a small area of coastal Kenya near the town of Kilifi. The rosettes have thin green leaves with white striping, and the leaves gain a reddish-purple cast when stressed with sun or drought. The flowers are held in a short, near capitate inflorescence and are red. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe lateritia var. graminicola (HBG-76390) one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, from Ethiopia and Kenya, is a maculate Aloe that forms dense clumps. The leaves are distinctively different from other maculates, generally in terms of its lighter green color and irregular banding of white spots. The flowers range in color from orange to red. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe lateritia var. graminicola (WY 1103) 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from Ethiopia and Kenya, is a maculate Aloe that forms dense clumps. These plants are propagated from a maculate form originally collected near Gilgil, Kenya. The leaves are distinctively different from other maculates, generally in terms of its lighter green color and irregular banding of white spots. The flowers range in color from orange to red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe lateritia var. graminicola (WY 1104) 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from Ethiopia and Kenya, is a maculate Aloe that forms dense clumps. These plants are propagated from an immaculate form originally collected near Gilgil, Kenya. The leaves are distinctively different from other maculates, generally in terms of its lighter green color without spots. The flowers range in color from orange to red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe lateritia var. graminicola (WY 1104) one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, from Ethiopia and Kenya, is a maculate Aloe that forms dense clumps. These plants are propagated from an immaculate form originally collected near Gilgil, Kenya. The leaves are distinctively different from other maculates, generally in terms of its lighter green color without spots. The flowers range in color from orange to red. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe lateritia var. lateritia (Lindi, Tanzania) 4-inch pots $15.00
From material collected by Bhwire Bhitala near Lindi, Tanzania, this potentially undescribed species seems to have affinities to Aloe leptosiphon but grows in the far south of the country. Susan Carter has identified it as Aloe lateritia, but we are dubious because it was found well outside the range of that species and has some differences. These plants have apparently solitary rosettes with light green leaves with scattered white spots. The flower color is green to orange-red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe lateritia var. lateritia (Lindi, Tanzania) 5-inch pots $20.00
From material collected by Bhwire Bhitala near Lindi, Tanzania, this potentially undescribed species seems to have affinities to Aloe leptosiphon but grows in the far south of the country. Susan Carter has identified it as Aloe lateritia, but we are dubious because it was found well outside the range of that species and has some differences. These plants have apparently solitary rosettes with light green leaves with scattered white spots. The flower color is green to orange-red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe lateritia var. lateritia (Lindi, Tanzania) 5-inch pots $20.00
From material collected by Bhwire Bhitala near Lindi, Tanzania, this potentially undescribed species seems to have affinities to Aloe leptosiphon but grows in the far south of the country. Susan Carter has identified it as Aloe lateritia, but we are dubious because it was found well outside the range of that species and has some differences. These plants have apparently solitary rosettes with light green leaves with scattered white spots. The flower color is green to orange-red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe lateritia var. lateritia (Lindi, Tanzania) one-gallon pots $25.00
From material collected by Bhwire Bhitala near Lindi, Tanzania, this potentially undescribed species seems to have affinities to Aloe leptosiphon but grows in the far south of the country. Susan Carter has identified it as Aloe lateritia, but we are dubious because it was found well outside the range of that species and has some differences. These plants have apparently solitary rosettes with light green leaves with scattered white spots. The flower color is green to orange-red. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe lavranosii 3-inch pots $10.00
We previously listed this offering as Aloe sp. aff. doei from Yemen, then as A. splendens, now as A. lavranosii after John Lavranos, who originally described the species. This Aloe has beautiful bluish-green unspotted leaves and forms solitary rosettes. Its flowers are yellow and quite hairy, in line with the original description of Aloe doei. This plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Aloe lavranosii 4-inch pots $15.00
We previously listed this offering as Aloe sp. aff. doei from Yemen, then as A. splendens, now as A. lavranosii after John Lavranos, who originally described the species. This Aloe has beautiful bluish-green unspotted leaves and forms solitary rosettes. Its flowers are yellow and quite hairy, in line with the original description of Aloe doei. This plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe lensayuensis (WY 1185, Marsabit, Kenya) 2-gallon pots $35.00
This offsetting species is from the Marsabit massif in northern Kenya. It came from the second known locality for this species, and it grows with Aloe parvidens. The plants have short, shrubby stems when mature, forming a clump. The flowers are orange red. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe lensayuensis (WY 1185, Marsabit, Kenya) 4-inch pots $15.00
This offsetting species is from the Marsabit massif in northern Kenya. It came from the second known locality for this species, and it grows with Aloe parvidens. The plants have short, shrubby stems when mature, forming a clump. The flowers are orange red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe lensayuensis (WY 1185, Marsabit, Kenya) 5-inch pots $20.00
This offsetting species is from the Marsabit massif in northern Kenya. It came from the second known locality for this species, and it grows with Aloe parvidens. The plants have short, shrubby stems when mature, forming a clump. The flowers are orange red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe lensayuensis (WY 1185, Marsabit, Kenya) one-gallon pots $25.00
This offsetting species is from the Marsabit massif in northern Kenya. It came from the second known locality for this species, and it grows with Aloe parvidens. The plants have short, shrubby stems when mature, forming a clump. The flowers are orange red. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe leptosiphon one-gallon pots $30.00
Aloe leptosiphon, previously known as Aloe greenwayi, is from northeastern Tanzania. It is a short-shrubby species that occupies rocky slopes. These plants have yellow-green leaves. The flowers are yellow turning bright red. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe lineata (Blue Strap Form) 5-inch pots $20.00
This form of Aloe lineata, which is common in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, has distichous, strap-like leaves instead of the typical triangular rosettes. While We’ve seen this type of leaf growth on mature plants in habitat, We’ve never seen an entire plant like these. This version, sold to us under the bogus name of A. glaucescens, has blue-green leaves with yellow-green striping. We have rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe lineata (Strap Form) 3-inch pots $10.00
This form of Aloe lineata, which is common in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, has distichous, strap-like leaves instead of the typical triangular rosettes. While We’ve seen this type of leaf growth on mature plants in habitat, We’ve never seen an entire plant like these. It has the lovely, yellow-green striping characteristic of this species. We have these plants in 3-inch pots.
Aloe lineata (Strap Form) 4-inch pots $15.00
This form of Aloe lineata, which is common in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, has distichous, strap-like leaves instead of the typical triangular rosettes. While We’ve seen this type of leaf growth on mature plants in habitat, We’ve never seen an entire plant like these. It has the lovely, yellow-green striping characteristic of this species. We have these plants in 4-inch pots.
Aloe lineata (Strap Form) 5-inch pots $20.00
This form of Aloe lineata, which is common in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, has distichous, strap-like leaves instead of the typical triangular rosettes. While We’ve seen this type of leaf growth on mature plants in habitat, We’ve never seen an entire plant like these. It has the lovely, yellow-green striping characteristic of this species. We have these rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe lineata (Strap Form) one-gallon pots $25.00
This form of Aloe lineata, which is common in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, has distichous, strap-like leaves instead of the typical triangular rosettes. While We’ve seen this type of leaf growth on mature plants in habitat, We’ve never seen an entire plant like these. It has the lovely, yellow-green striping characteristic of this species. We have these rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe lolwensis 3-gallon pots $45.00
This species is from the Kenyan islands and shore of Lake Victoria (Lolwe). Related to Aloe mubendiensis from Uganda, this is an offsetting species with glossy green leaves. The flowers are red and held in a multibranched inflorescence. These plants are seedlings in 3-gallon pots.
Aloe lolwensis one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from the Kenyan islands and shore of Lake Victoria (Lolwe). Related to Aloe mubendiensis from Uganda, this is an offsetting species with glossy green leaves. The flowers are red and held in a multibranched inflorescence. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe lomatophylloides 2-inch pots $10.00
Endemic to Rodrigues Island off the eastern coast of Africa, this former member of the genus Lomatophyllum is a shrubby aloe with flexible stems. The long, light green leaves are nearly linear and have a deep furrow. The flowers are orange-red. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe lutescens 2-inch pots $8.00
Aloe lutescens, from the Northern Transvaal of South Africa, has yellow-green leaves and forms an inflorescence of yellow flowers. This species forms clumps of offsets with time. This species is a nice contrast to Aloe cryptopoda, which has orange-red flowers but has a similar form. Our plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe macleayi 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Sudan. The solitary rosettes have numerous green, flexible leaves with yellow margins. The flowers are orange-red with yellowish tips. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe macleayi 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Sudan. The solitary rosettes have numerous green, flexible leaves with yellow margins. The flowers are orange-red with yellowish tips. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe macrosiphon 4-inch pots $15.00
This beautiful clustering aloe, rarely offered, is from a wide area of East Africa. The glossy green leaves have large white markings reminiscent of the A. somaliensis group, but this species grows further south in Africa and is much larger. It also has a resemblance to A. parvidens. The flowers held in tall panicles and are pale red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe macrosiphon one-gallon pots $25.00
This beautiful clustering aloe, rarely offered, is from a wide area of East Africa. The glossy green leaves have large white markings reminiscent of the A. somaliensis group, but this species grows further south in Africa and is much larger. It also has a resemblance to A. parvidens. The flowers held in tall panicles and are pale red. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe maculata (variegated) one-gallon pots $30.00
This species is widely distributed along the southeastern coast of South Africa, extending into the interior including Lesotho. This stemless, prolifically offsetting species is the classic spotted Aloe, hence the name. The leaves are variegated in several shades of yellow and green. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe maculata 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is widely distributed along the southeastern coast of South Africa, extending into the interior including Lesotho. This stemless, prolifically offsetting species is the classic spotted Aloe, hence the name. The flowers are held in a capitate inflorescence with flowers ranging from orange to red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe maculata 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is widely distributed along the southeastern coast of South Africa, extending into the interior including Lesotho. This stemless, prolifically offsetting species is the classic spotted Aloe, hence the name. The flowers are held in a capitate inflorescence with flowers ranging from orange to red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe maculata one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is widely distributed along the southeastern coast of South Africa, extending into the interior including Lesotho. This stemless, prolifically offsetting species is the classic spotted Aloe, hence the name. The flowers are held in a capitate inflorescence with flowers ranging from orange to red. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe marlothii 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is wide-ranging in southeastern Africa with localities in Botswana, Swaziland, and several provinces of South Africa. It is a short tree with a broad canopy of triangular-shaped, blue-green leaves covered with prickles. The flowers are yellow and held in a multibranched inflorescence. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it withstands temperatures as low as 18F. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Aloe marlothii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is wide-ranging in southeastern Africa with localities in Botswana, Swaziland, and several provinces of South Africa. It is a short tree with a broad canopy of triangular-shaped, blue-green leaves covered with prickles. The flowers are yellow and held in a multibranched inflorescence. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it withstands temperatures as low as 18F. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe marlothii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is wide-ranging in southeastern Africa with localities in Botswana, Swaziland, and several provinces of South Africa. It is a short tree with a broad canopy of triangular-shaped, blue-green leaves covered with prickles. The flowers are yellow and held in a multibranched inflorescence. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it withstands temperatures as low as 18F. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe marlothii one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is wide-ranging in southeastern Africa with localities in Botswana, Swaziland, and several provinces of South Africa. It is a short tree with a broad canopy of triangular-shaped, blue-green leaves covered with prickles. The flowers are yellow and held in a multibranched inflorescence. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it withstands temperatures as low as 18F. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe massawana 5-inch pots $15.00
Originally named for Massawana, Eritrea, this plant is actually from near Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and has a controversial taxonomy. This was in part resolved with the creation of A. eumassawana to account for the Eritrean plants. The plant is very similar in ecology and form to other species, including Aloe vera from southern Oman and Aloe officionalis from western Yemen; it may well be a hybrid related to Arab trading along the east coast of Africa. The plants have medium rosettes and offset prolifically. The leaves are a light green, unlike the gray-green color of Aloe vera, and the flowers are held in a loose inflorescence of red flowers, not a tightly appressed inflorescence of yellow flowers as in A. vera. The plants seem able to withstand moderate frost, perhaps to 25F. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe massawana one-gallon pots $25.00
Originally named for Massawana, Eritrea, this plant is actually from near Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and has a controversial taxonomy. This was in part resolved with the creation of A. eumassawana to account for the Eritrean plants. The plant is very similar in ecology and form to other species, including Aloe vera from southern Oman and Aloe officionalis from western Yemen; it may well be a hybrid related to Arab trading along the east coast of Africa. The plants have medium rosettes and offset prolifically. The leaves are a light green, unlike the gray-green color of Aloe vera, and the flowers are held in a loose inflorescence of red flowers, not a tightly appressed inflorescence of yellow flowers as in A. vera. The plants seem able to withstand moderate frost, perhaps to 25F. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe mawii 2-inch pots $10.00
This species is from east-central Africa, centered on Malawi and extending northwards and southwards. This shrubby species produces few branches, each of which bear a terminal rosette of gray-green leaves with a bluish cast and faint lines. The flowers are red. We have some difficulty growing these plants in Tucson owing to the high summer heat, and we wouldnt even consider growing this species outdoors in the winter. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Aloe mcloughlinii (Blue Nile form) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from along the Blue Nile in Ethiopia, forms small clumps of relatively large rosettes. Within the group that includes A. somaliensis and A. jucunda, this species has intermediate-sized rosettes and tends to have more of a brownish-bronzed color to the leaves, which contain significant whitish-green elongated spots. The leaf margins have small brownish teeth, and the inflorescence is red fading to pink. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe mcloughlinii (Blue Nile form) 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from along the Blue Nile in Ethiopia, forms small clumps of relatively large rosettes. Within the group that includes A. somaliensis and A. jucunda, this species has intermediate-sized rosettes and tends to have more of a brownish-bronzed color to the leaves, which contain significant whitish-green elongated spots. The leaf margins have small brownish teeth, and the inflorescence is red fading to pink. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe mcloughlinii (Blue Nile form) one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, from along the Blue Nile in Ethiopia, forms small clumps of relatively large rosettes. Within the group that includes A. somaliensis and A. jucunda, this species has intermediate-sized rosettes and tends to have more of a brownish-bronzed color to the leaves, which contain significant whitish-green elongated spots. The leaf margins have small brownish teeth, and the inflorescence is red fading to pink. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe megalacantha 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Ethiopia and Somalia, this short-growing species with large, spreading leaves forms a shrub in habitat. The deeply channeled leaves have magnificent, reddish teeth. The flowers are variable in color, from yellow to red. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe megalacantha 3-inch pots $10.00
From Ethiopia and Somalia, this short-growing species with large, spreading leaves forms a shrub in habitat. The deeply channeled leaves have magnificent, reddish teeth. The flowers are variable in color, from yellow to red. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Aloe megalacantha 4-inch pots $15.00
From Ethiopia and Somalia, this short-growing species with large, spreading leaves forms a shrub in habitat. The deeply channeled leaves have magnificent, reddish teeth. The flowers are variable in color, from yellow to red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe megalacantha 5-inch pots $20.00
From Ethiopia and Somalia, this short-growing species with large, spreading leaves forms a shrub in habitat. The deeply channeled leaves have magnificent, reddish teeth. The flowers are variable in color, from yellow to red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe microstigma 3-inch pots $10.00
Aloe microstigma is common in the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, and the species extends northward through the Great Karoo into southern Namibia. A highly variable species, ours have leaves with white irregular spots and red flowers. Originally, our seeds came from Ribbokkop, Worcester, South Africa. We offer this species in 3-inch pots.
Aloe microstigma 4-inch pots $15.00
Aloe microstigma is common in the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, and the species extends northward through the Great Karoo into southern Namibia. A highly variable species, ours have leaves with white irregular spots and red flowers. Originally, our seeds came from Ribbokkop, Worcester, South Africa. We offer this species in 4-inch pots.
Aloe microstigma 5-inch pots $20.00
Aloe microstigma is common in the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, and the species extends northward through the Great Karoo into southern Namibia. A highly variable species, ours have leaves with white irregular spots and red flowers. Originally, our seeds came from Ribbokkop, Worcester, South Africa. We offer this species in 5-inch pots.
Aloe microstigma one-gallon pots $25.00
Aloe microstigma is common in the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, and the species extends northward through the Great Karoo into southern Namibia. A highly variable species, ours have leaves with white irregular spots and red flowers. Originally, our seeds came from Ribbokkop, Worcester, South Africa. We offer this species in one-gallon pots.
Aloe millotii 4-inch pots $15.00
A forest plant from Madagascar, this small shrubby species is related to A. antandroi. Numerous creeping stems produce nearly distichous leaves that are small, nearly linear, and gray green. The flowers are a bright red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe millotii one-gallon pots $25.00
A forest plant from Madagascar, this small shrubby species is related to A. antandroi. Numerous creeping stems produce nearly distichous leaves that are small, nearly linear, and gray green. The flowers are a bright red. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe monotropa 2-inch pots $8.00
This is a shade-loving Aloe from the Northern Province of South Africa, where it is found in only one locality. It is an acaulescent species with spreading leaves that are patterned with dark and light green markings. The flowers are yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe monotropa 5-inch pots $20.00
This is a shade-loving Aloe from the Northern Province of South Africa, where it is found in only one locality. It is an acaulescent species with spreading leaves that are patterned with dark and light green markings. The flowers are yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe morijensis 4-inch pots $15.00
With A. fibrosa, A. kedongensis, A. rabaiensis, and A. nyeriensis, this group of shrubby aloes has a distribution across southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. A. morijensis, which occurs in the southwest part of the groups distribution, has distinctive, heavily spotted light green leaves. The multicolored flowers are mostly orange and red. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe morijensis 5-inch pots $20.00
With A. fibrosa, A. kedongensis, A. rabaiensis, and A. nyeriensis, this group of shrubby aloes has a distribution across southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. A. morijensis, which occurs in the southwest part of the group‘s distribution, has distinctive, heavily spotted light green leaves. The multicolored flowers are mostly orange and red. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe morijensis one-gallon pots $25.00
With A. fibrosa, A. kedongensis, A. rabaiensis, and A. nyeriensis, this group of shrubby aloes has a distribution across southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. A. morijensis, which occurs in the southwest part of the group's distribution, has distinctive, heavily spotted light green leaves. The multicolored flowers are mostly orange and red. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe mubendiensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species has affinity to Aloe labworana, related to the larger A. schweinfurthii complex that spans sub-Saharan Africa. The leaves of this offsetting species have occasional spots and lineations, and the flowers are dense and orange-red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe mubendiensis one-gallon pots $25.00
This species has affinity to Aloe labworana, related to the larger A. schweinfurthii complex that spans sub-Saharan Africa. The leaves of this offsetting species have occasional spots and lineations, and the flowers are dense and orange-red. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe mudenensis 4-inch pots $15.00
From KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this spotted Aloe rarely offsets. The blue-green leaves with dense white spots are very attractive, and the flowers are red-orange. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe mutabilis 2-gallon pots $35.00
This species comes from the northeastern provinces of South Africa, where, like A. hardyi, it occurs on steep slopes to vertical cliffs. It is distinctive because of its light blue-green leaves and highly flexible stems, which appear designed more to hang than to remain upright. The flowers evolve to a yellow when mature. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe mutabilis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species comes from the northeastern provinces of the Republic of South Africa, where, like A. hardyi, it occurs on steep slopes to vertical cliffs. It is distinctive because of its light blue-green leaves and highly flexible stems, which appear designed more to hang than to remain upright. The flowers evolve to a yellow when mature. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe mutabilis one-gallon pots $25.00
This species comes from the northeastern provinces of South Africa, where, like A. hardyi, it occurs on steep slopes to vertical cliffs. It is distinctive because of its light blue-green leaves and highly flexible stems, which appear designed more to hang than to remain upright. The flowers evolve to a yellow when mature. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe mzimbana 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Malawi and surrounding countries. It freely offsets, producing rosettes with numerous deltoid-shaped leaves that are glossy gray-green with a reddish margin that bears reddish spines. The flowers are bright red and held in a lax inflorescence. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe mzimbana one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from Malawi and surrounding countries. It freely offsets, producing rosettes with numerous deltoid-shaped leaves that are glossy gray-green with a reddish margin that bears reddish spines. The flowers are bright red and held in a lax inflorescence. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe niensiensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, collected by Dee Roberts (Roberts 55) near Niensi, Tanzania, is a small offsetting maculate Aloe. The flowers are red and secund, and this character is what distinguishes it from other similar species, such as Aloe bukobana. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe niensiensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, collected by Dee Roberts (Roberts 55) near Niensi, Tanzania, is a small offsetting maculate Aloe. The flowers are red and secund, and this character is what distinguishes it from other similar species, such as Aloe bukobana. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe nobilis (variegated) one-gallon pots $30.00
This hybrid has long been known in the trade and once achieved species status. It probably is a hybrid between Aloe distans and A. brevifolia, possessing the light green leaves and spots of the former and the dense marginal spines of the latter. These plants, moreover, are variegated with streaks of yellow and orange. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe nobilis 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid has long been known in the trade and once achieved species status. It probably is a hybrid between Aloe distans and A. brevifolia, possessing the light green leaves and spots of the former and the dense marginal spines of the latter. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe nobilis 5-inch pots $20.00
This hybrid has long been known in the trade and once achieved species status. It probably is a hybrid between Aloe distans and A. brevifolia, possessing the light green leaves and spots of the former and the dense marginal spines of the latter. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe nobilis one-gallon pots $30.00
This hybrid has long been known in the trade and once achieved species status. It probably is a hybrid between Aloe distans and A. brevifolia, possessing the light green leaves and spots of the former and the dense marginal spines of the latter. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe officinalis 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Tihama Plains of western Yemen, extending northwards into Saudi Arabia, this species offsets prolifically. The medium-sized rosettes produce yellow-green to gray-green leaves without spots when mature. The flowers can be either yellow or red and both colors seemingly can be produced from the same clone. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe officinalis one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Tihama Plains of western Yemen, extending northwards into Saudi Arabia, this species offsets prolifically. The medium-sized rosettes produce yellow-green to gray-green leaves without spots when mature. The flowers can be either yellow or red and both colors seemingly can be produced from the same clone. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe officinalis one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Tihama Plains of western Yemen, extending northwards into Saudi Arabia, this species offsets prolifically. The medium-sized rosettes produce yellow-green to gray-green leaves without spots when mature. The flowers can be either yellow or red and both colors seemingly can be produced from the same clone. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe omoana 2-gallon pots $45.00
Aloe omoana is another rare species from Ethiopia. It is a short shrubby species with mostly green leaves and scattered white spots. The flowers are yellow or sometimes red. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe omoana 3-gallon pots $50.00
Aloe omoana is another rare species from Ethiopia. It is a short shrubby species with mostly green leaves and scattered white spots. The flowers are yellow or sometimes red. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-gallon pots.
Aloe omoana 5-inch pots $20.00
Aloe omoana is another rare species from Ethiopia. It is a short shrubby species with mostly green leaves and scattered white spots. The flowers are yellow or sometimes red. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe omoana one-gallon pots $25.00
Aloe omoana is another rare species from Ethiopia. It is a short shrubby species with mostly green leaves and scattered white spots. The flowers are yellow or sometimes red. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe parvibracteata 5-inch pots $20.00
From northeastern South Africa and Swaziland, this spotted Aloe prolifically offsets. The leaves tend to be long and purple-green with some stripes and few to numerous white spots. The flowers are borne on branched inflorescences and generally are orange-red; this species typically flowers in late winter in Tucson. Our plants have withstood 23F undamaged. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe pearsonii (pink flower) 2-inch pots $20.00
Aloe pearsonii is a narrow endemic in the Richtersveld of South Africa, with some smaller populations in southern Namibia. This species covers entire valleys in its narrow range, turning the landscape a reddish purple. Those clone has pinkish flowers instead of the typical orange-red. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe peckii 2-inch pots $8.00
This small species is from Somalia. Typically solitary, but sometimes clustering, it is part of the complex that includes A. somaliensis and A. harlana, and like those species, A. peckii has a low rosette bearing glossy, multipatterned leaves. The flowers are greenish-yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Aloe peckii 5-inch pots $20.00
This small species is from Somalia. Typically solitary, but sometimes clustering, it is part of the complex that includes A. somaliensis and A. harlana, and like those species, A. peckii has a low rosette bearing glossy, multipatterned leaves. The flowers are greenish-yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe peckii one-gallon pots $25.00
This small species is from Somalia. Typically solitary, but sometimes clustering, it is part of the complex that includes A. somaliensis and A. harlana, and like those species, A. peckii has a low rosette bearing glossy, multipatterned leaves. The flowers are greenish-yellow. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe pendens 4-inch pots $15.00
One of the many cremnophilous species from Yemen, this species has scraggly stems that eventually form a dense cluster. The stems may hang, since that is their usual form, or they may be mostly upright. The flowers are yellow and occur over a long period of the year in cultivation. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe pendens 5-inch pots $20.00
One of the many cremnophilous species from Yemen, this species has scraggly stems that eventually form a dense cluster. The stems may hang, since that is their usual form, or they may be mostly upright. The flowers are yellow and occur over a long period of the year in cultivation. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe pendens one-gallon pots $25.00
One of the many cremnophilous species from Yemen, this species has scraggly stems that eventually form a dense cluster. The stems may hang, since that is their usual form, or they may be mostly upright. The flowers are yellow and occur over a long period of the year in cultivation. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe penduliflora (WY 1009) 4-inch pots $15.00
From Kenya (WY 1009), this shrubby Aloe offsets prolifically, forming large clumps. The leaves are light green in color and are distributed along the stems. The inflorescence typically has a U-shaped bend in it, explaining the epithet of this species, and the flowers are yellow and mostly capitate. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe penduliflora (WY 1009) 5-inch pots $20.00
From Kenya (WY 1009), this shrubby Aloe offsets prolifically, forming large clumps. The leaves are light green in color and are distributed along the stems. The inflorescence typically has a U-shaped bend in it, explaining the epithet of this species, and the flowers are yellow and mostly capitate. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe penduliflora (WY 1009) one-gallon pots $25.00
From Kenya (WY 1009), this shrubby Aloe offsets prolifically, forming large clumps. The leaves are light green in color and are distributed along the stems. The inflorescence typically has a U-shaped bend in it, explaining the epithet of this species, and the flowers are yellow and mostly capitate. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe perdita 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Chimanimani Mountains of Zimbabwe, this species is related to A. swynnertonii. It tends to be smaller than that species and has orange-colored flowers on a multibranched inflorescence. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe perdita 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Chimanimani Mountains of Zimbabwe, this species is related to A. swynnertonii. It tends to be smaller than that species and has orange-colored flowers on a multibranched inflorescence. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe petrophila (ISI 2001-24) 5-inch pots $20.00
These plants, which were ISI 2001-24, originally came from propagules originating in the Northern Province of South Africa. Another cremnophilous species, growing primarily on cliffs, this species forms small clumps of rosettes bearing light green, white-spotted leaves. The flowers are pink and borne in dense, capitate inflorescences. This species took 18F recently in Tucson with minimal damage. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe pictifolia 5-inch pots $20.00
Aloe pictifolia is from the Kouga Dam locality in the Eastern Cape Province, also the home for several narrowly endemic Gasterias. Typically in suckering groups, this maculate Aloe forms rosettes with long, narrow leaves that will recurve downwards in certain situations. The flowers are bright red with a greenish entry to the floral tube. We offer rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe plicatilis 2-inch pots $8.00
This unique tree Aloe grows to 14-ft high in its habitat, the higher parts of the Drakensburg Mountains of the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It bears flat strap-like unspotted leaves at the branch tips, and the leaves are arranged distichously, hence the common name of fan aloe. These seedlings are in 2-inch pots.
Aloe plicatilis 4-inch pots $15.00
This unique tree Aloe grows to 14-ft high in its habitat, the higher parts of the Drakensburg Mountains of the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It bears flat strap-like unspotted leaves at the branch tips, and the leaves are arranged distichously, hence the common name of‘ fan aloe.‘ These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Aloe plicatilis 5-inch pots $20.00
This unique tree Aloe grows to 14-ft high in its habitat, the higher parts of the Drakensburg Mountains of the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It bears flat strap-like unspotted leaves at the branch tips, and the leaves are arranged distichously, hence the common name of ‘fan aloe.‘ These seedlings are in 5-inch pots.
Aloe plicatilis one-gallon pots $25.00
This unique tree Aloe grows to 14-ft high in its habitat, the higher parts of the Drakensburg Mountains of the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It bears flat strap-like unspotted leaves at the branch tips, and the leaves are arranged distichously, hence the common name of fan aloe. These seedlings are in one-gallon pots.
Aloe pluridens 2-gallon pots $35.00
This species ranges from the Eastern Cape Province to KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa. A tree, this species has yellow-green leaves with prominent white teeth. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe pluridens 5-inch pots $20.00
This species ranges from the Eastern Cape Province to KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa. A tree, this species has yellow-green leaves with prominent white teeth. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe pluridens one-gallon pots $25.00
This species ranges from the Eastern Cape Province to KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa. A tree, this species has yellow-green leaves with prominent white teeth. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe pratensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This small, offsetting Aloe is from Lesotho and the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal Provinces of South Africa. The leaves have no spots but do have small tubercles bearing short spines on the top and bottoms. The reddish flowers are borne in relatively large, dense panicles. These plants are offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe pratensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This small, offsetting Aloe is from Lesotho and the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal Provinces of South Africa. The leaves have no spots but do have small tubercles bearing short spines on the top and bottoms. The reddish flowers are borne in relatively large, dense panicles. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe prinslooi 2-inch pots $8.00
From KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this little offsetting Aloe has a very symmetrical and small rosette with spotted leaves. The flowers are whitish-pink. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe pruinosa 3-gallon pots $40.00
This medium-sized spotted Aloe, from a small area of the KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, only sparsely offsets. The leaves tend to have a purple cast in full sun, creating a beautiful landscape plant. The flowers that bloom in mid- to late-summer are somewhat unique in their waxy gray-white-pink color. It is frost hardy to 25 F. Our plants are seedlings in 3-gallon pots.
Aloe pseudorubroviolacea 4-inch pots $15.00
This small, blue-grey Aloe is from Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Possibly frost hardy to 25 F, it has brilliant red flowers that form in the spring, and its flowers may be the most beautiful of any species in the genus Aloe. Our plants are in 4-inch pots.
Aloe pseudorubroviolacea 5-gallon pots $60.00
This small, blue-grey Aloe is from Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Possibly frost hardy to 25 F, it has brilliant red flowers that form in the spring, and its flowers may be the most beautiful of any species in the genus Aloe. Our seedlings are in 5-gallon pots.
Aloe pseudorubroviolacea 5-inch pots $20.00
This small, blue-grey Aloe is from Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Possibly frost hardy to 25 F, it has brilliant red flowers that form in the spring, and its flowers may be the most beautiful of any species in the genus Aloe. Our plants are in 5-inch pots.
Aloe pubescens 5-inch pots $20.00
From Ethiopia, this immaculate species has gray-green leaves and can form proliferous groups. The inflorescence, borne in the summer to fall period, is relatively tall and bears coral-red flowers that are covered with hairs, hence the name. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe pubescens one-gallon pots $25.00
From Ethiopia, this immaculate species has gray-green leaves and can form proliferous groups. The inflorescence, borne in the summer to fall period, is relatively tall and bears coral-red flowers that are covered with hairs, hence the name. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe rabaiensis 2-gallon pots $45.00
This species is a shrubby Aloe from coastal regions of Kenya. The plants branch from the base and produce olive-green leaves with prominent dark marginal spines. The flowers, produced in a relatively large panicle, are yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe ramosissima 4-inch pots $15.00
We think this is a shrubby form of Aloe dichotoma, but it is worth keeping separate because of its form. It perhaps is easier to keep in pots because of its form, which branches from the base in pots. Like A. dichotoma, the flowers are large and yellow. We do not recommend this plant in landscaping because it takes little frost and does not tolerate summer rainfall, but we do continue to water these plants lightly in the hot summer months. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe ramosissima 5-inch pots $20.00
We think this is a shrubby form of Aloe dichotoma, but it is worth keeping separate because of its form. It perhaps is easier to keep in pots because of its form, which branches from the base in pots. Like A. dichotoma, the flowers are large and yellow. We do not recommend this plant in landscaping because it takes little frost and does not tolerate summer rainfall, but we do continue to water these plants lightly in the hot summer months. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe rapanarivoi 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, related to A. richaudii and A. gneissicola, is from Madagascar. It is a solitary plant with a rosette of, grey-green leaves. The flowers are capitate and red-yellow in color These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe rauhii 4-inch pots $15.00
This wonderful dwarf species is from Madagascar. While it has served as the basis for innumerable hybrids, the pure species is quite special in its own right. It is a proliferous clumper, forming a rosette of deltoid, grey-green leaves covered with elongated spots. The flowers are a nice red, and this species flowers frequently. What we really like about this species is that we planted it in our yard, completely neglected it through drought and freezes down to 23F, and it came through without a problem! These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe rauhii 5-inch pots $20.00
This wonderful dwarf species is from Madagascar. While it has served as the basis for innumerable hybrids, the pure species is quite special in its own right. It is a proliferous clumper, forming a rosette of deltoid, grey-green leaves covered with elongated spots. The flowers are a nice red, and this species flowers frequently. What we really like about this species is that we planted it in our yard, completely neglected it through drought and freezes down to 23F, and it came through without a problem! These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe rauhii one-gallon pots $25.00
This wonderful dwarf species is from Madagascar. While it has served as the basis for innumerable hybrids, the pure species is quite special in its own right. It is a proliferous clumper, forming a rosette of deltoid, grey-green leaves covered with elongated spots. The flowers are a nice red, and this species flowers frequently. What we really like about this species is that we planted it in our yard, completely neglected it through drought and freezes down to 23F, and it came through without a problem! These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe rauhii x Blue Hawaii 3-inch pots $10.00
This hybrid back crosses A. rauhii with the cultivar Blue Hawaii," which also has A. rauhii in it. As the name suggests, the leaves have a strong blue cast with some streaks of pink-red coloration. The flowers are small and light red in color. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Aloe rauhii x Blue Hawaii 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid back crosses A. rauhii with the cultivar Blue Hawaii," which also has A. rauhii in it. As the name suggests, the leaves have a strong blue cast with some streaks of pink-red coloration. The flowers are small and light red in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe reitzii one-gallon pots $25.00
From South Africa, and mostly from Mpumalanga Province, this is one of the striking Aloes in terms of form and flowers. The rosettes typically are solitary, bearing gray-green leaves. When young, the leaves have significant tubercles (spines) on the leaves, particularly the outer surfaces, but these tend to be restricted to near the tips in the older leaves. The flowers are spectacular and borne in branched inflorescences with closely appressed, downward-facing flowers of a silvery red appearance. This is one of the best Aloes in terms of flowers, which typically occur in late summer in Tucson. We’ve had plants out at 20F with no damage. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe rendilliorum 3-inch pots $15.00
This is an acaulescent aloe that is native to one locality in north-central Kenya. It is related to other species from this region, notably Aloe archeri. It has long, immaculate green leaves in its rosette. The flowers are dull red in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Aloe rendilliorum 4-inch pots $20.00
This is an acaulescent aloe that is native to one locality in north-central Kenya. It is related to other species from this region, notably Aloe archeri. It has long, immaculate green leaves in its rosette. The flowers are dull red in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe rendilliorum 5-inch pots $25.00
This is an acaulescent aloe that is native to one locality in north-central Kenya. It is related to other species from this region, notably Aloe archeri. It has long, immaculate green leaves in its rosette. The flowers are dull red in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe reynoldsii 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species superficially resembles A. striata. The leaves are relatively wide and blue-green with white longitudinal stripes. Unlike A. striata, the flowers are yellow and relatively small. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe reynoldsii 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species superficially resembles A. striata. The leaves are relatively wide and blue-green with white longitudinal stripes. Unlike A. striata, the flowers are yellow and relatively small. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe reynoldsii 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species superficially resembles A. striata. The leaves are relatively wide and blue-green with white longitudinal stripes. Unlike A. striata, the flowers are yellow and relatively small. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe reynoldsii one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species superficially resembles A. striata. The leaves are relatively wide and blue-green with white longitudinal stripes. Unlike A. striata, the flowers are yellow and relatively small. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe richaudii 4-inch pots $15.00
Related to the more widespread Aloe capitata, this species has a restricted distribution on granite domes in one part of Madagascar. It is an offsetting species with an acaulescent rosette of gray-green leaves that have reddish-purple highlights, yellow margins, and yellow marginal teeth. This species has relatively large yellow flowers held in capitate racemes. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe rigens 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from northwestern Somalia, and it probably extends into Djibouti. It typically is solitary with medium-sized rosettes of olive-green leaves that are spotted when young but solid-colored when mature. The flowers are a pale red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe rigens 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from northwestern Somalia, and it probably extends into Djibouti. It typically is solitary with medium-sized rosettes of olive-green leaves that are spotted when young but solid-colored when mature. The flowers are a pale red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe rigens one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from northwestern Somalia, and it probably extends into Djibouti. It typically is solitary with medium-sized rosettes of olive-green leaves that are spotted when young but solid-colored when mature. The flowers are a pale red. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe rivierei 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Yemen and Saudi Arabia, where it grows primarily on rocky cliffs and slopes at intermediate elevations, this shrubby Aloe prolifically offsets to form relatively large clumps. Like many of the Arabian Aloes, the younger branches have spotted leaves while mature leaves are immaculate or nearly so. The flowers are orange-red and are borne in the summer and fall. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe rivierei 5-inch pots $20.00
From Yemen and Saudi Arabia, where it grows primarily on rocky cliffs and slopes at intermediate elevations, this shrubby Aloe prolifically offsets to form relatively large clumps. Like many of the Arabian Aloes, the younger branches have spotted leaves while mature leaves are immaculate or nearly so. The flowers are orange-red and are borne in the summer and fall. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe rivierei one-gallon pots $25.00
From Yemen and Saudi Arabia, where it grows primarily on rocky cliffs and slopes at intermediate elevations, this shrubby Aloe prolifically offsets to form relatively large clumps. Like many of the Arabian Aloes, the younger branches have spotted leaves while mature leaves are immaculate or nearly so. The flowers are orange-red and are borne in the summer and fall. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe ruffingiana 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are propagated from material originally collected near Ambatomena, Madagascar. Branching from the base, the stems produce rosettes of triangular leaves that are green with numerous white spots. The leaf margin is reddish-white with small dull teeth. The flowers red at the base, transitioning to an overall white color with green lips. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe ruffingiana 5-inch pots $20.00
These plants are propagated from material originally collected near Ambatomena, Madagascar. Branching from the base, the stems produce rosettes of triangular leaves that are green with numerous white spots. The leaf margin is reddish-white with small dull teeth. The flowers red at the base, transitioning to an overall white color with green lips. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe rupestris 4-inch pots $15.00
This tree Aloe, from Mozambique, Swaziland, and KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, typically is single-stemmed up to more than 20 feet tall. The leaves are a dark green with a reddish-purple sheen, and they have prominent marginal teeth. The flowers are yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe rupestris 5-inch pots $20.00
This tree Aloe, from Mozambique, Swaziland, and KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, typically is single-stemmed up to more than 20 feet tall. The leaves are a dark green with a reddish-purple sheen, and they have prominent marginal teeth. The flowers are yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe schelpei 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Ethiopia, this species is a shrubby species with blue-green leaves and a pinkish margin. The flowers are orange to red in color. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe schelpei 3-gallon pots $40.00
From Ethiopia, this species is a shrubby species with blue-green leaves and a pinkish margin. The flowers are orange to red in color. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-gallon pots.
Aloe schelpei 5-inch pots $20.00
From Ethiopia, this species is a shrubby species with blue-green leaves and a pinkish margin. The flowers are orange to red in color. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe schelpei one-gallon pots $25.00
From Ethiopia, this species is a shrubby species with blue-green leaves and a pinkish margin. The flowers are orange to red in color. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe scobinifolia 2-inch pots $8.00
This rare species from Somalia is slow growing. The seedlings are distichous, but the mature plants are solitary and rosulate. The leaves are thick and succulent and typically recurved; the margin becomes pink with time, and the leaf surface is roughened. The flower color ranges from yellow to red. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe scorpiodes 2-gallon pots $40.00
From one mountain range in southwestern Angola, this species is shrubby with yellow-green leaves. Although the leaves downturn, suggesting an inverted scorpion tail, the name comes from the inflorescence, which curves upwards and bears yellow-orange flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe scorpiodes 5-inch pots $20.00
From one mountain range in southwestern Angola, this species is shrubby with yellow-green leaves. Although the leaves downturn, suggesting an inverted scorpion tail, the name comes from the inflorescence, which curves upwards and bears yellow-orange flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe scorpiodes one-gallon pots $25.00
From one mountain range in southwestern Angola, this species is shrubby with yellow-green leaves. Although the leaves downturn, suggesting an inverted scorpion tail, the name comes from the inflorescence, which curves upwards and bears yellow-orange flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe secundiflora (WY 1021) 5-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed in East Africa, our plants originated from material originally collected in the Rift Valley of Kenya (WY 1021). This plants are a glassy green with prominent marginal teeth and spots on the young plants. This species, which rarely offsets, produces a beautiful inflorescence with flowers turned upright along mostly lateral flowering stalks (hence the species epithet). These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe secundiflora (WY 1021) 8-inch pots $35.00
Widely distributed in East Africa, our plants originated from material originally collected in the Rift Valley of Kenya (WY 1021). This plants are a glassy green with prominent marginal teeth and spots on the young plants. This species, which rarely offsets, produces a beautiful inflorescence with flowers turned upright along mostly lateral flowering stalks (hence the species epithet). These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Aloe secundiflora (WY 1021) one-gallon pots $30.00
Widely distributed in East Africa, our plants originated from material originally collected in the Rift Valley of Kenya (WY 1021). This plants are a glassy green with prominent marginal teeth and spots on the young plants. This species, which rarely offsets, produces a beautiful inflorescence with flowers turned upright along mostly lateral flowering stalks (hence the species epithet). These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe sereti (Cameroon) 3-gallon pots $65.00
This species, from Cameroon and Zaire (Congo), has plants that occasionally offset but mostly have medium-sized, solitary rosettes. The leaves are blue-green with abundant faint-white spots and a pinkish-white margin with reddish-white marginal spines. The flowers are bright red. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-gallon pots.
Aloe sereti (Cameroon) one-gallon pots $30.00
This species, from Cameroon and Zaire (Congo), has plants that occasionally offset but mostly have medium-sized, solitary rosettes. The leaves are blue-green with abundant faint-white spots and a pinkish-white margin with reddish-white marginal spines. The flowers are bright red. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe shadensis 2-inch pots $8.00
Aloe shadensis is from a small group of mountains in Saudi Arabia. Spotted when young, the mature plants are mostly solid green and resemble Aloe castellorum. However, unlike that species, the flowers of Aloe shadensis are orange-red. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Aloe shadensis 3-inch pots $10.00
Aloe shadensis is from a small group of mountains in Saudi Arabia. Spotted when young, the mature plants are mostly solid green and resemble Aloe castellorum. However, unlike that species, the flowers of Aloe shadensis are orange-red. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe sinkatana (zub) 4-inch pots $15.00
This small, proliferous species , which is from the Sudan, forms rosettes of yellow-green leaves that are marked with white spots and reddish spines on the margins. The new name of this species is Aloe zub, reflecting its offsetting nature compared with what Aloe sinkatana is supposed to be like. The inflorescence is capitate with bright orange-red flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe sinkatana (zub) 5-inch pots $20.00
This small, proliferous species , which is from the Sudan, forms rosettes of yellow-green leaves that are marked with white spots and reddish spines on the margins. The new name of this species is Aloe zub, reflecting its offsetting nature compared with what Aloe sinkatana is supposed to be like. The inflorescence is capitate with bright orange-red flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe sinkatana (zub) 5-inch pots $20.00
This small, proliferous species, which is from the Sudan, forms rosettes of yellow-green leaves that are marked with white spots and reddish spines on the margins. The new name of this species is Aloe zub, reflecting its offsetting nature compared with what Aloe sinkatana is supposed to be like. The inflorescence is capitate with bright orange-red flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe sinkatana (zub) one-gallon pots $25.00
This small, proliferous species, which is from the Sudan, forms rosettes of yellow-green leaves that are marked with white spots and reddish spines on the margins. The new name of this species is Aloe zub, reflecting its offsetting nature compared with what Aloe sinkatana is supposed to be like. The inflorescence is capitate with bright orange-red flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe somaliensis 2-inch pots $10.00
This species, from Somalia, forms a small rosette and gradually offsets. When kept in shade, the leaves are almost black-green with light elongated spots and red teeth on the margins. The coloration tends to fade when the species is placed in more sun. Aloe somaliensis is a very pretty and distinctive species, worthy of any collection that includes Aloes. These seedlings are in 2-inch pots.
Aloe somaliensis 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, from Somalia, forms a small rosette and gradually offsets. When kept in shade, the leaves are almost black-green with light elongated spots and red teeth on the margins. The coloration tends to fade when the species is placed in more sun. Aloe somaliensis is a very pretty and distinctive species, worthy of any collection that includes Aloes. These seedlings are in 3-inch pots.
Aloe somaliensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from Somalia, forms a small rosette and gradually offsets. When kept in shade, the leaves are almost black-green with light elongated spots and red teeth on the margins. The coloration tends to fade when the species is placed in more sun. Aloe somaliensis is a very pretty and distinctive species, worthy of any collection that includes Aloes. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Aloe somaliensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from Somalia, forms a small rosette and gradually offsets. When kept in shade, the leaves are almost black-green with light elongated spots and red teeth on the margins. The coloration tends to fade when the species is placed in more sun. Aloe somaliensis is a very pretty and distinctive species, worthy of any collection that includes Aloes. These seedlings are in 5-inch pots.
Aloe somaliensis var. marmorata 2-inch pots $8.00
This species, clearly from Somalia, forms a small rosette and gradually offsets. When kept in shade, the leaves are almost black-green with light elongated spots and red teeth on the margins. In variety marmorata, the coloration is lighter and somewhat resembles the patterning of marble (as the epithet suggests). These rooted offsets are in 2-inch pots.
Aloe sp. (Awassa, Ethiopia) 2-gallon pots $40.00
These plants came to us from an unknown source. All we know is that they are from Ethiopia. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe sp. (Awassa, Ethiopia) 5-inch pots $20.00
These plants came to us from an unknown source. All we know is that they are from Ethiopia. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe sp. (Awassa, Ethiopia) one-gallon pots $25.00
These plants came to us from an unknown source. All we know is that they are from Ethiopia. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe sp. (Baviaanskrantz, RSA) 5-inch pots $20.00
These plants are from seeds collected by the late Charles Craib near Baviaanskrantz, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It is too soon to know what these plants may be: new species, or a rare existing one. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe sp. (Baviaanskrantz, RSA) one-gallon pots $25.00
These plants are from seeds collected by the late Charles Craib near Baviaanskrantz, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It is too soon to know what these plants may be: new species, or a rare existing one. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe sp. (Brown-Powys 21) 4-inch pots $15.00
This plant has been around in cultivation for a long time and superficially resembles Aloe kilifiensis. After some mostly profitless research, we determined that these plants must have come from Ann Powys and her ex-husband, but no other information is available. We have no idea whether this is a species, a form of an existing species (such as A. kilifiensis), or a hybrid. They are quite nice though, although a little touchy in cultivation. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe sp. (Brown-Powys 21) 5-inch pots $20.00
This plant has been around in cultivation for a long time and superficially resembles Aloe kilifiensis. After some mostly profitless research, we determined that these plants must have come from Ann Powys and her ex-husband, but no other information is available. We have no idea whether this is a species, a form of an existing species (such as A. kilifiensis), or a hybrid. They are quite nice though, although a little touchy in cultivation. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe sp. (Brown-Powys 21) one-gallon pots $25.00
This plant has been around in cultivation for a long time and superficially resembles Aloe kilifiensis. After some mostly profitless research, we determined that these plants must have come from Ann Powys and her ex-husband, but no other information is available. We have no idea whether this is a species, a form of an existing species (such as A. kilifiensis), or a hybrid. They are quite nice though, although a little touchy in cultivation. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe sp. (Machakos Junction, Kenya) 4-inch pots $15.00
From material collected near Machakos in south-central Kenya, this potentially undescribed species seems to have affinities to Aloe lateritia. These plants have apparently solitary rosettes with light, olive-green leaves with scattered white spots. The flower color is unknown. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe sp. (Machakos Junction, Kenya) 5-inch pots $20.00
From material collected near Machakos in south-central Kenya, this potentially undescribed species seems to have affinities to Aloe secundiflora. These plants have apparently solitary rosettes with light, olive-green leaves with scattered white spots. The flower color is unknown. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe sp. aff. elegans 4-inch pots $15.00
Aloe elegans is a highly variable species is from Ethiopia and Eritrea. These plants are from the same region, and their rosettes bear light-green leaves with a reddish margin. We think the flowers will be any color from yellow to bright red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe speciosa (hexapetala) 2-gallon pots $45.00
This tree Aloe is from the transition area between the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa. Where it grows, it dominates slopes, creating a sight to behold for Aloe lovers. The former A. hexapetala, long-since merged with A. speciosa, tends to have more green leaves than the blue-green form typical of A. speciosa. The flowers are greenish-white. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe speciosa 4-inch pots $15.00
This beautiful blue-green tree Aloe is from the transition area between the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa. Where it grows, it dominates slopes, creating a sight to behold for Aloe lovers. The flowers are greenish-white. Our plants have taken 18F with leaf damage in Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe spicata 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from the northeastern provinces of South Africa. It is a medium to large species on a short stem bearing long, narrow leaves that are immaculate and green, turning reddish-purple in sun. The flowers are brown-yellow and have a shaving brush appearance owing to the dense inflorescence and long stamens. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Aloe spicata 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the northeastern provinces of South Africa. It is a medium to large species on a short stem bearing long, narrow leaves that are immaculate and green, turning reddish-purple in sun. The flowers are brown-yellow and have a shaving brush appearance owing to the dense inflorescence and long stamens. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe spicata 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from the northeastern provinces of South Africa. It is a medium to large species on a short stem bearing long, narrow leaves that are immaculate and green, turning reddish-purple in sun. The flowers are brown-yellow and have a shaving brush appearance owing to the dense inflorescence and long stamens. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe spicata one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from the northeastern provinces of South Africa. It is a medium to large species on a short stem bearing long, narrow leaves that are immaculate and green, turning reddish-purple in sun. The flowers are brown-yellow and have a shaving brush appearance owing to the dense inflorescence and long stamens. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe spinosissima 3-gallon pots $40.00
Aloe spinosissima is one of those things that exists, but no one seems to know what it is. On the one hand, it is a species that is so poorly documented that it is not accepted in current treatments of the genus. On the other hand, there are some hybrids out there that are referred to as A. spinosissima that clearly are not. This is “the real deal” for what it is worth. The flowers are red, and the plant is shrubby and (surprise!) spiny. These plants are seedlings in 3-gallon pots.
Aloe spinosissima 3-gallon pots $40.00
Aloe spinosissima is one of those things that exists, but no one seems to know what it is. On the one hand, it is a species that is so poorly documented that it is not accepted in current treatments of the genus. On the other hand, there are some hybrids out there that are referred to as A. spinosissima that clearly are not. This is “the real deal” for what it is worth. The flowers are red, and the plant is shrubby and (surprise!) spiny. These plants are seedlings in 3-gallon pots.
Aloe spinosissima 4-inch pots $15.00
Aloe spinosissima is one of those things that exists, but no one seems to know what it is. On the one hand, it is a species that is so poorly documented that it is not accepted in current treatments of the genus. On the other hand, there are some hybrids out there that are referred to as A. spinosissima that clearly are not. This is “the real deal” for what it is worth. The flowers are red, and the plant is shrubby and (surprise!) spiny. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe spinosissima 5-inch pots $20.00
Aloe spinosissima is one of those things that exists, but no one seems to know what it is. On the one hand, it is a species that is so poorly documented that it is not accepted in current treatments of the genus. On the other hand, there are some hybrids out there that are referred to as A. spinosissima that clearly are not. This is “the real deal” for what it is worth. The flowers are red, and the plant is shrubby and (surprise!) spiny. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe spinosissima one-gallon pots $25.00
Aloe spinosissima is one of those things that exists, but no one seems to know what it is. On the one hand, it is a species that is so poorly documented that it is not accepted in current treatments of the genus. On the other hand, there are some hybrids out there that are referred to as A. spinosissima that clearly are not. This is “the real deal” for what it is worth. The flowers are red, and the plant is shrubby and (surprise!) spiny. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe striata 2-inch pots $8.00
A classic landscape Aloe in Tucson, Aloe striata has spineless leaves with pink edges. It is quite frost hardy (to 20F), and it produces very pretty red flowers in the early spring. Our plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe striata 4-inch pots $15.00
A classic landscape Aloe in Tucson, Aloe striata has spineless leaves with pink edges. It is quite frost hardy (to 20F), and it produces very pretty red flowers in the early spring. Our plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe striata 5-inch pot $20.00
A classic landscape Aloe in Tucson, Aloe striata has spineless leaves with pink edges. It is quite frost hardy (to 20F), and it produces very pretty red flowers in the early spring. Our plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe striata one-gallon pots $25.00
A classic landscape Aloe in Tucson, Aloe striata has spineless leaves with pink edges. It is quite frost hardy (to 20F), and it produces very pretty red flowers in the early spring. Our plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe succotrina hybrid 3-inch pots $10.00
Due to problems with specimen labeling, this species as originally described was thought to be from Socotra, Yemen, hence the epithet. However, it actually is from the Cape peninsula near Cape Town, Western Cape Province of South Africa. It can have a short stem, but typically it produces light green leaves with prominent marginal teeth, betraying its close relation to Aloe arborescens. The flowers are red. These plants are open-pollinated seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Aloe succotrina hybrid 4-inch pots $15.00
Due to problems with specimen labeling, this species as originally described was thought to be from Socotra, Yemen, hence the epithet. However, it actually is from the Cape peninsula near Cape Town, Western Cape Province of South Africa. It can have a short stem, but typically it produces light green leaves with prominent marginal teeth, betraying its close relation to Aloe arborescens. The flowers are red. These plants are open-pollinated seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe succotrina hybrid 5-inch pots $20.00
Due to problems with specimen labeling, this species as originally described was thought to be from Socotra, Yemen, hence the epithet. However, it actually is from the Cape peninsula near Cape Town, Western Cape Province of South Africa. It can have a short stem, but typically it produces light green leaves with prominent marginal teeth, betraying its close relation to Aloe arborescens. The flowers are red. These plants are open-pollinated seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe suffulta 3-inch pots $10.00
From Mozambique and the KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this shade-loving species grows under shrubs and trees in habitat. The plant in general has a straggly appearance, and the leaves are narrow, green, and spotted. What really makes this species unique are the flowers, borne on an inflorescence so weak it needs to be supported on shrubs or it lies prostrate on the ground. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Aloe suffulta 4-inch pots $15.00
From Mozambique and the KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this shade-loving species grows under shrubs and trees in habitat. The plant in general has a straggly appearance, and the leaves are narrow, green, and spotted. What really makes this species unique are the flowers, borne on an inflorescence so weak it needs to be supported on shrubs or it lies prostrate on the ground. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe suffulta 5-inch pots $20.00
From Mozambique and the KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this shade-loving species grows under shrubs and trees in habitat. The plant in general has a straggly appearance, and the leaves are narrow, green, and spotted. What really makes this species unique are the flowers, borne on an inflorescence so weak it needs to be supported on shrubs or it lies prostrate on the ground. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe suffulta 8-inch pots $35.00
From Mozambique and the KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this shade-loving species grows under shrubs and trees in habitat. The plant in general has a straggly appearance, and the leaves are narrow, green, and spotted. What really makes this species unique are the flowers, borne on an inflorescence so weak it needs to be supported on shrubs or it lies prostrate on the ground. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Aloe suffulta one-gallon pots $25.00
From Mozambique and the KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this shade-loving species grows under shrubs and trees in habitat. The plant in general has a straggly appearance, and the leaves are narrow, green, and spotted. What really makes this species unique are the flowers, borne on an inflorescence so weak it needs to be supported on shrubs or it lies prostrate on the ground. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe suzannae one-gallon pots $90.00
This large tree Aloe is from Madagascar. With its sword-like, gray-green leaves and distinctive habit, it is one of the most recognizable species of Aloe. The flowers are white with green stripes. Difficult to grow, but surprisingly hardy when established, We’ve had these plants withstand 20F outside without protection. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe swynnertonii 3-gallon pots $40.00
We have this beautiful species, which is from Zimbabwe and the Northern Province of South Africa. Aloe swynnertonii is distinctive from other maculate Aloes by the underside of the leaves, which are spotless but pale green with yellow lines. The flowers are pink to red and form capitate heads. These plants are seedlings in 3-gallon pots.
Aloe swynnertonii 5-inch pots $20.00
We have this beautiful species, which is from Zimbabwe and the Northern Province of South Africa. Aloe swynnertonii is distinctive from other maculate Aloes by the underside of the leaves, which are spotless but pale green with yellow lines. The flowers are pink to red and form capitate heads. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe swynnertonii one-gallon pots $25.00
We have this beautiful species, which is from Zimbabwe and the Northern Province of South Africa. Aloe swynnertonii is distinctive from other maculate Aloes by the underside of the leaves, which are spotless but pale green with yellow lines. The flowers are pink to red and form capitate heads. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe tegetiformis 5-inch pots $20.00
This recently described species is from an isolated mountain range in northwestern Kenya. A prolifically clumping species, the plants have small rosettes of brownish-green, densely spotted leaves. The flower color is unknown. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe tenuoir 3-inch pots $10.00
This shrubby species is from the Eastern Cape Province, where it typically grows in the summer rainfall regime. It has weak branches that tend to be supported by shrubs. The little linear-lanceolate leaves betray the relation with A. ciliaris, a close relative. Unlike that species, the flowers of A. tenuoir tend to be yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Aloe tenuoir 4-inch pots $15.00
This shrubby species is from the Eastern Cape Province, where it typically grows in the summer rainfall regime. It has weak branches that tend to be supported by shrubs. The little linear-lanceolate leaves betray the relation with A. ciliaris, a close relative. Unlike that species, the flowers of A. tenuoir tend to be yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe tenuoir 5-inch pots $20.00
This shrubby species is from the Eastern Cape Province, where it typically grows in the summer rainfall regime. It has weak branches that tend to be supported by shrubs. The little linear-lanceolate leaves betray the relation with A. ciliaris, a close relative. Unlike that species, the flowers of A. tenuoir tend to be yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe tewoldei 2-gallon pots $35.00
This cremnophilous species, typically occurring on limestone cliffs, is from Harerge Region of Ethiopia. It is a small species with gray-green, white-spotted leaves, and it tends to either hang or sprawl along the surface in habitat. The flowers are light orange. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe tewoldei 4-inch pots $15.00
This cremnophilous species, typically occurring on limestone cliffs, is from Harerge Region of Ethiopia. It is a small species with gray-green, white-spotted leaves, and it tends to either hang or sprawl along the surface in habitat. The flowers are light orange. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe tomentosa 3-inch pots $10.00
Aloe tomentosa, from the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula, forms small suckering groups in habitat. Besides its spotless, grey-green leaves, the distinctive thing about this aloe are the hairy flowers for which the species is named. These plants are in 3-inch pots.
Aloe tomentosa 4-inch pots $15.00
Aloe tomentosa, from the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula, forms small suckering groups in habitat. Besides its grey-green leaves, which are spotted in young plants, the distinctive thing about this aloe are the hairy flowers for which the species is named. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe tomentosa 5-inch pots $20.00
Aloe tomentosa, from the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula, forms small suckering groups in habitat. Besides its grey-green leaves, which are spotted in young plants, the distinctive thing about this aloe are the hairy flowers for which the species is named. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe tongaensis 5-gallon pots $60.00
This recently described tree Aloe is from KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. Superficially resembling Aloe barberae, instead it branches much lower and flowers at a smaller size. It may be hardier than A. barberae as well. These plants are seedlings in 5-gallon pots.
Aloe tororoana 10-inch pots $45.00
This species is from one locality in Uganda. It has distinctive whitish-green leaves with scattered white spots on both surfaces and fierce-looking teeth that are pointed towards the leaf tips. The flowers are relatively small but bright red with yellow tips. These plants are rooted offsets in 10-inch pots.
Aloe tororoana one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from one locality in Uganda. It has distinctive whitish-green leaves with scattered white spots on both surfaces and fierce-looking teeth that are pointed towards the leaf tips. The flowers are relatively small but bright red with yellow tips. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe trichosantha 5-inch pots $20.00
From Ethiopia and Eritrea, this species is a low, suckering species with gray-green, spotted leaves. It is a relatively large plant and produces panicles of reddish flowers covered with light wool. We grow this outside in Tucson, where it has taken 18F with minimum damage. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe trichosantha one-gallon pots $25.00
From Ethiopia and Eritrea, this species is a low, suckering species with gray-green, spotted leaves. It is a relatively large plant and produces panicles of reddish flowers covered with light wool. We grow this outside in Tucson, where it has taken 18F with minimum damage. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe trichosantha ssp. longiflora 3-inch pots $10.00
From Ethiopia and Eritrea, this species is a low, suckering species with gray-green, spotted leaves. It is a relatively large plant and produces panicles of reddish flowers covered with light wool. As its name indicates, subspecies longiflora has longer flowers than the typical species. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe trichosantha ssp. longiflora 4-inch pots $15.00
From Ethiopia and Eritrea, this species is a low, suckering species with gray-green, spotted leaves. It is a relatively large plant and produces panicles of reddish flowers covered with light wool. As its name indicates, subspecies longiflora has longer flowers than the typical species. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe trichosantha ssp. longiflora 5-inch pots $20.00
From Ethiopia and Eritrea, this species is a low, suckering species with gray-green, spotted leaves. It is a relatively large plant and produces panicles of reddish flowers covered with light wool. As its name indicates, subspecies longiflora has longer flowers than the typical species. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe trigonantha 2-inch pots $8.00
From northwestern Ethiopia, with possible extension into Eritrea, this species is acaulescent with numerous plain green leaves lined with marginal teeth. The inflorescence is multibranched, and the flowers are orange-red and vaguely three-sided, hence the epithet. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe trigonantha 4-inch pots $15.00
From northwestern Ethiopia, with possible extension into Eritrea, this species is acaulescent with numerous plain green leaves lined with marginal teeth. The inflorescence is multibranched, and the flowers are orange-red and vaguely three-sided, hence the epithet. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe trigonantha 5-inch pots $20.00
From northwestern Ethiopia, with possible extension into Eritrea, this species is acaulescent with numerous plain green leaves lined with marginal teeth. The inflorescence is multibranched, and the flowers are orange-red and vaguely three-sided, hence the epithet. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe turkanensis 2-inch pots $8.00
Aloe turkanensis, previously rare in cultivation, is a distinctive maculate species from the Rift Valley of northern Kenya. What really sets this species apart are the large white spots on the light-green leaves. These plants are from seed from Lake Baringo, south of the species namesake Lake Turkana. Our plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe turkanensis 5-inch pots $20.00
Aloe turkanensis, previously rare in cultivation, is a distinctive maculate species from the Rift Valley of northern Kenya. What really sets this species apart are the large white spots on the light-green leaves. These plants are from seed from Lake Baringo, south of the species‘ namesake Lake Turkana. Our plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe turkanensis one-gallon pots $25.00
Aloe turkanensis, previously rare in cultivation, is a distinctive maculate species from the Rift Valley of northern Kenya. What really sets this species apart are the large white spots on the light-green leaves. These plants are from seed from Lake Baringo, south of the species namesake Lake Turkana. Our plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe tweediae 5-inch pots $20.00
Part of the larger Aloe secundiflora complex. Aloe tweediae occurs in Kenya and Uganda. Unlike A. secundiflora, the flowers are not secund and are held in multibranched vertical inflorescences and are orange-red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe ukambensis 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from southeastern Kenya, where it generally grows on rock outcrops but also in grasslands. The leaves are green with brownish green striate lines. The flowers are held in a capitate inflorescence and are red, making this one of the prettiest Aloes in flower. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe ukambensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from southeastern Kenya, where it generally grows on rock outcrops but also in grasslands. The leaves are green with brownish green striate lines. The flowers are held in a capitate inflorescence and are red, making this one of the prettiest Aloes in flower. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe umfoloziensis 2-gallon pots $35.00
This suckering Aloe comes from the KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa. The leaves are dark green to brown with numerous oblong spots, sometimes in bands reminiscent of Aloe zebrina. Relatively sharp teeth mark the leaf margins. The flowers are red. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe vacillans 3-gallon pots $40.00
This species, from Saudi Arabia and Yemen, usually is a large, solitary species with solid-green leaves. As seedlings, however, the leaves are spotted. We are offering the red-flowered form of this species. These plants are seedlings in 3-gallon pots.
Aloe vacillans 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from Saudi Arabia and Yemen, usually is a large, solitary species with solid-green leaves. As seedlings, however, the leaves are spotted. We are offering the red-flowered form of this species. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe vacillans 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from Saudi Arabia and Yemen, usually is a large, solitary species with solid-green leaves. As seedlings, however, the leaves are spotted. We are offering the red-flowered form of this species. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe vanbalenii 2-gallon pots $35.00
This species is commonly found in the landscape of coastal California, Baja California; We’ve even seen it along the coastline in Swakopmund, Namibia! The plant is native to KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. The leaves are a recurved downward and are green with a red blush and a reddish-brown margin with sharp -- although mostly soft -- teeth. When planted in ground beds, this species forms large clumps, which explains its widespread use in landscapes. It is unlikely to take significant frost, however. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe vanbalenii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is commonly found in the landscape of coastal California, Baja California; we‘ve even seen it along the coastline in Swakopmund, Namibia! The plant is native to KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. The leaves are a recurved downward and are green with a red blush and a reddish-brown margin with sharp -- although mostly soft -- teeth. When planted in ground beds, this species forms large clumps, which explains its widespread use in landscapes. It is unlikely to take significant frost, however. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe vandermerwei 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this species has long, linear leaves that are white spotted on a dark-green background. This is a clumping species that produces small rosettes and short panicles of red-pink flowers. This plant has withstood 23F in the ground with minimal damage. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe vandermerwei 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this species has long, linear leaves that are white spotted on a dark-green background. This is a clumping species that produces small rosettes and short panicles of red-pink flowers. This plant has withstood 23F in the ground with minimal damage. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe variegata 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is widely distributed in the western half of South Africa up into southern Namibia. It offsets readily, forming relatively large clumps. Sometimes known as Quail aloe, it is an extremely hardy, typically withstanding 15F in Tucson. In this springtime, it flowers profusely, producing short panicles of red flowers. We offer rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Aloe variegata 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is widely distributed in the western half of South Africa up into southern Namibia. It offsets readily, forming relatively large clumps. Sometimes known as Quail aloe, it is an extremely hardy, typically withstanding 15F in Tucson. In this springtime, it flowers profusely, producing short panicles of red flowers. We offer rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe variegata 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is widely distributed in the western half of South Africa up into southern Namibia. It offsets readily, forming relatively large clumps. Sometimes known as Quail aloe, it is an extremely hardy, typically withstanding 15F in Tucson. In this springtime, it flowers profusely, producing short panicles of red flowers. We offer rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe vera 4-inch pots $15.00
This famous and fabled Aloe has an unknown heritage, although some think it originated from a remote region of southern Oman. Now cosmopolitan, and indeed an invasive species in some regions, it is renowned for its medicinal properties, including the burn-healing power of its sap. These plants have solid gray-green leaves, and the yellow flowers are closely appressed against the inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe vera 5-inch pots $20.00
This famous and fabled Aloe has an unknown heritage, although some think it originated from a remote region of southern Oman. Now cosmopolitan, and indeed an invasive species in some regions, it is renowned for its medicinal properties, including the burn-healing power of its sap. These plants have solid gray-green leaves, and the yellow flowers are closely appressed against the inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe vera chinensis hybrid 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid does not look like Aloe vera, and its flowers are very different (lax and orange), yet some still think this is the true Aloe vera. Instead, this plant has green leaves with faint white spots. Like Aloe vera, this hybrid offsets prolifically, forming large clumps outside in Tucson, where it is hardy. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe vera chinensis hybrid 5-inch pots $20.00
This hybrid does not look like Aloe vera, and its flowers are very different (lax and orange), yet some still think this is the true Aloe vera. Instead, this plant has green leaves with faint white spots. Like Aloe vera, this hybrid offsets prolifically, forming large clumps outside in Tucson, where it is hardy. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe vera chinensis hybrid one-gallon pots $25.00
This hybrid does not look like Aloe vera, and its flowers are very different (lax and orange), yet some still think this is the true Aloe vera. Instead, this plant has green leaves with faint white spots. Like Aloe vera, this hybrid offsets prolifically, forming large clumps outside in Tucson, where it is hardy. These plants are offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe vera one-gallon pots $25.00
This famous and fabled Aloe has an unknown heritage, although some think it originated from a remote region of southern Oman. Now cosmopolitan, and indeed an invasive species in some regions, it is renowned for its medicinal properties, including the burn-healing power of its sap. These plants have solid gray-green leaves, and the yellow flowers are closely appressed against the inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Aloe veseyi 4-inch pots $15.00
From Tanzania and extending into Zambia, this cliff-dwelling species is a short shrub or tree. It has yellow-green leaves that are narrow and falcate. The flowers are light yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe vogtsii 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this spotted Aloe prolifically offsets to form small groups. The dark green leaves have numerous small linear spots and small spines on the leaf edges. The tall, multiple-branched inflorescence bears bright red flowers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe vogtsii 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this spotted Aloe prolifically offsets to form small groups. The dark green leaves have numerous small linear spots and small spines on the leaf edges. The tall, multiple-branched inflorescence bears bright red flowers. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe vogtsii one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this spotted aloe prolifically offsets to form small groups. The dark green leaves have numerous small linear spots and small spines on the leaf edges. The tall, multiple-branched inflorescence bears bright red flowers. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe volkensii ssp. multicaulis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species occurs in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda, generally in or to the west of the Rift Valley. A light blue-green species, this tree prolifically offsets from the base. The flowers are a dull red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe volkensii ssp. volkensii one-gallon pots $25.00
This species occurs in southeastern Kenya, generally in the scrub forests of the coastal plains. A light blue-green species, this plant generally does not offsets from the base but produces a massive tree. The flowers are a dull red. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Aloe volkensii ssp. volkensii 2-gallon pots $45.00
This species occurs in southeastern Kenya, generally in the scrub forests of the coastal plains. A light blue-green species, this plant generally does not offsets from the base but produces a massive tree. The flowers are a dull red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe vryheidensis 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Kwa-Zulu Natal of South Africa, this species typically grows on dolomitic outcrops or rocky slopes. A highly variable species in form, the plants generally are solitary with unspotted, medium green leaves. As with everything else in this species concept, the flower color could be anything from yellow to red. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe vryheidensis 4-inch pots $15.00
From Kwa-Zulu Natal of South Africa, this species typically grows on dolomitic outcrops or rocky slopes. A highly variable species in form, the plants generally are solitary with unspotted, medium green leaves. As with everything else in this species concept, the flower color could be anything from yellow to red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe vryheidensis 5-inch pots $20.00
From Kwa-Zulu Natal of South Africa, this species typically grows on dolomitic outcrops or rocky slopes. A highly variable species in form, the plants generally are solitary with unspotted, medium green leaves. As with everything else in this species concept, the flower color could be anything from yellow to red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe werneri 3-inch pots $10.00
Aloe werneri is from southeastern Madagascar. It is a small to medium sized species with green, linear leaves. The flowers are green with white stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Aloe wilsonii 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Kenya and Uganda, this short tree, usually tipped over, sparsely offsets. The rosettes bear dark green leaves with yellow-white spots and an overall glossy appearance. The leaf margins bear reddish-brown spines on a brown-white margin. The flowers are a brick red color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Aloe wilsonii 2-inch pots $8.00
From Kenya and Uganda, this short tree, usually tipped over, sparsely offsets. The rosettes bear dark green leaves with yellow-white spots and an overall glossy appearance. The leaf margins bear reddish-brown spines on a brown-white margin. The flowers are a brick red color. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloe wilsonii 4-inch pots $15.00
From Kenya and Uganda, this short tree, usually tipped over, sparsely offsets. The rosettes bear dark green leaves with yellow-white spots and an overall glossy appearance. The leaf margins bear reddish-brown spines on a brown-white margin. The flowers are a brick red color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe wilsonii 5-inch pots $20.00
From Kenya and Uganda, this short tree, usually tipped over, sparsely offsets. The rosettes bear dark green leaves with yellow-white spots and an overall glossy appearance. The leaf margins bear reddish-brown spines on a brown-white margin. The flowers are a brick red color. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe yavellana 5-inch pots $20.00
From Ethiopia, this shrubby Aloe branches from the base, producing a sprawling plant with linear brownish-green leaves. The flowers are dark red and striped. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe yemenica 4-inch pots $15.00
From the mountains of northwest Yemen, this species is a cliff hanging plant with green, spotted leaves and panicles of red flowers that are produced in the fall. We’ve grown this species outside in Tucson for many years, and it takes significant frost. This species took significant damage at 23F but was not killed at 18F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Aloe zebrina (Kaokoland, Namibia) 5-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed in southern Africa, from Namibia across to Mozambique, this maculate Aloe is distinguished by the banding on the leaves that earns it its species epithet. These plants are from material originally collected in Kaokoland, northern Namibia. The plants form clumps that are reasonably controlled in cultivation. The panicles of red flowers are produced in the early fall to early winter. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloe zebrina (yellow, WE 265) 4-inch pots $15.00
Widely distributed in southern Africa, from Namibia across to Mozambique, this maculate Aloe is distinguished by the banding on the leaves that earns it its species epithet. The plants form clumps that are reasonably controlled in cultivation. We've had our plants withstand low temperatures of 23F. This variant, from material collected at Hildavale, Botswana (WE 265), has yellow flowers, which are produced in the early fall to early winter, but the plant looks similar to the normal version. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Aloe zebrina (yellow, WE 265) 5-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed in southern Africa, from Namibia across to Mozambique, this maculate Aloe is distinguished by the banding on the leaves that earns it its species epithet. The plants form clumps that are reasonably controlled in cultivation. We‘ve had our plants withstand low temperatures of 23F. This variant, from material collected at Hildavale, Botswana (WE 265), has yellow flowers, which are produced in the early fall to early winter, but the plant looks similar to the normal version. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Aloe zebrina 5-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed in southern Africa, from Namibia across to Mozambique, this maculate Aloe is distinguished by the banding on the leaves that earns it its species epithet. The plants form clumps that are reasonably controlled in cultivation. We‘ve had our plants withstand low temperatures of 23F. The panicles of red flowers are produced in the early fall to early winter. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Aloinopsis acuta 3-inch pots $10.00
From a small area near Fraserberg in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, this species is named for the acute tips of the leaves. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Aloinopsis rubrolineata 2-inch pots $8.00
This widely cultivated species is from the Great Karoo, mostly commonly near Graaff-Reinet in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The thick, flat succulent leaves, which have white warts evenly distributed across the surface, arise from a fleshy root stock. The flower petals are a pale yellow with a thin red stripe down the middle. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Aloinopsis rubrolineata 4-inch pots $15.00
This widely cultivated species is from the Great Karoo, mostly commonly near Graaff-Reinet in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The thick, flat succulent leaves, which have white warts evenly distributed across the surface, arise from a fleshy root stock. The flower petals are a pale yellow with a thin red stripe down the middle. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Anacampseros densifolia 2-inch pots $8.00
These plants, from South Africa, are not recognized as a distinct species. Instead, and unbelievable to us, this is considered to be part of the Anacampseros filamentosa complex, which makes no sense whatsoever. That said, they are pretty distinct among our collection of Anacampseros at our nursery. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Anacampseros densifolia 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants, from South Africa, are not recognized as a distinct species. Instead, and unbelievable to us, this is considered to be part of the Anacampseros filamentosa complex, which makes no sense whatsoever. That said, they are pretty distinct among our collection of Anacampseros at our nursery. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Anacampseros densifolia 5-inch pots $20.00
These plants, from South Africa, are not recognized as a distinct species. Instead, and unbelievable to us, this is considered to be part of the Anacampseros filamentosa complex, which makes no sense whatsoever. That said, they are pretty distinct among our collection of Anacampseros at our nursery. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Anacampseros lanceolata 3-inch pots $10.00
Widely distributed in western South Africa, this clumping species has lanceolate leaves (hence the name). This is the largest species within the genus Anacampseros. The flowers are generally white. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Anacampseros lanceolata 4-inch pots $15.00
Widely distributed in western South Africa, this clumping species has lanceolate leaves (hence the name). This is the largest species within the genus Anacampseros. The flowers are generally white. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Anacampseros lanceolata 5-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed in western South Africa, this clumping species has lanceolate leaves (hence the name). This is the largest species within the genus Anacampseros. The flowers are generally white. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Anacampseros marlothii 2-inch pots $8.00
From South Africa, particularly the Northern Cape Province, this small species forms clusters with time. The leaves are quite different from typical Anacampseros and the tufts have a bristly appearance. The flowers are light red. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Anacampseros marlothii 4-inch pots $15.00
From South Africa, particularly the Northern Cape Province, this small species forms clusters with time. The leaves are quite different from typical Anacampseros and the tufts have a bristly appearance. The flowers are light red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Anacampseros retusa 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Northern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, this small, proliferous species clusters from a caudex. The densely packed leaves are wedge-shaped, and they are an attractive brownish green. The flower petals are purplish pink. We offer seedlings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Anacampseros rufescens ‘Sunrise‘ 4-inch pots $15.00
This cultivar is from the widely distributed Anacampseros rufescens, which has a range from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa up to Swaziland. This strongly clumping species differs from the true species because the leaf tips and undersides tend to have various shades of yellow and red, making extremely attractive plants. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Anacampseros rufescens 2-inch pots $8.00
This species has a range from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa up to Swaziland. This strongly clumping species has dull olive-green leaves on top with a purple cast below. The flowers are light red. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Anacampseros rufescens 4-inch pots $15.00
This species has a range from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa up to Swaziland. This strongly clumping species has dull olive-green leaves on top with a purple cast below. The flowers are light red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Anacampseros telephiastrum 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is widely distributed in the Klein and Great Karoo of South Africa. The leaves have little or no hair and are blunt with a dark copper-tinged color. The flowers are pink-red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Anacampseros vanthielii 4-inch pots $15.00
This recently described species is narrowly distributed in the Steinkopf area of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. The dark green leaves are almost clavate in form with yellowish hair protruding from the apex. The flowers are pink-red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ancistrocactus brevihamatus 2-inch pots $12.00
This plant supposedly belongs in the genus Sclerocactus, but we’ll keep it here. It is a small spiny globose cactus that typically is solitary. The flowers are white to pale yellow with a purplish blush. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Anredera cordifolia one-gallon pots $25.00
From southern Brazil, northern Argentina, and Paraguay, this species has an irregular caudex with an annual vine. The inflorescence is a spray of tiny pale yellow-white flowers. We previously offered this as A. baseloides. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Anthurium gracile (HBG 90658) 5-ingh pots $20.00
From the New World Tropics, these plants are propagated from material originally collected in Peru (HBGH 90658). This species, which can be an epiphyte or grow on the ground, has long spathulate green leaves that are unremarkable. The flowers produce little red berry-like fruits which are quite colorful. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Anthurium gracile (HBG 90658) 6-ingh pots $30.00
From the New World Tropics, these plants are propagated from material originally collected in Peru (HBGH 90658). This species, which can be an epiphyte or grow on the ground, has long spathulate green leaves that are unremarkable. The flowers produce little red berry-like fruits which are quite colorful. These plants are seedlings in 6-inch pots.
Antiaris toxicaria 3-gallon pots $50.00
Antiaris toxicaria is a tree in the and fig family, formerly Ficus toxicaria, and currently is the only species recognized in this genus. It has a wide distribution in tropical regions of southeast Asia and Africa, and it occurs in Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and various other islands. Its leaves resemble those of Ficus lutea. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-gallon pots.
Astroloba bullulata 4-inch pots $20.00
This beautiful species comes from the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa. These plants are propagated from material originally collected southwest of Laingsburg. The leaves are thick, deltoid-shaped, dark olive green, and have dark black tubercles on the undersides. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Astroloba foliolosa 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, where it is easily confused with Haworthia viscosa. This form has small, stubby leaves and thin stems that branch from the base. Forget about the flowers; they are about as interesting as Haworthia flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Astroloba herrei (dodsoniana) 5-inch pots $20.00
This is a species from a confused genus that is lumped under something that looks different to us. The leaves are relatively smooth, light gray-green, and imbricated on the upright stems. We can tell the former A. dodsoniana from the typical A. herrei because the leaves are more of a medium-green color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Astroloba herrei 4-inch pots $15.00
This is a species from a confused genus that is lumped under something that looks different to us. The leaves are relatively smooth, light gray-green, and imbricated on the upright stems. Unlike most of the other species, the leaves and leaf edges are smooth. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Astroloba spiralis 5-inch pots $20.00
You just don’t want to know how complicated the taxonomy of this species is. We got it originally as A. pentagona, and it is from a broad area in the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces, South Africa. These plants have nice dark, deltoid leaves; of course, the flowers are inconsequential. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Astrophytum asterias 2-inch pots $12.00
Commonly known as the "Sand Dollar" cactus, Astrophytum asterias is seriously threatened by habitat degradation and over collection in its range from southern Texas to Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas in Mexico. This globular species has sparse white markings on the epidermis. Flowers are yellow and relatively large for the size of the plant. Easy to grow, we offer this species as seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Astrophytum asterias 4-inch pots $25.00
Commonly known as the "Sand Dollar" cactus, Astrophytum asterias is seriously threatened by habitat degradation and over collection in its range from southern Texas to Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas in Mexico. This globular species has sparse white markings on the epidermis. Flowers are yellow and relatively large for the size of the plant. Easy to grow, we offer this species as seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Astrophytum asterias Super Kabuto 2-inch pots $12.00
"Super Kabuto" is a Japanese cultivar of Astrophytum asterias. The globular plants are covered with dense white markings on the epidermis. Like the pure Astrophytum asterias, the flowers are yellow, and the plant is easy to grow. We have selected seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Astrophytum capricorne 2-inch pots $10.00
This multifluted, globose cactus, from northern Mexico, has long, flexible spines that twist around like stiff hairs. The body has spots similar to A. myriostigma but more ribs. The flowers are yellow with red centers. We are offering relatively large plants in 2-inch pots.
Astrophytum capricorne 3-inch pots $15.00
This multifluted, globose cactus, from northern Mexico, has long, flexible spines that twist around like stiff hairs. The body has spots similar to A. myriostigma but more ribs. The flowers are yellow with red centers. We are offering relatively large plants in 3-inch pots.
Astrophytum capricorne 4-inch pots $20.00
This multifluted, globose cactus, from northern Mexico, has long, flexible spines that twist around like stiff hairs. The body has spots similar to A. myriostigma but more ribs. The flowers are yellow with red centers. We are offering relatively large plants in 4-inch pots.
Astrophytum capricorne var. niveum 2-inch pots $8.00
This multifluted, globose cactus, from northern Mexico, has long, flexible spines that twist around like stiff hairs. The body has spots similar to A. myriostigma but more ribs. The flowers are yellow with red centers. We are offering relatively large plants in 2-inch pots.
Astrophytum myriostigma 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Chihuahuan Desert in Mexico, this beautiful species, known by its gringo name of Bishops Cap, has no spines and a miter form. The body is variously gray-green with small white spots, sometimes quite dense. The flowers are relatively large and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Astrophytum myriostigma cv Onzuka 4-inch pots $20.00
From the Chihuahuan Desert in Mexico, this beautiful species, known by its gringo name of Bishops Cap, has no spines and a miter form. This varietal has dense white markings on the epidermis. Flowers are yellow and relatively large for the size of the plant. Easy to grow, we offer this species as seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Astrophytum myriostigma cv Onzuka 4-inch pots $20.00
From the Chihuahuan Desert in Mexico, this beautiful species, known by its gringo name of Bishops Cap, has no spines and a miter form. This varietal has dense white markings on the epidermis. Flowers are yellow and relatively large for the size of the plant. Easy to grow, we offer this species as seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Astrophytum myriostigma var. strongylogonum 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Chihuahuan Desert in Mexico, this beautiful species, known by its gringo name of Bishops Cap, has no spines and a miter form. The body of this variety is bright green with no spots, making it quite unique. The flowers are relatively large and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Astrophytum myriostigma var. strongylogonum 5-inch pots $25.00
From the Chihuahuan Desert in Mexico, this beautiful species, known by its gringo name of Bishop‘s Cap, has no spines and a miter form. The body of this variety is bright green with no spots, making it quite unique. The flowers are relatively large and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Astrophytum ornatum 4-inch pots $20.00
From central Mexico, this species has a few spine clusters and 8 ribs, making it a highly attractive plant from a geometric perspective. The body has a sprinkling of white spots in varying densities. The flowers are a brilliant yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Astrophytum ornatum 5-inch pots $25.00
From central Mexico, this species has a few spine clusters and 8 ribs, making it a highly attractive plant from a geometric perspective. The body has a sprinkling of white spots in varying densities. The flowers are a brilliant yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Astrophytum ornatum 6-inch pots $35.00
From central Mexico, this species has a few spine clusters and 8 ribs, making it a highly attractive plant from a geometric perspective. The body has a sprinkling of white spots in varying densities. The flowers are a brilliant yellow. These plants are seedlings in 6-inch pots.
Austrocylindropuntia pachypus 4-inch pots $20.00
Austrocylindropuntia pachypus, which some botanists consider to be Opuntia pachypus, is from Peru. It has cylindrical green stems with numerous yellow spines that become flattened with age. This slow-growing species has orange-red flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Austrocylindropuntia pachypus 5-inch pots $25.00
Austrocylindropuntia pachypus, which some botanists consider to be Opuntia pachypus, is from Peru. It has cylindrical green stems with numerous yellow spines that become flattened with age. This slow-growing species has orange-red flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Austrocylindropuntia subulata 5-inch pots $20.00
Opuntia subulata, which some botanists consider to be Austrocylindropuntia subulata), is widely cultivated in living fences in South America, and likely it originated in Peru. It has numerous cylindrical green stems with numerous yellow spines and, understandably, is effective as a living fence. These plants are a dwarf monstrose form known as 'Gumby.' These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Austrocylindropuntia subulata one-gallon pots $25.00
Opuntia subulata, which some botanists consider to be Austrocylindropuntia subulata), is widely cultivated in living fences in South America, and likely it originated in Peru. It has numerous cylindrical green stems with numerous yellow spines and, understandably, is effective as a living fence. These plants are a dwarf monstrose form known as 'Gumby.' These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Avonia recurvata ssp. buderiana 2-inch pots $10.00
From the Richtersveld of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, this tiny little species looks a little like a small pile of shredded paper. Similar to A. papyracea, A. recurvata ssp. buderiana is a small, upright species with white stipules partially obscuring the leaves. These are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Bakerantha tillandsioides 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Mexico, probably the southeastern part in the mountainous areas. It is a virtually spineless Hechtia, which makes it rather unique and easy to handle. The leaves are long and recurving downwards and are light green in color with a little silver-gray tint on the undersides. It The flowers are pinkish-red and rather small but showy. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Bakerantha tillandsioides one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from Mexico, probably the southeastern part in the mountainous areas. It is a virtually spineless Hechtia, which makes it rather unique and easy to handle. The leaves are long and recurving downwards and are light green in color with a little silver-gray tint on the undersides. It The flowers are pinkish-red and rather small but showy. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Beaucarnea gracilis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Mexican states of Oaxaca and Puebla, this species is a small tree formed off of a swollen base. We grow this species in our yard, where it has taken temperatures in the mid-20s F with little or no damage. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Beaucarnea recurvata 10-gallon pots $80.00
From the Mexican state of Vera Cruz, this commonly available species is easily grown. What we really like about this species is that it conforms to either a container, where it can be root bound for long periods of time, or put into the ground in our area, where we have a large plant that only sustains leaf damage at low temperatures in the low 20s. These plants have small caudices in 10-gallon pots.
Beaucarnea recurvata 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Mexican state of Vera Cruz, this commonly available species is easily grown. What we really like about this species is that it conforms to either a container, where it can be root bound for long periods of time, or put into the ground in our area, where we have a large plant that only sustains leaf damage at low temperatures in the low 20s. These plants have small caudices in 2-inch pots.
Beaucarnea recurvata 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Mexican state of Vera Cruz, this commonly available species is easily grown. What we really like about this species is that it conforms to either a container, where it can be root bound for long periods of time, or put into the ground in our area, where we have a large plant that only sustains leaf damage at low temperatures in the low 20s. These plants have small caudices in 3-inch pots.
Beaucarnea recurvata 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Mexican state of Vera Cruz, this commonly available species is easily grown. What we really like about this species is that it conforms to either a container, where it can be root bound for long periods of time, or put into the ground in our area, where we have a large plant that only sustains leaf damage at low temperatures in the low 20s. These plants have small caudices in 4-inch pots.
Beaucarnea recurvata 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Mexican state of Vera Cruz, this commonly available species is easily grown. What we really like about this species is that it conforms to either a container, where it can be root bound for long periods of time, or put into the ground in our area, where we have a large plant that only sustains leaf damage at low temperatures in the low 20s. These plants have small caudices in 5-inch pots.
Bergerocactus emoryi 2-inch pots $10.00
This species is from coastal southern California, where it is rare, to offshore islands and Baja California. This columnar species has wand-like stems with yellow spines on a green body. The flowers are greenish-yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Bergerocactus emoryi 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from coastal southern California, where it is rare, to offshore islands and Baja California. This columnar species has wand-like stems with yellow spines on a green body. The flowers are greenish-yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Billbergia nutans one-gallon pots $25.00
From Brazil southwards to Argentina, this species of terrestrial bromeliad, with a common name of Queen's tears, has rather ordinary looking gray-green thin leaves and a small urn-shaped rosette. The flowers are rather interesting with their red bracts and blue-yellow petals. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Bombax ellipticum 4-inch pots $15.00
Call is Pseudobombax if you will, but this species, widely distributed in Central America and the Caribbean, is known for its green-white caudex and large, trifoliate leaves. If you can get it large enough, the generally white flowers are large and spectacular. This is an appropriate plant for bonsai, and it does well in pot culture. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Boophane disticha 5-inch pots $25.00
This species is widespread in the Karoo of South Africa and highly desired by succulent plant collectors. A splay of distichous leaves arise from a bulb that typically is raised above ground; those leaves are green and glaucous. What makes this species so desirable besides the form are the intense red flowers that are produced in the spring. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Bowiea volubilis 4-inch pots $15.00
This nice bulb is from southern Namibia and Namaqualand of South Africa. The green filamentous stems trail away from the bulb. The flowers are a green-white color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Bowiea volubilis 5-inch pots $20.00
This nice bulb is from southern Namibia and Namaqualand of South Africa. The green filamentous stems trail away from the bulb. The flowers are a green-white color. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Brachychiton bidwillii 5-inch pots $20.00
This small tree comes from eastern Australia. The leaves are palm-shaped, superficially resembling Brachychiton acerifolius, but they are silvery underneath and a little smaller. The flowers are red and relatively large for this genus. We expect these plants will withstand Tucson frost. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Brachychiton bidwillii one-gallon pots $25.00
This small tree comes from eastern Australia. The leaves are palm-shaped, superficially resembling Brachychiton acerifolius, but they are silvery underneath and a little smaller. The flowers are red and relatively large for this genus. We expect these plants will withstand Tucson frost. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Brachychiton populneum 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is a tree from eastern Australia. It was named because someone thought the leaves look like those of the American poplar tree, and they tend to be light green and glossy. This plant is frost hardy in Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis 3-inch pots $12.00
Although both the genus and species of these plants suggests it is only from Brazil, in fact it is a widespread tree-like opuntioid in South America. The stem tends to be round and brown-colored with bark, and the pads are yellow-green in color. The flowers are relatively small and yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis 4-inch pots $15.00
Although both the genus and species of these plants suggests it is only from Brazil, in fact it is a widespread tree-like opuntioid in South America. The stem tends to be round and brown-colored with bark, and the pads are yellow-green in color. The flowers are relatively small and yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Braunsia maximilliani 4-inch pots $15.00
From the southeastern part of Namaqualand in South Africa, this little shrubby species has paired dull green leaves on stems. The flowers are a bright pink color. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Bromelia pinguin 5-inch pots $20.00
This is a large terrestrial bromeliad from Mexico into the northern countries of South America and the West Indies. It has silvery green leaves that are extremely prickly. The flower stalk is reddish, and the flowers tend to be white with reddish tips. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Bromelia pinguin one-gallon pots $25.00
This is a large terrestrial bromeliad from Mexico into the northern countries of South America and the West Indies. It has silvery green leaves that are extremely prickly. The flower stalk is reddish, and the flowers tend to be white with reddish tips. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Browningia hertlingiana 2-inch pots $10.00
This unusual tree-like cactus is from one valley in southern Peru. It produces a large-diameter blue-green stem and has a crown of smaller stems. Its flowers are tubular, white, and unremarkable. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Browningia hertlingiana 3-inch pots $12.00
This unusual tree-like cactus is from one valley in southern Peru. It produces a large-diameter blue-green stem and has a crown of smaller stems. Its flowers are tubular, white, and unremarkable. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Browningia hertlingiana 4-inch pots $20.00
This unusual tree-like cactus is from one valley in southern Peru. It produces a large-diameter blue-green stem and has a crown of smaller stems. Its flowers are tubular, white, and unremarkable. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Bursera fagaroides 3-inch pots $12.00
Arguably the nicest species of the genus Bursera, B. fagaroides has a thick trunk with papery peeling bark and thrice-pinnate leaves. This species is from Baja California and Sonora, Mexico. Our seedlings have nice caudices and are in 3-inch pots.
Bursera fagaroides 4-inch pots $15.00
Arguably the nicest species of the genus Bursera, B. fagaroides has a thick trunk with papery peeling bark and thrice-pinnate leaves. This species is from Baja California and Sonora, Mexico. Our seedlings have nice caudices and are in 4-inch pots.
Bursera fagaroides 5-inch pots $20.00
Arguably the nicest species of the genus Bursera, B. fagaroides has a thick trunk with papery peeling bark and thrice-pinnate leaves. This species is from Baja California and Sonora, Mexico. Our seedlings have nice caudices and are in 5-inch pots.
Bursera fagaroides one-gallon pots $25.00
Arguably the nicest species of the genus Bursera, B. fagaroides has a thick trunk with papery peeling bark and thrice-pinnate leaves. This species is from Baja California and Sonora, Mexico. Our seedlings have nice trunks and are in one-gallon pots.
Bursera hindsiana 4-inch pots $15.00
Bursera hindsiana, from Sonora and Baja California, has a thick trunk with papery peeling bark and palmate leaves. In habitat, this species has a reddish stem that is recognizable from a long distance away. This plant grows in our yard in Tucson, where it routinely freezes back to create a nice, compact form. Our plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Bursera hindsiana 5-inch pots $20.00
Bursera hindsiana, from Sonora and Baja California, has a thick trunk with papery peeling bark and palmate leaves. In habitat, this species has a reddish stem that is recognizable from a long distance away. This plant grows in our yard in Tucson, where it routinely freezes back to create a nice, compact form. Our plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Bursera microphylla (Waterman form) 2-gallon pots $40.00
A native of Arizona and California, and extending southwards into Sonora and Baja California, this species of the genus Bursera develops a thick trunk with light gray-brown bark and finely pinnate leaves. This form has longer leaflets and comes from the Waterman Mountains of Arizona. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it withstands 25F; heavier frost actually sculpts the plants into a nicer, more compact form. Our plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Bursera microphylla (Waterman form) 5-inch pots $20.00
A native of Arizona and California, and extending southwards into Sonora and Baja California, this species of the genus Bursera develops a thick trunk with light gray-brown bark and finely pinnate leaves. This form has longer leaflets and comes from the Waterman Mountains of Arizona. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it withstands 25F; heavier frost actually sculpts the plants into a nicer, more compact form. Our plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Bursera microphylla (Waterman form) one-gallon pots $25.00
A native of Arizona and California, and extending southwards into Sonora and Baja California, this species of the genus Bursera develops a thick trunk with light gray-brown bark and finely pinnate leaves. This form has longer leaflets and comes from the Waterman Mountains of Arizona. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it withstands 25F; heavier frost actually sculpts the plants into a nicer, more compact form. Our plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots and stand about a foot tall.
Bursera microphylla 5-inch pots $20.00
A native of Arizona and California, and extending southwards into Sonora and Baja California, this species of the genus Bursera develops a thick trunk with light gray-brown bark and finely pinnate leaves. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it withstands 25F; heavier frost actually sculpts the plants into a nicer, more compact form. Our rooted cuttings are in 5-inch pots.
Caesalpinia palmeri 5-inch pots $20.00
From near the southern coast of Sonora, Mexico, this is a short tree to desert shrub. Intricately branched, it has numerous nearly ovate leaves that are bipinnately compound. The flowers are yellow-orange with reddish spots on the upper petals, making it an attractive plant when in flower. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Caesalpinia palmeri one-gallon pots $25.00
From near the southern coast of Sonora, Mexico, this is a short tree to desert shrub. Intricately branched, it has numerous nearly ovate leaves that are bipinnately compound. The flowers are yellow-orange with reddish spots on the upper petals, making it an attractive plant when in flower. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Calibanus cv Lotusland 3-inch pots $10.00
From Mexico, Calibanus hookeri has grass-like leaves arising from a short woody caudex that rapidly gets quite large. At Lotusland near Santa Barbara, seed was collected from a Calibanus hookeri that grew into a tall-stemmed species, prompting speculation that it crossed with Beaucarnea recurvata. The seeds for these plants came from that putative intergeneric hybrid. We suspect this hybrid is frost and drought resistant in Tucson and it is grown outside in southern California. We offer seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Calibanus hookeri 2-inch pots $8.00
From Mexico, this species has grass-like leaves arising from a woody caudex that rapidly gets quite large. In Tucson, we grow this outside, where it is frost and drought resistant. We offer seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Callisia navicularis 4-inch pots $15.00
Formerly known as Tradescantia navicularis, this species is from eastern Mexico. With its distichous, folded leaves, it has pretty foliage accentuated with purple stripes on the petioles. The flowers are pinkish-purple. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Carnegiea gigantea (saguaro) 4-inch pots $15.00
Saguaros are the stately columnar cacti of the Sonoran Desert, and this cactus is the iconic image of Arizona (following Grand Canyon, of course). The flowers are large and white with yellow centers. These saguaro are in 4-inch pots.
Carnegiea gigantea (saguaro) 5-gallon pots $150.00
This stately columnar cactus, one of the iconic images of Arizona, are relatively slow growing. The flowers are large and white with yellow centers. These plants are large and heavy and could incur exact shipping costs. These plants are seedlings in 5-gallon pots.
Carruanthus peersii 4-inch pots $15.00
From Rondekop, southwest of Willowmore and straddling the Eastern and Western Cape Province, this species has leaves that are thick and fleshy, resembling those of the almost toothless "tiger jaws" (Faucaria). The leaves are rooted cuttings in a flat rosette developing from a short branching stem, and the species forms mats in habitat. The flowers petals are yellow with pink tips. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Carruanthus peersii 5-inch pots $20.00
From Rondekop, southwest of Willowmore and straddling the Eastern and Western Cape Province, this species has leaves that are thick and fleshy, resembling those of the almost toothless "tiger jaws" (Faucaria). The leaves are rooted cuttings in a flat rosette developing from a short branching stem, and the species forms mats in habitat. The flowers petals are yellow with pink tips. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Cassia phyllodinea 5-gallon pots $40.00
The common name of this species is Silver Leaf Cassia, and some put it in the genus Senna. This species is a shrub is widespread in the shrublands of eastern Australia. It has flattened sickle shaped leaves that are silvery green, and its flowers are classic Cassia, yellow with dark centers. These plants are seedlings in 5-gallon pots.
Cattleya hybrid (yellow-purple flowers) 8-inch pots $40.00
These terrestrial orchids are from Central and South America. They consist of pseudobulbs, which appear above ground, that produce one to several plain green leaves. The flowers are large and spectacular, and they may be of several possible color combinations. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Ceiba speciosa 4-inch pots $15.00
This pachycaul tree is from Brazil and Argentina. Once in the genus Chorisia, this species is known for its photosynthetic trunk bearing large, blunt spines. The leaves are green and multi-fingered, and the flowers are pink to purple. This plant is common in the southern California landscape, but the most extreme frosts in Tucson (23F or lower) will kill it. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ceiba speciosa 5-inch pots $20.00
This pachycaul tree is from Brazil and Argentina. Once in the genus Chorisia, this species is known for its photosynthetic trunk bearing large, blunt spines. The leaves are green and multi-fingered, and the flowers are pink to purple. This plant is common in the southern California landscape, but the most extreme frosts in Tucson (23F or lower) will kill it. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Cephalopentandra ecirrhosa 4-inch pots $20.00
This species, from Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda, forms a huge caudex. The vining stems have pretty cordate leaves that are quite large and showy in their own right. The flowers are a bright yellow and produces a large, red fruit. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots and have caudices that are nearly an inch in diameter.
Ceraria fruticulosa 3-inch pots $10.00
This succulent shrub from South Africa and Namibia has miniature pink flowers. It is common in the Richtersveld in the hyperarid area of the Northern Cape, and it forms a caudex when buried by sand. The leaves are pale green and fleshy, and the branches taper to a fine diameter at their ends. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Ceraria fruticulosa 4-inch pots $15.00
This succulent shrub from South Africa and Namibia has miniature pink flowers. It is common in the Richtersveld in the hyperarid area of the Northern Cape, and it forms a caudex when buried by sand. The leaves are pale green and fleshy, and the branches taper to a fine diameter at their ends. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Ceraria fruticulosa 5-inch pots $15.00
This succulent shrub from South Africa and Namibia has miniature pink flowers. It is common in the Richtersveld in the hyperarid area of the Northern Cape, and it forms a caudex when buried by sand. The leaves are pale green and fleshy, and the branches taper to a fine diameter at their ends. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Ceraria pygmaea 3-inch pots $15.00
Once known as Portulacaria pygmaea, Gordon Rowley moved this species into the genus Ceraria in 1996. This miniature caudiciform forms a small shrub with small, rounded succulent leaves that are decidedly pear-shaped. From the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, this species is dioecious, forming flowers that are white to pale pink. Why not make it a bonsai? the species wants to grow that way. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Ceraria pygmaea 6-inch pots $45.00
Once known as Portulacaria pygmaea, Gordon Rowley moved this species into the genus Ceraria in 1996. This miniature caudiciform forms a small shrub with small, rounded succulent leaves that are decidedly pear-shaped. From the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, this species is dioecious, forming flowers that are white to pale pink. Why not make it a bonsai? the species wants to grow that way. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Cereus forbesii (spiraling) 5-gallon pots $130.00
Cereus forbesii, from Bolivia and Argentina, recently has been lumped into Cereus validus, but the description does not remotely match these plants. For one thing, the typical species is a columnar cactus with 4-sided stems. The flowers are the typical Cereus form, large and white with purple hues. The plants are tightly spiraling. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-gallon pots.
Cereus forbesii monstrose Ming Thing 4-inch pots $20.00
Cereus forbesii, from Bolivia and Argentina, recently has been lumped into Cereus validus, but the description does not remotely match these plants. For one thing, the typical species is a columnar cactus with 4-sided stems, and for another, these plants are a monstrose version of that typical plant. The flowers are the typical Cereus form, large and white with purple hues. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Cereus hankeanus one-gallon pots $25.00
Cereus hankeanus is from eastern Bolivia and is a columnar tree-like cactus with 4-5 sided stems that are blue-green in color. The flowers are the typical Cereus form, large and white with purple hues. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Cereus hildemannianus ssp. uruguayanus 4-inch pots $15.00
This South American species has two subspecies, and this one, as the name indicates, is from Uruguay. It is a tree-like species with large, gray-green stems that usually are spineless on mature plants. The flowers are large with pinkish-red petal tips. Cultivar Fairy Castle has numerous thin stems arising to resemble, oh you know. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Cereus hildemannianus ssp. uruguayanus 5-inch pots $20.00
This South American species has two subspecies, and this one, as the name indicates, is from Uruguay. It is a tree-like species with large, gray-green stems that usually are spineless on mature plants. The flowers are large with pinkish-red petal tips. Cultivar Fairy Castle has numerous thin stems arising to resemble, oh you know. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Cereus peruvianus 5-inch pots $20.00
This columnar cactus is a common species from Peru, as the epithet indicates. These plants, unlike the typical species, have yellow-green stems when young, changing to gray-green with age. The flowers are white and rather large. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Cereus peruvianus monstrose 2-gallon pots $40.00
This is a strange form of a strange monstrose of a common species from Peru, as the epithet indicates. These plants, unlike the typical species, have yellow-green stems with very strange deformities. I doubt these would ever flower. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Cereus peruvianus monstrose 5-inch pots $20.00
This is a strange form of a strange monstrose of a common species from Peru, as the epithet indicates. These plants, unlike the typical species, have yellow-green stems with very strange deformities. I doubt these would ever flower. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Ceropegia aristolochoides ssp. aristolochoides 2-inch pots $8.00
From northern Yemen and Saudi Arabia, this Ceropegia has thickened roots but is a vine succulent. The stems arent a whole lot to look at: they basically are white with a few reddish-purple markings. The flower resembles that of Aristolochia, or Dutchmans Pipe. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Ceropegia radicans ssp. radicans 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. It has succulent leaves and stems, and the leaves have crenulate margins. This species makes an ideal hanging plant. The flowers are rather incredible and dominantly yellow in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ceropegia sandersonii 4-inch pots $15.00
From eastern South Africa and Swaziland, this species is related to Ceropegia radicans. Twining stems bearing crenulate green leaves are perennial and arise from a more-or-less tuberous rootstock. It is called umbrella plant because the flowers are greenish white and look like upside-down umbrellas. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ceropegia woodii 3-inch pots $12.00
We love this species, which is the old time "Rosary Vine" but also known as "String of Hearts." It has a range from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa up to Zimbabwe. The beautiful, heart-shaped leaves arise on weak vines from a soft tuber. This is a particularly good hanging plant in cool climates. We offer rooted bulbs in 3-inch pots.
Cheiridopsis denticulata 4-inch pots $15.00
From Namaqualand in South Africa, this little squat mesemb was once known as Cheiridopsis candissima. It has blue-green paired leaves that are long and resemble scissors. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Cheiridopsis glomerata 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Namaqualand of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. Related to C. pillansii and C. purpurea, this is a is a mound-forming species with gray-green leaves. The flowers are red-purple in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Cheiridopsis namaquensis (scabra) 3-inch pots $10.00
As the epithet indicates, this species is from Namaqualand in South Africa. The leaves of this plant tend to elongate from the typical compact form in habitat, and the paired leaves that resemble scissors are gray-green with a nearly rugose surface. The flowers are predictably yellow but can vary. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Cheiridopsis speciosa 4-inch pots $15.00
From Namaqualand in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, this mesemb grows on sandy flats below quartz-laden slopes. It has interesting paired leaves that are white-spotted green. The flowers are purple and quite large. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Cheiridopsis verrucosa 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from Namaqualand, South Africa. It has upright, gray-green leaves and grows in sandy soils between rocks. Its paired leaves are almost globular in form, and its flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Chilopsis linearis cv Brighttip’s one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is a cultivar of a common species of the Sonoran Desert in Arizona and California. It is a deciduous tree with smooth gray bark, spineless branches, and lanceolate leaves. The flowers are multicolored and quite showy. This plant is often used for landscaping in Arizona and southern California. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Chlorophytum comosum cv 'Variegatum' 6-inch pots $30.00
This is a variegated form of a common houseplant that originated in tropical Africa. It has a fibrous root system that sustains a rosette of medium green leaves with yellow margins. This rosette may produce many plantlets that hang downward and can produce new plants. The flowers are insignificant. These plants are rooted offsets in 6-inch pots.
Cintia knizei 2-inch pots $15.00
From Bolivia, this species from a monospecific genus is quite unusual. It is a solitary globose species with blue-green stems and small white spines, the plants reasonably easy to grow. The flowers are yellow with reddish outer petals. These plants are likely to withstand frost in Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Cissus amazonica 5-inch pots $20.00
From Brazil, this species grows in the Amazon River basin in tropical settings. It produces lanceolate leaves with white veins and twinning stems. It is an ideal plant for terrariums, where it may be slow growing, or in hanging pots in sites with significant humidity. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cissus amazonica 6-inch pots $30.00
From Brazil, this species grows in the Amazon River basin in tropical settings. It produces lanceolate leaves with white veins and twinning stems. It is an ideal plant for terrariums, where it may be slow growing, or in hanging pots in sites with significant humidity. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Cissus cactiformis (WY 1197) one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, which ranges widely on the eastern side of Africa, is a climbing succulent vine. These plants are propagated from material originally collected from near Archers Post, Kenya (WY 1203). Once you see those leaves, you readily put it in the Vitaceae (grape) family. The stems are quadrangular with wavy margins between the nodes. This clone has a blue-green body with pinkish-red wavy margins and the stem is a little more robust than the typical form. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Cissus cactiformis (WY 1203) 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, which ranges widely on the eastern side of Africa, is a climbing succulent vine. These plants are propagated from material originally collected from eastern Kenya (WY 1203). Once you see those leaves, you readily put it in the Vitaceae (grape) family. The stems are quadrangular with wavy margins between the nodes. This clone has a blue-green body with pinkish-red wavy margins and the stem is a little more robust than the typical form. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Cissus cactiformis (WY 1203) one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, which ranges widely on the eastern side of Africa, is a climbing succulent vine. These plants are propagated from material originally collected from eastern Kenya (WY 1203). Once you see those leaves, you readily put it in the Vitaceae (grape) family. The stems are quadrangular with wavy margins between the nodes. This clone has a blue-green body with pinkish-red wavy margins and the stem is a little more robust than the typical form. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Cissus cactiformis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, which ranges widely on the eastern side of Africa, is a climbing succulent vine. Once you see those leaves, you readily put it in the Vitaceae (grape) family. The stems are quadrangular with wavy margins between the nodes. We offer rooted cuttings of this species suitable for 5-inch pots.
Cissus cactiformis one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, which ranges widely on the eastern side of Africa, is a climbing succulent vine. Once you see those leaves, you readily put it in the Vitaceae (grape) family. The stems are quadrangular with wavy margins between the nodes. We offer rooted cuttings of this species suitable for one-gallon pots.
Cissus hamaderoensis (WY 1098) 5-inch pots $20.00
Widespread in the uplands on the island of Socotra (Yemen), this species is a low shrub that produces climbing stems. When mature, the stems are H-shaped in cross section and gray-green in color. The leaves are small and inconspicuous, and the flowers are inconsequential. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cissus phymatocarpa 5-inch pots $20.00
From southeastern Kenya and northeastern Tanzania, this species has 4- to 5-angled stems and small heart-shaped leaves. The nodes between growth spurts tend to be constricted. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cissus quadrangularis var. aculeatangula (WY 1173) 5-inch pots $20.00
One of the most widespread succulents in East Africa through southern Asia to the Philippines, Cissus quadrangularis is a viney member of the grape family that forms large splays of 4-angled branches with horny margins. The margins of variety aculeatangula, has tiny bristles on the stem margins. This variety, from material originally collected near Lake Borgoria, Kenya (WY 1173). We offer rooted cuttings of this variety suitable for 5-inch pots.
Cissus quadrangularis var. pubescens (Voi, Kenya) 5-inch pots $20.00
One of the most widespread succulents in East Africa through southern Asia to the Philippines, Cissus quadrangularis is a viney member of the grape family that forms large splays of (surprise!) 4-angled branches. The margins of variety pubescens are horny and relatively sharp compared to other Cissus. This form, from material originally collected near Voi, Kenya, has small bristles on the stem margins. We offer rooted cuttings of this species suitable for 5-inch pots.
Cissus quadrangularis var. pubescens (Voi, Kenya) one-gallon pot $25.00
One of the most widespread succulents in East Africa through southern Asia to the Philippines, Cissus quadrangularis is a viney member of the grape family that forms large splays of (surprise!) 4-angled branches. The margins of variety pubescens are horny and relatively sharp compared to other Cissus. This form, from material originally collected near Voi, Kenya, has small bristles on the stem margins. We offer rooted cuttings of this species suitable for one-gallon pots.
Cissus quadrangularis var. quadrangularis (WY 1151) 5-inch pots $15.00
One of the most widespread succulents in East Africa through southern Asia to the Philippines, Cissus quadrangularis is a viney member of the grape family that forms large splays of (surprise!) 4-angled branches. This form, from material originally collected near Lake Baringo, Kenya (WY 1151), has leaves typical of this cosmopolitan species. We offer rooted cuttings of this species suitable for 5-inch pots.
Cissus quadrangularis var. quadrangularis (WY 1177) 5-inch pots $20.00
One of the most widespread succulents in East Africa through southern Asia to the Philippines, Cissus quadrangularis is a viney member of the grape family that forms large splays of (surprise!) 4-angled branches. This form, from material originally collected near Epupa Falls, Namibia (WY 1177), has strongly digitate leaves that differ radically from other forms of this cosmopolitan species. We offer rooted cuttings of this species suitable for 5-inch pots.
Cissus quadrangularis var. quadrangularis 5-inch pots $20.00
One of the most widespread succulents in East Africa through southern Asia to the Philippines, Cissus quadrangularis is a viney member of the grape family that forms large splays of (surprise!) 4-angled branches. This form has roughly palmate leaves and produces numerous tendrils. We offer rooted cuttings of this species suitable for 5-inch pots.
Cissus rotundifolia (WY 1134) 5-inch pots $20.00
This cosmopolitan species has a range from Arabia to South Africa and onto some islands in the Indian Ocean. A climber, this species has thin round stems and succulent green leaves that are ovate. This species forms large splays of vines, covering bushes and trees in habitat. These plants came from material collected west of Hajja, Yemen (WY 1134) and are significantly different from the forms of C. rotundifolia common on the African continent. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cissus subaphylla 5-inch pots $20.00
Widespread on the island of Socotra (Yemen), this species is a low shrub that grows mostly in the lower elevation alluvial fans or on mostly limestone slopes. Unlike many members of the genus Cissus, this one does not have climbing stems. The stems are flattened and gray-green in color, the leaves are small and inconspicuous, and the flowers are also inconsequential. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cleistocactus baumannii 4-inch pots $15.00
This shrubby columnar cactus is from the region of northern Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Its wand-like stems are several feet long, green, with grayish-yellow spines. The flowers are tubular and red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Cleistocactus baumannii 5-inch pots $20.00
This shrubby columnar cactus is from the region of northern Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Its wand-like stems are several feet long, green, with grayish-yellow spines. The flowers are tubular and red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Cleistocactus baumannii one-gallon pots $25.00
This shrubby columnar cactus is from the region of northern Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Its wand-like stems are several feet long, green, with grayish-yellow spines. The flowers are tubular and red. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Cleistocactus hyalacanthus one-gallon pots $25.00
From an area spanning the border between Argentina and Bolivia, this species is a low columnar cactus with green stems that are covered with dirty yellow spines. The mostly tubular flowers flare to a light red set of petals that can have purplish highlights. These plants appear to be hardy in Tucson. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Cleistocactus paraguayensis 4-inch pots $15.00
Not surprisingly, this species is from Paraguay. It is a sprawling species with thin, wand-like and green stems with numerous yellow spines. The flowers are orange-red in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Cleistocactus ritteri 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Bolivia. It is a sprawling, shrubby species with thick olive-green stems covered with dark spines. The flowers are greenish-yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cleistocactus ritteri one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from Bolivia. It is a sprawling, shrubby species with thick olive-green stems covered with dark spines. The flowers are greenish-yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Cleistocactus samaipatanus 4-inch pots $15.00
From the lower elevations of Bolivia, this columnar cactus has a yellow-green body and many yellow spines. The flowers are tubular and red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Cleistocactus smaragdiflorus 5-inch pots $20.00
From northern Argentina, this shrubby species has short columnar stems that are with yellow-green in color with numerous yellow spines, which tend to be rather soft. The tubular flowers are yellow to green in color. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Cleistocactus straussii 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Bolivia and Argentina, this shrubby species is a short columnar cactus with gray-green stems that are dominated by the color of the dense spines, which tend to be rather soft. The mostly tubular flowers flare to a pale-red color. These plants are hardy in Tucson, Arizona. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Cleistocactus straussii 4-inch pots $15.00
From Bolivia and Argentina, this shrubby species is a short columnar cactus with gray-green stems that are dominated by the color of the dense spines, which tend to be rather soft. The mostly tubular flowers flare to a pale-red color. These plants are hardy in Tucson, Arizona. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Cleistocactus straussii one-gallon pots $25.00
From Bolivia and Argentina, this shrubby species is a short columnar cactus with gray-green stems that are dominated by the color of the dense spines, which tend to be rather soft. The mostly tubular flowers flare to a pale-red color. These plants are hardy in Tucson, Arizona. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Cleistocactus tarijensis 4-inch pots $15.00
From near the town of Tarija, Bolivia, this shrubby species has short-columnar stems and a dark green body with yellow-brown spines. The flowers are tubular and reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Cleistocactus tarijensis 5-inch pots $20.00
From near the town of Tarija, Bolivia, this shrubby species has short-columnar stems and a dark green body with yellow-brown spines. The flowers are tubular and reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Cleistocactus winteri 5-inch pots $20.00
From Bolivia, this species is a sprawling cactus with thin stems that are dominated by the color of the dense, yellow spines, which tend to be rather soft. The mostly tubular flowers flare to a greenish-red set of petals. These plants appear to be hardy in Tucson. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cleistocactus winteri 6-inch pots $30.00
From Bolivia, this species is a sprawling cactus with thin stems that are dominated by the color of the dense, yellow spines, which tend to be rather soft. The mostly tubular flowers flare to a greenish-red set of petals. These plants appear to be hardy in Tucson. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Cleistocactus winteri one-gallon pots $25.00
From Bolivia, this species is a sprawling cactus with thin stems that are dominated by the color of the dense, yellow spines, which tend to be rather soft. The mostly tubular flowers flare to a greenish-red set of petals. These plants appear to be hardy in Tucson. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Clerodendrum makanjanum 8-inch pots $35.00
This woody shrub from Kenya has beautiful flowers and small black berries. This species produces large tuberous roots that produce adventitious sprouts above ground. The leaves are a medium dark green and are nicely veined. The plant flowers before it leafs out. We offer rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Clerodendrum makanjanum one-gallon pots $25.00
This woody shrub from Kenya has beautiful flowers and small black berries. This species produces large tuberous roots that produce adventitious sprouts above ground. The leaves are a medium dark green and are nicely veined. The plant flowers before it leafs out. We offer rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Coccinia quinqueloba 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the summer rainfall areas of South Africa. This geophytic herb with its 5-parted green leaves produces numerous vines from a tuberous root stock. The flowers are yellow, and the plant likely is a dioecious cucurbit. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Coccinia sessilifolia 4-inch pots $15.00
From Namibia, this geophyte a large, tuberous rootstock. The leaves are approximately palmate in outline and, as the name implies, are on short petioles from the vines. The flowers are monoecious, with both male and female flowers on the same plant, and the petals generally are white to yellow in color. The seeds are in red fruits. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Cochemiea halei 5-inch pots $30.00
Although some consider this to be part of the genus Mammillaria, we keep it separate, in large part because of the large, red tubular flowers with irregular lips. This species is endemic to Isla Margarita and Isla Magdalena off the west coast of Baja California Sur, where it occurs abundantly in rocky terrain. Known for forming large clumps with relatively long creeping stems, this species is attractive for its flowers and stems. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Cochemiea poselgeri 3-inch pots $10.00
Although some consider this to be part of the genus Mammillaria, we keep it separate, in large part because of the large, red tubular flowers with irregular lips. This species is endemic to Baja California Sur, where it occurs sporadically in rocky terrain. Known for forming large clumps with relatively long creeping stems, this species is attractive for its flowers and stems. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Cochemiea poselgeri 5-inch pots $20.00
Although some consider this to be part of the genus Mammillaria, we keep it separate, in large part because of the large, red tubular flowers with irregular lips. This species is endemic to Baja California Sur, where it occurs sporadically in rocky terrain. Known for forming large clumps with relatively long creeping stems, this species is attractive for its flowers and stems. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Cochemiea setispina 6-inch pots $30.00
Although some consider this to be part of the genus Mammillaria, we keep it separate, in large part because of the large, red tubular flowers with irregular lips. This species is endemic to Baja California, where it occurs mostly south in Baja California Sur. Known for forming large clumps with relatively short stems, this species is both attractive and highly resistant to frost. Our plants were undamaged at 15F. These plants are seedlings in 6-inch pots.
Coleocephalocereus aureus var. longispinus 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, once known as Buiningia brevicylindrica, is a short columnar species from Brazil. Like Melocactus, Coleocephalocereus forms a cephalium, but it is more yellow-colored, and the spines are much longer. As the varietal name indicates, these plants have much longer spines. The flowers are yellow-green. Our plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Commiphora africana 4-inch pots $20.00
Commiphora africana is a small pachycaul tree from the tropical areas of East Africa, extending southwards to Mozambique. Characterized by numerous spreading stiff spiny branches and peeling, papery, reddish bark, its leaves are trifoliate. Our plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Commiphora africana 5-inch pots $25.00
Commiphora africana is a small pachycaul tree from the tropical areas of East Africa, extending southwards to Mozambique. Characterized by numerous spreading stiff spiny branches and peeling, papery, reddish bark, its leaves are trifoliate. Our plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Commiphora angolensis one-gallon pots $30.00
Surprise! People make mistakes. We purchased seed as Commiphora africana, and we got this coming up. Commiphora angolensis shares its range with A. africana but has substantial differences, among them the leaves. This species has 3-5 leaflets that have weak serration on the margins, eliminating C. mollis and C. africana as its identity. The bark of this unarmed shrub (C. africana is definitely armed) peels yellow, revealing green stem beneath. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Commiphora cf africana (Hwange) 5-inch pots $20.00
Commiphora africana is a small pachycaul tree from the tropical areas of East Africa, extending southwards to Mozambique. These plants are slightly different from the typical species and come from material originally collected near Hwange, Zimbabwe. Characterized by numerous spreading stiff spiny branches and peeling, papery, reddish bark, its leaves are trifoliate. Our plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Commiphora dinteri 5-inch pots $20.00
This potentially undescribed species is propagated from material originally collected from a private botanical garden in southern California. The closest thing we can get to it is Commiphora dinteri from Namibia, but that remains a little uncertain. It has spineless stems and trifoliate leaves with some shredding gray bark, and the new stems are reddish-purple in color. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Commiphora edulis 5-inch pots $20.00
From Zimbabwe and several other southern African countries, this species has non-peeling, gray bark and compound leaves. The fruit turns red when ripe and is edible, as the name implies. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Commiphora glandulosa one-gallon pots $25.00
Commiphora glandulosa is a small tree distributed across southern Africa from Namibia to Mozambique. It is similar to C. pyracanthoides, although that species tends to be a shrub. C. glandulosa has spine-tipped branches bearing trifoliate leaves that have slightly undulating and serrate margins. The trunk with age develops yellow-shredding bark that reveals a greenish trunk. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Commiphora mollis one-gallon pots $25.00
From Zimbabwe, ranging into South Africa and Mozambique with a disjunct population in Namibia, this small, unarmed tree is known for its overall yellowish appearance. The leaves are compound, entire, and typically are covered with a velvet like covering of hairs. The bark is a silver-gray to yellow and peeling. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Commiphora oblongifolia 5-inch pots $20.00
From south-central Kenya, this shrubby species grows on the eastern margins of the Great Rift Valley. The trunk has shredding bark revealing a greenish color underneath. The branches are sparsely armed with thorns. The leaves are mostly trifoliate with the largest one oblong as the name indicates. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Commiphora oblongifolia one-gallon pots $30.00
From south-central Kenya, this shrubby species grows on the eastern margins of the Great Rift Valley. The trunk has shredding bark revealing a greenish color underneath. The branches are sparsely armed with thorns. The leaves are mostly trifoliate with the largest one oblong as the name indicates. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Commiphora unilobata 4-inch pots $20.00
From Ethiopia, Somalia, and particularly northeastern Kenya, this interesting Commiphora has yellow shredding bark that reveals a yellow-green substrate. The leave pedicels are persistent, giving a shaggy appearance to the stems. The leaves are yellow green with red highlights, both on the leaf margins and their pedicels. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Commiphora unilobata 5-inch pots $25.00
From Ethiopia, Somalia, and particularly northeastern Kenya, this interesting Commiphora has yellow shredding bark that reveals a yellow-green substrate. The leave pedicels are persistent, giving a shaggy appearance to the stems. The leaves are yellow green with red highlights, both on the leaf margins and their pedicels. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Commiphora wightii 4-inch pots $15.00
This attractive small species of Commiphora is from India but is cultivated over a much wider area. It has a nice thick stem with peeling bark and flowers and fruits when quite small, unlike some other Commiphoras. The plants are self-fertile. This species is extremely hardy and fast growing, and it is an extremely nice candidate for bonzai. Our plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Commiphora wightii 5-inch pots $20.00
This attractive small species of Commiphora is from India but is cultivated over a much wider area. It has a nice thick stem with peeling bark and flowers and fruits when quite small, unlike some other Commiphoras. The plants are self-fertile. This species is extremely hardy and fast growing, and it is an extremely nice candidate for bonzai. Our plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Consolea corallicola 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from south Florida and, as the name indicates, it grows on coral outcrops. The pads are elongated and very spiny, which makes some people want to lump this in with C. spinosissima, but we keep it separate here. The flowers are red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Consolea corallicola 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from south Florida and, as the name indicates, it grows on coral outcrops. The pads are elongated and very spiny, which makes some people want to lump this in with C. spinosissima, but we keep it separate here. The flowers are red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Consolea falcata 5-inch pots $15.00
This species comes from Haiti, where it forms large clumps with upright stems. The pads are very spiny with glochids, and they are a light green color. The flowers are a showy golden-red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Consolea falcata one-gallon pots $25.00
This species comes from Haiti, where it forms large clumps with upright stems. The pads are very spiny with glochids, and they are a light green color. The flowers are a showy golden-red. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Consolea moniliformis 2-inch pots $8.00
This tree-like species comes from the islands of the northwestern Caribbean Sea. The pads are very spiny and are glossy green in color. The flowers are a yellow orange and open widely. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Consolea moniliformis 4-inch pots $15.00
This tree-like species comes from the islands of the northwestern Caribbean Sea. The pads are very spiny and are glossy green in color. The flowers are a yellow orange and open widely. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Consolea moniliformis 5-inch pots $20.00
This tree-like species comes from the islands of the northwestern Caribbean Sea. The pads are very spiny and are glossy green in color. The flowers are a yellow orange and open widely. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Consolea rubescens 3-inch pots $10.00
This tree-like species comes from the islands of the northwestern Caribbean Sea, especially Puerto Rico. The pads are nearly spineless and are dark green. The flower color ranges from yellow to red, and the flowers open widely. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Consolea rubescens 5-inch pots $20.00
This tree-like species comes from the islands of the northwestern Caribbean Sea, especially Puerto Rico. The pads are nearly spineless and are dark green. The flower color ranges from yellow to red, and the flowers open widely. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Copiapoa haseltoniana 2-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the largest of the Copiapoas, as the varietal name suggests. An inhabitant of coastal Chile, the epidermis turns white with age, at least theoretically. The name says it all, this plant is taxonomically confused but these are really nice plants to have in a cactus collection. This species cannot take frost. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Copiapoa haseltoniana 4-inch pots $25.00
This is one of the largest of the Copiapoas, as the varietal name suggests. An inhabitant of coastal Chile, the epidermis turns white with age, at least theoretically. The name says it all, this plant is taxonomically confused but these are really nice plants to have in a cactus collection. The species has relatively long spines and has considerable wool around the apex. This species cannot take frost. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Copiapoa humilis var. esmeraldana 4-inch pots $15.00
One of the most common (and beautiful) of the Copiapoas, Copiapoa humilis var. esmeraldana comes from coastal Chile in the Atacama Desert. This species is a clumping form and has beautiful yellow flowers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Copiapoa hypogaea ssp. barquitensis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the central Atacama Desert of Chile, this is one of those Copiapoas that is only slightly different from the typical species. The brown body has an attractive draping of whitish wool around the areoles. As usual, the flowers are yellow and relatively large. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Copiapoa hypogaea ssp. hypogaea 4-inch pots $15.00
From the central Atacama Desert of Chile, this species typically looks really beat up, which mirrors what its appearance is in the wild. The gray-brown body has an attractive draping of whitish wool around the areoles. As usual, the flowers are yellow and relatively large. Our plants have taken 18 F with minor damage. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Copiapoa paposoensis 4-inch pots $15.00
Another Copiapoa of limited distribution and dubious taxonomy, this form is relatively hard and grows above the fog belt in the Atacama Desert of Chile. It is quite different in form and color from C. humilis, which is why we keep it separate. The flowers are relatively large and (no surprise) yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Copiapoa tenuissima 2-inch pots $10.00
The distribution of this species is relatively wide in the Atacama Desert of Chile. It is one of the smallest of the Copiapoas, and it again is taxonomically confused. While some put this under C. humilis, we leave it as its own species because we definitely think this species is unique. The body is dark, with a greenish-black appearance, and the spines are white; these plants tend to prolifically offset, forming a nice clump. As usual, the flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Copiapoa tenuissima 3-inch pots $12.00
The distribution of this species is relatively wide in the Atacama Desert of Chile. It is one of the smallest of the Copiapoas, and it again is taxonomically confused. While some put this under C. humilis, we leave it as its own species because we definitely think this species is unique. The body is dark, with a greenish-black appearance, and the spines are white; these plants tend to prolifically offset, forming a nice clump. As usual, the flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Copiapoa tenuissima 4-inch pots $15.00
The distribution of this species is relatively wide in the Atacama Desert of Chile. It is one of the smallest of the Copiapoas, and it again is taxonomically confused. While some put this under C. humilis, we leave it as its own species because we definitely think this species is unique. The body is dark, with a greenish-black appearance, and the spines are white; these plants tend to prolifically offset, forming a nice clump. As usual, the flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Corallocarpus bainesii 4-inch pots $15.00
Widely distributed in Africa and Madagascar, we offer seedlings of this very nice cucurbit, which develops a thick caudex with wrinkled light gray bark and vines with hairy, palmate leaves. The fruit is a red berry. Our plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Corallocarpus welwitschii 6-inch pots $45.00
From southwestern Africa, distributed from Zaire to Namibia, this very nice geophytic cucurbit develops a thick caudex with wrinkled light gray bark and vines with hairy, palmate leaves. The fruit is a red berry. These plants are seedlings in 6-inch pots.
Coryphantha cornifera 2-inch pots $8.00
From central Mexico, this attractive species sparsely offsets, creating dark green globose bodies with tubercles that mostly bear radial spine clusters. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Coryphantha pallida (CH 154) 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Mexican states of Puebla and Oaxaca, this species sparsely offsets, creating dark green globose bodies with tubercles that mostly bear radial spine clusters. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Coryphantha pycnacantha var. andreae 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Oaxaca and Veracruz, Mexico. Its light-green body is covered with tubercles bearing whitish spines, and it slowly offsets. The flowers are relatively large and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Coryphantha sulcata 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from south Texas and adjacent states in norther, Mexico. It clusters to form mounds of globose stems covered with tubercles bearing yellow aging to gray and white spines. The flowers are yellow with red centers. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Coryphantha sulcata 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from south Texas and adjacent states in norther, Mexico. It clusters to form mounds of globose stems covered with tubercles bearing yellow aging to gray and white spines. The flowers are yellow with red centers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Cotyledon orbiculata var. dactylopsis 4-inch pots $12.00
This interesting species, which we received at Tylecodon wallachii, ranges from the Great Karoo of the Northern Cape Province eastward to the Free State of South Africa. Readily recognized as a shrub with long, finger-like leaves (termed “phyllopodia”) that are gray-green, the plant produces a single, gnarled stem. The flowers are nodding and yellow-orange in color. This plant can take considerable frost and was undamaged at 23F in Tucson. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Cotyledon orbiculata var. dactylopsis 5-inch pots $15.00
This interesting species, which we received at Tylecodon wallachii, ranges from the Great Karoo of the Northern Cape Province eastward to the Free State of South Africa. Readily recognized as a shrub with long, finger-like leaves (termed “phyllopodia”) that are gray-green, the plant produces a single, gnarled stem. The flowers are nodding and yellow-orange in color. This plant can take considerable frost and was undamaged at 23F in Tucson. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cotyledon orbiculata var. oblonga 4-inch pots $12.00
This variety of the Cotyledon orbiculata complex is widespread across the southern provinces of South Africa. This cultivar is notable for its relatively finger-like, gray-green leaves that are a little tomentose. As with many Cotyledons, this species has nodding flowers that vary from yellow to red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Cotyledon orbiculata var. oblonga 5-inch pots $20.00
This variety of the Cotyledon orbiculata complex is widespread across the southern provinces of South Africa. This cultivar is notable for its relatively finger-like, gray-green leaves that are a little tomentose. As with many Cotyledons, this species has nodding flowers that vary from yellow to red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cotyledon orbiculata var. oblonga 5-inch pots $20.00
This variety of the Cotyledon orbiculata complex is widespread across the southern provinces of South Africa. This cultivar is notable for its relatively finger-like, gray-green leaves that are a little tomentose. As with many Cotyledons, this species has nodding flowers that vary from yellow to red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cotyledon pendens 3-inch pots $10.00
This species grows in habitat on shall cliffs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa in a summer rainfall area. The plants are pendent shrubs with thin stems and thick, round leaves that are grayish green with red highlights. The flowers are orange-red, pendent, and showy. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Cotyledon pendens 4-inch pots $15.00
This species grows in habitat on shall cliffs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa in a summer rainfall area. The plants are pendent shrubs with thin stems and thick, round leaves that are grayish green with red highlights. The flowers are orange-red, pendent, and showy. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Cotyledon pendens 5-inch pots $20.00
This species grows in habitat on shall cliffs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa in a summer rainfall area. The plants are pendent shrubs with thin stems and thick, round leaves that are grayish green with red highlights. The flowers are orange-red, pendent, and showy. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cotyledon tomentosa ssp. ladismithensis 4-inch pots $12.00
This species is from the vicinity of Ladismith, Western Cape Province of South Africa, and frequently appears under the common name of Bears Paw, even though there are no bears in South Africa. The swollen leaves have numerous red protuberances on the tip, which is set off from the felt-green background. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Cotyledon tomentosa ssp. ladismithensis one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from the vicinity of Ladismith, Western Cape Province of South Africa, and frequently appears under the common name of Bears Paw, even though there are no bears in South Africa. The swollen leaves have numerous red protuberances on the tip, which is set off from the felt-green background. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Crassula arborescens var. undulatifolia (WY-1089) 5-inch pots $18.00
These plants came from material originally collected near Sapkamma Station (WY-1089) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This beautiful shrub/tree is distinctive because of the leaves, which are succulent, reddish, and with undulating margins. The flowers are white to pink. These rooted cuttings are in 5-inch pots.
Crassula arborescens var. undulatifolia 4-inch pots $12.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this beautiful shrub/tree is distinctive because of the leaves, which are succulent, light green, and with undulating margins. The flowers are white to pink. These rooted cuttings are in 4-inch pots.
Crassula arborescens var. undulatifolia one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this beautiful shrub/tree is distinctive because of the leaves, which are succulent, light green, and with undulating margins. The flowers are white to pink. These rooted cuttings are in one-gallon pots.
Crassula arborescens var. undulatifolia one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this beautiful shrub/tree is distinctive because of the leaves, which are succulent, light green, and with undulating margins. The flowers are white to pink. These rooted cuttings are in one-gallon pots.
Crassula columella 4-inch pots $15.00
From South Africa, this small species typically grows in quartzite fields. As its name indicates, the plant produces a short columnar stem with closely appressed leaves. This monocarpic species, which flowers and then dies, produces short columns of very fragrant yellowish-white flowers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Crassula congesta 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa and grows in mountains at the southern edge of the Great Karoo. This small species, which is monocarpic, has yellow-green succulent leaves on thin stems. The flowers are smallish and cream colored. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Crassula conjuncta cv Ivory Tower 3-inch pots $10.00
This Crassula cultivar forms a compact shrub that has whitish-green or gray stems sort of resembling towers. The leaves are seemingly felt-covered. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Crassula cv Pagoda Village 3-inch pots $10.00
This cultivar from the genus Crassula forms a beautiful small plant that, as the name suggests, resembles a Chinese village with pagodas. The leaves are gray and felt-covered. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Crassula falcata 10-inch pots $35.00
Now, this species is considered to be Crassula perfoliata var. minor, but we choose to use the older, more descriptive name. The leaves are gray-green (glaucous) and shaped like a rapier (falcate-shaped). The flowers are relatively long and light red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 10-inch pots.
Crassula falcata 4-inch pots $15.00
Now, this species is considered to be Crassula perfoliata var. minor, but we choose to use the older, more descriptive name. The leaves are gray-green (glaucous) and shaped like a rapier (falcate-shaped). The flowers are relatively long and light red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Crassula falcata 8-inch pots $35.00
Now, this species is considered to be Crassula perfoliata var. minor, but we choose to use the older, more descriptive name. The leaves are gray-green (glaucous) and shaped like a rapier (falcate-shaped). The flowers are relatively long and light red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Crassula muscosa 6-inch pots $30.00
This commonly available succulent, widely distributed from Namibia south through the Cape Provinces of South Africa, consists of many flexible stems arising from a non-succulent rootstock. The color of the bracts surrounding the stems ranges from gray to light green, depending on lighting conditions. These plants are rooted offsets suitable for 6-inch pots.
Crassula ovata cv ‘ET's Fingers' 4-inch pots $12.00
This species is from the southeastern provinces of South Africa. This shrub typically grows on rock outcrops and generally has ovate leaves, as the epithet suggests, with some exceptions. The cultivar ‘ET's Fingers‘, which seems to have other names ranging from Hobbit to Elephant Trunk, has cylindrical leaves that appear truncated on the ends and variously colored in green and red shades. The inflorescence bears numerous white-pink, smallish flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Crassula ovata cv ‘ET's Fingers' 5-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the southeastern provinces of South Africa. This shrub typically grows on rock outcrops and generally has ovate leaves, as the epithet suggests, with some exceptions. The cultivar ‘ET's Fingers‘, which seems to have other names ranging from Hobbit to Elephant Trunk, has cylindrical leaves that appear truncated on the ends and variously colored in green and red shades. The inflorescence bears numerous white-pink, smallish flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Crassula ovata cv ‘Gollum' 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from the southeastern provinces of South Africa. This shrub typically grows on rock outcrops and generally has ovate leaves, as the epithet suggests, with some exceptions. The cultivar ‘Gollum‘ has cylindrical leaves that appear truncated on the ends and variously colored in green and red shades. The inflorescence bears numerous white-pink, smallish flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Crassula ovata cv ‘Gollum' 5-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the southeastern provinces of South Africa. This shrub typically grows on rock outcrops and generally has ovate leaves, as the epithet suggests, with some exceptions. The cultivar ?Gollum? has cylindrical leaves that appear truncated on the ends and variously colored in green and red shades. The inflorescence bears numerous white-pink, smallish flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Crassula ovata cv ‘Gollum‘ 4-inch pots $12.00
This species is from the southeastern provinces of South Africa. This shrub typically grows on rock outcrops and generally has ovate leaves, as the epithet suggests, with some exceptions. The cultivar ‘Gollum‘ has cylindrical leaves that appear truncated on the ends and variously colored in green and red shades. The inflorescence bears numerous white-pink, smallish flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Crassula ovata cv ‘Silver Dollar Jade' 5-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the southeastern provinces of South Africa. This shrub typically grows on rock outcrops and has ovate leaves, as the epithet suggests. The leaves are silvery gray-green, large, and thickly succulent. This is a selection from the common garden plant widely available. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Crassula ovata cv ‘Tricolor‘ 5-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the southeastern provinces of South Africa. This shrub typically grows on rock outcrops and has ovate leaves, as the epithet suggests. The leaves are variegated with irregular stripes of green, yellow, and white. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Crassula ovata cv Silver Dollar Jade 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the southeastern provinces of South Africa. This shrub typically grows on rock outcrops and has ovate leaves, as the epithet suggests. The leaves are silvery gray-green, large, and thickly succulent. This is a selection from the common garden plant widely available. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Crassula ovata cv Silver Dollar Jade 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from the southeastern provinces of South Africa. This shrub typically grows on rock outcrops and has ovate leaves, as the epithet suggests. The leaves are silvery gray-green, large, and thickly succulent. This is a selection from the common garden plant widely available. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Crassula ovata cv Silver Dollar Jade one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from the southeastern provinces of South Africa. This shrub typically grows on rock outcrops and has ovate leaves, as the epithet suggests. The leaves are silvery gray-green, large, and thickly succulent. This is a selection from the common garden plant widely available. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Crassula perfoliata one-gallon pots $25.00
This columnar species, from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, is a short shrub with typically unbranched stems. The leaves, a glaucous gray-green color, are falcate in shape and stiff. The flowers are white. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Crassula perforata 5-inch pots $20.00
This Crassula, from South Africa in a band across from the Western Cape Province into the Kwa-Zulu Natal, has flattened grey-green leaves arranged loosely along the stems. We offer this species in 5-inch pots.
Crassula tetragona ssp. acutifolia 5-inch pots $15.00
From the Western and Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species is a low, mat-forming plant with small, yearly tubular leaves. The stems root from the nodes. This summer-flowering species produces small clusters of white flowers. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Crinum lugardiae 4-inch pots $15.00
This species occurs in a broad east-west swath from Namibia eastward across Botswana and South Africa. The bulb produces linear green leaves, and the flowers are large and white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Crinum lugardiae 5-inch pots $20.00
This species occurs in a broad east-west swath from Namibia eastward across Botswana and South Africa. The bulb produces linear green leaves, and the flowers are large and white. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Cryptanthus bivittatus cv Red Star 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Brazil, this small bromeliad with its star-shaped rosettes offsets, forming little mounds. This cultivar has multicolored leaves with an overall reddish appearance. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Cryptocereus anthonyanus 3-inch pots $8.00
Yet another buggered-up genus in the Cactaceae, this is supposed to be in Selenicereus. Might as well be in Euphorbia as much as it resembles other species in Selenicereus, so we'll leave it in Cryptocereus. From Chiapas in southern Mexico, this species has flattened light-green stems with alternating, rounded lobes. The flowers are white, but the purplish tepals make them somewhat secondary. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Cryptocereus anthonyanus 5-inch pots $20.00
Yet another buggered-up genus in the Cactaceae, this is supposed to be in Selenicereus. Might as well be in Euphorbia as much as it resembles other species in Selenicereus, so we'll leave it in Cryptocereus. From Chiapas in southern Mexico, this species has flattened light-green stems with alternating, rounded lobes. The flowers are white, but the purplish tepals make them somewhat secondary. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cryptocereus anthonyanus 6-inch pots $25.00
Yet another buggered-up genus in the Cactaceae, this is supposed to be in Selenicereus. Might as well be in Euphorbia as much as it resembles other species in Selenicereus, so well leave it in Cryptocereus. From Chiapas in southern Mexico, this species has flattened light-green stems with alternating, rounded lobes. The flowers are white, but the purplish tepals make them somewhat secondary. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Cumulopuntia boliviana 3-inch pots $10.00
This low clump-forming species is from the highlands where Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina meet. A customer correctly identified this as C. boliviana instead of C. pentlandii, our previous name. The joints tend to be nearly ovoid in shape, light green in color, and covered with small yellow spines. These spiny joints produce yellow-orange flowers that could also be red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Cumulopuntia chichensis 4-inch pots $25.00
This low clump-forming species is from northwestern Argentina and southern Bolivia. It has green subspherical joints bearing long golden yellow spines. The flowers are golden yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Cumulopuntia chichensis 5-inch pots $30.00
This low clump-forming species is from northwestern Argentina and southern Bolivia. It has green subspherical joints bearing long golden yellow spines. The flowers are golden yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cussonia paniculata 5-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed along the eastern edge of the Great Karoo of South Africa, this small tree has a gnarled trunk and large, ragged leaves that earn the plants common name of Cabbage Tree. The flowers are small and held in large umbels of dirty-yellow flowers. This deciduous species has at least some frost hardiness. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Cussonia paniculata 5-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed along the eastern edge of the Great Karoo of South Africa, this small tree has a gnarled trunk and large, ragged leaves that earn the plants common name of Cabbage Tree. The flowers are small and held in large umbels of dirty-yellow flowers. This deciduous species has at least some frost hardiness. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Cussonia paniculata one-gallon pots $25.00
Widely distributed along the eastern edge of the Great Karoo of South Africa, this small tree has a gnarled trunk and large, ragged leaves that earn the plants common name of Cabbage Tree. The flowers are small and held in large umbels of dirty-yellow flowers. This deciduous species has at least some frost hardiness. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Cylindropuntia caribaea 2-inch pots $8.00
This species only grows on Hispaniola (Haiti, Dominican Republic), where it forms dense thickets. The thin branches bear numerous light yellow spines. The flowers are light yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia caribaea 3-inch pots $10.00
This species only grows on Hispaniola (Haiti, Dominican Republic), where it forms dense thickets. The thin branches bear numerous light yellow spines. The flowers are light yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia caribaea 4-inch pots $15.00
This species only grows on Hispaniola (Haiti, Dominican Republic), where it forms dense thickets. The thin branches bear numerous light yellow spines. The flowers are light yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia caribaea 5-inch pots $20.00
This species only grows on Hispaniola (Haiti, Dominican Republic), where it forms dense thickets. The thin branches bear numerous light yellow spines. The flowers are light yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia cholla (Rosarito) 3-inch pots $10.00
This cholla is common in Baja California, Mexico. This form has few spines and numerous small joints that are gray-green in color. The flowers are a blue-violet color. This species is surprisingly hardy to at least 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia cholla (Rosarito) 4-inch pots $15.00
This cholla is common in Baja California, Mexico. This form has few spines and numerous small joints that are gray-green in color. The flowers are a blue-violet color. This species is surprisingly hardy to at least 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia imbricata (double flowers) 5-inch pots $20.00
This is the classic neotree cholla from the Chihuahuan Desert, with a distribution from southeastern Arizona, through New Mexico to Texas, and into Mexico. It is readily identifiable by the numerous lined-up (imbricated) tubercles on the stem, and this species has less spines than most Cylindropuntia. The flowers are cream-colored and patterned, typically double. These plants appear to be able to withstand a low temperature of 0-10F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia imbricata (double flowers) one-gallon pots $25.00
This is the classic neotree cholla from the Chihuahuan Desert, with a distribution from southeastern Arizona, through New Mexico to Texas, and into Mexico. It is readily identifiable by the numerous lined-up (imbricated) tubercles on the stem, and this species has less spines than most Cylindropuntia. The flowers are cream-colored and patterned, typically double. These plants appear to be able to withstand a low temperature of 0-10F. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Cylindropuntia imbricata 4-inch pots $15.00
This is the classic neotree cholla from the Chihuahuan Desert, with a distribution from southeastern Arizona, through New Mexico to Texas, and into Mexico. It is readily identifiable by the numerous lined-up (imbricated) tubercles on the stem, and this species has less spines than most Cylindropuntia. The flowers are reddish-purple. These plants appear to be able to withstand a low temperature of 0-10F. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia imbricata 5-inch pots $20.00
This is the classic neotree cholla from the Chihuahuan Desert, with a distribution from southeastern Arizona, through New Mexico to Texas, and into Mexico. It is readily identifiable by the numerous lined-up (imbricated) tubercles on the stem, and this species has less spines than most Cylindropuntia. The flowers are reddish-purple. These plants appear to be able to withstand a low temperature of 0-10F. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia leptocaulis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the Sonoran Desert of Arizona and is widespread in the southwestern United States and Mexico. It is a small, shrubby plant with thin green stems bearing whitish-yellow spines, sometimes sparsely arranged along the stem. The flowers are small and yellow. The fruits tend to be fleshy, red, and persistent, earning this plant the name Christmas Cholla. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia molesta 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Baja California, Mexico, this species grows in the coastal to interior deserts, typically in dense stands. It is known for its easily detachable joints and long sharp spines. We think this is quite possibly the best plant for a growing defense of windows and other points of entry in Tucson homes. This species was undamaged at 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Cylindropuntia molesta 5-inch pots $20.00
From Baja California, Mexico, this species grows in the coastal to interior deserts, typically in dense stands. It is known for its easily detachable joints and long sharp spines. We think this is quite possibly the best plant for a growing defense of windows and other points of entry in Tucson homes. This species was undamaged at 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia prolifera 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from coastal southern California into northern Baja California, Mexico, where it gets winter rainfall. It is a shrub to short tree-cactus with dense, long spines, and the stems are green with a reddish tint in full sun, and the spines are long and yellow-white. The flowers are red-violet. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia tunica 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the Chihuahuan Desert of Texas and Mexico, but it is widely distributed in Mexico and South America because of its ethnobotanical value. It is a thin-stemmed cactus with numerous yellow spines. The flowers are yellow-green. This plant can likely take considerable frost. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia versicolor (orange) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is common in the Tucson basin and much of the eastern Sonoran Desert. It has rather thin gray-green stems with numerous spines. These plants are known to withstand low winter temperatures below 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings from orange-flowering plants in 4-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia versicolor (rust) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is common in the Tucson basin and much of the eastern Sonoran Desert. It has rather thin gray-green stems with numerous spines. These plants are known to withstand low winter temperatures below 15F. The flower are rust-colored to burnt orange These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia versicolor (yellow) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is common in the Tucson basin and much of the eastern Sonoran Desert. It has rather thin gray-green stems with numerous spines. These plants are known to withstand low winter temperatures below 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings from yellow-flowering plants in 4-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia versicolor (yellow) one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is common in the Tucson basin and much of the eastern Sonoran Desert. It has rather thin gray-green stems with numerous spines. These plants are known to withstand low winter temperatures below 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings from yellow-flowering plants in one-gallon pots.
Cylindropuntia whipplei 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from the Arizona highlands north of the Sonoran Desert with a range as far north as western Grand Cayon. It is a thin-stemmed cholla from a summer rainfall area and can take considerable frost. It has long yellow (weathering darker) spines from the green stems are thin and green. The flowers are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Cylindropuntia whipplei one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from the Arizona highlands north of the Sonoran Desert with a range as far north as western Grand Cayon. It is a thin-stemmed cholla from a summer rainfall area and can take considerable frost. It has long yellow (weathering darker) spines from the green stems are thin and green. The flowers are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Cylindropuntia x vivipara 4-inch pots $15.00
This is a natural hybrid of Cylindropuntia arbuscula and C. versicolor from the Tucson basin of the eastern Sonoran Desert. It has rather thin gray-green stems with numerous spines. These plants are known to withstand low winter temperatures below 15F. The flower are likely yellow These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Cynanchum luteifluens 4-inch pots $15.00
This viney species is from Madagascar, where it is widely distributed in the arid and semiarid regions. Its original name was C. decaisineanum but we correct that here. The stems are light green in color and striate. The flowers are small and yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Cyphostemma hardyi 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this pachycaul succulent has a large, knobby base protruding from the ground. The stems are multibranched and produce 3-5 lobed leaves that are notable for their conspicuous veins and overall reddish tone, which can be quite vivid in some individuals. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Cyphostemma hardyi 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this pachycaul succulent has a large, knobby base protruding from the ground. The stems are multibranched and produce 3-5 lobed leaves that are notable for their conspicuous veins and overall reddish tone, which can be quite vivid in some individuals. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Cyphostemma juttae 4-inch pots $12.00
Cyphostemma juttae, which typically occurs in the Proto-Namib Desert of Namibia, forms a conical trunk that seldom exceeds about 3 feet in height in the wild. This beautiful dwarf succulent is noted for that yellow-brown trunk with its thin peeling bark and grey-green leaves. What typically distinguishes the leaves are wings at the attachment point of the petiole to the leaf. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Cyphostemma juttae 5-inch pots $20.00
Cyphostemma juttae, which typically occurs in the Proto-Namib Desert of Namibia, forms a conical trunk that seldom exceeds about 3 feet in height in the wild. This beautiful dwarf succulent is noted for that yellow-brown trunk with its thin peeling bark and grey-green leaves. What typically distinguishes the leaves are wings at the attachment point of the petiole to the leaf. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Cyphostemma juttae one-gallon pots $30.00
Cyphostemma juttae, which typically occurs in the Proto-Namib Desert of Namibia, forms a conical trunk that seldom exceeds about 3 feet in height in the wild. This beautiful dwarf succulent is noted for that yellow-brown trunk with its thin peeling bark and grey-green leaves. What typically distinguishes the leaves are wings at the attachment point of the petiole to the leaf. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Cyphostemma quinatum 2-inch pots $8.00
Once known as Cissus cirrhosa. this Cyphostemma is from southeastern Africa, ranging from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa over to Mozambique and up to Zambia. With time, the caudex becomes conical up to 3-5 m tall with gray peeling bark. The leaf tips are rounded and the leaves have wavy serrated edges. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Cyphostemma quinatum 3-inch pots $10.00
Once known as Cissus cirrhosa. this Cyphostemma is from southeastern Africa, ranging from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa over to Mozambique and up to Zambia. With time, the caudex becomes conical up to 3-5 m tall with gray peeling bark. The leaf tips are rounded and the leaves have wavy serrated edges. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Cyphostemma quinatum 4-inch pots $12.00
Once known as Cissus cirrhosa, this Cyphostemma is from southeastern Africa, ranging from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa over to Mozambique and up to Zambia. With time, the caudex becomes conical up to 3-5 m tall with gray peeling bark. The leaf tips are rounded and the hairless leaves have wavy serrated edges. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Cyphostemma quinatum 5-inch pots $15.00
Once known as Cissus cirrhosa, this Cyphostemma is from southeastern Africa, ranging from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa over to Mozambique and up to Zambia. With time, the caudex becomes conical up to 3-5 m tall with gray peeling bark. The leaf tips are rounded and the hairless leaves have wavy serrated edges. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Dasylirion serratifolium 5-gallon pots $50.00
From Oaxaca, Mexico, this species is a rosette-forming plant with a short stem when mature. The leaves are narrow and armed with flexible prickles. The panicle bears spaced flowers and is relatively tall. These plants are seedlings in 5-gallon pots.
Dasylirion wheeleri 2-gallon pots $45.00
This species, commonly known as sotol or Desert Spoon, occurs in southeastern Arizona with a distribution that extends eastward to Texas and south into northern Mexico. It is a stemless shrub with numerous linear, light-green leaves lined with prickles. The inflorescence is a spike bearing numerous creamy white flowers. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Deilanthe peersii 2-inch pots $8.00
From the southern Great Karoo of South Africa, in the region where the Northern, Western, and Eastern Cape Provinces meet, this species used to be part of the genus Aloinopsis. The gray-green leaves are wider than thick and have an almost velvety touch. The flowers are yellow-orange with reddish edges, and they open during the nighttime. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Deilanthe peersii 4-inch pots $15.00
From the southern Great Karoo of South Africa, in the region where the Northern, Western, and Eastern Cape Provinces meet, this species used to be part of the genus Aloinopsis. The gray-green leaves are wider than thick and have an almost velvety touch. The flowers are yellow-orange with reddish edges, and they open during the nighttime. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Delonix regia one-gallon pots $25.00
This cosmopolitan species likely originated in Madagascar. We first saw this plant all around Puerto Rico and it is common in southern Baja California, as well as through the tropics worldwide. This should tell you that this species cannot withstand frost and needs lots of water. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Delosperma crassum 4-inch pots $15.00
This shrubby species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa near Grootgraafwater. These plants are propagated from material originally collected near Grootgraafwater. It has rounded green finger-like leaves arising from a fleshy rootstock. The flowers are a dirty yellow color and reddish at the base. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Delosperma crassum 5-inch pots $20.00
This shrubby species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa near Grootgraafwater. These plants are propagated from material originally collected near Grootgraafwater. It has rounded green finger-like leaves arising from a fleshy rootstock. The flowers are a dirty yellow color and reddish at the base. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Delosperma echinatum 4-inch pots $15.00
Delosperma echinatum is a very interesting species because its leaves have rather stiff hairs, leading to its epithet. This species is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, and it is a shrub with straggling branches that are easily rooted. The flowers are yellow with long white filaments bearing the stamens. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Delosperma echinatum 5-inch pots $20.00
Delosperma echinatum is a very interesting species because its leaves have rather stiff hairs, leading to its epithet. This species is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, and it is a shrub with straggling branches that are easily rooted. The flowers are yellow with long white filaments bearing the stamens. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Delosperma esterhyuseniae 2-inch pots $8.00
This cremnophilous species is from near Uniondale in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It has rounded green leaves arising from a woody rootstock. The flowers are rather numerous, small, and white. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Delosperma floribundum 4-inch pots $15.00
This shade-loving species is from the Free State of South Africa near Smithfield. It has rounded light green leaves arising from a woody rootstock. The flowers are rather numerous, small, and violet. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Delosperma lehmannii 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants currently are under the new name Corpuscularia lehmannii, but we'll leave it under Delosperma for now even though these plants do not look like most Delosperma. Instead, the leaves sort of resemble the old PacMan icon, with strings of succulent leaves. The flowers are white. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Delosperma lehmannii 5-inch pots $20.00
These plants currently are under the new name Corpuscularia lehmannii, but we'll leave it under Delosperma for now even though these plants do not look like most Delosperma. Instead, the leaves sort of resemble the old PacMan icon, with strings of succulent leaves. The flowers are white. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Delosperma napiforme 4-inch pots $15.00
Once known as Mestoklema macrorhizum, this shrubby mesemb is from the island of Reunion. Its tuberous roots are usually raised in pots. The flowers are small and white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Delosperma sp. (Koeniekuils Rivier, RSA) 4-inch pots $15.00
This seemingly undescribed species is from near the Koeniekuils Rivier in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. A small shrubby mesemb, it typically grows in rock crevices, has slightly tuberous roots, and its leaves are rough, thickened, and finger-like. The flowers are white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Deuterocohnia brevifolia 5-inch pots $20.00
This is one heck of a confusing name change, because this species, once known as Abromeitiella chlorantha, has much smaller leaves than the other Deuterochonia brevifolia that we offer. This species is from Argentina and Bolivia and tolerates frost down to perhaps 23F in Tucson. This terrestrial bromeliad forms great mounds of little clusters of leaves. The leaves have slightly sharp edges. The flowers are an inconspicuous green. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Deuterocohnia lorentziana 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Argentina and tolerates frost down to perhaps 23F in Tucson. This terrestrial bromeliad forms great mounds of little clusters of relatively large leaves. The leaves have slightly sharp tips and edges. The flowers are an inconspicuous green. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Deuterocohnia lorentziana one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from Argentina and tolerates frost down to perhaps 23F in Tucson. This terrestrial bromeliad forms great mounds of little clusters of relatively large leaves. The leaves have slightly sharp tips and edges. The flowers are an inconspicuous green. These plants are offsets in one-gallon pots.
Didierea trollii 4-inch pots $15.00
This dimorphic species, from Madagascar, has sprawling juvenile branches that morph into mature, upright trunks. The spines of this species are the sharpest of any in our collection, so watch out! The branches have green leaves that make this a very pretty and easily grown species. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Dioon spinulosum one-gallon pots $35.00
This cycad is native to Oaxaca, Mexico, and formerly was distributed to the Yucatan. It is the second tallest cycad, a forest tree with very spiny leaves. This conifer produces male and female cones on different plants. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Dioscorea elephantipes 2-inch pots $8.00
From a mostly summer rainfall area of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species tends to be a winter grower in Tucson. These plants are geophytes with a deeply furrowed caudex that domes up and forms plates on its sides. From the apex, vines bearing green, cordate leaves rise up. These vines can climb many feet upwards onto shrubs or a trellis, or they can be trained in loops or other configurations. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Dioscorea elephantipes 3-inch pots $10.00
From a mostly summer rainfall area of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species tends to be a winter grower in Tucson. These plants are geophytes with a deeply furrowed caudex that domes up and forms plates on its sides. From the apex, vines bearing green, cordate leaves rise up. These vines can climb many feet upwards onto shrubs or a trellis, or they can be trained in loops or other configurations. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Dioscorea elephantipes 4-inch pots $15.00
From a mostly summer rainfall area of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species tends to be a winter grower in Tucson. These plants are geophytes with a deeply furrowed caudex that domes up and forms plates on its sides. From the apex, vines bearing green, cordate leaves rise up. These vines can climb many feet upwards onto shrubs or a trellis, or they can be trained in loops or other configurations. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Discocactus araneispinus 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from eastern Brazil, and some consider it to be part of the Discocactus zehntneri complex. It is distinctive for its dull gray-white appearance and a white cephalia. The flowers are small and white. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Discocactus araneispinus 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from eastern Brazil, and some consider it to be part of the Discocactus zehntneri complex. It is distinctive for its dull gray-white appearance and a white cephalia. The flowers are small and white. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Discocactus araneispinus 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from eastern Brazil, and some consider it to be part of the Discocactus zehntneri complex. It is distinctive for its dull gray-white appearance and a white cephalia. The flowers are small and white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Discocactus araneispinus 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from eastern Brazil, and some consider it to be part of the Discocactus zehntneri complex. It is distinctive for its dull gray-white appearance and a white cephalia. The flowers are small and white. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Discocactus crystallophilus 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from eastern Brazil, and some consider it to be part of the Discocactus placentiformis complex. It is distinctive for its bright green body with black, claw-like spines and a white cephalia. The flowers are white with purplish highlights. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Dolichothele albescens 5-inch pots $20.00
Formerly Mammillaria decipiens, this species is from Queretaro, Mexico. This species forms dense clusters. The stems are mostly obscured by wool, bristles, and spines. The flowers are small and white. These seedlings are available in 5-inch pots.
Dorstenia brasiliensis 2-inch pots $10.00
Dorstenia brasiliensis is from Brazil, obviously. Not obviously, we thought this was D. drakena at first before a keen customer correctly identified it for us. It has dark-green obovate leaves and flowers profusely with barrel-shaped hypanthia. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Dorstenia foetida 2-inch pots $8.00
Dorstenia foetida has leaves that are large with relatively straight edges. Although some lump this with D. crispa, we keep them separate. Plants usually branch freely from the base. The sap has an unpleasant smell, hence the name "foetida." These plants have a receptacle that has relatively short appendages. We offer seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Dorstenia hybrid 2-inch pots $8.00
We have volunteer Dorstenias all over our greenhouse. They might be true species, but how could we really be sure? We‘ve found them to be best sellers in our greenhouse as well as at plant shows, so we‘re offering the green volunteers. These plants are volunteer seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Dorstenia hybrid 4-inch pots $15.00
We have volunteer Dorstenias all over our greenhouse. They might be true species, but how could we really be sure? We?ve found them to be best sellers in our greenhouse as well as at plant shows, so we're offering the green version of these volunteers. These plants are volunteer seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Dorstenia hybrid 5-inch pots $20.00
We have volunteer Dorstenias all over our greenhouse. They might be true species, but how could we really be sure? We‘ve found them to be best sellers in our greenhouse as well as at plant shows, so we‘re offering the green version of these volunteers. These plants are volunteer seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Dorstenia mannii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, once called D. radiata, is considered to be synonymous with D. foetida, which is highly unlikely. Unlike D. foetida, D. mannii has long, wand-like stems that are olive green in color and quite brittle. The hypanthium has a relatively small fertile area in the receptacle with very long bracts, making for a rather star-shaped arrangement. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Dorstenia mannii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, once called D. radiata, is considered to be synonymous with D. foetida, which is highly unlikely. Unlike D. foetida, D. mannii has long, wand-like stems that are olive green in color and quite brittle. The hypanthium has a relatively small fertile area in the receptacle with very long bracts, making for a rather star-shaped arrangement. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Dorstenia zanzibarica 4-inch pots $15.00
From Zanzibar, this upright, shrubby Dorstenia has yellow-green stems and small leaves. One of the best characters of this species is its broad caudex. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Dorstenia zanzibarica 5-inch pots $20.00
From Zanzibar, this upright, shrubby Dorstenia has yellow-green stems and small leaves. One of the best characters of this species is its broad caudex. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Dorstenia zanzibarica one-gallon pots $25.00
From Zanzibar, this upright, shrubby Dorstenia has yellow-green stems and small leaves. One of the best characters of this species is its broad caudex. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Dracaena draco 3-gallon pots $40.00
A seriously endangered species in the wild, Dracaena draco, one of the so-called “Dragons blood trees,” is from the Canary Islands. These plants are slow growing but get huge, particularly when grown in the ground in relatively frost-free areas. We lost our plants at 23F but they had withstood slightly higher temperatures for years. These plants are seedlings 3 one-gallon pots.
Dracaena draco 4-inch pots $15.00
A seriously endangered species in the wild, Dracaena draco, one of the so-called “Dragons blood trees,” is from the Canary Islands. These plants are slow growing but get huge, particularly when grown in the ground in relatively frost-free areas. We lost our plants at 23F but they had withstood slightly higher temperatures for years. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots. Dracaena draco 5-inch pots $20
Dracaena draco 5-inch pots $20.00
A seriously endangered species in the wild, Dracaena draco, one of the so-called “Dragon‘s blood trees,” is from the Canary Islands. These plants are slow growing but get huge, particularly when grown in the ground in relatively frost-free areas. We lost our plants at 23F but they had withstood slightly higher temperatures for years. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Dracaena draco 8-inch pots $35.00
A seriously endangered species in the wild, Dracaena draco, one of the so-called “Dragons blood trees,” is from the Canary Islands. These plants are slow growing but get huge, particularly when grown in the ground in relatively frost-free areas. We lost our plants at 23F but they had withstood slightly higher temperatures for years. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Dracaena draco one-gallon pots $25.00
A seriously endangered species in the wild, Dracaena draco, one of the so-called “Dragons blood trees,” is from the Canary Islands. These plants are slow growing but get huge, particularly when grown in the ground in relatively frost-free areas. We lost our plants at 23F but they had withstood slightly higher temperatures for years. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Dracophilis montis-draconsis 2-inch pots $8.00
Some lump this into Dracophilus dealbatus but we’ll leave it separate for now. This mat-forming mesemb has gray-green fleshy leaves. The flowers are white to violet with yellow centers. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Dragon's Blood $25.00
The translation from Socotri is Dragon's Blood, the exudate from Dracaena cinnabari. Collected by families on the island of Socotra, dragon?s blood has a number of medicinal properties, most importantly as a coagulant but also for skin rashes, stomach ailments, and eye problems. The resin clots are powdered and reconstituted with water prior to most uses. We do not recommend this product as a medicine. This product was purchased from families in the countryside of Socotra. Our bags contain an ounce (28 g) of dragon?s blood.
Drimia angustifolia 4-inch pots $15.00
This plant is from a wide area of northeastern South Africa, generally growing in the summer rainfall area. This bulb generally produces a low number (about 3) of linear leaves. The flowers are white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Drimia haworthioides 2-inch pots $8.00
This is one very interesting species from the Klein Karoo of South Africa. Each bulb scale resembles a leaf of one of the windowed-leaf Haworthias. The true leaves are thin, flat and grass green. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Drimia haworthioides 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one very interesting species from the Klein Karoo of South Africa. Each bulb scale resembles a leaf of one of the windowed-leaf Haworthias. The true leaves are thin, flat and grass green. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Drimia haworthioides 5-inch pots $20.00
This is one very interesting species from the Klein Karoo of South Africa. Each bulb scale resembles a leaf of one of the windowed-leaf Haworthias. The true leaves are thin, flat and grass green. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Drimia sp. (Namibia) 5-inch pots $20.00
We only know that this Drimia has long, linear leaves and it is from Namibia. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Drimiopsis botryoides (kirkii) one-gallon pots $25.00
This interesting bulb from Zanzibar puts out thick green, leather-like leaves with dark spots. We previously offered this as "Scilla sp. Leathery Leaf." We have these in one-gallon pots.
Drimiopsis botryoides (variegate) 3-inch pots $10.00
We previously offered this as Drimia maculata. This bulb, from the southern and eastern coasts of South Africa, has petiolate leaves with dark-brown spots and yellow-white variegation. These plants form clumps, which makes it an excellent pot plant. These are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Drimiopsis botryoides 3-inch pots $10.00
We previously offered this as Drimia maculata. This bulb, from the southern and eastern coasts of South Africa, has petiolate leaves with dark-brown spots. These plants form clumps, which makes it an excellent pot plant, or we have been growing this species in our yard in Tucson for several years. These are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Drimiopsis botryoides 4-inch pots $15.00
We previously offered this as Drimia maculata. This bulb, from the southern and eastern coasts of South Africa, has petiolate leaves with dark-brown spots. These plants form clumps, which makes it an excellent pot plant, or we have been growing this species in our yard in Tucson for several years. These are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Drimiopsis botryoides 5-inch pots $20.00
We previously offered this as Drimia maculata. This bulb, from the southern and eastern coasts of South Africa, has petiolate leaves with dark-brown spots. These plants form clumps, which makes it an excellent pot plant, or we have been growing this species in our yard in Tucson for several years. These are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Drimiopsis botryoides 8-inch pots $35.00
We previously offered this as Drimia maculata, but it actually is from East Africa. It has has short green leaves with dark-brown spots. These plants form clumps, which makes it an excellent pot plant. These are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Drimiopsis maculata 3-inch pots $10.00
We previously offered this as Drimia maculata. This bulb, from the southern and eastern coasts of South Africa, has with petiolate leaves with dark-brown spots. These plants form clumps, which makes it an excellent pot plant, or we have been growing this species in our yard in Tucson for several years. These are offsets in 3-inch pots.
Drimiopsis maculata 4-inch pots $15.00
We previously offered this as Drimia maculata. This bulb, from the southern and eastern coasts of South Africa, has with petiolate leaves with dark-brown spots. These plants form clumps, which makes it an excellent pot plant, or we have been growing this species in our yard in Tucson for several years. These are offsets in 4-inch pots.
Drimiopsis maculata 5-inch pots $20.00
We previously offered this as Drimia maculata. This bulb, from the southern and eastern coasts of South Africa, has with petiolate leaves with dark-brown spots. These plants form clumps, which makes it an excellent pot plant, or we have been growing this species in our yard in Tucson for several years. These are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Drosanthemum hispidum 4-inch pots $15.00
Drosanthemum hispidum is a shrub from South Africa. It grows 2-3 feet tall and has dull green hairy leaves. The flowers are open and purple in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Dudleya brittonii 6-inch pots $30.00
Dudleya brittonii grows in close proximity to the Pacific Ocean in northwestern Baja California, Mexico. These plants have rosettes of nearly snow-white leaves, and the flowers are tubular, upright, and orange to red in color. Although this species is from a strictly winter-rainfall region, we’ve been able to grow these plants in Tucson in full shade with relatively frequent summer watering. These plants are seedlings in 6-inch pots.
Dudleya pachyphytum 4-inch pots $25.00
Dudleya Pachyphytum is from Cedros Island in the Pacific Ocean west of Baja California, Mexico. These plants, what some consider to be the crown jewels of the genus Dudleya, have rosettes of nearly snow-white finger-like leaves. The flowers are tubular, upright, and white. This species is from a winter-rainfall region. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Dyckia choristaminea 4-inch pots $15.00
This terrestrial bromeliad has beautiful gray-green foliage with a whitish waxy coating. The rosettes stay relatively small, and the leaves are heavily armed with spines. The flowers are bright yellow and borne in a short spike. We offer rooted offsets of this plant in 4-inch pots.
Dyckia cv Deep Purple & Silver 2-inch pots $8.00
This hybrid was developed by the late Bill Baker. It has gray-green leaves with rather fierce marginal spines. The leaves recurve, giving the plant a unique appearance. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Dyckia cv Deep Purple & Silver 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid was developed by the late Bill Baker. It has gray-green leaves with rather fierce marginal spines. The leaves recurve, giving the plant a unique appearance. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Dyckia cv Naked Lady 5-inch pots $20.00
Dyckia cv Naked Lady is a medium-sized terrestrial bromeliad with thin spineless green leaves that are glossy, long, and recurved downward. We have no idea why this plant has this particular name but it is an old cultivar. We offer rooted offsets of this plant in 5-inch pots.
Dyckia cv Naked Lady one-gallon pots $25.00
Dyckia cv Naked Lady is a medium-sized terrestrial bromeliad with thin spineless green leaves that are glossy, long, and recurved downward. We have no idea why this plant has this particular name but it is an old cultivar. We offer rooted offsets of this plant in one-gallon pots.
Dyckia cv Red Devil 5-inch pots $20.00
Dyckia cv ′Red Devil′ is a medium-sized terrestrial bromeliad with thin spine-tinged leaves that turn a burgundy red in full sunlight. The flowers are orange and held in a tall spike. We offer rooted offsets of this plant in 5-inch pots.
Dyckia cv Red Devil 8-inch pots $35.00
Dyckia cv Red Devil is a medium-sized terrestrial bromeliad with thin spine-tinged leaves that turn a burgundy red in full sunlight. The flowers are orange and held in a tall spike. We offer rooted offsets of this plant in 8-inch pots.
Dyckia cv Red Devil one-gallon pots $25.00
Dyckia cv Red Devil is a medium-sized terrestrial bromeliad with thin spine-tinged leaves that turn a burgundy red in full sunlight. The flowers are orange and held in a tall spike. We offer rooted offsets of this plant in one-gallon pots.
Dyckia fosteriana 3-inch pots $10.00
From west-central Brazil, this clumping species has silvery reddish-green leaves with stout marginal spines. It has orange tubular flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Dyckia fosteriana 5-inch pots $20.00
From west-central Brazil, this clumping species has silvery reddish-green leaves with stout marginal spines. It has orange tubular flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Dyckia goiana 5-inch pots $20.00
From west-central Brazil, this clumping species has silvery green leaves with fierce marginal spines. It has a yellow flowers with red tips. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Dyckia goiana one-gallon pots $25.00
From west-central Brazil, this clumping species has silvery green leaves with fierce marginal spines. It has a yellow flowers with red tips. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Dyckia platyphylla 5-inch pots $20.00
This terrestrial bromeliad has beautiful foliage with glossy reddish-green leaves. Its origin likely is Brazil although it is poorly known in the wild. The flowers are orange and borne in a tall spike. We offer offsets of this plant in 5-inch pots.
Dyckia platyphylla one-gallon pots $25.00
This terrestrial bromeliad has beautiful foliage with glossy reddish-green leaves. Its origin likely is Brazil although it is poorly known in the wild. The flowers are orange and borne in a tall spike. We offer offsets of this plant in one-gallon pots.
Dyckia rariflora 2-inch pots $8.00
Dyckia rariflora is from Brazil. This small terrestrial bromeliad has beautiful foliage and orange flowers in a tall spike. We offer offsets of this plant in 2-inch pots.
Dyckia rariflora 5-inch pots $20.00
Dyckia rariflora is from Brazil. This small terrestrial bromeliad has beautiful foliage and orange flowers in a tall spike. We offer offsets of this plant in 5-inch pots.
Dyckia rariflora one-gallon pots $25.00
Dyckia rariflora is from Brazil. This small terrestrial bromeliad has beautiful foliage and orange flowers in a tall spike. We offer offsets of this plant in one-gallon pots.
Dyckia sp. aff. platyphylla 8-inch pots $35.00
This terrestrial bromeliad has beautiful foliage with glossy reddish-green leaves. Its origin likely is Brazil although it is poorly known in the wild. The flowers are orange and borne in a tall spike. We offer offsets of this plant in 8-inch pots.
Dyckia sp. aff. platyphylla one-gallon pots $25.00
This terrestrial bromeliad has beautiful foliage with glossy reddish-green leaves. Its origin likely is Brazil although it is poorly known in the wild. The flowers are orange and borne in a tall spike. We offer offsets of this plant in one-gallon pots.
Ebenopsis ebano 5-inch pots $20.00
Texas ebony, a member of the pea family and formerly known as Pithecellobium flexicaule, is a tree from southern Texas into northeastern Mexico. This species is known for its green pinnate leaves and fierce spines, and it produces large brown-black seed pods after the white flowers are pollinated. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Ebenopsis ebano one-gallon pots $25.00
Texas ebony, a member of the pea family and formerly known as Pithecellobium flexicaule, is a tree from southern Texas into northeastern Mexico. This species is known for its green pinnate leaves and fierce spines, and it produces large brown-black seed pods after the white flowers are pollinated. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Ebracteola wilmaniae 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is rather widely distributed in the Great Karoo of South Africa, although locally restricted to certain types of soils in grassland vegetation. The leaves are roughly triangular, thin, long, and green. The flowers are multicolored, white at the base with purple-pink petal tips. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Ebracteola wilmaniae 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is rather widely distributed in the Great Karoo of South Africa, although locally restricted to certain types of soils in grassland vegetation. The leaves are roughly triangular, thin, long, and green. The flowers are multicolored, white at the base with purple-pink petal tips. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echeveria agavoides 4-inch pots $12.00
For us, the genus Echeveria is difficult to grow in Tucson because of the summer heat and low humidity. The genus is from central Mexico, where it tends to grow at higher elevations. This species has a rosette of rather stout gray-green leaves with a reddish margin on the edges. The flowers are pink to red in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echidnopsis dammanniana 3-inch pots $10.00
These plants are native to Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia. They typically grow beneath shrubs and produce gray-green tuberculate stems. The corollas tend to be greenish-brown, but weve had some that have considerable yellow coloration. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Echidnopsis dammanniana 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are native to Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia. They typically grow beneath shrubs and produce gray-green tuberculate stems. The corollas tend to be greenish-brown, but weve had some that have considerable yellow coloration. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Echidnopsis nubica 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are native to the Sudan and Ethiopia. They typically grow beneath shrubs and produce gray-green tuberculate compact stems. The corollas tend to be yellowish-brown, showing the relationship with E. cereiformis. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Echinocactus grusonii (red flowers) 6-inch pots $60.00
This form is from a selected cultivar from a small area in Queretaro, Mexico. Uncommon, the red-flowering form of Echinocactus grusonii could be a very distinctive landscape species. These plants are seedlings in 6-inch pots.
Echinocactus grusonii (red flowers) 8-inch pots $60.00
This form is from a selected cultivar from a small area in Queretaro, Mexico. Uncommon, the red-flowering form of Echinocactus grusonii could be a very distinctive landscape species. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Echinocactus grusonii (white) 6-inch pots $30.00
This form, known as the White Barrel, is from a restricted area in Queretaro, Mexico. Uncommon, the white form of Echinocactus grusonii is a very distinctive landscape species, although it has less frost tolerance than does the better-known typical species. We’ve grown this in the ground for many years with no problems, but these plants do have some rib damage from past frosts that you have to look closely to see. The plants should grow out of this minimal damage. These plants are seedlings in 6-inch pots.
Echinocactus grusonii (white) 8-inch pots $35.00
This form, known as the White Barrel, is from a restricted area in Queretaro, Mexico. Uncommon, the white form of Echinocactus grusonii is a very distinctive landscape species, although it has less frost tolerance than does the better-known typical species. We’ve grown this in the ground for many years with no problems, but these plants do have some rib damage from past frosts that you have to look closely to see. The plants should grow out of this minimal damage. These plants are seedlings in 6-inch pots.
Echinocactus grusonii 4-inch pots $15.00
The classic Golden Barrel is from a restricted area in Queretaro, Mexico. Common in Arizona landscaping, Echinocactus grusonii represents another species that likely is more common in cultivation than in habitat. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocactus grusonii 6-inch pots $30.00
The classic Golden Barrel is from a restricted area in Queretaro, Mexico. Common in Arizona landscaping, Echinocactus grusonii represents another species that likely is more common in cultivation than in habitat. These plants are seedlings in 6-inch pots.
Echinocactus grusonii 8-inch pots $35.00
The classic Golden Barrel is from a restricted area in Queretaro, Mexico. Common in Arizona landscaping, Echinocactus grusonii represents another species that likely is more common in cultivation than in habitat. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Echinocactus grusonii one-gallon pots $25.00
The classic Golden Barrel is from a restricted area in Queretaro, Mexico. Common in Arizona landscaping, Echinocactus grusonii represents another species that likely is more common in cultivation than in habitat. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Echinocactus grusonii var. brevispinus (green) 3-inch pots $10.00
Golden Barrels are from a restricted area in Queretaro, Mexico, where they are nearly extinct in the wild. Variety brevispinus has short spines on elongated tubercles raising above a dark green body. The flowers are insignificant. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Echinocactus grusonii var. brevispinus (green) 4-inch pots $15.00
Golden Barrels are from a restricted area in Queretaro, Mexico, where they are nearly extinct in the wild. Variety brevispinus has short spines on elongated tubercles raising above a dark green body. The flowers are insignificant. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocactus grusonii var. brevispinus (yellow) 3-inch pots $10.00
Golden Barrels are from a restricted area in Queretaro, Mexico, where they are nearly extinct in the wild. Variety brevispinus has short spines on elongated tubercles raising above a yellow-green body. The flowers are insignificant. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Echinocactus grusonii var. brevispinus (yellow) 4-inch pots $15.00
Golden Barrels are from a restricted area in Queretaro, Mexico, where they are nearly extinct in the wild. Variety brevispinus has short spines on elongated tubercles raising above a yellow-green body. The flowers are insignificant. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocactus platyacanthus 2-inch pots $8.00
Widely distributed in north-central Mexico, this very interesting barrel cactus has globose, gray-green body that turns short-columnar with age. The number of ribs is low and changes with age as well, and the spination is also variable but turning black with age. The flowers are golden yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Echinocactus platyacanthus 3-inch pots $10.00
Widely distributed in north-central Mexico, this very interesting barrel cactus has globose, gray-green body that turns short-columnar with age. The number of ribs is low and changes with age as well, and the spination is also variable but turning black with age. The flowers are golden yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Echinocactus platyacanthus 4-inch pots $15.00
Widely distributed in north-central Mexico, this very interesting barrel cactus has globose, gray-green body that turns short-columnar with age. The number of ribs is low and changes with age as well, and the spination is also variable but turning black with age. The flowers are golden yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocactus platyacanthus 5-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed in north-central Mexico, this very interesting barrel cactus has globose, gray-green body that turns short-columnar with age. The number of ribs is low and changes with age as well, and the spination is also variable but turning black with age. The flowers are golden yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Echinocactus platyacanthus one-gallon pots $25.00
Widely distributed in north-central Mexico, this very interesting barrel cactus has globose, gray-green body that turns short-columnar with age. The number of ribs is low and changes with age as well, and the spination is also variable but turning black with age. The flowers are golden yellow. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Echinocactus texensis 4-inch pots $15.00
Widely distributed from Oklahoma south into central Mexico, this species is commonly known in the United States as horse crippler for its ability to trip and catch legs. The solitary plants tend to be globose and rather squat with stout gray-white hooked spines. The flowers are pinkish-white. These plants likely are hardy to 0F. We offer this species as seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus coccineus one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is widely distributed in the southwestern US from Arizona to Colorado and over into Texas. A number of former species have been lumped into this one. Very similar to Echinocereus triglochidiatus, it has short cylindrical green stems with sparse yellow-white spines. The flowers are red-orange and somewhat campanulate. This plant is frost hardy and probably capable of withstanding low temperatures to 15F. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Echinocereus laui 4-inch pots $15.00
From high in the Sierra Madre in Sonora, Mexico, this columnar species clumps to form plants with cylindrical stems bearing grayish-white spines over the light green body. The flowers are broad and pink. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus laui 5-inch pots $20.00
From high in the Sierra Madre in Sonora, Mexico, this columnar species clumps to form plants with cylindrical stems bearing grayish-white spines over the light green body. The flowers are broad and pink. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Echinocereus pacificus 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is known from only one canyon in Baja California, Mexico. It is known as Mexican Claret Cup and has been lumped as a subspecies into the Echinocereus polyacanthus group, but we keep it separate here. It has cylindrical stems bearing white spines with red-brown tips and offsets prolifically. The flowers are red and cup-shaped. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus pacificus 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is known from only one canyon in Baja California, Mexico. It is known as Mexican Claret Cup and has been lumped as a subspecies into the Echinocereus polyacanthus group, but we keep it separate here. It has cylindrical stems bearing white spines with red-brown tips and offsets prolifically. The flowers are red and cup-shaped. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus pectinatus 2-inch pots $8.00
From southeastern Arizona, this cactus has a beautiful reddish-white cast from dense spines that nearly cover the globose body. The flowers are red to reddish purple and quite large. This plant is frost hardy and probably capable of withstanding low temperatures to near 0F. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Echinocereus pectinatus 3-inch pots $10.00
From southeastern Arizona, this cactus has a beautiful reddish-white cast from dense spines that nearly cover the globose body. The flowers are red to reddish purple and quite large. This plant is frost hardy and probably capable of withstanding low temperatures to near 0F. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Echinocereus pectinatus 4-inch pots $25.00
From southeastern Arizona, this cactus has a beautiful reddish-white cast from dense spines that nearly cover the globose body. The flowers are red to reddish purple and quite large. This plant is frost hardy and probably capable of withstanding low temperatures to near 0F. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus pectinatus var. albiflorus 4-inch pots $15.00
From southeastern Arizona, this cactus has a beautiful reddish-white cast from dense spines that nearly cover the globose body. The flowers are red to reddish purple and quite large. This plant is frost hardy and probably capable of withstanding low temperatures to near 0F. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus pentalophus (2003-518-02) 5-inch pots $20.00
This little cactus is from the northeastern states of Mexico. It forms a low clump with spiny stems about ¾-1 inch in diameter. What‘s great about this species is the extremely large flowers with purple petals and a yellow center. We‘ve grown this species outside in Tucson for many years where it has taken the low 20s with little or no damage. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Echinocereus pentalophus ssp. pentalophus (1997-504-09) 5-inch p $20.00
This little cactus is from the northeastern states of Mexico. It forms a low clump with spiny stems about ¾-1 inch in diameter. Whats great about this species is the extremely large flowers with purple petals and a yellow center. We’ve grown this species outside in Tucson for many years where it has taken the low 20s with little or no damage. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Echinocereus pentalophus ssp. procumbens 4-inch pots $15.00
This little cactus is from the northeastern states of Mexico. It forms a low clump with spiny stems the diameter of a thumb. Whats great about this species is the extremely large flowers with purple petals and a yellow center. We’ve grown this species outside in Tucson for many years where it has taken the low 20s with little or no damage. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus pentalophus ssp. procumbens 5-inch pots $20.00
This little cactus is from the northeastern states of Mexico. It forms a low clump with spiny stems the diameter of a thumb. What‘s great about this species is the extremely large flowers with purple petals and a yellow center. We‘ve grown this species outside in Tucson for many years where it has taken the low 20s with little or no damage. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Echinocereus rayonesensis (L1101) 4-inch pots $15.00
From Nuevo Leon, Mexico, this is a short columnar species that branches from the base with green stems and whitish-yellow spines. The flowers have violet petals with yellow centers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus rayonesensis (L1101) 5-inch pots $20.00
From Nuevo Leon, Mexico, this is a short columnar species that branches from the base with green stems and whitish-yellow spines. The flowers have violet petals with yellow centers. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Echinocereus reichenbachii ssp. reichenbachii (minor) 4-inch pot $15.00
This species superficially resembles the Arizona rainbow cactus (Echinocereus pectinatus), but these plants grow farther east in New Mexico and Texas with a southerly extension into Mexico. The body of this offsetting plant is green, and the spines are multicolored and closely appressed against the body with no centrals. This form, minor, is smaller than the typical species. The flowers are relatively large and violet with a paler throat. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus reichenbachii ssp. reichenbachii (minor) 4-inch pot $15.00
This species superficially resembles the Arizona rainbow cactus (Echinocereus pectinatus), but these plants grow farther east in New Mexico and Texas with a southerly extension into Mexico. The body of this offsetting plant is green, and the spines are multicolored and closely appressed against the body with no centrals. This form, minor, is smaller than the typical species. The flowers are relatively large and violet with a paler throat. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus reichenbachii ssp. reichenbachii (minor) 5-inch pot $20.00
This species superficially resembles the Arizona rainbow cactus (Echinocereus pectinatus), but these plants grow farther east in New Mexico and Texas with a southerly extension into Mexico. The body of this offsetting plant is green, and the spines are multicolored and closely appressed against the body with no centrals. This form, minor, is smaller than the typical species. The flowers are relatively large and violet with a paler throat. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Echinocereus reichenbachii var. albertii 3-inch pots $10.00
This beautiful Echinocereus is widely distributed in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. The short stems are densely covered with colorful spines. The flowers are large, pink-violet, and quite showy. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Echinocereus reichenbachii var. albertii 4-inch pots $15.00
This beautiful Echinocereus is widely distributed in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. The short stems are densely covered with colorful spines. The flowers are large, pink-violet, and quite showy. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus rigidissima ssp. rubrispinus 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from southern Arizona extending southwards into Sonora, Mexico. The plants generally are solitary with occasional branching from the base and producing numerous multicolored spines that typically obscure the body. The flowers have reddish-purple flowers that are relatively large. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Echinocereus roemeri 4-inch pots $15.00
Supposedly synonymous with Echinocereus coccineus, this species is widely distributed in the southwestern US from Arizona to Colorado and over into Texas. Very similar to Echinocereus triglochidiatus, it has short cylindrical green stems with sparse yellow-white spines. The flowers are red-orange and somewhat campanulate. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus roemeri 5-inch pots $20.00
Supposedly synonymous with Echinocereus coccineus, this species is widely distributed in the southwestern US from Arizona to Colorado and over into Texas. Very similar to Echinocereus triglochidiatus, it has short cylindrical green stems with sparse yellow-white spines. The flowers are red-orange and somewhat campanulate. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Echinocereus sanpedroensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This form of the ubiquitous Echinocereus triglochidiatus is a low-elevation clumping species that is widely distributed in the southwestern US. It is hardy to cold and extreme heat and is a landscape plant in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. The short cylindrical stems are light green in color and lined with ribs with sparse white spines. The flowers are orange-red with a lighter center. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus triglochidiatus 4-inch pots $15.00
This form of the ubiquitous Echinocereus triglochidiatus is a low-elevation clumping species that is widely distributed in the southwestern US. It is hardy to cold and extreme heat and is a landscape plant in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. The short cylindrical stems are light green in color and lined with ribs with sparse white spines. The flowers are orange-red with a lighter center. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus triglochidiatus 5-inch pots $20.00
This form of the ubiquitous Echinocereus triglochidiatus is a low-elevation clumping species that is widely distributed in the southwestern US. It is hardy to cold and extreme heat and is a landscape plant in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. The short cylindrical stems are light green in color and lined with ribs with sparse white spines. The flowers are orange-red with a lighter center. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Echinocereus triglochidiatus one-gallon pots $40.00
This form of the ubiquitous Echinocereus triglochidiatus is a low-elevation clumping species that is widely distributed in the southwestern US. It is hardy to cold and extreme heat and is a landscape plant in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. The short cylindrical stems are light green in color and lined with ribs with sparse white spines. The flowers are orange-red with a lighter center. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Echinocereus viereckii ssp. morricalii 2-inch pots $8.00
This strikingly beautiful species is narrowly distributed in northeastern Mexico in the southern Chihuahuan Desert. This species offsets prolifically and can be either upright or creep along the ground. Subspecies morricalii has long, essentially spineless and cylindrical stems are dark green in color with small white areoles. The flowers are large and purple. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Echinocereus viereckii ssp. morricalii 4-inch pots $15.00
This strikingly beautiful species is narrowly distributed in northeastern Mexico in the southern Chihuahuan Desert. This species offsets prolifically and can be either upright or creep along the ground. Subspecies morricalii has long, essentially spineless and cylindrical stems are dark green in color with small white areoles. The flowers are large and purple. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus viereckii ssp. morricalii 5-inch pots $20.00
This strikingly beautiful species is narrowly distributed in northeastern Mexico in the southern Chihuahuan Desert. This species offsets prolifically and can be either upright or creep along the ground. Subspecies morricalii has long, essentially spineless and cylindrical stems are dark green in color with small white areoles. The flowers are large and purple. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Echinocereus viereckii ssp. morricalii one-gallon pots $25.00
This strikingly beautiful species is narrowly distributed in northeastern Mexico in the southern Chihuahuan Desert. This species offsets prolifically and can be either upright or creep along the ground. Subspecies morricalii has long, essentially spineless and cylindrical stems are dark green in color with small white areoles. The flowers are large and purple. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Echinocereus viridiflorus ssp. davisii 4-inch pots $15.00
This form of the widely distributed Echinocereus viridiflorus is a low-elevation species from one locality in Texas. The short cylindrical stems are light green in color and lined with ribs with sparse yellow spines. The flowers are yellow-green with a lighter-colored center. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinocereus websterianus 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from an island off the coast of Sonora, Mexico. It is a clumping species with numerous cylindrical light green stems bearing yellow spines. The flowers are violet with yellow centers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinofossulocactus albatus 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, which now is lumped under Stenocactus vaupelianus, is from Hidalgo, Mexico. An upright species with a more-or-less cylindrical body, the plants have an overall white appearance owing to numerous white, whisker-like spines. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Echinofossulocactus guerreanus 4-inch pots $15.00
One observer calls this highly variable species a “taxonomic nightmare,” and that starts with current attempts to lump it into the genus Stenocactus. Echinofossulocactus guerreanus is supposed to be the same as E. crispatus which is supposed to be the same as Stenocactus crispatus. Whatever. This is from northern and central Mexico, generally east of the Sierra Madre. The globose stem has wavy ridges in the body. The flowers are purplish white. We have seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinofossulocactus multicostatus (SB 147) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, considered by some to be a Stenocactus, is from Coahuila, Chihuahua, and Durango, Mexico, generally east of the Sierra Madre. What makes this species interesting are the wavy ridges to the flutes in the body, which make it look more like a green filter than a plant. The flowers are white and not the reason one obtains this plant. We offer seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinofossulocactus zacatacacensis 2-inch pots $8.00
This species, considered by some to be Stenocactus multicostatus, is not surprisingly from Zacatecas, Mexico. What makes this species interesting are the wavy ridges on the sides of the body. The flowers are white and not the reason one obtains this plant. We offer seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Echinofossulocactus zacatacacensis 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, considered by some to be Stenocactus multicostatus, is not surprisingly from Zacatecas, Mexico. What makes this species interesting are the wavy ridges on the sides of the body. The flowers are white and not the reason one obtains this plant. We offer seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Echinofossulocactus zacatacacensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, considered by some to be Stenocactus multicostatus, is not surprisingly from Zacatecas, Mexico. What makes this species interesting are the wavy ridges on the sides of the body. The flowers are white and not the reason one obtains this plant. We offer seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinofossulocactus zacatacacensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, considered by some to be Stenocactus multicostatus, is not surprisingly from Zacatecas, Mexico. What makes this species interesting are the wavy ridges on the sides of the body. The flowers are white and not the reason one obtains this plant. We offer seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Echinopsis backebergii 4-inch pots $15.00
This formerly was known as Lobivia oxyalabestra. From Bolivia and Peru, this offsetting species has a green globose body with numerous ribs and gray-brown spines. The flowers are large and red with yellow-white throats. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinopsis backebergii 5-inch pots $20.00
This formerly was known as Lobivia oxyalabestra. From Bolivia and Peru, this offsetting species has a green globose body with numerous ribs and gray-brown spines. The flowers are large and red with yellow-white throats. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Echinopsis backebergii one-gallon pots $25.00
This formerly was known as Lobivia oxyalabestra. From Bolivia and Peru, this offsetting species has a green globose body with numerous ribs and gray-brown spines. The flowers are large and red with yellow-white throats. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Echinopsis chamaecereus 4-inch pots $15.00
In the crazy world that is taxonomy within the Cactaceae, Chamaelobivia – which is a hybrid between Chamaecereus and Lobivia, both of which have been sunk into the genus Echinopsis – is definitely an old school name. This shrubby species, with stubby stems, produces campanulate orange flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Echinopsis chamaecereus cv Giant Peanut 4-inch pots $15.00
From a highly variable group of mat-forming cacti from Argentina, this cultivar is selected for its prolific production of orange flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Echinopsis chamaecereus cv Giant Peanut 5-inch pots $20.00
From a highly variable group of mat-forming cacti from Argentina, this cultivar is selected for its prolific production of orange flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Echinopsis crassicaulis cv ‘Red Velvet‘ 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from northern Argentina. There is nothing particularly special about these small, green, globose plants, except the flowers. The cultivar name ‘Red Velvet‘ refers to the appearance of those flowers. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Echinopsis crassicaulis cv ‘Red Velvet‘ 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from northern Argentina. There is nothing particularly special about these small, green, globose plants, except the flowers. The cultivar name ‘Red Velvet‘ refers to the appearance of those flowers. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Echinopsis crassicaulis cv Red Velvet 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from northern Argentina. There is nothing particularly special about these small, green, globose plants, except the flowers. The cultivar name Red Velvet refers to the appearance of those flowers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinopsis hybrid (red) 4-inch pots $15.00
This beautiful cultivar of Echinopsis has a large red flower. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Echinopsis hybrid 2-inch pots $8.00
This beautiful cultivar of Echinopsis has a large white flower. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Echinopsis hybrid 3-inch pots $10.00
This beautiful cultivar of Echinopsis has a large white flower. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Echinopsis hybrid 4-inch pots $15.00
This beautiful cultivar of Echinopsis has a large white flower. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinopsis hybrid one-gallon pots $25.00
This beautiful cultivar of Echinopsis has a large white flower. These plants are multiheaded rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Echinopsis Schick hybrid 4-inch pots $15.00
This beautiful cultivar of Echinopsis has a wildcard flower color, which could range from white to violet. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Echinopsis subdenudata 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Bolivia. It is a sparsely spined hemispherical species with a light green body. For such a small plant, it produces a huge white flower. These seedlings are available in 4-inch pots.
Echinopsis subdenudata cv ‘Fuzzy Navel‘ 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Bolivia, but this cultivar was developed to emphasize the fuzzy hairs surrounding the apical growing tip. For such a small plant, it produces a huge white flower. These seedlings are available in 4-inch pots.
Echinopsis subdenudata cv Fuzzy Navel 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Bolivia, but this cultivar was developed to emphasize the fuzzy hairs surrounding the apical growing tip. For such a small plant, it produces a huge white flower. These seedlings are available in 5-inch pots.
Edithcolea grandis 3-inch pots $10.00
This succulent Asclepiad is from East Africa and Socotra. Possessing one of the most beautiful flowers in this group, this extremely gnarled species typically grows under shrubs but occasionally appears on open ground. When in deep shade, the branches are dark green; when in the open, they can have a whitish-to-purplish cast. One look at the large flower and you will know why you want this plant in your collection. We offer seedlings of this species in 3-inch pots.
Edithcolea grandis 4-inch pots $15.00
This succulent Asclepiad is from East Africa and Socotra. Possessing one of the most beautiful flowers in this group, this extremely gnarled species typically grows under shrubs but occasionally appears on open ground. When in deep shade, the branches are dark green; when in the open, they can have a whitish-to-purplish cast. One look at the large flower and you will know why you want this plant in your collection. We have rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Elephant Trees, Copales, and Cuajiotes $30.00
Written by Judith Becerra and David Yetman (2024), this book is a comprehensive guide to the Bursera species of Mexico and parts of Central America. The ecology, evolution, and distribution of this interesting pachycaul tree is discussed in great detail. It is 251 pages in length and contains information on more than 115 taxa with about 200 photographs in habitat and in cultivation. Shipping charges will be reduced to either first class or media mail.
Encephalartos horridus one-gallon pots $75.00
Encephalartos horridus is a very popular plant and well-known species from the Eastern Cape Province of South Arica. This is a slow-growing spiny cycad with blue-green leaves bearing fierce marginal spines. It is one of the most sought-after species in the group. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Encephalartos manikensis one-gallon pots $55.00
Encephalartos manikensis, from southern Zimbabwe, has gray-green spiny leaves. This is a fast-growing and relatively small cycad that offsets and forms clumps. It can withstand some frost and can take full sun in areas that aren’t as harsh as Tucson, Arizona. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Endadenium gossweileri 4-inch pots $15.00
From Angola, this species once was considered part of the genus Monadenium but was moved into a monospecific genus in 1973. These monoecious plants have swollen bases and green stems with fleshy green leaves. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Endadenium gossweileri 5-inch pots $20.00
From Angola, this species once was considered part of the genus Monadenium but was moved into a monospecific genus in 1973. These monoecious plants have swollen bases and green stems with fleshy green leaves. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Epidendrum ellipticum (orange flower) 5-inch pots $20.00
From Brazil, Peru, and Paraguay, this species is a shrubby plant with reed-like stems and (surprise!) elliptical leaves. What is interesting is that the flower color varies over a wide range, and the flowers of this version are orange. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Epiphyllum anguliger 4-inch pots $15.00
This epiphyte has round to triangular stems bearing deeply lobed leaves that have a zig-zag appearance. The flowers are aromatic and large, with yellow petals surrounding a white center. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Epiphyllum anguliger 5-inch pots $20.00
This epiphyte has round to triangular stems bearing deeply lobed leaves that have a zig-zag appearance. The flowers are aromatic and large, with yellow petals surrounding a white center. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Epiphyllum sp. 4-inch pots $15.00
Widespread from Mexico through South America, Epiphyllums can be epiphytic (as the generic name indicates) or terrestrial. They have round to triangular basal stems and flattened leaf-bearing stems. The flowers are aromatic and large, typically with white petals surrounding a yellowish center. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Epithelantha micromeris var. micromeris 2-inch pots $10.00
The Epithelantha complex contains small species that are widely distributed from eastern Arizona to Texas and south to San Luis Potosi. The globular stem with its depressed apex is covered with many rows of small tubercles tipped with white spines, set so close together that the green epidermis is hidden. The flowers are pink and develop from the apex. The fruit are elongated bright red pods. These seedlings are full-sized plants in 2-inch pots.
Epithelantha micromeris var. micromeris 4-inch pots $20.00
The Epithelantha complex contains small species that are widely distributed from eastern Arizona to Texas and south to San Luis Potosi. The globular stem with its depressed apex is covered with many rows of small tubercles tipped with white spines, set so close together that the green epidermis is hidden. The flowers are pink and develop from the apex. The fruit are elongated bright red pods. These seedlings are full-sized plants in 4-inch pots.
Eriosyce islayensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This relatively small, solitary and globose cactus occurs inland from the coast of the Pacific Ocean in Chile. An extremely variable species, the body of the plant is dark green with numerous ribs and dense, gray-brown spines. The flowers are relatively large and yellow, and the distinctive fruits are large and have an inflated appearance. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Eriosyce napina 2-inch pots $8.00
This relatively small, globose cactus is from the coast of the Pacific Ocean in southern Peru. An extremely variable species, the body of the plant is olive green with numerous tubercles and insignificant gray-brown spines. The flowers are relatively large and pinkish white. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Eriosyce napina 2-inch pots $8.00
This relatively small, globose cactus is from the coast of the Pacific Ocean in southern Peru. An extremely variable species, the body of the plant is olive green with numerous tubercles and insignificant gray-brown spines. The flowers are relatively large and pinkish white. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Eriosyce senilis ssp. coimasensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This relatively small, globose cactus is from the coast of the Pacific Ocean in southern Peru. An extremely variable species, the body of the plant is dark green with numerous ribs and gray-brown spines. The flowers are relatively large and magenta. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Eriosyce senilis ssp. coimasensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This relatively small, globose cactus is from the coast of the Pacific Ocean in southern Peru. An extremely variable species, the body of the plant is dark green with numerous ribs and gray-brown spines. The flowers are relatively large and magenta. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Erythrina madagascariensis 5-inch pots $15.00
This Erythrina is from Madagascar and Comoros northwest off Mozambique. It is a huge tree with black spines on the gray-green trunk, and it has very large ovate leaves. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Erythrina madagascariensis one-gallon pots $25.00
This Erythrina is from Madagascar and Comoros northwest off Mozambique. It is a huge tree with black spines on the gray-green trunk, and it has very large ovate leaves. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Erythrina vespertilio 4-inch pots $25.00
This species is from northern and northeastern Australia. It is a small tree with black spines on the gray-green trunk, and it has large leaves that earn it one common name of bat’s wing coral tree. As with most Erythrina, the flowers are red as are the seeds. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Erythrophysa transvaalensis one-gallon pots $25.00
This pachycaul tree is from northern South Africa with a distribution into Zimbabwe. The plants have a knobby stem with pinnate leaves with long, lance-like pinnae. The seed pots are large and inflated. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Escobaria missouriensis ssp. asperispina 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is widely distributed in North America, and subspecies asperispina is from Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. The plant itself is not very distinctive, and the flowers are greenish-yellow to dirty yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Escobaria missouriensis ssp. asperispina 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is widely distributed in North America, and subspecies asperispina is from Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. The plant itself is not very distinctive, and the flowers are greenish-yellow to dirty yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Espostoa blossfeldiorum 2-gallon pots $60.00
This columnar cactus is from northern Peru. The generally unbranched stems are green with gray-brown spines. This species produces flowers on a lateral cephalium along one or two ridges. The flowers are funnel-shaped, light yellow, and stink. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Espostoa lanata 4-inch pots $15.00
This columnar cactus is from the desert that spans the Peru-Ecuador border. Covered with dense and soft white spines that some locals use to stuff pillows, this species tends to produce flowers in a lateral cephalium along one or two ridges. Those flowers tend to be funnel-shaped and reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Espostoa lanata 5-inch pots $20.00
This columnar cactus is from the desert that spans the Peru-Ecuador border. Covered with dense and soft white spines that some locals use to stuff pillows, this species tends to produce flowers in a lateral cephalium along one or two ridges. Those flowers tend to be funnel-shaped and reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Espostoa lanata one-gallon pots $25.00
This columnar cactus is from the desert that spans the Peru-Ecuador border. Covered with dense and soft white spines that some locals use to stuff pillows, this species tends to produce flowers in a lateral cephalium along one or two ridges. Those flowers tend to be funnel-shaped and reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Espostoa melanostele 4-inch pots $15.00
This short columnar cactus is from the desert of northern to central Peru. Covered with dense and soft white spines, this species produces flowers from a lateral cephalium along one or two ridges. Those flowers are funnel-shaped and white to red in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Espostoa melanostele var. inermis 4-inch pots $15.00
This short columnar cactus is from the desert of northern to central Peru. It is entirely unclear how variety inermis differs from the typical species. Covered with dense and soft white spines, this species produces flowers from a lateral cephalium along one or two ridges. Those flowers are funnel-shaped and white to red in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Espostoa melanostele var. inermis 4-inch pots $15.00
This short columnar cactus is from the desert of northern to central Peru. It is entirely unclear how variety inermis differs from the typical species. Covered with dense and soft white spines, this species produces flowers from a lateral cephalium along one or two ridges. Those flowers are funnel-shaped and white to red in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Espostoa nana 5-inch pots $20.00
This short columnar cactus, which produces numerous stems, is from the desert of one locality in Peru. Covered with dense and soft white spines, this species produces flowers from a lateral cephalium along one or two ridges. Those flowers are funnel-shaped and white in color. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Espostoa nana one-gallon pots $25.00
This short columnar cactus, which produces numerous stems, is from the desert of one locality in Peru. Covered with dense and soft white spines, this species produces flowers from a lateral cephalium along one or two ridges. Those flowers are funnel-shaped and white in color. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Eulophia callichroma one-gallon pots $30.00
This species is from southeastern Africa, primarily Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Zambia, and apparently its range extends into Swaziland and eastern South Africa. The leaves are held in a fan-shaped arrangement above an above-ground pseudobulb that has a wrinkled appearance. The numerous small flowers are yellowish-brown in a rather lax inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Eulophia petersii (gracile) 5-inch pots $20.00
This terrestrial orchid, from the Arabian Peninsula down into East Africa, offsets prolifically from the bulb-like base. Stiff, cupped leaves rise from that base, with papery coverings near the base. These leaves are more slender than the typical species. The flowers are multicolored orchid flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Eulophia petersii (gracile) one-gallon pots $25.00
This terrestrial orchid, from the Arabian Peninsula down into East Africa, offsets prolifically from the bulb-like base. Stiff, cupped leaves rise from that base, with papery coverings near the base. These leaves are more slender than the typical species. The flowers are multicolored orchid flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Eulophia petersii (green) one-gallon pots $25.00
This terrestrial orchid, from the Arabian Peninsula down into East Africa, offsets prolifically from the bulb-like base. Stiff, cupped leaves rise from that base, with papery coverings near the base. The flowers are green. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Eulophia petersii 5-inch pots $20.00
This terrestrial orchid, from the Arabian Peninsula down into East Africa, offsets prolifically from the bulb-like base. Stiff, cupped leaves rise from that base, with papery coverings near the base. The flowers are multicolored orchid flowers; enough said. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Eulophia petersii one-gallon pots $30.00
This terrestrial orchid, from the Arabian Peninsula down into East Africa, offsets prolifically from the bulb-like base. Stiff, cupped leaves rise from that base, with papery coverings near the base. The flowers are multicolored orchid flowers; enough said. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia abdelkuri 4-inch pots $90.00
From one locality on the island of Abd el Kuri, part of the Socotran Archipelago in the mouth of the Red Sea between Yemen and Somalia, this fantastic columnar Euphorbia is very rare. The stems look like grey candlesticks with wax dripping down the sides; the flowers are inconspicuous, but the yellow sap is toxic. We offer rooted cuttings that are about 8-9 inches tall in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia abdelkuri 8-inch pots $175.00
From one locality on the island of Abd el Kuri, part of the Socotran Archipelago in the mouth of the Red Sea between Yemen and Somalia, this fantastic columnar Euphorbia is very rare. The stems look like grey candlesticks with wax dripping down the sides; the flowers are inconspicuous, but the yellow sap is toxic. We offer rooted cuttings that are in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia abyssinica (acurensis) 8-inch pots $35.00
From the highlands of the Horn of Africa, this tree Euphorbia is highly variable. This form was once called Euphorbia acurensis. The stems tend to be four angled, light to medium green, and bearing stout spines on the stem wings. The flowers, of course, are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia abyssinica 5-inch pots $20.00
From the highlands of the Horn of Africa, this tree Euphorbia is highly variable. This form was once called Euphorbia acurensis. The stems tend to be four angled, light to medium green, and bearing stout spines on the stem wings. The flowers, of course, are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia adjurana 4-inch pots $15.00
From southern Ethiopia and northern Kenya, this tree has 4-angled branches that are wavy with prominent spines. The stems and branches have nice variegated markings. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia adjurana 5-inch pots $20.00
From southern Ethiopia and northern Kenya, this tree has 4-angled branches that are wavy with prominent spines. The stems and branches have nice variegated markings. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia adjurana one-gallon pots $30.00
From southern Ethiopia and northern Kenya, this tree has 4-angled branches that are wavy with prominent spines. The stems and branches have nice variegated markings. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia aeruginosa (major) 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this small tufted shrub has beautiful blue-green stems and spine shields with two pair of copper colored spines. Closely related to E. schinzii and E. lydenbergensis, this species makes a beautiful potted plant with its coloration and yellow cyathia. We previously offered three varieties of this species, but two of those (major and minor) are lumped together here. These are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia aeruginosa (major) 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this small tufted shrub has beautiful blue-green stems and spine shields with two pair of copper colored spines. Closely related to E. schinzii and E. lydenbergensis, this species makes a beautiful potted plant with its coloration and yellow cyathia. We previously offered three varieties of this species, but two of those (major and minor) are lumped together here. These are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia aeruginosa (major) 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this small tufted shrub has beautiful blue-green stems and spine shields with two pair of copper colored spines. Closely related to E. schinzii and E. lydenbergensis, this species makes a beautiful potted plant with its coloration and yellow cyathia. We previously offered three varieties of this species, but two of those (major and minor) are lumped together here. These are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia aeruginosa (minor) 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this small tufted shrub has beautiful blue-green stems and spine shields with two pair of copper colored spines. Closely related to E. schinzii and E. lydenbergensis, this species makes a beautiful potted plant with its coloration and yellow cyathia. Variety minor was lumped together with variety major, well separate them here. These are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia aeruginosa (minor) 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this small tufted shrub has beautiful blue-green stems and spine shields with two pair of copper colored spines. Closely related to E. schinzii and E. lydenbergensis, this species makes a beautiful potted plant with its coloration and yellow cyathia. Variety minor was lumped together with variety major, well separate them here. These are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia aggregata (W of Kommaggas, RSA) 4-inch pots $15.00
Closely related to Euphorbia ferox, Euphorbia aggregata occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. These plants, however, are from a population west of Kommaggas in the Northern Cape Province. These plants form mounded cushions that can be extensive. The fierce peduncles that characterize E. ferox are few in number on this species. We offer offsets of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia aggregata (W of Kommaggas, RSA) 5-inch pots $20.00
Closely related to Euphorbia ferox, Euphorbia aggregata occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. These plants, however, are from a population west of Kommaggas in the Northern Cape Province. These plants form mounded cushions that can be extensive. The fierce peduncles that characterize E. ferox are few in number on this species. We offer offsets of this species in 5inch pots.
Euphorbia ambovombensis 2-inch pots $12.00
This beautiful dwarf Madagascan species has a spherical caudex and graceful short branches. The leaves are dark brownish green with crisped edges, and the cyathias are small and pale pink. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia ambovombensis 4-inch pots $20.00
This beautiful dwarf Madagascan species has a spherical caudex and graceful short branches. The leaves are dark brownish green with crisped edges, and the cyathias are small and pale pink. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia ambroseae 5-inch pots $20.00
From Mozambique and Malawi, this species is a spiny shrub with 4-angled branches and spines on a horny spine shield. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia ambroseae one-gallon pots $25.00
From Mozambique and Malawi, this species is a spiny shrub with 4-angled branches and spines on a horny spine shield. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia amicorum 4-inch pots $20.00
From Djibouti, with a very restricted distribution, this tree Euphorbia is related to Euphorbia qarad (Yemen) and E. robecchii. With its flat-topped crown bearing cylindrical, distinctively spined branches, this is quite a unique species. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia amicorum one-gallon pots $45.00
From Djibouti, with a very restricted distribution, this tree Euphorbia is related to Euphorbia qarad (Yemen) and E. robecchii. With its flat-topped crown bearing cylindrical, distinctively spined branches, this is quite a unique species. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia ammak one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is a large tree in its habitat through the southwestern Arabian Peninsula. The stems are a bright green with a horny spine shield with short, black spines. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia analavelonensis one-gallon pots $30.00
This is a recently described species from Madagascar. This shrub has spiny stems and leaves that resemble a variety of Madagascar species ranging from Euphorbia milii to E. didiereoides; this species more resembles the latter species in terms of spination and leaves. The cyathia are small and lemon-yellow in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia angularis 5-inch pots $20.00
From the island of Goa, off the coast of Mozambique, this species is a densely branched shrub with 3-4 angled branches. The cyathia are yellow. These cuttings are in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia angularis one-gallon pots $30.00
From the island of Goa, off the coast of Mozambique, this species is a densely branched shrub with 3-4 angled branches. The cyathia are yellow. These cuttings are in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia anoplia 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is not known from the wild and may be a hybrid, possibly related to Euphorbia polygona. The short, cylindrical stems have few persistent peduncles, and the species forms a nice mound. These cuttings fit into 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia anoplia 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is not known from the wild and may be a hybrid, possibly related to Euphorbia polygona. The short, cylindrical stems have few persistent peduncles, and the species forms a nice mound. These cuttings fit into 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia anoplia one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is not known from the wild and may be a hybrid, possibly related to Euphorbia polygona. The short, cylindrical stems have few persistent peduncles, and the species forms a nice mound. These rooted cuttings are established in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia antiquorum (crest) 2-gallon pots $65.00
One of the nicest of the Indian tree Euphorbias, this species also occurs from Pakistan through South Asia to Thailand. This crested version has dark -green stems with inconspicuous leaves and paired black spines. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Euphorbia antiquorum (crest) 5-inch pots $30.00
One of the nicest of the Indian tree Euphorbias, this species also occurs from Pakistan through South Asia to Thailand. This crested version has dark -green stems with inconspicuous leaves and paired black spines. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia antiquorum (crest) 8-inch pots $50.00
One of the nicest of the Indian tree Euphorbias, this species also occurs from Pakistan through South Asia to Thailand. This crested version has dark -green stems with inconspicuous leaves and paired black spines. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia antiquorum (crest) one-gallon pots $30.00
One of the nicest of the Indian tree Euphorbias, this species also occurs from Pakistan through South Asia to Thailand. This crested version has dark -green stems with inconspicuous leaves and paired black spines. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia antiquorum 5-inch pots $20.00
One of the nicest of the Indian tree Euphorbias, this species also occurs from Pakistan through South Asia to Thailand. The stems are yellow-green with few leaves (except on growing tips), and paired black spines occur on the 3-5 angle branches. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia antiquorum 8-inch pots $40.00
One of the nicest of the Indian tree Euphorbias, this species also occurs from Pakistan through South Asia to Thailand. The stems are yellow-green with few leaves (except on growing tips), and paired black spines occur on the 3-5 angle branches. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia antiquorum one-gallon pots $25.00
One of the nicest of the Indian tree Euphorbias, this species also occurs from Pakistan through South Asia to Thailand. The stems are yellow-green with few leaves (except on growing tips), and paired black spines occur on the 3-5 angle branches. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia arida (GM 245) 2-inch pots $12.00
These plants are propagated from material originally collected southeast of Luckhoff in the southern Free State of South Africa (GM 245). This small, medusoid species has a thick, cylindrical main stem with many short stubby branches. The peduncles are persistent, giving the plant a slightly shaggy look. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia asthenacantha 2-gallon pots $45.00
From Tanzania, this mostly spineless shrub has 4-angled stems with nearly touching spine shields. The stems have a vaguely zig-zag marking of yellow-green blotching on a gray-green field. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Euphorbia asthenacantha 5-inch pots $20.00
From Tanzania, this mostly spineless shrub has 4-angled stems with nearly touching spine shields. The stems have a vaguely zig-zag marking of yellow-green blotching on a gray-green field. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia asthenacantha 5-inch pots $20.00
From Tanzania, this mostly spineless shrub has 4-angled stems with nearly touching spine shields. The stems have a vaguely zig-zag marking of yellow-green blotching on a gray-green field. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia atroflora 5-inch pots $20.00
This succulent shrub, from northeastern Kenya, has branches with 4-5 angles. The spine shield is confluent, forming a horny margin on each angle. The cyathia are a beautiful crimson, and the fruit is almost black. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia atropurpurea 5-inch pots $20.00
This is one of the threatened Euphorbia species from the Canary Islands. This shrub is rather distinctive for its gray-green coloration and broad lanceolate leaves. The cyathia essentially are purple. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia avasmontana 2-inch pots $12.00
This candelabrum-form shrub is from the Northern Cape Province of South Africa and southern Namibia, with a distribution that roughly straddles the Orange River in much of its western arid and semiarid reaches. A resident of rocky hillslopes, this species typically has 5-angled stems that are yellow-green and densely spined with a continuous spine shield. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia avasmontana 3-inch pots $15.00
This candelabrum-form shrub is from the Northern Cape Province of South Africa and southern Namibia, with a distribution that roughly straddles the Orange River in much of its western arid and semiarid reaches. A resident of rocky hillslopes, this species typically has 5-angled stems that are yellow-green and densely spined with a continuous spine shield. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia avasmontana 4-inch pots $15.00
This candelabrum-form shrub is from the Northern Cape Province of South Africa and southern Namibia, with a distribution that roughly straddles the Orange River in much of its western arid and semiarid reaches. A resident of rocky hillslopes, this species typically has 5-angled stems that are yellow-green and densely spined with a continuous spine shield. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia avasmontana 8-inch pots $75.00
This candelabrum-form shrub is from the Northern Cape Province of South Africa and southern Namibia, with a distribution that roughly straddles the Orange River in much of its western arid and semiarid reaches. A resident of rocky hillslopes, this species typically has 5-angled stems that are yellow-green and densely spined with a continuous spine shield. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia baioensis 3-inch pots $10.00
This beautiful spiny Euphorbia forms a small tufted succulent shrub. The branches many angled and are very spiny. This species is very showy when in flower, producing yellow cyathia on the tips of the stems. Euphorbia baioensis is rare in the wild and is from Kenya. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia baioensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This beautiful spiny Euphorbia forms a small tufted succulent shrub. The branches many angled and are very spiny. This species is very showy when in flower, producing yellow cyathia on the tips of the stems. Euphorbia baioensis is rare in the wild and is from Kenya. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia baioensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This beautiful spiny Euphorbia forms a small tufted succulent shrub. The branches many angled and are very spiny. This species is very showy when in flower, producing yellow cyathia on the tips of the stems. Euphorbia baioensis is rare in the wild and is from Kenya. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia ballyana 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia ballyana is known only from one site south of Nairobi, Kenya. This sparsely branched shrub features nearly spineless, small branches arising from a tuberous root. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia barnardii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Mpumalanga Province of South Africa. Superficially resembling E. restricta, this species has less prominent constrictions in the 4- to 5-angled stems and tends to be a prostrate shrub. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia barnardii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Mpumalanga Province of South Africa. Superficially resembling E. restricta, this species has less prominent constrictions in the 4- to 5-angled stems and tends to be a prostrate shrub. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia barnardii one-gallon pots $30.00
This species is from Mpumalanga Province of South Africa. Superficially resembling E. restricta, this species has less prominent constrictions in the 4- to 5-angled stems and tends to be a prostrate shrub. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia barnhartii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from a band in south Asia extending from India to Thailand, typically in forests. Usually a shrub, Euphorbia barnhartii is distinguished by its interesting stem architecture as well as its dark green, three-angled and winged stems. These rooted cuttings are in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia baylissii var. mozambiquensis 4-inch pots $15.00
We once sold this as "Euphorbia mozambiquensis," which is not a recognized species. That name indicates the original plants came from Mozambique. This species appears to be a more-robust form of another species from Mozambique, E. baylissii, albeit with more spines and more attractive stems. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia beharensis var. beharensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This sprawling shrub, from southwestern Madagascar, has dark brow-green leaves that are sparsely arranged along the spiny branches. The cyathia are small and dirty yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia berorohae 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from southern Madagascar. This low shrub has a thin, slightly succulent trunk with little green leaves. The cyathia are bright green. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia boranensis (spiny form) 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Sidamo Region of Ethiopia, and extending into northeastern Kenya, this species tends to occur on rocky limestone hills. This sparsely branched shrub has green, four-angled branches and yellow cyathia. The relatively small stems have a very nice pattern of variegation, which makes this species distinctive. This form has some rather fierce spination as well. These rooted cuttings are in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia boranensis (spiny form) 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Sidamo Region of Ethiopia, and extending into northeastern Kenya, this species tends to occur on rocky limestone hills. This sparsely branched shrub has green, four-angled branches and yellow cyathia. The relatively small stems have a very nice pattern of variegation, which makes this species distinctive. This form has some rather fierce spination as well. These rooted cuttings are in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia boranensis (spiny form) one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Sidamo Region of Ethiopia, and extending into northeastern Kenya, this species tends to occur on rocky limestone hills. This sparsely branched shrub has green, four-angled branches and yellow cyathia. The relatively small stems have a very nice pattern of variegation, which makes this species distinctive. This form has some rather fierce spination as well. These rooted cuttings are in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia boranensis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Sidamo Region of Ethiopia, and extending into northeastern Kenya, this species tends to occur on rocky limestone hills. This sparsely branched shrub has green, four-angled branches and yellow cyathia. The relatively small stems have a very nice pattern of variegation, which makes this species distinctive. These rooted cuttings are in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia boranensis 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Sidamo Region of Ethiopia, and extending into northeastern Kenya, this species tends to occur on rocky limestone hills. This sparsely branched shrub has green, four-angled branches and yellow cyathia. The relatively small stems have a very nice pattern of variegation, which makes this species distinctive. These rooted cuttings are in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia boranensis one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Sidamo Region of Ethiopia, and extending into northeastern Kenya, this species tends to occur on rocky limestone hills. This sparsely branched shrub has green, four-angled branches and yellow cyathia. The relatively small stems have a very nice pattern of variegation, which makes this species distinctive. These rooted cuttings are in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia bothae one-gallon pots $25.00
This plant is thought to be part of a hybrid swarm from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The sires could range from E. caerulescens to E. triangularis, creating what is described as an "untidily branching shrub." These are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia bougheyi 4-inch pots $15.00
From the coastal plain of Mozambique, this tree Euphorbia is interesting because of the wavy, bright green branches that are 2- to 3-angled. The spines are small but sharp, and the cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia bougheyi 5-inch pots $20.00
From the coastal plain of Mozambique, this tree Euphorbia is interesting because of the wavy, bright green branches that are 2- to 3-angled. The spines are small but sharp, and the cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia bougheyi one-gallon pots $30.00
From the coastal plain of Mozambique, this tree Euphorbia is interesting because of the wavy, bright green branches that are 2- to 3-angled. The spines are small but sharp, and the cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia brevitorta 10-inch pots $90.00
This small medusoid Euphorbia is rare though widely distributed in habitat in southern Kenya. Recently, the type locality was turned into a corn field and all the existing population was dug up for a botanical garden. The thin, light green branches are twisted and bear distributed, small spines. The cyathia are yellow. We have seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia brevitorta 2-inch pots $10.00
This small medusoid Euphorbia is rare though widely distributed in habitat in southern Kenya. Recently, the type locality was turned into a corn field and all the existing population was dug up for a botanical garden. The thin, light green branches are twisted and bear distributed, small spines. The cyathia are yellow. We have seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia brevitorta 4-inch pots $15.00
This small medusoid Euphorbia is rare though widely distributed in habitat in southern Kenya. Recently, the type locality was turned into a corn field and all the existing population was dug up for a botanical garden. The thin, light green branches are twisted and bear distributed, small spines. The cyathia are yellow. We have seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia bubalina 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this multibranched shrub has dark green oblancheolate leaves. Clearly related to E. clava, it produces large green cyathia on relatively long, forking peduncles. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia bubalina 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this multibranched shrub has dark green oblancheolate leaves. Clearly related to E. clava, it produces large green cyathia on relatively long, forking peduncles. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia bupleurifolia 4-inch pots $20.00
From the southern provinces of South Africa, this dioecious species has a whorl of green leaves arising from a woody trunk. The pretty greenish-yellow flowers make this species very attractive much of the growing season. We offer seedlings of the "Pineapple Euphorb" in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia bupleurifolia 4-inch pots $20.00
From the southern provinces of South Africa, this dioecious species has a whorl of green leaves arising from a woody trunk. The pretty greenish-yellow flowers make this species very attractive much of the growing season. We offer seedlings of the "Pineapple Euphorb" in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia buruana 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia buruana, from southeastern Kenya and northern Tanzania, is a caudiciform that puts out long, flexible branches. In the wild, these may be around 2-feet long, but our stock plant has numerous branches 8-feet long hanging from the pot. This form makes this plant an excellent candidate for a hanging pot culture. The branches are nicely variegated in green and yellow. The cyathia are yellow and quite pretty. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia bussei var. bussei one-gallon pots $30.00
Euphorbia bussei is a candelabra-like tree from eastern Tanzania. The branches are green, multi-angled, and have short spines on the margins. These plants tend towards forming crests. We offer rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia bussei var. kibwezensis one-gallon pots $25.00
Euphorbia bussei var. kibwezensis is a candelabra-like tree from southeastern Kenya and northeastern Tanzania, where it grows on rocky slopes. The branches are green, 4-angled, and have short spines on the margins. These plants tend towards forming crests. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia cactus (cuttings) 5-inch pots $20.00
From the southern Arabian Peninsula, particularly Yemen and Oman, and Sudan and Eritrea, this species forms a large-stemmed shrub that dominates hillsides. The branches are 3-5 angled with a horny, spiny margin. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia cactus 8-inch pots $35.00
From the southern Arabian Peninsula, particularly Yemen and Oman, and Sudan and Eritrea, this species forms a large-stemmed shrub that dominates hillsides. The branches are 3-5 angled with a horny, spiny margin. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia cactus one-gallon pots $25.00
From the southern Arabian Peninsula, particularly Yemen and Oman, and Sudan and Eritrea, this species forms a large-stemmed shrub that dominates hillsides. The branches are 3-5 angled with a horny, spiny margin. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia caducifolia 5-inch pots $25.00
This species is from the region spanned by India and Pakistan. A large shrub that branches from the base, the stems are round, light green in color, and have small black spines that are widely spaced. Relatively large leaves are produced seasonally on the tips of the branches. The cyathia are a light red that strongly contrasts with the branch color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia caerulescens 5-gallon pots $60.00
This columnar shrub occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The 4-6 angled branches are grey-green and bear yellow cyathia. This species is moderately frost tolerant, sustaining edge damage at 25F and severe tip damage at 20F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-gallon pots.
Euphorbia caerulescens 5-inch pots $20.00
This columnar shrub occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The 4-6 angled branches are grey-green and bear yellow cyathia. This species is moderately frost tolerant, sustaining edge damage at 25F and severe tip damage at 20F. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia caerulescens one-gallon pots $25.00
This columnar shrub occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The 4-6 angled branches are grey-green and bear yellow cyathia. This species is moderately frost tolerant, sustaining edge damage at 25F and severe tip damage at 20F. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia candelabrum (crest) 4-inch pots $25.00
Euphorbia candelabrum is the classic candelabrum tree of East Africa. With its widespread occurrence, notably in Kenya and Tanzania, this plant is in some ways the iconic Euphorbia of the continent. These plants are monstrose with numerous strange shapes. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia candelabrum (crest) 5-inch pots $30.00
Euphorbia candelabrum is the classic candelabrum tree of East Africa. With its widespread occurrence, notably in Kenya and Tanzania, this plant is in some ways the iconic Euphorbia of the continent. These plants are monstrose with numerous strange shapes. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia candelabrum 8-inch pots $35.00
Euphorbia candelabrum is the classic candelabrum tree of East Africa. With its widespread occurrence, notably in Kenya and Tanzania, this plant is in some ways the iconic Euphorbia of the continent. We offer seedlings of this species in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia candelabrum one-gallon pots $25.00
Euphorbia candelabrum is the classic candelabrum tree of East Africa. With its widespread occurrence, notably in Kenya and Tanzania, this plant is in some ways the iconic Euphorbia of the continent. We offer seedlings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia capsaintemariensis 2-inch pots $12.00
Another of the Madagascan miniatures related to Euphorbia decaryi, this species has a large tuberous root that protrudes above ground level. Many rebranching stems arise from that tuberous root, and the branches are attractively marked by leaf scars. The wavy-edged, narrow leaves occur in a terminal rosette, lending the appearance of a small tree. These are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia capsaintemariensis 4-inch pots $15.00
Another of the Madagascan miniatures related to Euphorbia decaryi, this species has a large tuberous root that protrudes above ground level. Many rebranching stems arise from that tuberous root, and the branches are attractively marked by leaf scars. The wavy-edged, narrow leaves occur in a terminal rosette, lending the appearance of a small tree. These are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia capsaintemariensis 5-inch pots $25.00
Another of the Madagascan miniatures related to Euphorbia decaryi, this species has a large tuberous root that protrudes above ground level. Many rebranching stems arise from that tuberous root, and the branches are attractively marked by leaf scars. The wavy-edged, narrow leaves occur in a terminal rosette, lending the appearance of a small tree. These are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia carteriana 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Southern Province of Somalia, this shrubby Euphorbia, with its stout, three-angled stems with spines on a horny margin. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia carteriana one-gallon pots $30.00
From the Southern Province of Somalia, this shrubby Euphorbia, with its stout, three-angled stems with spines on a horny margin. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia clandestina 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Klein Karoo of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species has a single, upright succulent stem bearing linear leaves near the apex. Woody peduncles persist on the stems, giving the appearance of long spines. This species is related to Euphorbia clava. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia clandestina 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Klein Karoo of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species has a single, upright succulent stem bearing linear leaves near the apex. Woody peduncles persist on the stems, giving the appearance of long spines. This species is related to Euphorbia clava. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia clandestina 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Klein Karoo of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species has a single, upright succulent stem bearing linear leaves near the apex. Woody peduncles persist on the stems, giving the appearance of long spines. This species is related to Euphorbia clava. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia classenii 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Teita District of northern Kenya, this densely branched and densely spined shrub has very nice 6-8 angled bright green stems. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia classenii 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Teita District of northern Kenya, this densely branched and densely spined shrub has very nice 6-8 angled bright green stems. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia classenii one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Teita District of northern Kenya, this densely branched and densely spined shrub has very nice 6-8 angled bright green stems. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia colubrina 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is restricted to the northeastern corner of Kenya, lapping into southern Ethiopia. This spiny shrub has relatively thin 4-angled stems with longitudinal yellow-green stripes. These stems tend to be sprawling with widely dispersed, long-brown spines. The cyathia are simple and brownish yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia confinalis ssp. confinalis 3-inch pots $10.00
From South Africa, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe, this tree has gracefully upward sweeping, 3-5 angled stems. These are seedlings that fit into 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia confinalis ssp. confinalis 4-inch pots $15.00
From South Africa, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe, this tree has gracefully upward sweeping, 3-5 angled stems. These are rooted cuttings that fit into 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia confinalis ssp. confinalis 5-inch pots $20.00
From South Africa, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe, this tree has gracefully upward sweeping, 3-5 angled stems. These are rooted cuttings that fit into 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia confinalis ssp. confinalis one-gallon pots $25.00
From South Africa, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe, this tree has gracefully upward sweeping, 3-5 angled stems. These are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia cooperi var. cooperi 2-gallon pots $65.00
Distributed from Zimbabwe south into KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this tree Euphorbia is very nice for its graceful, up-curving branches at maturity. The branches have undulating constrictions that look like waves, and the spines are quite small and inconspicuous at maturity. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Euphorbia cooperi var. cooperi one-gallon pots $25.00
Distributed from Zimbabwe south into KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this tree Euphorbia is very nice for its graceful, up-curving branches at maturity. The branches have undulating constrictions that look like waves, and the spines are quite small and inconspicuous at maturity. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia croizatii 5-inch pots $20.00
From Madagascar, this shrubby Euphorbia, related to E. milii, has spiny stems and brown, pubescent leaves. The cyathia are green with purple highlights. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia croizatii one-gallon pots $25.00
From Madagascar, this shrubby Euphorbia, related to E. milii, has spiny stems and brown, pubescent leaves. The cyathia are green with purple highlights. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia cryptospinosa 4-inch pots $15.00
From northern Kenya, this species puts up thin, hard branches with very tiny spines from a small caudex. Most of the year, this plant is not much to look at. But when it blooms, with bright red to crimson cyathia, it is a major sight to see in a greenhouse. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia cumulata 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species is similar to the more commonly available E. mammillaris. This dioecious species forms small spiny clumps. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia cumulata 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species is similar to the more commonly available E. mammillaris. This dioecious species forms small spiny clumps. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia cumulata 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species is similar to the more commonly available E. mammillaris. This dioecious species forms small spiny clumps. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia cuprispina 4-inch pots $15.00
As name implies, the spines on this shrubby euphorbia are copper-colored. This is one of the most beautiful of the spiny Euphorbias. It is native to the Northern Frontier Province of Kenya. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia cuprispina 5-inch pots $20.00
As name implies, the spines on this shrubby euphorbia are copper-colored. This is one of the most beautiful of the spiny Euphorbias. It is native to the Northern Frontier Province of Kenya. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia cussoniodes 4-inch pots $15.00
This is an extremely rare species from southern Kenya, possibly the largest Euphorbia in the wild. There may be less than 5 individuals left in the wild. It has 3-5 angled branches and is unarmed. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia cussoniodes 5-inch pots $20.00
This is an extremely rare species from southern Kenya, possibly the largest Euphorbia in the wild. There may be less than 5 individuals left in the wild. It has 3-5 angled branches and is unarmed. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia cussoniodes 5-inch pots $20.00
This is an extremely rare species from southern Kenya, possibly the largest Euphorbia in the wild. There may be less than 5 individuals left in the wild. It has 3-5 angled branches and is unarmed. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia cussoniodes 5-inch pots $20.00
This is an extremely rare species from southern Kenya, possibly the largest Euphorbia in the wild. There may be less than 5 individuals left in the wild. It has 3-5 angled branches and is unarmed. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia cylindrifolia ssp. cylindrifolia 2-inch pots $8.00
Another dwarf species from Madagascar, this subspecies has no caudex, a tangled root system reminiscent of E. decaryi, and short branches that are tipped with thin, cylindrical leaves. The species probably is pollinated by ants. We offer rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia cylindrifolia ssp. cylindrifolia 4-inch pots $15.00
Another dwarf species from Madagascar, this subspecies has no caudex, a tangled root system reminiscent of E. decaryi, and short branches that are tipped with thin, cylindrical leaves. The species probably is pollinated by ants. We offer rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia decaryi var. decaryi 4-inch pots $15.00
Another of the wonderful Madagascan dwarfs, this species has a spherical caudex with short branches and highly crisped, reddish brown leaves. The cyathia are a very pale pink color. We offer multistemmed rooted offsets of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia decaryi var. decaryi 5-inch pots $20.00
Another of the wonderful Madagascan dwarfs, this species has a spherical caudex with short branches and highly crisped, reddish brown leaves. The cyathia are a very pale pink color. We offer multistemmed rooted offsets of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia decaryi var. spirosticha 2-inch pots $10.00
Similar to Euphorbia decaryi var. decaryi, this variety differs in having a smaller caudex and smaller, crinkly leaves with highly undulate margins. As with the main species, this is from Madagascar. We offer rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia decaryi var. spirosticha 3-inch pots $12.00
Similar to Euphorbia decaryi var. decaryi, this variety differs in having a smaller caudex and smaller, crinkly leaves with highly undulate margins. As with the main species, this is from Madagascar. We offer rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia decaryi var. spirosticha 4-inch pots $15.00
Similar to Euphorbia decaryi var. decaryi, this variety differs in having a smaller caudex and smaller, crinkly leaves with highly undulate margins. As with the main species, this is from Madagascar. We offer seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia decliviticola 5-inch pots $20.00
This short tree with its dense branching pattern comes from Mozambique. The branches are light green in color with soft rib (4-6 per branch). The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia decliviticola one-gallon pots $35.00
This short tree with its dense branching pattern comes from Mozambique. The branches are light green in color with soft rib (4-6 per branch). The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia deightonii 5-inch pots $20.00
This tall, tree-like species is from Sierra Leone. Ovate, deciduous leaves form at the ends of the stems, which are 3-5 angled and lined with small spines. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia deightonii 8-inch pots $50.00
This tall, tree-like species is from Sierra Leone. Ovate, deciduous leaves form at the ends of the stems, which are 3-5 angled and lined with small spines. These rooted cuttings are in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia deightonii 8-inch pots $45.00
This tall, tree-like species is from Sierra Leone. Ovate, deciduous leaves form at the ends of the stems, which are 3-5 angled and lined with small spines. These rooted cuttings are in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia deightonii one-gallon pots $25.00
This tall, tree-like species is from Sierra Leone. Ovate, deciduous leaves form at the ends of the stems, which are 3-5 angled and lined with small spines. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia dekindtii 5-inch pots $20.00
From Angola, this species is a dwarf shrub bearing tuberous roots. The branches are 5-7 angled with a horny margin bearing small spines. The cyathia are a pretty yellow. We offer these plants as rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia delphinensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This Euphorbia milii relative from Madagascar is noteworthy for its leaves, which are obovate, dark green, and glossy. Otherwise, this is a spiny shrub similar to many other E. milii types, but it really stands out in our personal collection. The flowers are small and yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia desmondii one-gallon pots $25.00
$25 This tree Euphorbia is from Nigeria and Cameroon. The beautiful green stems are 5-7 angled with small white spines. The relatively large leaves are green with reddish tinge. Red cyathia are produced on long peduncles. All in all, this is a beautiful species that rivals some similar species from India. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia dichroa 3-inch pots $10.00
From Uganda, this small, tufted plant with thin, spiny and green stems and pretty red and yellow cyathia. We offer this species as seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia discrepans (WY 1115) 5-inch pots $20.00
From central Tanzania, this is a shrubby species of Euphorbia with small stems and spines. These plants are propagated from material collected from south of Dodoma (WY 1115). These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia dissitispina 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Southern Province of Zimbabwe, this spiny Euphorbia is a densely branched shrub. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia dumeticola 4-inch pots $20.00
This tree Euphorbia is from one place in central Tanzania. The branches are somewhat slender and generally 4-angled. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia echinus 4-inch pots $15.00
This tufted shrub, from southern Morocco, forms mounds of multi-angled spiny stems. The 5-8 ribbed stems have spiny margins. What is really nice about the cyathia is that they are numerous, small, and dark red. We offer seedlings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia echinus one-gallon pots $25.00
This tufted shrub, from southern Morocco, forms mounds of multi-angled spiny stems. The 5-8 ribbed stems have spiny margins. What is really nice about the cyathia is that they are numerous, small, and dark red. We have rooted-cuttings of this species in one gallon pots.
Euphorbia elegantissima 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia elegantissima is a spiny shrub from northern Tanzania. The four-angled stems are bright green and are quite spiny. The cyathia are crimson, earning this species its epithet. These rooted cuttings fit into 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia enopla ssp. enopla 2-inch pots $8.00
Euphorbia enopla var. enopla resembles E. atrispina and E. heptagona, but E. enopla has more spines on the stems that are thicker and have more angles, and the terminal spines on the growing tips are reddish-purple. We previously offered this plant as E. heptagona, which we now have as well. This species can grow outside in Tucson and has taken the mid-20s F without damage in our shadehouse. We offer seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia enopla ssp. enopla 4-inch pots $15.00
Euphorbia enopla var. enopla resembles E. atrispina and E. heptagona, but E. enopla has more spines on the stems that are thicker and have more angles, and the terminal spines on the growing tips are reddish-purple. We previously offered this plant as E. heptagona, which we now have as well. This species can grow outside in Tucson and has taken the mid-20s F without damage in our shadehouse. We have rooted cuttings available in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia enormis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this beautiful species has relatively thick stems arising from a caudex. The stems generally are 4-angled, moderately spiny, and variegated. The cyathia are yellow, and this species tends to flower for a longer period than most. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia enormis 5-inch pots $25.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this beautiful species has relatively thick stems arising from a caudex. The stems generally are 4-angled, moderately spiny, and variegated. The cyathia are yellow, and this species tends to flower for a longer period than most. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia enterophora ssp. crassa 5-inch pots $20.00
From Madagascar, this species is a tree in habitat. Unlike many tree Euphorbias, the stem segments are flattened and covered with rust colored felt. The cyathia are inconspicuous and yellow-brown. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia enterophora ssp. crassa one-gallon pots $30.00
From Madagascar, this species is a tree in habitat. Unlike many tree Euphorbias, the stem segments are flattened and covered with rust colored felt. The cyathia are inconspicuous and yellow-brown. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia erlangeri 4-inch pots $15.00
This essentially spineless shrub comes from the Gedo Region of Somalia and northeastern Kenya. The open branches have 4-6 ribs with a dark purple spine shield that is joined in older plants. The cyathia are dirty yellow brown. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia erlangeri 5-inch pots $20.00
This essentially spineless shrub comes from the Gedo Region of Somalia and northeastern Kenya. The open branches have 4-6 ribs with a dark purple spine shield that is joined in older plants. The cyathia are dirty yellow brown. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia evansii one-gallon pots $25.00
Euphorbia evansii is a large tree in the northeastern provinces of South Africa. With time, this species forms a single-stemmed tree in pots if the lower branches are trimmed flush with the trunk. The branches are thin, spiny, and nicely variegated. These are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia excelsa 4-inch pots $15.00
From Mpumalanga Province of South Africa, this species is a large tree. It produces 4-angled branches from a central trunk, and relatively long spines are produced on the branch angles. The cyathia are yellow, no surprise there. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia excelsa 5-inch pots $20.00
From Mpumalanga Province of South Africa, this species is a large tree. It produces 4-angled branches from a central trunk, and relatively long spines are produced on the branch angles. The cyathia are yellow, no surprise there. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia eyassiana 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia eyassiana is from the Mbulu District of northern Tanzania, and it grows in the Great Rift Valley. This spiny shrub has rhizomatous stems that produce four-angled branches. This cyathia are yellow-brown. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia eyassiana one-gallon pots $25.00
Euphorbia eyassiana is from the Mbulu District of northern Tanzania, and it grows in the Great Rift Valley. This spiny shrub has rhizomatous stems that produce four-angled branches. This cyathia are yellow-brown. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia fascicaulis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Sanaag Region of Somalia, this low-growing species has succulent round stems with small black spines. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia ferox 4-inch pots $15.00
Euphorbia ferox is known for those fierce-looking persistent peduncles on the stem, as well as a nice coloration throughout. We grow this plant outdoors in Tucson, where it can tolerate frost well and forms nice mounds that you would not want to walk in. We offer rooted offsets of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia ferox 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia ferox is known for those fierce-looking persistent peduncles on the stem, as well as a nice coloration throughout. We grow this plant outdoors in Tucson, where it can tolerate frost well and forms nice mounds that you would not want to walk in. We have rooted offsets of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia fimbriata (W of Riebeeck West) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is widely distributed in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, and the material these plants were propagated from came from west of Riebeeck West. These plants have many spiny tubercles on the stems, the species name suggests. These plants are gray-green in color, columnar, and extremely pretty. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia fimbriata 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, widely distributed in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, has many spiny tubercles on the stems, the species name suggests. These plants are gray-green in color, columnar, and extremely pretty. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia fimbriata 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, widely distributed in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, has many spiny tubercles on the stems, the species name suggests. These plants are gray-green in color, columnar, and extremely pretty. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia fimbriata 6-inch pots $30.00
This species, widely distributed in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, has many spiny tubercles on the stems, the species name suggests. These plants are gray-green in color, columnar, and extremely pretty. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Euphorbia fimbriata variegate 3-inch pots $10.00
This variegate is of a species that occurs in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. We believe this previously was sold as a variegate of E. mammillaris, but it is not as robust as that species. These plants, like the typical E. fimbriata, has clustered spiny tubercles on the stems, creating a collared appearance. This variegate is blue-grey in color, and extremely pretty. These are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia fimbriata variegate 4-inch pots $15.00
This variegate is of a species that occurs in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. We believe this previously was sold as a variegate of E. mammillaris, but it is not as robust as that species. These plants, like the typical E. fimbriata, has clustered spiny tubercles on the stems, creating a collared appearance. This variegate is blue-grey in color, and extremely pretty. These are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia fimbriata variegate 5-inch pots $20.00
This variegate is of a species that occurs in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. We believe this previously was sold as a variegate of E. mammillaris, but it is not as robust as that species. These plants, like the typical E. fimbriata, has clustered spiny tubercles on the stems, creating a collared appearance. This variegate is blue-grey in color, and extremely pretty. These are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia flanaganii 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species defines one form of the medusoid Euphorbias. Soft green branches radiate from a tuberous root stock. Occasionally, these branches become cristate, creating monstrose forms on the plant. The cyathia are mostly white. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia flanaganii 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species defines one form of the medusoid Euphorbias. Soft green branches radiate from a tuberous root stock. Occasionally, these branches become cristate, creating monstrose forms on the plant. The cyathia are mostly white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia flanaganii one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species defines one form of the medusoid Euphorbias. Soft green branches radiate from a tuberous root stock. Occasionally, these branches become cristate, creating monstrose forms on the plant. The cyathia are mostly white. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia flanaganii one-gallon pots $30.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species defines one form of the medusoid Euphorbias. Soft green branches radiate from a tuberous root stock. Occasionally, these branches become cristate, creating monstrose forms on the plant. The cyathia are mostly white. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia fluminis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Tana River District of Kenya, this sparsely branched shrub is highly desirable because of its pinkish-grey color, soft forked spines, and reddish cyathia. This species makes a very attractive container plant. These are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia fluminis 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Tana River District of Kenya, this sparsely branched shrub is highly desirable because of its pinkish-grey color, soft forked spines, and reddish cyathia. This species makes a very attractive container plant. These are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia forolensis (Brown 44) 4-inch pots $15.00
This spineless, shrubby Euphorbia is known from southeastern Kenya. It is a low-stature sprawling plant with four-angled stems and a yellow-green color, and its cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia forolensis (Brown 44) 5-inch pots $20.00
This spineless, shrubby Euphorbia is known from southeastern Kenya. It is a low-stature sprawling plant with four-angled stems and a yellow-green color, and its cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia forolensis (Brown 44) one-gallon pots $25.00
This spineless, shrubby Euphorbia is known from southeastern Kenya. It is a low-stature sprawling plant with four-angled stems and a yellow-green color, and its cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia fortissima 4-inch pots $20.00
This species of tree Euphorbia, from the Wankie District of Zimbabwe, is really special. It is known for its stem constrictions and fiercely spined margins, which are an extremely nice combination. Like many tree Euphorbias, the branches gracefully curve upwards. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia fortissima 5-inch pots $25.00
This species of tree Euphorbia, from the Wankie District of Zimbabwe, is really special. It is known for its stem constrictions and fiercely spined margins, which are an extremely nice combination. Like many tree Euphorbias, the branches gracefully curve upwards. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia fortissima one-gallon pots $35.00
This species of tree Euphorbia, from the Wankie District of Zimbabwe, is really special. It is known for its stem constrictions and fiercely spined margins, which are an extremely nice combination. Like many tree Euphorbias, the branches gracefully curve upwards. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia fractiflexa 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Yemen and Saudi Arabia. This shrub branches from the base with 3-angled arms that have distinctive zig-zag margins bearing short stout spines. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia franckiana 5-inch pots $20.00
This short shrub is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The stems are gray-green and multiangled with few to no spines, and the stems have a tendency to be crested, although the ones on these plants have not done that yet. The cyathia are yellow and small. This species tends to be a little difficult to grow and definitely are slow growing. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch plants.
Euphorbia franckiana one-gallon pots $25.00
This short shrub is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The stems are gray-green and multiangled with few to no spines, and the stems have a tendency to be crested, although the ones on these plants have not done that yet. The cyathia are yellow and small. This species tends to be a little difficult to grow and definitely are slow growing. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon plants.
Euphorbia francoisii 2-inch pots $8.00
One of the most popular miniatures from Madagascar, this species is part of the Euphorbia decaryi complex. Collectors particularly prize this species for the beautiful mottling on the leaves. Those wavy-margined leaves are dark gray-green, mottled in silvery gray, pink, light green and off-white. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia francoisii 3-inch pots $12.00
One of the most popular miniatures from Madagascar, this species is part of the Euphorbia decaryi complex. Collectors particularly prize this species for the beautiful mottling on the leaves. Those wavy-margined leaves are dark gray-green, mottled in silvery gray, pink, light green and off-white. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia francoisii 4-inch pots $20.00
One of the most popular miniatures from Madagascar, this species is part of the Euphorbia decaryi complex. Collectors particularly prize this species for the beautiful mottling on the leaves. Those wavy-margined leaves are dark gray-green, mottled in silvery gray, pink, light green and off-white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia francoisii x capsaintemariensis 5-inch pots $35.00
This cross between two of the most popular miniatures from Madagascar creates a very nice plant. It has some of the beautiful mottling on the leaves from E. francoisii and the stems and cyathia of E. capsaintemariensis. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia francoisii x capsaintemariensis one-gallon pots $45.00
This cross between two of the most popular miniatures from Madagascar creates a very nice plant. It has some of the beautiful mottling on the leaves from E. francoisii and the stems and cyathia of E. capsaintemariensis. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia frankii 2-inch pots $10.00
This species, collected on the Arabian Peninsula by John Lavranos, is clearly related to Euphorbia fruiticosa, but our plants are dwarfs compared to the typical multiple-stemmed variety of E. fruiticosa. This new species was described in 2005 and is equivalent to what we previously listed as Euphorbia fruiticosa "McCoyii" and E. aff. fruticosa. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia fruticosa 4-inch pots $15.00
Euphorbia fruticosa is a clumping columnar species from the Haraz Mountains in Yemen. This species, with its yellow-green multifluted spiny stems, is stunning in bloom, when the tops of the columns are covered with yellow cyathia. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia fruticosa 5-inch pots $25.00
Euphorbia fruticosa is a clumping columnar species from the Haraz Mountains in Yemen. This species, with its yellow-green multifluted spiny stems, is stunning in bloom, when the tops of the columns are covered with yellow cyathia. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia fruticosa one-gallon pots $30.00
Euphorbia fruticosa is a clumping columnar species from the Haraz Mountains in Yemen. This species, with its yellow-green multifluted spiny stems, is stunning in bloom, when the tops of the columns are covered with yellow cyathia. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia furcata (WY 1130) 4-inch pots $20.00
From Kenya and Tanzania, this low shrubby Euphorbia has brown-green stems bearing relatively long spines. These plants are propagated from material originally collected southeast of Arusha (WY 1130). The cyathia are pink. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia furcata (WY 1130) 5-inch pots $25.00
From Kenya and Tanzania, this low shrubby Euphorbia has brown-green stems bearing relatively long spines. These plants are propagated from material originally collected southeast of Arusha (WY 1130). The cyathia are pink. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia furcata (WY 1130) 5-inch pots $25.00
From Kenya and Tanzania, this low shrubby Euphorbia has brown-green stems bearing relatively long spines. These plants are propagated from material originally collected southeast of Arusha (WY 1130). The cyathia are pink. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia furcata 4-inch pots $20.00
From Kenya and Tanzania, this low shrubby Euphorbia has brown-green stems bearing relatively long spines. The cyathia are pink. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia galgalana (B&L 765) 5-inch pots $20.00
Our offering is B&L 765. This succulent shrub has 4-5 angled stems and long, stout, slightly curved gray spines. The cyathia are bright yellow. This species is from the Bari Region of Somalia. We offer rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia gariepina ssp. balsamea (WY 1202) 4-inch pots $15.00
This subspecies is from central Namibia (WY 1202), where it grows in very arid areas. This little shrub features woody stems with erratic tubercles and pointed (but relatively soft) tips. The leaves are small, lanceolate, and deciduous. This subspecies differs from the typical species in the cyathia, which are small and light yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia gemmea 4-inch pots $15.00
From the North-East Province of Kenya, near the border with Ethiopia, this species has thin, sprawling stems that are nicely variegated in shades of green. The plant is densely branched and produces red cyathia. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia gemmea 5-inch pots $20.00
From the North-East Province of Kenya, near the border with Ethiopia, this species has thin, sprawling stems that are nicely variegated in shades of green. The plant is densely branched and produces red cyathia. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia genoudiana 2-inch pots $8.00
From southwestern Madagascar, this many branched small shrub has a swollen base, stout spines, and pretty linear leaves. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia genoudiana 4-inch pots $15.00
From southwestern Madagascar, this many branched small shrub has a swollen base, stout spines, and pretty linear leaves. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia geroldii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is a xerophytic one from northeastern Madagascar. It is a shrub with spiny branches bearing dark green shiny lanceolate leaves that tend to develop red margins. The cyathia are red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia gillettii 3-inch pots $10.00
From Somalia, this species is yet another spiny shrub arising from a thick fleshy rootstock. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia gillettii 4-inch pots $15.00
From Somalia, this species is yet another spiny shrub arising from a thick fleshy rootstock. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia gillettii ssp. tenuoir 3-inch pots $10.00
From Somalia, this species is yet another spiny shrub arising from a thick fleshy rootstock. This subspecies has more rounded, less spiny branches than the typical species. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia gillettii ssp. tenuoir 4-inch pots $15.00
From Somalia, this species is yet another spiny shrub arising from a thick fleshy rootstock. This subspecies has more rounded, less spiny branches than the typical species. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia gillettii ssp. tenuoir 8-inch pots $35.00
From Somalia, this species is yet another spiny shrub arising from a thick fleshy rootstock. This subspecies has more rounded, less spiny branches than the typical species. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia gillettii ssp. tenuoir one-gallon pots $25.00
From Somalia, this species is yet another spiny shrub arising from a thick fleshy rootstock. This subspecies has more rounded, less spiny branches than the typical species. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia globosa 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants have nearly spherical, yellow-green bodies that produce numerous tubercled branches that, in turn, produce non-persistent peduncles supporting cyathia. With time, the bodies clump, forming a globose mass. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia globosa 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants have nearly spherical, yellow-green bodies that produce numerous tubercled branches that, in turn, produce non-persistent peduncles supporting cyathia. With time, the bodies clump, forming a globose mass. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia glochidiata 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the area where Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya meet. This sparsely branched shrub features highly variegated branches with light center stripes and long, forked spines. The cyathia are yellow-red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia glochidiata 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from the area where Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya meet. This sparsely branched shrub features highly variegated branches with light center stripes and long, forked spines. The cyathia are yellow-red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia godana (L&N 13176) 2-inch pots $12.00
We are offering Lavranos and Newton 13176, collected from the Gouda Mountains in the small state of Djibouti. We previously offered this as Euphorbia sp. Djibouti. This species is a small, densely branched and low shrub with very spiny stems. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia godana (L&N 13176) 4-inch pots $20.00
We are offering Lavranos and Newton 13176, collected from the Gouda Mountains in the small state of Djibouti. We previously offered this as Euphorbia sp. Djibouti. This species is a small, densely branched and low shrub with very spiny stems. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia gorgonis (GM066) 2-inch pots $12.00
These plants are GM066, originally E. aff. gorgonis and from plants found between Teasdale and Kaalsfontein, southwest of Klipplaat in the area between the Eastern and Western Cape Province of South Africa. The arms on these plants are stubbier than the more typical form of E. gorgonis. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia gossypina 4-inch pots $15.00
From East Africa, this shrubby Euphorbia has no spines on the slender, green stems. The leaves are quickly deciduous, leaving prominent scars on the stems. The cyathia are densely held and yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia gossypina 5-inch pots $20.00
From East Africa, this shrubby Euphorbia has no spines on the slender, green stems. The leaves are quickly deciduous, leaving prominent scars on the stems. The cyathia are densely held and yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia gossypina one-gallon pots $25.00
From East Africa, this shrubby Euphorbia has no spines on the slender, green stems. The leaves are quickly deciduous, leaving prominent scars on the stems. The cyathia are densely held and yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia graciliramea 12-inch pots $65.00
This small species, from northern Tanzania and southwestern Kenya, has small, spiny stems arising from a fibrous rootstock that becomes a pseudocaudex with extended time. The cyathia are yellow-red. This species, like many similar ones, is much nicer if it can be grown compactly, which is difficult in Arizona owing to the heat. These plants are multistemmed rooted cuttings in 12-inch pots.
Euphorbia graciliramea 3-inch pots $10.00
This small species, from northern Tanzania and southwestern Kenya, has small, spiny stems arising from a fibrous rootstock that becomes a pseudocaudex with extended time. The cyathia are yellow-red. This species, like many similar ones, is much nicer if it can be grown compactly, which is difficult in Arizona owing to the heat. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia graciliramea 3-inch pots $10.00
This small species, from northern Tanzania and southwestern Kenya, has small, spiny stems arising from a fibrous rootstock that becomes a pseudocaudex with extended time. The cyathia are yellow-red. This species, like many similar ones, is much nicer if it can be grown compactly, which is difficult in Arizona owing to the heat. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia graciliramea 4-inch pots $15.00
This small species, from northern Tanzania and southwestern Kenya, has small, spiny stems arising from a fibrous rootstock that becomes a pseudocaudex with extended time. The cyathia are yellow-red. This species, like many similar ones, is much nicer if it can be grown compactly, which is difficult in Arizona owing to the heat. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia graciliramea 4-inch pots $15.00
This small species, from northern Tanzania and southwestern Kenya, has small, spiny stems arising from a fibrous rootstock that becomes a pseudocaudex with extended time. The cyathia are yellow-red. This species, like many similar ones, is much nicer if it can be grown compactly, which is difficult in Arizona owing to the heat. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia graciliramea 5-inch pots $20.00
This small species, from northern Tanzania and southwestern Kenya, has small, spiny stems arising from a fibrous rootstock that becomes a pseudocaudex with extended time. The cyathia are yellow-red. This species, like many similar ones, is much nicer if it can be grown compactly, which is difficult in Arizona owing to the heat. These plants are multistemmed rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia grandicornis 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia grandicornis is from southeastern Africa. These large shrubs have their characteristic deeply constricted, 3-4 angled branches with prominent white spines and a horny margin. This species holds a special place for us because it was the first Euphorbia we ever tried to grow! These are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia grandicornis one-gallon pots $25.00
Euphorbia grandicornis is from southeastern Africa. These large shrubs have their characteristic deeply constricted, 3-4 angled branches with prominent white spines and a horny margin. The cyathia are large and yellow. These are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia grandidens 5-inch pots $20.00
This graceful tree Euphorbia, from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, has thin, four-angled stems with short spines. The stems arch up from the main trunk. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia grandidens one-gallon pots $25.00
This graceful tree Euphorbia, from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, has thin, four-angled stems with short spines. The stems arch up from the main trunk. These are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia greenwayii 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, from Tanzania, is one of the most beautiful of the Euphorbias from tropical East Africa. It has square stems that are brilliantly marked in rich blue-green and pale-gray colors. The spines are reddish, and the cyathia have red stamens. The overall effect is an extremely beautiful container plant. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia greenwayii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from Tanzania, is one of the most beautiful of the Euphorbias from tropical East Africa. It has square stems that are brilliantly marked in rich blue-green and pale-gray colors. The spines are reddish, and the cyathia have red stamens. The overall effect is an extremely beautiful container plant. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia greenwayii ssp. breviaculeata 4-inch pots $15.00
One of the most beautiful of the Euphorbias from tropical East Africa, Euphorbia greenwayi grows on rocky hillslopes. From central Tanzania, this subspecies is larger than the typical, has square stems that are subtly marked in rich blue-green and pale-gray colors, has brownish-red spines, and the cyathia have red stamens. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia griseola ssp. griseola ('hardyi') 5-inch pots $20.00
We can find no botanical record for this species, which was labeled as Euphorbia hardyi in our greenhouses. However, this spiny Euphorbia forms a nice clump with time. The four-angled branches are cylindrical and heavily armored. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia griseola ssp. griseola (‘hardyi‘) one-gallon pots $25.00
We can find no botanical record for this species, which was labeled as Euphorbia hardyi in our greenhouses. However, this spiny Euphorbia forms a nice clump with time. The four-angled branches are cylindrical and heavily armored. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia griseola ssp. griseola (Strydom Tunnel) 4-inch pots $15.00
The Strydom Tunnel is near the Blyde River in Limpopo Province of South Africa. This form of Euphorbia griseola occurs on the hillsides in the vicinity of that tunnel. A spiny shrub, this plant has yellow-green stems and yellow flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia griseola ssp. griseola (Strydom Tunnel) 5-inch pots $20.00
The Strydom Tunnel is near the Blyde River in Limpopo Province of South Africa. This form of Euphorbia griseola occurs on the hillsides in the vicinity of that tunnel. A spiny shrub, this plant has yellow-green stems and yellow flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia griseola ssp. griseola (Strydom Tunnel) one-gallon pot $25.00
The Strydom Tunnel is near the Blyde River in Limpopo Province of South Africa. This form of Euphorbia griseola occurs on the hillsides in the vicinity of that tunnel. A spiny shrub, this plant has yellow-green stems and yellow flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia griseola ssp. griseola 2-gallon pots $35.00
Ranging from Zimbabwe south into the Northern Province of South Africa and west into Botswana, this species is a multi-branched shrub with stout, 4-6 angled branches. The E. griseola complex is a large group of closely-related spiny Euphorbias from southern Africa. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 2-gallon pots.
Euphorbia griseola ssp. griseola 4-inch pots $15.00
Ranging from Zimbabwe south into the Northern Province of South Africa and west into Botswana, this species is a multi-branched shrub with stout, 4-6 angled branches. The E. griseola complex is a large group of closely-related spiny Euphorbias from southern Africa. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia griseola ssp. griseola 5-inch pots $20.00
Ranging from Zimbabwe south into the Northern Province of South Africa and west into Botswana, this species is a multi-branched shrub with stout, 4-6 angled branches. The E. griseola complex is a large group of closely-related spiny Euphorbias from southern Africa. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia griseola ssp. griseola 8-inch pots $35.00
Ranging from Zimbabwe south into the Northern Province of South Africa and west into Botswana, this species is a multi-branched shrub with stout, 4-6 angled branches. The E. griseola complex is a large group of closely-related spiny Euphorbias from southern Africa. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia griseola ssp. griseola one-gallon pots $25.00
Ranging from Zimbabwe south into the Northern Province of South Africa and west into Botswana, this species is a multi-branched shrub with stout, 4-6 angled branches. The E. griseola complex is a large group of closely-related spiny Euphorbias from southern Africa. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia griseola ssp. zambiensis 2-inch pots $10.00
This subspecies is from the Central Province of Zambia, as the name suggests. It is a tufted shrub with stout, square, spiny segmented branches. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia griseola ssp. zambiensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This subspecies is from the Central Province of Zambia, as the name suggests. It is a tufted shrub with stout, square, spiny segmented branches. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia griseola ssp. zambiensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This subspecies is from the Central Province of Zambia, as the name suggests. It is a tufted shrub with stout, square, spiny segmented branches. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia griseola ssp. zambiensis one-gallon pots $30.00
This subspecies is from the Central Province of Zambia, as the name suggests. It is a tufted shrub with stout, square, spiny segmented branches. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia groenewaldii 2-inch pots $10.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this really nice species has a thick, woody main stem with crown of thick spiny branches. The branches are prominently tubercled and the spine shields are not confluent. The cyathia are yellow. We offer nice, compact seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia groenewaldii 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this really nice species has a thick, woody main stem with crown of thick spiny branches. The branches are prominently tubercled and the spine shields are not confluent. The cyathia are yellow. We offer nice, compact seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia groenewaldii 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this really nice species has a thick, woody main stem with crown of thick spiny branches. The branches are prominently tubercled and the spine shields are not confluent. The cyathia are yellow. We offer nice, compact seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia groenewaldii 5-inch pots $25.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this really nice species has a thick, woody main stem with crown of thick spiny branches. The branches are prominently tubercled and the spine shields are not confluent. The cyathia are yellow. We offer nice, compact seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia hamata 3-inch pots $10.00
This shrub, from the Northern Cape Province of South Africa and southern Namibia, is highly variable in form and size. Flexible but thickened green branches have small to large tubercles. The cyathia are multicolored but reddish. In habitat, these plants are squat and very dense, but they become leggy when grown in greenhouses. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia handiensis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Canary Islands, this shrubby species forms fairly large clumps. The plants are recognizable by the numerous ribs (8-12), light gray-green color with white spine shield on the ribs, and erratic spine placement. The cyathia are small and yellow. These plants are small seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia heptagona 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia heptagona resembles E. atrispina and E. enopla var. enopla, but E. heptagona has less spines on the stems that are thicker and have more angles, and the stem is a light green. We previously offered this plant as E. enopla. This species can grow outside in Tucson and has taken the mid-20s F without damage in our shadehouse. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia hermentiana (trigona) 8-inch pots $35.00
According to extant taxonomy, this is merely Euphorbia trigona, a species of unknown origin but thought to be either from India or Angola because of its affinity to other species in those countries. E. hermentiana is a different plant altogether, with 3- to 4-angled stems that typically are 1-3 inches in diameter, or much larger than the typical E. trigona. Like that species, however, E. hermentiana produces green leaves at the apical tips when growing. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia hermentiana (trigona) one-gallon pots $25.00
According to extant taxonomy, this is merely Euphorbia trigona, a species of unknown origin but thought to be either from India or Angola because of its affinity to other species in those countries. E. hermentiana is a different plant altogether, with 3- to 4-angled stems that typically are 1-3 inches in diameter, or much larger than the typical E. trigona. Like that species, however, E. hermentiana produces green leaves at the apical tips when growing. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia heterochroma ssp. heterochroma 4-inch pots $15.00
From Tanzania and Kenya, this is a densely branched (some call it "straggly") shrub with square, nicely variegated stems. The combination of stem color and yellow cyathia is particularly nice with this species, as well as the greatly reduced spines. These are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia heterochroma ssp. heterochroma 5-inch pots $20.00
From Tanzania and Kenya, this is a densely branched (some call it "straggly") shrub with square, nicely variegated stems. The combination of stem color and yellow cyathia is particularly nice with this species, as well as the greatly reduced spines. These are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia heterochroma ssp. heterochroma one-gallon pots $25.00
From Tanzania and Kenya, this is a densely branched (some call it "straggly") shrub with square, nicely variegated stems. The combination of stem color and yellow cyathia is particularly nice with this species, as well as the greatly reduced spines. These are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia heterospina ssp. baringoensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from eastern Uganda and western Kenya. This spiny shrub has four-angled stems with slight variegation and a nearly continuous spine shield that becomes continuous with age. The epithet comes from the fact that plants in the wild have a decreasing size of spines with height on the stems. The cyathia of subspecies baringoensis are crimson. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia heterospina ssp. baringoensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from eastern Uganda and western Kenya. This spiny shrub has four-angled stems with slight variegation and a nearly continuous spine shield that becomes continuous with age. The epithet comes from the fact that plants in the wild have a decreasing size of spines with height on the stems. The cyathia of subspecies baringoensis are crimson. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia heterospina ssp. baringoensis 8-inch pots $35.00
This species is from eastern Uganda and western Kenya. This spiny shrub has four-angled stems with slight variegation and a nearly continuous spine shield that becomes continuous with age. The epithet comes from the fact that plants in the wild have a decreasing size of spines with height on the stems. The cyathia of subspecies baringoensis are crimson. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia heterospina ssp. baringoensis one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from eastern Uganda and western Kenya. This spiny shrub has four-angled stems with slight variegation and a nearly continuous spine shield that becomes continuous with age. The epithet comes from the fact that plants in the wild have a decreasing size of spines with height on the stems. The cyathia of subspecies baringoensis are crimson. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia heterospina ssp. heterospina 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from eastern Uganda and western Kenya. This spiny shrub has four-angled stems with slight variegation and a nearly continuous spine shield that becomes continuous with age. The epithet comes from the fact that plants in the wild have a decreasing size of spines with height on the stems. The cyathia are yellow to orange with crimson undersides. We previously sold these plants as Euphorbia atroflora, which it resembles. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia heterospina ssp. heterospina one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from eastern Uganda and western Kenya. This spiny shrub has four-angled stems with slight variegation and a nearly continuous spine shield that becomes continuous with age. The epithet comes from the fact that plants in the wild have a decreasing size of spines with height on the stems. The cyathia are yellow to orange with crimson undersides. We previously sold these plants as Euphorbia atroflora, which it resembles. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia hofstaetteri (rubristella) 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Tulear District of Madagascar, this member of the E. milii group has felt-covered leaves with a hint of a red margin. The stems of this shrubby species are densely covered with spines. This form has more red highlights than the typical form. The flowers are yellow with red and green hints. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia hofstaetteri 8-inch pots $40.00
From the Tulear District of Madagascar, this member of the E. milii group has felt-covered leaves with a hint of a red margin. The stems of this shrubby species are densely covered with spines. The flowers are yellow with green hints. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia horrida var. horrida 2-inch pots $8.00
Euphorbia horrida is a short-columnar species that resembles a barrel cactus, and it tends to grow in the region between the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. It has many forms, and this one has stems that are grayish-green. The body does not tend to twist and the ribs have only modest undulations. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia horrida var. horrida 4-inch pots $15.00
Euphorbia horrida is a short-columnar species that resembles a barrel cactus, and it tends to grow in the region between the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. It has many forms, and this one has stems that are grayish-green. The body does not tend to twist and the ribs have only modest undulations. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia horrida var. horrida 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia horrida is a short-columnar species that resembles a barrel cactus, and it tends to grow in the region between the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. It has many forms, and this one has stems that are grayish-green. The body does not tend to twist and the ribs have only modest undulations. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia horrida var. horrida one-gallon pots $25.00
Euphorbia horrida is a short-columnar species that resembles a barrel cactus, and it tends to grow in the region between the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. It has many forms, and this one has stems that are grayish-green. The body does not tend to twist and the ribs have only modest undulations. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia horrida var. major 5-inch pots $20.00
These plants come from material originally collected at Farm Stegmann northwest of Willowmore, Western Cape Province of South Africa. E. horrida is a relatively large, squat cylindrical species characterized by a blue-green color, numerous ribs, and stout purple spines along the ribs. Variety major is simply a larger form of the typical species. The cyathia are dark purple. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia horrida var. major one-gallon pots $30.00
These plants come from material originally collected at Farm Stegmann northwest of Willowmore, Western Cape Province of South Africa. E. horrida is a relatively large, squat cylindrical species characterized by a blue-green color, numerous ribs, and stout purple spines along the ribs. Variety major is simply a larger form of the typical species. The cyathia are dark purple. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia horrida var. noorsveldensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from the Jansenville District of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Characterized by its tall stems that branch from the base, this subspecies has a gray epidermis with yellow-gray persistent peduncles. These are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia horrida var. noorsveldensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from the Jansenville District of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Characterized by its tall stems that branch from the base, this subspecies has a gray epidermis with yellow-gray persistent peduncles. These are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia horrida var. noorsveldensis one-gallon pots $30.00
This species is from the Jansenville District of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Characterized by its tall stems that branch from the base, this subspecies has a gray epidermis with yellow-gray persistent peduncles. These are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia horrida var. striata 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa, this form of Euphorbia horrida has columnar stems that are grayish-white. The ribs have undulations, and the stem is banded with grey-green stripes, giving the species its name. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia inarticulata 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from the southern Arabian Peninsula, forms a large shrub with triangular, spiny branches. It is sparsely branched, which makes for an interesting looking plants, and the spines are infrequent. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia inarticulata 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from the southern Arabian Peninsula, forms a large shrub with triangular, spiny branches. It is sparsely branched, which makes for an interesting looking plants, and the spines are infrequent. The cyathia are yellow. Silly us, we once thought this species was rare, then we went to Yemen and found it all over the place. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia inarticulata one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, from the southern Arabian Peninsula, forms a large shrub with triangular, spiny branches. It is sparsely branched, which makes for an interesting looking plants, and the spines are infrequent. The cyathia are yellow. Silly us, we once thought this species was rare, then we went to Yemen and found it all over the place. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia inconstantia 4-inch pots $15.00
This columnar Euphorbia is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. With its grey stems, 7-10 ribbed, the character that sets this species apart are the long, persistent peduncles that form grey spines. We have seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia inconstantia 5-inch pots $20.00
This columnar Euphorbia is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. With its grey stems, 7-10 ribbed, the character that sets this species apart are the long, persistent peduncles that form grey spines. We offer seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia inconstantia 5-inch pots $20.00
This columnar Euphorbia is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. With its grey stems, 7-10 ribbed, the character that sets this species apart are the long, persistent peduncles that form grey spines. We offer seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia inconstantia one-gallon pots $25.00
This columnar Euphorbia is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. With its grey stems, 7-10 ribbed, the character that sets this species apart are the long, persistent peduncles that form grey spines. These plants have multiple stems and are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia inermis var. huttonae 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this medusoid species has a thick spherical, flattened main stem with many stiff spineless branches from the periphery. The cyathia are yellow and quite fragrant. We’ve grown this species in the ground in Tucson for several years. These are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia inermis var. huttonae 4-inch pots $12.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this medusoid species has a thick spherical, flattened main stem with many stiff spineless branches from the periphery. The cyathia are yellow and quite fragrant. We’ve grown this species in the ground in Tucson for several years. These are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia inermis var. huttonae 5-inch pots $15.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this medusoid species has a thick spherical, flattened main stem with many stiff spineless branches from the periphery. The cyathia are yellow and quite fragrant. We‘ve grown this species in the ground in Tucson for several years. These are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia inermis var. inermis (Addo NP, RSA) 2-inch pots $10.00
From near Addo National Park in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this medusoid species has a thick spherical, flattened main stem with many stiff spineless branches. The branches tend to have blunt tubercles. The cyathia are white and fragrant. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia inermis var. inermis 2-inch pots $10.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this medusoid species has a thick spherical, flattened main stem with many stiff spineless branches. The branches tend to have blunt tubercles, which is one way to recognize this species when compared with E. esculenta. The cyathia are white and fragrant. We‘ve grown this species in the ground in Tucson for several years, where it has withstood winter lows of 23F. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia inermis var. inermis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this medusoid species has a thick spherical, flattened main stem with many stiff spineless branches. The branches tend to have blunt tubercles, which is one way to recognize this species when compared with E. esculenta. The cyathia are white and fragrant. We’ve grown this species in the ground in Tucson for several years, where it has withstood winter lows of 23F. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia inermis var. inermis one-gallon pots $45.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this medusoid species has a thick spherical, flattened main stem with many stiff spineless branches. The branches tend to have blunt tubercles, which is one way to recognize this species when compared with E. esculenta. The cyathia are white and fragrant. We’ve grown this species in the ground in Tucson for several years, where it withstood winter lows of 23F. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia ingens (monstrose) 2-gallon pots $50.00
These probably will look more like variegates than monstrose species, but however you want to term it, these are very interesting plants. Euphorbia ingens is the largest species in the genus, and these no doubt will attain a significant size as well. These are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Euphorbia ingens (monstrose) 5-inch pots $20.00
These probably will look more like variegates than monstrose species, but however you want to term it, these are very interesting plants. Euphorbia ingens is the largest species in the genus, and these no doubt will attain a significant size as well. These are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia ingens (monstrose) one-gallon pots $30.00
These probably will look more like variegates than monstrose species, but however you want to term it, these are very interesting plants. Euphorbia ingens is the largest species in the genus, and these no doubt will attain a significant size as well. These are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia jansenvillensis 2-inch pots $10.00
This species, from near Jansenville in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, has a small main stem united with tuberous root to form an underground structure from which the branches grow. The branches are cylindrical, jointed, and spineless. These dioecious plants have cyathia glands that are tubular. Although this species is very similar to E. tubiglans, we‘ve grown it outside in Tucson under a shrub for more than 8 years with little additional watering. This is one hardy Euphorbia, and we have offsets in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia jansenvillensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from near Jansenville in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, has a small main stem united with tuberous root to form an underground structure from which the branches grow. The branches are cylindrical, jointed, and spineless. These dioecious plants have cyathia glands that are tubular. Although this species is very similar to E. tubiglans, we?ve grown it outside in Tucson under a shrub for more than 8 years with little additional watering. This is one hardy Euphorbia, and we have offsets in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia jansenvillensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from near Jansenville in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, has a small main stem united with tuberous root to form an underground structure from which the branches grow. The branches are cylindrical, jointed, and spineless. These dioecious plants have cyathia glands that are tubular. Although this species is very similar to E. tubiglans, we?ve grown it outside in Tucson under a shrub for more than 8 years with little additional watering. This is one hardy Euphorbia, and we have multistemmed offsets in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia kamponii 5-inch pots $20.00
This tree, with its gray-green spineless branches, is from Madagascar. It is notable for the zig-zag pattern of its branches, as well as the fact that it is a dioecious species with purplish-red cyathia. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia kamponii one-gallon pots $30.00
This tree, with its gray-green spineless branches, is from Madagascar. It is notable for the zig-zag pattern of its branches, as well as the fact that it is a dioecious species with purplish-red cyathia. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia keithii one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is a tree in its native habitat in Swaziland. Its branches are 3-6 angled, bluish, and have confluent spine shields and paired dark spines. The cyathia are yellow-green. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia knuthii ssp. johnsonii 4-inch pots $15.00
This subspecies is from Mozambique. It has a large tuberous root with many lax, variegated branches, like E. knuthii ssp. knuthii, but it does not produce rhizomes and the branches have 2 to 3 angles. When grown from either seedlings or cuttings, the plants have a single, albeit twisted, tuberous root crown. This is an excellent subject for bonsai culture as the plant endures severe pruning and it also makes a great hanging plant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia knuthii ssp. johnsonii 4-inch pots $15.00
This subspecies is from Mozambique. It has a large tuberous root with many lax, variegated branches, like E. knuthii ssp. knuthii, but it does not produce rhizomes and the branches have 2 to 3 angles. When grown from either seedlings or cuttings, the plants have a single, albeit twisted, tuberous root crown. This is an excellent subject for bonsai culture as the plant endures severe pruning and it also makes a great hanging plant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia knuthii ssp. johnsonii 5-inch pots $20.00
This subspecies is from Mozambique. It has a large tuberous root with many lax, variegated branches, like E. knuthii ssp. knuthii, but it does not produce rhizomes and the branches have 2 to 3 angles. When grown from either seedlings or cuttings, the plants have a single, albeit twisted, tuberous root crown. This is an excellent subject for bonsai culture as the plant endures severe pruning and it also makes a great hanging plant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia knuthii ssp. knuthii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from Mozambique, Swaziland, and South Africa, has a large tuberous root with many lax, variegated branches. It is stoloniferous, producing twisted tuberous roots rather than a single tuber from either seedlings or cuttings. This is an excellent subject for bonsai culture as the plant endures severe pruning, and it also makes a great hanging plant. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia knuthii ssp. knuthii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from Mozambique, Swaziland, and South Africa, has a large tuberous root with many lax, variegated branches. It is stoloniferous, producing twisted tuberous roots rather than a single tuber from either seedlings or cuttings. This is an excellent subject for bonsai culture as the plant endures severe pruning, and it also makes a great hanging plant. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia lactea 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is one of the best of the tree Euphorbias, and although its origin has long been blurred, likely it originated in India or southeastern Asia. The branches are triangular, with paired dark spines and nice variegation that is prominent against the dark green stems. This species now is widely distributed in tropical regions and is common in cultivation. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia lactea 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is one of the best of the tree Euphorbias, and although its origin has long been blurred, likely it originated in India or southeastern Asia. The branches are triangular, with paired dark spines and nice variegation that is prominent against the dark green stems. This species now is widely distributed in tropical regions and is common in cultivation. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia lactea crest 10-inch pots $75.00
This crested form of Euphorbia lactea is a highly desirable addition to any collection. These plants are rooted cuttings in 10-inch pots.
Euphorbia lactea crest 4-inch pots $15.00
This crested form of Euphorbia lactea, from India, is a highly desirable addition to any collection. These plants generally are wider than tall and are a rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia lactea crest 5-inch pots $20.00
This crested form of Euphorbia lactea, from India, is a highly desirable addition to any collection. These plants generally are wider than tall and are a rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia lactea crest one-gallon pots $25.00
This crested form of Euphorbia lactea is a highly desirable addition to any collection. These plants are 3- to 6-inches tall, about as wide, and are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia lactea one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is one of the best of the tree Euphorbias, and although its origin has long been blurred, likely it originated in India or southeastern Asia. The branches are triangular, with paired dark spines and nice variegation that is prominent against the dark green stems. This species now is widely distributed in tropical regions and is common in cultivation. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia lactea White Ghost 5-inch pots $20.00
This variegated form of Euphorbia lactea is sometimes known as Grey Ghost. In this chimera, or two plants growing as one, the white part often over grows the chlorophyllus part, so no green shows in some branches. Our plants are grown only from cuttings. We have several rooted cuttings available in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia lactea White Ghost 8-inch pots $50.00
This variegated form of Euphorbia lactea is sometimes known as Grey Ghost. In this chimera, or two plants growing as one, the white part often over grows the chlorophyllus part, so no green shows in some branches. Our plants are grown only from cuttings. We have several rooted cuttings available in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia lactea White Ghost crest 2-gallon pots $65.00
This variegated form of Euphorbia lactea is sometimes known as Grey Ghost. Here we offer crested version of Euphorbia lactea "White Ghost." Our plants are grown only from cuttings. We have rooted cuttings available in 2-gallon pots.
Euphorbia lactea White Ghost crest one-gallon pots $40.00
This variegated form of Euphorbia lactea is sometimes known as Grey Ghost. Here we offer crested version of Euphorbia lactea "White Ghost." Our plants are grown only from cuttings. We have rooted cuttings available in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia laikipiensis 2-inch pots $10.00
From the Laikipia District of Kenya, this low shrub forms a caudex that produces succulent stems. The stems are essentially round with widely spaced tubercles and spines. The cyathia are yellow and quite pretty. These plants tend to stay compact, even in the heat of Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia laikipiensis 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Laikipia District of Kenya, this low shrub forms a caudex that produces succulent stems. The stems are essentially round with widely spaced tubercles and spines. The cyathia are yellow and quite pretty. These plants tend to stay compact, even in the heat of Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia laikipiensis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Laikipia District of Kenya, this low shrub forms a caudex that produces succulent stems. The stems are essentially round with widely spaced tubercles and spines. The cyathia are yellow and quite pretty. These plants tend to stay compact, even in the heat of Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia laikipiensis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Laikipia District of Kenya, this low shrub forms a caudex that produces succulent stems. The stems are essentially round with widely spaced tubercles and spines. The cyathia are yellow and quite pretty. These plants tend to stay compact, even in the heat of Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia laikipiensis 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Laikipia District of Kenya, this low shrub forms a caudex that produces succulent stems. The stems are essentially round with widely spaced tubercles and spines. The cyathia are yellow and quite pretty. These plants tend to stay compact, even in the heat of Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia ledienii 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species is a multibranched shrub closely related to E. caerulescens. The stems are variously angled and spiny, smaller in diameter than for E. caerulescens, and the cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia ledienii 8-inch pots $35.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species is a multibranched shrub closely related to E. caerulescens. The stems are variously angled and spiny, smaller in diameter than for E. caerulescens, and the cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia ledienii one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species is a multibranched shrub closely related to E. caerulescens. The stems are variously angled and spiny, smaller in diameter than for E. caerulescens, and the cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia lenewtonii 2-inch pots $8.00
This little shrubby Euphorbia, known from only one locality in Tanzania, has green branches with some yellow highlights. In habitat, this species forms proliferous cushions; in Tucson, the stems become more elongate but the plants still are relatively compact. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia lenewtonii 4-inch pots $15.00
This little shrubby Euphorbia, known from only one locality in Tanzania, has green branches with some yellow highlights. In habitat, this species forms proliferous cushions; in Tucson, the stems become more elongate but the plants still are relatively compact. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia leontopoda (Carter 866) 2-inch pots $6.00
Our offering is Carter 866, which we previously listed as Euphorbia sp. nova aff. ballyi. This species, from the Mirsa Plateau of Somalia, is a shrub with spiny, grey-green branches that are 5-6 angled and deeply winged. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this rare species in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia leontopoda (Carter 866) 4-inch pots $20.00
Our offering is Carter 866, which we previously listed as Euphorbia sp. nova aff. ballyi. This species, from the Mirsa Plateau of Somalia, is a shrub with spiny, grey-green branches that are 5-6 angled and deeply winged. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia leontopoda (Carter 866) 5-inch pots $25.00
Our offering is Carter 866, which we previously listed as Euphorbia sp. nova aff. ballyi. This species, from the Mirsa Plateau of Somalia, is a shrub with spiny, grey-green branches that are 5-6 angled and deeply winged. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia limpopoana 4-inch pots $15.00
We previously offered this plant as an undescribed species from Zimbabwe. Susan Carter recently placed it within the species E. limpopoana, described by her in 2000. It has square, yellow-green stems that are very spiny. These plants form a small caudex, and the plant branches from the base. The cyathia are yellow and cluster densely at the ends of the stems. These are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia louwii 2-inch pots $8.00
This tufted shrub with many 5-7 angled branches comes from the Northern Province of South Africa. The epidermis is a pale blue, which makes this a very distinctive species among spiny Euphorbias. The spine shields are reddish and have five spines, which is also unusual. We offer rooted cuttings of this interesting species in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia louwii 4-inch pots $15.00
This tufted shrub with many 5-7 angled branches comes from the Northern Province of South Africa. The epidermis is a pale blue, which makes this a very distinctive species among spiny Euphorbias. The spine shields are reddish and have five spines, which is also unusual. We offer rooted cuttings of this interesting species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia lukoseana 4-inch pots $15.00
This species occurs near Lukose, Tanzania, which gives the plant its name. This small spiny shrub has some very interesting variegation on the branches. The 4 spines – two large lower ones and two smaller upper ones – are borne on prominent tubercles with a discontinuous, key-hole shaped spine shield. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia lukoseana 5-inch pots $20.00
This species occurs near Lukose, Tanzania, which gives the plant its name. This small spiny shrub has some very interesting variegation on the branches. The 4 spines – two large lower ones and two smaller upper ones – are borne on prominent tubercles with a discontinuous, key-hole shaped spine shield. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia lydenburgensis 4-inch pots $15.00
Euphorbia lydenburgensis is from the Mpumalanga region of South Africa. This form is from near Alverton and differs from the typical species. This shrub has four-angled branches that have short spines and yellow cyathia, and it forms an attractive addition to any greenhouse featuring Euphorbias. These are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia lydenburgensis 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia lydenburgensis is from the Mpumalanga region of South Africa. This form is from near Alverton and differs from the typical species. This shrub has four-angled branches that have short spines and yellow cyathia, and it forms an attractive addition to any greenhouse featuring Euphorbias. These are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia lyttoniana 4-inch pots $15.00
Known from the town of Muden in KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this is a very nice variant that is related to E. pseudocactus. Selected from specimens in cultivation, this variant has many branched square and unarmed stems that are nicely variegated. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia lyttoniana 5-inch pots $20.00
Known from the town of Muden in KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this is a very nice variant that is related to E. pseudocactus. Selected from specimens in cultivation, this variant has many branched square and unarmed stems that are nicely variegated. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia mahabobokensis 2-inch pots $8.00
This shrubby Euphorbia comes from a forested environment near Toliara, Madagascar. The plant has small spineless stems arising from a tuberous root, and it produces small leaves that are crowded around the stem tips. A dioecious species, the cyatha are small and yellow-green. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia mahabobokensis 3-inch pots $10.00
This shrubby Euphorbia comes from a forested environment near Toliara, Madagascar. The plant has small spineless stems arising from a tuberous root, and it produces small leaves that are crowded around the stem tips. A dioecious species, the cyatha are small and yellow-green. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia mahabobokensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This shrubby Euphorbia comes from a forested environment near Toliara, Madagascar. The plant has small spineless stems arising from a tuberous root, and it produces small leaves that are crowded around the stem tips. A dioecious species, the cyatha are small and yellow-green. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia mahafalensis 5-inch pots $20.00
From Madagascar, this shrubby, spineless shrub has light green stems and lanceolate leaves. The cyathia are green, and the seeds are hairy. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia makallensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from Ethiopia, makes a delightful container plant, staying relatively small with proliferous stems. Those stems branch repeatedly, forming large mounds up to 10-12 feet in diameter in nature but constrained by your pot size. The stems are square with small, paired, white spines, and the cyathia are yellow. We think this plant could be hardy in Tucson. The rooted cuttings are in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia malevola 4-inch pots $15.00
This square-stemmed, branched, upright shrub is from Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Malawi. The epidermis is green and speckled with lighter green. The spines are paired and have a pair of prickles. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia malevola 5-inch pots $20.00
This square-stemmed, branched, upright shrub is from Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Malawi. The epidermis is green and speckled with lighter green. The spines are paired and have a pair of prickles. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia malevola one-gallon pots $25.00
This square-stemmed, branched, upright shrub is from Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Malawi. The epidermis is green and speckled with lighter green. The spines are paired and have a pair of prickles. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia mammillaris (variegate) 4-inch pots $25.00
This species, widely distributed in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, generally is not available in the United States; the widespread material sold under this name usually is E. fimbriata. The real species has many spiny tubercles on the stems, as the species name suggests, and the spines (actually hardened peduncles) generally are continuous. These are yellow-green variegates. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia mauritanica 5-inch pots $20.00
This shrubby Euphorbia is not from Mauritanica; instead, it is common in southern Namibia and western and southern South Africa, where it can be a dominant feature on the landscape. The thin, green stems are similar to other spineless, shrubby Euphorbias, but what makes this species special on the landscape is the abundance of yellow cyathia in the spring, making the plant instantly recognizable from a distance. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia mauritanica one-gallon pots $25.00
This shrubby Euphorbia is not from Mauritanica; instead, it is common in southern Namibia and western and southern South Africa, where it can be a dominant feature on the landscape. The thin, green stems are similar to other spineless, shrubby Euphorbias, but what makes this species special on the landscape is the abundance of yellow cyathia in the spring, making the plant instantly recognizable from a distance. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia mayuranathani 2-inch pots $10.00
One of the wonderful tree Euphorbias from India, Euphorbia mayuranathani is thought to be extinct in the wild. Readily grown from cuttings, we have this species available in several sizes. The stems, bright green, are obscurely angled, and the leaves are small and more or less circular. These rooted cuttings are in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia mayuranathani 4-inch pots $15.00
One of the wonderful tree Euphorbias from India, Euphorbia mayuranathani is thought to be extinct in the wild. Readily grown from cuttings, we have this species available in several sizes. The stems, bright green, are obscurely angled, and the leaves are small and more or less circular. These rooted cuttings are in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia mayuranathani 5-inch pots $20.00
One of the wonderful tree Euphorbias from India, Euphorbia mayuranathani is thought to be extinct in the wild. Readily grown from cuttings, we have this species available in several sizes. The stems, bright green, are obscurely angled, and the leaves are small and more or less circular. These rooted cuttings are in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia meloformis 2-inch pots $10.00
Euphorbia meloformis is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The plants mostly have solid green bodies that more closely represent the average characteristics of the species than does GM 223B. Our plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia meloformis 4-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia meloformis is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The plants mostly have solid green bodies that more closely represent the average characteristics of the species than does GM 223B. Our plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia meloformis 4-inch pots $15.00
Euphorbia meloformis is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The plants mostly have solid green bodies that more closely represent the average characteristics of the species than does GM 223B. Our plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia memoralis 2-gallon pots $45.00
This species is found on one mountain range in Zimbabwe. The typically light yellow-green stems have 5-6 ribs with relatively small spines. Lateral stems tend to be fragile and easily broken. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Euphorbia memoralis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is found on one mountain range in Zimbabwe. The typically light yellow-green stems have 5-6 ribs with relatively small spines. Lateral stems tend to be fragile and easily broken. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia memoralis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is found on one mountain range in Zimbabwe. The typically light yellow-green stems have 5-6 ribs with relatively small spines. Lateral stems tend to be fragile and easily broken. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia memoralis one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is found on one mountain range in Zimbabwe. The typically light yellow-green stems have 5-6 ribs with relatively small spines. Lateral stems tend to be fragile and easily broken. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia meridionalis 4-inch pots $12.00
From Kenya and Tanzania, this shrubby Euphorbia has thin, upright, bluish and square stems that are quite weak. The spines are singular and are forked at the tip. What makes this species special is that the cyathia is bright red, providing significant color in the spring. Related to E. fluminis and E. glochidiata, we offer rooted cuttings of E. meridionalis in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia meridionalis 5-inch pots $20.00
From Kenya and Tanzania, this shrubby Euphorbia has thin, upright, bluish and square stems that are quite weak. The spines are singular and are forked at the tip. What makes this species special is that the cyathia is bright red, providing significant color in the spring. Related to E. fluminis and E. glochidiata, we offer rooted cuttings of E. meridionalis in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia micracantha 2-inch pots $12.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species has a thick woody main stem that is crowned with many decumbent square stems. The beautiful, yellow-tinged spines are paired. This species is related to E. stellate (stems two angled) and E. squarrosa (stems three angled). These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia micracantha 4-inch pots $25.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species has a thick woody main stem that is crowned with many decumbent square stems. The beautiful, yellow-tinged spines are paired. This species is related to E. stellate (stems two angled) and E. squarrosa (stems three angled). These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia micracantha 5-inch pots $35.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species has a thick woody main stem that is crowned with many decumbent square stems. The beautiful, yellow-tinged spines are paired. This species is related to E. stellate (stems two angled) and E. squarrosa (stems three angled). These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia migiurtinorum 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Bari Region of Somalia, E. migiurtinorum has long, thin stems with paired spines. The stem is boldly marked with pale green and dark green stripes and dark brown spine shields. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia migiurtinorum 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Bari Region of Somalia, E. migiurtinorum has long, thin stems with paired spines. The stem is boldly marked with pale green and dark green stripes and dark brown spine shields. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii ‘antifakiensis‘ 4-inch pots $15.00
This common Crown of Thorns is from Madagascar. This version was present in our nursery when we purchased the place, and we have no idea where Antifak is on that island, but we can verify that there isn‘t a species known as Euphorbia antifakiensis. The spiny branches, the yellow-white cyathia, and the dark green leaves make it clear that whatever this is it is part of the larger E. milii complex. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii ‘antifakiensis‘ 5-inch pots $20.00
This common Crown of Thorns is from Madagascar. This version was present in our nursery when we purchased the place, and we have no idea where Antafik is on that island, but we can verify that there isn?t a species known as Euphorbia antafikiensis. The spiny branches, the yellow-white cyathia, and the dark green leaves make it clear that whatever this is it is part of the larger E. milii complex. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii ‘antifakiensis’ one-gallon pots $25.00
This common Crown of Thorns is from Madagascar. This version was present in our nursery when we purchased the place, and we have no idea where Antafak is on that island, but we can verify that there isn’t a species known as Euphorbia antifakiensis. The spiny branches, the yellow-white cyathia, and the dark green leaves make it clear that whatever this is it is part of the larger E. milii complex. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia milii cv Big Yellow 5-inch pots $20.00
This cultivar, developed in Thailand, has relatively large leaves and stems for a E. milii. The cyathia are large in size and are a medium yellow color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii cv Pink 5-inch pots $20.00
This cultivar, developed in Thailand, has relatively large leaves for a E. milii. The cyathia are intermediate in size and are reddish pink. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii cv Raan Clone 2-inch pots $8.00
This cultivar, of Thailand origin, has relatively large leaves for a E. milii. The cyathia are large and orange red with yellow centers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii cv Somona 4-inch pots $15.00
This cultivar, of Thailand origin, has relatively large leaves for a E. milii. The cyathia are small to medium size and creamy white with yellow centers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii cv Thai Hybrid 5-inch pots $20.00
This cultivar, of Thailand origin, has relatively large leaves for a E. milii. The cyathia are small to medium size and creamy red with red centers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii cv White Lightning 5-inch pots $20.00
This cultivar, of Thailand origin, has relatively large leaves for a E. milii. The cyathia are small to medium size and white with light yellow centers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii hybrid (Wong 3) 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid, created by Nathan Wong, is an extremely nice variant on the typical E. milii var. milii. This spiny shrub has green leaves tinged with red, and the cyathia are cream with yellow centers and generally are produced year-round. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii var. duranii 4-inch pots $15.00
Rauh raised this to the species level, but it appears to us to be part of the E. milii complex. From Madagascar, this many branched dwarf shrub has small green leaves and produces lots of small yellow-orange cyathia at the tips. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii var. imperatae 4-inch pots $15.00
A publication technicality supposedly eradicates this as a valid species-variety, but the plant is very real. E. milii var. imperatae is the smallest of the E. milii group. This many branched dwarf shrub has small green leaves and produces lots of small red cyathia at the tips. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii var. milii (bojeri) 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are a variant of the common Crown of Thorns is from Madagascar, reduced to synonymy. The plant has been in cultivation for so long that the exact source of the original plants can only be guessed as to the western side of the island. The spiny branches, the red cyathia, and the dark green leaves are well known to collectors and novices alike. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii var. milii 4-inch pots $15.00
This common Crown of Thorns is from Madagascar. The plant has been in cultivation for so long that the exact source of the original plants can only be guessed as to the western side of the island. The spiny branches, the red cyathia, and the dark green leaves are well known to collectors and novices alike. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii var. milii fm. lutea 4-inch pots $15.00
Euphorbia milii is from western Madagascar, but the species is cultivated worldwide. The typical species is a many branched shrub with dark-green deciduous leaves. Here, we offer fm. lutea, which is the yellow-flowered variant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii var. milii fm. lutea 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia milii is from western Madagascar, but the species is cultivated worldwide. The typical species is a many branched shrub with dark-green deciduous leaves. Here, we offer fm. lutea, which is the yellow-flowered variant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii var. roseana 5-inch pots $20.00
From central Madagascar, this shrub is shorter than typical E. milii, and the leaves are a lighter green with a reddish margin. The cyathia are yellow-white to red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii x decaryi 4-inch pots $15.00
This beautiful hybrid was created by the late Nathan Wong from Hawaii. This plant forms decumbent branches like E. decaryi and has spiny stems and pink cyathia like E. milii. This plant is easy to grow and quickly forms large plants. These are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia milii x moratii 4-inch pots $15.00
This is another beautiful hybrid created by the late Nathan Wong from Hawaii. This plant has the spotted leaves of E. moratii and the coral cyathia of E. milii. This extremely nice hybrid is available as rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia misera 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia misera is from Baja California and Sonora, Mexico, where it forms a small, gnarly shrub, particularly in coastal settings. A decidedly winter-growing species, E. misera earns its epithet from the sap, which will cause significant misery if rubbed in the eyes. The plants we offer are typically more than 12 inches tall from 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia monteiri 4-inch pots $15.00
From southern Africa, ranging from Angola and Namibia across to northern South Africa, this shrub has succulent green stems with prominent leaf scars. The leaves are elliptical, light green, and borne on short petioles. The cyathia are red to purple. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia neriifolia one-gallon pots $25.00
When we first saw this plant, which obviously is one of the Indian succulent Euphorbias and comes from Maharashtra Province, we thought it was related to E. undulatifolia, a fantastic species of dubious natural origin. Singh (1994) describes one variant of E neriifolia with long black spines and longer tubercles, which roughly describes this species. The plants have relatively large leaves (smaller than E. undulatifolia) produced on growing tips. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia nigrispina 4-inch pots $15.00
This spiny, shrubby succulent is from Djubuti, Ethiopia, and Somalia. The stems are square with paired spines characterized by the black tips that earn this species its epithet. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia nivulea (crest) 5-inch pots $25.00
Widespread in India, where it is used to create hedges, Euphorbia nivulea is distinguished by its green stems and large, obovate leaves. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in its crest form in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia nivulea (crest) one-gallon pots $35.00
Widespread in India, where it is used to create hedges, Euphorbia nivulea is distinguished by its green stems and large, obovate leaves. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in its crest form in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia nivulea (variegated leaves) 5-inch pots $25.00
Widespread in India, where it is used to create hedges, Euphorbia nivulea is distinguished by its green stems and large, obovate leaves. This version has yellow-white variegation in those leaves. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia nivulea (variegated leaves) one-gallon pots $30.00
Widespread in India, where it is used to create hedges, Euphorbia nivulea is distinguished by its green stems and large, obovate leaves. This version has yellow-white variegation in those leaves. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia nivulea 5-inch pots $20.00
Widespread in India, where it is used to create hedges, Euphorbia nivulea is distinguished by its green stems and large, obovate leaves. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in the non-monstrose state. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia nubigena var. rutilans 4-inch pots $15.00
From Angola, this tufted succulent has upright stems that have small, paired spines. What makes this species interesting are the cyathia, which are yellow and red. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia nubigena var. rutilans 5-inch pots $20.00
From Angola, this tufted succulent has upright stems that have small, paired spines. What makes this species interesting are the cyathia, which are yellow and red. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia obesa 2-inch pots $12.00
This species is readily available in cultivation but almost extinct in the wild, where it occurs only at a few localities near Graaff-Reinet in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Fortunately, it is easy to propagate and therefore will always exist as long as there are succulent plant collections. Our small Euphorbia obesa have spherical stems with horizontal purplish-brown coloring. Our small seedlings are in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia opuntioides 5-inch pots $25.00
From the Malanje District of Angola, this species is a low mat-forming species in habitat. We suppose this looks like an Opuntia, if you say so. It actually looks like a tiny padded Euphorbia, with blue-gray stems with paired spines on the margins. What is really impressive about this species are the striking red cyathia produced along the stems. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia pachyclada (B&L 719) 5-inch pots $15.00
This species, B&L 719, is from the Bari Region of northeastern Somalia. With its upright succulent stems, this species forms small shrubs with yellow cyathia near the tips. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia parciramulosa 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is endemic to Yemen. This sparsely branched tree species has 4-angled branches and short paired spines. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia parciramulosa 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is endemic to Yemen. This sparsely branched tree species has 4-angled branches and short paired spines. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia parciramulosa 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is endemic to Yemen. This sparsely branched tree species has 4-angled branches and short paired spines. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia parciramulosa 8-inch pots $45.00
This species is endemic to Yemen. This sparsely branched tree species has 4-angled branches and short paired spines. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia parciramulosa one-gallon pots $30.00
This species is endemic to Yemen. This sparsely branched tree species has 4-angled branches and short paired spines. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia perangusta 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Northwest Province of South Africa, this species is a shrub that typically branches and rebranches to form large clumps. The effect is a crown of variegated spiny branches that are very pretty. We offer seedlings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia perplexa 4-inch pots $15.00
Larry Leach described this species, which naturally occurs in northern Zambia, in 1992, and Susan Carter identified it for us in an unmarked flat in our nursery. This spiny shrub is notable for the fact that the growing stems are purple and lined with small, triangular spines on the 4-angled branches. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia perplexa 5-inch pots $20.00
Larry Leach described this species, which naturally occurs in northern Zambia, in 1992, and Susan Carter identified it for us in an unmarked flat in our nursery. This spiny shrub is notable for the fact that the growing stems are purple and lined with small, triangular spines on the 4-angled branches. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia persistens 2-inch pots $10.00
This species, from southeastern Africa, is considered a form of E. clavigera, but we disagree. This species forms a thick underground caudex that produces a tuft of radiating blue-green branches. What makes this species distinctive are the markings on the branches, which have dark green half-circle spots all along the margins. Paired spines of irregular lengths decorate the margins as well. We consider this one of the best of the short-formed caudiciform Euphorbias. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia persistens 5-inch pots $25.00
This species, from southeastern Africa, is considered a form of E. clavigera, but we disagree. This species forms a thick underground caudex that produces a tuft of radiating blue-green branches. What makes this species distinctive are the markings on the branches, which have dark green half-circle spots all along the margins. Paired spines of irregular lengths decorate the margins as well. We consider this one of the best of the short-formed caudiciform Euphorbias. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia persistentifolia 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from Zambia and Zimbabwe, has tall, spiny stems with somewhat persistent obovate leaves. The 4-5 angled branches have a horny spine margin with rather stout and sharp spines. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia petraea 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from northeastern Uganda and grows on exposed rock outcrops. This densely-branched shrub has four-angled branches, and the cyathia are yellow. These are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia petraea 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from northeastern Uganda and grows on exposed rock outcrops. This densely-branched shrub has four-angled branches, and the cyathia are yellow. These are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia petraea one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from northeastern Uganda and grows on exposed rock outcrops. This densely-branched shrub has four-angled branches, and the cyathia are yellow. These are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia petricola (crest) 5-inch pots $20.00
This mat-forming species is from southeastern Kenya, where it grows out of rock crevices. The narrow stems are spiny, a uniform green, and crested; the spine shields are T-shaped, which is diagnostic for this species. The cyathia are yellow. These are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia petricola 3-inch pots $12.00
This mat-forming species is from southeastern Kenya, where it grows out of rock crevices. The narrow stems are spiny and a uniform green; the spine shields are T-shaped, which is diagnostic for this species. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia petricola 4-inch pots $15.00
This mat-forming species is from southeastern Kenya, where it grows out of rock crevices. The narrow stems are spiny and a uniform green; the spine shields are T-shaped, which is diagnostic for this species. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia petricola 5-inch pots $20.00
This mat-forming species is from southeastern Kenya, where it grows out of rock crevices. The narrow stems are spiny and a uniform green; the spine shields are T-shaped, which is diagnostic for this species. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia phosphorea 4-inch pots $15.00
Euphorbia phosphorea is a shrub from Brazil consisting of green, unarmed stems branching from the base. The species has only ephemeral leaves and inconspicuous flowers. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia platyclada 2-inch pots $10.00
From Madagascar, this species has flat unarmed stems that are reddish brown and somewhat wrinkly. The plants are slow growing and form sprawling mats that obscure the stems. This is perhaps the most unusual form of a Euphorbia that we sell. We offer seedlings of this species in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia platyclada 4-inch pots $15.00
From Madagascar, this species has flat unarmed stems that are reddish brown and somewhat wrinkly. The plants are slow growing and form sprawling mats that obscure the stems. This is perhaps the most unusual form of a Euphorbia that we sell. We offer seedlings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia platyclada 4-inch pots $15.00
From Madagascar, this species has flat unarmed stems that are reddish brown and somewhat wrinkly. The plants are slow growing and form sprawling mats that obscure the stems. This is perhaps the most unusual form of a Euphorbia that we sell. We offer seedlings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia platyclada var. erecta 2-inch pots $8.00
From Madagascar, this species has flat unarmed stems that are reddish brown and somewhat wrinkly. The plants are slow growing and form sprawling mats that obscure the stems. This is perhaps the most unusual form of a Euphorbia that we sell. Variety erecta has many upright stems, hence the name. We offer seedlings of this species in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia platyclada var. erecta 2-inch pots $8.00
From Madagascar, this species has flat unarmed stems that are reddish brown and somewhat wrinkly. The plants are slow growing and form sprawling mats that obscure the stems. This is perhaps the most unusual form of a Euphorbia that we sell. Variety erecta has many upright stems, hence the name. We offer seedlings of this species in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia poisonii 4-inch pots $45.00
This species, from tropical West Africa, has thick cylindrical pale gray stems, up to 6-feet tall, bearing tuft of recurved spathulate leaves at the tips. This species is similar to E. unispina and E. venenifica. Rare and seldom offered, we have seedlings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia polyacantha (rosenii) 5-inch pots $20.00
This shrub from the Sudan and Ethiopia, has multiangled stems that branch above the base. Unlike the typical form of E. polyacantha, this version, no longer recognized as a subspecies, has few spines on the stem margins. Like the typical species, the stems are a very pretty gray-green, and the cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia polyacantha (rosenii) one-gallon pots $25.00
This shrub from the Sudan and Ethiopia, has multiangled stems that branch above the base. Unlike the typical form of E. polyacantha, this version, no longer recognized as a subspecies, has few spines on the stem margins. Like the typical species, the stems are a very pretty gray-green, and the cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia polyacantha 4-inch pots $15.00
This upright, spiny species, from the Sudan and Ethiopia, has multiangled stems that branch above the base. The stems are a very pretty gray-green, and the cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia polyacantha 5-inch pots $20.00
This upright, spiny species, from the Sudan and Ethiopia, has multiangled stems that branch above the base. These multibranched individuals have stem scars that appear to be characteristic of this species. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia polygona (Bethelsdorp) 12-inch pots $75.00
These Euphorbia polygona are from material collected near Bethelsdorp, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Euphorbia polygona forms tall, columnar stems that are green with a blue-grey cast. The crowning spines tend to be reddish when growing. These rooted offsets are in 12-inch pots.
Euphorbia polygona (GM 052) 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants (GM 052) are from seed collected near Riebeck East, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Euphorbia polygona forms medium-sized, columnar stems that are green with a blue-grey cast and tend to spiral. The crowning spines tend to be reddish when growing. The plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia polygona (GM 459) 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are from material collected on Coega Kop, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa (GM 459). This form has short, columnar stems that are green with small soft spines. The crowning spines tend to be reddish when growing. These plants have a form near to what is called Euphorbia anoplia. These rooted cuttings are in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia polygona (GM 459) 5-inch pots $20.00
These seedling Euphorbia polygona are propagated from material originally collected on Coega Kop, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa (GM 459). This form has short, columnar stems that are green with small soft spines. The crowning spines tend to be reddish when growing. These plants have a form near to what is called Euphorbia anoplia. These rooted cuttings are in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia polygona 3-inch pots $10.00
Euphorbia polygona forms tall, columnar stems that are green with a blue-grey cast. The crowning spines tend to be reddish when growing. These seedlings are in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia polygona 4-inch pots $15.00
Euphorbia polygona forms tall, columnar stems that are green with a blue-grey cast. The crowning spines tend to be reddish when growing. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia polygona 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia polygona forms tall, columnar stems that are green with a blue-grey cast. The crowning spines tend to be reddish when growing. These seedlings are in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia polygona 8-inch pots $45.00
Euphorbia polygona forms tall, columnar stems that are green with a blue-grey cast. The crowning spines tend to be reddish when growing. These seedlings are in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia polygona one-gallon pots $25.00
Euphorbia polygona forms tall, columnar stems that are green with a blue-grey cast. The crowning spines tend to be reddish when growing. These seedlings are in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia proballyana 4-inch pots $15.00
This shrubby spiny Euphorbia, from Tanzania, forms dense, spiny plants. This species is known for its sharp spines and beautiful form. The 4- to 5-angled stems bear orange-red cyathia. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia proballyana 5-inch pots $20.00
This shrubby spiny Euphorbia, from Tanzania, forms dense, spiny plants. This species is known for its sharp spines and beautiful form. The 4- to 5-angled stems bear orange-red cyathia. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia proballyana one-gallon pots $30.00
This shrubby spiny Euphorbia, from Tanzania, forms dense, spiny plants. This species is known for its sharp spines and beautiful form. The 4- to 5-angled stems bear orange-red cyathia. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia pseudoburuana 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Masai region of Kenya and Tanzania, this species has a woody caudex. Upright branches that are irregularly angled and very spiny arise from this caudex. The branches are gray-green with numerous constrictions, and the cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this interesting species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia pseudoburuana 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Masai region of Kenya and Tanzania, this species has a woody caudex. Upright branches that are irregularly angled and very spiny arise from this caudex. The branches are gray-green with numerous constrictions, and the cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this interesting species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia pseudocactus 5-inch pots $20.00
Known from the town of Muden in KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this is a very nice species that we like a lot. It has nice variegated markings on its square spiny stems. We‘ve had this growing outside in Tucson for about 10 years, where occasionally it is frost-pruned. The yellow cyathia are pretty spectacular for us in springtime. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia pseudocactus 8-inch pots $35.00
Known from the town of Muden in KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this is a very nice species that we like a lot. It has nice variegated markings on its square spiny stems. We’ve had this growing outside in Tucson for about 10 years, where occasionally it is frost-pruned. The yellow cyathia are pretty spectacular for us in springtime. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia pseudocactus one-gallon pots $25.00
Known from the town of Muden in KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, this is a very nice species that we like a lot. It has nice variegated markings on its square spiny stems. We’ve had this growing outside in Tucson for about 10 years, where occasionally it is frost-pruned. The yellow cyathia are pretty spectacular for us in springtime. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia pseudoglobosa 4-inch pots $15.00
As the epithet indicates, this species is very similar to Euphorbia globosa. These plants have nearly spherical to elongated yellow-green bodies that produce numerous tubercled branches that, in turn, produce non-persistent peduncles supporting cyathia. With time, the bodies clump, forming a globose mass. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia pteroneura 5-inch pots $20.00
From southern Mexico, this shrub has upright, unarmed and light green stems with strange angled "wings." The cyathia are a light green. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia quadrangularis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Kondoa District of Tanzania, this species has tall, square and spiny stems that are beautifully variegated. The cyathia are green with red borders. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia quadrilatera 4-inch pots $15.00
Euphorbia quadrilatera is a small shrub from the Njombe District of southern Tanzania. The 4-angled branches are green with darker mottling, and the cyathia are yellow with red margins. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia quinquecostata (Kichich form) 5-inch pots $20.00
The typical form of this beautiful tree Euphorbia is from northeastern Tanzania and southeastern Kenya, mostly in the subtropical regions on rocky hillslopes. These plants are propagated from material originally collected from Kichich Camp in the Mathews Range of central Kenya and are likely a subspecies of the typical form. The branches are 3-4 angled with wavy margins and near-continuous spine shields. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia reclinata (WY 1121) 2-inch pots $10.00
From material originally collected in central Tanzania (WY 1121), Euphorbia reclinata is a shrubby spiny plant with wand-like stems that recurve, justifying its name. The cyathia are yellow, which is not too much of a surprise. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia reclinata (WY 1121) 5-inch pots $20.00
From material originally collected in central Tanzania (WY 1121), Euphorbia reclinata is a shrubby spiny plant with wand-like stems that recurve, justifying its name. The cyathia are yellow, which is not too much of a surprise. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia resinifera 3-gallon pots $75.00
This mound-forming species from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco is frost hardy in Tucson. The stems are gray-green, and stem scars are typical for this species. The cyathia produced in the spring are yellow and numerous. These plants are rooted cuttings 3-gallon pots.
Euphorbia resinifera 4-inch pots $15.00
This mound-forming species from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco is frost hardy in Tucson. The stems are gray-green, and stem scars are typical for this species. The cyathia produced in the spring are yellow and numerous. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia resinifera 4-inch pots $15.00
This mound-forming species from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco is frost hardy in Tucson. The stems are gray-green, and stem scars are typical for this species. The cyathia produced in the spring are yellow and numerous. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia resinifera 5-inch pots $20.00
This mound-forming species from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco is frost hardy in Tucson. The stems are gray-green, and stem scars are typical for this species. The cyathia produced in the spring are yellow and numerous. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia restricta 4-inch pots $15.00
As the name implies, Euphorbia restricta occurs only at its type locality in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. This species has thick, spiny stems that branch frequently. Two pairs of spines occur each node, one pair long and the other pair are mere prickles. We offer seedlings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia restricta 8-inch pots $45.00
As the name implies, Euphorbia restricta occurs only at its type locality in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. This species has thick, spiny stems that branch frequently. Two pairs of spines occur each node, one pair long and the other pair are mere prickles. We offer this species as rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia restricta one-gallon pots $25.00
As the name implies, Euphorbia restricta occurs only at its type locality in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. This species has thick, spiny stems that branch frequently. Two pairs of spines occur each node, one pair long and the other pair are mere prickles. We offer this species as rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia richardsiae ssp. richardsiae 3-inch pots $10.00
This nice shrubby Euphorbia comes from Malawi. The branches are 4-5 angled with prominent teeth. The flowers are bright red and showy, at least for a Euphorbia. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia richardsiae ssp. richardsiae 4-inch pots $15.00
This nice shrubby Euphorbia comes from Malawi. The branches are 4-5 angled with prominent teeth. The flowers are bright red and showy, at least for a Euphorbia. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia richardsiae ssp. richardsiae 5-inch pots $20.00
This nice shrubby Euphorbia comes from Malawi. The branches are 4-5 angled with prominent teeth. The flowers are bright red and showy, at least for a Euphorbia. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia richardsiae ssp. robusta 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from the Northern Province of Malawi, is a larger plant than E. richardsiae ssp. richardsiae. Growing to a taller height, the five-angled branches are stouter and have more spines. The flowers are bright yellow. These are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia richardsiae ssp. robusta one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, from the Northern Province of Malawi, is a larger plant than E. richardsiae ssp. richardsiae. Growing to a taller height, the five-angled branches are stouter and have more spines. The flowers are bright yellow. These are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia rowlandii one-gallon pots $25.00
This species occurs on sandstone ridges in Kruger National Park, South Africa. It is a densely branched shrub with 5-7 angled, blue-green stems that are spiny. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia royleana 2-gallon pots $40.00
From the Suen Range of the Himalaya in India, this wonderful columnar species puts out large leaves in the summer. With time, this species forms a large shrub or small tree with open candelabrum branches. This plant is frost hardy in Tucson, taking only minor stem damage at 19F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Euphorbia royleana 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Suen Range of the Himalaya in India, this wonderful columnar species puts out large leaves in the summer. With time, this species forms a large shrub or small tree with open candelabrum branches. This plant is frost hardy in Tucson, taking only minor stem damage at 19F. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia royleana 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Suen Range of the Himalaya in India, this wonderful columnar species puts out large leaves in the summer. With time, this species forms a large shrub or small tree with open candelabrum branches. This plant is frost hardy in Tucson, taking only minor stem damage at 19F. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia royleana 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Suen Range of the Himalaya in India, this wonderful columnar species puts out large leaves in the summer. With time, this species forms a large shrub or small tree with open candelabrum branches. This plant is frost hardy in Tucson, taking only minor stem damage at 19F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia royleana one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Suen Range of the Himalaya in India, this wonderful columnar species puts out large leaves in the summer. With time, this species forms a large shrub or small tree with open candelabrum branches. This plant is frost hardy in Tucson, taking only minor stem damage at 19F. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia rubrimarginata 4-inch pots $12.00
From the border region between Ethiopia and Kenya, this Euphorbia is a densely branched shrub with spiny branches. Those branches are square, and the cyathia glands are dark yellow with red margins. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia rubrimarginata 8-inch pots $35.00
From the border region between Ethiopia and Kenya, this Euphorbia is a densely branched shrub with spiny branches. Those branches are square, and the cyathia glands are dark yellow with red margins. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia rubrimarginata one-gallon pots $25.00
From the border region between Ethiopia and Kenya, this Euphorbia is a densely branched shrub with spiny branches. Those branches are square, and the cyathia glands are dark yellow with red margins. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia rubrispinosa (SL 87-1572) 4-inch pots $12.00
From Tanzania, this clump-forming Euphorbia has bright green stems with brownish-red spines. With time, the branches become tangled and dense. The cyathia are yellow, turning red with age. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia rubrispinosa (SL 87-1572) 5-inch pots $15.00
From Tanzania, this clump-forming Euphorbia has bright green stems with brownish-red spines. With time, the branches become tangled and dense. The cyathia are yellow, turning red with age. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia rubrispinosa (SL 87-1572) one-gallon pots $25.00
From Tanzania, this clump-forming Euphorbia has bright green stems with brownish-red spines. With time, the branches become tangled and dense. The cyathia are yellow, turning red with age. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia samburuensis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the North-East Province of Kenya, this species has a thick, fleshy stem and sprawling (and we mean that) stems that are extremely thorny. One thing about those stems -- they are beautifully marked. This species makes a great hanging plant as long as it is out of harm’s way. These are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia saxorum 5-inch pots $20.00
This easy-to-grow Euphorbia is from Kenya, where it grows on rock outcrops. This is a beautiful spiny subshrub with thin, sprawling stems that produce red cyathia. The effect of the red cyathia on the bright green stems is striking. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia saxorum one-gallon pots $25.00
This easy-to-grow Euphorbia is from Kenya, where it grows on rock outcrops. This is a beautiful spiny subshrub with thin, sprawling stems that produce red cyathia. The effect of the red cyathia on the bright green stems is striking. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia scarlatina (WY 1103) 5-inch pots $20.00
This species grows in the southern Rift Valley of Kenya. These plants are propagated from material originally collected near Olorgassallie. The plant stems are unremarkable with their 6 ribs and black spines, but the cyathia are scarlet, hence the epithet. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia scheffleri 5-inch pots $20.00
From East Africa, these plants are propagated from material originally collected near Namanga, Kenya. It is a treelike Euphorbia with large oblancheolate leaves that are quite attractive. Some consider this species to be synonymous with Euphorbia somalensis, indicating a potential wider distribution than just Kenya. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia schinzii 5-inch pots $20.00
This spiny, sprawling shrub is from the northeastern provinces of South Africa, extending into Botswana and Zimbabwe. The plants have paired spines on the stems and produce yellow cyathia. Euphorbia schinzii is one endpoint in a group of shrubby Euphorbias and is taxonomically important. We offer this species as rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia schinzii one-gallon pots $30.00
This spiny, sprawling shrub is from the northeastern provinces of South Africa, extending into Botswana and Zimbabwe. The plants have paired spines on the stems and produce yellow cyathia. Euphorbia schinzii is one endpoint in a group of shrubby Euphorbias and is taxonomically important. We offer this species as rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia schoenlandii 2-inch pots $10.00
This columnar Euphorbia is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Most of the natural populations are gone because much of its habitat has been turned into vineyards. The stems are beautifully marked with conical tubercles, and persistent peduncles remain on the stems. The cyathia are yellow and very sweetly scented. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia schoenlandii 3-inch pots $12.00
This columnar Euphorbia is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Most of the natural populations are gone because much of its habitat has been turned into vineyards. The stems are beautifully marked with conical tubercles, and persistent peduncles remain on the stems. The cyathia are yellow and very sweetly scented. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia schoenlandii 4-inch pots $15.00
This columnar Euphorbia is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Most of the natural populations are gone because much of its habitat has been turned into vineyards. The stems are beautifully marked with conical tubercles, and persistent peduncles remain on the stems. The cyathia are yellow and very sweetly scented. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia semperflorens 10-inch pots $75.00
Euphorbia semperflorens is from Angola. This really gnarly species, which seems as if it bears more scars than regular epidermis, is a work of art. Slow growing, this is a classic Euphorbia for the serious collector. These plants are rooted cuttings in 10-inch pots.
Euphorbia semperflorens 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia semperflorens is from Angola. This really gnarly species, which seems as if it bears more scars than regular epidermis, is a work of art. Slow growing, this is a classic Euphorbia for the serious collector. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia semperflorens one-gallon pots $30.00
Euphorbia semperflorens is from Angola. This really gnarly species, which seems as if it bears more scars than regular epidermis, is a work of art. Slow growing, this is a classic Euphorbia for the serious collector. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia septentrionalis 2-inch pots $8.00
From Uganda and northern Kenya, this species is a dense, spiny shrub with thick, fleshy rootstock. The cyathia on these plants are yellow and cover the stems when the plant is happy. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia septentrionalis 3-inch pots $10.00
From Uganda and northern Kenya, this species is a dense, spiny shrub with thick, fleshy rootstock. The cyathia on these plants are yellow and cover the stems when the plant is happy. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia septentrionalis one-gallon pots $25.00
From Uganda and northern Kenya, this species is a dense, spiny shrub with thick, fleshy rootstock. The cyathia on these plants are yellow and cover the stems when the plant is happy. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia septentrionalis var. gamugofana 2-inch pots $8.00
From southern Ethiopia, this subspecies of Euphorbia septentrionalis is a dense, spiny shrub with thick, fleshy rootstock. It has thicker stems and longer spines than the typical species The cyathia on these plants are yellow and cover the stems when the plant is happy. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia septentrionalis var. gamugofana 3-inch pots $10.00
From southern Ethiopia, this subspecies of Euphorbia septentrionalis is a dense, spiny shrub with thick, fleshy rootstock. It has thicker stems and longer spines than the typical species The cyathia on these plants are yellow and cover the stems when the plant is happy. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia septentrionalis var. gamugofana 4-inch pots $12.00
From southern Ethiopia, this subspecies of Euphorbia septentrionalis is a dense, spiny shrub with thick, fleshy rootstock. It has thicker stems and longer spines than the typical species The cyathia on these plants are yellow and cover the stems when the plant is happy. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia septentrionalis var. gamugofana 5-inch pots $18.00
From southern Ethiopia, this subspecies of Euphorbia septentrionalis is a dense, spiny shrub with thick, fleshy rootstock. It has thicker stems and longer spines than the typical species The cyathia on these plants are yellow and cover the stems when the plant is happy. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia septentrionalis var. gamugofana one-gallon pots $25.00
From southern Ethiopia, this subspecies of Euphorbia septentrionalis is a dense, spiny shrub with thick, fleshy rootstock. It has thicker stems and longer spines than the typical species The cyathia on these plants are yellow and cover the stems when the plant is happy. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia serendipida 4-inch pots $15.00
From southern Kenya, this species comes from a highly restricted area that is now rapidly becoming a quarry. This spiny, shrubby Euphorbia has nice, erect stems that are attractively variegated. The paired spines are red to brown and up to a half-inch long. What is remarkable are the beautiful cyathia, which are like little red rubies. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia similiramea 4-inch pots $12.00
This low species, from Tanzania and Kenya, has no caudex but instead stems arise from a tuberous root system. The thin stems feature spines on broadly triangular tubercles that are separated with no horny margin. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia similiramea 5-inch pots $20.00
This low species, from Tanzania and Kenya, has no caudex but instead stems arise from a tuberous root system. The thin stems feature spines on broadly triangular tubercles that are separated with no horny margin. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia songweana 5-inch pots $20.00
Songwe is a town in southern Tanzania and it near to where this plant grows naturally. It is a shrub with wand-like stems. The stems are gray-green and essentially spineless. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia sp. (Laikipia Plateau, Kenya) 5-inch pots $25.00
This shrubby Euphorb, from the Laikipia Plateau of central Kenya, is somewhat similar to Euphorbia tescorum from more northerly regions, only it has four-angled stems. This undescribed species branches from the base, producing long, wand-like stems that are rather stout and variegated with darker green blotches. The cyathia are yellow. They are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia sp. (Laikipia Plateau, Kenya) one-gallon pots $35.00
This shrubby Euphorb, from the Laikipia Plateau of central Kenya, is somewhat similar to Euphorbia tescorum from more northerly regions, only it has four-angled stems. This undescribed species branches from the base, producing long, wand-like stems that are rather stout and variegated with darker green blotches. The cyathia are yellow. They are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia sp. (Singida Province, Tanzania ES 2119) 4-inch pots $20.00
This plant is from Singida Province, Tanzania (ES 2119) but otherwise we know very little about it. It produces numerous wand-like spiny green branches. No doubt the cyathia are yellow or white. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia sp. (Singida Province, Tanzania; ES 2119) 3-inch pots $15.00
This plant is from Singida Province, Tanzania (ES 2119) but otherwise we know very little about it. It produces numerous wand-like spiny green branches. No doubt the cyathia are yellow or white. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia sp. aff. greenwayii 3-inch pots $12.00
One of the most beautiful of the Euphorbias from tropical East Africa, this species, from Tanzania, has square stems that are brilliantly marked in rich blue-green and pale-gray colors. The spines are reddish, and the cyathia have red stamens. This plant differs from the typical species by having somewhat larger stems. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia sp. aff. heterochroma (Same, Tanzania) one-gallon pots $25.00
These plants originated from material originally collected near Same, Tanzania. It seems to be the same as Euphorbia heterochroma, but we have not seen the cyathia yet. It is a densely branched shrub with square, nicely variegated stems. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia sp. aff. tortirama (Greyton) 2-inch pots $12.00
Euphorbia tortirama is from the Northern Province of South Africa. These plants are from material originally collected at Greyton, in the Western Cape Province. This species is one of the spiny stemmed medusoid species that is highly valued by collectors. The relatively thick stems are twisted with sparse spines, and these plants differ from typical E. tortirama in that the branches are 4-angled branches. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia sp. aff. tortirama (Greyton) 4-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia tortirama is from the Northern Province of South Africa. These plants are from material originally collected at Greyton, in the Western Cape Province. This species is one of the spiny stemmed medusoid species that is highly valued by collectors. The relatively thick stems are twisted with sparse spines, and these plants differ from typical E. tortirama in that the branches are 4-angled branches. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia sp. Edward Hummell (crest) 2-inch pots $12.00
This medium-sized shrub is a bit of a puzzle, its origin unknown except the nod to Edward Hummell, a now gone succulent plant propagator. It definitely has some influence from Euphorbia grandicornis, but beyond that it is anyones guess. No doubt the cyathia are yellow or white, but We’ve never seen them. This is a crested plant that is quite nice. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia sp. Edward Hummell (crest) 4-inch pots $30.00
This medium-sized shrub is a bit of a puzzle, its origin unknown except the nod to Edward Hummell, a now gone succulent plant propagator. It definitely has some influence from Euphorbia grandicornis, but beyond that it is anyones guess. No doubt the cyathia are yellow or white, but We’ve never seen them. This is a crested plant that is quite nice. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia sp. Edward Hummell (crest) 4-inch pots $30.00
This medium-sized shrub is a bit of a puzzle, its origin unknown except the nod to Edward Hummell, a now gone succulent plant propagator. It definitely has some influence from Euphorbia grandicornis, but beyond that it is anyones guess. No doubt the cyathia are yellow or white, but We’ve never seen them. This is a crested plant that is quite nice. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia sp. Edward Hummell 5-inch pots $20.00
This medium-sized shrub is a bit of a puzzle, its origin unknown except the nod to Edward Hummell, a now gone succulent plant propagator. It definitely has some influence from Euphorbia grandicornis, but beyond that it is anyones guess. No doubt the cyathia are yellow or white, but We’ve never seen them. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia sp. monstrose 4-inch pots $15.00
This little clump-forming plant is of unknown origin, but it appears to have an affinity for a number of South African species, including E. tubiglans, E. jansenvillensis, and E. polycephala. The medusoid head produces numerous small and short green, tuberculate branches. No doubt the cyathia are yellow or white. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia sp. monstrose 5-inch pots $20.00
This little clump-forming plant is of unknown origin, but it appears to have an affinity for a number of South African species, including E. tubiglans, E. jansenvillensis, and E. polycephala. The medusoid head produces numerous small and short green, tuberculate branches. No doubt the cyathia are yellow or white. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia sp. monstrose 8-inch pots $35.00
This little clump-forming plant is of unknown origin, but it appears to have an affinity for a number of South African species, including E. tubiglans, E. jansenvillensis, and E. polycephala. The medusoid head produces numerous small and short green, tuberculate branches. No doubt the cyathia are yellow or white. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia sp. monstrose one-gallon pots $25.00
This little clump-forming plant is of unknown origin, but it appears to have an affinity for a number of South African species, including E. tubiglans, E. jansenvillensis, and E. polycephala. The medusoid head produces numerous small and short green, tuberculate branches. No doubt the cyathia are yellow or white. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia sp. not virosa (Palmwag, Namibia) one-gallon pots $35.00
This beautiful shrubby species is from northern Namibia and probably extends into Angola. These plants are from material originally collected in the vicinity of Palmwag, Namibia. Its stems are blue-green in color with nice variegation on the stems, and the 4-6 flutes that typically form are lined with paired spines. The cyathia are yellow. Unlike the typical species, this form is a larger shrub, and its seed capsules bear 3-5 seeds that are easily 2-3 times larger than the typical, which is probably sufficient to describe this as a new species. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia stapfii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species once was thought to be in cultivation only, but recently wild populations have been located in southeastern Uganda. Likely this plant occurs naturally in Uganda and western Kenya. It resembles Euphorbia heterospina with significant different, one being a thinner stem diameter. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia stellata 2-inch pots $15.00
This Euphorbia has a woody caudex with crown of two angled, spiny variegated branches. As the name suggests, the branches radiate out from the caudex, and unless the caudex is raised the branches lay prostrate against the ground. These are spectacular seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia stellispina 2-inch pots $12.00
Our plants have stout cylindical corn-cob stems that offset from the base, forming huge clumps. The peduncles, both sterile and fertile, have stellate tips. This species, which is dioecious, comes from the Northern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. Our plants have stout cylindical corn-cob stems that offset from the base, forming huge clumps. The peduncles, both sterile and fertile, have stellate tips. This species, which is dioecious, comes from the Northern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. We offer seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia strangulata one-gallon pots $20.00
This spiny, succulent shrub, from Angola, has thick, four-angled branches with confluent spine shields. The spines are gray, and the cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia submammillaris 3-inch pots $10.00
This plant is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, where it either is a species by some accounts or merely a form within the larger Euphorbia mammillaris – E. fimbriata complex. It differs from the typical E. mamillaris with its more elongated form, and it has gray-green stems that distinguish it from the typical E. fimbriata form. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia subsalsa 4-inch pots $12.00
This little, open-branched shrub comes from the Kunene River valley of northern Namibia and southern Angola. One of its strongest characteristics is the presence of two long spines and two prickles from the same point on the stem. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia subsalsa 5-inch pots $15.00
This little, open-branched shrub comes from the Kunene River valley of northern Namibia and southern Angola. One of its strongest characteristics is the presence of two long spines and two prickles from the same point on the stem. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia subsalsa one-gallon pots $25.00
This little, open-branched shrub comes from the Kunene River valley of northern Namibia and southern Angola. One of its strongest characteristics is the presence of two long spines and two prickles from the same point on the stem. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia subscandens 4-inch pots $12.00
Euphorbia subscandens is a densely branching subshrub from northern Kenya. The stems are rhizomatous and are round and densely spined. In addition, the stems are beautifully variegated in purple-green and yellow mottling and striping. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia subscandens 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia subscandens is a densely branching subshrub from northern Kenya. The stems are rhizomatous and are round and densely spined. In addition, the stems are beautifully variegated in purple-green and yellow mottling and striping. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia susan-holmesiae 4-inch pots $15.00
When we received these plants, this was supposed to be Euphorbia tortilis, one of the great tree Euphorbias from India and a species that tends to have spirally twisted stems. Problem is that these plants do not look like the typical E. tortillis. We now believe this is E. susan-holmesiae, named for the noted Euphorbia expert and a species closely related to E. tortilis. These have more and longer spines on the stems, and they do not spiral as tightly as the real species and have more slender stems. These are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia susan-holmesiae 5-inch pots $20.00
When we received these plants, this was supposed to be Euphorbia tortilis, one of the great tree Euphorbias from India and a species that tends to have spirally twisted stems. Problem is that these plants do not look like the typical E. tortillis. We now believe this is E. susan-holmesiae, named for the noted Euphorbia expert and a species closely related to E. tortilis. These have more and longer spines on the stems, and they do not spiral as tightly as the real species and have more slender stems. These are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia susannae 2-inch pots $10.00
This species, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is mostly a winter grower but can also grow during the summer if treated carefully. Seedlings look like little knobby spheres about 1.5 inches in diameter. These will grow into a flat topped, tightly packed group of stems up to a foot in diameter. The species is dioecious, producing clusters of yellow cyathia. This species has become very rare in habitat. Our seedlings are ready to flower and offset in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia susannae 3-inch pots $12.00
This species, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is mostly a winter grower but can also grow during the summer if treated carefully. Seedlings look like little knobby spheres about 1.5 inches in diameter. These will grow into a flat topped, tightly packed group of stems up to a foot in diameter. The species is dioecious, producing clusters of yellow cyathia. This species has become very rare in habitat. Our seedlings are ready to flower and offset in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia susannae 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is mostly a winter grower but can also grow during the summer if treated carefully. Seedlings look like little knobby spheres about 1.5 inches in diameter. These will grow into a flat topped, tightly packed group of stems up to a foot in diameter. The species is dioecious, producing clusters of yellow cyathia. This species has become very rare in habitat. Our seedlings are ready to flower and offset in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia suzannae-marnierae 4-inch pots $30.00
From the Toliara area of southern Madagascar, this dwarf geophyte has linear to ovate leaves with crisped margins. Eventually, these plants resemble hemispheric billiard balls with stems. The cyathia are a non-descript green and are nodding. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia symmetrica 2-inch pots $10.00
This species, which we keep separate from E. obesa, is from Kruidfontein northwest of Willowmore in the Western Cape Province. The stems are globular, light gray-green in color, and very squat body when mature. The species is differentiated from E. obesa by the multiple flower buds per node. Our plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia symmetrica 3-inch pots $12.00
This species, which we keep separate from E. obesa, is from Kruidfontein northwest of Willowmore in the Western Cape Province. The stems are globular, light gray-green in color, and very squat body when mature. The species is differentiated from E. obesa by the multiple flower buds per node. Our plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia taruensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the most unique of the shrubby Euphorbias, and it occurs in southeastern Kenya. It has essentially spineless yet variegated stems that spread by rhizomes. The cyathia are green and pale orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia teixeirae 5-inch pots $20.00
This tree Euphorbia is from Angola. It has light yellow-green stems that are 3-5 angled with few persistent leaves. The cyathia are green. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia teixeirae 8-inch pots $45.00
This tree Euphorbia is from Angola. It has light yellow-green stems that are 3-5 angled with few persistent leaves. The cyathia are green. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia teixeirae one-gallon pots $30.00
This tree Euphorbia is from Angola. It has light yellow-green stems that are 3-5 angled with few persistent leaves. The cyathia are green. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia teke 4-inch pots $20.00
This is a deep-forest tree from central Africa, ranging from Uganda down through northwestern Tanzania. It has 4-angled branches that produce large, obovate leaves. This plant needs warmth, a well-drained mix, and lots of water. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia teke 5-inch pots $25.00
This is a deep-forest tree from central Africa, ranging from Uganda down through northwestern Tanzania. It has 4-angled branches that produce large, obovate leaves. This plant needs warmth, a well-drained mix, and lots of water. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia teke one-gallon pots $30.00
This is a deep-forest tree from central Africa, ranging from Uganda down through northwestern Tanzania. It has 4-angled branches that produce large, obovate leaves. This plant needs warmth, a well-drained mix, and lots of water. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia tenuispinosa var. robusta 10-inch pots $45.00
This species, from eastern Kenya, has a tuberous root with stems arising from near ground level. Those stems are toothed with stout paired spines. We offer plants that are rooted cuttings that still form a caudex and are in 10-inch pots.
Euphorbia tenuispinosa var. robusta 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from eastern Kenya, has a tuberous root with stems arising from near ground level. Those stems are toothed with stout paired spines. We offer plants that are cuttings that still form a caudex and are in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia tenuispinosa var. robusta 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from eastern Kenya, has a tuberous root with stems arising from near ground level. Those stems are toothed with stout paired spines. We offer plants that are rooted cuttings that still form a caudex and are in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia tenuispinosa var. robusta 8-inch pots $35.00
This species, from eastern Kenya, has a tuberous root with stems arising from near ground level. Those stems are toothed with stout paired spines. We offer plants that are rooted cuttings that still form a caudex and are in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia tenuispinosa var. robusta one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, from eastern Kenya, has a tuberous root with stems arising from near ground level. Those stems are toothed with stout paired spines. We offer plants that are rooted cuttings that still form a caudex and are in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia tescorum (Lav 12516) 4-inch pots $15.00
We are offering plants propagated from material originally collected from the Turkana District of northern Kenya (Lav 12516). This species has thick, variegated, blue-green stems with stout paired spines. The cyathia are yellow. We have rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia tescorum (Lav 12516) 5-inch pots $20.00
We are offering plants propagated from material originally collected from the Turkana District of northern Kenya (Lav 12516). This species has thick, variegated, blue-green stems with stout paired spines. The cyathia are yellow. We have rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia tescorum (Powys 766) 4-inch pots $30.00
From northeastern Uganda, northern Kenya, and southern Ethiopia, this shrubby Euphorbia produces numerous stems. These plants are propagated from material collected by the late Gilfrid Powys (Powys 766). The thick, variegated stems have stout paired spines, and the species resembles E. heterochroma on steroids. Ya gotta admit this one is a beautiful species. We offer seedlings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia tescorum (PV 2496) 4-inch pots $35.00
From northeastern Uganda, northern Kenya, and southern Ethiopia, this shrubby Euphorbia produces numerous stems from the ground. The thick, variegated stems have stout paired spines, and the species resembles E. heterochroma on steroids. These plants are propagated from material originally collected near Merrill, Kenya (PV 2496), and the plants are not nearly as well marked or as robust as our typical E. tescorum. The cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia tetracanthoides 3-inch pots $15.00
From Tanzania, this plant is a low, trailing shrub with four-angled branches that, with time, become tangled and rebranched. This untidy shrub has yellow cyathia. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia tetracanthoides 5-inch pots $25.00
From Tanzania, this plant is a low, trailing shrub with four-angled branches that, with time, become tangled and rebranched. This untidy shrub has yellow cyathia. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia tirucalli 5-inch pots $20.00
Often called 'Fire Sticks,' Euphorbia tirucalli has an unknown original locality but now is widely distributed in the Old and New World Tropics, typically used as a living hedge. This spineless Euphorbia forms a large shrub or tree , and the white sap produced when the branches are broken or disturbed is extremely toxic and easily burns skin. We have grown this plant outside in Tucson, where it can withstand 26F with some protection. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia tirucalli one-gallon pots $25.00
Often called 'Fire Sticks,' Euphorbia tirucalli has an unknown original locality but now is widely distributed in the Old and New World Tropics, typically used as a living hedge. This spineless Euphorbia forms a large shrub or tree , and the white sap produced when the branches are broken or disturbed is extremely toxic and easily burns skin. We have grown this plant outside in Tucson, where it can withstand 26F with some protection. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia tortilis 2-gallon pots $65.00
Another one of the great tree Euphorbias from India, this plant tends to have spirally twisted stems. The stems branch frequently, and they are quite spiny although the spines are short. These are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Euphorbia tortilis 8-inch pots $35.00
Another one of the great tree Euphorbias from India, this plant tends to have spirally twisted stems. The stems branch frequently, and they are quite spiny although the spines are short. These are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Euphorbia tortilis one-gallon pots $25.00
Another one of the great tree Euphorbias from India, this plant tends to have spirally twisted stems. The stems branch frequently, and they are quite spiny although the spines are short. These are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia tortirama 2-inch pots $10.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this species is one of the spiny stemmed medusoid species that is highly valued by collectors. The relatively thick stems are twisted with sparse spines on the 3-angled branches. The cyathia are yellow. E. groenewaldii, the closest species, tends to form more-compact plants. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia tortirama 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this species is one of the spiny stemmed medusoid species that is highly valued by collectors. The relatively thick stems are twisted with sparse spines on the 3-angled branches. The cyathia are yellow. E. groenewaldii, the closest species, tends to form more-compact plants. Our version of E. tortirama are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia tortirama 5-inch pots $25.00
From the Northern Province of South Africa, this species is one of the spiny stemmed medusoid species that is highly valued by collectors. The relatively thick stems are twisted with sparse spines on the 3-angled branches. The cyathia are yellow. E. groenewaldii, the closest species, tends to form more-compact plants. Our version of E. tortirama are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia trapaeifolia 5-inch pots $20.00
This small tree is now considered part of the E. sudanica complex, which ironically is from Mali. The stems are round with paired spines, and the leaves have sculpted tips. We admit this is very similar to E. sudanica, but we will keep it separate for now. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia triangularis 2-gallon pots $45.00
This tall tree, with a habitat range from Mozambique down through South Africa and Swaziland, has 3-5 angled branches instead of strictly what the name implies. This plant has yellow cyathia. These rooted cuttings are in 2-gallon pots.
Euphorbia triangularis 5-inch pots $20.00
This tall tree, with a habitat range from Mozambique down through South Africa and Swaziland, has 3-5 angled branches instead of strictly what the name implies. This plant has yellow cyathia. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia triangularis one-gallon pots $30.00
This tall tree, with a habitat range from Mozambique down through South Africa and Swaziland, has 3-5 angled branches instead of strictly what the name implies. This plant has yellow cyathia. These seedlings are in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia tridentata (DMC 4177) 3-inch pots $12.00
This medusoid Euphorbia is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. It has an enlarged tuberous root that produces offsets via rhizomes and branching, creating a plant of irregular shape. The branches numerous tessellated flattened tubercles. The cyathia are white. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia trigona (red) 3-inch pots $10.00
Euphorbia trigona is not known from the wild, but the plant clearly must have originated either in India or Angola, given its affinities to plants in those diverse parts of the Euphorbia range. The triangular stems bear deciduous leaves at the tips, and this species is not known to flower. This form has reddish-green leaves that are quite pretty. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia trigona (red) 4-inch pots $15.00
Euphorbia trigona is not known from the wild, but the plant clearly must have originated either in India or Angola, given its affinities to plants in those diverse parts of the Euphorbia range. The triangular stems bear deciduous leaves at the tips, and this species is not known to flower. This form has reddish-green leaves that are quite pretty. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia trigona (red) 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia trigona is not known from the wild, but the plant clearly must have originated either in India or Angola, given its affinities to plants in those diverse parts of the Euphorbia range. The triangular stems bear deciduous leaves at the tips, and this species is not known to flower. This form has reddish-green leaves that are quite pretty. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia trigona (red) one-gallon pots $25.00
Euphorbia trigona is not known from the wild, but the plant clearly must have originated either in India or Angola, given its affinities to plants in those diverse parts of the Euphorbia range. The triangular stems bear deciduous leaves at the tips, and this species is not known to flower. This form has reddish-green leaves that are quite pretty. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia trigona 5-gallon pots $65.00
Euphorbia trigona is not known from the wild, but the plant clearly must have originated either in India or Angola, given its affinities to plants in those diverse parts of the Euphorbia range. The triangular stems bear deciduous leaves at the tips, and this species is not known to flower. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-gallon pots.
Euphorbia trigona 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia trigona is not known from the wild, but the plant clearly must have originated either in India or Angola, given its affinities to plants in those diverse parts of the Euphorbia range. The triangular stems bear deciduous leaves at the tips, and this species is not known to flower. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia trigona one-gallon pots $25.00
Euphorbia trigona is not known from the wild, but the plant clearly must have originated either in India or Angola, given its affinities to plants in those diverse parts of the Euphorbia range. The triangular stems bear deciduous leaves at the tips, and this species is not known to flower. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia tubiglans 2-inch pots $10.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species has a small main stem united with tuberous root to form an underground structure from which the branches grow. Very similar to E. jansenvillensis, the branches are cylindrical, jointed, and spineless. This species, which is dioecious, has yellowish cyathia on long peduncles. We offer rooted cuttings of this species that already have a distinct caudex developed in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia tubiglans 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species has a small main stem united with tuberous root to form an underground structure from which the branches grow. Very similar to E. jansenvillensis, the branches are cylindrical, jointed, and spineless. This species, which is dioecious, has yellowish cyathia on long peduncles. We offer rooted cuttings of this species that already have a distinct caudex developed in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia uhligiana 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Masaai region of Tanzania and Kenya, this tufted species has stems arising from a fleshy root. Those stems are variegated and toothed, bearing paired spines that often are joined at the base. The cyathia are a beautiful yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia uhligiana 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Masaai region of Tanzania and Kenya, this tufted species has stems arising from a fleshy root. Those stems are variegated and toothed, bearing paired spines that often are joined at the base. The cyathia are a beautiful yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia umbraculiformis 5-inch pots $20.00
From northwestern Madagascar, this succulent subshrub has spineless branches bearing numerous branchlets from nodes. The leaves are generally large and have reddish highlights near the petioles. We previously mistook this for Euphorbia bongolavensis. The cyathia are small and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia vajravelui 5-inch pots $20.00
Another of the fantastic Indian Euphorbias, this tree species has light green branches with small teeth. The older branches are 4-5 angled, and the young ones are 2-3 angles, often appearing flattened as if forged on an anvil. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia vajravelui one-gallon pots $25.00
Another of the fantastic Indian Euphorbias, this tree species has light green branches with small teeth. The older branches are 4-5 angled, and the young ones are 2-3 angles, often appearing flattened as if forged on an anvil. These are old and large rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia valida (GM 007) 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are propagated from material originally collected northwest of Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa (GM 007). Although some consider Euphorbia valida as synonymous with E. meloformis, we follow the older nomenclature. E. valida has more persistent peduncles, leading to a bristly appearance, and the mature plants are much taller than E. meloformis. Our plants have beautiful variegations on the plant body that are a little less striking than Euphorbia meloformis GM 223B. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia vallaris 5-inch pots $20.00
This tree is from Angola that typically has a tall single stem crowned with branches. Those branches are 4-angled with paired dark spines, and the epidermis is lightly variegated. The cyathia are an inconspicuous yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia vallaris one-gallon pots $25.00
This tree is from Angola that typically has a tall single stem crowned with branches. Those branches are 4-angled with paired dark spines, and the epidermis is lightly variegated. The cyathia are an inconspicuous yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia vandermerwei 4-inch pots $15.00
This nice tight caudiciform, from the Mpumalanga and Nelspruit Districts of South Africa, has thin spiraling branches and red cyathia. Our rooted cuttings have already developed a nice caudex that can be raised to make a very nice-looking plant. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia vandermerwei 5-inch pots $20.00
This nice tight caudiciform, from the Mpumalanga and Nelspruit Districts of South Africa, has thin spiraling branches and red cyathia. Our rooted cuttings have already developed a nice caudex that can be raised to make a very nice-looking plant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia venenata 4-inch pots $15.00
From Namibia, this species tends to grow on rocky slopes, forming shrubs that branch from the base. The branches are usually 6-angled and blue-grey, and the spines occur on a contiguous horny margin. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it has been undamaged at 20F with full sky exposure. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia venenata 5-inch pots $20.00
$20 From Namibia, this species tends to grow on rocky slopes, forming shrubs that branch from the base. The branches are usually 6-angled and blue-grey, and the spines occur on a contiguous horny margin. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it has been undamaged at 20F with full sky exposure. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia venenata 5-inch pots $20.00
From Namibia, this species tends to grow on rocky slopes, forming shrubs that branch from the base. The branches are usually 6-angled and blue-grey, and the spines occur on a contiguous horny margin. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it has been undamaged at 20F with full sky exposure. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia venenata one-gallon pots $25.00
From Namibia, this species tends to grow on rocky slopes, forming shrubs that branch from the base. The branches are usually 6-angled and blue-grey, and the spines occur on a contiguous horny margin. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it has been undamaged at 20F with full sky exposure. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia venenifica 4-inch pots $35.00
From southern Sudan, northern Uganda, and Ethiopia down to Zaire, this typically single-stemmed shrub has large green leaves. The stem is white with scattered spines. We offer seedlings of this rare species in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia viduiflora 5-inch pots $20.00
From Angola, this species is thought to be related to Euphorbia trigona, but that species looks a whole lot different to us. This species has 4-angled stems armed with spines on the margins. Our plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia viduiflora one-gallon pots $25.00
From Angola, this species is thought to be related to Euphorbia trigona, but that species looks a whole lot different to us. This species has 4-angled stems armed with spines on the margins. Our plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia viguieri var. ankarafantsiensis 2-inch pots $8.00
From northern Madagascar, Euphorbia viguieri is a highly variable group. E. viguieri var. ankarafantsiensis is a single-stemmed species with ovate, bright green leaves with red petioles and a stem with relatively short and stiff stipules densely arranged on the stem. The leaves have a short acute tip, but this is not consistent among the plants. The flowers are a stunning red and held on a fairly short peduncle. These are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia viguieri var. ankarafantsiensis 4-inch pots $15.00
From northern Madagascar, Euphorbia viguieri is a highly variable group. E. viguieri var. ankarafantsiensis is a single-stemmed species with ovate, bright green leaves with red petioles and a stem with relatively short and stiff stipules densely arranged on the stem. The leaves have a short acute tip, but this is not consistent among the plants. The flowers are a stunning red and held on a fairly short peduncle. These are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia viguieri var. viguieri 2-inch pots $8.00
From northern Madagascar, Euphorbia viguieri is a highly variable group. E. viguieri var. viguieri is a single-stemmed species with ovate, bright green leaves and a stem with relatively short and stiff stipules. Some plants have red markings at the base of the leaves, but this is not consistent among the plants. The flowers are a stunning red and held on a fairly long peduncle. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Euphorbia viguieri var. viguieri 4-inch pots $15.00
From northern Madagascar, Euphorbia viguieri is a highly variable group. E. viguieri var. viguieri is a single-stemmed species with ovate, bright green leaves and a stem with relatively short and stiff stipules. Some plants have red markings at the base of the leaves, but this is not consistent among the plants. The flowers are a stunning red and held on a fairly long peduncle. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia viguieri var. viguieri 5-inch pots $20.00
From northern Madagascar, Euphorbia viguieri is a highly variable group. E. viguieri var. viguieri is a single-stemmed species with ovate, bright green leaves and a stem with relatively short and stiff stipules. Some plants have red markings at the base of the leaves, but this is not consistent among the plants. The flowers are a stunning red and held on a fairly long peduncle. These are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia viguieri var. vilanandrensis 3-inch pots $10.00
From northern Madagascar, Euphorbia viguieri is a highly variable group. E. viguieri var. viguieri is a single-stemmed species with ovate, bright green leaves and a stem with long, stiff, and dense stipules. Some plants have red markings at the base of the leaves, but this is not consistent among the plants. The flowers are a stunning red and held on a fairly short peduncle. These are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Euphorbia vulcanorum 5-inch pots $20.00
From the North-East Province of Kenya, and endemic on the Marsabit Massif on volcanic slopes (hence the name), this densely branched shrub has 4-5 angled stems with continuous spine shields and stout paired spines. What makes this species very desirable in collections are the cyathia, which are yellow-orange and showy on those stems. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia wakefieldii 5-inch pots $20.00
This beautiful little tree, from eastern Kenya, grows on limestone in habitat. The branches are 3-angled, thing, winged, and tortuous with small teeth. In collections, as well as in habitat, this little tree is quite a sight and very different from most Euphorbias. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia wakefieldii one-gallon pots $25.00
This beautiful little tree, from eastern Kenya, grows on limestone in habitat. The branches are 3-angled, thing, winged, and tortuous with small teeth. In collections, as well as in habitat, this little tree is quite a sight and very different from most Euphorbias. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia waterbergensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This densely branched shrub is from the Northwestern Province of South Africa, where it tends to occur on quartzite. The stems are 4-6 angled with paired spines on the horny margins. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Euphorbia waterbergensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This densely branched shrub is from the Northwestern Province of South Africa, where it tends to occur on quartzite. The stems are 4-6 angled with paired spines on the horny margins. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Euphorbia waterbergensis one-gallon pots $25.00
This densely branched shrub is from the Northwestern Province of South Africa, where it tends to occur on quartzite. The stems are 4-6 angled with paired spines on the horny margins. The cyathia are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Euphorbia zoutpansbergensis 5-inch pots $20.00
Euphorbia zoutpansbergensis comes from the Zoutpansberg Ranges of the Northern Province of South Africa. This species is a tree with a crown of branches that are 5-7 angled and segmented. The stems have stout spines, and the cyathia are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Faucaria bosscheana (albidens) 3-inch pots $10.00
This species mostly occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The leaves are light green with no spots but a prominent white margin and highly variable marginal teeth. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Faucaria bosscheana (albidens) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species mostly occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The leaves are light green with no spots but a prominent white margin and highly variable marginal teeth. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Faucaria bosscheana 2-inch pots $8.00
This species mostly occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The leaves are light green with no spots but a prominent white margin and highly variable marginal teeth. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Faucaria bosscheana 3-inch pots $10.00
This species mostly occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The leaves are light green with no spots but a prominent white margin and highly variable marginal teeth. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Faucaria bosscheana 4-inch pots $15.00
This species mostly occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The leaves are light green with no spots but a prominent white margin and highly variable marginal teeth. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Faucaria bosscheana 5-inch pots $20.00
This species mostly occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The leaves are light green with no spots but a prominent white margin and highly variable marginal teeth. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Faucaria britteniae 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one form of the famous “tiger jaws” species, which occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. These plants only have faint spots on the leaves, which are broader than in F. felina, and have fewer marginal teeth. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Faucaria felina 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one form of the famous “tiger jaws” species, which occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. These plants only have faint spots on the leaves but retain the teeth that earned the common name. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Faucaria paucidens 3-inch pots $10.00
This is now considered part of Faucaria bosscheana, which has a distribution that spans the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa. These plants have smooth, glossy leaves with a few prominent marginal teeth (hence the epithet), especially compared with typical F. bosscheana. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Faucaria subintegra 2-inch pots $8.00
This species mostly occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa and is closely related to F. bosscheana. The leaves are light green with no spots or teeth but have a white margin. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Faucaria subintegra 3-inch pots $10.00
This species mostly occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa and is closely related to F. bosscheana. The leaves are light green with no spots or teeth but have a white margin. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Faucaria subintegra 4-inch pots $15.00
This species mostly occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa and is closely related to F. bosscheana. The leaves are light green with no spots or teeth but have a white margin. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Faucaria subintegra 5-inch pots $20.00
This species mostly occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa and is closely related to F. bosscheana. The leaves are light green with no spots or teeth but have a white margin. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Faucaria tigrina 2-inch pots $8.00
This is one form of the famous “tiger jaws” species, which occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. These plants have faint to prominent spots on the leaves and the teeth that earned the common name. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Faucaria tuberculosa 5-inch pots $20.00
This cultivar is one form of the famous “tiger jaws” species, which occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. These plants are similar to F. felina but have considerable tubercles on the leaf surface that create a very interesting effect. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Faucaria tuberculosa cv Sato 4-inch pots $15.00
This cultivar is one form of the famous “tiger jaws” species, which occurs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. These plants are similar to F. felina but have considerable tubercles on the leaf surface that create a very interesting effect. The flowers are bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Fenestraria rhopalophylla ssp. rhopalophylla 4-inch pots $15.00
Commonly known as Baby Toes, this species has a distribution in sand fields south of Luderitz, Namibia. This monospecific genus has nearly round, flat-topped leaves arising from a thickened stem. The flowers are white. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Ferocactus alamosanus 4-inch pots $15.00
From near Alamos, in Sonora, Mexico, this Ferocactus has smaller, less dense spines than most in this genus. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ferocactus alamosanus 8-inch pots $35.00
From near Alamos, in Sonora, Mexico, this Ferocactus has smaller, less dense spines than most in this genus. The flowers, produced in summer, are greenish-yellow. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Ferocactus cylindraceous 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from Arizona, California, and adjacent Baja California. With its multicolored spines and relatively tall stature, this is a handsome species that is hardy in most of the southwestern United States. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Ferocactus emoryi ssp. emoryi (yellow flowers) one-gallon pots $25.00
From Arizona and adjacent Sonora, this species has red-yellow central and lateral spines but no whisker spines. Those central spines generally are flattened with slight terminal hooks. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Ferocactus emoryi ssp. emoryi 3-inch pots $10.00
From Arizona and adjacent Sonora, this species has red-yellow central and lateral spines but no whisker spines. Those central spines generally are flattened with slight terminal hooks. The flowers are yellow or red-orange. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Ferocactus emoryi ssp. emoryi 4-inch pots $15.00
From Arizona and adjacent Sonora, this species has red-yellow central and lateral spines but no whisker spines. Those central spines generally are flattened with slight terminal hooks. The flowers are yellow or red-orange. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ferocactus glaucescens 2-inch pots $10.00
A clumping Ferocactus from near Hidalgo, Mexico, this species has a multi-fluted globose stem with very pretty yellow spines. The flowers are also yellow. We do not recommend this species be subjected to freezing temperatures. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Ferocactus glaucescens 4-inch pots $15.00
A clumping Ferocactus from near Hidalgo, Mexico, this species has a multi-fluted globose stem with very pretty yellow spines. The flowers are also yellow. We do not recommend this species be subjected to freezing temperatures. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ferocactus gracilis ssp. gracilis 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from the winter-rainfall parts of the desert of Baja California, Mexico. Famed for its red spines, the flowers are red-purple. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots. Ferocactus gracilis ssp. gracilis 3-inch pots $10 This species is from the winter-rainfall parts of the desert of Baja California, Mexico. Famed for its red spines, the flowers are red-purple. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Ferocactus hamatacanthus one-gallon pots $30.00
From central Mexico, this species has dirty-yellow spines against its green body. Typically short, globose, and solitary, it produces yellow flowers and fleshy fruits, which are used as a treat where it grows. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Ferocactus herrerae 8-inch pots $35.00
From the Mexican states of Sonora, Sinaloa, and Durango, this former variety of F. wislizeni has yellow-orange flowers and is densely spined. The central spines are reddish with white, hooked tips, and the aureoles have numerous whisker like radial spines. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Ferocactus hystrix 8-inch pots $35.00
From central Mexico, this species has dirty-yellow spines against its green body. Typically short, globose, and solitary, it produces yellow flowers and fleshy fruits, which are used as a treat where it grows. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Ferocactus latispinus 5-gallon pots $90.00
From central Mexico, this species has a low, squat form featuring wide, yellow banded central spines. The spines and low stature contribute to a fierce appearance and earns it an English common name of Horse Crippler. It does not offset. The flowers are a dark pink. These plants are seedlings in 5-gallon pots.
Ferocactus macrodiscus 4-inch pots $15.00
From central Mexico, this species has a low-profile globose profile. The flowers are multicolored but predominantly pink-purple. It is hardy in Tucson, withstanding 15F with minimal damage. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ferocactus peninsulae var. peninsulae 8-inch pots $35.00
From central Baja California, Mexico, this species has red flowers and is densely spined with hooked, red centrals and white, whisker-like radials. This is a medium-sized Ferocactus, generally reaching heights of less than 3 feet. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Ferocactus peninsulae var. vizcainoensis 8-inch pots $35.00
From central Baja California, Mexico, this species has red flowers and is densely spined with hooked, red centrals and white, whisker-like radials. This is a medium-sized Ferocactus, generally reaching heights of less than 3 feet. Variety vizcainoensis tends to have a wide, flattened central spine that is striped in white. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Ferocactus pilosus 2-inch pots $8.00
Reputedly one of the best of this fantastic genus, Ferocactus pilosus is from north-central Mexico. It has a typically solitary form, although offsetting forms do occur, and the plants are globose with reddish spines on the ribs that are not differentiated into centrals and radials. The flowers are yellow to red and are produced near the apical meristem. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Ferocactus pilosus 4-inch pots $15.00
Reputedly one of the best of this fantastic genus, Ferocactus pilosus is from north-central Mexico. It has a typically solitary form, although offsetting forms do occur, and the plants are globose with reddish spines on the ribs that are not differentiated into centrals and radials. The flowers are yellow to red and are produced near the apical meristem. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ferocactus pilosus one-gallon pots $25.00
Reputedly one of the best of this fantastic genus, Ferocactus pilosus is from north-central Mexico. It has a typically solitary form, although offsetting forms do occur, and the plants are globose with reddish spines on the ribs that are not differentiated into centrals and radials. The flowers are yellow to red and are produced near the apical meristem. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Ferocactus pottsi 8-inch pots $35.00
This small Ferocactus is from the area where the Mexican states of Sonora, Chihuahua, and Sinaloa meet. These sparsely spined cacti are known for their yellow-orange flowers that typically are produced in the summer. The spines are gray white and the body is dark green. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Ferocactus rectispinus 2-inch pots $8.00
From central Baja California, this species is unique among Ferocactus for having straight, or nearly straight, central spines. Those spines generally are needle-like, but because of hybridization with other Ferocactus (particularly F. peninsulae), some individuals have flattened spines with slight terminal hooks. The flowers are yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Ferocactus rectispinus 3-inch pots $10.00
From central Baja California, this species is unique among Ferocactus for having straight, or nearly straight, central spines. Those spines generally are needle-like, but because of hybridization with other Ferocactus (particularly F. peninsulae), some individuals have flattened spines with slight terminal hooks. The flowers are yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Ferocactus rectispinus 4-inch pots $15.00
From central Baja California, this species is unique among Ferocactus for having straight, or nearly straight, central spines. Those spines generally are needle-like, but because of hybridization with other Ferocactus (particularly F. peninsulae), some individuals have flattened spines with slight terminal hooks. The flowers are yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ferocactus rectispinus 5-inch pots $20.00
From central Baja California, this species is unique among Ferocactus for having straight, or nearly straight, central spines. Those spines generally are needle-like, but because of hybridization with other Ferocactus (particularly F. peninsulae), some individuals have flattened spines with slight terminal hooks. The flowers are yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Ferocactus schwarzii 2-inch pots $8.00
From northern Sinaloa, Mexico, this small globose species is solitary. Yellow spines arise from the numerous tubercles on the body, giving a strong visual effect against the pale-green body. The flowers are yellow and relatively small. These plants are seedling in 2-inch pots.
Ferocactus schwarzii 4-inch pots $15.00
From northern Sinaloa, Mexico, this small globose species is solitary. Yellow spines arise from the numerous tubercles on the body, giving a strong visual effect against the pale-green body. The flowers are yellow and relatively small. These plants are seedling in 4-inch pots.
Ferocactus schwarzii 5-inch pots $20.00
From northern Sinaloa, Mexico, this small globose species is solitary. Yellow spines arise from the numerous tubercles on the body, giving a strong visual effect against the pale-green body. The flowers are yellow and relatively small. These plants are seedling in 5-inch pots.
Ferocactus schwarzii 8-inch pots $35.00
From northern Sinaloa, Mexico, this small globose species is solitary. Yellow spines arise from the numerous tubercles on the body, giving a strong visual effect against the pale-green body. The flowers are yellow and relatively small. These plants are seedling in 8-inch pots.
Ferocactus townsendianus 2-inch pots $8.00
This is the most common Ferocactus in Baja California Sur, ranging from around Ciudad Constitucion to Cabo San Lucas. It has a gray-green body with somewhat sparse spination. The flowers range in color from yellow with red veins to red-orange. It is closely related to Ferocactus peninsulae, which occurs to its north, and some lump F. santa-maria into this species. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Ferocactus viridescens (San Diego County) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, endangered because of development and agriculture, grows in coastal settings from San Diego south into Baja California. These are legally sourced seedlings from plants originally in San Diego County, California. The globose body stays relatively small, and its shiny green body contrasts with the yellow-red spines, which are numerous. The flowers are greenish-yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ferocactus viridescens ssp. orcuttii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, endangered because of development and agriculture, grows in coastal settings from San Diego south into Baja California. The globose body stays relatively small, and its shiny green body contrasts with the yellow-red spines, which are numerous. The flowers are greenish-yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ferocactus wislizeni fm flavispinus 8-inch pots $35.00
This barrel cactus is common in the northwestern parts of the Sonoran Desert, particularly in Arizona and Sonora. This form has yellow central spines with yellow, whisker-like radial spines. The flowers are reddish-orange. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Ficus abutifolia 5-inch pots $25.00
This species of Ficus, from Southern Africa, forms a great, dwarf caudiciform with large, heart-shaped leaves. These plants are ideal for bonsai and small containers. We offer seedlings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Ficus brandegei 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Baja California Sur, where it typically occurs in the Sierra la Laguna. It has a complex fluted trunk and leaves are dark green with numerous veins. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Ficus cordata 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Namaqualand in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa with a range northward to southern Angola and eastward to the Great Karoo. It is a rock fig, and it typically grows on rocky slopes or in ravines. The trunk is an unremarkable gray color, and the leaves are green and (ironically) seldom cordate but mostly lanceolate. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Ficus cordata one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from Namaqualand in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa with a range northward to southern Angola and eastward to the Great Karoo. It is a rock fig, and it typically grows on rocky slopes or in ravines. The trunk is an unremarkable gray color, and the leaves are green and (ironically) seldom cordate but mostly lanceolate. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Ficus macrophylla one-gallon pots $25.00
From eastern Australia, this massive tree is widely distributed as an ornamental plant. When mature, this tree has a fluted trunk with numerous intertwined roots spreading from the base. As its name suggests, the leaves are large yet simple and heavily veined. This plant can take a moderate amount of frost and is used as a landscape plant in southern California. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Ficus menabeensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This rare Ficus is from the desert regions of southern Madagascar. The smallish, oblanceolate leaves are a blue- green with prominent veining, and the trees tend to grow in rock crevices as shrubs or small trees in habitat. This plant supposedly takes significant frost in habitat. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Ficus menabeensis one-gallon pots $30.00
This rare Ficus is from the desert regions of southern Madagascar. The smallish, oblanceolate leaves are a blue- green with prominent veining, and the trees tend to grow in rock crevices as shrubs or small trees in habitat. This plant supposedly takes significant frost in habitat. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Ficus obliqua 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Australia and islands in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It has gray back on the buttressed trunk when matur, and it has small glossy green leaves. The figs are small and berry like, starting yellow-orange and maturing to red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Ficus petiolaris (palmeri) 4-inch pots $15.00
Widely distributed from Baja California to Sonora south to Oaxaca, Mexico, this beautiful pachycaul tree typically is associated with riparian settings. Here, we accept the lumping of the previously recognized Ficus petiolaris and F. palmeri, and these plants likely were in the latter group, generally lacking red veins in the leaves. Often, this species hangs from cliffs, dipping its extremely long, white roots into permanent water. This is a classic plant for either bonzai or for perching on a rock, draping the roots over the sides and into the soil beneath. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Ficus petiolaris (palmeri) 5-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed from Baja California to Sonora south to Oaxaca, Mexico, this beautiful pachycaul tree typically is associated with riparian settings. Here, we accept the lumping of the previously recognized Ficus petiolaris and F. palmeri, and these plants likely were in the latter group, generally lacking red veins in the leaves. Often, this species hangs from cliffs, dipping its extremely long, white roots into permanent water. This is a classic plant for either bonzai or for perching on a rock, draping the roots over the sides and into the soil beneath. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Ficus petiolaris one-gallon pots $25.00
Widely distributed from Baja California to Sonora south to Oaxaca, Mexico, this beautiful pachycaul tree typically is associated with riparian settings. Here, we accept the lumping of the previously recognized Ficus petiolaris and F. palmeri, and these plants are the ones with red veins in the leaves. Often, this species hangs from cliffs, dipping its extremely long, white roots into permanent water. This is a classic plant for either bonzai or for perching on a rock, draping the roots over the sides and into the soil beneath. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Ficus platypoda 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from central and northern Australia. It is a rock fig and grows naturally on rock outcrops. The leaves are oblanceolate and a shiny medium green color when young, changing to a dull green with age. This clearly is a great candidate for bonzai or growing on rocks in pots. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Ficus platypoda one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from central and northern Australia. It is a rock fig and grows naturally on rock outcrops. The leaves are oblanceolate and a shiny medium green color when young, changing to a dull green with age. This clearly is a great candidate for bonzai or growing on rocks in pots. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Ficus religiosa 4-inch pots $15.00
Known in its native India as the Tree of Enlightenment, Ficus religiosa has quite distinctive leaves with drawn-out (acuminate) tips. This strangler fig has a buttressed trunk that lacks aerial roots. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ficus religiosa 5-inch pots $20.00
Known in its native India as the Tree of Enlightenment, Ficus religiosa has quite distinctive leaves with drawn-out (acuminate) tips. This strangler fig has a buttressed trunk that lacks aerial roots. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Ficus sycamorus one-gallon pots $25.00
Another widely distributed Ficus, which occurs from Syria through Egypt down to KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa and in Madagascar, this is a massive tree in habitat. The leaves are a medium green with prominent veining, and the trees form massive trunks in habitat. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Ficus tettensis 4-inch pots $25.00
This species ranges eastern South Africa up to Malawi and is a rare species that is confined to rocky slopes and ravines of the major river systems. This medium-sized tree produces a whitish gray trunk with minimally flaking bark. The leaves have an coarsely wavy margin, are heavily veined, and have hairs, particularly along the veins. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ficus vaccinioides 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from southern Taiwan, and the common name is trailing fig for its tendency to grow along the ground. In cultivation, it can be used as ground cover or potted in hanging containers. The leaves have a regular margin and are dark green with small hairs. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Ficus vasta 5-inch pots $20.00
This species occurs in Ethiopia and Yemen. It is a large tree with smooth bark and rather large green leaves that are entire with whitish veins but otherwise unimpressive. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Ficus watkinsiana 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from coastal areas of eastern Australia, in Queensland and New South Wales. It is a strangler fig with aerial roots, and it can grow extremely large. The leaves are oblanceolate and unimpressive, and the figs and black to nearly black and are spotted. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Ficus watkinsiana 8-inch pots $35.00
This species is from coastal areas of eastern Australia, in Queensland and New South Wales. It is a strangler fig with aerial roots, and it can grow extremely large. The leaves are oblanceolate and unimpressive, and the figs and black to nearly black and are spotted. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Ficus watkinsiana one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from coastal areas of eastern Australia, in Queensland and New South Wales. It is a strangler fig with aerial roots, and it can grow extremely large. The leaves are oblanceolate and unimpressive, and the figs and black to nearly black and are spotted. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Fockea crispa 5-inch pots $25.00
Currently known as Fockea capensis, We’ve retained the original name for now. This species is from the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. Like Fockea edulis, Fockea crispa is a great cucurbit caudiciform with shiny crinkled leaves; unlike F. edulis, this species grows inland in the Karoo. The stem protrudes above ground and has little warts on the gray skin. The stems have milky sap. Our plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Fockea crispa one-gallon pots $30.00
Currently known as Fockea capensis, We’ve retained the original name for now. This species is from the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. Like Fockea edulis, Fockea crispa is a great cucurbit caudiciform with shiny crinkled leaves; unlike F. edulis, this species grows inland in the Karoo. The stem protrudes above ground and has little warts on the gray skin. The stems have milky sap. Our plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Fockea edulis 2-inch pots $10.00
This species is from the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa but is restricted to coastal areas. This species has a large, warty caudex that we elevate above ground. A geophyte, it produces a vine of shiny, ovate-lanceolate leaves with a milky sap and small cream colored flowers. We offer seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Fockea edulis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa but is restricted to coastal areas. This species has a large, warty caudex that we elevate above ground. A geophyte, it produces a vine of shiny, ovate-lanceolate leaves with a milky sap and small cream colored flowers. We offer seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Fockea edulis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa but is restricted to coastal areas. This species has a large, warty caudex that we elevate above ground. A geophyte, it produces a vine of shiny, ovate-lanceolate leaves with a milky sap and small cream colored flowers. We offer seedlings that are in 5-inch pots.
Fockea multiflora 4-inch pots $30.00
Widely distributed in southern Africa, but north of South Africa, this geophyte is known for its spectacular caudex in old age and its long, twining branches that tend to wrap around the branches of trees. The flowers are relatively small but borne on a many-flowered peduncle, as the name suggests. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Fosterella villosula 5-inch pots $20.00
This terrestrial bromeliad is from South America. What makes this an extremely attractive plant is the leaves, which are dark green on the upper surface and purple below. The flowers are fairly inconspicuous in a long panicle. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Fouquieria columnaris 5-inch pots $25.00
This winter-growing succulent tree, once classified as Idria columnaris, is one of the iconic species of Baja California. It can tolerate frost and temperatures down to 20 degrees. When given warmth and plenty of root run, these plants form a carrot shaped tree to 50 feet tall. Although frequently available as smaller seedlings, plants of any size are difficult to obtain. Our plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Fouquieria macdougalii 2-inch pots $8.00
This species, from Sonora Mexico, is a small tree. When not in flower, it can be mistaken for Fouquieria diguetii. When it flowers, however, the red flowers hang from much-longer peduncles than with F. diguetii. We grow this species outside in Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Fouquieria macdougalii 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, from Sonora Mexico, is a small tree. When not in flower, it can be mistaken for Fouquieria diguetii. When it flowers, however, the red flowers hang from much-longer peduncles than with F. diguetii. We grow this species outside in Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Fouquieria macdougalii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from Sonora Mexico, is a small tree. When not in flower, it can be mistaken for Fouquieria diguetii. When it flowers, however, the red flowers hang from much-longer peduncles than with F. diguetii. We grow this species outside in Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Fouquieria macdougalii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from Sonora Mexico, is a small tree. When not in flower, it can be mistaken for Fouquieria diguetii. When it flowers, however, the red flowers hang from much-longer peduncles than with F. diguetii. We grow this species outside in Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Fouquieria splendens 3-inch pots $10.00
The ocotillo, common to the northern Sonoran Desert, is one of the most common plants in both the desert landscape and in xeroscape landscaping. The flowers, produced in spring and (or) summer depending upon rainfall, are flame red. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Fouquieria splendens 4-inch pots $15.00
The ocotillo, common to the northern Sonoran Desert, is one of the most common plants in both the desert landscape and in xeroscape landscaping. The flowers, produced in spring and (or) summer depending upon rainfall, are flame red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Fouquieria splendens 5-inch pots $20.00
The ocotillo, common to the northern Sonoran Desert, is one of the most common plants in both the desert landscape and in xeroscape landscaping. The flowers, produced in spring and (or) summer depending upon rainfall, are flame red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Frailea buenekeri 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from southwestern Brazil and Uruguay. It is a very small species with a brownish-green globose body that doesnt get much larger than 2 inches in diameter in the wild. The flowers are bright yellow with reddish veins. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Frailea buenekeri 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from southwestern Brazil and Uruguay. It is a very small species with a brownish-green globose body that doesnt get much larger than 2 inches in diameter in the wild. The flowers are bright yellow with reddish veins. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Frailea parviflora 2-inch pots $8.00
This is another species from southeastern South America that is poorly known. It is a very small, offsetting species with a green globose body that doesnt get much larger than 2 inches in diameter. The flowers are yellow and larger than the plants. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Frailea pumila ssp. albisetosa 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is distributed in the south-central parts of South America, notably in Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay. This is a small clumping species with gray-green globose stems, and white spines contrast with those stems. The flowers are yellow and larger than the plants. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Frailea pumila ssp. albisetosa 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is distributed in the south-central parts of South America, notably in Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay. This is a small clumping species with gray-green globose stems, and white spines contrast with those stems. The flowers are yellow and larger than the plants. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Frailea pumila ssp. albispina 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is distributed in the south-central parts of South America, notably in Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay. This is a small clumping species with gray-green globose stems, and white spines contrast with those stems. The flowers are yellow and larger than the plants. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Frailea pumila ssp. albispina 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is distributed in the south-central parts of South America, notably in Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay. This is a small clumping species with gray-green globose stems, and white spines contrast with those stems. The flowers are yellow and larger than the plants. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Frailea quantinensis 2-inch pots $8.00
The genus Frailea is distributed in the southeastern parts of South America, notably in Argentina and Uruguay, and F. quantinensis is poorly known but may be part of F. gracillima. The plants are small and upright with light green cylindrical stems. The flowers are yellow and larger than the plants. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Frailea quantinensis 4-inch pots $15.00
The genus Frailea is distributed in the southeastern parts of South America, notably in Argentina and Uruguay, and F. quantinensis is poorly known but may be part of F. gracillima. The plants are small and upright with light green cylindrical stems. The flowers are yellow and larger than the plants. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Frithea pulchra 4-inch pots $15.00
This interesting little species is from the quartzite flats of north-central South Africa, in an area of high summer rainfall. It has little truncate leaves that can lie nearly flat among the quartzite pebbles, making it hard to find when not in flower. The flowers are relatively large and reddish-violet. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Furcrea macdougallii 4-inch pots $15.00
This large tree species is from Oaxaca, Mexico. It has large upward facing olive-green leaves that are stiff with marginal teeth and sharp terminal spines. This is a frost sensitive species and a landscape plant. These plants are rooted bulbils in 4-inch pots.
Gasteraloe cv Emmy 3-inch pots $10.00
This Gasteria hybrid has long, sword-like leaves with patterning, reddish hues, and numerous white spots. The flowers are held in a multi-branched inflorescence and are yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteraloe cv Emmy 5-inch pots $20.00
This Gasteria hybrid has long, thin leaves with numerous white spots. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteraloe cv Emmy 8-inch pots $35.00
This Gasteria hybrid has long, sword-like leaves with patterning, reddish hues, and numerous white spots. The flowers are held in a multi-branched inflorescence and are yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Gasteraloe cv Emmy one-gallon pots $25.00
This Gasteria hybrid has long, thin leaves with numerous white spots. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Gasteraloe cv Flow 3-inch pots $10.00
This Gasteria hybrid has broad, triangular leaves with patterning, reddish hues, and numerous white spots. The flowers are held in a multi-branched inflorescence and are orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteraloe cv Flow 4-inch pots $15.00
This Gasteria hybrid has broad, triangular leaves with patterning, reddish hues, and numerous white spots. The flowers are held in a multi-branched inflorescence and are orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteraloe cv Flow 5-inch pots $20.00
This Gasteria hybrid has broad, triangular leaves with patterning, reddish hues, and numerous white spots. The flowers are held in a multi-branched inflorescence and are orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteraloe cv Green Ice 2-inch pots $8.00
This is a hybrid between Aloe variegata and a variegated Gasteria. These plants are somewhat similar to G. skinneri variegata except that it tends to have stronger banding in the leaves, which have an overall green cast, as well as the overall form of A. variegata. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Gasteraloe cv Green Ice 4-inch pots $15.00
This is a hybrid between Aloe variegata and a variegated Gasteria. These plants are somewhat similar to G. skinneri variegata except that it tends to have stronger banding in the leaves, which have an overall green cast, as well as the overall form of A. variegata. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteraloe cv Green Ice 5-inch pots $20.00
This is a hybrid between Aloe variegata and a variegated Gasteria. These plants are somewhat similar to G. skinneri variegata except that it tends to have stronger banding in the leaves, which have an overall green cast, as well as the overall form of A. variegata. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteraloe cv Mend 8-inch pots $35.00
This is a hybrid between Aloe aristata and an unspecified Gasteria. The plants have rosettes of triangular, spotted green leaves with flowers more like Gasterias. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Gasteraloe cv Pauline 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid is between Gasteria bicolor var. liliputiana and Aloe variegata. The plants have the open rosettes and basic leaf form of a Gasteria and the spots and leaf color of Aloe variegata. This is a very nice hybrid. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Gasteraloe cv Pauline 5-inch pots $20.00
This hybrid is between Gasteria bicolor var. liliputiana and Aloe variegata. The plants have the open rosettes and basic leaf form of a Gasteria and the spots and leaf color of Aloe variegata. This is a very nice hybrid. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Gasterhaworthia ‘A-1’ Verhoeven 4-inch pots $15.00
This unnamed cultivar is a very nice cross of unknown origin. These plants have an upright rosette with triangular leaves bearing fine tubercles and a reddish-brown color. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasterhaworthia A-1 Verhoeven 3-inch pots $10.00
This unnamed cultivar is a very nice cross of unknown origin. These plants have an upright rosette with triangular leaves bearing fine tubercles and a reddish-brown color. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasterhaworthia cv ‘Minima‘ 4-inch pots $15.00
This cultivar has the appearance of Haworthia minima and the flowers of a Gasteria, probably Gasteria bicolor var. lilliputana. It is a very nice cross of unknown origin. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasterhaworthia cv ‘Minima‘ 5-inch pots $20.00
This cultivar has the appearance of Haworthia minima and the flowers of a Gasteria, probably Gasteria bicolor var. lilliputana. It is a very nice cross of unknown origin. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria acinacifolia 4-inch pots $15.00
From coastal areas of the southwestern parts of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species is one of the largest of the Gasterias. The leaves are succulent and linear, with smooth or only slightly roughened surfaces covered with white spots. The leaf margins have a weak serration and the tip is pointed. The pink-white flowers are held in a flat-topped inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria acinacifolia one-gallon pots $25.00
From coastal areas of the southwestern parts of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species is one of the largest of the Gasterias. The leaves are succulent and linear, with smooth or only slightly roughened surfaces covered with white spots. The leaf margins have a weak serration and the tip is pointed. The pink-white flowers are held in a flat-topped inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon h pots.
Gasteria acinacifolia x nitida 5-inch pots $20.00
This large hybrid, from the collection of the late Scott McDermott, appears to be a cross between Gasteria acinacifolia and G. nitida. At maturity, the rosettes are perhaps a foot across and produce offsets. The light green leaves, which have an asymmetrical keel, are sprinkled with white spots and have margins with little jewel-like tubercles. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria acinacifolia x nitida one-gallon pots $25.00
This large hybrid, from the collection of the late Scott McDermott, appears to be a cross between Gasteria acinacifolia and G. nitida. At maturity, the rosettes are perhaps a foot across and produce offsets. The light green leaves, which have an asymmetrical keel, are sprinkled with white spots and have margins with little jewel-like tubercles. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Gasteria armstrongii 2-inch pots $8.00
We’re now following the new taxonomy of van Jaarsveld published in the journal Aloe. This clone has very beautiful form with white and rounded tubercles on leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria armstrongii 3-inch pots $10.00
We’re now following the new taxonomy of van Jaarsveld published in the journal Aloe. This clone has very beautiful form with white and rounded tubercles on leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria armstrongii 4-inch pots $15.00
We’re now following the new taxonomy of van Jaarsveld published in the journal Aloe. This clone has very beautiful form with white and rounded tubercles on leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria armstrongii 5-inch pots $20.00
We’re now following the new taxonomy of van Jaarsveld published in the journal Aloe. This clone has very beautiful form with white and rounded tubercles on leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria armstrongii one-gallon pots $25.00
We’re now following the new taxonomy of van Jaarsveld published in the journal Aloe. This clone has very beautiful form with white and rounded tubercles on leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Gasteria batesiana (MR Minaar) 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The clone we offer (MR Minaar) has light green leaves with distinctive white spots, creating a very beautiful plant. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana (MR Minaar) 5-inch pots $20.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The clone we offer (MR Minaar) has light green leaves with distinctive white spots, creating a very beautiful plant. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana (Mr Minaar) 8-inch pots $40.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The clone we offer (Mr Minaar) has light green leaves with distinctive white spots, creating a very beautiful plant. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana (MR Minaar) one-gallon pots $25.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The clone we offer (MR Minaar) has light green leaves with distinctive white spots, creating a very beautiful plant. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Gasteria batesiana Barberton 4-inch pots $25.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The clone ‘Barberton‘ has long been in cultivation and has dark green (nearly black) leaves with dense tubercles. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana Barberton 5-inch pots $35.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The clone Barberton has long been in cultivation and has dark green (nearly black) leaves with dense tubercles. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana Barberton 8-inch pots $75.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The clone Barberton has long been in cultivation and has dark green (nearly black) leaves with dense tubercles. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana Barberton one-gallon pots $45.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The clone ‘Barberton‘ has long been in cultivation and has dark green (nearly black) leaves with dense tubercles. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Gasteria batesiana hybrid 2-inch pots $8.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The hybrid we sell has light green leaves with distinctive white spots, creating a very beautiful plant. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana Klipwal 2-inch pots $10.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The clone Klipwal is the largest form of the species and is from cliffs near the Klipwal mine. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana Klipwal 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The clone Klipwal is the largest form of the species and is from cliffs near the Klipwal mine. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana Pongola 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The clone Pongola is the largest form of the species and is from near the town of Pongola. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana Pongola 5-inch pots $20.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The clone ‘Pongola‘ is the largest form of the species and is from near the town of Pongola. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana Suave 3-inch pots $12.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The clone Suave is of an origin unknown to us and generally has smaller white tubercles. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana Suave 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The clone Suave is of an origin unknown to us and generally has smaller white tubercles. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana Suave 5-inch pots $20.00
This is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and coloration is so striking and because of its large inflorescence. It is a highly variable species with many cultivars distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. The clone ‘Suave‘ is of an origin unknown to us and generally has smaller white tubercles. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana var. dolomitica (Penge) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is one of the most popular species of Gasteria in cultivation, because its leaf form and striking coloration. This variety, which grows on dolomite cliffs (hence the name) in Mpumalanga Province of South Africa (Penge), is distinguished on the basis of leaf color and amount and color of the tubercles. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana variegate 2-inch pots $10.00
One of the most popular of the Gasteria, G. batesiana has tubercle-covered leaves. This variegate has the same sort of leaves, shot through with gray to red streaks, making quite beautiful plants. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria batesiana variegate 4-inch pots $15.00
One of the most popular of the Gasteria, G. batesiana has tubercle-covered leaves. This variegate has the same sort of leaves, shot through with gray to red streaks, making quite beautiful plants. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria bicolor var. bicolor 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species has smooth, spotted leaves and beautiful, bicolored flowers that look like little stomachs. The inflorescence can be branched and very tall. Typically this species is distinguished, with age, by its short stem, which separates it from other acaulescent species. These are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana (GM 271) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species (GM 271) is from material collected originally at Drivers Bush, 32 km northeast of Grahamstown, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This dwarf species has spotted leaves and beautiful, bicolored flowers that look like little stomachs on a simple inflorescence. These are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This dwarf species has small glossy, spotted leaves that lay down and beautiful, bicolored flowers that look like little stomachs on a simple inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in 23-inch pots.
Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This dwarf species has small glossy, spotted leaves that lay down and beautiful, bicolored flowers that look like little stomachs on a simple inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria brachyphylla 'transvaalensis' 4-inch pots $15.00
Distributed over a wide area across the southern part of the Western Cape Province, Republic of South Africa, G. brachyphylla is a highly variable, stemless, distichous species with relatively dense inflorescence. The smooth, shiny, and pointed-tipped leaves are distinguishing for this species. This form of G. brachyphylla was distributed under the number Mesa 3269. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria brachyphylla cv Silver 3-inch pots $10.00
Distributed over a wide area across the southern part of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, G. brachyphylla is a stemless, distichous species with relatively dense inflorescence. The smooth, shiny, and pointed-tipped leaves are distinguishing for this species. This variegate has the same sort of leaves only with gray-silver banding and margins. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria brachyphylla cv Silver 4-inch pots $15.00
Distributed over a wide area across the southern part of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, G. brachyphylla is a stemless, distichous species with relatively dense inflorescence. The smooth, shiny, and pointed-tipped leaves are distinguishing for this species. This variegate has the same sort of leaves only with gray-silver banding and margins. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria brachyphylla cv Silver 5-inch pots $20.00
Distributed over a wide area across the southern part of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, G. brachyphylla is a stemless, distichous species with relatively dense inflorescence. The smooth, shiny, and pointed-tipped leaves are distinguishing for this species. This variegate has the same sort of leaves only with gray-silver banding and margins. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria brachyphylla var. brachyphylla (Calitzdorp) 4-inch pots $15.00
Distributed over a wide area across the southern part of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, G. brachyphylla is a stemless, distichous species with relatively dense inflorescence. Our plants come from near Calitzdorp. The smooth, shiny, and pointed-tipped leaves are distinguishing for this species. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria brachyphylla var. brachyphylla (FA 848) 5-inch pots $20.00
Distributed over a wide area across the southern part of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, G. brachyphylla is a stemless, distichous species with relatively dense inflorescence. The smooth, shiny, and pointed-tipped leaves are distinguishing for this species. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria brachyphylla var. brachyphylla 4-inch pots $15.00
Distributed over a wide area across the southern part of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, G. brachyphylla is a stemless, distichous species with relatively dense inflorescence. The smooth, shiny, and pointed-tipped leaves are distinguishing for this species. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria brachyphylla var. brachyphylla 5-inch pots $20.00
Distributed over a wide area across the southern part of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, G. brachyphylla is a stemless, distichous species with relatively dense inflorescence. The smooth, shiny, and pointed-tipped leaves are distinguishing for this species. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria brachyphylla var. brachyphylla one-gallon pots $25.00
Distributed over a wide area across the southern part of the Western Cape Province, Republic of South Africa, G. brachyphylla is a stemless, distichous species with relatively dense inflorescence. The smooth, shiny, and pointed-tipped leaves are distinguishing for this species. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Gasteria brachyphylla x excelsa 4-inch pots $15.00
The parents of this hybrid are distributed over a wide area of South Africa. The hybrid has the stemless, distichous characters of G. brachyphylla, and it has the smooth, dull-colored characters of S. excelsa, and we have not seen offsets yet. We’re guessing this hybrid will get large and make beautiful plants. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria carinata cv Volmoed 5-inch pots $20.00
This form of Gasteria carinata appears to be an intermediate with G. retusa. This species comes from Volmoed in the Western Cape Province of South Africa (GAS 008), and the plants are relatively small, compact, and covered with tubercles. The little stomach-shaped flowers are pink with green stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria carinata cv Volmoed one-gallon pots $25.00
This form of Gasteria carinata appears to be an intermediate with G. retusa. This species comes from Volmoed in the Western Cape Province of South Africa (GAS 008), and the plants are relatively small, compact, and covered with tubercles. The little stomach-shaped flowers are pink with green stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Gasteria carinata var. carinata (GAS 008) 2-inch pots $8.00
This lovely Gasteria has linear, strap-like leaves that have no tubercles and few white spots. This species comes from the Western Cape Province of South Africa (GAS 008), mostly from areas just north of the Cape of Good Hope. The little stomach-shaped flowers are pink with green stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria carinata var. carinata (GAS 008) 3-inch pots $10.00
This lovely Gasteria has linear, strap-like leaves that have no tubercles and few white spots. This species comes from the Western Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa (GAS 008), mostly from areas just north of the Cape of Good Hope. The little stomach-shaped flowers are pink with green stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria carinata var. carinata (GAS 008) 4-inch pots $15.00
This lovely Gasteria has linear, strap-like leaves that have no tubercles and few white spots. This species comes from the Western Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa (GAS 008), mostly from areas just north of the Cape of Good Hope. The little stomach-shaped flowers are pink with green stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria carinata var. carinata 3-inch pots $10.00
t have no tubercles and few white spots. This species comes from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, mostly from areas just north of the Cape of Good Hope. The little stomach-shaped flowers are pink with green stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria carinata var. glabra (RK 92006) 3-inch pots $10.00
This lovely Gasteria has linear, strap-like leaves that have no tubercles and few white spots. This species comes from the Western Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa, mostly from areas just north of the Cape of Good Hope. The little stomach-shaped flowers are pink with green stripes. This form is RK 92006 from Groot Beak. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria carinata var. glabra (RK 92006) 4-inch pots $15.00
This lovely Gasteria has linear, strap-like leaves that have no tubercles and few white spots. This species comes from the Western Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa, mostly from areas just north of the Cape of Good Hope. The little stomach-shaped flowers are pink with green stripes. This form is RK 92006 from Groot Beak. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria carinata var. glabra (RK 92006) 5-inch pots $20.00
This lovely Gasteria has linear, strap-like leaves that have no tubercles and few white spots. This species comes from the Western Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa, mostly from areas just north of the Cape of Good Hope. The little stomach-shaped flowers are pink with green stripes. This form is RK 92006 from Groot Beak. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria carinata var. verrucosa 3-inch pots $10.00
This lovely Gasteria has linear, strap-like leaves that have white, raised tubercles. This species comes from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, mostly from areas just north of the Cape of Good Hope. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria carinata var. verrucosa 4-inch pots $15.00
This lovely Gasteria has linear, strap-like leaves that have white, raised tubercles. This species comes from the Western Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa, mostly from areas just north of the Cape of Good Hope. These plants are in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria carinata var. verrucosa 5-inch pots $20.00
This lovely Gasteria has linear, strap-like leaves that have white, raised tubercles. This species comes from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, mostly from areas just north of the Cape of Good Hope. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria croucheri ssp. croucheri 5-inch pots $20.00
From KwaZulu-Natal Province in South Africa, Gasteria croucheri is over collected owing to its perceived mystical property of rendering Zulu warriors invisible. This is a relatively large species of Gasteria, characterized by its flowers and triangular, relatively smooth leaves. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria cv #1 2-inch pots $8.00
This is an interesting Gasteria hybrid. The leaves are smooth and dark, nearly black in color, which creates to an extremely different appearance that suggests the parentage probably includes Gasteria nitida. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Black Panther 2-inch pots $8.00
This is Gasteria cultivar has dark, but not black, leaves. The leaves are green with white spots and are long and a little slender. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Black Panther 3-inch pots $10.00
This is Gasteria cultivar has dark but not black, leaves. The leaves are green with white spots and are long and a little slender. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Blue Ox hybrid 2-inch pots $8.00
This interesting Gasteria cultivar, developed in Japan, has been crossed with G. ellaphiae and A. glauca. The plants have the bluish-green cast of Blue Ox with few if any spots. These plants are expected to grow into relatively large plants, and they are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Blue Ox x lilliputana 2-inch pots $8.00
This is a cross between one popular hybrid of Gasteria with the dwarf form of G. bicolor. The plants have the bluish-green cast of ‘Blue Ox‘ and likely have the size and offsetting characters of Gasteria bicolor var. lilliputana as well as that variety's prolific flowering. These plants are expected to remain small, and they are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Blue Ox x lilliputana 4-inch pots $15.00
This is a cross between one popular hybrid of Gasteria with the dwarf form of G. bicolor. The plants have the bluish-green cast of Blue Ox and likely have the size and offsetting characters of Gasteria bicolor var. lilliputana as well as that variety’s prolific flowering. These plants are expected to remain small, and they are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Blue Ox x self 8-inch pots $35.00
This is a very interesting hybrid Gasteria developed in Japan. The plants have the bluish-green cast of Blue Ox with few if any spots, which occurs in perhaps one-half of the seedlings from this hybrid. These plants are expected to grow into relatively large plants, and they are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Brilliant 2-inch pots $8.00
This interesting cultivar, developed by Rick Dilhoff, is a cross of G. batesiana and probably G. doreeniae. The plants have the dark color of Gasteria batesiana with numerous spots and the small size of G. doreeniae. These plants are expected to remain relatively small, and they are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Brilliant 4-inch pots $15.00
This interesting cultivar, developed by Rick Dilhoff, is a cross of G. batesiana and probably G. doreeniae. The plants have the dark color of Gasteria batesiana with numerous spots and the small size of G. doreeniae. These plants are expected to remain relatively small, and they are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Frosty 3-inch pots $10.00
This cultivar is a form of G. brachyphylla. The overall appearance of these plants is a metallic silver, both in the whitish and greenish streaks, thereby earning the cultivar name. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Frosty 4-inch pots $15.00
This cultivar is a form of G. brachyphylla. The overall appearance of these plants is a metallic silver, both in the whitish and greenish streaks, thereby earning the cultivar name. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria cv GX-259 2-inch pots $8.00
This is Gasteria cultivar has dark, but not black, leaves. The leaves are green with white spots and are long and a little slender. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Little Warty 2-inch pots $8.00
This is one of the most interesting of the Gasteria hybrids. As the name states, the leaves have some very interesting black warts on them, which leads to an extremely different appearance. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Little Warty 3-inch pots $10.00
This is one of the most interesting of the Gasteria hybrids. As the name states, the leaves have some very interesting black warts on them, which leads to an extremely different appearance. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Little Warty 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the most interesting of the Gasteria hybrids. As the name states, the leaves have some very interesting black warts on them, which leads to an extremely different appearance. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Little Warty 5-inch pots $20.00
This is one of the most interesting of the Gasteria hybrids. As the name states, the leaves have some very interesting black warts on them, which leads to an extremely different appearance. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Little Warty one-gallon pots $25.00
This is one of the most interesting of the Gasteria hybrids. As the name states, the leaves have some very interesting black warts on them, which leads to an extremely different appearance. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Gasteria cv Ox Tongue 3-inch pots $10.00
This small, prolifically offsetting hybrid has a yellow-green variegated pattern on a green background. The leaf edges have a weak serration reminiscent of G. acinacifolia, and the leaf surfaces look like G. bicolor. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Ox Tongue 4-inch pots $15.00
This small, prolifically offsetting hybrid has a yellow-green variegated pattern on a green background. The leaf edges have a weak serration reminiscent of G. acinacifolia, and the leaf surfaces look like G. bicolor. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Peg’s Big Boy 2-inch pots $8.00
This is Gasteria hybrid gets big, as the name suggests. The leaves are green with white spots and rather chunky. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Sakura Fuji 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid Gasteria resembles several of our hybrid Gasterias that range from Gasteria cv satsu-satsu-no-matsu to Gasteria cv Silver Fuji, and of course it is of Japanese origin. Slow growing and slowly offsetting, the leaves are tightly bunched and have a marbled appearance dominated by short white lines. Some plants reveal the G. brachyphylla origin of this variegate as stripes of normal leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Shoei 2-inch pots $8.00
We cannot determine where this beautiful little hybrid came from, but it is probably from Japan. It looks like it has some Gasteria armstrongii in it, among other species. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria cv skinneri variegate 2-inch pots $8.00
We cannot determine where this beautiful little hybrid came from, but we’ve glad it is here. This is one of the variegate hybrids that is a little faster growing than the other Gasteria hybrids that are mostly mottled white, and we think it would be a good one for collections. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Skinneri variegate 2-inch pots $8.00
We cannot determine where this beautiful little hybrid came from, but we‘re glad it is here. This is one of the variegate hybrids that is a little faster growing than the other Gasteria hybrids that are mostly mottled white, and we think it would be a good one for collections. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Skinneri variegate 3-inch pots $10.00
We cannot determine where this beautiful little hybrid came from, but we‘re glad it is here. This is one of the variegate hybrids that is a little faster growing than the other Gasteria hybrids that are mostly mottled white, and we think it would be a good one for collections. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Skinneri variegate 3-inch pots $10.00
We cannot determine where this beautiful little hybrid came from, but we‘re glad it is here. This is one of the variegate hybrids that is a little faster growing than the other Gasteria hybrids that are mostly mottled white, and we think it would be a good one for collections. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Skinneri variegate 4-inch pots $15.00
We cannot determine where this beautiful little hybrid came from, but we‘re glad it is here. This is one of the variegate hybrids that is a little faster growing than the other Gasteria hybrids that are mostly mottled white, and we think it would be a good one for collections. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria cv Zaria 2-inch pots $10.00
Ernst van Jaarsveld crossed two species of Gasteria, G. glomerata x G. batesiana var. dolomitica, and then named it after one of his daughters. This cultivar has something of the best characters of the parents. We expect these plants may flower profusely. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria disticha (EA 897) 2-inch pots $10.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa (EA 897), this species, as the name implies, has strongly distichous leaves. The surface of the leaves is rough and undulating, which distinguishes it from G. brachyphylla. The flowers range in color from green near the tips to orange-red near the pedicel. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria disticha variegate 3-inch pots $15.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species, as the name implies, has strongly distichous leaves. These plants are natural sport variegates and range from yellow-white striped to pure yellow to yellow to pale green. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria disticha variegate 4-inch pots $20.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species, as the name implies, has strongly distichous leaves. These plants are natural sport variegates and range from yellow-white striped to pure yellow to yellow to pale green. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria doreeniae (Swartwaterpoort, RSA) 2-inch pots $8.00
This new species, closely related to G. brachyphylla, is from Swartwaterpoort in the Northern Province of South Africa. These plants differ from our other G. doreeniae because they tend to be larger. They also have more muted colors on the leaves. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria doreeniae (Swartwaterpoort, RSA) 4-inch pots $15.00
This new species, closely related to G. brachyphylla, is from Swartwaterpoort in the Northern Province of South Africa. These plants differ from our other G. doreeniae because they tend to be larger. They also have more muted colors on the leaves. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria doreeniae (Swartwaterpoort, RSA) one-gallon pots $25.00
This new species, closely related to G. brachyphylla, is from Swartwaterpoort in the Northern Province of South Africa. These plants differ from our other G. doreeniae because they tend to be larger. They also have more muted colors on the leaves. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Gasteria doreeniae 4-inch pots $15.00
This new species, closely related to G. brachyphylla, is from Swartwaterpoort in the Northern Province of the Republic of South Africa. It differs from G. brachyphylla because of the more rounded leaves, with their soft pink-red pastels, and the fact that the distichous leaves tend to lay flat instead of being erect. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria doreeniae x pillansii var. ernesti-ruschii one-gallon p $25.00
This product of two dwarf Gasterias undoubtedly will be a dwarf Gasteria. Unlike G. pillansii var. ernesti-ruschii, which is an extremely sensitive species that does not like summer rainfall, this hybrid is much more stable and easy to grow. It has little distichous rosettes bearing strap-like leaves that have an olive-green background and highlight spots and a reddish-violet highlight. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Gasteria glomerata 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Kouga Dam locality in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this miniature species has glaucous, distichous leaves about one-inch long and almost as wide. The leaf epidermis has small tubercles, forming a rough surface. This species offsets freely, forming large clumps, and forms profuse inflorescences of flowers that range from orange at the base, which is swollen, to green at the tip. This is the most easily grown species of Gasteria and quickly fills pots, making an attractive addition to any collection. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria glomerata 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Kouga Dam locality in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this miniature species has glaucous, distichous leaves about one-inch long and almost as wide. The leaf epidermis has small tubercles, forming a rough surface. This species offsets freely, forming large clumps, and forms profuse inflorescences of flowers that range from orange at the base, which is swollen, to green at the tip. This is the most easily grown species of Gasteria and quickly fills pots, making an attractive addition to any collection. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria hybrid 1 2-inch pots $8.00
This hybrid appears to be of the same pedigree as G. skinneri variegate on the basis of its gray, metallic leaf color. This hybrid prolifically offsets, producing spiraling leaves that are triangular-shaped, smooth, and keeled with occasional spots and faint stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria hybrid 2 5-inch pots $20.00
This hybrid appears to be of the same pedigree as G. skinneri variegate on the basis of its gray, metallic leaf color. This hybrid prolifically offsets, producing spiraling leaves that are triangular-shaped, smooth, and keeled with occasional spots and faint stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria nitida 2-inch pots $8.00
Unlike its better known cousin, Gasteria armstrongii, G. nitida forms rosettes that are well above ground. This relatively large species has the same dark color as its more famous cousin, and G. nitida occurs eastward and tends to prefer full sun in habitat. The plants we offer are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria penduliflora 3-inch pots $10.00
From KwaZulu-Natal Province in South Africa, Gasteria penduliflora, one of the newer species of Gasteria, is over collected owing to its perceived mystical property of rendering Zulu warriors invisible. This is a relatively large species of Gasteria, characterized by its flowers and triangular, relatively smooth leaves. As its epithet suggests, the flowers can hang over as this is a cliff-dwelling species These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria penduliflora 4-inch pots $15.00
From KwaZulu-Natal Province in South Africa, Gasteria penduliflora, one of the newer species of Gasteria, is over collected owing to its perceived mystical property of rendering Zulu warriors invisible. This is a relatively large species of Gasteria, characterized by its flowers and triangular, relatively smooth leaves. As its epithet suggests, the flowers can hang over as this is a cliff-dwelling species These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria penduliflora 5-inch pots $20.00
From KwaZulu-Natal Province in South Africa, Gasteria penduliflora, one of the newer species of Gasteria, is over collected owing to its perceived mystical property of rendering Zulu warriors invisible. This is a relatively large species of Gasteria, characterized by its flowers and triangular, relatively smooth leaves. As its epithet suggests, the flowers can hang over as this is a cliff-dwelling species These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria penduliflora 8-inch pots $35.00
From KwaZulu-Natal Province in South Africa, Gasteria penduliflora, one of the newer species of Gasteria, is over collected owing to its perceived mystical property of rendering Zulu warriors invisible. This is a relatively large species of Gasteria, characterized by its flowers and triangular, relatively smooth leaves. As its epithet suggests, the flowers can hang over as this is a cliff-dwelling species These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Gasteria pillansii ernesti-ruschii x glomerata 4-inch pots $12.00
Gasteria pillansii var. ernesti-ruschii grows in the winter-rainfall area of South Africa in the Northern Cape Province, extending into Namibia. Gasteria glomerata grows only near Kouga Dam in the Eastern Cape Province. This cross has interesting aspects of both species, including the bluish-green cast and spots of the ernesti-ruschi and the distichous leaf form of the G. glomerata. These hybrid plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria pillansii var. pillansii 4-inch pots $15.00
Gasteria pillansii tends to grow in the winter-rainfall area of South Africa, both in the Western and Northern Cape Provinces. The plants have beautiful dark green leaves with white spots and a white-purple blush. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria pillansii var. pillansii one-gallon pots $25.00
Gasteria pillansii tends to grow in the winter-rainfall area of South Africa, both in the Western and Northern Cape Provinces. The plants have beautiful dark green leaves with white spots and a white-purple blush. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Gasteria pulchra 5-inch pots $20.00
This species grows in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. What separates it from most other Gasterias are the long, linear and pointed leaves that are dark green, smooth, and white spotted. The pink-red flowers are borne on a relatively short inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria rawlinsonii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, the most unusual species of the genus, comes from side canyons in the Baviaanskloof in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The leaves are distichous, up to three inches long, with a roughened surface that may be spotless or with faint spots. Individual pendulous stems may reach several feet in length, and in habitat they hang from cliffs. The red flowers have a greatly swollen base. This species makes a great hanging basket. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria rawlinsonii x liliputana (RD 841) 2-inch pots $8.00
One parent of this hybrid, the most unusual species of the genus, comes from side canyons in the Baviaanskloof in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The leaves are distichous, up to three inches long, with a roughened surface that may be spotless or with faint spots. Individual pendulous stems may reach several feet in length, and in habitat they hang from cliffs. The red flowers have a greatly swollen base. This species makes a great hanging basket. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria rawlinsonii x liliputana (RD 841) 2-inch pots $8.00
One parent of this hybrid, the most unusual species of the genus, comes from side canyons in the Baviaanskloof in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The leaves are distichous, up to three inches long, with a roughened surface that may be spotless or with faint spots. Individual pendulous stems may reach several feet in length, and in habitat they hang from cliffs. The red flowers have a greatly swollen base. This species makes a great hanging basket. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria retusa 2-inch pots $8.00
This small, clumping species of Gasteria is from the lower Breede River valley, Western Cape Province of South Africa. This species, distichous when young but revolute when old, has undulating leaves that are banded with white tubercles. Our plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria retusa 4-inch pots $15.00
This small, clumping species of Gasteria is from the lower Breede River valley, Western Cape Province of South Africa. This species, distichous when young but revolute when old, has undulating leaves that are banded with white tubercles. Our plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria thunbergii 2-inch pots $8.00
This small, clumping species of Gasteria is from the lower Gouritz River, Western Cape Province of South Africa. This species has upright, distichous leaves that are banded with white tubercles. Our plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria thunbergii 3-inch pots $10.00
This small, clumping species of Gasteria is from the lower Gouritz River, Western Cape Province of South Africa. This species has upright, distichous leaves that are banded with white tubercles. Our plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gasteria thunbergii 4-inch pots $15.00
This small, clumping species of Gasteria is from the lower Gouritz River, Western Cape Province of South Africa. This species has upright, distichous leaves that are banded with white tubercles. Our plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gasteria thunbergii 5-inch pots $20.00
This small, clumping species of Gasteria is from the lower Gouritz River, Western Cape Province of South Africa. This species has upright, distichous leaves that are banded with white tubercles. Our plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gasteria vlokii 2-inch pots $8.00
This small Gasteria is from a locality in the Groot Swartberg about 17 kilometers southwest of Prince Albert, South Africa. It has slight variegation on the leaves and slight wartiness as well. It is highly unusual among the Gasteria because it occurs in mountain fynbos habitat, which frequently burns. Our plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Gasteria vlokii 4-inch pots $15.00
This small Gasteria is from a locality in the Groot Swartberg about 17 kilometers southwest of Prince Albert, South Africa. It has slight variegation on the leaves and slight wartiness as well. It is highly unusual among the Gasteria because it occurs in mountain fynbos habitat, which frequently burns. Our plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gastrolea cv White Pearl 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid between Gasteria and Aloe produced a plant with a distinctive folded leaves with little crystalline spots that supposedly resemble pearls. It looks a lot like a larger form of Haworthia minima. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gastrolea cv White Pearl 5-inch pots $20.00
This hybrid between Gasteria and Aloe produced a plant with a distinctive folded leaves with little crystalline spots that supposedly resemble pearls. It looks a lot like a larger form of Haworthia minima. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Gastrolea cv Wonder 3-inch pots $12.00
This hybrid between Gasteria and Aloe produced a plant with a distinctive flat-lying rosette of gray-green spotted leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Gastrolea cv Wonder 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid between Gasteria and Aloe produced a plant with a distinctive flat-lying rosette of gray-green spotted leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Gerrardanthus macrorrhizus 4-inch pots $15.00
A beautiful caudiciform from Kenya and Tanzania that mimics a flat flying saucer over time. In the wild, the caudex is easily scarred, as are these seedlings. Gerrardanthus macrorrhizus is a member of the cucurbit family and can form a caudex of two or more feet. The vines have nice angular leaves with good markings. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gibbaeum dispar 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species grows in the Klein Karoo, notably in the vicinity of Ladismith and typically within thin bands of shale. The leaves are grayish-white and not hairy. The flowers are a pinkish red color. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gibbaeum dispar 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species grows in the Klein Karoo, notably in the vicinity of Ladismith and typically within thin bands of shale. The leaves are grayish-white and not hairy. The flowers are a pinkish red color. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Gibbaeum dispar 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species grows in the Klein Karoo, notably in the vicinity of Ladismith and typically within thin bands of shale. The leaves are grayish-white and not hairy. The flowers are a pinkish red color. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Gibbaeum heathii 2-inch pots $8.00
This species has a larger distribution than other Gibbaeum in the Klein Karoo, but it remains a species confined to quartzite fields in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The grayish-white leaves are relatively small and globose as pairs. The flowers are white to pink. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gibbaeum heathii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species has a larger distribution than other Gibbaeum in the Klein Karoo, but it remains a species confined to quartzite fields in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The grayish-white leaves are relatively small and globose as pairs. The flowers are white to pink. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gibbaeum petrense 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from the vicinity of Riversdale in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. These plants are similar to G. album and its hard gray-green split-rock leaves, but this species is a mat-forming one from quartzite fields. The flowers are light purple to pink. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Gibbaeum schwantesii 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It is a spreading species with gray-green leaves that are asymmetrical. All parts of the flower are white with pinkish bases. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Gibbaeum schwantesii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It is a spreading species with gray-green leaves that are asymmetrical. All parts of the flower are white with pinkish bases. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gibbaeum shandii 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It is a spreading species with gray-green hairy leaves that are asymmetrical, like a shark’s head. All parts of the flower are purple with pinkish bases. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Gibbaeum shandii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It is a spreading species with gray-green hairy leaves that are asymmetrical, like a shark’s head. All parts of the flower are purple with pinkish bases. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gift Certificate $100 $100.00
This gift certificate, when signed by an owner of Arid Lands Greenhouses, entitles the bearer to redeem it for face value for the purchase of plants or other products from our nursery. Our gift certificates have no expiration date. Sales tax applies if this gift certificate is used in Arizona, and shipping costs are extra for out-of-state use. Any unused funds under the certificate will be credited to future purchases; no cash refunds will be issued. Purchases beyond the face value of this gift certificate require either a check for the extra amount or a credit card number. If you use this to purchase plants or products from our web site, you must state the gift certificate amount in the comments section and mail it to us before we will ship to you. Our website is not smart enough to realize this purchase is different from plants and assesses shipping charges; ignore these, shipping charges and sales tax will not be assessed with the purchase of gift certificates.
Gift Certificate $25 $25.00
This gift certificate, when signed by an owner of Arid Lands Greenhouses, entitles the bearer to redeem it for face value for the purchase of plants or other products from our nursery. Our gift certificates have no expiration date. Sales tax applies if this gift certificate is used in Arizona, and shipping costs are extra for out-of-state use. Any unused funds under the certificate will be credited to future purchases; no cash refunds will be issued. Purchases beyond the face value of this gift certificate require either a check for the extra amount or a credit card number. If you use this to purchase plants or products from our web site, you must state the gift certificate amount in the comments section and mail it to us before we will ship to you. Our website is not smart enough to realize this purchase is different from plants and assesses shipping charges; ignore these, shipping charges and sales tax will not be assessed with the purchase of gift certificates.
Gift Certificate $75 $75.00
This gift certificate, when signed by an owner of Arid Lands Greenhouses, entitles the bearer to redeem it for face value for the purchase of plants or other products from our nursery. Our gift certificates have no expiration date. Sales tax applies if this gift certificate is used in Arizona, and shipping costs are extra for out-of-state use. Any unused funds under the certificate will be credited to future purchases; no cash refunds will be issued. Purchases beyond the face value of this gift certificate require either a check for the extra amount or a credit card number. If you use this to purchase plants or products from our web site, you must state the gift certificate amount in the comments section and mail it to us before we will ship to you. Our website is not smart enough to realize this purchase is different from plants and assesses shipping charges; ignore these, shipping charges and sales tax will not be assessed with the purchase of gift certificates.
Gift Certificate $150 $150.00
This gift certificate, when signed by an owner of Arid Lands Greenhouses, entitles the bearer to redeem it for face value for the purchase of plants or other products from our nursery. Our gift certificates have no expiration date. Sales tax applies if this gift certificate is used in Arizona, and shipping costs are extra for out-of-state use. Any unused funds under the certificate will be credited to future purchases; no cash refunds will be issued. Purchases beyond the face value of this gift certificate require either a check for the extra amount or a credit card number. If you use this to purchase plants or products from our web site, you must state the gift certificate amount in the comments section and mail it to us before we will ship to you. Our website is not smart enough to realize this purchase is different from plants and assesses shipping charges; ignore these, shipping charges and sales tax will not be assessed with the purchase of gift certificates.
Gift Certificate $200 $200.00
This gift certificate, when signed by an owner of Arid Lands Greenhouses, entitles the bearer to redeem it for face value for the purchase of plants or other products from our nursery. Our gift certificates have no expiration date. Sales tax applies if this gift certificate is used in Arizona, and shipping costs are extra for out-of-state use. Any unused funds under the certificate will be credited to future purchases; no cash refunds will be issued. Purchases beyond the face value of this gift certificate require either a check for the extra amount or a credit card number. If you use this to purchase plants or products from our web site, you must state the gift certificate amount in the comments section and mail it to us before we will ship to you. Our website is not smart enough to realize this purchase is different from plants and assesses shipping charges; ignore these, shipping charges and sales tax will not be assessed with the purchase of gift certificates.
Gift Certificate $50 $50.00
This gift certificate, when signed by an owner of Arid Lands Greenhouses, entitles the bearer to redeem it for face value for the purchase of plants or other products from our nursery. Our gift certificates have no expiration date. Sales tax applies if this gift certificate is used in Arizona, and shipping costs are extra for out-of-state use. Any unused funds under the certificate will be credited to future purchases; no cash refunds will be issued. Purchases beyond the face value of this gift certificate require either a check for the extra amount or a credit card number. If you use this to purchase plants or products from our web site, you must state the gift certificate amount in the comments section and mail it to us before we will ship to you. Our website is not smart enough to realize this purchase is different from plants and assesses shipping charges; ignore these, shipping charges and sales tax will not be assessed with the purchase of gift certificates.
Ginko biloba 5-inch pots $20.00
This medicinal plant is a large tree from eastern Asia. It is a very hardy tree withstanding insects, drought, and wind damage; some individuals in China are thought to be in excess of 2500 years old. The trunk has brown bark and can be buttressed, and air roots also can occur. The leaves are a unique fan-shaped form with numerous veins. In autumn, the leaves turn a vibrant yellow before falling. And yes, this is a medicinal plant used to enhance memory when the leaves are consumed. It actually is a dioecious conifer, so flowers are irrelevant. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots
Glottiphyllum carnosum 3-inch pots $10.00
Narrowly distributed in the Klein Karoo of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species has green finger-like leaves that are thick, succulent, and pointed when young. The flowers are large, yellow, and showy. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Glottiphyllum carnosum 4-inch pots $15.00
Narrowly distributed in the Klein Karoo of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species has green finger-like leaves that are thick, succulent, and pointed when young. The flowers are large, yellow, and showy. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Glottiphyllum cruciatum 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Klein Karoo in the vicinity of Oudtshoorn, Western Cape Province, South Africa, this species has green finger-like leaves that are thick, succulent, and pointed when young. We tend to think the name reflects the cross-like shape of the young plants from a vertical perspective. The flowers are large, yellow, and showy. This species is distinguished by an acorn-shaped seed capsule. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Glottiphyllum cruciatum 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Klein Karoo in the vicinity of Oudtshoorn, Western Cape Province, South Africa, this species has green finger-like leaves that are thick, succulent, and pointed when young. We tend to think the name reflects the cross-like shape of the young plants from a vertical perspective. The flowers are large, yellow, and showy. This species is distinguished by an acorn-shaped seed capsule. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Glottiphyllum cruciatum 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Klein Karoo in the vicinity of Oudtshoorn, Western Cape Province, South Africa, this species has green finger-like leaves that are thick, succulent, and pointed when young. We tend to think the name reflects the cross-like shape of the young plants from a vertical perspective. The flowers are large, yellow, and showy. This species is distinguished by an acorn-shaped seed capsule. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Glottiphyllum cruciatum one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Klein Karoo in the vicinity of Oudtshoorn, Western Cape Province, South Africa, this species has green finger-like leaves that are thick, succulent, and pointed when young. We tend to think the name reflects the cross-like shape of the young plants from a vertical perspective. The flowers are large, yellow, and showy. This species is distinguished by an acorn-shaped seed capsule. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Glottiphyllum depressum 4-inch pots $15.00
Widely distributed in the Western Cape Province, Republic of South Africa, this species has green finger-like leaves that are thick, succulent, and pointed when young. In the wild, it tends to grow under shrubs in areas of relatively low rainfall. The flowers are large, yellow, and showy. We expect this species to be reasonably frost hardy, although we have not tested it personally. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Glottiphyllum depressum 5-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species has green finger-like leaves that are thick, succulent, and pointed when young. In the wild, it tends to grow under shrubs in areas of relatively low rainfall. The flowers are large, yellow, and showy. We expect this species to be reasonably frost hardy, although we have not tested it personally. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Glottiphyllum fergusoniae 4-inch pots $15.00
Distributed in shale and sandstone crevices of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species has green finger-like leaves that are thick, succulent, and pointed. The flowers are large, yellow, and showy. We expect this species to be reasonably frost hardy, although we have not tested it personally. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Glottiphyllum haagei 3-inch pots $10.00
The current incarnation of Glottiphyllum depressum makes it a garbage can of a species comprised of different looking plants widely distributed across southwestern South Africa. Glottiphyllum haagei has been tossed unceremoniously into that garbage can. It has green finger-like leaves that are thick, succulent, and pointed when young. The flowers are large, yellow, and showy. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Glottiphyllum nelii (pygmaeum) 3-inch pots $10.00
From the western provinces of South Africa, this species has fleshy and succulent leaves that resemble fingers with keels. The plant is prostrate and likely can take significant amounts of frost. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Glottiphyllum nelii (pygmaeum) 4-inch pots $15.00
From the western provinces of South Africa, this species has fleshy and succulent leaves that resemble fingers with keels. The plant is prostrate and likely can take significant amounts of frost. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Glottiphyllum regium 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa (the Klein Karoo), has extremely long, glossy medium green leaves. It is the largest species in the genus. Its flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Grahamia coahuilensis 3-inch pots $15.00
This little species, from Coahuila, Mexico, forms tuberous roots that are adventitious. The stems are weak, creating more of a ground cover than an upright shrub. The leaves are fleshy and quite attractive, and the flowers are a rich pink color. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Graptopetalum paraguayense 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is only known in cultivation but is widely believed to have come from eastern Mexico. The gray-green leaves are succulent and thickened, and the plant tends to create a ground cover. The flowers are small and star-shaped. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Grusonia clavata 5-inch pots $15.00
This mat-forming species is from the Great Plains grasslands of the United States extending into northern Mexico. The stems are nearly spherical and gray-green bearing appressed white spines. The flowers are bright yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Grusonia grahamii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is endemic to the Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico, Texas, and extending southwards into Mexico. It generally is a mat-forming species on fine-grained alluvium. The club-like joints on this species are covered with fierce, flattened central spines and numerous lateral spines and glochids. The flowers are bright yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Grusonia invicta 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is endemic to Baja California, Mexico, where it generally occurs in alluvial plains. The club-like joints on this species are covered with fierce, flattened central spines and numerous lateral spines and glochids. The flowers are yellow-green. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it has been undamaged at 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Grusonia invicta 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is endemic to Baja California, Mexico, where it generally occurs in alluvial plains. The club-like joints on this species are covered with fierce, flattened central spines and numerous lateral spines and glochids. The flowers are yellow-green. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it has been undamaged at 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Grusonia invicta one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is endemic to Baja California, Mexico, where it generally occurs in alluvial plains. The club-like joints on this species are covered with fierce, flattened central spines and numerous lateral spines and glochids. The flowers are yellow-green. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it has been undamaged at 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Grusonia reflexispina 4-inch pots $15.00
This rare species comes from one locality near the Sea of Cortez near Guaymas, Sonora. It looks like a cross between a typical club cholla and a cholla, with long, relatively thin stems and reflexed spines. The flowers are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocactus gielsdorfianus 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, this species has small, typically solitary stems that are globose and very spiny. The spines are dirty white and extend outwards from the body. The flowers are small and yellow-white with darker midribs. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocactus horripilus 2-inch pots $10.00
This globose, offsetting species is a conglomeration from several genera. From Hidalgo, Mexico, these plants have dark green fluted bodies with numerous white spines. The flowers are purple and showy. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gymnocactus horripilus 4-inch pots $15.00
This globose, offsetting species is a conglomeration from several genera. From Hidalgo, Mexico, these plants have dark green fluted bodies with numerous white spines. The flowers are purple and showy. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocactus ysabelae 2-inch pots $10.00
This small solitary species is from a very small area of Tamaulipas, Mexico. These globose plants have a light green body with numerous tubercles. The aureoles have one upward curving central spine and numerous white whisker-like spines. The flowers are yellow to white. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium amerhauseri 4-inch pots $15.00
From Argentina, this species has solitary globose stems that are grey-green and can reach 2-3-inches in diameter. Spring flowering, the flowers are white to pink. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium baldianum 2-inch pots $8.00
This is one of the most popular of the Gymnocalycium, in part because of the very interesting flowers and their profusion. The globose stem can reach 4-inches or more in diameter. Spring flowering, the flowers are red, yellow, or orange. This species, which is very easy to grow, is from South America. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium baldianum 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the most popular of the Gymnocalycium, in part because of the very interesting flowers and their profusion. The globose stem can reach 4-inches or more in diameter. Spring flowering, the flowers are red, yellow, or orange. This species, which is very easy to grow, is from South America. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium baldianum 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, which usually does not offset, has a globose stem that can reach 4 to 5-inches high. Flowering occurs in spring or early summer, and the flowers are red, yellow, or orange. This very easy-to-grow species is from South America. These plants are large seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium cardenasianum 4-inch pots $15.00
We keep this at species rank although some consider it to be a subspecies of Gymnocalycium spegazzinii. This distinctive species is from Bolivia. It has a globose species has relatively long spines closely appressed against the brownish-green stem. The flowers are funnel-shape and pink to white in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium carolinense 4-inch pots $15.00
We keep this at species rank although some consider it to be a subspecies of Gymnocalycium andreae. This distinctive clustering species is from northern Argentina. It has a globose species has relatively long spines appressed against the blue-green stem. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium chacoense 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from an island in Bolivia, and some have it as Gymnocalycium paediophilum. This distinctive clustering species is from steep canyons, where it forms large masses of globose heads. It has numerous black-white spines arising from tubercles on the medium green stem. The flowers are white with pink-purple blushing. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium erinaceum 4-inch pots $15.00
This solitary species is from northern Argentina. It has a globose species has relatively long spines appressed against the brownish-green stem. The flowers are white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium griseopallidum 4-inch pots $15.00
From the east-central part of South America, this species supposedly is part of the Gymnocalycium anisitsii complex. It has a globose gray-green body with closely appressed whitish spines. The flowers are white to pink colored. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium horstii 3-inch pots $10.00
From Brazil, this globose body is dark green with sparse, appressed spines. The flowers are white to pink colored. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium horstii 4-inch pots $15.00
From Brazil, this globose body is dark green with sparse, appressed spines. The flowers are white to pink colored. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium horstii 5-inch pots $20.00
From Brazil, this globose body is dark green with sparse, appressed spines. The flowers are white to pink colored. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium mesopotamicum 4-inch pots $15.00
From the vicinity of Corrientes, Argentina, this small globose species has a dark green body with prominent red-brown spines pressed against the ribs. The flowers are white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium mesopotamicum 5-inch pots $20.00
From the vicinity of Corrientes, Argentina, this small globose species has a dark green body with prominent red-brown spines pressed against the ribs. The flowers are white. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium neuhuberi 4-inch pots $15.00
From Argentina, this species has a solitary, small flattened globose body with stiff yellowish spines. The flowers are small and pale violet. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium pflanzii var. albipulpi 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Bolivia and Argentina. This variety has a blue-green body with large tubercles and somewhat sparse white spines. The flowers are light to medium pink. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium pflanzii var. marquezii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Bolivia and Argentina. This species has a gray-green body with large tubercles and somewhat sparse white spines. The flowers are light to medium pink. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium pflanzii var. marquezii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Bolivia and Argentina. This species has a gray-green body with large tubercles and somewhat sparse white spines. The flowers are light to medium pink. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium ragonesei 4-inch pots $15.00
From Argentina, this species forms solitary, small globose bodies with closely appressed white spines. The flowers are small and white with reddish throats. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium reductum 4-inch pots $15.00
From southern Argentina, this species forms solitary, small globose bodies with dark bluish-green bodies and white spines. Supposedly it is merged with Gymnocalycium gibbosum. The flowers are small and dirty white with a yellow center. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium reductum 4-inch pots $15.00
From southern Argentina, this species forms solitary, small globose bodies with dark bluish-green bodies and white spines. Supposedly it is merged with Gymnocalycium gibbosum. The flowers are small and dirty white with a yellow center. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium reductum var. leucodictyon 4-inch pots $15.00
From southern Argentina, this species forms solitary, small globose bodies with dark bluish-green bodies and white spines. Supposedly it is merged with Gymnocalycium gibbosum. The flowers are small and dirty white with a yellow center. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium reductum var. leucodictyon 5-inch pots $20.00
From southern Argentina, this species forms solitary, small globose bodies with dark bluish-green bodies and white spines. Supposedly it is merged with Gymnocalycium gibbosum. The flowers are small and dirty white with a yellow center. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium ritterianum 4-inch pots $15.00
From Argentina, this species forms solitary, small globose bodies with dark bluish-green bodies and white spines. The flowers are small and white with violet pink throats. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium ritterianum 5-inch pots $20.00
From Argentina, this species forms solitary, small globose bodies with dark bluish-green bodies and white spines. The flowers are small and white with violet pink throats. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium rotundulum 3-inch pots $10.00
This is one of those species that has been kicked around so much that it is difficult to figure out what the most commonly used Latin name is. We chose to use this very old name instead of G. damsii var. rotundulum and G. anisitsii ssp. damsii and the combinations and permutations thereof. What we know is that it originates from Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay and is a nice little solitary and globose plant with very user-friendly spines and white flowers that may be white or white with purple-white highlights. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium salglionis 5-inch pots $20.00
From Argentina, this densely spined species has a blue to green body with numerous ribs and prominent tubercles. The flowers are white to pink with red in the throats, and the seed pods are reddish. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium salglionis 6-inch pots $25.00
From Argentina, this densely spined species has a blue to green body with numerous ribs and prominent tubercles. The flowers are white to pink with red in the throats, and the seed pods are reddish. These plants are seedlings in 6-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium schatzilianum 4-inch pots $15.00
Lumped into G. mackieanum, Gymnocalycium schatzilianum is from eastern Argentina. This is a really nice solitary species that has a globose-green body and flexible white spines. The flowers are shaped like a funnel and are greenish-yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium schickendantzii 3-inch pots $12.00
This really nice species, with its olive-green body and extremely stout and fierce spines, is from northwestern Argentina. The flowers have long tubes and are white to pink in color. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium tucavocense 2-inch pots $8.00
This species has been merged into G. anisitsii, which it does not resemble, and G. damsii. From the Tucavaca Valley of Bolivia, this small globose species has numerous tubercles on its olive-green body with purplish highlights and closely appressed and stout white spines. The flowers are pink-violet. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Gymnocalycium tucavocense 4-inch pots $15.00
This species has been merged into G. anisitsii, which it does not resemble, and G. damsii. From the Tucavaca Valley of Bolivia, this small globose species has numerous tubercles on its olive-green body with purplish highlights and closely appressed and stout white spines. The flowers are pink-violet. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haageocereus olowinskianus 2-gallon pots $65.00
This species is from desert areas of Peru. A short columnar species, it has green stems and numerous rather long yellow spines. The flowers are a greenish-white. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Haageocereus olowinskianus 3-gallon pots $75.00
This species is from desert areas of Peru. A short columnar species, it has green stems and numerous rather long yellow spines. The flowers are a greenish-white. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-gallon pots.
Habranthus robustus 3-inch pots $10.00
We previously thought this was a Zephranthes sp. until a customer familiar with this species correctly identified the genus, and then another knowledgeable person identified the correct species. This bulb, one of the "Rain Lilies" and native to southern Brazil, produces linear leaves followed by relatively large flowers. The flowers are multicolored white to purple and are quite pretty. We grow these plants in either pot culture or directly in the ground in Tucson. In pots, they frequently flower earlier than the typical late summer – fall blooming period. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Habranthus robustus 4-inch pots $15.00
We previously thought this was a Zephranthes sp. and then Habranthus brachyandrus until a customer familiar with this species correctly identified it. This bulb, one of the "Rain Lilies" and native to southern Brazil, produces linear leaves followed by relatively large flowers. The flowers are multicolored white to purple and are quite pretty. We grow these plants in either pot culture or directly in the ground in Tucson. In pots, they frequently flower earlier than the typical late summer ? fall blooming period. These plants are in 4-inch pots.
Habranthus robustus one-gallon pots $25.00
We previously thought this was a Zephranthes sp. and then Habranthus brachyandrus until a customer familiar with this species correctly identified it. This bulb, one of the "Rain Lilies" and native to southern Brazil, produces linear leaves followed by relatively large flowers. The flowers are multicolored white to purple and are quite pretty. We grow these plants in either pot culture or directly in the ground in Tucson. In pots, they frequently flower earlier than the typical late summer-fall blooming period. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Haemanthus albiflos 4-inch pots $15.00
This species came to us as Rauhia peruviana, and a nice customer told us it likely was this species instead. It is a winter-growing bulb putting out two-three leaves from a subterranean bulb, and the leaves are a dull medium green with hairs on the margins. It occurs over a wide coastal range from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa to Kwa-Zulu Natala. The flowers are a spectacular if compact umbel of white flowers with yellow filaments. These plants are rooted offsets in4-inch pots.
Haemanthus albiflos 4-inch pots $15.00
This species came to us as Rauhia peruviana, and a nice customer told us it likely was this species instead. It is a winter-growing bulb putting out two-three leaves from a subterranean bulb, and the leaves are a dull medium green with hairs on the margins. It occurs over a wide coastal range from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa to Kwa-Zulu Natala. The flowers are a spectacular if compact umbel of white flowers with yellow filaments. These plants are rooted offsets in4-inch pots.
Haemanthus albiflos 5-inch pots $20.00
This species came to us as Rauhia peruviana, and a nice customer told us it likely was this species instead. It is a winter-growing bulb putting out two-three leaves from a subterranean bulb, and the leaves are a dull medium green with hairs on the margins. It occurs over a wide coastal range from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa to Kwa-Zulu Natala. The flowers are a spectacular if compact umbel of white flowers with yellow filaments. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Hamatocactus setispinus 3-inch pots $10.00
Supposedly now in the genus Thelocactus, this species ranges from southeastern Texas to northeastern Mexico. The globose plants rarely offset and have numerous ribs with no tubercles. The spines on the body mostly are appressed, and the flowers are a dirty yellow with reddish throats. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Hamatocactus setispinus 5-inch pots $20.00
Supposedly now in the genus Thelocactus, this species ranges from southeastern Texas to northeastern Mexico. The globose plants rarely offset and have numerous ribs with no tubercles. The spines on the body mostly are appressed, and the flowers are a dirty yellow with reddish throats. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Hamatocactus setispinus one-gallon pots $25.00
Supposedly now in the genus Thelocactus, this species ranges from southeastern Texas to northeastern Mexico. The globose plants rarely offset and have numerous ribs with no tubercles. The spines on the body mostly are appressed, and the flowers are a dirty yellow with reddish throats. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Harrisia adescendens 4-inch pots $20.00
This species is one of those plants that is taxonomically confused in the cactus family. It is a scrambling cactus with round, ribbed stems and numerous white spines. The flowers are large, white, and open at night. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Harrisia jusbertii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is one of those plants that is lost in the grand rearrangement of the cactus family. Some call it an Echinocereus, some refer to it as a cultivar. All we know is that it is a scrambling cactus with round, ribbed stems and numerous white spines. The flowers are large, white, and open at night. It is frost hardy in Tucson, having withstood multiple frosts of 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Harrisia jusbertii one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is one of those plants that is lost in the grand rearrangement of the cactus family. Some call it an Echinocereus, some refer to it as a cultivar. All we know is that it is a scrambling cactus with round, ribbed stems and numerous white spines. The flowers are large, white, and open at night. It is frost hardy in Tucson, having withstood multiple frosts of 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Harrisia pomanensis 5-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the multinational Gran Chaco of South America. It is a scrambling cactus with round, ribbed stems and numerous white spines. The flowers are large, white, and open at night. It is frost hardy in Tucson, having withstood multiple frosts of 15F against a wall. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Harrisia pomanensis one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from the multinational Gran Chaco of South America. It is a scrambling cactus with round, ribbed stems and numerous white spines. The flowers are large, white, and open at night. It is frost hardy in Tucson, having withstood multiple frosts of 15F against a wall. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Harrisia tetracantha (C327) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Bolivia. It is a scrambling cactus with round, ribbed stems and one central black spine. The flowers are large, white, and open at night. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Hatiora salicornioides 3-inch pots $10.00
This species hardly looks like the typical cactus and instead is more closely related to Rhipsalis. From southern Brazil, this plant makes a fine hanging pot plant. The flowers are yellow to orange and about an inch in diameter. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Hatiora salicornioides 5-inch pots $20.00
This species hardly looks like the typical cactus and instead is more closely related to Rhipsalis. From southern Brazil, this plant makes a fine hanging pot plant. The flowers are yellow to orange and about an inch in diameter. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Hatiora salicornioides 6-inch pots $25.00
This species hardly looks like the typical cactus and instead is more closely related to Rhipsalis. From southern Brazil, this plant makes a fine hanging pot plant. The flowers are yellow to orange and about an inch in diameter. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Hatiora salicornioides 8-inch pots $35.00
This species hardly looks like the typical cactus and instead is more closely related to Rhipsalis. From southern Brazil, this plant makes a fine hanging pot plant. The flowers are yellow to orange and about an inch in diameter. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Haworthia angustifolia hybrid 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, Haworthia angustifolia var. angustifolia forms rather large clumps of plants with long green linear leaves. This is an open-pollinated version of most common form of this species of Haworthia. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia angustifolia var. altissima (Riebeek East) 3-inch pots $12.00
These plants are from material originally collected at Riebeek East in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Haworthia angustifolia var. altissima grows tall (hence the name) and forms rather large clumps. This is a less distinctive variant of a distinctive species of Haworthia. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia angustifolia var. altissima (Riebeek East) 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are from material originally collected at Riebeek East in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Haworthia angustifolia var. altissima grows tall (hence the name) and forms rather large clumps. This is a less distinctive variant of a distinctive species of Haworthia. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia angustifolia var. baylissii (Oudekraal) 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are from material originally collected at the type locality of Oudekraal in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. These plants are sometimes listed as H. baylissii, but we keep them under H. angustifolia for now. The leaves are wider than the typical species and are recurved, forming rosettes that are generally flatter than the typical species. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata (white variegate) 4-inch pots $15.00
In many respects, Haworthia attenuata is the classic Haworthia, and it defines the subgenus Hexangulares. This species, from the Eastern Cape Province, has erect narrow leaves with tiny white raised tubercles. This variegate has white streaks longitudinally on the normally dark green leaves. These plants are small rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata forma caespitosa 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia attenuate is widely distributed in the eastern and northeastern provinces of South Africa, and this form of the popular H. attenuata is from material originally collected at Big Bend, Swaziland. This form is noteworthy for its offsetting, which is prolific. Otherwise, it appears to also be a larger form of A. attenuata compared with our other plants. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata forma caespitosa 5-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia attenuate is widely distributed in the eastern and northeastern provinces of South Africa, and this form of the popular H. attenuata is from material originally collected at Big Bend, Swaziland. This form is noteworthy for its offsetting, which is prolific. Otherwise, it appears to also be a larger form of A. attenuata compared with our other plants. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata var. attenuata (Enon) 4-inch pots $15.00
In many respects, this is the classic Haworthia, and it defines the subgenus Hexangulares. This species, which is propagated from material originally collected east of Enon in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, has erect relatively wide leaves few tubercles, giving it a rather unique appearance for this group. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata var. attenuata (GM 579) 3-inch pots $10.00
In many respects, this is the classic Haworthia, and it defines the subgenus Hexangulares. This species, from the Eastern Cape Province, has erect narrow leaves with tiny white raised tubercles. These plants are propagated from material originally collected near Southkloof (GM 579). The tubercles are more-or-less randomly arranged on both leaf faces. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata var. attenuata (GM 579) 4-inch pots $15.00
In many respects, this is the classic Haworthia, and it defines the subgenus Hexangulares. This species, from the Eastern Cape Province, has erect narrow leaves with tiny white raised tubercles. These plants are propagated from material originally collected near Southkloof (GM 579). The tubercles are more-or-less randomly arranged on both leaf faces. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata var. attenuata (GM 579) 5-inch pots $20.00
In many respects, this is the classic Haworthia, and it defines the subgenus Hexangulares. This species, from the Eastern Cape Province, has erect narrow leaves with tiny white raised tubercles. These plants are propagated from material originally collected near Southkloof (GM 579). The tubercles are more-or-less randomly arranged on both leaf faces. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata var. attenuata (JDV 90-42) 5-inch pots $20.00
In many respects, this is the classic Haworthia, and it defines the subgenus Hexangulares. This species, from the Eastern Cape Province (JDV 90-42), has erect narrow leaves with tiny white raised tubercles. The tubercles are more-or-less randomly arranged on both leaf faces. They are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata var. attenuata (Kloof) 4-inch pots $15.00
In many respects, this is the classic Haworthia, and it defines the subgenus Hexangulares. This species, which occurs in a kloof (canyon) south of Addo National Park in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, has erect narrow leaves with tiny white raised tubercles. The tubercles are more-or-less randomly arranged on both leaf faces. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata var. attenuata 3-inch pots $10.00
In many respects, this is the classic Haworthia, and it defines the subgenus Hexangulares. This species, from the Eastern Cape Province, has erect narrow leaves with tiny white raised tubercles. The tubercles are more-or-less randomly arranged on both leaf faces. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata var. attenuata 4-inch pots $15.00
In many respects, this is the classic Haworthia, and it defines the subgenus Hexangulares. This species, from the Eastern Cape Province, has erect narrow leaves with tiny white raised tubercles. The tubercles are more-or-less randomly arranged on both leaf faces. They are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata var. attenuata 4-inch pots $15.00
In many respects, this is the classic Haworthia, and it defines the subgenus Hexangulares. This species, from the Eastern Cape Province, has erect narrow leaves with tiny white raised tubercles. The tubercles are more-or-less randomly arranged on both leaf faces. They are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata var. radula 3-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia attenuata var. radula only occurs in the vicinity of Hankey in the Eastern Cape Province. Once a species in its own right, Bayer (1999) reduced it to a variety of H. attenuata. It has erect narrow leaves with tiny white tubercles that can seem to be vaguely arranged in longitudinal lines. These plants are offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata var. radula 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia attenuata var. radula only occurs in the vicinity of Hankey in the Eastern Cape Province. Once a species in its own right, Bayer (1999) reduced it to a variety of H. attenuata. It has erect narrow leaves with tiny white tubercles that can seem to be vaguely arranged in longitudinal lines. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata var. radula 5-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia attenuata var. radula only occurs in the vicinity of Hankey in the Eastern Cape Province. Once a species in its own right, Bayer (1999) reduced it to a variety of H. attenuata. It has erect narrow leaves with tiny white tubercles that can seem to be vaguely arranged in longitudinal lines. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia attenuata var. radula one-gallon pots $25.00
Haworthia attenuata var. radula only occurs in the vicinity of Hankey in the Eastern Cape Province. Once a species in its own right, Bayer (1999) reduced it to a variety of H. attenuata. It has erect narrow leaves with tiny white tubercles that can seem to be vaguely arranged in longitudinal lines. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Haworthia bolusii var. bolusii (GM 555) 4-inch pots $25.00
Our plants are GM 555, collected southeast of Jansenville in the Eastern Cape Province. The nice small blue leaved form is from Lootskloof and grows into a nice compact ball-shaped rosette. This species tends to remain solitary. According to Marx, GM 555 from Lootskloof is the same as H. odettae Breuer (=H. odettae). These plants are in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia bolusii var. bolusii (GM 555) 5-inch pots $30.00
Our plants are GM 555, collected southeast of Jansenville in the Eastern Cape Province. The nice small blue leaved form is from Lootskloof and grows into a nice compact ball-shaped rosette. This species tends to remain solitary. According to Marx, GM 555 from Lootskloof is the same as H. odettae Breuer (=H. odettae). These plants are in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia breueri (GM 449) 2-inch pots $12.00
Named for Ingo Breuer, these plants are from near Sandkraal in the Western Cape Province of South Africa (GM 449). Related to H. multifolia, these plants tend to be solitary rosettes with dark gray-green leaves covered with numerous white flecks. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia caespitosa (IB 2869) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species was described by Breuer from Tradouw Pass in the Western Cape Province of South Africa (IB 2869). It is a little Haworthia related to H. turgida, and it has light green leaves that age to reddish green. The leaves are vaguely windowed and have little bristles along the edges. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia caespitosa (IB 2869) 3-inch pots $10.00
This species was described by Breuer from Tradouw Pass in the Western Cape Province of South Africa (IB 2869). It is a little Haworthia related to H. turgida, and it has light green leaves that age to reddish green. The leaves are vaguely windowed and have little bristles along the edges. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia caespitosa (IB 2869) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species was described by Breuer from Tradouw Pass in the Western Cape Province of South Africa (IB 2869). It is a little Haworthia related to H. turgida, and it has light green leaves that age to reddish green. The leaves are vaguely windowed and have little bristles along the edges. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia caespitosa (IB 2869) one-gallon pots $25.00
This species was described by Breuer from Tradouw Pass in the Western Cape Province of South Africa (IB 2869). It is a little Haworthia related to H. turgida, and it has light green leaves that age to reddish green. The leaves are vaguely windowed and have little bristles along the edges. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Haworthia caespitosa (VDV 1521) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species was described by Breuer from Tradouw Pass in the Western Cape Province of South Africa (VDV 1521). It is a little Haworthia related to H. turgida, and it has light green leaves that age to reddish green. The leaves are vaguely windowed and have little bristles along the edges. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cassytha 3-inch pots $10.00
According to Bayer (1999), this species doesn't even exist. Well, somehow, we got some anyway, and we continue to offer it. It is a cute little Haworthia that is related to Haworthia attenuata, H. coarctata, and (or) H. reinwardtii. These plants are offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cassytha 4-inch pots $15.00
According to Bayer (1999), this species doesnt even exist. Well, somehow, we got some anyway, and we continue to offer it. It is a cute little Haworthia that is related to Haworthia attenuata, H. coarctata, and (or) H. reinwardtii. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia chloracantha var. chloracantha (VDV 40) 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Western Cape Province (VDV 40), this proliferous species has soft, light-green leaves. The leaves are vaguely triangular in cross section with faint veins and tiny spines on the margins. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia chloracantha var. chloracantha 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Western Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa, this proliferous species has soft, light-green leaves. The leaves are vaguely triangular in cross section with faint veins and tiny spines on the margins. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia chloracantha var. chloracantha 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this proliferous species has soft, light-green leaves. The leaves are vaguely triangular in cross section with faint veins and tiny spines on the margins. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia chloracantha var. chloracantha one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this proliferous species has soft, light-green leaves. The leaves are vaguely triangular in cross section with faint veins and tiny spines on the margins. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Haworthia chloracantha var. denticulifera (GM 283) 3-inch pots $10.00
Our offering is GM 283, which is Haworthia chloracantha var. denticulifera from a locality 10 km northeast of Brandwag, Republic of South Africa. This species occurs on the south coast of the Western Cape Province. This variety of H. chloracantha is distinguished by the small teeth on the leaf edges. These plants are offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia chloracantha var. subglauca (ISI 1212) 3-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia chloracantha var. subglauca comes from a coastal locality near Great Brak, South Africa, on the south coast of the Western Cape Province (ISI 1212). This variety of H. chloracantha is distinguished by larger teeth on the darker leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia chloracantha var. subglauca (ISI 1212) 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia chloracantha var. subglauca comes from a coastal locality near Great Brak, South Africa, on the south coast of the Western Cape Province (ISI 1212). This variety of H. chloracantha is distinguished by larger teeth on the darker leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis (riebeeckensis) 4-inch pot $15.00
Haworthia coarctata is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Bayer (1999) considers the form known as riebeeckensis geographically separate form to be synonymous with Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis. We‘ll keep it separate for now, following Bayer‘s advice. This are relatively large, offsetting individuals. Our rooted offsets are in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis (riebeeckensis) 5-inch pot $20.00
Haworthia coarctata is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Bayer (1999) considers the form known as riebeeckensis geographically separate form to be synonymous with Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis. We‘ll keep it separate for now, following Bayer‘s advice. This are relatively large, offsetting individuals. Our rooted offsets are in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis 3-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia coarctata and H. reinwardtii are closely related, and both species are from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The difference between the two species is that H. coarctata tends to have fewer leaves arranged more loosely on its stems. A strikingly beautiful variety, Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis is found near the town of Adelaide. This variety freely offsets, forming nice clumps. Our rooted offsets are in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia coarctata and H. reinwardtii are closely related, and both species are from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The difference between the two species is that H. coarctata tends to have fewer leaves arranged more loosely on its stems. A strikingly beautiful variety, Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis is found near the town of Adelaide. This variety freely offsets, forming nice clumps. Our rooted offsets are in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cooperi (variegate) 4-inch pots $25.00
Haworthia cooperi is widely distributed in the mountains of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This soft-bodied, clumping Haworthia is light green in low light, turning a purplish green in strong light, with reddish veins. The tips have a soft spine. These variegated plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cooperi var. cooperi 2-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia cooperi is widely distributed in the mountains of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This soft-bodied, clumping Haworthia is light green in low light, turning a purplish green in strong light, with reddish veins. The tips have a soft spine. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cooperi var. cooperi 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia cooperi is widely distributed in the mountains of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This soft-bodied, clumping Haworthia is light green in low light, turning a purplish green in strong light, with reddish veins. The tips have a soft spine. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cooperi var. gordoniana (FSA 192) 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia cooperi is widely distributed, mostly in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa (FSA 192). H. cooperi var. gordoniana, with its purplish cast, occurs west of most of the varieties of this species, extending into the Baviaanskloof of the Western Cape Province. A proliferous species, the clumps formed by this species can be large. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cooperi var. leightonii 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia cooperi is widely distributed, mostly in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. H. cooperi var. leightonii, with its strong purplish cast, is narrowly distributed, and our plants are from a small locality near Kayser‘s Beach in the Eastern Cape Province. A proliferous species, the clumps formed by this species can be large. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cooperi var. pilifera 2-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia cooperi is widely distributed, mostly in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Haworthia cooperi var. pilifera, the most widely distributed variety, differs from much of the rest of this species group because of its obtuse leaves with acuminate tips. They look almost like a blue-gray form of Haworthia cooperi var. dielseana. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cooperi var. pilifera 4-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia cooperi is widely distributed, mostly in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Haworthia cooperi var. pilifera, the most widely distributed variety, differs from much of the rest of this species group because of its obtuse leaves with acuminate tips. They look almost like a blue-gray form of Haworthia cooperi var. dielseana. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cooperi var. truncata (Japan) 3-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia cooperi is widely distributed, mostly in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This is a clustering form of H. cooperi with round-tipped lovely blue-green translucent-patterned leaves. It is a selection cultivar from Japan. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cooperi var. truncata (MBB 386/70) 3-inch pots $12.00
Haworthia cooperi is widely distributed, mostly in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Our offering is MBB 386/70. This is a clustering form of H. cooperi with round-tipped lovely blue-green translucent-patterned leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cooperi var. truncata (MBB 386/70) 4-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia cooperi is widely distributed, mostly in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Our offering is MBB386/70. This is a clustering form of H. cooperi with round-tipped lovely blue-green translucent-patterned leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cooperi var. truncata 5-inch pots $25.00
Haworthia cooperi is widely distributed, mostly in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This is a clustering form of H. cooperi with round-tipped lovely blue-green translucent-patterned leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia cooperi var. venusta (GM 292) 3-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia cooperi is widely distributed, mostly in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Our plants are GM 292, from plants originally collected northeast of Kenton-on-Sea. This species, once called Haworthia venusta, has densely hairy leaves and now is considered by Bayer (1999) to be a variant of Haworthia cooperi. No matter, this offering has very attractive blue-gray leaves, is rare, and is a unique addition to any collection. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cooperi var. venusta (GM 292) 4-inch pots $25.00
Haworthia cooperi is widely distributed, mostly in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Our plants are GM 292, from plants originally collected northeast of Kenton-on-Sea. This species, once called Haworthia venusta, has densely hairy leaves and now is considered by Bayer (1999) to be a variant of Haworthia cooperi. No matter, this offering has very attractive blue-gray leaves, is rare, and is a unique addition to any collection. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cummingii (VDV1414) 2-inch pots $10.00
From a small area near the southern coast of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this species seems to bridge a gap between H. gracilis and H. cymbiformis. This soft-bodied Haworthia has thin linear leaves with delicate spines on the edges. One of the main distinctive features is that it tends to grow larger than other species in this group and does not offset prolifically until large. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cuspidata 3-inch pots $10.00
Another species not recognized by Bayer, or Breuer for that matter, this plant was originally described by Haworth in 1819 as intermediate between H. cymbiformis and H. retusa but allied with H. mucronata. Although this seems somewhat implausible, plants resembling the original concept of this species do exist, and here we offer offsets of those plants in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cuspidata 4-inch pots $15.00
Another species not recognized by Bayer, or Breuer for that matter, this plant was originally described by Haworth in 1819 as intermediate between H. cymbiformis and H. retusa but allied with H. mucronata. Although this seems somewhat implausible, plants resembling the original concept of this species do exist, and here we offer offsets of those plants in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cuspidata one-gallon pots $25.00
Another species not recognized by Bayer, or Breuer for that matter, this plant was originally described by Haworth in 1819 as intermediate between H. cymbiformis and H. retusa but allied with H. mucronata. Although this seems somewhat implausible, plants resembling the original concept of this species do exist, and here we offer offsets of those plants in one-gallon pots.
Haworthia cuspidata x retusa 5-inch pots $20.00
This cross between a species that supposedly does not exist and a very common species results in something unique. It has the windowed leaves of H. retusa and the more upright leaves of H. cuspidata. We offer rooted offsets of those plants in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia cuspidata x truncata 3-inch pots $10.00
This cross between a species not recognized by Bayer or Breuer and the well-known H. truncata is quite interesting and unusual. It looks more like H. cuspidata, but it has nearly translucent leaf tips. We offer offsets of this hybrid in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cuspidata x truncata 4-inch pots $15.00
This cross between a species not recognized by Bayer or Breuer and the well-known H. truncata is quite interesting and unusual. It looks more like H. cuspidata, but it has nearly translucent leaf tips. We offer offsets of this hybrid in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Baile 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between several Haworthia rosette cultivars. The cross was done by Rick Bjorklund and Kevin Hosmer. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Ballhog 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between several Haworthia rosette cultivars. The cross was done by Rick Bjorklund and Kevin Hosmer. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Black Widow 3-inch pots $15.00
Now this is an interesting hybrid. We list this one as a cross between H. arachnoidea, H. mirabilis, H. mirabilis var. badia, and H. emelyae var. major. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Bodacious 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between unknown Haworthias and(or) Haworthia hybrids. It looks like a form of Haworthia pygmaea. The cross was made by Kevin Hosmer. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv breticula 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid Haworthia is a cross between H. breueri, from Sandkraal, and H. reticulata created by Ingo Breuer (IB 3281). The leaves are a lovely shade of light green with rather vaguely defined windows on the top and white spots on the undersides. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Carl Gary 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between several Haworthia rosette cultivars, notably H. cv Gary and H. retusa cv Carl Grover. The cross was done by Rick Bjorklund and Kevin Hosmer. We like it because of its potential being a darker form of H. retusa with more patterned leaves. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Carl Gary 4-inch pots $20.00
These plants are a cross between several Haworthia rosette cultivars, notably H. cv Gary and H. retusa cv Carl Grover. The cross was done by Rick Bjorklund and Kevin Hosmer. We like it because of its potential being a darker form of H. retusa with more patterned leaves. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Chocolate 3-inch pots $10.00
This hybrid is a very nice, retusa-shaped plant with rough triangular faces. The leaves are a chocolate-brown color, hence the name, and the plant has an extremely nice form. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Chocolate 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid is a very nice, retusa-shaped plant with rough triangular faces. The leaves are a chocolate-brown color, hence the name, and the plant has an extremely nice form. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Chocolate 5-inch pots $20.00
This hybrid is a very nice, retusa-shaped plant with rough triangular faces. The leaves are a chocolate-brown color, hence the name, and the plant has an extremely nice form. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Chunky 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between several Haworthia rosette cultivars. It looks like a very glossy form of Haworthia retusa. The cross was done by Rick Bjorklund and Kevin Hosmer. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Cinderella 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between several Haworthia rosette cultivars. The cross was done by Rick Bjorklund and Kevin Hosmer. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Eva Tiger 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between Haworthia cv Eva and H. cv Tiger Pygmaea. This means that the genetic stew that produced these plants contained H. cymbiformis, H. truncata var. maughanii, H. pygmaea, and H. truncata. The cross was done by Kevin Hosmer and Rick Bjorklund. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Eva Tiger 3-inch pots $12.00
These plants are a cross between Haworthia cv Eva and H. cv Tiger Pygmaea. This means that the genetic stew that produced these plants contained H. cymbiformis, H. truncata var. maughanii, H. pygmaea, and H. truncata. The cross was done by Kevin Hosmer and Rick Bjorklund. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Eva Tiger 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are a cross between Haworthia cv 'Eva' and H. cv 'Tiger Pygmaea.' This means that the genetic stew that produced these plants contained H. cymbiformis, H. truncata var. maughanii, H. pygmaea, and H. truncata. The cross was done by Kevin Hosmer and Rick Bjorklund. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Evermore 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between Haworthia cv Eva other cultivars. The cross was done by Kevin Hosmer and Rick Bjorklund. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Evil Stepmother 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between a couple of Haworthia cultivars. The cross was done by Kevin Hosmer, and it has light green leaves with whitish dots. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Flying Monkeys 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between a couple of hybrid Haworthias. The cross was made by Kevin Hosmer and Rick Bjorklund. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Frodo 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between several Haworthia rosette cultivars. The cross was done by Kevin Hosmer. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Grover Saki 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between several Haworthia rosette cultivars, notably H. emelyae (picta) cv Saki and H. retusa cv Carl Grover. The cross was done by Rick Bjorklund and Kevin Hosmer. We like it because of its potential being a darker form of H. retusa with more patterned leaves. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Grover Saki 4-inch pots $20.00
These plants are a cross between several Haworthia rosette cultivars, notably H. emelyae (picta) cv Saki and H. retusa cv Carl Grover. The cross was done by Rick Bjorklund and Kevin Hosmer. We like it because of its potential being a darker form of H. retusa with more patterned leaves. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Harry Johnson 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one weird hybrid. It sort of looks like an Haworthia truncata in rosette form, but then again it could be one of the retuse species with blunt tips. You decide. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Hayashi 3-inch pots $10.00
This is a hybrid of Haworthia bayeri that Dr. Hayashi, a noted Haworthia collector from Japan, named for himself. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Hayashi 4-inch pots $15.00
This is a hybrid of Haworthia bayeri that Dr. Hayashi, a noted Haworthia collector from Japan, named for himself. These plants are offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Hayashi 5-inch pots $20.00
This is a hybrid of Haworthia bayeri that Dr. Hayashi, a noted Haworthia collector from Japan, named for himself. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Hosmer 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are a hybrid between that we dont know about. The cross was done by Kevin Hosmer, who provided seeds. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Kevin 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are the result of a cross between Haworthia truncata 'Super Lime Green' and ‘Mirror Ball.’ The cross was done by Kevin Hosmer. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Kevins Pride 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are a cross between Haworthia retusa cv 'Carl Grover' and H. springbokvlakensis. The cross was done by Kevin Hosmer, who doesn't think this is his best work. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Kevins Pride 5-inch pots $20.00
These plants are a cross between Haworthia retusa cv Carl Grover and H. springbokvlakensis. The cross was done by Kevin Hosmer, who doesnt think this is his best work. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Kiva 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are the result of a cross between several hybrids created in southern California The cross was done by Kevin Hosmer. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Korizato 3-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia cv Korizato is a Japanese cross of Haworthia pygmaea and H. emelyae var. major, which creates a dark-colored rosette with numerous tubercles and bristles. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Korizato 4-inch pots $25.00
Haworthia cv Korizato is a Japanese cross of Haworthia pygmaea and H. emelyae var. major, which creates a dark-colored rosette with numerous tubercles and bristles. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cv La Bamba 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are the result of crossing Haworthia bayeri with something else. The cross was done by Kevin Hosmer. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv LOL 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are the result of crosses among several named cultivars from Japan and southern California. The cross was done by Kevin Hosmer. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Melting Pot 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between a number of Haworthias including Haworthia truncata and Haworthia magnifica var. splendens. The cross was made by Kevin Hosmer and Rick Bjorklund. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Meme 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between a number of Haworthias cultivars. The cross was made by Kevin Hosmer and Rick Bjorklund. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Merry 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between Haworthia truncata 'Fine Lines' and a Japanese cultivar. The cross was made by Kevin Hosmer and Rick Bjorklund. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Muy Bueno 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between a number of Haworthia cultivars. It clearly has a lot of influence from Haworthia emelyae picta. The cross was made by Kevin Hosmer. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv No Se 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between a number of Haworthia cultivars. The cross was made by Kevin Hosmer and Rick Bjorklund. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Nolo Contendere 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between a number of interesting cultivars with a focus on the Haworthia truncata cultivars and species. The cross was made by Kevin Hosmer and Rick Bjorklund. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Ollasonii 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid has the look of one of the Haworthia cooperi varieties, only with very chunky leaves. The leaves have long terminal hairs and are a light green color. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Ollasonii 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid has the look of one of the Haworthia cooperi varieties, only with very chunky leaves. The leaves have long terminal hairs and are a light green color. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cv OMG 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between Haworthia magnifica var. splendens, H. bayeri, and something else. The cross was made by Kevin Hosmer and Rick Bjorklund. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Penelope 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between three previously named cultivars from southern California. The cross was made by Kevin Hosmer and Rick Bjorklund. This cultivar is named after a cat from long ago. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Qarad 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between unknown Haworthias and(or) Haworthia hybrids. The cross was made by Kevin Hosmer. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Rick 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between a couple of Haworthia cultivars. The cross was done by Kevin Hosmer, and it has light green leaves with whitish streaks. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Stupendous 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between several Haworthia hybrids. It clearly has a Haworthia truncata var. maughanii vibe. The cross was made by Kevin Hosmer and Rick Bjorklund. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Suenos 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between H. pygmaea (crystalline) and a cultivar from southern California. The cross was made by Kevin Hosmer. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Three Pygmies 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are a cross between a couple of Haworthia cultivars, namely '3' and 'Tiger Pygmies.' The cross was done by Rick Bjorklund and Kevin Hosmer. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Toni 2-inch pots $10.00
These plants are a cross between unknown Haworthias and(or) Haworthia hybrids. It looks like a very glossy form of Haworthia retusa. The cross was made by Kevin Hosmer. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Whirlpool 5-inch pots $20.00
This named hybrid of H. truncata is speculated to have E. retusa in the genetic mix. The leaves are scabrid, and our form, unlike the named version, have brown-green leaves instead of the more standard green. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia cv Whirlpool one-gallon pots $30.00
This named hybrid of H. truncata is speculated to have E. retusa in the genetic mix. The leaves are scabrid, and our form, unlike the named version, have brown-green leaves instead of the more standard green. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis (variegated) 4-inch pots $15.00
We have quite a few Haworthia cymbiformis with variegation on the leaves. This is a poorly known variant of Haworthia cymbiformis but is strikingly variegated and highly variable. It offsets profusely. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. cymbiformis 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Eastern Cape Province, this soft-bodied species has yellow-green leaves that generally curve upwards and have slight red veining at the tips. It offsets prolifically, filling pots and forming attractive clusters. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. cymbiformis 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Eastern Cape Province, this soft-bodied species has yellow-green leaves that generally curve upwards and have slight red veining at the tips. It offsets prolifically, filling pots and forming attractive clusters. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. cymbiformis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Eastern Cape Province, this soft-bodied species has yellow-green leaves that generally curve upwards and have slight red veining at the tips. It offsets prolifically, filling pots and forming attractive clusters. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. cymbiformis 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Eastern Cape Province, this soft-bodied species has yellow-green leaves that generally curve upwards and have slight red veining at the tips. It offsets prolifically, filling pots and forming attractive clusters. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. incurvula 2-inch pots $8.00
Bayer (1999) thinks this could be H. gracilis var. minima, but he leaves it in H. cymbiformis. From the Eastern Cape Province, this soft-bodied species has yellow-green leaves that generally curve inwards (hence the subspecies name) and have white-red veining near the tips. It offsets prolifically, filling pots and forming attractive clusters. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. incurvula 3-inch pots $10.00
Bayer (1999) thinks this could be H. gracilis var. minima, but he leaves it in H. cymbiformis. From the Eastern Cape Province, this soft-bodied species has yellow-green leaves that generally curve inwards (hence the subspecies name) and have white-red veining near the tips. It offsets prolifically, filling pots and forming attractive clusters. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. incurvula 4-inch pots $15.00
Bayer (1999) thinks this could be H. gracilis var. minima, but he leaves it in H. cymbiformis. From the Eastern Cape Province, this soft-bodied species has yellow-green leaves that generally curve inwards (hence the subspecies name) and have white-red veining near the tips. It offsets prolifically, filling pots and forming attractive clusters. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. incurvula 5-inch pots $20.00
Bayer (1999) thinks this could be H. gracilis var. minima, but he leaves it in H. cymbiformis. From the Eastern Cape Province, this soft-bodied species has yellow-green leaves that generally curve inwards (hence the subspecies name) and have white-red veining near the tips. It offsets prolifically, filling pots and forming attractive clusters. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. reddii (GM 420) 3-inch pots $10.00
We offer these plants (GM 420), originally from southwest-facing slopes above Waterdown Dam in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This soft-bodied Haworthia is quite a nice variant on the regular H. cymbiformis. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. reddii (GM 420) 4-inch pots $15.00
We offer these plants (GM 420), originally from southwest-facing slopes above Waterdown Dam in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This soft-bodied Haworthia is quite a nice variant on the regular H. cymbiformis. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. reddii (GM 420) 5-inch pots $20.00
We offer these plants (GM 420), originally from southwest-facing slopes above Waterdown Dam in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This soft-bodied Haworthia is quite a nice variant on the regular H. cymbiformis. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera (planifolia) 3-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera comes from the eastern range of H. cymbiformis in the Eastern Cape Province. We‘ll take Bayer‘s (1999) word that the old Haworthia planifolia can be merged into Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera. These are relatively large and solitary plants lacking in the lines of the more-typical H. cymbiformis var. setulifera. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera (planifolia) 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera comes from the eastern range of H. cymbiformis in the Eastern Cape Province. Well take Bayers (1999) word that the old Haworthia planifolia can be merged into Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera. These are relatively large and solitary plants lacking in the lines of the more-typical H. cymbiformis var. setulifera. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera (planifolia) 5-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera comes from the eastern range of H. cymbiformis in the Eastern Cape Province. Well take Bayers (1999) word that the old Haworthia planifolia can be merged into Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera. These are relatively large and solitary plants lacking in the lines of the more-typical H. cymbiformis var. setulifera. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. transiens 3-inch pots $10.00
This striking variant of a soft-bodied Haworthia, from the Eastern Cape Province, has tightly packed rosettes. The leaves are somewhat obtuse, green to light brown, and translucent at tips with attractive lines. This reminds us of some H. cooperi forms, but H. cymbiformis clusters more freely. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. transiens 4-inch pots $15.00
This striking variant of a soft-bodied Haworthia, from the Eastern Cape Province, has tightly packed rosettes. The leaves are somewhat obtuse, green to light brown, and translucent at tips with attractive lines. This reminds us of some H. cooperi forms, but H. cymbiformis clusters more freely. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. umbraticola (IB7023) 3-inch pots $10.00
This striking variant of a soft-bodied Haworthia, from material originally collected near Swartwater Poort in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa (IB7023), has tightly packed rosettes. The leaves are somewhat obtuse, green to light brown, and have attractive lines. This reminds us of some H. cooperi forms, but H. cymbiformis clusters more freely. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia cymbiformis var. umbraticola (IB7023) 4-inch pots $15.00
This striking variant of a soft-bodied Haworthia, from material originally collected near Swartwater Poort in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa (IB7023), has tightly packed rosettes. The leaves are somewhat obtuse, green to light brown, and have attractive lines. This reminds us of some H. cooperi forms, but H. cymbiformis clusters more freely. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia decipiens var. decipiens 4-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed from the Western to Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa, this plant looks like a much more robust version of H. arachnoidea. The rosettes tend to be more open than that group, and the leaves are thin bearing broad but soft spines. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia decipiens var. decipiens 5-inch pots $30.00
Widely distributed from the Western to Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa, this plant looks like a much more robust version of H. arachnoidea. The rosettes tend to be more open than that group, and the leaves are thin bearing broad but soft spines. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia decipiens var. decipiens Klaarstrom 3-inch pots $15.00
Widely distributed from the Western to Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa, these plants are from near Klaarstrom. This plant looks like a much more robust version of H. arachnoidea. The rosettes tend to be more open than that group, and the leaves are thin bearing broad but soft and widely spaced spines. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia decipiens var. decipiens Klaarstrom 4-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed from the Western to Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa, these plants are from near Klaarstrom. This plant looks like a much more robust version of H. arachnoidea. The rosettes tend to be more open than that group, and the leaves are thin bearing broad but soft and widely spaced spines. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia decipiens var. decipiens Klaarstrom 5-inch pots $25.00
Widely distributed from the Western to Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa, these plants are from near Klaarstrom. This plant looks like a much more robust version of H. arachnoidea. The rosettes tend to be more open than that group, and the leaves are thin bearing broad but soft and widely spaced spines. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana (GM 266) 2-inch pots $12.00
This species, which we offer as GM 266, is only known from one locality southwest of Willowmore in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This spectacular variety is almost gone from its habitat owing to over collection and overgrazing; unfortunately, its habitat is not protected. The leaves are flattened towards the tips and have intense windowing and a wide range of colors, from green to tints of red. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana (GM 266) 3-inch pots $15.00
This species, which we offer as GM 266, is only known from one locality southwest of Willowmore in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This spectacular variety is almost gone from its habitat owing to over collection and overgrazing; unfortunately, its habitat is not protected. The leaves are flattened towards the tips and have intense windowing and a wide range of colors, from green to tints of red. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana (GM 266) 4-inch pots $20.00
This species, which we offer as GM 266, is only known from one locality southwest of Willowmore in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This spectacular variety is almost gone from its habitat owing to over collection and overgrazing; unfortunately, its habitat is not protected. The leaves are flattened towards the tips and have intense windowing and a wide range of colors, from green to tints of red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana (GM 266) 5-inch pots $25.00
This species, which we offer as GM 266, is only known from one locality southwest of Willowmore in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This spectacular variety is almost gone from its habitat owing to over collection and overgrazing; unfortunately, its habitat is not protected. The leaves are flattened towards the tips and have intense windowing and a wide range of colors, from green to tints of red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana (GM 266) one-gallon pots $40.00
This species, which we offer as GM 266, is only known from one locality southwest of Willowmore in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This spectacular variety is almost gone from its habitat owing to over collection and overgrazing; unfortunately, its habitat is not protected. The leaves are flattened towards the tips and have intense windowing and a wide range of colors, from green to tints of red. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana Black Beauty 2-inch pots $15.00
This species, which we offer as a selection cultivar from GM 266, is only known from one locality southwest of Willowmore in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This spectacular variety is almost gone from its habitat owing to over collection and overgrazing; unfortunately, its habitat is not protected. The leaves are flattened towards the tips and have intense windowing and a wide range of colors, from green to tints of red. Cultivar Black Beauty is selected for their dark leaves, which are striking. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana Black Beauty 3-inch pots $15.00
This species, which we offer as GM 266, is only known from one locality southwest of Willowmore in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This spectacular variety is almost gone from its habitat owing to over collection and overgrazing; unfortunately, its habitat is not protected. The leaves are flattened towards the tips and have intense windowing and a wide range of colors, from green to tints of red. Cultivar Black Beauty is selected for their dark leaves, which are striking. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana Black Beauty 4-inch pots $25.00
This species, which we offer as GM 266, is only known from one locality southwest of Willowmore in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This spectacular variety is almost gone from its habitat owing to over collection and overgrazing; unfortunately, its habitat is not protected. The leaves are flattened towards the tips and have intense windowing and a wide range of colors, from green to tints of red. Cultivar Black Beauty is selected for their dark leaves, which are striking. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana Black Beauty 5-inch pots $30.00
This species, which we offer as GM 266, is only known from one locality southwest of Willowmore in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This spectacular variety is almost gone from its habitat owing to over collection and overgrazing; unfortunately, its habitat is not protected. The leaves are flattened towards the tips and have intense windowing and a wide range of colors, from green to tints of red. Cultivar Black Beauty is selected for their dark leaves, which are striking. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana Black Beauty one-gallon pots $50.00
This species, which we offer as GM 266, is only known from one locality southwest of Willowmore in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This spectacular variety is almost gone from its habitat owing to over collection and overgrazing; unfortunately, its habitat is not protected. The leaves are flattened towards the tips and have intense windowing and a wide range of colors, from green to tints of red. Cultivar Black Beauty is selected for their dark leaves, which are striking. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. emelyae (GL 4108) 4-inch pots $20.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this is a chunky, solitary retuse-leaved rosette, beautifully marked with white, pinkish and brown lines and flecks on upper leaves. Part of one of the best groups of Haworthia, Bayer (1999) considers this one to be the standard Haworthia emelyae var. emelyae. George Lombard collected the original plants (GL 4108). These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. emelyae (picta, GM 260) 3-inch pots $15.00
Our plants are GM 260, from original material collected near Witkliprug, about 20 km south of Oudtshoorn in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This is a chunky, solitary retuse-leaved rosette, beautifully marked with white, pinkish and brown lines and flecks on upper leaves; each plant is distinctive. One of the best Haworthias, Bayer (1999) probably considers this one to be Haworthia emelyae var. emelyae. We distinguish it to be a separate variety to keep it distinct from H. emelyae var. major. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. emelyae (picta, GM 260) 4-inch pots $20.00
Our plants are GM 260, from original material collected near Witkliprug, about 20 km south of Oudtshoorn in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This is a chunky, solitary retuse-leaved rosette, beautifully marked with white, pinkish and brown lines and flecks on upper leaves; each plant is distinctive. One of the best Haworthias, Bayer (1999) probably considers this one to be Haworthia emelyae var. emelyae. We distinguish it to be a separate variety to keep it distinct from H. emelyae var. major. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. emelyae (picta) 5-inch pots $35.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this is a chunky, solitary retuse-leaved rosette, beautifully marked with white, pinkish and brown lines and flecks on upper leaves. Part of one of the best groups of Haworthia, Bayer (1999) considers this one to be the standard Haworthia emelyae var. emelyae. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. emelyae 2-inch pots $12.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this is a chunky, solitary retuse-leaved rosette, beautifully marked with white, pinkish and brown lines and flecks on upper leaves. Part of one of the best groups of Haworthia, Bayer (1999) considers this one to be the standard Haworthia emelyae var. emelyae. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. emelyae 3-inch pots $15.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this is a chunky, solitary retuse-leaved rosette, beautifully marked with white, pinkish and brown lines and flecks on upper leaves. Part of one of the best groups of Haworthia, Bayer (1999) considers this one to be the standard Haworthia emelyae var. emelyae. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. emelyae 4-inch pots $20.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this is a chunky, solitary retuse-leaved rosette, beautifully marked with white, pinkish and brown lines and flecks on upper leaves. Part of one of the best groups of Haworthia, Bayer (1999) considers this one to be the standard Haworthia emelyae var. emelyae. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. major (GM 400) 4-inch pots $20.00
Our offerings are GM 400. We have very nice seedlings from crossing the best selected seedlings (roughest and milkiest in color) of GM 400 from the type locality north of Garcias Pass, Western Cape Province of South Africa. These plants are in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. major 3-inch pots $15.00
We have very nice seedlings from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. These plants have acuminate leaves that have pinkish tones. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia emelyae var. multifolia 4-inch pots $15.00
We have several individuals of Haworthia emelyae var. multifolia with no preserved locality data. Since this variety is known from a very restricted area of the Klein Karoo (see Bayer 1999), where it grows only a few miles northwest of H. emelyae var. major near Garcia's Pass and a little westwards towards Barrydale. These plants are in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia enigma var. enigma (GM 412) 3-inch pots $25.00
This Breuer species was originally collected as Haworthia magnifica var. aff. atrofusca from a location 6 km northwest of Riversdale (GM 412) in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. These plants have chunky leaves with faint windowing and few markings and an overall dark brown-green color. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia esterhuizenii var. esterhuizenii (GM 320) 4-inch pots $20.00
These plants (GM 320) are from the population east of Albertinia, Western Cape Province of South Africa, that Bayer (1999) includes in H. magnifica var. splendens. Differences between the species include more pointed leaves with greater spots in H. esterhuizenii as well as an earlier flowering period. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia esterhuizenii var. esterhuizenii (GM 320) 5-inch pots $30.00
These plants (GM 320) are from the population east of Albertinia, Western Cape Province of South Africa, that Bayer (1999) includes in H. magnifica var. splendens. Differences between the species include more pointed leaves with greater spots in H. esterhuizenii as well as an earlier flowering period. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia euchlora (GM 525) 3-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia euchlora, named by Ingo Breuer, is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. These plants are propagated from material originally collected as H. marumiana from the top of Perdeberg north of Aberdeen (GM 525). The plants form an offsetting rosette of relatively long light green leaves with small marginal teeth or bristles. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia euchlora (GM 525) 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia euchlora, named by Ingo Breuer, is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. These plants are propagated from material originally collected as H. marumiana from the top of Perdeberg north of Aberdeen (GM 525). The plants form an offsetting rosette of relatively long light green leaves with small marginal teeth or bristles. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia fasciata (Port Elizabeth, RSA) 2-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia fasciata has transverse bars of tubercles on the outside of the leaves, earning its epithet, but it has few or no tubercles on the leaf face. This species occurs along the southern coast of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, and these plants were propagated from material originally collected near Port Elizabeth. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia fasciata (Port Elizabeth, RSA) 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia fasciata has transverse bars of tubercles on the outside of the leaves, earning its epithet, but it has few or no tubercles on the leaf face. This species occurs along the southern coast of the Eastern Cape Province, Republic of South Africa, and these plants were propagated from material originally collected near Port Elizabeth. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia fasciata (Port Elizabeth, RSA) 5-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia fasciata has transverse bars of tubercles on the outside of the leaves, earning its epithet, but it has few or no tubercles on the leaf face. This species occurs along the southern coast of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, and these plants were propagated from material originally collected near Port Elizabeth. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia fasciata 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia fasciata has transverse bars of tubercles on the outside of the leaves, earning its epithet, but it has few or no tubercles on the leaf face. This species occurs along the southern coast of the Eastern Cape Province, Republic of South Africa. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia fasciata 5-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia fasciata has transverse bars of tubercles on the outside of the leaves, earning its epithet, but it has few or no tubercles on the leaf face. This species occurs along the southern coast of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia floribunda var. major (GM 311B) 3-inch pots $10.00
Our offering is GM 311B from north of Albertinia, Western Cape Province of South Africa. Gerhard Marx does not specify the variety, but from our plants it appears that they are Haworthia floribunda var. major because they are relatively large and very green. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia floribunda var. major (GM 311B) 4-inch pots $15.00
Our offering is GM 311B from north of Albertinia, Western Cape Province of South Africa. Gerhard Marx does not specify the variety, but from our plants it appears that they are Haworthia floribunda var. major because they are relatively large and very green. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia fusca (GM 610) 4-inch pots $25.00
This recently discovered species is from Paulsfontein, west of Albertinia in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It appears to be an intermediate species, or even natural hybrid, between H. retusa and H. magnifica var. dekenahii, and it is highly variable in the wild and in cultivation. These plants have chunky dark leaves and appear to remain solitary. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia glabrata 3-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia glabrata comes from the eastern side of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. It differs from H. attenuata because the leaves are fleshier and rounder at the base, and the leaves are scabrid instead of covered with larger, raised tubercles. These plants are in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia glabrata 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia glabrata comes from the eastern side of the Eastern Cape Province, Republic of South Africa. It differs from H. attenuata because the leaves are fleshier and rounder at the base, and the leaves are scabrid instead of covered with larger, raised tubercles. These plants are in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia glabrata 5-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia glabrata comes from the eastern side of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. It differs from H. attenuata because the leaves are fleshier and rounder at the base, and the leaves are scabrid instead of covered with larger, raised tubercles. These plants are in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia glauca var. glauca 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this small, clumping species has relatively short, incurving leaves with few spots or tubercles. Unlike the other two forms of this species, H. glauca var. glauca appears to form smaller, tighter clumps that are more upright in form. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia glauca var. herrei (fm jacobseniana) 3-inch pots $10.00
The form jacobseniana is no longer recognized by Bayer (1999) and is subsumed under H. glauca var. herrei. This means that while it is from the Eastern Cape Province, the cylindrical "pine cone" of tightly packed glaucous leaves stands taller than the typical form. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia glauca var. herrei (fm jacobseniana) 4-inch pots $15.00
The form jacobseniana is no longer recognized by Bayer (1999) and is subsumed under H. glauca var. herrei. This means that while it is from the Eastern Cape Province, the cylindrical "pine cone" of tightly packed glaucous leaves stands taller than the typical form. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia glauca var. herrei 4-inch pots $15.00
From the mountains of the Eastern Cape Province, Haworthia glauca is the archetypal cylindrical "pine cone" of tightly packed glaucous leaves with a very interesting blue-green hue. We like it, and it is one of our best sellers. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia glauca var. herrei 5-inch pots $20.00
From the mountains of the Eastern Cape Province, Haworthia glauca is the archetypal cylindrical "pine cone" of tightly packed glaucous leaves with a very interesting blue-green hue. We like it, and it is one of our best sellers. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia gracilis var. tenera (GM 295) 4-inch pots $20.00
Our offering is GM 295, from Plutos Vale in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. These tiny plants are good representatives of the species as a whole, and this variety is quite widespread. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia gracilis var. viridis (JDV 96-82) 3-inch pots $12.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa, these plants differ from the typical H. gracilis in that they tend to be brighter green in color. These tiny plants are good representatives of the species as a whole, and this variety is quite widespread. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia gracilis var. viridis (JDV 96-82) 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, these plants differ from the typical H. gracilis in that they tend to be brighter green in color. These tiny plants are good representatives of the species as a whole, and this variety is quite widespread. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia heidelbergensis var. heidelbergensis 3-inch pots $12.00
Haworthia heidelbergensis is another of the hard-bodied Haworthias that is found in the vicinity of Heidelberg, Western Cape Province. This species offsets more readily than other hard-bodied Haworthias, however. The greenish-black stems with light striking are highly distinctive, as are the more tapered, acuminate leaves. These plants are in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia heidelbergensis x truncata 2-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia heidelbergensis is another of the hard-bodied Haworthias that is found in the vicinity of Heidelberg, Western Cape Province. Crossed with H. truncata, it has greenish-black stems with blunted leaves. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia herbacea var. herbacea (Bosfontein) 3-inch pots $12.00
Our plants are from Bosfontein, Western Cape Province of South Africa. These are nice small plants, scabrid with lots of whitish spines on the grey-green leaves. Clearly, this group is closely related to H. arachnoidea, but the leaves are generally shorter. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia herbacea var. herbacea 2-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia herbacea comes from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. These are nice small plants, scabrid with lots of whitish spines on the leaves. Clearly, this group is closely related to H. arachnoidea, but the leaves are generally shorter. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia herbacea var. herbacea 3-inch pots $12.00
aworthia herbacea comes from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. These are nice small plants, scabrid with lots of whitish spines on the leaves. Clearly, this group is closely related to H. arachnoidea, but the leaves are generally shorter. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia herbacea var. herbacea 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia herbacea comes from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. These are nice small plants, scabrid with lots of whitish spines on the leaves. Clearly, this group is closely related to H. arachnoidea, but the leaves are generally shorter. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia kingiana var. kingiana (GM 402) 5-inch pots $45.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species is closely related to both H. minima and H. pumila, having a similar form with different shaped leaves and tubercles. Our plants are GM 402 from material originally collected northeast of Great Brak River. The light-green leaves are nicely marked with white tubercles, but even this is variable within this group of seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia kingiana var. kingiana (GM 402) one-gallon pots $75.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species is closely related to both H. minima and H. pumila, having a similar form with different shaped leaves and tubercles. Our plants are GM 402 from material originally collected northeast of Great Brak River. The light-green leaves are nicely marked with white tubercles, but even this is variable within this group of seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Haworthia koelmaniorum 3-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa and is one of the few Haworthias that is subject to mostly summer rainfall. The color is a beautiful burgundy, with bronze-colored leaves. These seedlings are in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia koelmaniorum 4-inch pots $20.00
This species is from the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa and is one of the few Haworthias that is subject to mostly summer rainfall. The color is a beautiful burgundy, with bronze-colored leaves. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia koelmaniorum 5-inch pots $25.00
This species is from the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa and is one of the few Haworthias that is subject to mostly summer rainfall. The color is a beautiful burgundy, with bronze-colored leaves. These rooted offsets are in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia (keithii) 3-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia limifolia is from northern KwaZulu-Natal Province and Swaziland. This form, once Haworthia limifolia var. keithii but no longer recognized as such by Bayer (1999), has long, triangular, light-green leaves with few ridges of tubercles. This is a very pretty and distinctive variant on the species. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia (keithii) 3-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia limifolia is from northern KwaZulu-Natal Province and Swaziland. This form, once Haworthia limifolia var. keithii but no longer recognized as such by Bayer (1999), has long, triangular, light-green leaves with few ridges of tubercles. This is a very pretty and distinctive variant on the species. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia (keithii) 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia limifolia is from northern KwaZulu-Natal Province and Swaziland. This form, once Haworthia limifolia var. keithii but no longer recognized as such by Bayer (1999), has long, triangular, light-green leaves with few ridges of tubercles. This is a very pretty and distinctive variant on the species. These plants are in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. arcana (Komatispoort) 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia limifolia is from the vicinity of Komatispoort in the northern KwaZulu-Natal Province and Swaziland. Variety arcane is considered to be a species by Breuer, but we keep it under H. limifolia. The material originally came from Komatipoort. This variety has triangular, dark-green and shiny leaves with about the same number of file ridges as variety limifolia. This is a very pretty and distinctive variant on the species. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. arcana 2-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia limifolia is from northern KwaZulu-Natal Province and Swaziland. Variety arcane is considered to be a species by Breuer, but we keep it under H. limifolia. The material originally came from Komatipoort. This variety has triangular, dark-green and shiny leaves with about the same number of file ridges as variety limifolia. This is a very pretty and distinctive variant on the species. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. arcana 3-inch pots $12.00
Haworthia limifolia is from northern KwaZulu-Natal Province and Swaziland. Variety arcane is considered to be a species by Breuer, but we keep it under H. limifolia. The material originally came from Komatipoort. This variety has triangular, dark-green and shiny leaves with about the same number of file ridges as variety limifolia. This is a very pretty and distinctive variant on the species. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. arcana 4-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia limifolia is from northern KwaZulu-Natal Province and Swaziland. Variety arcane is considered to be a species by Breuer, but we keep it under H. limifolia. The material originally came from Komatipoort. This variety has triangular, dark-green and shiny leaves with about the same number of file ridges as variety limifolia. This is a very pretty and distinctive variant on the species. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. arcana 5-inch pots $25.00
Haworthia limifolia is from northern KwaZulu-Natal Province and Swaziland. Variety arcane is considered to be a species by Breuer, but we keep it under H. limifolia. The material originally came from Komatipoort. This variety has triangular, dark-green and shiny leaves with about the same number of file ridges as variety limifolia. This is a very pretty and distinctive variant on the species. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. gigantea (IB 702) 5-inch pots $30.00
Haworthia limifolia is from northern KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, and these plants are propagated from material originally collected near Nongoma (IB 702). This variety is significantly larger than the typical H. limifolia. These plants are rooted offsets in 6-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. gigantea 4-inch pots $25.00
Haworthia limifolia is from northern KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa. We have two versions of this form, which is characterized by either abundant or sparse white tubercles on the leaves. This variety is significantly larger than the typical species. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. gigantea 5-inch pots $30.00
Haworthia limifolia is from northern KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa. We have two versions of this form, which is characterized by either abundant or sparse white tubercles on the leaves. This variety is significantly larger than the typical species. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. glaucophylla (Three Sisters) 3-inch pot $10.00
Haworthia limifolia is from northern KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, and these plants are propagated from material originally collected near Three Sisters. Variety glaucophylla is a pale green color and is significantly different than keithii. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. limifolia 3-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia limifolia is from northern KwaZulu-Natal Province and Swaziland. This is the standard form with olive brown leaves and subtle white tubercles that generally occur in rows. The leaves tend to twist, at least slightly, with age. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. limifolia 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia limifolia is from northern KwaZulu-Natal Province and Swaziland. This is the standard form with olive brown leaves and subtle white tubercles that generally occur in rows. The leaves tend to twist, at least slightly, with age. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. limifolia 5-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia limifolia is from northern KwaZulu-Natal Province and Swaziland. This is the standard form with olive brown leaves and subtle white tubercles that generally occur in rows. The leaves tend to twist, at least slightly, with age. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. limifolia one-gallon pots $25.00
Haworthia limifolia is from northern KwaZulu-Natal Province and Swaziland. This is the standard form with olive brown leaves and subtle white tubercles that generally occur in rows. The leaves tend to twist, at least slightly, with age. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. ubomboensis 3-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia limifolia var. ubomboensis is from the Ubombo Mountains, in northern KwaZulu-Natal Province near the border with Mozambique. This variety has yellow-brown leaves without tubercles. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. ubomboensis 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia limifolia var. ubomboensis is from the Ubombo Mountains, in northern KwaZulu-Natal Province near the border with Mozambique. This variety has yellow-brown leaves without tubercles. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia limifolia var. ubomboensis 5-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia limifolia var. ubomboensis is from the Ubombo Mountains, in northern KwaZulu-Natal Province near the border with Mozambique. This variety has yellow-brown leaves without tubercles. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia magnifica (asperula form, GM 306) 3-inch pots $12.00
This species occurs in the vicinity of Riversdale in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. These plants (GM 306) came from material originally collected 4 km northeast of Riversdale. As magnificent as the name denotes, variety magnifica has robust rosettes with light striping on green leaves. This species is a must for any serious Haworthia collector. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia magnifica var. accuminata (GM 310) 3-inch pots $12.00
Our offering is GM 310, collected from plants found at the Gouritz River Bridge west of Vlees Bay, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This distinctive variety has clustering retuse leaves with distinctly pointed leaf tips. It tends to clump profusely. The colors range from dark green to reddish brown in strong light. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia magnifica var. accuminata (GM 310) 4-inch pots $15.00
Our offering is GM 310, collected from plants found at the Gouritz River Bridge west of Vlees Bay, Eastern Cape Province, Republic of South Africa. This distinctive variety has clustering retuse leaves with distinctly pointed leaf tips. It tends to clump profusely. The colors range from dark green to reddish brown in strong light. These plants are offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia magnifica var. accuminata (GM 310) 5-inch pots $20.00
Our offering is GM 310, collected from plants found at the Gouritz River Bridge west of Vlees Bay, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This distinctive variety has clustering retuse leaves with distinctly pointed leaf tips. It tends to clump profusely. The colors range from dark green to reddish brown in strong light. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia magnifica var. accuminata (nova, VDV 136) 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants (VDV 136) represent a new form of this species collected from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This distinctive variety has light green retuse leaves with windowing and distinctly pointed and upturned leaf tips and offsets. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia magnifica var. dekenahii (GM 327) 3-inch pots $12.00
Our plants have a collection number of GM 327, propagated from material originally collected from the Gouritz River, west of Vlees Bay, Western Cape Province of South Africa. This is a choice Haworthia, distinguished by its retuse leaves (it once was subsumed under Haworthia retusa) with raised tubercles and silver flecks. Our plants are relatively large and are in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia magnifica var. dekenahii (GM 327) 4-inch pots $20.00
Our plants have a collection number of GM 327, propagated from material originally collected from the Gouritz River, west of Vlees Bay, Western Cape Province of South Africa. This is a choice Haworthia, distinguished by its retuse leaves (it once was subsumed under Haworthia retusa) with raised tubercles and silver flecks. Our plants are relatively large and are small seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia magnifica var. dekenahii (GM 327) 5-inch pots $25.00
Our plants have a collection number of GM 327, propagated from material originally collected from the Gouritz River, west of Vlees Bay, Western Cape Province of South Africa. This is a choice Haworthia, distinguished by its retuse leaves (it once was subsumed under Haworthia retusa) with raised tubercles and silver flecks. Our plants are relatively large and are in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia magnifica var. magnifica (JDV 92-65) 3-inch pots $10.00
This species occurs near Kruisrivier in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. As magnificent as the name denotes, Haworthia magnifica var. magnifica has robust rosettes with light striping on green leaves. This species is a must for any serious Haworthia collector. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia magnifica var. magnifica (JDV 92-65) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species occurs near Kruisrivier in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. As magnificent as the name denotes, Haworthia magnifica var. magnifica has robust rosettes with light striping on green leaves. This species is a must for any serious Haworthia collector. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia magnifica var. magnifica (JDV 92-65) 5-inch pots $20.00
This species occurs near Kruisrivier in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. As magnificent as the name denotes, Haworthia magnifica var. magnifica has robust rosettes with light striping on green leaves. This species is a must for any serious Haworthia collector. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia magnifica var. splendens x esterhuizenii 2-inch pots $20.00
These plants represent a cross of plants west of Albertinia (H. magnifica var. splendens), Western Cape Province of South Africa, with those west east of that town (H. esterhuizenii). These plants are very similar to H. magnifica var. splendens, but they differ because they have white-flecked leaf sides and they are smaller with more pointed leaves. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia mantellii 4-inch pots $15.00
This is an interesting cross between Haworthia truncata and H. cuspidata. The upright leaves do not have the flattened leaves of H. truncata; instead, they have blunt tips covered with small tubercles. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia mantellii 4-inch pots $15.00
This is an interesting cross between Haworthia truncata and H. cuspidata. The upright leaves do not have the flattened leaves of H. truncata; instead, they have blunt tips covered with small tubercles. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia maraisii var. meiringii (Abbey Garden) 3-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia maraisii is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Variety meiringii is a nice little clumping Haworthia, with a narrow range near Bonnievale (Abbey Garden). It has some variation in leaf color and has weak spination along the leaf margins. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia marumiana var. batesiana 3-inch pots $10.00
Haworthia marumiana is widely distributed across the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. This variety of H. marumiana, which once was considered H. batesiana, is from the vicinity of Graaff-Reinet in the Great Karoo. A soft Haworthia, this species tends to clump in profusion. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia marumiana var. batesiana 4-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia marumiana is widely distributed across the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. This variety of H. marumiana, which once was considered H. batesiana, is from the vicinity of Graaff-Reinet in the Great Karoo. A soft Haworthia, this species tends to clump in profusion. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia marumiana var. batesiana 5-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia marumiana is widely distributed across the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. This variety of H. marumiana, which once was considered H. batesiana, is from the vicinity of Graaff-Reinet in the Great Karoo. A soft Haworthia, this species tends to clump in profusion. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia marumiana var. marumiana (IB 353) 3-inch pots $10.00
This small, proliferously clustering species is propagated from material originally collected near Tarkastad, South Africa (IB 353). This species is generally found at the highest elevation sites in South Africa and tends to have small rosettes. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia marumiana var. marumiana (IB 353) 4-inch pots $15.00
This small, proliferously clustering species is propagated from material originally collected near Tarkastad, South Africa (IB 353). This species is generally found at the highest elevation sites in South Africa and tends to have small rosettes. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia maughanii x truncata 3-inch pots $10.00
This cross between two of the most popular truncated leaf forms is quite attractive. Within the leaves, there are ones that more resemble one of these species than the other, and the agglomeration is quite interesting and colorful with some reddish-brown highlights. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia minima var. minima (Bredasdorp) 4-inch pots $15.00
$15 From the coastal mountains of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, H. minima var. minima is a small species related to H. pumila and one that slowly offsets, forming small clumps. Our plants are from near Bredasdorp. This is a winter-rainfall area, but this does not seem to affect its survival in the hot and summer-rainfall Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia minima var. minima (GM 309) 4-inch pots $15.00
From material originally collected in Heidelberg (GM 309), Western Cape Province of South Africa, H. minima var. minima is a small species related to H. pumila and one that slowly offsets, forming small clumps. Our plants are from near Bredasdorp. This is a winter-rainfall area, but this does not seem to affect its survival in the hot and summer-rainfall Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia minima var. minima (Riversdale water tank) 4-inch pots $15.00
From the coastal mountains of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, H. minima var. minima is a small species related to H. pumila and one that slowly offsets, forming small clumps. Our plants are from the water tank at Riversdale. This is a winter-rainfall area, but this does not seem to affect its survival in the hot and summer-rainfall Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia minima var. poellnitziana 3-inch pots $15.00
$15 Like the name says, this is a small species of Haworthia that also is slow growing. It occurs in the Western Cape Province of South Africa in a winter-rainfall area, but this does not seem to affect its survival in the hot and summer-rainfall Tucson. Variety poellnitziana has longer, more slender leaves than the typical species. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia minima var. poellnitziana 4-inch pots $25.00
Like the name says, this is a small species of Haworthia that also is slow growing. It occurs in the Western Cape Province of South Africa in a winter-rainfall area, but this does not seem to affect its survival in the hot and summer-rainfall Tucson. Variety poellnitziana has longer, more slender leaves than the typical species. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia mirabilis var. calcarea 4-inch pots $15.00
This form of Haworthia mirabilis is from the Western Cape Province in coastal settings near Bredasdorp. These small plants have no spots, weak spines, and fleshy upright leaves that are dark green. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia mirabilis var. calcarea one-gallon pots $25.00
This form of Haworthia mirabilis is from the Western Cape Province in coastal settings near Bredasdorp. These small plants have no spots, weak spines, and fleshy upright leaves that are dark green. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Haworthia monticola var. monticola 4-inch pots $15.00
Once known as Haworthia divergens, Bayer (1999) changed this species to be Haworthia monticola. We have no opinion of the taxonomic reclassification, but we like the species -- it is a pretty special Haworthia. It tends to clump profusely, so make sure you separate the plants to encourage larger rosette growth. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia mucronata var. inconfluens (JRB 098) 4-inch pots $20.00
This is another transitional variety linking a very confusing group of species. Bayer (1999) refers to this as a combination of a number of seemingly diverse forms ranging from H. bolusii to H. cooperi and H. decipiens. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia mucronata var. mucronata (JDV 92-55) 4-inch pots $15.00
This beautiful, emerald-green Haworthia is from the Klein Karoo south of Barrydale, Western Cape Province, South Africa. The leaves, with their wispy terminal spine, tend to die back, forming a brown tip, and the leaf margins are spineless. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia mucronata var. mucronata 4-inch pots $15.00
This beautiful, emerald-green Haworthia is from the Klein Karoo south of Barrydale, Western Cape Province, South Africa. The leaves, with their wispy terminal spine, tend to die back, forming a brown tip, and the leaf margins are spineless. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia mutica var. mutica (generic x white) 3-inch pots $15.00
This version of Haworthia mutica is an interspecific cross between the white form of H. mutica and the more typical form. The result is a relatively large-bodied H. mutica that is quite pretty. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia mutica var. mutica (otzenii, VA4326) 3-inch pots $15.00
This interesting species, which is closely related to Haworthia retusa, is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. These plants (VA 4326) are from the locality where H. otzenii was originally collected, and they have a glaucous, waxy appearance with a notable brown coloring at the base of the leaves. Some of these will develop milky white markings on the leaves with age. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia mutica var. mutica (otzenii, VA4326) 4-inch pots $15.00
This interesting species, which is closely related to Haworthia retusa, is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. These plants (VA 4326) are from the locality where H. otzenii was originally collected, and they have a glaucous, waxy appearance with a notable brown coloring at the base of the leaves. Some of these will develop milky white markings on the leaves with age. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia mutica var. mutica (otzenii, VA4326) 5-inch pots $20.00
This interesting species, which is closely related to Haworthia retusa, is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. These plants (VA 4326) are from the locality where H. otzenii was originally collected, and they have a glaucous, waxy appearance with a notable brown coloring at the base of the leaves. Some of these will develop milky white markings on the leaves with age. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia mutica var. mutica 4-inch pots $20.00
This interesting species, which is closely related to Haworthia retusa, has a glaucous, waxy appearance. Our offerings come from several sources. Some of these will develop milky white markings on the leaves with age. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia mutica x springbokvlakensis 4-inch pots $20.00
This interesting hybrid, which shows many of the characteristics of Haworthia springbokvlakensis, has a glossy, waxy appearance. Some of these will develop milky white markings on the leaves with age. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia nigra (elongata) 4-inch pots $15.00
Bayer (1999) no longer recognizes this as a variety of H. nigra, but it is sufficiently distinct from the rest of our H. nigra var. nigra that we keep it separate. The leaves are more of a brown-green than the black that earns the species its epithet, and the plants tend to be more upright and similar to H. viscosa. The numerous white tubercles sharply contrast with the dark green leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia nigra var. nigra (black clone) 4-inch pots $15.00
This black-leaved species, common through the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, forms small rosettes. Our plants do not have collection data and have more open rosettes than the typical species, which are closely related to Astroloba aspera. These plants also have the nice nested leaves combined with that dark brown color that is unusual. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia nigra var. nigra (black clone) 5-inch pots $25.00
This black-leaved species, common through the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, forms small rosettes. Our plants do not have collection data and have more open rosettes than the typical species, which are closely related to Astroloba aspera. These plants also have the nice nested leaves combined with that dark brown color that is unusual. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia outeniquensis (GM 312) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from south of Oudtshoorn in the Western Cape Province of South African. These plants were propagated from material originally collected near Moerasrivier (GM 312). H. outeniquensis tends to form a low mat of light green rosettes, and the leaves are translucent with a feathery margin of bristles. Breuer seems to prefer the name of H. heroldia for this species, although this isnt fully certain. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia parksiana (Dumbie Dykes) 3-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the tiniest Haworthias. Ours offset relatively rapidly, forming nice little clumps. Ours are from several sources, but all plants originally came from Dumbie Dykes, South Africa. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia parksiana (Dumbie Dykes) 4-inch pots $25.00
This is one of the tiniest Haworthias. Ours offset relatively rapidly, forming nice little clumps. Ours are from several sources, but all plants originally came from Dumbie Dykes, South Africa. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia parksiana (GM 284) 4-inch pots $20.00
$20 This is one of the tiniest Haworthias. Ours offset relatively rapidly, forming nice little clumps. Ours are from several sources, but all plants originally came from the type locality near Mossel Bay, South Africa (GM 284). These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia pumila 3-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia pumila is the largest member of the genus Haworthia, and we have a few individuals of this species. It is highly variable in its habitat in the Western Cape Province, and our offering reflects this. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia pumila 4-inch pots $25.00
Haworthia pumila is the largest member of the genus Haworthia, and we have a few individuals of this species. It is highly variable in its habitat in the Western Cape Province, and our offering reflects this. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia pumila 5-inch pots $30.00
Haworthia pumila is the largest member of the genus Haworthia, and we have a few individuals of this species that were grown from seed collected near Worcester. It is highly variable in its habitat in the Western Cape Province, and our offering reflects this. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia pygmaea var. argenteo-maculosa (VDV 274) 4-inch pots $25.00
Our plants are VDV 274 and are from the Humor area, East of Mossel Bay, South Africa. This is a very attractive variety that often has leaves that are densely silvery-white flecked with non-glossy chunky retuse leaves. The form at Cooper Station has greener and slightly glossy leaves. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea (crystalline form) 4-inch pots $25.00
Hardly a pygmy, Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea is a beautiful species closely allied with the Haworthia magnifica complex. We find these to be quite distinctive, however, with distinctive patterning on the leaves. These plants are noted for their white tubercles on the leaves, which appear like little quartz crystals. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea (GL 6508) 3-inch pots $12.00
Hardly a pygmy, Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea is a beautiful species closely allied with the Haworthia magnifica complex. This is form is propagated from material originally collected in the Western Cape Province of South Africa (GL 6508). These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea (GL 6508) 4-inch pots $15.00
Hardly a pygmy, Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea is a beautiful species closely allied with the Haworthia magnifica complex. This is form is propagated from material originally collected in the Western Cape Province of South Africa (GL 6508). These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea (GM 325) 3-inch pots $12.00
Hardly a pygmy, Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea is a beautiful species closely allied with the Haworthia magnifica complex. This is a smaller form of the typical species, propagated from material originally collected in the Western Cape Province of South Africa 10 km west of Mossel Bay. We find these to be quite distinctive, however, with distinctive patterning on the leaves. We also find some gradation between our Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea and Haworthia pygmaea var. argenteo-maculosa. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea (ISI 89-56) 3-inch pots $12.00
Hardly a pygmy, Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea is a beautiful species closely allied with the Haworthia magnifica complex. We find these to be quite distinctive, however, with distinctive patterning on the leaves. We also find some gradation between our Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea and Haworthia pygmaea var. argenteo-maculosa. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea (JDV 84/15) 2-inch pots $10.00
Hardly a pygmy, Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea is a beautiful species closely allied with the Haworthia magnifica complex. We find these to be quite distinctive, however, with distinctive patterning on the leaves. We also find some gradation between our Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea and Haworthia pygmaea var. argenteo-maculosa. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea (JDV 84/15) 3-inch pots $12.00
Hardly a pygmy, Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea is a beautiful species closely allied with the Haworthia magnifica complex. We find these to be quite distinctive, however, with distinctive patterning on the leaves. We also find some gradation between our Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea and Haworthia pygmaea var. argenteo-maculosa. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea (Scott McDermott) 3-inch pots $12.00
Hardly a pygmy, Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea is a beautiful species closely allied with the Haworthia magnifica complex. We find these to be quite distinctive, however, with distinctive patterning on the leaves. These plants are propagated from material originally collected by the late Scott McDermott near Mossel Bay, South Africa. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea (Scott McDermott) 4-inch pots $15.00
Hardly a pygmy, Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea is a beautiful species closely allied with the Haworthia magnifica complex. We find these to be quite distinctive, however, with distinctive patterning on the leaves. These plants are propagated from material originally collected by the late Scott McDermott near Mossel Bay, South Africa. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea 3-inch pots $10.00
Hardly a pygmy, Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea is a beautiful species closely allied with the Haworthia magnifica complex. We find these to be quite distinctive, however, with distinctive patterning on the leaves. We also find some gradation between our Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea and Haworthia pygmaea var. argenteo-maculosa. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea 4-inch pots $15.00
Hardly a pygmy, Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea is a beautiful species closely allied with the Haworthia magnifica complex. We find these to be quite distinctive, however, with distinctive patterning on the leaves. We also find some gradation between our Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea and Haworthia pygmaea var. argenteo-maculosa. These plants are offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea 5-inch pots $20.00
Hardly a pygmy, Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea is a beautiful species closely allied with the Haworthia magnifica complex. We find these to be quite distinctive, however, with distinctive patterning on the leaves. We also find some gradation between our Haworthia pygmaea var. pygmaea and Haworthia pygmaea var. argenteo-maculosa. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia reinwardtii fm zebrina (GM 294) 4-inch pots $20.00
We offer GM 294, which was originally collected from Kaffir Drift in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Haworthia reinwardtii tends to have larger white tubercles than does H. coarctata, its closest relative. This unusual form of H. reinwardtii is only known from this locality and is distinguished by the prominent white stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia reinwardtii fm zebrina (GM 294) 5-inch pot $25.00
We offer GM 294, which was originally collected from Kaffir Drift in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Haworthia reinwardtii tends to have larger white tubercles than does H. coarctata, its closest relative. This unusual form of H. reinwardtii is only known from this locality and is distinguished by the prominent white stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia reinwardtii fm zebrina (GM 294) one-gallon pots $30.00
We offer GM 294, which was originally collected from Kaffir Drift in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Haworthia reinwardtii tends to have larger white tubercles than does H. coarctata, its closest relative. This unusual form of H. reinwardtii is only known from this locality and is distinguished by the prominent white stripes. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Haworthia resendeana 4-inch pots $15.00
Bayer (1999) does not recognize this as a species but considers it to be a hybrid. If so, it is one of the links between Haworthia viscosa and the genus Astroloba. The leaves are a gray-black color and quite nice. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia resendeana 4-inch pots $15.00
Bayer (1999) does not recognize this as a species but considers it to be a hybrid. If so, it is one of the links between Haworthia viscosa and the genus Astroloba. The leaves are a gray-black color and quite nice. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia resendeana 5-inch pots $20.00
Bayer (1999) does not recognize this as a species but considers it to be a hybrid. If so, it is one of the links between Haworthia viscosa and the genus Astroloba. The leaves are a gray-black color and quite nice. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia retusa (geraldii) 4-inch pots $15.00
Bayer's (1999) concept of Haworthia retusa is very broad and encompasses a number of forms that others consider to be distinct. We keep what once was considered H. geraldii separate. This species, with its chunky, retuse leaves, is very proliferous and has been linked with the H. pygmaea clan as well. These plants are offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia retusa (geraldii) 5-inch pots $20.00
Bayer‘s (1999) concept of Haworthia retusa is very broad and encompasses a number of forms that others consider to be distinct. We keep what once was considered H. geraldii separate. This species, with its chunky, retuse leaves, is very proliferous and has been linked with the H. pygmaea clan as well. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia retusa (GM 303) 4-inch pots $15.00
This is a large form of H. retusa (GM 303), propagated from material originally collected southeast of Riversdale, Western Cape Province of South Africa. This form has large rosettes and chunky, retuse and dark green leaves. The plants have the characteristic yellow-white lines that often form windows. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia retusa 3-inch pots $10.00
What we offer here is a large form of H. retusa with big rosettes and chunky, retuse leaves. This is one of the proliferous types from around Riversdale, Western Cape Province, Republic of South Africa. The plants have the characteristic green leaves with yellow-white lines that often form windows. These plants are offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia retusa 4-inch pots $15.00
What we offer here is a large form of H. retusa with big rosettes and chunky, retuse leaves. This is one of the proliferous types from around Riversdale, Western Cape Province of South Africa. The plants have the characteristic green leaves with yellow-white lines that often form windows. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia retusa 5-inch pots $20.00
What we offer here is a large form of H. retusa with big rosettes and chunky, retuse leaves. This is one of the proliferous types from around Riversdale, Western Cape Province of South Africa. The plants have the characteristic green leaves with yellow-white lines that often form windows. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia retusa cv Aker's Black 3-inch pots $15.00
This form of Haworthia retusa has relatively large, dark-green rosettes that don't seem to offset very much. Like the typical small forms of this species, the leaves have faint lines that form windows. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia retusa cv Akers Black 4-inch pots $20.00
This form of Haworthia retusa has relatively large, dark-green rosettes that dont seem to offset very much. Like the typical small forms of this species, the leaves have faint lines that form windows. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia retusa cv Gray Ghost 3-inch pots $12.00
This form of Haworthia retusa has relatively small, gray-green rosettes. This is one of the proliferous types from around Riversdale, Western Cape Province of South Africa. Like the typical small forms of this species, the leaves have yellow-white lines that form windows. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia retusa cv Gray Ghost 4-inch pots $15.00
This form of Haworthia retusa has relatively small, gray-green rosettes. This is one of the proliferous types from around Riversdale, Western Cape Province, Republic of South Africa. Like the typical small forms of this species, the leaves have yellow-white lines that form windows. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia retusa fa. fouchei (GM 307) 4-inch pots $15.00
Bayers (1999) concept of Haworthia retusa is very broad and encompasses a number of forms that others consider to be distinct. Forma fouchei, once considered a separate species, is closely related to H. retusa (geraldii), offered separately. However, the leaves are darker green and more erect than H. retusa (geraldii). We propagated these plants from material originally collected about 5 km northeast of Riversdale (GM 307). These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia retusa fm multilineata (ISI 92-40) 4-inch pots $15.00
This form of H. retusa has big rosettes and retuse leaves that are longer than the typical form. This is one of the proliferous types from around Riversdale, Western Cape Province of South Africa. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia retusa fm multilineata (ISI 92-40) 5-inch pots $20.00
This form of H. retusa has big rosettes and retuse leaves that are longer than the typical form. This is one of the proliferous types from around Riversdale, Western Cape Province of South Africa. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia ryderiana 4-inch pots $15.00
Bayer (1999) does not recognize this as a species, and it appears to be somewhat of an orphan plant with little known about it. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia ryderiana 4-inch pots $15.00
Bayer (1999) does not recognize this as a species, and it appears to be somewhat of an orphan plant with little known about it. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia ryderiana 5-inch pots $20.00
Bayer (1999) does not recognize this as a species, and it appears to be somewhat of an orphan plant with little known about it. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia scabra var. latenganiae 3-inch pots $12.00
From the foothills of the Groot Swartberg north of Oudtshoorn, Western Cape Province of South Africa, this form of Haworthia scabra has an affinity to H. scabra var. starkiana. The leaves are smoother, longer, and darker than the type species. In some ways, this subspecies looks like a smaller version of H. scabra var. starkiana. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia scabra var. latenganiae 4-inch pots $15.00
From the foothills of the Groot Swartberg north of Oudtshoorn, Western Cape Province of South Africa, this form of Haworthia scabra has an affinity to H. scabra var. starkiana. The leaves are smoother, longer, and darker than the type species. In some ways, this subspecies looks like a smaller version of H. scabra var. starkiana. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia scabra var. morrisiae (De Rust) 4-inch pots $15.00
From the foothills of the Groot Swartberg north of Oudtshoorn, Western Cape Province of South Africa, this form of Haworthia scabra comes from the vicinity of De Rust. The leaves have less tubercles than the typical species and also are lighter in color. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia scabra var. morrisiae 3-inch pots $12.00
From the foothills of the Groot Swartberg north of Oudtshoorn, Western Cape Province of South Africa, this form of Haworthia scabra forms large clumps in the wild. The leaves have less tubercles than the type species and also are lighter in color. In some ways, this subspecies looks like a smaller version of H. scabra var. starkiana. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia scabra var. morrisiae 5-inch pots $20.00
From the foothills of the Groot Swartberg north of Oudtshoorn, Western Cape Province of South Africa, this form of Haworthia scabra forms large clumps in the wild. The leaves have less tubercles than the type species and also are lighter in color. In some ways, this subspecies looks like a smaller version of H. scabra var. starkiana. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia scabra var. scabra (JDV 95/17) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species spans the Western and Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, and these plants are propagated from material originally collected at Prince Alfreds Pass (JDV 95/17). This clumping Haworthia forms large clumps in the wild and is distinguished by the twisted individual plants with dark green leaves covered with numerous tubercles on the lower face. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia specksii (JDV 92-23) 2-inch pots $15.00
This relatively new species is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, and our plants are from material originally collected near Whittlesea (JDV 92-23). This species is in the same form group with H. arachnoidea and H. decipiens, with relatively think leaves lined with fine hair-like marginal spines. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia specksii (JDV 92-23) 3-inch pots $20.00
This relatively new species is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, and our plants are from material originally collected near Whittlesea (JDV 92-23). This species is in the same form group with H. arachnoidea and H. decipiens, with relatively think leaves lined with fine hair-like marginal spines. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia specksii (JDV 92-23) 3-inch pots $15.00
This relatively new species is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, and our plants are from material originally collected near Whittlesea (JDV 92-23). This species is in the same form group with H. arachnoidea and H. decipiens, with relatively think leaves lined with fine hair-like marginal spines. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia tortuosa 2-inch pots $10.00
Bayer (1999) does not recognize this form as a species of Haworthia. However, it is a nice plant reminiscent of Haworthia glabrata but with recurved leaves and less spots. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata cv Lime Green 3-inch pots $12.00
This hybrid Haworthia probably is a cross between H. truncata and H. cymbiformis. The leaves are a lovely shade of lime green, and the form is similar to the classic Haworthia truncata. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata cv Lime Green 4-inch pots $20.00
This hybrid Haworthia probably is a cross between H. truncata and H. cymbiformis. The leaves are a lovely shade of lime green, and the form is similar to the classic Haworthia truncata. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata cv Lime Green 5-inch pots $35.00
This hybrid Haworthia probably is a cross between H. truncata and H. cymbiformis. The leaves are a lovely shade of lime green, and the form is similar to the classic Haworthia truncata. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata cv Lime Green one-gallon pots $40.00
This hybrid Haworthia probably is a cross between H. truncata and H. cymbiformis. The leaves are a lovely shade of lime green, and the form is similar to the classic Haworthia truncata. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Haworthia truncata cv Sizunami 5-inch pots $25.00
Haworthia truncata, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is a perennial favorite of plant collectors. The horse-teeth like arrangement of leaves, which tend to form close to the soil surface, are usually a solid dark color. Cultivar Sizunami has more rounded teeth that tend to offset instead of aligning, as occurs in the typical species. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata cv Sizunami 3-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia truncata, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is a perennial favorite of plant collectors. The horse-teeth like arrangement of leaves, which tend to form close to the soil surface, are usually a solid dark color. Cultivar Sizunami has more rounded teeth that tend to offset instead of aligning, as occurs in the typical species. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. maughanii (GM 287) 4-inch pots $25.00
Haworthia truncata, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is a perennial favorite of plant collectors. These plants (GM 287) are material from ones originally collected from Welkom farm south of Calitzdorp. The horse-teeth like arrangement of leaves, which tend to form close to the soil surface, are usually a dark color. Variety maughanii, which often is considered a separate species, differs because the leaves are not distichous, as in variety truncata, and they are nearly round with variable white-red streaks. Our plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. maughanii (JDV 94/10) 2-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia truncata, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is a perennial favorite of plant collectors. These plants (JDV 94/10) are material from ones originally collected north of Calitzdorp. The horse-teeth like arrangement of leaves, which tend to form close to the soil surface, are usually a dark color. Variety maughanii, which often is considered a separate species, differs because the leaves are not distichous, as in variety truncata, and they are nearly round. with variable white streaks. Our plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. maughanii (JDV 94/10) 4-inch pots $30.00
Haworthia truncata, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is a perennial favorite of plant collectors. These plants (JDV 94/10) are material from ones originally collected north of Calitzdorp. The horse-teeth like arrangement of leaves, which tend to form close to the soil surface, are usually a dark color. Variety maughanii, which often is considered a separate species, differs because the leaves are not distichous, as in variety truncata, and they are nearly round. with variable white streaks. Our plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. maughanii 2-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia truncata, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is a perennial favorite of plant collectors. The horse-teeth like arrangement of leaves, which tend to form close to the soil surface, are usually a solid dark color. Variety maughanii, which often is considered a separate species, differs because the leaves are not distichous, as in variety truncata, and they are nearly round. Our plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. maughanii 3-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia truncata, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is a perennial favorite of plant collectors. The horse-teeth like arrangement of leaves, which tend to form close to the soil surface, are usually a solid dark color. Variety maughanii, which often is considered a separate species, differs because the leaves are not distichous, as in variety truncata, and they are nearly round. Our plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. maughanii 4-inch pots $25.00
Haworthia truncata, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is a perennial favorite of plant collectors. The horse-teeth like arrangement of leaves, which tend to form close to the soil surface, are usually a solid dark color. Variety maughanii, which often is considered a separate species, differs because the leaves are not distichous, as in variety truncata, and they are nearly round. Our plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. maughanii 5-inch pots $40.00
Haworthia truncata, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is a perennial favorite of plant collectors. The horse-teeth like arrangement of leaves, which tend to form close to the soil surface, are usually a solid dark color. Variety maughanii, which often is considered a separate species, differs because the leaves are not distichous, as in variety truncata, and they are nearly round. Our plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. truncata (C1-2, Welkom Farm) 4-inch pots $20.00
Haworthia truncata, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is a perennial favorite of plant collectors. The horse-teeth like arrangement of leaves, which tend to form close to the soil surface, are usually a solid dark color. Our plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. truncata (GM 313) 4-inch pots $25.00
Our offering is GM 313, from a new locality near Dysselsdorp, Western Cape Province of South Africa. These are seedlings from very attractive plants with heavily marked leaf-tops, like lightning flashes and fireworks. The markings appear only in mature plants. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. truncata (VDV 120) 4-inch pots $25.00
Haworthia truncata, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is a perennial favorite of plant collectors. These plants (VDV 120) are material from ones originally collected north of Oudtshoorn. The horse-teeth like arrangement of leaves, which tend to form close to the soil surface, are usually a solid dark color. Our plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. truncata 2-inch pots $15.00
Haworthia truncata, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is a perennial favorite of plant collectors. The horse-teeth like arrangement of leaves, which tend to form close to the soil surface, are usually a solid dark color. Our plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. truncata 4-inch pots $25.00
This species, which must be one of the top 10 plant curiosities, is a perennial entrant in plant shows. The leaves are distichously arranged, abruptly truncated as if cut with a knife. The tops are windowed and have a solid dark color. This species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, particularly in a small area of the Klein Karoo near Calitzdorp and Oudtshoorn. These plants are in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. truncata 5-inch pots $30.00
This species, which must be one of the top 10 plant curiosities, is a perennial entrant in plant shows. The leaves are distichously arranged, abruptly truncated as if cut with a knife. The tops are windowed and have a solid dark color. This species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, particularly in a small area of the Klein Karoo near Calitzdorp and Oudtshoorn. These plants are in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. truncata fm crassa (GM 288) 4-inch pots $25.00
Our offering is GM 288, from a locality near Calitzdorp, Western Cape Province of South Africa. These are seedlings from very attractive plants with heavily marked leaf-tops, like lightning flashes and fireworks. These plants are more robust than the typical H. truncata and are an intermediate in form between H. truncata var. truncata and H. truncata var. maughannii. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. truncata Japan 2-inch pots $12.00
Haworthia truncata, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is a perennial favorite of plant collectors. The horse-teeth like arrangement of leaves, which tend to form close to the soil surface, are usually a solid dark color. This cultivar features a reddish sheen with faint white lines that will make an extremely attractive adult plant. Our plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata var. truncata Japan 4-inch pots $25.00
Haworthia truncata, from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, is a perennial favorite of plant collectors. The horse-teeth like arrangement of leaves, which tend to form close to the soil surface, are usually a solid dark color. This cultivar features a reddish sheen with faint white lines that will make an extremely attractive adult plant. Our plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia truncata x pygmaea 5-inch pots $30.00
This hybrid has the more-or-less horse-tooth shape of H. truncata but arranged in a rosette following the form of H. pygmaea. The tops of the leaves have the rather distinctive H. pygmaea look as well. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia turgida var. longibracteata (IB 4201) 4-inch pots $15.00
This form of H. turgida has light green leaves with yellow-white lines that often form windows. This is one of the proliferous types from around Riversdale, Western Cape Province of South Africa. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia turgida var. pallidifolia 4-inch pots $20.00
This species has a narrow distribution in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, but it grows a little farther inland than the other varieties. This form, which Bayer (1999) does not recognize, comes from northwest of Albertina. The light-green, soft leaves are acuminate and have weak spines on the margins. The color is a washed-out green that suggests this is a variegated form of var. suberecta, as Bayer suggests. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia turgida var. suberecta (Brandwag) 3-inch pots $12.00
These plants come from several sources, although this species has a narrow distribution in the Western Cape Province. We have seen this species in habitat near Brandwag. Our offering tends to clump profusely and has rounded leaf tips. The color is light green with red mottling. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia turgida var. suberecta (Brandwag) 3-inch pots $12.00
These plants come from several sources, although this species has a narrow distribution in the Western Cape Province. We have seen this species in habitat near Brandwag. Our offering tends to clump profusely and has rounded leaf tips. The color is light green with red mottling. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia turgida var. suberecta (Brandwag) 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants come from several sources, although this species has a narrow distribution in the Western Cape Province. We have seen this species in habitat near Brandwag. Our offering tends to clump profusely and has rounded leaf tips. The color is light green with red mottling. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia turgida var. suberecta (Goritz) 3-inch pots $12.00
These plants come from several sources, although this species has a narrow distribution in the Western Cape Province. We have seen this species in habitat near Goritz. Our offering tends to clump profusely and has rounded leaf tips. The color is light green with red mottling. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia turgida var. suberecta (VDV 172) 3-inch pots $12.00
These plants come from several sources, although this species has a narrow distribution in the Western Cape Province. We have seen this species in habitat near the Goritz River (VDV 172). Our offering tends to clump profusely and has rounded leaf tips. The color is light green with red mottling. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia turgida var. suberecta (VDV 172) 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants come from several sources, although this species has a narrow distribution in the Western Cape Province. We have seen this species in habitat near the Goritz River (VDV 172). Our offering tends to clump profusely and has rounded leaf tips. The color is light green with red mottling. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia turgida var. suberecta (VDV 172) 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants come from several sources, although this species has a narrow distribution in the Western Cape Province. We have seen this species in habitat near the Goritz River (VDV 172). Our offering tends to clump profusely and has rounded leaf tips. The color is light green with red mottling. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia turgida var. turgida 3-inch pots $10.00
This species has a narrow distribution in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, but it grows a little farther inland than the other varieties. The light-green, soft leaves are acuminate and have weak spines on the margins. Our offering tends to clump profusely and has rounded leaf tips. The color is light green with red mottling. These plants are offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia turgida var. turgida 4-inch pots $15.00
This species has a narrow distribution in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, but it grows a little farther inland than the other varieties. The light-green, soft leaves are acuminate and have weak spines on the margins. Our offering tends to clump profusely and has rounded leaf tips. The color is light green with red mottling. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia variegata var. variegata 3-inch pots $12.00
This rarely offered species is from east of Bredasdorp in the southern coastal area of the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This species prolifically offsets. The leaves are soft, flexible, and flecked with white spots but are not particularly variegated, as the name implies. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia variegata var. variegata 4-inch pots $15.00
This rarely offered species is from east of Bredasdorp in the southern coastal area of the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This species prolifically offsets. The leaves are soft, flexible, and flecked with white spots but are not particularly variegated, as the name implies. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia venosa var. tessellata (IB 5151) 3-inch pots $10.00
This form (IB 5151) of one of the most widespread of the Haworthia species in South Africa was originally collected by Ingo Breuer. The rosettes of this variety have leaves with tessellate (square-shaped) markings that are rather striking. The tubercles on the lower sides of the leaves are rather distinctive with this form. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia venosa var. tessellata (IB 5151) 4-inch pots $15.00
This form (IB 5151) of one of the most widespread of the Haworthia species in South Africa was originally collected by Ingo Breuer. The rosettes of this variety have leaves with tessellate (square-shaped) markings that are rather striking. The tubercles on the lower sides of the leaves are rather distinctive with this form. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia venosa var. tessellata 3-inch pots $10.00
This is one of the most widespread of the Haworthia species in South Africa, occurring over most of the Great Karoo and the Klein Karoo of South Africa. The rosettes of this variety have leaves with tessellate (square-shaped) markings that are rather striking. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia venosa var. tessellata 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the most widespread of the Haworthia species in South Africa, occurring over most of the Great Karoo and the Klein Karoo of South Africa. The rosettes of this variety have leaves with tessellate (square-shaped) markings that are rather striking. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia venosa var. tessellata 5-inch pots $20.00
This is one of the most widespread of the Haworthia species in South Africa, occurring over most of the Great Karoo and the Klein Karoo of South Africa. The rosettes of this variety have leaves with tessellate (square-shaped) markings that are rather striking. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Haworthia venosa var. tessellata cv Dorothy Pasek 4-inch pots $20.00
This is one of the most widespread of the Haworthia species in South Africa, occurring over most of the Great Karoo and the Klein Karoo of South Africa. The rosettes of this variety have leaves with tessellate (square-shaped) markings that are rather striking. The late Dorothy Pasek selected this form, which has more prominent tessellations in the leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia venosa var. venosa 4-inch pots $15.00
This beautiful light brown species came from material originally collected near Brede River, Western Cape Province of South Africa. This variety offsets quite slowly, unlike some other varieties of Haworthia venosa, and the plants can become quite large in cultivation. The light brown upper surface tends to be relatively smooth and veined, while the lower surface is roughened with numerous small tubercles. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia venosa var. wooleyii 4-inch pots $20.00
This species is found from only one small locality in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. These plants were propagated from material originally collected south of Kleinpoort near Springbokvlakte on west-facing slopes. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia venosa var. woolleyi (GM 79) 3-inch pots $15.00
This species is found from only one small locality in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. These plants were propagated from material originally collected south of Kleinpoort near Springbokvlakte on west-facing slopes (GM 79). This is an extremely rare Haworthia variety that likely is more common in cultivation than it is in the wild. Bayer (1999) reports that the habitat of at least one locality has been destroyed. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia venosa var. woolleyi (GM 79) 4-inch pots $20.00
This species is found from only one small locality in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. These plants were propagated from material originally collected south of Kleinpoort near Springbokvlakte on west-facing slopes (GM 79). This is an extremely rare Haworthia variety that likely is more common in cultivation than it is in the wild. Bayer (1999) reports that the habitat of at least one locality has been destroyed. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Haworthia vlokii (JDV 93-2) 3-inch pots $12.00
This species is only known from a couple of places in the Groot Swartberg, Western Cape Province of South Africa. Another transition species, it forms small rosettes that prolifically offset, forming relatively large clumps with time. The triangular leaves are light green and bear marginal, hair-like teeth. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Haworthia vlokii (JDV 93-2) 4-inch pots $20.00
This species is only known from a couple of places in the Groot Swartberg, Western Cape Province of South Africa. Another transition species, it forms small rosettes that prolifically offset, forming relatively large clumps with time. The triangular leaves are light green and bear marginal, hair-like teeth. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Hechtia cv Aztec Sun one-gallon pots $25.00
This is a cultivar of unknown provenance created by the late Bill Baker. It has leaves with very spiny margins and a sunshine color motif. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Hechtia montana one-gallon pots $25.00
Hechtia montana is an offsetting species from the mountains of northwestern Mexico, especially Sonora and Baja California Sur. When young, the leaves are light green and very spiny, but with age these plants can attain a reddish-green leaf in full sun, which makes for extremely attractive plants. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Hechtia podantha 10-inch pots $45.00
Hechtia podantha is from central Mexico. It is a is a scarcely offsetting species with green leaves and very spiny margins, but with age these plants can attain a reddish-green leaf in full sun. These plants are rooted offsets in 10-inch pots.
Hechtia pretiosa (094) 4-inch pots $15.00
Hechtia pretiosa (094) is an offsetting species from Guanajuato, Mexico, and other parts of the northeast of that country. When young, the leaves are green and very spiny, but with age these plants can attain a reddish-green leaf in full sun, which makes for extremely attractive plants. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Hechtia pretiosa (094) one-gallon pots $25.00
Hechtia pretiosa (094) is an offsetting species from Guanajuato, Mexico, and other parts of the northeast of that country. When young, the leaves are green and very spiny, but with age these plants can attain a reddish-green leaf in full sun, which makes for extremely attractive plants. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Hechtia pretiosa 5-inch pots $20.00
Hechtia pretiosa is an offsetting species from Guanajuato, Mexico, and other parts of the northeast of that country. When young, the leaves are green and very spiny, but with age these plants can attain a reddish-green leaf in full sun, which makes for extremely attractive plants. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Hechtia sp. (Cuernavaca, MX) 10-inch pots $45.00
This apparently undescribed species has a narrow distribution in Cuernavaca, Mexico. The leaves are silvery-green and very spiny, which makes for an attractive plant if it isnt in a travel path. These plants are seedlings in 10-inch pots.
Hechtia sp. (Pena Blanco, Queretero) 5-inch pots $20.00
This apparently undescribed species has a narrow distribution in Queretero, Mexico. The leaves are silvery-green and very spiny, which makes for an attractive plant if it isn't in a travel path. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Hechtia sp. (San Pedro y San Pablo, Mexico) 8-inch pots $35.00
This species was originally collected between the towns of San Pedro and San Pablo, somewhere in Mexico. We know it is an acaulescent plant with leaves that are silvery-green and very spiny, which makes for an attractive plant if it isnt in a travel path. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Hereroa wilmaniae 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, this species forms a small compact clump. The leaves are narrow, short, and gray-green with small spots, tapering towards a soft tip. The flowers are yellow with reddish tips. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Hesperaloe funifera 2-inch pots $8.00
From northeastern Mexico, this species is the largest of the Hesperaloe species. The stiff, nearly linear and guttered leaves are light green with a shredding margin, and mature plants have leaves 3-5 feet long. The flower panicle can reach 20 feet in height and produces large white flowers. This species was undamaged at 18F. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Hesperaloe funifera 5-gallon pots $45.00
From northeastern Mexico, this species is the largest of the Hesperaloe species. The stiff, nearly linear and guttered leaves are light green with a shredding margin, and mature plants have leaves 3-5 feet long. The flower panicle can reach 20 feet in height and produces large white flowers. This species was undamaged at 18F. These plants are seedlings in 5-gallon pots.
Hoodia juttae 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Karas Mountains of southern Namibia, this Hoodia forms a dense stand of individuals much like a cushion Euphorbia. It grows in areas with at least some summer rainfall. It produces clusters of brown to purple flowers that stink and attract flies for pollination. We offer seedlings of this species in 2-inch pots.
Hoodia macracantha 2-inch pots $8.00
Although this is considered to be Hoodia currorii var. currorii now, we keep it separate because it reportedly has the largest flowers of the genus. This species is from the coastal Namib Desert of Angola and Namibia. The stems have many ribs with small white spines. The flowers are large, flesh-colored, and extremely aromatic in a bad way. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Hoodia parviflora 2-inch pots $8.00
This species, the tallest in the genus Hoodia, is from northern Namibia and southern Angola. We’ve seen plants 5-6 feet tall in habitat. Although it superficially resembles other, more common species such as Hoodia gordonii, these plants should offset slowly but grow tall stems. The flowers are yellow-orange in color, are relatively small, and are star-shaped. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Hoodia parviflora 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, the tallest in the genus Hoodia, is from northern Namibia and southern Angola. We’ve seen plants 5-6 feet tall in habitat. Although it superficially resembles other, more common species such as Hoodia gordonii, these plants should offset slowly but grow tall stems. The flowers are yellow-orange in color, are relatively small, and are star-shaped. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Hoodia pilifera var. pilifera 4-inch pots $15.00
This highly attractive species is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, where it grows on the southern edge of the Great Karoo. The stems have indistinct ridges and are covered with relatively small black spines. The flowers are red-purple and feature a central ring, or annulus, that is less prominent than in var. annulata. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Hoya carnosa 6-inch pots $25.00
This species, widely distributed in southeastern Asia and the Pacific Islands (including Australia), is one of the most common Hoyas in cultivation. The lancheolate leaves are green and unremarkable, albeit unmistakably belonging to the Hoya group because of their leathery feel. The inflorescence has as many as 30 flowers, which are light purple to reddish in appearance. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Hoya carnosa cv Hindu Rope (variegated) 6-inch pots $45.00
This species, widely distributed in southeastern Asia and the Pacific Islands (including Australia), is one of the most common Hoyas in cultivation. The lancheolate leaves are green and folded. The inflorescence has as many as 30 flowers, which are light purple to reddish in appearance. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Hoya carnosa cv Hindu Rope 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, widely distributed in southeastern Asia and the Pacific Islands (including Australia), is one of the most common Hoyas in cultivation. The lancheolate leaves are green and folded. The inflorescence has as many as 30 flowers, which are light purple to reddish in appearance. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Hoya carnosa cv Hindu Rope 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, widely distributed in southeastern Asia and the Pacific Islands (including Australia), is one of the most common Hoyas in cultivation. The lancheolate leaves are green and folded. The inflorescence has as many as 30 flowers, which are light purple to reddish in appearance. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Hoya carnosa cv Krimson Princess 6-inch pots $25.00
This species, widely distributed in southeastern Asia and the Pacific Islands (including Australia), is one of the most common Hoyas in cultivation. The lancheolate leaves are green with a yellow center strip. The inflorescence has as many as 30 flowers, which are light purple to reddish in appearance. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Hoya carnosa cv Tricolor 6-inch pots $25.00
This species, widely distributed in southeastern Asia and the Pacific Islands (including Australia), is one of the most common Hoyas in cultivation. The lancheolate leaves are green with a yellow center strip and reddish highlights, earning the cultivar name. The inflorescence has as many as 30 flowers, which are light purple to reddish in appearance. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Hoya carnosa cv Tricolor 8-inch pots $30.00
This species, widely distributed in southeastern Asia and the Pacific Islands (including Australia), is one of the most common Hoyas in cultivation. The lancheolate leaves are green with a yellow center strip and reddish highlights, earning the cultivar name. The inflorescence has as many as 30 flowers, which are light purple to reddish in appearance. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Hoya diptera 8-inch pots $30.00
This species is from the central Pacific Ocean islands of Fiji and Vanuatu. It has small green leaves that are oblanceolate in form. The flowers have whitish petals with a pinkish-red center. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Hoya diversifolia 8-inch pots $30.00
From southeast Asia and Indonesia, this Hoya has leaves that are large and medium green in color with faint markings. The flowers are borne up to 20 in an umbel with a light to dark red color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Hoya fraterna 4-inch pots $15.00
From the forests of Java, this Hoya has long, thick, green leaves that are large and medium glossy green in color. The flowers, which are rarely produced are white to light pink in color with pinkish centers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Hoya imbricata 5-inch pots $35.00
This interesting species is from the Philippines. This is a climbing plant that likes to attach to wood, whether it be the bark of trees or a roughened board. The leaves are light green with purple markings, are very succulent, and produce roots at the nodes close to the leaves. The small flowers are borne in an umbel and are white to dirty white in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Hoya kerrii (variegate) 8-inch pots $40.00
From southeast Asia, this Hoya is the familiar “Sweetheart” or “Heart-Leaf” species that is a favorite of growers. The leaves are light green, very succulent, and heart-shaped with yellow variegation. These plants are rooted leaf cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Hoya kerrii 6-inch pots $25.00
From southeast Asia, this Hoya is the familiar “Sweetheart” or “Heart-Leaf” species that is a favorite of growers. The leaves are light green, very succulent, and heart-shaped and are borne on stout vines. The small flowers are borne in an umbel with reds, yellows, and purples. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Hoya kerrii 8-inch pots $30.00
From southeast Asia, this Hoya is the familiar “Sweetheart” or “Heart-Leaf” species that is a favorite of growers. The leaves are light green, very succulent, and heart-shaped and are borne on stout vines. The small flowers are borne in an umbel with reds, yellows, and purples. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Hoya krohniana 6-inch pots $25.00
From the Philippines, this Hoya has tiny dull green leaves with white flecks that is a favorite of growers. We don’t use the cultivar name ‘Eskimo’ but that is what this is supposed to be. The small flowers are borne in an umbel and are white with yellow centers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Hoya mathilde 6-inch pots $25.00
This is a hybrid between H. carnosa and H. serpens. It has rather plain medium-green leaves with central veins. The flowers have frilly white petals with bulbous tips and reddish centers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Hoya multiflora cv Shooting Stars 8-inch pots $30.00
Hoya multiflora is from the Philippines and Southeast Asia, and it frequently is placed in the genus Centrostemma. Although the foliage is unremarkable, these plants produce star-shaped flowers in clusters that look somewhat like a fireworks display, but someone decided they more resembled falling meteorites instead. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Hoya obovata 6-inch pots $30.00
This species is native to the Indian subcontinent and Indonesia. The leaves are broad and marked with irregularly shaped brown spots. Although this species is related to Hoya kerrii, it differs in its ovate leaves and larger flowers, which are pink with red centers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Hoya obovata 6-inch pots $25.00
This species is native to the Indian subcontinent and Indonesia. The leaves are broad and marked with irregularly shaped brown spots. Although this species is related to Hoya kerrii, it differs in its ovate leaves and larger flowers, which are pink with red centers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Hoya pachyclada 6-inch pots $25.00
From southeast Asia, this species has a wide distribution. It has relatively large but thick and fleshy green leaves. The flowers have a creamy yellow and waxy appearance. These plants are rooted offsets in 6-inch pots.
Hoya pallida 8-inch pots $30.00
From southeast Asia, this species has a wide distribution. It has relatively large but plain green leaves. The flowers have a pinkish waxy appearance. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Hoya publicalyx cv Pink Silver 8-inch pots $30.00
This species, from the Philippines, has the fairly standard thick, light green leaves that hang nicely from pots. With cultivar Pink Silver, the leaves have silver markings that attain a pink margin when the plant is placed in more sunlight. The flower umbels have a blood-red calyx with a white frosting around the rim and pinkish-white petals in the center. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Hoya sp. (India, IML 1598) 8-inch pots $35.00
This is an undescribed species of Hoya from India. It has large green leaves that have some yellow/white streaks in them. The flowers are predominantly white. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Huernia keniensis var. keniensis 3-inch pots $10.00
This small asclepiad grows among basalt rocks and on other rocky ridges in the Great Rift Valley of Kenya and Tanzania. The fragile stems resemble innumerable Huernia, but the flowers are bell-shaped and dark purple and about an inch across. These plants are rooted cuttings suitable for 3-inch pots.
Huernia keniensis var. keniensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This small asclepiad grows among basalt rocks and on other rocky ridges in the Great Rift Valley of Kenya and Tanzania. The fragile stems resemble innumerable Huernia, but the flowers are bell-shaped and dark purple and about an inch across. These plants are rooted cuttings suitable for 4-inch pots.
Huernia keniensis var. nairobiensis 3-inch pots $10.00
This small asclepiad grows among basalt rocks and on other rocky ridges in the Great Rift Valley of Kenya and Tanzania. The fragile stems resemble innumerable Huernia, but the flowers are bell-shaped and dark purple and about an inch across. These plants are rooted cuttings suitable for 3-inch pots.
Huernia macrocarpa 4-inch pots $15.00
This is a complex of plants with variable flower color from the Horn of Africa and Arabia. Other than the fact that it tends to have much thinner stems than most Huernia, the plants are unremarkable. The flowers are upright and are generally the color of red meat, although colors vary considerably. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Huernia procumbens 2-inch pots $8.00
From Zimbabwe and northeastern South Africa, this species tends to creep along the ground or hang from cliffs. The flowers are upright and a dull brownish-red with a darker annulus. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Huernia saudi-arabica 4-inch pots $15.00
This species grows in the southern parts of Saudi Arabia. It has unremarkable light green, tubercle-lined stems. The flowers are campanulate and an off-white color with numerous red speckles. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Huernia schneideriana 4-inch pots $15.00
From Tanzania, this species has light green stems with confluent tubercles and soft spine-like peduncles. The mostly red flowers are about 1-2 inches across and are unmarked. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Huernia sudanensis (Ethiopia) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from Ethiopia and is closely related to Huernia macrocarpa. The flowers are cream-colored with many dark lines across the corolla. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Huernia sudanensis (Ethiopia) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Ethiopia and is closely related to Huernia macrocarpa. The flowers are cream-colored with many dark lines across the corolla. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Huernia thuretii 2-inch pots $8.00
From Namibia and South Africa, this species has pale gray-green stems with few markings. The mostly yellow flowers are about 1-2 inches across and marked with orange-red lines. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Huernia thuretii 3-inch pots $10.00
From Namibia and South Africa, this species has pale gray-green stems with few markings. The mostly yellow flowers are about 1-2 inches across and marked with orange-red lines. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Huernia thuretii 4-inch pots $15.00
From Namibia and South Africa, this species has pale gray-green stems with few markings. The mostly yellow flowers are about 1-2 inches across and marked with orange-red lines. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Huernia thuretii var. primulina 4-inch pots $15.00
From Namibia and South Africa, this species has pale gray-green stems with few markings. In variety primulina, the flowers are a little larger than in the typical species and are uniformly yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Huernia zebrina 4-inch pots $15.00
From southeastern Africa, this widely distributed species has pale gray-green stems with few markings. The mostly cream to yellow colored flowers are marked with irregular reddish markings vaguely zebra-like. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Hylocereus undatus 4-inch pots $12.00
This plant is widely available in cultivation and, like many popular plants, its origins are unknown. What is known is that this species produces numerous stems with scalloped ribs and few short spines, and it is well adapted to growing up in trees. You want this species for its very large white flowers, which are highly fragrant, and its fruits, which are edible and sweet. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Hylocereus undatus one-gallon pots $25.00
This plant is widely available in cultivation and, like many popular plants, its origins are unknown. What is known is that this species produces numerous stems with scalloped ribs and few short spines, and it is well adapted to growing up in trees. You want this species for its very large white flowers, which are highly fragrant, and its fruits, which are edible and sweet. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Ibervillea tenuisecta 4-inch pots $15.00
This dioecious species, from northwestern Mexico (notably Chihuahua), forms a broad-based gray caudex. The leaves are deeply divided, green on the upper surface, and noticeably hairy on the bottom side. The fruit are a very attractive red. We offer seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ipheion uniflorum 2-inch pots $8.00
This little bulb is from Argentina. It produces rather non-descript linear green leaves. The flowers are dime-sized and light blue with yellow centers. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Ipomoea platense 5-inch pots $20.00
This species has a swollen base and pretty leaves. Like most species in the Convolvulaceae, the flowers are relatively large. These seedlings are in 5-inch pots.
Ipomoea platense one-gallon pots $35.00
This species has a swollen base and pretty leaves. Like most species in the Convolvulaceae, the flowers are relatively large. These seedlings are in one-gallon pots.
Ipomoea teotitlanica 4-inch pots $20.00
This species is from a broad area of southwestern Mexico. This short tree tends to grow in xerophytic woodlands, where it produces grey-white stems and three-lobed dull-green leaves. The flowers are large and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Isolatocereus (Stenocereus) dumortieri 5-inch pots $20.00
From south-central Mexico, this is an unusual columnar species, once in the genus Stenocereus, now in its own genus owing to its small, nocturnal flowers and DNA, which separates it from Stenocereus. It has gray-green stems, yellow-white spines, and white flowers with yellow centers. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Jatropha capensis 4-inch pots $20.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, Jatropha capensis is a shrub to more or less three feet high with thick gray trunk and characteristic three-lobed leaves. The upper lobes are short and opposite and central one long and narrow. These are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Jatropha capensis 5-inch pots $25.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, Jatropha capensis is a shrub to more or less three feet high with thick gray trunk and characteristic three-lobed leaves. The upper lobes are short and opposite and central one long and narrow. These are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Jatropha capensis one-gallon pots $30.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, Jatropha capensis is a shrub to more or less three feet high with thick gray trunk and characteristic three-lobed leaves. The upper lobes are short and opposite and central one long and narrow. These are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Jatropha curcas 8-inch pots $35.00
Originally from Central America through western South America, this species is now widely distributed in tropical regions worldwide. This short tree produces large, green leaves and flowers that are yellow-green. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Jatropha curcas one-gallon pots $25.00
Originally from Central America through western South America, this species is now widely distributed in tropical regions worldwide. This short tree produces large, green leaves and flowers that are yellow-green. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Jatropha gossypiifolia 4-inch pots $15.00
Originally native to the tropical New World, this species is now an ornamental species worldwide in the tropics. This shrub has 3-to-5 lobed leaves that have a purple cast when young and small glands that make the species distinctive. The flowers are red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Jatropha gossypiifolia 5-inch pots $20.00
Originally native to the tropical New World, this species is now an ornamental species worldwide in the tropics. This shrub has 3-to-5 lobed leaves that have a purple cast when young and small glands that make the species distinctive. The flowers are red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Jatropha gossypiifolia one-gallon pots $25.00
Originally native to the tropical New World, this species is now an ornamental species worldwide in the tropics. This shrub has 3-to-5 lobed leaves that have a purple cast when young and small glands that make the species distinctive. The flowers are red. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Jatropha integerrima 5-inch pots $20.00
From Cuba, this perennial species is a tree with dull green leaves. It has multiple trunks and grows to perhaps 15-20 feet high but is better trimmed back. The flowers are pinkish-red and somewhat showy, earning the species a common name of firecracker plant. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Jatropha macrocarpa 4-inch pots $20.00
From Argentina, this shrubby Jatropha has gray-green stems and large green palmate leaves. The flowers are pink, aging to orange-red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Jatropha macrocarpa 5-inch pots $25.00
From Argentina, this shrubby Jatropha has gray-green stems and large green palmate leaves. The flowers are pink, aging to orange-red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Jatropha podagrica (yellow flowers) 4-inch pots $15.00
From Central America, this species is notable for its bottle-shaped trunk when young. The peltate leaves are 3-to-5 lobed and light green with a red margin and numerous small glands. These plants have yellow flowers at a small size, making an extremely attractive plant. Our plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Jatropha podagrica 4-inch pots $15.00
From Central America, this species is notable for its bottle-shaped trunk when young and its beautiful bright red flowers. The peltate leaves are 3-to-5 lobed and light green with a red margin and numerous small glands. These plants flower at a small size, making an extremely attractive plant. Our plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Jatropha podagrica 5-inch pots $20.00
From Central America, this species is notable for its bottle-shaped trunk when young and its beautiful bright red flowers. The peltate leaves are 3-to-5 lobed and light green with a red margin and numerous small glands. These plants flower at a small size, making an extremely attractive plant. Our plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Jatropha podagrica one-gallon pots $25.00
From Central America, this species is notable for its bottle-shaped trunk when young and its beautiful bright red flowers. The peltate leaves are 3-to-5 lobed and light green with a red margin and numerous small glands. These plants flower at a small size, making an extremely attractive plant. Our plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Jatropha vernicosa one-gallon pots $30.00
This species is from the Sierra la Laguna in Baja California Sur, Mexico. This endemic species is a shrub with a short simple stem and radiating branches. The leaves are glossy and medium green with shallow lobes, and the flowers are yellow-green. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Jordaaniella cuprea4-inch pots $12.00
This species has been moved from the genus Cephalophyllum, but we’ll leave it under the genus Jordaaniella. It has thick, yellow-green, finger-like leaves that are upright, and the plant either creeps along the ground or straggles through bushes. It grows in sandy soils in its native hyperarid habitat. This species has large yellow flowers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Kalanchoe beharensis (glabrous) 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Madagascar, this Kalanchoe forms a short tree with a stout but herbaceous stem. K. beharensis is highly variable in form, and this form has bright green leaves without hairs. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Kalanchoe beharensis (glabrous) one-gallon pots $25.00
From Madagascar, this Kalanchoe forms a short tree with a stout but herbaceous stem. K. beharensis is highly variable in form, and this form has bright green leaves without hairs. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Kalanchoe beharensis cv Fang one-gallon pots $25.00
From Madagascar, this Kalanchoe forms a short tree with a stout but herbaceous stem. K. beharensis is highly variable in form, and this form has hairy leaves with slightly crisped margins and prominent tubercles (“fangs”) on the undersides. The young growth has a beautiful brown color in the hairs. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Kalanchoe bracteata 2-gallon pots $30.00
From Madagascar, this is a shrubby species with gray-green foliage. The leaves are densely hairy with fine appressed hairs that make those leaves appear to be hairless. The flowers are red-orange and rather erect and showy. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Kalanchoe bracteata one-gallon pots $25.00
From Madagascar, this is a shrubby species with gray-green foliage. The leaves are densely hairy with fine appressed hairs that make those leaves appear to be hairless. The flowers are red-orange and rather erect and showy. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from Madagascar, but it is widely naturalized. Bearing fleshy, purple-green leaves, this perennial plant forms a dense shrub and can creep laterally. The flowers are orange to red and pendant. We’re grown this species outside, where it has taken mid-20s F with little damage. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 4-inch pots $12.00
This species is from Madagascar, but it is widely naturalized. Bearing fleshy, purple-green leaves, this perennial plant forms a dense shrub and can creep laterally. The flowers are orange to red and pendant. We‘re grown this species outside, where it has taken mid-20s F with little damage. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 5-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Madagascar, but it is widely naturalized. Bearing fleshy, purple-green leaves, this perennial plant forms a dense shrub and can creep laterally. The flowers are orange to red and pendant. We‘re grown this species outside, where it has taken mid-20s F with little damage. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Kalanchoe hildebrandtii 4-inch pots $12.00
From southern Madagascar, Kalanchoe hildebrandtii has flowers that are yellow to greenish yellow. This species has minutely hairy leaves that are light gray-green in color, and it is a shrub that can grow quite tall. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Kalanchoe humilis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Mozambique and other countries of southeastern Africa, where it typically grows in rock crevices. Bearing fleshy, gray-green leaves with purple spots, this perennial plant forms a floppy shrub. The flowers are violet with greenish throats. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Kalanchoe humilis 5-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Mozambique and other countries of southeastern Africa, where it typically grows in rock crevices. Bearing fleshy, gray-green leaves with purple spots, this perennial plant forms a floppy shrub. The flowers are violet with greenish throats. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Kalanchoe humilis 6-inch pots $30.00
This species is from Mozambique and other countries of southeastern Africa, where it typically grows in rock crevices. Bearing fleshy, gray-green leaves with purple spots, this perennial plant forms a floppy shrub. The flowers are violet with greenish throats. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Kalanchoe marmorata 5-inch pots $15.00
The Kalanchoe marmorata group represents the best of this genus in Africa, but the current concept of this species encompasses a highly variable group. This plant differs in that the leaves are hairless, gray-white with a pink hint, and bearing purple-violet cryptic markings. The flowers are white and relatively large for this genus. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Kalanchoe orgyalis 2-gallon pots $35.00
From Madagascar, this Kalanchoe is distinguished by its simple, spathulate leaves covered with dense green-brown hairs. It is a very desirable plant because of the appearance. The flowers are held in a dense cyme and are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Kalanchoe orgyalis 4-inch pots $15.00
From Madagascar, this Kalanchoe is distinguished by its simple, spathulate leaves covered with dense green-brown hairs. It is a very desirable plant because of the appearance. The flowers are held in a dense cyme and are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Kalanchoe orgyalis 5-inch pots $20.00
From Madagascar, this Kalanchoe is distinguished by its simple, spathulate leaves covered with dense green-brown hairs. It is a very desirable plant because of the appearance. The flowers are held in a dense cyme and are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Kalanchoe orgyalis one-gallon pots $25.00
From Madagascar, this Kalanchoe is distinguished by its simple, spathulate leaves covered with dense green-brown hairs. It is a very desirable plant because of the appearance. The flowers are held in a dense cyme and are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Kalanchoe paniculata 4-inch pots $12.00
From southeastern Africa, ranging from Zimbabwe into South Africa, this species has succulent stems and leaves that, in our form, are mostly gray. The flowers are held in long panicles, are relatively small, and are multicolored but mostly green and white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Kalanchoe paniculata 5-inch pots $15.00
From southeastern Africa, ranging from Zimbabwe into South Africa, this species has succulent stems and leaves that, in our form, are mostly gray. The flowers are held in long panicles, are relatively small, and are multicolored but mostly green and white. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Kalanchoe rhombopilosa 5-inch pots $20.00
A small species, this Kalanchoe – and it definitely is a Kalanchoe, not an Adromischus – is from southwestern Madagascar. The plants have small, slightly woolly leaves on sprawling, woody branches. Although the flowers are supposed to be red, they are yellow-orange on these plants. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Kalanchoe rhombopilosa var. viridifolia 2-inch pots $8.00
A small species, this Kalanchoe – and it definitely is a Kalanchoe, not an Adromischus – is from southwestern Madagascar. The plants have small, slightly woolly leaves on sprawling, woody branches. The leaves have a hint of vivid green through the gray coloration of the leaves Although the flowers are supposed to be red, they are yellow-orange on these plants. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Kalanchoe rhombopilosa var. viridifolia 3-inch pots $10.00
A small species, this Kalanchoe – and it definitely is a Kalanchoe, not an Adromischus – is from southwestern Madagascar. The plants have small, slightly woolly leaves on sprawling, woody branches. The leaves have a hint of vivid green through the gray coloration of the leaves Although the flowers are supposed to be red, they are yellow-orange on these plants. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Kalanchoe rotundifolia 4-inch pots $15.00
This complex of plants is from eastern and southern Africa, extending to Socotra. What appears to hold this group together are glabrous, elliptical leaves that are gray-green in color and sparsely arranged on stems that may be upright or floppy. The flowers are held at the end of long panicles, and our plants have orange-red flowers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Kalanchoe synsepala cv Lobster Claw one-gallon pots $25.00
From Madagascar, this beautiful species has a woody, short stem. The leaves are large and succulent, gray-green in color, and look vaguely like a lobster claw. The flowers are white with a purple blush. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Kalanchoe synsepala var. synsepala one-gallon pots $25.00
From Madagascar, this beautiful species has a woody, short stem. The leaves are large, succulent, ovate, and gray-green in color with a purple rim and scattered white teeth. The flowers are white with a purple blush. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Kalanchoe thrysiflora 5-inch pots $15.00
This attractive species, with its thickened succulent leaves that are tinged in reds and pinks, is relatively short-lived but is easily propagated from leaves. The flowers are fragrant and mostly yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Kalanchoe thrysiflora one-gallon pots $25.00
This attractive species, with its thickened succulent leaves that are tinged in reds and pinks, is relatively short-lived but is easily propagated from leaves. The flowers are fragrant and mostly yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Kalanchoe tomentosa 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, from Madagascar, is a perennial with woody basal stem and nice, curled leaves. The leaves are gray-green and covered with fine hairs, giving a felt-like appearance and earning this species its epithet. The flowers generally are upright and brown to purple in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Kalanchoe tomentosa 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from Madagascar, is a perennial with woody basal stem and nice, curled leaves. The leaves are gray-green and covered with fine hairs, giving a felt-like appearance and earning this species its epithet. The flowers generally are upright and brown to purple in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Kalanchoe tomentosa 5-inch pots $15.00
This species, from Madagascar, is a perennial with woody basal stem and nice, curled leaves. The leaves are gray-green and covered with fine hairs, giving a felt-like appearance and earning this species its epithet. The flowers generally are upright and brown to purple in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Kalanchoe tomentosa 8-inch pots $35.00
This species, from Madagascar, is a perennial with woody basal stem and nice, curled leaves. The leaves are gray-green and covered with fine hairs, giving a felt-like appearance and earning this species its epithet. The flowers generally are upright and brown to purple in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Kalanchoe tomentosa cv Chocolate Soldier 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, from Madagascar, is a perennial with woody basal stem and nice, curled leaves. The version of this species we offer is a cultivar called "Chocolate Soldier," apparently for the chocolate brown leaf edges. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Kalanchoe tomentosa cv Chocolate Soldier 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from Madagascar, is a perennial with woody basal stem and nice, curled leaves. The version of this species we offer is a cultivar called "Chocolate Soldier," apparently for the chocolate brown leaf edges. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Kalanchoe tomentosa one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, from Madagascar, is a perennial with woody basal stem and nice, curled leaves. The leaves are gray-green and covered with fine hairs, giving a felt-like appearance and earning this species its epithet. The flowers generally are upright and brown to purple in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Kirkia acuminata 2-gallon pots $45.00
This pachycaul tree is from southern Africa, particularly the summer rainfall areas of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. It produces thick roots and pinnate, oblanceolate leaves. The flowers are white and held in short panicles. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Kirkia acuminata one-gallon pots $30.00
This pachycaul tree is from southern Africa, particularly the summer rainfall areas of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. It produces thick roots and pinnate, oblanceolate leaves. The flowers are white and held in short panicles. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Kleinia articulata (variegated) 4-inch pots $15.00
We‘ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. Widely distributed in southwestern South Africa, this species has creeping succulent stems bearing dark markings beneath the triangular, green leaves. In this variegate, the leaves are light green with white blotches and stripes. The flowers are off-white in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Kleinia articulata 2-inch pots $8.00
We’ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. Widely distributed in southwestern South Africa, this species has creeping succulent stems bearing dark markings beneath the triangular, green leaves. The flowers are an off-white color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Kleinia articulata 3-inch pots $10.00
We’ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. Widely distributed in southwestern South Africa, this species has creeping succulent stems bearing dark markings beneath the triangular, green leaves. The flowers are an off-white color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Kleinia articulata 4-inch pots $15.00
We’ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. Widely distributed in southwestern South Africa, this species has creeping succulent stems bearing dark markings beneath the triangular, green leaves. The flowers are an off-white color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Kleinia articulata 5-inch pots $20.00
We′ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. Widely distributed in southwestern South Africa, this species has creeping succulent stems bearing dark markings beneath the triangular, green leaves. The flowers are an off-white color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Kleinia ballyi 4-inch pots $15.00
We‘ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. This species, from Kenya and East Africa, forms leggy shrubs that typically grow up among other shrubs and trees. These plants produce a root crown that can get quite large with time. The leaves tend to produce purple-veined highlights on a light green background. The flowers are white. We offer this species as rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Kleinia ballyi 5-inch pots $20.00
We‘ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. This species, from Kenya and East Africa, forms leggy shrubs that typically grow up among other shrubs and trees. These plants produce a root crown that can get quite large with time. The leaves tend to produce purple-veined highlights on a light green background. The flowers are white. We offer this species as rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Kleinia descoingsii 4-inch pots $15.00
We‘ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. Once considered in the genus Notonia, Kleinia descoingsii is from Madagascar, and these plants are propagated from material originally collected along the Fiherenana River east of Tulear. This multibranched subshrub has densely packed stems that are light green and streaked with white. The flowers are the typical yellow-white Composite flowers. These plants are established offsets in 4-inch pots.
Kleinia hebdingii (Lav 10485) 5-inch pots $20.00
We?ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. Once considered in the genus Notonia, Kleinia hebdingii is from southwestern Madagascar. This multibranched subshrub has yellow-white Composite flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Kleinia hebdingii (Lav 10485) one-gallon pots $25.00
We?ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. Once considered in the genus Notonia, Kleinia hebdingii is from southwestern Madagascar. This multibranched subshrub has yellow-white Composite flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Kleinia longiflora ssp. longiflora one-gallon pots $25.00
We’ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. Once considered in the genus Kleinia, Kleinia longiflora is widely distributed in southern Africa. This multibranched subshrub has relatively thick succulent stems and has yellow-green Composite flowers. These fast-growing plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Kleinia longiflora ssp. madagascariensis 4-inch pots $15.00
We’ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. Once considered in the genus Notonia, Kleinia longiflora ssp. madagascariensis is from Madagascar, as the subspecies name clearly indicates. This multibranched subshrub has relatively thick succulent stems and has yellow-green Composite flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Kleinia obesa 4-inch pots $15.00
From southern Yemen, this species is sometimes listed as Senecio deflersii. The form of this species is similar to a giant green pickle, only this pickle produces bright yellow flowers in the fall. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Kleinia obesa one-gallon pots $25.00
From southern Yemen, this species is sometimes listed as Senecio deflersii. The form of this species is similar to a giant green pickle, only this pickle produces bright yellow flowers in the fall. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Kleinia petraea (WY 1183) 5-inch pots $20.00
This prostrate succulent plant is from Kenya and Tanzania. Our material came from near Naivasha, Kenya (WY 1183). These plants have light green, suborbicular and succulent leaves on vine-like stems; this makes a great hanging plant. The flowers are orange-red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Kleinia petraea (WY 1183) 8-inch pots $30.00
This prostrate succulent plant is from Kenya and Tanzania. Our material came from near Naivasha, Kenya (WY 1183). These plants have light green, suborbicular and succulent leaves on vine-like stems; this makes a great hanging plant. The flowers are orange-red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Kleinia picticaulis 3-inch pots $10.00
We’ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. This pretty Kleinia has striped stems and pretty pink-and-white flowers. Widely distributed in tropical East Africa, particularly Kenya, the stems are fragile and easily broken, but they also are easily rooted. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Kleinia picticaulis 5-inch pots $20.00
We've reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. This pretty Kleinia has striped stems and pretty pink-and-white flowers. Widely distributed in tropical East Africa, particularly Kenya, the stems are fragile and easily broken, but they also are easily rooted. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Kleinia radicans 4-inch pots $15.00
This prostrate subshrub from Namibia and the Northern Cape Province of South Africa is notable for its spindly, wire-like stems bearing conical to banana-shaped green leaves. It makes a great hanging plant, especially since the white composite flowers are quite fragrant. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Kleinia rowleyana 3-inch pots $10.00
We’ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. Commonly known as “String of Pearls,” this species is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The globose leaves are light green and are strung together along the stems, hence the common name. The flowers are white with violet-purple highlights. This species makes a great hanging plant. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Kleinia rowleyana 4-inch pots $15.00
We’ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. Commonly known as “String of Pearls,” this species is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The globose leaves are light green and are strung together along the stems, hence the common name. The flowers are white with violet-purple highlights. This species makes a great hanging plant. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Kleinia semperviva ssp. grantii 4-inch pots $15.00
This glabrous prostrate shrub, once known as Kleinia coccineiflorus, has fleshy leaves and produces a nice caudex. The species grows in East Africa, particularly Tanzania. The leaves are a chalky bluish-green color, and the plant produces a bright red flower. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Kleinia stapeliiformis 4-inch pots $15.00
We’ve reverted to the genus Kleinia for plants in this group with no ray flowers. As the name implies, the foliage looks somewhat like a Stapelia, but this Kleinia has nice orange-red flowers that make it worthwhile in most collections. We grow this species outdoors under shrubs in Tucson. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Lachenalia aloides var. quadricolor 4-inch pots $15.00
A bulb from the south coast of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this Lachenalia has one of the nicest flowers around. The linear leaves, faintly spotted with purple, arise from a bulb. Flowers are produced in early winter and indeed four colors can be found in the petals, especially the maroon on the tube lips. These bulbs are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Lapidaria margaretae 2-inch pots $8.00
Lapidaria, which means "group of stones," is a monospecific genus with the single species of L. margaretae. This species, one of the beautiful "living stones," comes from a very restricted area near Warmbad in southern Namibia. This species flowers in spring to produce a very showy, yellow inflorescence. We offer seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lapidaria margaretae 3-inch pots $10.00
Lapidaria, which means "group of stones," is a monospecific genus with the single species of L. margaretae. This species, one of the beautiful "living stones," comes from a very restricted area near Warmbad in southern Namibia. This species flowers in spring to produce a very showy, yellow inflorescence. We offer seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Ledebouria luteola 4-inch pots $15.00
From the northeastern provinces of the Republic of South Africa, this bulb produces pretty leaves with brown spots. It offsets readily, forming large clumps that make nice pot cultures. These offsets are in 4-inch pots.
Ledebouria luteola 5-inch pots $20.00
From the northeastern provinces of South Africa, this bulb produces pretty leaves with brown spots. It offsets readily, forming large clumps that make nice pot cultures. These offsets are in 5-inch pots.
Ledebouria revoluta (Tanzania) 4-inch pots $15.00
This may be an undescribed species of Ledebouria from Tanzania (WY 1205), but it sure looks like a form of L. revoluta. A strong rosette of purple-dotted leaves arises from a subterranean bulb. The flowers are numerous, small, and white with a strong and pleasant fragrance. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ledebouria revoluta (Tanzania) 5-inch pots $20.00
This may be an undescribed species of Ledebouria from Tanzania (WY 1205), but it sure looks like a form of L. revoluta. A strong rosette of purple-dotted leaves arises from a subterranean bulb. The flowers are numerous, small, and white with a strong and pleasant fragrance. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Ledebouria socialis (variegate) 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, this small bulb has beautiful spotted leaves. The variegated form has greenish-yellow stripes with reddish purple highlights. The bulbs offset freely, forming clumps that make this a very attractive pot plant. These rooted offsets are in 5-inch pots.
Ledebouria socialis 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of the Republic of South Africa, this small bulb has beautiful spotted leaves. The bulbs offset freely, forming clumps that make this a very attractive pot plant. These rooted offsets are in 3-inch pots.
Ledebouria socialis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, this small bulb has beautiful spotted leaves. The bulbs offset freely, forming clumps that make this a very attractive pot plant. These rooted offsets are in 4-inch pots.
Ledebouria socialis 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, this small bulb has beautiful spotted leaves. The bulbs offset freely, forming clumps that make this a very attractive pot plant. These rooted offsets are in 4-inch pots.
Lepismium cruciforme 4-inch pots $15.00
This primitive cactus, from eastern Brazil, can be epiphytic or grown in soil. It has highly variable stem segments but generally they are 3-4 angled and light green, turning reddish purple in higher light or stress. The stems spiral on most of the plants that we have. The flowers are relatively small and light yellow, and the fruits are little red berries. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Leuchtenbergia principis 4-inch pots $15.00
One of the most unusual forms in the Cactaceae, the common name of this species is Agave cactus. This monospecific genus is distributed across the Chihuahuan Desert in northern and central Mexico. The elongated tubercles resemble some Agave (or aloe) leaves, and the plant produces unexpectedly large yellow flowers in the spring and summer. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Leuchtenbergia principis 8-inch pots $35.00
One of the most unusual forms in the Cactaceae, the common name of this species is Agave cactus. This monospecific genus is distributed across the Chihuahuan Desert in northern and central Mexico. The elongated tubercles resemble some Agave (or aloe) leaves, and the plant produces unexpectedly large yellow flowers in the spring and summer. These seedlings are in 8-inch pots.
Leuchtenbergia principis one-gallon pots $25.00
One of the most unusual forms in the Cactaceae, the common name of this species is Agave cactus. This monospecific genus is distributed across the Chihuahuan Desert in northern and central Mexico. The elongated tubercles resemble some Agave (or aloe) leaves, and the plant produces unexpectedly large yellow flowers in the spring and summer. These seedlings are in one-gallon pots.
Lithops aucampiae 2-inch pots $8.00
One of the largest-headed species of Lithops, L. aucampiae is from the Great Karoo, where it occupies a wide variety of habitats. The heads are brown to orange-brown in color, and this species clumps rather prolifically. The flowers are yellow to golden and are quite large within the genus. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops aucampiae 3-inch pots $10.00
One of the largest-headed species of Lithops, L. aucampiae is from the Great Karoo, where it occupies a wide variety of habitats. The heads are brown to orange-brown in color, and this species clumps rather prolifically. The flowers are yellow to golden and are quite large within the genus. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops aucampiae Storm’s Snowcap 2-inch pots $8.00
One of the largest-headed species of Lithops, L. aucampiae is from the Great Karoo, where it occupies a wide variety of habitats. The heads are brown to orange-brown in color, and this species clumps rather prolifically. The flowers are white, which gives this its cultivar name. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops bromfieldii (C363) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is native to the northeastern Northern Cape Province of South Africa (C363). A species that readily offsets, the heads are convex and a dark brown-green color with numerous reticulated lines on the tops. The flowers are small and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops bromfieldii (C368) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is native to the northeastern Northern Cape Province of South Africa. A species that readily offsets, the heads are convex and a dark brown-green color with numerous reticulated lines on the tops. The flowers are small and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops bromfieldii 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is native to the northeastern Northern Cape Province of South Africa. A species that readily offsets, the heads are convex and a dark brown-green color with numerous reticulated lines on the tops. The flowers are small and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops bromfieldii var. glaudinae (C382) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is native to the northeastern Northern Cape Province of South Africa (C382). A species that readily offsets, the heads are convex and a dark brown-green color with numerous reticulated lines on the roughened tops. Variety glaudinae has slightly darker heads than does the typical species. The flowers are small and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops bromfieldii var. insularis (sulfurea) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is native to the northeastern Northern Cape Province of South Africa. A species that readily offsets, the heads are convex and a green color. The flowers are small and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops bromfieldii var. insularis 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is native to the northeastern Northern Cape Province of South Africa. A species that readily offsets, the heads are convex and a dark brown-green color with numerous reticulated lines on the tops. Variety insularis has slightly smaller heads than does the typical species. The flowers are small and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops bromfieldii var. mennellii (C44) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is native to the northeastern Northern Cape Province of South Africa. A species that readily offsets, the heads are convex and a dark brown-green color with numerous reticulated lines on the tops. The flowers are small and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops comptonii 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is the most southerly Lithops of South Africa, found in the Ceres Karoo. The heads are convex and a dark olive-green color with numerous lighter spots. The flowers are small and golden yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops comptonii (SH 385) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is the most southerly Lithops of South Africa, found in the Ceres Karoo. The heads are convex and a dark olive-green color with numerous lighter spots. The flowers are small and golden yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops dinteri var. brevis (C84) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is native to both sides of the Orange River in Namibia and South Africa (C84). Related to L. olivacea, the heads are convex and a pale yellow-green color with or without numerous red spots on the tops. The flowers are small and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops dinteri var. frederici (C180) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is native to both sides of the Orange River in Namibia and South Africa (C180). Variety frederici, smaller than the typical species, is only found in South Africa. Related to L. olivacea, the heads are convex and a pale yellow-green color with or without numerous red spots on the tops. The flowers are small and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops francisci (C140) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is native to quartz fields in coastal southwestern Namibia. The leaves are a flesh-colored yellow-brown and can have significant streaking on the tops. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops fulviceps 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from southern Namibia, where it grows well inland in the zone between summer and winter precipitation. The body is an orange-green color and is relatively small. The flowers are white. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops fulviceps 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from southern Namibia, where it grows well inland in the zone between summer and winter precipitation. The body is an orange-green color and is relatively small. The flowers are white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Lithops fulviceps var. aurea (C363) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from southern Namibia (C363), where it grows well inland in the zone between summer and winter precipitation. The body is a light olive-green color and is relatively small. The flowers are white. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops fulviceps var. lactinea (C222) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from southern Namibia, where it grows well inland in the zone between summer and winter precipitation. Variety lactinea is the northern most population of this species, and its body tends towards a light blue-green color with numerous darker spots. The flowers are yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Lithops hallii var. hallii (C94) 2-inch pots $8.00
Lithops hallii occupies a large area of the Great Karoo of South Africa (C94). The nearly round brownish heads have little bumps on them. The flowers are produced in fall and are white. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops hallii var. hallii 2-inch pots $8.00
Lithops hallii occupies a large area of the Great Karoo of South Africa. The flowers are white with yellowish centers. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops hallii var. ochracea cv Green Soapstone (C111A) 2-inch p $10.00
Lithops hallii occupies a large area of the Great Karoo of South Africa. L hallii cv Green Soapstone is thought to be a mutant of L. hallii var. ochracea. The body is pale green with a brownish-green lattice in the center. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops helmutii (C271) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species (C271) is from a restricted distribution north of Steinkopf in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, where it grows well inland in the winter rainfall zone of Namaqualand. The body is a light purple-pink color and is relatively small. The flowers are yellow with white centers. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops helmutii 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from a restricted distribution north of Steinkopf in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, where it grows well inland in the winter rainfall zone of Namaqualand. The body is a light purple-pink color and is relatively small. The flowers are yellow with white centers. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops helmutii 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from a restricted distribution north of Steinkopf in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, where it grows well inland in the winter rainfall zone of Namaqualand. The body is a light purple-pink color and is relatively small. The flowers are yellow with white centers. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Lithops hookeri var. elephina (C92) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from the Great Karoo of South Africa, where it grows in the zone that gets both summer and winter precipitation. The name elephina comes from its gray appearance, "like an elephant." As with the typical species, its flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops hookeri var. susannae 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from the Great Karoo of South Africa, where it grows in the zone that gets both summer and winter precipitation. This variety tends to have tan-gray or even olive green color with discontinuous channels. As with the typical species, its flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops julii ssp. fulleri 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, this little plant tends to grow in landscapes associated with pegmatites or other granitoid rocks. This species offsets to form pairs of heads with pale blue-green color and numerous lines. Subspecies fulleri tends to have simpler patterns than the typical species. The flowers are white to pale pink. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops julii ssp. rouxii (C217) 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Northern Cape Province of South Africa (C217), this little plant tends to grow in landscapes associated with pegmatites or other granitoid rocks. This species offsets to form pairs of heads with pale blue-green color and numerous lines. Subspecies rouxii tends to have scalloped margins and a dullish appearance. The flowers are white to pale pink. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops karasmontana mickbergensis (C168) 2-inch pots $8.00
From the landscapes surrounding the Karas Mountains of southern Namibia, this little plant tends to grow in quartz-rich plains (C168). This plant becomes multiheaded and produces large white flowers. The heads feature faint to prominent chocolate-brown triangles. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops karasmontana mickbergensis (C168) 4-inch pots $15.00
From the landscapes surrounding the Karas Mountains of southern Namibia, this little plant tends to grow in quartz-rich plains. This plant becomes multiheaded and produces large white flowers. The heads feature faint to prominent chocolate-brown triangles. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Lithops karasmontana var. lericheana 2-inch pots $8.00
From the landscapes surrounding the Karas Mountains of southern Namibia, this little plant tends to grow in quartz-rich plains. This plant becomes multiheaded with pinkish-orange to greenish-orange heads bearing faint to prominent reticulations, and it produces large white flowers. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops localis var. terricolor 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is widespread in the southeastern part of the range of the genus Lithops, and it grows in an area of mixed summer and winter rainfall. A clumping species, it produces heads that are light gray-green in color. Variety terricolor is something of a misnomer and represents a former Cole species, L. terricolor, that was merged into L. localis. The flowers are typically yellow in color, rarely white. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Lithops localis var. terricolor 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is widespread in the southeastern part of the range of the genus Lithops, and it grows in an area of mixed summer and winter rainfall. A clumping species, it produces heads that are light gray-green in color. Variety terricolor is something of a misnomer and represents a former Cole species, L. terricolor, that was merged into L. localis. The flowers are typically yellow in color, rarely white. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Lithops localis var. terricolor 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is widespread in the southeastern part of the range of the genus Lithops, and it grows in an area of mixed summer and winter rainfall. A clumping species, it produces heads that are light gray-green in color. Variety terricolor is something of a misnomer and represents a former Cole species, L. terricolor, that was merged into L. localis. The flowers are typically yellow in color, rarely white. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Lithops marmorata "framesii" 2-inch pots $7.00
Lithops marmorata is widely distributed along the eastern margins of the winter rainfall regions of South Africa and Namibia. These orange-brown plants with their mottled markings produce white flowers. The "framesii" form is the easternmost distribution of this species, and it differs from the typical species with pink-violet-grey blushes on the tops of the leaves. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops marmorata 2-inch pots $8.00
Lithops marmorata is widely distributed along the eastern margins of the winter rainfall regions of South Africa and Namibia. These orange-brown plants with their mottled markings produce white flowers. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops meyeri 2-inch pots $8.00
This species comes from the Richtersveld region Northern Cape Province of South Africa It produces numerous offsets that light olive-green to pale orange in color, and this slow growing species can produce significant clumps with time The flowers are yellow with a white center. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops optica (maculate form) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species comes from the a limited area of southeastern Namibia. It produces offsets, grows on bedrock slopes, and reputedly is one of the most beautiful Lithops in habitat. The heads are gray color with maculate markings on the tops and smooth margins, and the flowers are large and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops optica var. rubra 2-inch pots $10.00
This species comes from the a limited area of southeastern Namibia. It produces offsets, grows on bedrock slopes, and reputedly is one of the most beautiful Lithops in habitat. The heads are a reddish-magenta color without scalloping on the margins, and the flowers are large and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops otzeniana (Cole 128) 2-inch pots $8.00
$8 This species comes from a limited area of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa (Cole 128). It produces numerous offsets, grows on bedrock slopes, and reputedly is one of the most beautiful Lithops in habitat. The heads are a light gray-green in color with darker scalloping on the margins, and the flowers are large and yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Lithops otzeniana (Cole 350) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species comes from a limited area of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa (Cole 350). It produces numerous offsets, grows on bedrock slopes, and reputedly is one of the most beautiful Lithops in habitat. The heads are a light gray-green in color with darker scalloping on the margins, and the flowers are large and yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Lithops otzeniana (Cole 350) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species comes from a limited area of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa (Cole 350). It produces numerous offsets, grows on bedrock slopes, and reputedly is one of the most beautiful Lithops in habitat. The heads are a light gray-green in color with darker scalloping on the margins, and the flowers are large and yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Lithops otzeniana (SH 531) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species comes from a limited area of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. Steve Hammer collected the original material (SH 531) that these plants were propagated from. It produces numerous offsets, grows on bedrock slopes, and reputedly is one of the most beautiful Lithops in habitat. The heads are a light gray-green in color with darker scalloping on the margins, and the flowers are large and yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Lithops otzeniana 2-inch pots $8.00
This species comes from the a limited area of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. It produces numerous offsets, grows on bedrock slopes, and reputedly is one of the most beautiful Lithops in habitat. The heads are a light gray-green in color with darker scalloping on the margins, and the flowers are large and yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. volkii (C69) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species comes from central Namibia. A large-headed species, it gradually offsets to form clusters. The heads are a light olive-green in color, and the flowers are yellow and (unusual for this genus) are produced in late spring to summer. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lithops salicola 2-inch pots $8.00
Named for its association with salt flats, Lithops salicola comes from west-central South Africa in the vicinity of the Orange River. Although it grows in fine-grained saline soils, it has a reputation for being one of the least rot-prone of the Lithops and may make a good starter species for this group. The flowers are white. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Lithops werneri (C188) 2-inch pots $8.00
This is one of the smallest species of Lithops, and it comes from one small patch in the Erongo Mountains of South Africa (C 188). The small bodies are gray bluish-green in color with darker markings. Its flowers are a bright yellow color. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lobivia arachnacantha 2-inch pots $8.00
Also known as Echinopsis ancistrophora ssp. arachnacantha, this small globular-flattened cactus is from Bolivia. This clumping species has stems that are dull green and more or less hemispherical with raised tubercles and whitish-brownish spines. The flowers are red to nearly iridescent violet. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Lobivia aurea ssp. sierragrandiensis 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Sierra Grande of northern Argentina, this species is considered by some to be Echinopsis aurea. These plants have a dark-green globose body with numerous yellow spines. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Lobivia cv Rose Quartz 4-inch pots $15.00
Not sure why this is called Rose Quartz, but that's what we were told. This globular, offsetting cactus could be in Parodia, Lobivia, or Echinopsis, depending upon who is cutting the cactus cake. This cultivar has mound-forming stubby light-green stems with raised tubercles and whitish-brownish spines. The flowers are large and orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Lobivia cv Rose Quartz 5-inch pots $20.00
Not sure why this is called Rose Quartz, but thats what we were told. This globular, offsetting cactus could be in Parodia, Lobivia, or Echinopsis, depending upon who is cutting the cactus cake. This cultivar has mound-forming stubby light-green stems with raised tubercles and whitish-brownish spines. The flowers are large and orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Lobivia cv Rose Quartz 5-inch pots $25.00
Not sure why this is called Rose Quartz, but thats what we were told. This globular, offsetting cactus could be in Parodia, Lobivia, or Echinopsis, depending upon who is cutting the cactus cake. This cultivar has mound-forming stubby light-green stems with raised tubercles and whitish-brownish spines. The flowers are large and orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Lobivia distefanoiana 3-inch pots $10.00
Also known as Echinopsis tiegliana, this small globular-flattened cactus is from Bolivia. This clumping species has stems that are dark green and more or less spherical with about 20 ribs spirally arranged with raised tubercles and brownish spines. The flowers are red to nearly iridescent violet. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Lobivia distefanoiana 4-inch pots $15.00
Also known as Echinopsis tiegliana, this small globular-flattened cactus is from Bolivia. This clumping species has stems that are dark green and more or less spherical with about 20 ribs spirally arranged with raised tubercles and brownish spines. The flowers are red to nearly iridescent violet. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Lobivia distefanoiana 5-inch pots $20.00
Also known as Echinopsis tiegliana, this small globular-flattened cactus is from Bolivia. This clumping species has stems that are dark green and more or less spherical with about 20 ribs spirally arranged with raised tubercles and brownish spines. The flowers are red to nearly iridescent violet. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Lobivia leucomalla 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from northern Argentina and some place it into Echinopsis aurea. These plants form clustering mounds and produce their yellow flowers in the spring. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Lobivia longispina 5-inch pots $20.00
Also known as Echinopsis ferox, a garbage-can species with lots of Lobivia in it, this small globular cactus is from Bolivia and Argentina. This solitary species has stems that are dark green and more or less hemispherical with raised tubercles and whitish-brown spines. The flowers are white to pink. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Lobivia pentlandii 5-inch pots $20.00
Also known as Echinopsis pentlandii, this small globular and offsetting cactus is from northern Bolivia and southern Peru. This clumping species has stems that are gray green and more or less hemispherical with raised tubercles and yellow-white spines. The flowers are orange to red with yellow centers. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Lobivia pentlandii 5-inch pots $20.00
Also known as Echinopsis pentlandii, this small globular and offsetting cactus is from northern Bolivia and southern Peru. This clumping species has stems that are gray green and more or less hemispherical with raised tubercles and yellow-white spines. The flowers are orange to red with yellow centers. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Lobivia pojoensis var. grandiflora 4-inch pots $15.00
From the vicinity of Pojo, Bolivia, this genus and species officially no longer exists, but what the heck the plants are great. They have a gray-green globose body with few spines. The flowers are reddish and large. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Lobivia prestoana 4-inch pots $15.00
Also known as Echinopsis cinnabarina, this small globular and solitary cactus is from the Andes of northern Bolivia and southern Peru. It has stems that are yellow green and more or less hemispherical with raised tubercles and yellow-white spines. The flowers tend to be bright red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Lobivia purpureominiata 4-inch pots $15.00
Dumped into the taxonomic trashcan that is Echinopsis (Trichocereus) huasha, this is yet another species lumped that perhaps should be separate. The stems are cylindrical and green with white-yellow spines. The flowers are orange-red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Lobivia purpureominiata 5-inch pots $20.00
Dumped into the taxonomic trashcan that is Echinopsis (Trichocereus) huasha, this is yet another species lumped that perhaps should be separate. The stems are cylindrical and green with white-yellow spines. The flowers are orange-red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Lobivia schieliana ssp. quiabayensis 5-inch pots $20.00
Now supposedly an Echinopsis, this small globular cactus is from Bolivia and Argentina. This clustering species has globose to cylindrical stems that are dark green with raised tubercles and whitish-brown spines. The flowers are yellow-orange in color. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Lobivia schreiteri 4-inch pots $15.00
Native to Argentina, and now supposedly in the genus Echinopsis, this species clusters prolifically, forming mats of cylindrical stems that are green with yellow-brown spines. The flowers are magenta. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Lobivia wrightiana 5-inch pots $20.00
Native to Bolivia and southern Peru, and now lumped into Echinopsis backebergii, this species has cylindrical stems that are green with yellow-brown spines. The flowers are red with an iridescent bluish sheen. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Lophocereus schottii 4-inch pots $15.00
From Baja California and Sonora, Mexico, with a few plants in the United States in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, this plant is common in the wild but uncommonly available as seedlings in cultivation. It has 5-6 flutes that are sparsely lined with spines until the mature stems develop at the time of first flowering. The mature tips are covered with numerous grayish-white spines, earning this plant the common names of senita or Old Man Cactus. The flowers are small and pink-purple. Our plants have withstood 18F without damage. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Lophocereus schottii var. monstrosus one-gallon pots $30.00
From Baja California, this plant is rare in the wild but common in cultivation. Highly desired for its knobby appearance, these plants can reach 12-15 feet in height and eventually form multithemed clumps. The flowers are distorted compared to the typical species, making many believe this plant can only reproduce from cuttings. Our plants have withstood 18F without damage. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Maerua decumbens (SL 94-6136) 8-inch pots $35.00
This East African species is a shrub or small tree with a swollen base. It is widely distributed in Kenya, where our plants originated. The succulent leaves are shiny and pale green. The flowers have no petals, but the anther filaments and style protrude several inches long and are white, looking like an old fashioned shaving brush. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Maerua decumbens (SL 94-6136) one-gallon pots $25.00
This East African species is a shrub or small tree with a swollen base. It is widely distributed in Kenya, where our plants originated. The succulent leaves are shiny and pale green. The flowers have no petals, but the anther filaments and style protrude several inches long and are white, looking like an old fashioned shaving brush. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Maerua kaessneri 4-inch pots $15.00
This plant is from Kenya and Tanzania. A shrub, this plant has crowded light green leathery leaves that are wavy and more or less ovate and twigs that branch at right angles. While not a succulent plant, this species makes a nice subject for bonsai. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Maerua kaessneri 5-inch pots $20.00
This plant is from Kenya and Tanzania. A shrub, this plant has crowded light green leathery leaves that are wavy and more or less ovate and twigs that branch at right angles. While not a succulent plant, this species makes a nice subject for bonsai. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Maihueniopsis glomerata fm russelii 2-inch pots $8.00
This mat-forming species is from Argentina. The stem segments are ovoidal and light green. Forma russelii has few to no spines. The flowers have light yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Mammillaria albescens 4-inch pots $15.00
From south-central Mexico, this species can be either Dolichothele albescens or M. decipiens ssp. albescens, you pick it. It is a clumping species with light green stems that are nearly obscured by straight white spines and wool. The flowers are mostly white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria albicoma 2-inch pots $8.00
From Baja California, Sur, and islands in the Sea of Cortez, this is a clumping species with light green stems that are nearly obscured by white spines and wool. The flowers are mostly white with reddish veins and violet centers. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Mammillaria albicoma 4-inch pots $15.00
From Baja California, Sur, and islands in the Sea of Cortez, this is a clumping species with light green stems that are nearly obscured by white spines and wool. The flowers are mostly white with reddish veins and violet centers. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Mammillaria albicoma 5-inch pots $20.00
From Baja California, Sur, and islands in the Sea of Cortez, this is a clumping species with light green stems that are nearly obscured by white spines and wool. The flowers are mostly white with reddish veins and violet centers. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria apozolensis var. saltensis (L1045) 5-inch pots $20.00
We use the original species designation for these plants instead of adapting M. petterssonii as per Anderson (2001). From Zacatecas, Mexico, near the town of Apozol, these globose Mammillaria have only slightly hooked spines with reddish flowers. We offer seedlings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria apozolensis var. saltensis (L1045) one-gallon pots $25.00
We use the original species designation for these plants instead of adapting M. petterssonii as per Anderson (2001). From Zacatecas, Mexico, near the town of Apozol, these globose Mammillaria have only slightly hooked spines with reddish flowers. We offer seedlings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Mammillaria baumii 2-inch pots $8.00
This densely-spined, clump-forming species is from Tamaulipas, Mexico. The spines are grayish yellow and mostly obscure the green columnar body. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Mammillaria baumii 4-inch pots $15.00
This densely-spined, clump-forming species is from Tamaulipas, Mexico. The spines are grayish yellow and mostly obscure the green columnar body. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria blossfeldiana 4-inch pots $15.00
This densely-spined, typically solitary species is from Baja California, Mexico. The central spines are black and the lateral spines are gray and somewhat obscure the light-green columnar body. The flowers are pinkish-white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria bocasana var. multilanata 2-inch pots $8.00
Mammillaria bocasana is a small, clustering, globose species from central Mexico. It has small pinkish-red flowers. Variety multilanata is covered with white hairs, which gives it that varietal name. The flowers are the same for the typical species. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Mammillaria bocasana var. multilanata 3-inch pots $10.00
Mammillaria bocasana is a small, clustering, globose species from central Mexico. It has small pinkish-red flowers. Variety multilanata is covered with white hairs, which gives it that varietal name. The flowers are the same for the typical species. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Mammillaria bombycina 4-inch pots $15.00
From west-central Mexico, this clump-forming species is well known for its numerous globose stems with wool-covered apices. The flowers are red-violet. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria bombycina 5-inch pots $15.00
From west-central Mexico, this clump-forming species is well known for its numerous globose stems with wool-covered apices. The flowers are red-violet. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria bombycina one-gallon pots $25.00
From west-central Mexico, this clump-forming species is well known for its numerous globose stems with wool-covered apices. The flowers are red-violet. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Mammillaria boolii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Sonora, Mexico. It is a small globose species with gray-white spines against a light green body. The flowers are violet with white stripes. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria boolii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Sonora, Mexico. It is a small globose species with gray-white spines against a light green body. The flowers are violet with white stripes. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria candida 2-inch pots $8.00
While some prefer to call this Mammilloydia candida, primarily on the basis of seeds, we leave it in Mammillaria for now. This species has an overwhelming white appearance owing to numerous white spines that nearly obscure a green plant body. The flowers are orange to white. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Mammillaria candida 3-inch pots $10.00
While some prefer to call this Mammilloydia candida, primarily on the basis of seeds, we leave it in Mammillaria for now. This species has an overwhelming white appearance owing to numerous white spines that nearly obscure a green plant body. The flowers are orange to white. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Mammillaria candida 4-inch pots $15.00
While some prefer to call this Mammilloydia candida, primarily on the basis of seeds, we leave it in Mammillaria for now. This species has an overwhelming white appearance owing to numerous white spines that nearly obscure a green plant body. The flowers are orange to white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria compressa 4-inch pots $15.00
This mound-forming species is from central Mexico. When mature, it has multiple green heads compressed into a tight mound (hence the epithet). The flowers are small and red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria decipiens ssp. camptotricha 4-inch pots $15.00
From Queretaro, Mexico, this Mammillaria forms dense clusters. The stems are mostly obscured by wool, bristles, and spines. The flowers are small and white. These seedlings are available in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria densispina 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants originally are from a wide area of central Mexico. The plants are solitary with short cylindrical stems covered with small whitish spines. The flowers are light yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria densispina 5-inch pots $20.00
These plants originally are from a wide area of central Mexico. The plants are solitary with short cylindrical stems covered with small whitish spines. The flowers are light yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria duwei 2-inch pots $8.00
Although some consider this to be a subspecies of Mammillaria crinata, we‘ll leave it at species rank for now. These plants originally are from central Mexico, where they are widely distributed. Plants tend to offset and branch freely, forming clusters of elongated stems covered with small reddish-white spines. The flowers are white to yellow-white. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Mammillaria duwei 4-inch pots $15.00
Although some consider this to be a subspecies of Mammillaria crinata, well leave it at species rank for now. These plants originally are from central Mexico, where they are widely distributed. Plants tend to offset and branch freely, forming clusters of elongated stems covered with small reddish-white spines. The flowers are white to yellow-white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria eichlamii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from Honduras and southern Mexico, is now supposed to be a subspecies of M. voburnensis. It has a green globose body with rather short yellow spines on tubercles. The flowers are yellow with red highlights. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria elegans 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, with its confusing nomenclature, is from Mexico. Some think it is Mammillaria geminispina (don't think so), and some think it is M. haageana, which is a better possibility, especially as a subspecies. It has a green globose body with rather short yellow spines on tubercles. The flowers are red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria elongata (yellow) 2-inch pots $8.00
Plants tend to offset and branch freely, forming clusters of elongated stems covered with small yellow spines, giving the plant a yellow cast. The flowers are white to pale red. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Mammillaria elongata (yellow) 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from central Mexico. Plants tend to offset and branch freely, forming clusters of elongated stems covered with small yellow spines, giving the plant a yellow cast. The flowers are white to pale red. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria elongata (yellow) 6-inch pots $30.00
This species is from central Mexico. Plants tend to offset and branch freely, forming clusters of elongated stems covered with small yellow spines, giving the plant a yellow cast. The flowers are white to pale red. These plants are rooted offsets in 6-inch pots.
Mammillaria elongata cv Copper King 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from central Mexico. These plants tend to form laterally elongated stems covered with small reddish-yellow spines, giving the plant an overall copper-colored cast. The flowers are white to pale red. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria fraileana 3-inch pots $10.00
From southern Baja California, Mexico, this is species has clustering, globular stems, a typically light-green body, and mostly dark brown spines. The flowers are large and whitish-pink with darker mid-veins. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Mammillaria fraileana 4-inch pots $15.00
From southern Baja California, Mexico, this is species has clustering, globular stems, a typically light-green body, and mostly dark brown spines. The flowers are large and whitish-pink with darker mid-veins. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria fraileana 5-inch pots $20.00
From southern Baja California, Mexico, this is species has clustering, globular stems, a typically light-green body, and mostly dark brown spines. The flowers are large and whitish-pink with darker mid-veins. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria geminispina 3-inch pots $10.00
Widely distributed in central Mexico, this is a highly variable species. Former variety nobilis has a light-green body mostly covered in long white spines. The flowers are small and pinkish-red and appear in radials around the body. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Mammillaria geminispina 4-inch pots $15.00
Widely distributed in central Mexico, this is a highly variable species. Former variety nobilis has a light-green body mostly covered in long white spines. The flowers are small and pinkish-red and appear in radials around the body. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria geminispina 5-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed in central Mexico, this is a highly variable species. Former variety nobilis has a light-green body mostly covered in long white spines. The flowers are small and pinkish-red and appear in radials around the body. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria geminispina one-gallon pots $25.00
Widely distributed in central Mexico, this is a highly variable species. Former variety nobilis has a light-green body mostly covered in long white spines. The flowers are small and pinkish-red and appear in radials around the body. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Mammillaria glassii 4-inch pots $15.00
This small species is from northeastern Mexico. It has a light green globose body with a covering of whitish hairs. The flowers are pink and frequently do not open widely. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria guelzowiana 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from Durango, Mexico. These globose plants, which eventually offset, have numerous white whisker-like spines that essentially hide the green body. The flowers are relatively large and iridescent purple-red. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Mammillaria hahniana 3-inch pots $10.00
From Guanajuato, Mexico, this small globular Mammillaria has short yellow-white spines and has a woolly covering surrounding the apical growing point. The flowers are small and red with yellow centers. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Mammillaria hahniana 4-inch pots $15.00
From Guanajuato, Mexico, this small globular Mammillaria has short yellow-white spines and has a woolly covering surrounding the apical growing point. The flowers are small and red with yellow centers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria hahniana 5-inch pots $20.00
From Guanajuato, Mexico, this small globular Mammillaria has short yellow-white spines and has a woolly covering surrounding the apical growing point. The flowers are small and red with yellow centers. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria hahniana one-gallon pots $25.00
From Guanajuato, Mexico, this small globular Mammillaria has short yellow-white spines and has a woolly covering surrounding the apical growing point. The flowers are small and red with yellow centers. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Mammillaria huitzilopotchlii 4-inch pots $15.00
From southern Mexico, this species typically occurs as solitary plants that can branch. The medium green body has closely appressed spines that are multicolored but give an overall black appearance. The flowers are nearly tubular and red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria karwinskiana ssp nejapensis 6-inch pots $30.00
From Oaxaca, Mexico, this globose Mammillaria has numerous tubercles with short light-colored spines on a dark dull green body. The flowers are white with purplish midveins. These plants are seedlings in 6-inch pots.
Mammillaria karwinskiana ssp nejapensis one-gallon pots $25.00
From Oaxaca, Mexico, this globose Mammillaria has numerous tubercles with short light-colored spines on a dark dull green body. The flowers are white with purplish midveins. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Mammillaria laui ssp. subducta 4-inch pots $15.00
Mammillaria laui is from Tamaulipas, Mexico. This short globose species forms clusters, and each light green cylindrical body has whitish spines. Subspecies subducta, which is the lowest elevation form, has numerous central spines that are fairly stout. The flowers are reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria longimamma 4-inch pots $15.00
This distinctive Mammillaria, with its long light green tubercles bearing white spines, occurs in central Mexico. It slowly offsets to form small clumps. The flowers are bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria longimamma 5-inch pots $20.00
This distinctive Mammillaria, with its long light green tubercles bearing white spines, occurs in central Mexico. It slowly offsets to form small clumps. The flowers are bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria longimamma var. uberiformis 5-inch pots $20.00
This distinctive Mammillaria, with its long light green tubercles bearing white spines, occurs in central Mexico. It has been lumped into M. longimamma, which it closely resembles, but well keep it separate for now. Its flowers are bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria melaleuca 4-inch pots $15.00
From the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico, this cactus is globose and solitary. The dark green body has numerous flutes and brownish-white spines from rather large tubercles. The flowers are small and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria melaleuca 5-inch pots $20.00
From the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico, this cactus is globose and solitary. The dark green body has numerous flutes and brownish-white spines from rather large tubercles. The flowers are small and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria melanocentra 3-inch pots $10.00
Widely distributed in central Mexico, this cactus is globose and solitary. It has numerous flutes and yellow-white spines from rather large tubercles. The flowers are small and white to red in color. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Mammillaria melanocentra 4-inch pots $15.00
Widely distributed in central Mexico, this cactus is globose and solitary. It has numerous flutes and yellow-white spines from rather large tubercles. The flowers are small and white to red in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria melanocentra 5-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed in central Mexico, this cactus is globose and solitary. It has numerous flutes and yellow-white spines from rather large tubercles. The flowers are small and white to red in color. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria melanocentra one-gallon pots $30.00
Widely distributed in central Mexico, this cactus is globose and solitary. It has numerous flutes and yellow-white spines from rather large tubercles. The flowers are small and white to red in color. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Mammillaria melanocentra ssp. rubrograndis 3-inch pots $10.00
Widely distributed in central Mexico, this cactus is globose and solitary. It has numerous flutes and yellow-white spines from rather large tubercles. The flowers are small and light red in color. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Mammillaria muehlenpfordtii var. rubrograndia 5-inch pots $20.00
Once known as the relatively easy remember Mammillaria celsiana, this alternative name, from the 19th century, is for a mostly solitary species that divaricately branches. It forms rather tall (for a Mammillaria) plants with an overall pinkish gray appearance. The flowers are tiny and red. This species is hardy outdoors in Tucson. These are large plants that may call for exact shipping charges. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria multiseta (Rep 831) one-gallon pots $25.00
This species was originally collected near Tlayecac, Morelos, Mexico by Werner Reppenhagen (under field number Rep 831) and is closely related to M. karwinskiana. It is also known as M. multiseta, a name which was never properly described. It has a medium green body with reddish spines and white wool near the apex. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Mammillaria mystax 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is widespread in central Mexico. A globose, non-offsetting species, it is characterized by numerous short yellow spines that partially obscure a fluted green body. The flowers are reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria mystax 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is widespread in central Mexico. A globose, non-offsetting species, it is characterized by numerous short yellow spines that partially obscure a fluted green body. The flowers are reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria mystax one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is widespread in central Mexico. A globose, non-offsetting species, it is characterized by numerous short yellow spines that partially obscure a fluted green body. The flowers are reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Mammillaria parkinsonii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Queretaro, Mexico. This solitary species dichotomously branches, forming interesting upright plants with a yellow-spine halo around the apical tip, which contrasts with the more mature white spines on the sides of the plant. The flowers are small and pinkish yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria parkinsonii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Queretaro, Mexico. This solitary species dichotomously branches, forming interesting upright plants with a yellow-spine halo around the apical tip, which contrasts with the more mature white spines on the sides of the plant. The flowers are small and pinkish yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria parkinsonii 6-inch pots $25.00
This species is from Queretaro, Mexico. This solitary species dichotomously branches, forming interesting upright plants with a yellow-spine halo around the apical tip, which contrasts with the more mature white spines on the sides of the plant. The flowers are small and pinkish yellow. These plants are seedlings in 6-inch pots.
Mammillaria perbella 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from central Mexico. A generally solitary, short-columnar species, it has a light green body with numerous white spines on short tubercles. The flowers are magenta with yellowish centers and are borne near the apex of the plant. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria petterssonii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from south-central Mexico. A generally solitary, short-columnar species, it has light-green globose stems bearing brownish spines. The flowers are whitish-pink with darker midveins. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria petterssonii one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from south-central Mexico. A generally solitary, short-columnar species, it has light-green globose stems bearing brownish spines. The flowers are whitish-pink with darker midveins. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Mammillaria pilcayensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This is considered by some to be a subspecies of Mammillaria spinosissima, but these plants do not resemble each other in our experience. From an area of Guerrero, Mexico, Mammillaria pilcayensis has nearly felt like gray-yellow spines that nearly obscure a green body. This is a columnar type species with longish stems that may be upright or prostrate. The flowers are magenta to violet. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria pilcayensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This is considered by some to be a subspecies of Mammillaria spinosissima, but these plants do not resemble each other in our experience. From an area of Guerrero, Mexico, Mammillaria pilcayensis has nearly felt like gray-yellow spines that nearly obscure a green body. This is a columnar type species with longish stems that may be upright or prostrate. The flowers are magenta to violet. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria plumosa 4-inch pots $15.00
From Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, Mexico, this Mammillaria forms mounds of densely packed clusters. The stems are mostly obscured by the white wool. The flowers are small and yellow-white. These seedlings are available in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria plumosa 5-inch pots $20.00
From Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, Mexico, this Mammillaria forms mounds of densely packed clusters. The stems are mostly obscured by the white wool. The flowers are small and yellow-white. These multiheaded seedlings are available in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria plumosa one-gallon pots $25.00
From Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, Mexico, this Mammillaria forms mounds of densely packed clusters. The stems are mostly obscured by the white wool. The flowers are small and yellow-white. These multiheaded seedlings are available in one-gallon pots.
Mammillaria polythele Toluca 4-inch pots $15.00
This solitary, globose-columnar species is from central Mexico, and cv Toluca is an artificially propagated version that is essentially spineless. The green body is covered with long tubercles. The flowers are red to violet in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria priessnitzii 4-inch pots $15.00
This globose Mammillaria, which is distributed across central Mexico, has long, curved central spines. The flowers are highly variable, ranging from light brown to purple, and the fruits tend to be reddish. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria pringlei 4-inch pots $15.00
This globose species is from central Mexico, and some consider it part of the Mammillaria rhodantha complex. The light green body is covered with dense yellow spines, and it slowly produces offsets. The flowers are iridescent violet and small. We anticipate this species is frost hardy in Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria pringlei 5-inch pots $20.00
This globose species is from central Mexico, and some consider it part of the Mammillaria rhodantha complex. The light green body is covered with dense yellow spines, and it slowly produces offsets. The flowers are iridescent violet and small. We anticipate this species is frost hardy in Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria pringlei 8-inch pots $35.00
This globose species is from central Mexico, and some consider it part of the Mammillaria rhodantha complex. The light green body is covered with dense yellow spines, and it slowly produces offsets. The flowers are iridescent violet and small. We anticipate this species is frost hardy in Tucson. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Mammillaria pringlei one-gallon pots $25.00
This globose species is from central Mexico, and some consider it part of the Mammillaria rhodantha complex. The light green body is covered with dense yellow spines, and it slowly produces offsets. The flowers are iridescent violet and small. We anticipate this species is frost hardy in Tucson. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Mammillaria rhodantha 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Mexican states of Michoacan and Zacatecas, this globose species generally is solitary or branching. The dark green body bears numerous tubercles that, when young, produce wool but later bear short, reddish-brown spines. The flowers are pinkish-red and relatively large. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria rhodantha var. mccartenii 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Mexican states of Michoacan and Zacatecas, this globose species generally is solitary or branching. The dark green body bears numerous tubercles that, when young, produce wool but later bear short, reddish-brown spines. The flowers are pinkish-red and relatively large. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria rhodantha var. rhodantha 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Mexican states of Michoacan and Zacatecas, this globose species generally is solitary or branching. The dark green body bears numerous tubercles that, when young, produce wool but later bear short, reddish-brown spines. The flowers are pinkish-red and relatively large. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria ritteriana 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from central Mexico. This globose species, with its depressed apical tip, is notable for its overall white appearance, made possible by considerable wool originating from the tubercles that mostly obscures the green body. Unlike many Mammillarias, this species does not have hooked central spines. The flowers are a dirty yellow-white and relatively small. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria schiedeana 4-inch pots $15.00
From south-central Mexico, this clustering species with its predominantly grayish-white cast has numerous white radial spines. The flowers are white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria senilis 3-inch pots $10.00
This species occurs in the western Chihuahuan Desert of Mexico. As the name suggests, the body of this clustering plant is covered with long white spines, obscuring its light-green body. The flowers are small and dark red, suggesting a relationship with the genus Cochemiea. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Mammillaria sp. (Tenengo del Valle, Mexico) 4-inch pots $15.00
This apparently is an undescribed species collected near Tenengo del Valle, Mexico. It has a medium green body with reddish spines and white wool near the apex. We don’t know what the flowers are going to look like. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria sphacelata ssp. viperina 3-inch pots $12.00
This mound-forming species is from southern Mexico. The cylindrical stems are green with whitish spines on tubercles that do not produce white latex. The flowers are a light magenta color with yellow centers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Mammillaria sphacelata ssp. viperine 3-inch pots $12.00
This mound-forming species is from southern Mexico. The cylindrical stems are green with whitish spines on tubercles that do not produce white latex. The flowers are a light magenta color with yellow centers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Mammillaria spinosissima 5-inch pots $20.00
This species occurs in the Mexican states of Guerrero, Mexico, and Morelos. As the name suggests, the body of the plant is covered with spines, obscuring its dark blue-green body. The spines are pink and white but give the plant an overall white appearance. The flowers are small and iridescent purple. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria spinosissima cv Un Pico 4-inch pots $15.00
This species occurs in the Mexican states of Guerrero, Mexico, and Morelos. As the name suggests, the body of the plant is covered with spines, obscuring its dark blue-green body. Cultivar Un Pico has long white spines that are relatively soft. The flowers are small and purple. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria spinosissima cv Un Pico 5-inch pots $20.00
This species occurs in the Mexican states of Guerrero, Mexico, and Morelos. As the name suggests, the body of the plant is covered with spines, obscuring its dark blue-green body. Cultivar Un Pico has long white spines that are relatively soft. The flowers are small and purple. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Mammillaria spinosissima one-gallon pots $25.00
This species occurs in the Mexican states of Guerrero, Mexico, and Morelos. As the name suggests, the body of the plant is covered with spines, obscuring its dark blue-green body. The spines are pink and white but give the plant an overall white appearance. The flowers are small and iridescent purple. These plants are multithemed seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Mammillaria standleyi 3-inch pots $10.00
From north-central Mexico, this Mammillaria is mostly a solitary species with medium-green globose bodies bearing mostly yellow spines. The flowers are small and magenta with a yellow stamens. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Mammillaria standleyi 4-inch pots $15.00
From north-central Mexico, this Mammillaria is mostly a solitary species with medium-green globose bodies bearing mostly yellow spines. The flowers are small and magenta with a yellow stamens. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria standleyi 4-inch pots $15.00
From north-central Mexico, this Mammillaria is mostly a solitary species with medium-green globose bodies bearing mostly yellow spines. The flowers are small and magenta with a yellow stamens. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria tezontle 4-inch pots $15.00
Widely distributed in central Mexico, Mammillaria tezontle is considered by some to be part of the garbage-can complex of M. crinita. It is a clustering species with medium-green globose bodies bearing mostly dirty white spines. The flowers are small and mostly yellow but with variability in the colors. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria theresae 2-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Durango, Mexico. It is a mostly solitary species with a small, cylindrical body and feather-like white bristles. The flowers are tubular and purple. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Mammillaria voburnensis ssp. eichlamii 4-inch pots $20.00
This species, from Honduras and southern Mexico, has a green globose body with rather short yellow spines on tubercles. The flowers are yellow with red highlights. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria voburnensis ssp. voburnensis 4-inch pots $20.00
This species, from Honduras and southern Mexico, has a green globose body with rather short white spines on the upper tubercles. The flowers are yellow with red highlights. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mammillaria voburnensis ssp. voburnensis 6-inch pots $40.00
This species, from Honduras and southern Mexico, has a green globose body with rather short white spines on the upper tubercles. The flowers are yellow with red highlights. These plants are seedlings in 6-inch pots.
Mammillaria zeilmanniana 4-inch pots $15.00
The cactus taxonomic lumpers were really at it with this one, which is supposed to be part of a super complex known as Mammillaria crinita. We don’t think so. This distinctive Mammillaria, with its long white hairs, grows naturally in east-central Mexico. The flowers are light pink with yellow centers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mangave cv Bob’s Fave 4-inch pots $15.00
This is a intergeneric hybrid is a cross between an Agave striata and Manfreda maculosa cv Mint Chocolate Chip. The leaves are narrower than most Mangave and have scattered purple spots. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Mangave cv Catch a Wave 2-gallon pots $40.00
This is a hybrid is between an unspecified Agave and Manfreda maculosa. This sparsely offsetting hybrid has thin, flexible blue-green leaves with purple speckles and rather stout terminal spines. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Mangave cv Jaguar 2-gallon pots $35.00
This is a intergeneric hybrid is between an Agave and a Manfreda. The leaves are flexible with a yellowish cast and occasional darker spots. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Mangave cv Pineapple Express 2-gallon pots $35.00
This is a intergeneric hybrid is between an Agave and a Manfreda that has a distinctive appearance. The leaves are flexible with a yellowish-purple color and occasional darker purple spots. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Mangave cv Silver Fox 3-gallon pots $55.00
This is a glaucous-leaved intergeneric hybrid is between an Agave and a Manfreda that has a distinctive appearance. The leaves are thicker than most Mangave and have toothed margins and occasional purple spots. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-gallon pots.
Mangave cv Silver Fox 5-inch pots $20.00
This is a glaucous-leaved intergeneric hybrid is between an Agave and a Manfreda that has a distinctive appearance. The leaves are thicker than most Mangave and have toothed margins and occasional purple spots. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Marlothistella uniondalensis 2-inch pots $8.00
From the area between the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, Marlothistella has only two species. M. uniondalensis is from Uniondale but also occurs over a wider region. It produces numerous brown-green succulent leaves from a tuberous, dividing rootstock, and the leaves are larger than M. stenophylla. The flowers are reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Matelea cyclophylla 4-inch pots $15.00
From Mexico, this species has a caudex that produces numerous green, cordate leaves. The flowers occur as green-purple disks and are relatively small. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Matucana comacephala 4-inch pots $20.00
This species is from southwestern Peru in the Andes Mountains. It has a medium green globose body covered with light yellow spines, and it tends to be solitary. The flowers are pink to red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Matucana intertexta 4-inch pots $15.00
This plant is a narrow endemic from Peru. It has a medium green globose body, tends to be solitary, and eventually produces a medium-sized cylindrical plant. The flowers range in color from light orange to violet. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Matucana intertexta 5-inch pots $20.00
This plant is a narrow endemic from Peru. It has a medium green globose body, tends to be solitary, and eventually produces a medium-sized cylindrical plant. The flowers range in color from light orange to violet. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Matucana tuberculata 3-inch pots $12.00
This species is a high-elevation valley in the Andes Mountains of Peru. It branches from the base and has a bright green globose to oval body with twisting tubercles. The flowers are orange-red with purple margins. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Matucana tuberculata 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is a high-elevation valley in the Andes Mountains of Peru. It branches from the base and has a bright green globose to oval body with twisting tubercles. The flowers are orange-red with purple margins. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Melocactus azureus 4-inch pots $15.00
This beautiful blue-bodied Melocactus is from the Bahia area of Brazil. As the other Melocactus do, this species forms a cephalium with tiny red flowers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Melocactus bahiensis 2-inch pots $8.00
From eastern Brazil, these globose plants are short and have numerous spines that slightly cover the gray-green body. The cephalium produces flowers are small and light magenta. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Melocactus broadwayi 5-inch pots $20.00
From islands in the southeastern Caribbean Sea, these globose plants are short and have numerous spines that slightly cover the gray-green body. The flowers are small and purple. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Melocactus curvispinus 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is widely distributed in Mexico, central America, into northern South America, and also in the Caribbean. Once known as M. ruestii ssp. albicanus, probably for the light yellow body topped with the white cephalium, this plant also features white spines that slightly curve. The flowers are reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Melocactus curvispinus one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is widely distributed in Mexico, central America, into northern South America, and also in the Caribbean. Once known as M. ruestii ssp. albicanus, probably for the light yellow body topped with the white cephalium, this plant also features white spines that slightly curve. The flowers are reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Melocactus curvispinus ssp. caesius 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is widely distributed in Mexico, central America, into northern South America, and also in the Caribbean. Once known as M. ruestii ssp. albicanus, probably for the light yellow body topped with the white cephalium, this plant also features white spines. Subspecies caesius has mostly straight, not curved, spines that are stouter. The flowers are reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Melocactus curvispinus ssp. caesius 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is widely distributed in Mexico, central America, into northern South America, and also in the Caribbean. Once known as M. ruestii ssp. albicanus, probably for the light yellow body topped with the white cephalium, this plant also features white spines. Subspecies caesius has mostly straight, not curved, spines that are stouter. The flowers are reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Melocactus deinacanthus 4-inch pots $15.00
This CITES 1 species is from the southern Bahia region of Brazil. The body of this plant is green with spines closely appressed against the body. The cephalium is red, the flowers are relatively large and magenta-purple, and the fruits are white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Melocactus disciformis 4-inch pots $15.00
Although we cannot find much information on this species, we find it very interesting. Probably from Mexico, the body of this plant is blue-green with 11-12 ribs and spines closely appressed against the body. The cephalium is red, the flowers are small and magenta-purple, and the fruits are red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Melocactus ernestii (AH 316) 4-inch pots $15.00
This small species, from Brazil (AH 316), has a medium green body with long yellow-gray central and radial spines. It produces a dirty grey cephalium that bears pink to magenta flowers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Melocactus erythracanthus 2-inch pots $8.00
This small species, from Brazil, has a medium green body with long yellow-gray central and radial spines. It produces a dirty grey cephalium that bears pink to magenta flowers. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Melocactus erythracanthus 3-inch pots $10.00
This small species, from Brazil, has a medium green body with long yellow-gray central and radial spines. It produces a dirty grey cephalium that bears pink to magenta flowers. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Melocactus ferreophilus var. longispinus 4-inch pots $15.00
From Brazil, this globose species has yellowish spines on a green body. It is supposed to be synonymous with M. azureus, but there is nothing azureus about this species. With time, it develops a white cephalium. The flowers are reddish-purple, and the flowers are reddish-violet. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Melocactus matanzanus 2-inch pots $8.00
This small species, from northern Cuba, is known as Turks Cap or Dwarf Turks Cap. It produces a white cephalium when only several years old that bear hot pink flowers hot pink. This species is very easy to grow but is sensitive to frost. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Melocactus maxonii one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is considered to be part of the M. curvispina complex distributed in Mexico, central America, into northern South America, and also in the Caribbean. However, it is a small species with a dark green body topped with the white cephalium, and the plant has white curving spines. The flowers are light violet. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Merremia aurea 4-inch pots $15.00
This vining species is from southern Baja California, where it grows in summer rainfall areas. It does not produce a caudex but does produce numerous vines from woody stems. The flowers are bright yellow and large. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Merremia aurea 5-inch pots $20.00
This vining species is from southern Baja California, where it grows in summer rainfall areas. It does not produce a caudex but does produce numerous vines from woody stems. The flowers are bright yellow and large. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Mestoklema albanicum 4-inch pots $15.00
This many-branched shrublet is from the summer rainfall area of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Nevertheless, we treat it as a winter grower and it does just fine. The flowers are small and red-violet. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Mestoklema albanicum 5-inch pots $20.00
This many-branched shrublet is from the summer rainfall area of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Nevertheless, we treat it as a winter grower and it does just fine. The flowers are small and red-violet. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Mestoklema tuberosum 5-inch pots $20.00
This many-branched shrublet has tuberous roots that collectors usually raise to expose in pots. Although this species is from a summer rainfall area of South Africa (Eastern Cape Province), it does well as a winter grower. The flowers are small and pale orange. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Monadenium arborescens 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Kilosa District of Tanzania, this Monadenium is more of a shrub than a tree but it definitely can put up large, tall stems. Those stems are spiny with geometric tubercles. The leaves are beautifully colored and large. We offer rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Monadenium arborescens one-gallon pots $35.00
From the Kilosa District of Tanzania, this Monadenium is more of a shrub than a tree but it definitely can put up large, tall stems. Those stems are spiny with geometric tubercles. The leaves are beautifully colored and large. We offer rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Monadenium coccineum 3-inch pots $10.00
Monadenium coccineum, from Tanzania, arises from a tuberous root and forms yellow-green stems that can reach 1-2 feet in height. Most of our cuttings are single stemmed and about 1 foot tall; the plant in the photograph has been cut to create multiple stems. The cyathia are red, making this a most attractive and easy to grow species. We have rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Monadenium coccineum 4-inch pots $15.00
Monadenium coccineum, from Tanzania, arises from a tuberous root and forms yellow-green stems that can reach 1-2 feet in height. Most of our cuttings are single stemmed and about 1 foot tall; the plant in the photograph has been cut to create multiple stems. The cyathia are red, making this a most attractive and easy to grow species. We have rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Monadenium coccineum 5-inch pots $20.00
Monadenium coccineum, from Tanzania, arises from a tuberous root and forms yellow-green stems that can reach 1-2 feet in height. Most of our cuttings are single stemmed and about 1 foot tall; the plant in the photograph has been cut to create multiple stems. The cyathia are red, making this a most attractive and easy to grow species. We have rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Monadenium coccineum one-gallon pots $25.00
Monadenium coccineum, from Tanzania, arises from a tuberous root and forms yellow-green stems that can reach 1-2 feet in height. Most of our cuttings are single stemmed and about 1 foot tall; the plant in the photograph has been cut to create multiple stems. The cyathia are red, making this a most attractive and easy to grow species. We have rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Monadenium ellenbeckii 3-inch pots $15.00
Monadenium ellenbeckii is a shrubby succulent from region of Ethiopia, Somalia, and northern Kenya. Characterized by its angled, brittle, and yellow stems, this species is slightly rhizomatous and forms numerous, brittle branches with time. The cymes are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 3-inch pots.
Monadenium ellenbeckii 4-inch pots $15.00
Monadenium ellenbeckii is a shrubby succulent from region of Ethiopia, Somalia, and northern Kenya. Characterized by its angled, brittle, and yellow stems, this species is slightly rhizomatous and forms numerous, brittle branches with time. The cymes are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Monadenium ellenbeckii 4-inch pots $15.00
Monadenium ellenbeckii is a shrubby succulent from region of Ethiopia, Somalia, and northern Kenya. Characterized by its angled, brittle, and yellow stems, this species is slightly rhizomatous and forms numerous, brittle branches with time. The cymes are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Monadenium ellenbeckii 5-inch pots $20.00
Monadenium ellenbeckii is a shrubby succulent from region of Ethiopia, Somalia, and northern Kenya. Characterized by its angled, brittle, and yellow stems, this species is slightly rhizomatous and forms numerous, brittle branches with time. The cymes are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Monadenium ellenbeckii one-gallon pots $25.00
Monadenium ellenbeckii is a shrubby succulent from region of Ethiopia, Somalia, and northern Kenya. Characterized by its angled, brittle, and yellow stems, this species is slightly rhizomatous and forms numerous, brittle branches with time. The cymes are yellow. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Monadenium gillettii 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, from Somalia, has slender, dark green finely grooved stems. The leaves usually are inconspicuous, and the flowers are yellow. This is a brittle-stemmed species, and the broken parts are easily rooted. We have rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Monadenium gillettii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from Somalia, has slender, dark green finely grooved stems. The leaves usually are inconspicuous, and the flowers are yellow. This is a brittle-stemmed species, and the broken parts are easily rooted. We have rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Monadenium guentheri 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Teita District of Kenya, Monadenium guentheri has fleshy stems that may be stiff and vertical or flop over. The green stems are tessellated with prominent conical tubercles. The leaves are clustered about the growing tips. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Monadenium guentheri 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Teita District of Kenya, Monadenium guentheri has fleshy stems that may be stiff and vertical or flop over. The green stems are tessellated with prominent conical tubercles. The leaves are clustered about the growing tips. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Monadenium guentheri 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Teita District of Kenya, Monadenium guentheri has fleshy stems that may be stiff and vertical or flop over. The green stems are tessellated with prominent conical tubercles. The leaves are clustered about the growing tips. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Monadenium heteropodum 3-inch pots $10.00
This relatively large Monadenium has elongated stems with abundant tubercles and green leaves clustered about the growing tips. This species occurs in northeastern Tanzania in the Pare District. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Monadenium heteropodum 4-inch pots $15.00
This relatively large Monadenium has elongated stems with abundant tubercles and green leaves clustered about the growing tips. This species occurs in northeastern Tanzania in the Pare District. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Monadenium heteropodum 5-inch pots $20.00
This relatively large Monadenium has elongated stems with abundant tubercles and green leaves clustered about the growing tips. This species occurs in northeastern Tanzania in the Pare District. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Monadenium heteropodum one-gallon pots $25.00
This relatively large Monadenium has elongated stems with abundant tubercles and green leaves clustered about the growing tips. This species occurs in northeastern Tanzania in the Pare District. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Monadenium invenustum 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, like most Monadeniums, is from Kenya. What sets this apart from other members of this genus is the large gray caudex that develops, even from cuttings. The stems and leaves are unremarkable, and the cyathia are green. These plants are rooted offsets with 2-3 inch caudices in 3-inch pots.
Monadenium invenustum 5-inch pots $35.00
This species, like most Monadeniums, is from Kenya. What sets this apart from other members of this genus is the large gray caudex that develops, even from cuttings. The stems and leaves are unremarkable, and the cyathia are green. These plants are rooted offsets with 3 inch caudices in 5-inch pots.
Monadenium invenustum one-gallon pots $45.00
This species, like most Monadeniums, is from Kenya. What sets this apart from other members of this genus is the large gray caudex that develops, even from cuttings. The stems and leaves are unremarkable, and the cyathia are green. These plants are rooted offsets with 3 inch caudices in one-gallon pots.
Monadenium invenustum var. angustum 5-inch pots $35.00
This species, like most Monadeniums, is from Kenya. What sets this apart from other members of this genus is the large gray caudex that develops, even from cuttings. The stems and leaves are unremarkable, and the cyathia are green. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Monadenium invenustum var. angustum 5-inch pots $35.00
This species, like most Monadeniums, is from Kenya. What sets this apart from other members of this genus is the large gray caudex that develops, even from cuttings. The stems and leaves are unremarkable, and the cyathia are green. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Monadenium lugardiae 4-inch pots $15.00
From Botswana, Zimbabwe, and the Northern Province of South Africa, Monadenium lugardiae is a stem succulent with broad conical tubercles on the stems and yellow-green leaves at the growing tips. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Monadenium lugardiae 5-inch pots $20.00
From Botswana, Zimbabwe, and the Northern Province of South Africa, Monadenium lugardiae is a stem succulent with broad conical tubercles on the stems and yellow-green leaves at the growing tips. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Monadenium lugardiae one-gallon pots $30.00
From Botswana, Zimbabwe, and the Northern Province of South Africa, Monadenium lugardiae is a stem succulent with broad conical tubercles on the stems and yellow-green leaves at the growing tips. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Monadenium magnificum one-gallon pots $25.00
Monadenium magnificum, from Tanzania, has a spiny stem that arises from a woody caudex. The leaves large, pale green, and nicely marked, and the main rib on the underside of the leaves is heavily spined. The cyathia and peduncles are a rich red, which makes this Monadenium appropriately named. We offer rooted cuttings of flowering size in one-gallon pots.
Monadenium renneyi 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Meru District of Kenya, this species has short, unbranched and upright stems bearing dense tubercles tipped with short stipules. It produces relatively large but unremarkable leaves in humid periods of high growth. The bracts surrounding the cyathia, like many Monadenium, are yellow-green, highly variegated, and extremely beautiful. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Monadenium rhizophorum 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, known only from a grassland site in Kenya, has rhizomatous roots leading to multiple stems above ground. The smallish leaves are green with purple highlights. This is a nice species for shallow pot culture. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Monadenium rhizophorum 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, known only from a grassland site in Kenya, has rhizomatous roots leading to multiple stems above ground. The smallish leaves are green with purple highlights. This is a nice species for shallow pot culture. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Monadenium rhizophorum 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, known only from a grassland site in Kenya, has rhizomatous roots leading to multiple stems above ground. The smallish leaves are green with purple highlights. This is a nice species for shallow pot culture. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Monadenium ritchiei ssp. marsabitense 3-inch pots $10.00
This subspecies of the wonderful Monadenium ritchiei is from the North-East Province of Kenya. While the typical M. ritchiei is more globose, this subspecies has elongated stems to 25 cm long. We offer this rare Monadenium in 3-inch pots.
Monadenium ritchiei ssp. nyambense 4-inch pots $15.00
Monadenium ritchei is one of the most beautiful and desirable of the genus. This species is from the Meru District of Kenya, and subspecies nyambense differs in its prolific offsetting and rebranching of stems. Easy to grow, it forms short, thick, succulent stems with small spines, and it offsets freely and produces large, beautifully variegated leaves. The cyathia are pink with red glands. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Monadenium ritchiei ssp. ritchiei 4-inch pots $15.00
Monadenium ritchei is one of the most beautiful and desirable of the genus. This species is from the Meru District of Kenya. Easy to grow, it forms short, thick, succulent stems with small spines, and it offsets freely and produces large, beautifully variegated leaves. The cyathia are hot pink. This beautiful species forms large clumps with time. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Monadenium ritchiei ssp. ritchiei 5-inch pots $20.00
Monadenium ritchei is one of the most beautiful and desirable of the genus. This species is from the Meru District of Kenya. Easy to grow, it forms short, thick, succulent stems with small spines, and it offsets freely and produces large, beautifully variegated leaves. The cyathia are hot pink. This beautiful species forms large clumps with time. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Monadenium stapelioides (variegated) 4-inch pots $20.00
From Kenya and Tanzania, this beautiful Monadenium has a large root that produces many multicolored stems. The stems tend to flop over and hang with this species. The stems and leaves are succulent and shot through with purple-pink streaks through the whitish- green background, making this a beautiful variegated species. The flowers have a bract cup that is a light pink color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Monadenium stapelioides var. congestum 4-inch pots $15.00
From Kenya and Tanzania, this beautiful Monadenium has a large root that produces upright stems. The stems have a dominant appearance of diamond-shaped tubercles. The leaves are relatively sparse and light green in color. The flowers have a bract cup that is a light pink color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Monadenium stapelioides var. congestum 5-inch pots $20.00
From Kenya and Tanzania, this beautiful Monadenium has a large root that produces upright stems. The stems have a dominant appearance of diamond-shaped tubercles. The leaves are relatively sparse and light green in color. The flowers have a bract cup that is a light pink color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Monadenium stapelioides var. stapelioides 5-inch pots $20.00
From Kenya and Tanzania, this beautiful Monadenium has a large root that produces many multicolored stems. The stems tend to flop over and hang with this species. The leaves are succulent and shot through with purple-pink streaks through the light green background, making this a beautiful species. The flowers have a bract cup that is a light pink color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Monadenium stoloniferum 3-inch pots $10.00
This proliferous species, which only occurs near the type locality in the Masai District of Kenya, forms underground stolons from a large woody caudex. That caudex consists of tubers that propagate laterally, forming a large grouping. The leaves are purple tinged and very pretty, which makes up for the greenish-yellow bracts and cyathia. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Monadenium stoloniferum 4-inch pots $15.00
This proliferous species, which only occurs near the type locality in the Masai District of Kenya, forms underground stolons from a large woody caudex. That caudex consists of tubers that propagate laterally, forming a large grouping. The leaves are purple tinged and very pretty, which makes up for the greenish-yellow bracts and cyathia. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Monadenium virgatum 4-inch pots $15.00
Monadenium virgatum is from eastern Kenya. The plants are unarmed shrubs with gray-green stems and few leaves. The flowers are a grayish-white and produced at the ends of the stems. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Monadenium virgatum 5-inch pots $20.00
Monadenium virgatum is from eastern Kenya. The plants are unarmed shrubs with gray-green stems and few leaves. The flowers are a grayish-white and produced at the ends of the stems. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Moringa oleifera 4-inch pots $12.00
Moringa oleifera, from the foothills of the Himalayas in India, is a small tree. Propagated throughout the tropical world, in part because of its medicinal properties, its leaves, fruits, and roots have a number of ethnobotanical uses, including food, soil, condiments, and cures for various ailments, primarily as an antibacterial. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots and are flowering size.
Moringa oleifera 5-inch pots $15.00
Moringa oleifera, from the foothills of the Himalayas in India, is a small tree. Propagated throughout the tropical world, in part because of its medicinal properties, its leaves, fruits, and roots have a number of ethnobotanical uses, including food, soil, condiments, and cures for various ailments, primarily as an antibacterial. These seedlings are in 5-inch pots and are flowering size.
Moringa oleifera one-gallon pots $25.00
$25 Moringa oleifera, from the foothills of the Himalayas in India, is a small tree. Propagated throughout the tropical world, in part because of its medicinal properties, its leaves, fruits, and roots have a number of ethnobotanical uses, including food, soil, condiments, and cures for various ailments, primarily as an antibacterial. These seedlings are in one-gallon pots and are flowering size.
Myrtillocactus cochal one-gallon pots $25.00
From Baja California, Mexico, this species is characteristic of the winter-rainfall, Pacific coast side of the peninsula. It typically forms candelabrum-like plants that have a characteristic yellow-green color. The flowers are diurnal, light green to white, and quite forgettable. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it takes rib damage below 20F. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Myrtillocactus geometrizans (crest) 5-inch pots $30.00
This species is widespread in north-central Mexico with its distribution centered on Tamaulipas. Known in the US as blue Mexican fencepost, this species characteristically has blue-green stems with small black spines. These plants are the cresting version of the typical species and are in various stages of cresting. The flowers are small and greenish-white and are produced in the summer. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Myrtillocactus geometrizans (crest) one-gallon pots $40.00
This species is widespread in north-central Mexico with its distribution centered on Tamaulipas. Known in the US as blue Mexican fencepost, this species characteristically has blue-green stems with small black spines. These plants are the cresting version of the typical species and are in various stages of cresting. The flowers are small and greenish-white and are produced in the summer. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Myrtillocactus geometrizans 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is widespread in north-central Mexico with its distribution centered on Tamaulipas. Known in the US as blue Mexican fencepost, this species characteristically has blue-green stems with small black spines. The flowers are small and greenish-white and are produced in the summer. These plants suffer damage at temperatures below about 22 F and are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Myrtillocactus geometrizans 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is widespread in north-central Mexico with its distribution centered on Tamaulipas. Known in the US as blue Mexican fencepost, this species characteristically has blue-green stems with small black spines. The flowers are small and greenish-white and are produced in the summer. These plants suffer damage at temperatures below about 22 F and are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Nananthus aloides 2-inch pots $8.00
Nananthus aloides has grey-green triangular shaped leaves with small warts that form a roughened surface. This species grows in the Great Karoo of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. The large yellow flowers surround a conical center of white stamens. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Nananthus margaritiferus 2-inch pots $8.00
This wide-ranging species is from Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa, generally in the transition zone between summer and winter rainfall and generally growing in limestone crevices. In cultivation, the gray-green leaves with their furroughs lie flat in a rosette. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Nananthus margaritiferus 3-inch pots $10.00
This wide-ranging species is from Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa, generally in the transition zone between summer and winter rainfall and generally growing in limestone crevices. In cultivation, the gray-green leaves with their furroughs lie flat in a rosette. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Nananthus margaritiferus 4-inch pots $15.00
This wide-ranging species is from Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa, generally in the transition zone between summer and winter rainfall and generally growing in limestone crevices. In cultivation, the gray-green leaves with their furroughs lie flat in a rosette. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Nananthus margaritiferus 5-inch pots $20.00
This wide-ranging species is from Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa, generally in the transition zone between summer and winter rainfall and generally growing in limestone crevices. In cultivation, the gray-green leaves with their furroughs lie flat in a rosette. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Nananthus spathulatus (Nelsdam) 3-inch pots $12.00
This is supposed to be Aloinopsis spathulata, but well keep it separate for now. This is from the Great Karoo in South Africa in the vicinity of Sutherland. These plants have gray-green leaves with a distinct channel and a leathery appearance. The flowers are white to pink. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Nananthus spathulatus (Nelsdam) 4-inch pots $15.00
This is supposed to be Aloinopsis spathulata, but well keep it separate for now. This is from the Great Karoo in South Africa in the vicinity of Sutherland. These plants have gray-green leaves with a distinct channel and a leathery appearance. The flowers are white to pink. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Nananthus transvaalensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This is supposed to be synonymous with Nananthus vittatus, but we'll keep it separate for now. Clearly, this is from the Transvaal region of the Great Karoo in South Africa. These plants have gray-green leaves with a distinct channel and a leathery appearance. The flowers are yellow with red stripes. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Neoalosomitra sarcophylla 5-inch pots $20.00
From southeast Asia, notably Burma, this cucurbit has thin gray-green stems and leaves. The leaves are mostly trifoliate and oblanceolate. A dioecious species, the flowers are small and yellow. This species is ideal for hanging pot culture. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Neoalosomitra sarcophylla one-gallon pots $25.00
From southeast Asia, notably Burma, this cucurbit has thin gray-green stems and leaves. The leaves are mostly trifoliate and oblanceolate. A dioecious species, the flowers are small and yellow. This species is ideal for hanging pot culture. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Neobuxbaumia polylopha 2-inch pots $8.00
From central Mexico, this is a columnar species that is solitary and seldom branches unless the apical tip is damaged. The flowers are broadly tubular and pinkish-red. This species is hardy in Tucson and was undamaged at 15F. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Neobuxbaumia polylopha 3-inch pots $10.00
From central Mexico, this is a columnar species that is solitary and seldom branches unless the apical tip is damaged. The flowers are broadly tubular and pinkish-red. This species is hardy in Tucson and was undamaged at 15F. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Neobuxbaumia polylopha 4-inch pots $15.00
From central Mexico, this is a columnar species that is solitary and seldom branches unless the apical tip is damaged. The flowers are broadly tubular and pinkish-red. This species is hardy in Tucson and was undamaged at 15F. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Neochilenia carrizalensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species supposedly has been lumped into the genus Eriocyce, but we will continue to use Neochilenia. This beautiful species, from the central coastal part of Atacama Desert of Chile, has a dark blue-green body with long black spines and dense white wool near the apex. The flowers are pinkish-red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Neochilenia floccosa 4-inch pots $15.00
This species supposedly has been lumped into the genus Eriocyce, but we will continue to use Neochilenia. This beautiful species, from the central coastal part of Atacama Desert of Chile, has a dark blue-green body with long black spines and dense white wool near the apex. The flowers are pinkish-red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Neochilenia glabrescens 3-inch pots $12.00
This species supposedly has been lumped into the genus Eriocyce, but we will continue to use Neochilenia. This globose species, from the central coastal part of Atacama Desert of Chile, has a dark brown-green to gray body and is essentially spineless. It has distinctive relatively large tubercles. The flowers are pale and yellow to red in color. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Neochilenia glabrescens 4-inch pots $10.00
This species supposedly has been lumped into the genus Eriocyce, but we will continue to use Neochilenia. This globose species, from the central coastal part of Atacama Desert of Chile, has a dark brown-green to gray body and is essentially spineless. It has distinctive relatively large tubercles. The flowers are pale and yellow to red in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Neochilenia heinrichiana var. setosiflora 4-inch pots $15.00
This species supposedly has been lumped into the genus Eriocyce, but we will continue to use Neochilenia. This globose, scarcely offsetting species, from the central coastal part of Atacama Desert of Chile, has a dark brownish-green body with black spines. The flowers are yellow or sometimes reddish. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Neochilenia occulta 3-inch pots $12.00
It is now official – We’ve giving up on Anderson (2001) and the British-led revision of the Cactaceae. There is no way this belongs under Eriocyce. This beautiful species, from Chile, has a sparsely spined body that is dark blue green. The flowers are white with red highlights. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Neochilenia vexata 4-inch pots $15.00
There is no way this belongs under Eriocyce, and we’ll keep it under Neochilenia. This beautiful species, from the Atacama Desert of Chile, only protrudes a short distance above the ground. It has a no spines or only a few from the tubercles of a globose body that is dark blue green. The flowers are white with yellow highlights. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Neoporteria heinrichiana var. setosiflora 4-inch pots $15.00
This species supposedly belongs under Eriocyce, but we no longer accept that revision. This beautiful species, from the Atacama Desert of Chile, has short whitish spines on a dark olive-green body covered with broad tubercles. The flowers are yellow to red in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Neoporteria jussieui 5-inch pots $20.00
This species supposedly belongs under Eriocyce, but we no longer accept that revision. This beautiful species, from the Atacama Desert of Chile, has appressed whitish spines on a dark blue-green body. The flowers are reddish white. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Neoporteria jussieui 5-inch pots $20.00
This species supposedly belongs under Eriocyce, but we no longer accept that revision. This beautiful species, from the Atacama Desert of Chile, has appressed whitish spines on a dark blue-green body. The flowers are reddish white. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Neoporteria violaciflora 4-inch pots $15.00
From Chile, this species only exists in the minds of some growers (like us) and actually should be called Neoporteria taltalensis, which some have thrown into Eriosyce taltalensis (or not). Whatever. It has white spines that obscure much of the green globose body. The flowers are, not surprisingly, violet. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Neoporteria violaciflora 5-inch pots $20.00
From Chile, this species only exists in the minds of some growers (like us) and actually should be called Neoporteria taltalensis, which some have thrown into Eriosyce taltalensis (or not). Whatever. It has white spines that obscure much of the green globose body. The flowers are, not surprisingly, violet. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Neoraimondia herzogiana 5-gallon pots $75.00
From central Bolivia, this desert species is a large columnar cacti up to 30 feet tall. This species produces green 4-5 sided stems with dark brown-black spines borne on peg-like aureoles on the margins. The flowers are small and pinkish-white. These plants are seedlings in 5-gallon pots.
Notocactus arachnitis 4-inch pots $15.00
This little spiny species with many ribs on its globose body is from southern Brazil. Some consider this now to be part of Parodia werneri. It tends to not offset and produces globose dark-green stems with whitish to gray spines. The flowers are reddish. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus buiningii 4-inch pots $15.00
Although some consider this to be a member of the genus Parodia, we continue to use the genus Notocactus. These small, solitary cacti produce dirty-yellow flowers in the spring from their gray-green globose bodies. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus concinnus ssp. apricus 2-inch pots $8.00
Yes, this has been lumped under Parodia concinna, but as usual we keep it separate here. This species is from Uruguay and Brazil. The globose green stems are rather covered with yellow spines and tend to be solitary. The flowers are a yellow with orange-red centers. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Notocactus concinnus ssp. apricus 4-inch pots $15.00
Yes, this has been lumped under Parodia concinna, but as usual we keep it separate here. This species is from Uruguay and Brazil. The globose green stems are rather covered with yellow spines and tend to be solitary. The flowers are a yellow with orange-red centers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus concinnus ssp. apricus 5-inch pots $20.00
Yes, this has been lumped under Parodia concinna, but as usual we keep it separate here. This species is from Uruguay and Brazil. The globose green stems are rather covered with yellow spines and tend to be solitary. The flowers are a yellow with orange-red centers. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Notocactus concinnus ssp. apricus one-gallon pots $25.00
Yes, this has been lumped under Parodia concinna, but as usual we keep it separate here. This species is from Uruguay and Brazil. The globose green stems are rather covered with yellow spines and tend to be solitary. The flowers are a yellow with orange-red centers. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Notocactus erythracantha 4-inch pots $15.00
Some consider this to be a subspecies of Parodia mammulosa. From Uruguay, this small solitary globose cactus has a deep-green body with whitish-yellow spines on the ribs. The flowers are relatively large and pink to yellow in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus graessneri var. flaviflorus 3-inch pots $10.00
This small globose species is from Brazil, and some put it in the genus Parodia lumped under Notocactus haselbergii. It has a light green body covered with numerous yellowish-white spines. The flowers are yellow-green in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus graessneri var. flaviflorus 4-inch pots $15.00
This small globose species is from Brazil, and some put it in the genus Parodia lumped under Notocactus haselbergii. It has a light green body covered with numerous yellowish-white spines. The flowers are yellow-green in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus gutierrezii 4-inch pots $15.00
This small globose species is from Uruguay and Brazil, and some consider this to be a subspecies of Parodia mueller-melchersii. It is a solitary species with a medium green body covered with yellowish-brown spines. The flowers are yellow to reddish. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus gutierrezii 5-inch pots $20.00
This small globose species is from Uruguay and Brazil, and some consider this to be a subspecies of Parodia mueller-melchersii. It is a solitary species with a medium green body covered with yellowish-brown spines. The flowers are yellow to reddish. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Notocactus haselbergii 2-inch pots $8.00
This small globose species is from Brazil. It has a light green body covered with yellowish-white spines. The flowers are red-orange. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Notocactus haselbergii 5-inch pots $20.00
This small globose species is from Brazil. It has a light green body covered with yellowish-white spines. The flowers are red-orange. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Notocactus haselbergii one-gallon pots $25.00
This small globose species is from Brazil. It has a light green body covered with yellowish-white spines. The flowers are red-orange. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Notocactus herteri 2-inch pots $8.00
From Uruguay, these plants are solitary with a green, fluted body with yellow spines on the ridges. The flowers are violet-red with yellow throats. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Notocactus herteri 3-inch pots $10.00
From Uruguay, these plants are solitary with a green, fluted body with yellow spines on the ridges. The flowers are violet-red with yellow throats. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Notocactus leninghausii 3-inch pots $10.00
From Brazil, these plants generally are solitary and have a green, fluted body with bristle-like yellow spines on the ridges. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Notocactus leninghausii 4-inch pots $15.00
From Brazil, these plants generally are solitary and have a green, fluted body with bristle-like yellow spines on the ridges. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus leninghausii 5-inch pots $20.00
From Brazil, these plants generally are solitary and have a green, fluted body with bristle-like yellow spines on the ridges. The flowers are a bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Notocactus magnificus (FR 1270) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Brazil, and we retain the genus Notocactus instead of Parodia. These large, clump-forming plants have a dark green, fluted body with bristle-like spines on the ridges. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus magnificus 4-inch pots $15.00
Call it Parodia magnifica if you want. Whatever. This species is from Brazil, and we reserve the right to continue the genus Notocactus until further notice. These plants have a dark green, fluted body with bristle-like spines on the ridges. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus mammulosus 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. It is a solitary to sparsely offsetting species with gray spines covering a squat, globose green body. The flowers are relatively large and yellow with pinkish tones. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Notocactus militaris 4-inch pots $15.00
From southern Brazil, this species is also known as Parodia ottonis. It is a solitary plant when young, offsetting when older, and has green globose stems. The flowers are yellow to (rarely) orange-red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus ottonis 5-inch pots $20.00
From the southeastern parts of South America, this is a solitary species with light green globose stems and yellow-white spines. The flowers are large and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Notocactus ottonis var. aigua 4-inch pots $15.00
From the southeastern parts of South America, this is a solitary species with light green globose stems and yellow-white spines. The flowers are large and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus roseoluteus 4-inch pots $15.00
From Brazil, this typically solitary globose species is also known as Parodia mammulosus. It has sparse white spines that contrast with the mostly green body. The flowers are bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus rudibuenekeri 4-inch pots $15.00
From Brazil, this globose species can be either solitary or offsetting. It has dense white spines that are quite flexible and mostly obscure the green body. The flowers are bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus schlosseri 4-inch pots $15.00
From Uruguay, this small globose species has dense spines and bright yellow flowers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus schlosseri 5-inch pots $20.00
From Uruguay, this small globose species has dense spines and bright yellow flowers. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Notocactus schumanniana var. brevispina 4-inch pots $15.00
From the area of southern Brazil into northern Argentina, this globose species has short spines and bright yellow flowers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus schumanniana var. brevispina 5-inch pots $20.00
From the area of southern Brazil into northern Argentina, this globose species has short spines and bright yellow flowers. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Notocactus scopa var. murielli 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, which some consider to be part of the genus Parodia, is from Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. These small plants have numerous ribs and a dark green body obscured by spines and dense wool originating from the areoles. The flowers are relatively large and yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Notocactus scopa var. murielli 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, which some consider to be part of the genus Parodia, is from Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. These small plants have numerous ribs and a dark green body obscured by spines and dense wool originating from the areoles. The flowers are relatively large and yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Notocactus scopa var. murielli 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, which some consider to be part of the genus Parodia, is from Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. These small plants have numerous ribs and a dark green body obscured by spines and dense wool originating from the areoles. The flowers are relatively large and yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Notocactus scopa var. rubra 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, which some consider to be part of the genus Parodia, is from Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. These small plants have numerous ribs and a dark green body obscured by spines and dense wool originating from the areoles. Variety rubra tends to have more reddish spines at the apex of the plants. The flowers are relatively large and yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Notocactus securituberculatus 3-inch pots $10.00
From Brazil, this small flattened globose species has a reddish-brown body, light spines and bright yellow flowers. It is supposed to be synonymous with Parodia oxycostata but it doesnt resemble that species. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Notocactus securituberculatus 4-inch pots $15.00
From Brazil, this small flattened globose species has a reddish-brown body, light spines and bright yellow flowers. It is supposed to be synonymous with Parodia oxycostata but it doesn't resemble that species. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Notocactus tabularis 3-inch pots $10.00
From Brazil and Uruguay, this small flattened globose species has a blue-green body covered with white spines with brown tips. The flowers are bright yellow. It is supposed to be synonymous with Parodia tabularis but whatever. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Notocactus turecekianus 2-inch pots $8.00
From Uruguay and northern Argentina, this is a small globose species that some consider to be a Parodia. The body is dark gray-green with white, rather fierce spines. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Notocactus uebelmannianus 5-inch pots $20.00
From Brazil, this species is now supposedly Parodia werneri. Well keep this in Notocactus because the flowers resemble other members of this supposedly defunct genus. The short globose-columnar plants slowly offset, and the body is green with gray-white spines. The flowers are reddish magenta. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Notocactus vanvlietii 3-inch pots $10.00
Call it Parodia werdermanniana if you want, but it doesn't resemble Notocactus werdermannianus and doesn't deserve being lumped in with it. We like the genus Notocactus the way it was (is). These plants have a dark green, fluted body with bristle-like spines on the ridges. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Notocactus warasii one-gallon pots $25.00
Call it Parodia warasii if you want, but this species is from Brazil. These plants clump to form small mounds have a medium green, fluted body with bristle-like yellow spines on the ridges. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Notocactus werdermannianus 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, which some place in the genus Parodia, is from Uruguay. The solitary stems are rather cylindrical and yellow-green in color with yellow-white spines. The flowers are bright yellow, so I guess the theme for this species is that color. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Oeceoclades calcarata one-gallon pots $30.00
This terrestrial orchid is from central Madagascar and was previously known as Eulophia paniculata. It offsets prolifically from the distinctive, bulb-like base. Stiff, cupped leaves rise from that base, with papery coverings near the base. The flowers are multicolored orchid flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Oeceoclades decaryana one-gallon pots $30.00
This terrestrial orchid is native to a wide range of eastern and southern Africa, ranging from Kenya to South Africa as well as Madagascar. It has a pseudobulb base that produces green leaves with lighter green veins and blotches. The flowers are small and in shades of green, brown, and light yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Oeceoclades decaryana one-gallon pots $30.00
This terrestrial orchid is native to a wide range of eastern and southern Africa, ranging from Kenya to South Africa as well as Madagascar. It has a pseudobulb base that produces green leaves with lighter green veins and blotches. The flowers are small and in shades of green, brown, and light yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Oeceoclades maculata 5-inch pots $20.00
Oeceoclades maculata, known as the monk orchid or African spotted orchid, is a terrestrial orchid native to tropical, equatorial Africa. It is naturalized in South and Central America, the Caribbean, and Florida, where it is considered an invasive species. It has leathery green leaves with whitish streaks. The flowers are mostly brown and white with pinkish-red highlights. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Oeceoclades maculata x decaryana 5-inch pots $20.00
Oeceoclades maculata and O. decaryana, known as monk orchids, are a terrestrial species native to tropical, equatorial Africa. This hybrid has leathery green oblanceolate leaves with whitish streaks. The flowers have various shades of dirty yellow with brown or purple-brown stripes, and the center is a cream-color with pink-purple veins. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Olneya tesota 4-inch pots $14.00
This pachycaul tree is from the summer rainfall regions of the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, California, and Mexico. Known as the ironwood tree, it is extremely drought tolerant and frost tolerant to perhaps 25F. It has pinnate gray-green leaves, a slow-growing trunk with grayish bark, and it flowers violet in the late spring. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Olneya tesota one-gallon pots $25.00
This pachycaul tree is from the summer rainfall regions of the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, California, and Mexico. Known as the ironwood tree, it is extremely drought tolerant and frost tolerant to perhaps 25F. It has pinnate gray-green leaves, a slow-growing trunk with grayish bark, and it flowers violet in the late spring. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Operculicarya decaryi 2-gallon pots $75.00
This highly desired pachycaul tree from Madagascar is in the Anacardiaceae and related to Pachycormus discolor, the Elephant tree from Baja California. Operculacarya decaryi forms a gnarled, warty trunk with age, which makes it highly appealing to collectors. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Operculicarya decaryi 8-inch pots $55.00
This highly desired pachycaul tree from Madagascar is in the Anacardiaceae and related to Pachycormus discolor, the Elephant tree from Baja California. Operculacarya decaryi forms a gnarled, warty trunk with age, which makes it highly appealing to collectors. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Opuntia azurea ssp. parva 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the Big Bend Region of Texas and probably into northern Mexico. It is a low-growing, mat-forming species that propagates easily from its violet-green pads. This subspecies is much smaller than the typical species and has bright yellow flowers. These plants are rooted pads in 4-inch pots.
Opuntia basilaris var. basilaris 2-gallon pots $45.00
Beavertail pricklypear cactus is common in the Mojave and western Sonoran Deserts, where it primarily receives winter rainfall. The typical species produces new pads at or just above ground level, and those pads tend to be gray-green to green or even purple green, depending upon the amount of sunlight the plant receives. The flowers are large and magenta. These plants are rooted pads in 2-gallon pots.
Opuntia basilaris var. basilaris 4-inch pots $25.00
Beavertail pricklypear cactus is common in the Mojave and western Sonoran Deserts, where it primarily receives winter rainfall. The typical species produces new pads at or just above ground level, and those pads tend to be gray-green to green or even purple green, depending upon the amount of sunlight the plant receives. The flowers are large and magenta. These plants are rooted pads in 4-inch pots.
Opuntia basilaris var. basilaris 4-inch pots $15.00
Beavertail pricklypear cactus is common in the Mojave and western Sonoran Deserts, where it primarily receives winter rainfall. The typical species produces new pads at or just above ground level, and those pads tend to be gray-green to green or even purple green, depending upon the amount of sunlight the plant receives. The flowers are large and magenta. These plants are rooted pads in 4-inch pots.
Opuntia basilaris var. basilaris one-gallon pots $25.00
Beavertail pricklypear cactus is common in the Mojave and western Sonoran Deserts, where it primarily receives winter rainfall. The typical species produces new pads at or just above ground level, and those pads tend to be gray-green to green or even purple green, depending upon the amount of sunlight the plant receives. The flowers are large and magenta. These plants are rooted pads in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia basilaris x santa-rita 2-gallon pots $45.00
This hybrid of two great pricklypears from the southwestern United States creates a better plant than each alone. The pads are thin and purple, reflecting the O. santa-rita heritage, and have only glochids and no central spines, reflecting the O. basilaris genes. The plants also appear to be low growing, again showing the O. basilaris characters. The flowers are purple and large. These plants are hardy to at least 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Opuntia basilaris x santa-rita 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid of two great pricklypears from the southwestern United States creates a better plant than each alone. The pads are thin and purple, reflecting the O. santa-rita heritage, and have only glochids and no central spines, reflecting the O. basilaris genes. The plants also appear to be low growing, again showing the O. basilaris characters. The flowers are purple and large. These plants are hardy to at least 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Opuntia canterae var. elata 5-inch pots $20.00
From coastal Uruguay, this is a shrubby prickly pear with shiny green and elongated pads with few to no spines. The flowers are orange and relatively large. These plants are rooted pads in 5-inch pots.
Opuntia cv Emerald Wave one-gallon pots $25.00
This probably is a selected clone from the Opuntia ficus-indicus complex. The flowers are yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia cv Fruit Punch 5-inch pots $20.00
This probably is a selected clone from the Opuntia lindheimeri complex. The flowers are a complex iridescent purplish-red, which resembles – Surprise! – fruit punch. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Opuntia cv Fruit Punch 5-inch pots $20.00
This probably is a selected clone from the Opuntia lindheimeri complex. The flowers are a complex iridescent purplish-red, which resembles – Surprise! – fruit punch. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Opuntia cv Fruit Punch one-gallon pots $25.00
This probably is a selected clone from the Opuntia lindheimeri complex. The flowers are a complex iridescent purplish-red, which resembles – Surprise! – fruit punch. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia ellisana 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from South Texas. Unlike most Opuntia, the pads have few spines and tiny glochids and are yellow-green in color. The flowers are yellow maturing to a reddish tone. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Opuntia erinacea (purple) one-gallon pots $25.00
Opuntia erinacea is widespread in the higher elevation regions of the southwestern United States, particularly on the Colorado Plateau. This highly variable species has many forms, and this one has relatively thick pads with numerous yellow-gray spines. This clone was selected for its purple flowers, which make it extremely attractive in the spring. This species is hardy to at least 15F. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia ficus-indica 'Burbanks Spineless' one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is likely from Mexico but its horticultural propagation as a food crop has spread it to warmer climates worldwide. Unlike most Opuntia, the light green pads have few spines and tiny glochids. The flowers are yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia galapageia var. profusa one-gallon pots $35.00
This species is from the Galapagos Islands, particularly along the coasts of the Pacific Ocean. Variety profuse is more shrub-like than the typical species and grows on Isla Rabida. The pads have numerous smallish yellow spines and the edges of the pads have longer yellow spines. The flowers are yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia gosseliniana 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the northern Sonora Desert, particularly the area around Tucson, Arizona. Unlike most Opuntia, the pads have few spines and tiny glochids, but the edges of the pads have long multicolored spines that range in color from white to black. The flowers are yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Opuntia gosseliniana 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from the northern Sonora Desert, particularly the area around Tucson, Arizona. Unlike most Opuntia, the pads have few spines and tiny glochids, but the edges of the pads have long multicolored spines that range in color from white to black. The flowers are yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Opuntia gosseliniana one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from the northern Sonora Desert, particularly the area around Tucson, Arizona. Unlike most Opuntia, the pads have few spines and tiny glochids, but the edges of the pads have long multicolored spines that range in color from white to black. The flowers are yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia megasperma one-gallon pots $35.00
From the Galapagos, this rarely offered species is a massive tree Opuntia with numerous spines on the pad faces. The flowers are yellow to reddish in color and are quite large. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia monacantha cv 'Joseph's Coat' 5-inch pots $25.00
Widely distributed in South America, from Argentina to Brazil, this plant is somewhat unique and distinctive for its single spine from each areole and the large number of smallish pads arising from the main stem. The flowers are yellow, assuming that this monstrose species flowers at all. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Opuntia monacantha cv 'Joseph's Coat' one-gallon $25.00
Widely distributed in South America, from Argentina to Brazil, this plant is somewhat unique and distinctive for its single spine from each areole and the large number of smallish pads arising from the main stem. The flowers are yellow, assuming that this monstrose species flowers at all. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia orbiculata cv Snow 4-inch pots $15.00
From the northern deserts of Mexico, this plant is somewhat unique and distinctive for its predominant covering of white hairs. The flowers are yellow with reddish highlights. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Opuntia orbiculata cv Snow 5-inch pots $20.00
From the northern deserts of Mexico, this plant is somewhat unique and distinctive for its predominant covering of white hairs. The flowers are yellow with reddish highlights. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Opuntia orbiculata cv Snow one-gallon pots $25.00
From the northern deserts of Mexico, this plant is somewhat unique and distinctive for its predominant covering of white hairs. The flowers are yellow with reddish highlights. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia pilifera one-gallon pots $25.00
This tree-like species of Opuntia is from southern Mexico. The pads are a uniform green color with numerous spine-producing aureoles, and the radial spines tend to be whisker or hair-like. The flowers are a reddish-purple color and relatively small. It is capable of withstanding 10-15F without significant damage. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia polyacantha 2-gallon pots $40.00
This shrubby Opuntia is from the southern Colorado Plateau. The pads are yellow-green with numerous long white spines that are very pliable, almost whisker or hair-like. The flowers are yellow. It likely can withstand 0F without significant damage. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Opuntia polyacantha 5-inch pots $20.00
This shrubby Opuntia is from the southern Colorado Plateau. The pads are yellow-green with numerous long white spines that are very pliable, almost whisker or hair-like. The flowers are yellow. It likely can withstand 0F without significant damage. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Opuntia pycnantha 5-inch pots $20.00
This species of platyopuntia is from Baja California Sur, Mexico. The fleshy pads are blue-green and bear numerous yellow-gray spines that nearly cover the surface. The flowers are yellow with reddish highlights. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Opuntia pycnantha one-gallon pots $25.00
This species of platyopuntia is from Baja California Sur, Mexico. The fleshy pads are blue-green and bear numerous yellow-gray spines that nearly cover the surface. The flowers are yellow with reddish highlights. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia quimilo 5-inch pots $20.00
This species of platyopuntia is from northern Argentina and Bolivia. The fleshy pads are blue-green and bear only scattered long-white spines that aren‘t particularly sharp. The flowers are small and red. It is hardy in Tucson to about 20F. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Opuntia quimilo one-gallon pots $25.00
This species of platyopuntia is from northern Argentina and Bolivia. The fleshy pads are blue-green and bear only scattered long-white spines that arent particularly sharp. The flowers are small and red. It is hardy in Tucson to about 20F. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia robusta 8-inch pots $35.00
This species of platyopuntia is from central Mexico. What is robust about this species are the very large pads are blue-green and mostly spineless. The flowers are yellow. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Opuntia rufida one-gallon pots $25.00
This species of platyopuntia is from west Texas with a distribution southwards into Chihuahua and Coahuila. It has pads with a light purple color and numerous glochids that are reddish (hence the epithet) and no central spines. The flowers are yellow aging to orange. It is hardy in Tucson to about 20F. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia santa-rita one-gallon pots $25.00
This species of pricklypear is from the southern Arizona, and we associate it with the Santa Rita Mountains south of Tucson. The pads are thin and purple, and mostly have glochids with few central spines. This is an upright species that tends to grow 4-6 feet high from a short basal stem. The flowers are yellow with reddish bases. These plants are hardy to at least 10F. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia sulphurea 8-inch pots $35.00
Opuntia sulfurea is from Argentina and Bolivia. One of the most desirable of the Opuntia, it has flat pads with flexed, twisted spines and bright yellow flowers. We’ve grown this species outside in Tucson, where it was undamaged at 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Opuntia sulphurea one-gallon pots $25.00
Opuntia sulfurea is from Argentina and Bolivia. One of the most desirable of the Opuntia, it has flat pads with flexed, twisted spines and bright yellow flowers. We’ve grown this species outside in Tucson, where it was undamaged at 15F. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia tomentosa 4-inch pots $15.00
From southern Mexico into Guatemala, this species looks like the common O. ficus-indicus except for the rather tomentose (fine hairy) yellow-green pads. The flowers are small and orange, resembling those of the genus Consolea, and we erroneously offered these plants as Consolea falcata previously. These plants are rooted pads in 4-inch pots.
Opuntia tomentosa 5-inch pots $20.00
From southern Mexico into Guatemala, this species looks like the common O. ficus-indicus except for the rather tomentose (fine hairy) yellow-green pads. The flowers are small and orange, resembling those of the genus Consolea, and we erroneously offered these plants as Consolea falcata previously. These plants are rooted pads in 5-inch pots.
Opuntia tomentosa one-gallon pots $25.00
From southern Mexico into Guatemala, this species looks like the common O. ficus-indicus except for the rather tomentose (fine hairy) yellow-green pads. The flowers are small and orange, resembling those of the genus Consolea, and we erroneously offered these plants as Consolea falcata previously. These plants are rooted pads in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia tomentosa one-gallon pots $25.00
From southern Mexico into Guatemala, this species looks like the common O. ficus-indicus except for the rather tomentose (fine hairy) yellow-green pads. The flowers are small and orange, resembling those of the genus Consolea, and we erroneously offered these plants as Consolea falcata previously. These plants are rooted pads in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia vulgaris cv 'Sunburst' 5-inch pots $20.00
This unusual plant, from central Mexico, looks like the common O. ficus-indicus, but the pads of this plant are narrower and thinner. They also are shot through with yellow and green streaks and dots in an amazing pattern of variegation that is unique to each pad. These plants are rooted pads in 5-inch pots.
Opuntia vulgaris cv 'Sunburst' one-gallon pots $25.00
This unusual plant, from central Mexico, looks like the common O. ficus-indicus, but the pads of this plant are narrower and thinner. They also are shot through with yellow and green streaks and dots in an amazing pattern of variegation that is unique to each pad. These plants are rooted pads in one-gallon pots.
Opuntia vulgaris cv Sunburst 4-inch pots $20.00
This unusual plant, from central Mexico, looks like the common O. ficus-indicus, but the pads of this plant are narrower and thinner. They also are shot through with yellow and green streaks and dots in an amazing pattern of variegation that is unique to each pad. Surprisingly, these plants are hardy to 25F at least. These plants are rooted pads in 4-inch pots.
Orbea schweinfurthii (WY1127) 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from southeastern Africa, and these plants are propagated from material originally collected in central Tanzania (WY 1127). The plants have stems with purple streaks on a gray-green background. The flowers are mostly yellow with considerable decoration in reds. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Orbea schweinfurthii (WY1127) 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from southeastern Africa, and these plants are propagated from material originally collected in central Tanzania (WY 1127). The plants have stems with purple streaks on a gray-green background. The flowers are mostly yellow with considerable decoration in reds. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Orbea variegata 3-inch pots $10.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this widely distributed species is one of the most popular stapeliads. The stems are rather generic and unremarkable, but the flower is large, multicolored, and stinks to high heaven. In Tucson, these plants get leggy; it is best if the stems are short and densely packed. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Orbea variegata 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this widely distributed species is one of the most popular stapeliads. The stems are rather generic and unremarkable, but the flower is large, multicolored, and stinks to high heaven. In Tucson, these plants get leggy; it is best if the stems are short and densely packed. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Oreocereus celsianus 2-gallon pots $35.00
This short, columnar cactus, which would fall under the broad common name of "Old Man Cactus," comes from the southern deserts of South America. Only a few, yellow spines penetrate the dense wool that surrounds the stem. The flowers are violet-pink. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Oreocereus celsianus 2-inch pots $8.00
This short, columnar cactus, which would fall under the broad common name of "Old Man Cactus," comes from the southern deserts of South America. Only a few, yellow spines penetrate the dense wool that surrounds the stem. The flowers are violet-pink. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Oreocereus celsianus 3-gallon pots $45.00
This short, columnar cactus, which would fall under the broad common name of "Old Man Cactus," comes from the southern deserts of South America. Only a few, yellow spines penetrate the dense wool that surrounds the stem. The flowers are violet-pink. These plants are seedlings in 3-gallon pots.
Oreocereus celsianus one-gallon pots $25.00
This short, columnar cactus, which would fall under the broad common name of "Old Man Cactus," comes from the southern deserts of South America. Only a few, yellow spines penetrate the dense wool that surrounds the stem. The flowers are violet-pink. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Oreocereus doelzianus 2-inch pots $8.00
This short, offsetting columnar cactus, which would fall under the broad common name of "Old Man Cactus," comes from Peru. This version, once known as Morawetzia sericata, has the most wool of the various forms of this species, some of which have green stems with only a few yellow spines and little or no wool. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Oreocereus doelzianus 4-inch pots $15.00
This short, offsetting columnar cactus, which would fall under the broad common name of "Old Man Cactus," comes from Peru. This version, once known as Morawetzia sericata, has the most wool of the various forms of this species, some of which have green stems with only a few yellow spines and little or no wool. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Oreocereus doelzianus 5-inch pots $20.00
This short, offsetting columnar cactus, which would fall under the broad common name of "Old Man Cactus," comes from Peru. This version, once known as Morawetzia sericata, has the most wool of the various forms of this species, some of which have green stems with only a few yellow spines and little or no wool. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Oreocereus doelzianus ssp. sericalus 2-inch pots $8.00
This short, offsetting columnar cactus, which would fall under the broad common name of "Old Man Cactus," comes from Peru. This version, once known as Morawetzia sericata, has the least wool of the various forms of this species, some of which have stems with dense white wool. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Oreocereus neocelsianus 5-inch pots $20.00
This short, columnar cactus, a Backeberg species considered synonymous with Oreocereus celsianus, comes from the southern deserts of South America. The difference is that these plants have less wool on the stem, and the yellow-green epidermis of the columnar plant is more obvious. The flowers are violet-pink. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Oreocereus trollii 4-inch pots $15.00
This short, columnar cactus, from southern Bolivia and northern Argentina, falls under the common name of "Old Man Cactus" or senita. The pale green stem shows through the dense wool and yellow spines. The flowers are tubular and light red in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Oreocereus trollii 5-inch pots $20.00
This short, columnar cactus, from southern Bolivia and northern Argentina, falls under the common name of "Old Man Cactus" or senita. The pale green stem shows through the dense wool and yellow spines. The flowers are tubular and light red in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Oreocereus trollii 6-inch pots $30.00
This short, columnar cactus, from southern Bolivia and northern Argentina, falls under the common name of "Old Man Cactus" or senita. The pale green stem shows through the dense wool and yellow spines. The flowers are tubular and light red in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Ornithogalum hispidum 3-inch pots $10.00
This little Ornithogalum is from Namaqualand, South Africa, where it typically grows on rock outcrops or clay soils. The leaves are yellowish-green and densely hairy, and the bulb tends to have a spotted sheath. The flowers are white and held in sparse racemes. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Ornithogalum longibracteatum 5-inch pots $20.00
Once known as Ornithogalum caudatum, O. longibracteatum, known as Sea Onion or various other common names, is widely distributed in Africa but is common along the south coast of South Africa. This species forms nice clumps that look like above-ground onions. These rooted offsets are in 4-inch pots.
Ornithogalum longibracteatum one-gallon pots $25.00
Once known as Ornithogalum caudatum, O. longibracteatum, known as Sea Onion or various other common names, is widely distributed in Africa but is common along the south coast of the Republic of South Africa. This species forms nice clumps that look like above-ground onions. These offsets are in one-gallon pots.
Ornithogalum pentheri 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Klein Karoo in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this species has upright green leaves with slightly hair edges arising from an onion-like bulb. This plant was labeled “Bulbine sp.” for years in our nursery, and then it bloomed, revealing it was either an Albuca or an Ornithogalum; we chose the latter on the basis of the flowers. Those flowers are borne loosely on a raceme and feature yellow-white, open tepals with broad green stripes. We offer flowering-size rather large bulbs in 5-inch pots.
Ornithogalum pulchrum 3-inch pots $10.00
This large-flowered species of Ornithogalum was collected in the Kunene River Valley, between Namibia and Angola and near Epupa Falls. Mature plants of this summer-growing species have 6-foot high inflorescences bearing yellowish-green flowers. These seedlings are in 3-inch pots.
Ornithogalum pulchrum 4-inch pots $15.00
This large-flowered species of Ornithogalum was collected in the Kunene River Valley, between Namibia and Angola and near Epupa Falls. Mature plants of this summer-growing species have 6-foot high inflorescences bearing yellowish-green flowers. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Ornithogalum pyramidale 4-inch pots $15.00
From southeastern Europe, making it one of the few species we offer from that continent, this species has a bulb that roughly resembles a pyramid (hence the name). It produces silver-white flowers in a panicle. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Ornithogalum pyramidale 5-inch pots $20.00
From southeastern Europe, making it one of the few species we offer from that continent, this species has a bulb that roughly resembles a pyramid (hence the name). It produces silver-white flowers in a panicle. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Ornithogalum sardienii 2-inch pots $8.00
This tiny bulb is from the vicinity of Outdshoorn, Western Cape Province of South Africa, where it grows locally on hillslopes of conglomerate. The above-ground bulb has a sheer tunic and small linear leaves. The flowers are white and held in a short raceme. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Ornithogalum sardienii 4-inch pots $15.00
This tiny bulb is from the vicinity of Outdshoorn, Western Cape Province of South Africa, where it grows locally on hillslopes of conglomerate. The above-ground bulb has a sheer tunic and small linear leaves. The flowers are white and held in a short raceme. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Ornithogalum sp. (Oukop, RSA) 2-inch pots $8.00
This little Ornithogalum is from Oukop, which is near Craddock, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. It is a small, proliferously offsetting species that has small, linear leaves. We offer offsets of this little bulb in 2-inch pots.
Ornithogalum sp. (Oukop, RSA) 4-inch pots $15.00
This little Ornithogalum is from Oukop, which is near Craddock, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. It is a small, proliferously offsetting species that has small, linear leaves. We offer offsets of this little bulb in 4-inch pots.
Ornithogalum tenuifolium 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from a broad area of South Africa, produces a bulb and a splay of linear leaves. The flowers are white with green tepals. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Oroya peruviana 4-inch pots $15.00
As the epithet indicates, these plants are from Peru. The globose plants are light-green in color with numerous closely appressed white spines. The flowers are pinkish-red with yellow centers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Ortegocactus macdougallii 2-inch pots $30.00
These plants grow on limestone outcrops in Oaxaca, Mexico, and are quite rare. They also are quite small, with globose green bodies, spirally arranged tubercles bearing two ranks of spines, and yellow flowers. They slowly offset to form clusters. These tiny seedlings are in 2-inch pots.
Orthophytum magalhaesii 2-gallon pots $45.00
This terrestrial bromeliad, from Brazil, is an offsetting plant up to 2 feet tall. It has deltoid-shaped leaves with a broad channel in the middle and abundant brownish hairs. The flowers are greenish. These plants are hardy to about 28F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-gallon pots.
Orthophytum magalhaesii 5-inch pots $20.00
This terrestrial bromeliad, from Brazil, is an offsetting plant up to 2 feet tall. It has deltoid-shaped leaves with a broad channel in the middle and abundant brownish hairs. The flowers are greenish. These plants are hardy to about 28F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Orthophytum magalhaesii one-gallon pots $30.00
This terrestrial bromeliad, from Brazil, is an offsetting plant up to 2 feet tall. It has deltoid-shaped leaves with a broad channel in the middle and abundant brownish hairs. The flowers are greenish. These plants are hardy to about 28F. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Othonna carnosa 4-inch pots $15.00
This low-growing herbaceous species is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The leaves are succulent, cylindrical, and bearing tips that are red-purple, creating a very attractive plant. The flowers are small and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Oxalis gigantea 4-inch pots $15.00
This highly unusual species is from coastal Chile, where it is a pachycaul shrub. The small succulent leaves, produced mostly in winter, are a glossy green and have an axial fold. The flowers are bright yellow. These plants are difficult to grow and are intolerant of summer watering or rainfall. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Pachycereus pringlei 2-inch pots $8.00
This massive columnar cactus, known as the cardón, is from Baja California and Sonora, Mexico, where it assumes the same position in the ecosystem as the saguaro in Arizona. It differs from Carnegiea in terms of number of flutes on the stems (less) and fruit (dry). This is a slow growing species in terms of reaching the its typical size in the wild, but we find it a little faster than saguaros in Arizona. In addition, we have had no frost damage on our cardones at 18-20F. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Pachycormus discolor var. pubescens 4-inch pots $20.00
This plant, commonly known as the elephant tree (or torote blanco) of Baja California, is a member of the Anacardiaceae, even if it looks like it belongs in the Burseraceae. The leaves are pinnately divided and the trunk has white, exfoliating bark. This slow-growing species is excellent for bonsai. It is a winter grower, so beware and give it a summer rest. We are offering seedlings of this desirable species in 4-inch pots.
Pachycormus discolor var. pubescens 4-inch pots $20.00
This plant, commonly known as the elephant tree (or torote blanco) of Baja California, is a member of the Anacardiaceae, even if it looks like it belongs in the Burseraceae. The leaves are pinnately divided and the trunk has white, exfoliating bark. This slow-growing species is excellent for bonsai. It is a winter grower, so beware and give it a summer rest. We are offering seedlings of this desirable species in 4-inch pots.
Pachycormus discolor var. pubescens 5-inch pots $25.00
This plant, commonly known as the elephant tree (or torote blanco) of Baja California, is a member of the Anacardiaceae, even if it looks like it belongs in the Burseraceae. The leaves are pinnately divided and the trunk has white, exfoliating bark. This slow-growing species is excellent for bonsai. It is a winter grower, so beware and give it a summer rest. We are offering seedlings of this desirable species in 5-inch pots and have bases upwards of 1 inch in diameter.
Pachyforms (Second Expanded Edition) $85.00
Written by Philippe de Vosjoli (2024), this book is a comprehensive guide to the growing caudiciforms and pachycaul trees and shrubs from all over the world. Illustrated with more than 680 photographs, numerous rare and interesting species are discussed in habitat and cultivation. Shipping charges will be reduced to either first class or media mail.
Pachyphytum compactum 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from central Mexico. It can be a hanging plant with a rosette with numerous gray-green succulent leaves. It is notable for leaf impressions on the leaf tops. The flowers are small and red-violet. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Pachyphytum compactum 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from central Mexico. It can be a hanging plant with a rosette with numerous gray-green succulent leaves. It is notable for leaf impressions on the leaf tops. The flowers are small and red-violet. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Pachyphytum compactum 4-inch pots $12.00
This species is from central Mexico. It can be a hanging plant with a rosette with numerous gray-green succulent leaves. It is notable for leaf impressions on the leaf tops. The flowers are small and red-violet. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Pachyphytum oviferum 5-inch pots $15.00
From cliffs in the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi, this species has initially upright stems that fall over with age, forming a nice hanging plant. The leaves are thick and finger-like with a bluish-gray background and red-purple highlights. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Pachypodium bispinosum 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, this is one of the easiest to grow and nicest of the genus. These plants develop a large caudex very quickly and flowers when very young. The branches are spiny, the leaves are lanceolate, and the flowers are bell shaped and pink with purple. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Pachypodium geayi one-gallon pots $25.00
This Pachypodium forms one of the most massive trees of the Madagascar species. Pachypodium geayi is a must for any collector of Pachypodiums. It is a borderline species outdoors in Tucson, but it is a fantastic addition to porches or greenhouses in our region. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Pachypodium horombense 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from central and southern Madagascar, is similar to Pachypodium rosulatum. The plants are shrubs with swollen bases, and they branch close to the ground. The flowers are yellow and broadly campanulate. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Pachypodium lamerei 2-inch pots $10.00
These seedlings are the classic "Madagascar palm" that, while common, is nonetheless a great species to grow. Ours are in the ground in our Tucson greenhouse and they flower 6 months out of the year. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Pachypodium lamerei 3-gallon pots $75.00
These seedlings are the classic "Madagascar palm" that, while common, is nonetheless a great species to grow. Ours are in the ground in our Tucson greenhouse and they flower 6 months out of the year. These plants are seedlings in 3-gallon pots.
Pachypodium lamerei 4-inch pots $15.00
These seedlings are the classic "Madagascar palm" that, while common, is nonetheless a great species to grow. Ours are in the ground in our Tucson greenhouse and they flower 6 months out of the year. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Pachypodium lamerei one-gallon pots $25.00
These seedlings are the classic "Madagascar palm" that, while common, is nonetheless a great species to grow. Ours are in the ground in our Tucson greenhouse and they flower 6 months out of the year. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Pachypodium lamerei var. ramosum 4-inch pots $15.00
These seedlings are the classic "Madagascar palm" that, while common, is nonetheless a great species to grow. Ours are in the ground in our Tucson greenhouse and they flower 6 months out of the year. Variety ramosum differs from the typical variety in producing multiple stems branching from the ground, and it blooms at a much smaller size. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Pachypodium lamerei var. ramosum 5-inch pots $20.00
These seedlings are the classic "Madagascar palm" that, while common, is nonetheless a great species to grow. Ours are in the ground in our Tucson greenhouse and they flower 6 months out of the year. Variety ramosum differs from the typical variety in producing multiple stems branching from the ground, and it blooms at a much smaller size. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Pachypodium lamerei var. ramosum one-gallon pots $30.00
These seedlings are the classic "Madagascar palm" that, while common, is nonetheless a great species to grow. Ours are in the ground in our Tucson greenhouse and they flower 6 months out of the year. Variety ramosum differs from the typical variety in producing multiple stems branching from the ground, and it blooms at a much smaller size. These plants are seedlings in one-
Pachypodium rutenbergianum 5-inch pots $20.00
From northwestern Madagascar, this tree species has a distinctive spiny, slender stem and elliptical green leaves. The flowers are white. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Pachypodium saundersii 2-inch pots $8.00
From southern Zimbabwe to the northern provinces of South Africa, this species has a swollen caudex, spiny stems, lanceolate-ovate leaves. This selected cultivar has white-purple flowers produced in the fall. Pachypodium saundersii is very easy to grow large and flowers at a small size. These seedlings are in 2-inch pots.
Pachypodium saundersii 3-inch pots $10.00
From southern Zimbabwe to the northern provinces of South Africa, this species has a swollen caudex, spiny stems, lanceolate-ovate leaves. This selected cultivar has white-purple flowers produced in the fall. Pachypodium saundersii is very easy to grow large and flowers at a small size. These seedlings are in 3-inch pots.
Pachypodium saundersii 4-inch pots $15.00
From southern Zimbabwe to the northern provinces of South Africa, this species has a swollen caudex, spiny stems, lanceolate-ovate leaves, and white-purple flowers with pinkish throat produced in the fall. Pachypodium saundersii is very easy to grow large if given pot space. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Pachypodium succulentum (griquense) 4-inch pots $15.00
Pachypodium griquense is now lumped into the species P. succulentum, but we continue to keep our plants listed separately. We’ve seen these plants in Grinqualand, in the Northern Cape Province, and the flowers are quite distinctive. Our plants are much smaller than P. succulentum and have smaller flowers that are white to pale pink. We offer seedlings that are suitable for 3-inch pots.
Parodia comarapana 2-inch pots $8.00
From Bolivia, this small globose cactus has a yellow-green body with whitish-yellow spines. The flowers are relatively small and yellow-red. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Parodia mammulosa 2-inch pots $8.00
From the area where Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay are, this small solitary globose cactus has a deep-green body with whitish-yellow spines on the ribs. The flowers are relatively large and pink to yellow in color. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Parodia nivosa 4-inch pots $15.00
From northern Argentina, this is a small globose species with a light-green body, dense apical wool, and whitish-yellow spines. The flowers are red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Parodia nivosa 5-inch pots $20.00
From northern Argentina, this is a small globose species with a light-green body, dense apical wool, and whitish-yellow spines. The flowers are red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Parodia occulta 4-inch pots $15.00
Now considered merged into Parodia subterranea, these plants are from Bolivia. This is a small globose cactus has a dark-green body with whitish-yellow spines. The flowers are relatively small and reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Parodia penicillata one-gallon pots $25.00
From northern Argentina, this species offsets with age, producing globose-cylindrical, light green stems. The ribs are tuberculate with gray-white spines. The flowers are orange-red. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Parodia procera 4-inch pots $15.00
From Bolivia, a number of former species has been tossed into the garbage can species. It is a small globose, offsetting species with white spines on a green body. The flowers are bright yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Parodia tredecimcostata 4-inch pots $15.00
From Bolivia, this species has been tossed into the garbage-can species Parodia procera. It is a small globose, offsetting species with white spines on a green body. The flowers are yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Pedilanthus bracteatus 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from Mexico, forms shrubs with narrow, cylindrical branches. These unarmed plants have red cyathia, making them quite attractive. We offer seedlings that are 6- to 8-inches tall in 4-inch pots.
Pedilanthus bracteatus 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from Mexico, forms shrubs with narrow, cylindrical branches. These unarmed plants have red cyathia, making them quite attractive. We offer seedlings that are 6- to 8-inches tall in 5-inch pots.
Pedilanthus bracteatus one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, from Mexico, forms shrubs with narrow, cylindrical branches. These unarmed plants have red cyathia, making them quite attractive. We offer seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Pedilanthus macrocarpus (green form) one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, from the Sonoran Desert in Baja California and Sonora, Mexico, is a shrub of cylindrical branches, and this form has green ones as opposed to the typical blue-green branches of this species. The beautiful red flowers are shoe-shaped, earning the name of the genus. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it forms a large clump. It is damaged by frost below about 25F. These rooted cuttings are in one-gallon pots.
Pedilanthus macrocarpus 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from the Sonoran Desert in Baja California and Sonora, Mexico, is a shrub of cylindrical, blue-green branches. The beautiful red flowers are shoe-shaped, earning the name of the genus. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it forms a large clump. It is damaged by frost below about 25F. These rooted cuttings are in 4-inch pots.
Pedilanthus macrocarpus 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from the Sonoran Desert in Baja California and Sonora, Mexico, is a shrub of cylindrical, blue-green branches. The beautiful red flowers are shoe-shaped, earning the name of the genus. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it forms a large clump. It is damaged by frost below about 25F. These rooted cuttings are in 5-inch pots.
Pedilanthus sp. (Jalisco, Mexico) 5-inch pots $20.00
This apparently undescribed species is from Jalisco, Mexico. It has extremely large green leaves arising from the zigzagging green stems. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Pedilanthus sp. (Jalisco, Mexico) one-gallon pots $25.00
This apparently undescribed species is from Jalisco, Mexico. It has extremely large green leaves arising from the zigzagging green stems. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Pedilanthus tithymaloides “nana” 3-inch pots $12.00
This species, which is widely distributed in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, is quite distinctive from other members of the genus Pedilanthus because of the persistent leaves at the tips of the green stems. It forms small shrubs with time and is used horticulturally in the tropics. We have rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Pedilanthus tithymaloides ssp. smallii (variegated) 4-inch pots $15.00
From Florida and some islands of the Caribbean Sea, this species has light yellow-green variegated leaves that are distorted. The flowers are bright red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Pedilanthus tithymaloides ssp. smallii (variegated) 5-inch pots $20.00
From Florida and some islands of the Caribbean Sea, this species has light yellow-green variegated leaves that are distorted. The flowers are bright red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Pedilanthus tithymaloides ssp. smallii (variegated) one-gallon p $25.00
From Florida and some islands of the Caribbean Sea, this species has light yellow-green variegated leaves that are distorted. The flowers are bright red. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Pedilanthus tithymaloides ssp. tithymaloides 8-inch pots $35.00
This species, which is widely distributed in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, is quite distinctive from other members of the genus Pedilanthus because of the persistent ovate leaves at the tips of the green stems. It grows into medium-sized shrubs and is used horticulturally in the tropics. We have rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Pelargonium alternans 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this small-branched shrublet has flowers with white with red markings. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Pelargonium alternans 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this small-branched shrublet has flowers with white with red markings. These seedlings are in 5-inch pots.
Pelargonium alternans 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this small-branched shrublet has flowers with white with red markings. These seedlings are in 5-inch pots.
Pelargonium carnosum 4-inch pots $15.00
Recently combined into P. carnosum, Pelargonium ferulaceum is a tall branched shrub with fleshy, divided leaves. The overall P. carnosum complex is spread over western South Africa and Namibia. The flowers are white to greenish yellow. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Pelargonium crithmifolium one-gallon pots $35.00
From southwestern Africa (Namibia, South Africa), this small shrub has deeply dissected leaves. The inflorescence is relatively large and multibranched, ultimately producing white flowers with purple markings. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Pelargonium cv 'Stellar Ragtime' 4-inch pots $15.00
This cultivar is a large, shrub species with leaves are dark, bicolor, and distinctively wavy along the edges. The small flowers are light pink in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Pelargonium cv Mrs. Pollock 4-inch pots $15.00
Pelargonium cv Mrs. Pollock is a shrubby cultivar. The leaves are bicolor to tricolor with yellow, red, and light green in the mix. The leaves are tri-lobate in form. The small flowers are a brilliant red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Pelargonium cv Mrs. Pollock 5-inch pots $20.00
Pelargonium cv Mrs. Pollock is a shrubby cultivar. The leaves are bicolor to tricolor with yellow, red, and light green in the mix. The leaves are tri-lobate in form. The small flowers are a brilliant red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Pelargonium hirtum 4-inch pots $15.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this shrubby Pelargonium has feathery gray-green leaves and persistent, thorn-like peduncles. The flowers are pink to violet in color, fading to white. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Pelargonium hirtum 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Western Cape Province of South Africa, this shrubby Pelargonium has feathery gray-green leaves and persistent, thorn-like peduncles. The flowers are pink to violet in color, fading to white. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Pelargonium mollicomum 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from the Eastern Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa, has large yellow-green and aromatic leaves arising from small tubers. The white to cream flowers have feather-like patterns in reddish-pink. These plants are in 4-inch pots.
Pelargonium mollicomum 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, has large yellow-green and aromatic leaves arising from small tubers. The white to cream flowers have feather-like patterns in reddish-pink. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Pelargonium mollicomum one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, has large yellow-green and aromatic leaves arising from small tubers. The white to cream flowers have feather-like patterns in reddish-pink. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Pelargonium quinquelobatum 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from East Africa. A shrub with a weak superstructure, it has a tuberous root and base that constitutes a caudex. The leaves range from gray to bright green and are generally 5-lobed. The flowers are relatively large and yellow-green with orange pollen. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Pelargonium quinquelobatum 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from East Africa. A shrub with a weak superstructure, it has a tuberous root and base that constitutes a caudex. The leaves range from gray to bright green and are generally 5-lobed. The flowers are relatively large and yellow-green with orange pollen. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Pelargonium quinquelobatum one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from East Africa. A shrub with a weak superstructure, it has a tuberous root and base that constitutes a caudex. The leaves range from gray to bright green and are generally 5-lobed. The flowers are relatively large and yellow-green with orange pollen. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Pelargonium reniforme 4-inch pots $14.00
Named for its kidney-shaped leaves, this species is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The leaves are gray-green with a velvety appearance owing to numerous hairs. The flowers are red with purple-pink petals. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Pelargonium sidoides 4-inch pots $15.00
This floppy shrubby Pelargonium is from eastern South Africa with an extension into Lesotho. The slightly aromatic leaves are simple, oblanceolate to ovate, with a slightly wavy to crenate margin. The flowers are violet to purple. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Pelargonium sidoides 5-inch pots $20.00
This floppy shrubby Pelargonium is from eastern South Africa with an extension into Lesotho. The slightly aromatic leaves are simple, oblanceolate to ovate, with a slightly wavy to crenate margin. The flowers are violet to purple. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Pelargonium sp. (FKH 16881) 4-inch pots $15.00
Frank Horwood collected this near Steinkopf, South Africa. It grows from potato-like tubers, like many Pelargonium, and produces a stem with purple-red fuzzy leaves. Flowers are pink with red spots on the upper petals. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Pelargonium sp. aff. carnosum 4-inch pots $15.00
Pelargonium carnosum is a tall branched shrub with fleshy, divided leaves. The overall P. carnosum complex is spread over western South Africa and Namibia. These plants have some characters that differ from the typical species. The flowers are white to greenish yellow. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Pelargonium xerophyton 4-inch pots $15.00
From Southern Namibia and northern South Africa, this winter-growing shrub has simple green leaves that are relatively small. The mostly white flowers have red, feathery markings and the stamens have orange pollen. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Peniocereus fosterianus 4-inch pots $15.00
From southern Mexico, this species produces extremely large flowers from dimorphic stems. Those stems are vaguely 3-4 ribbed when young and round when mature, are a bluish -green color with bluish blotches, and arise from a very large underground tuber. We seriously doubt this plant is frost hardy. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Peniocereus johnstonii 2-inch pots $8.00
From Baja California, Mexico, this species has gray-green stems with small black spines. The stems are roughly four angled and arise from an underground tubers. The flowers are a white and open at night. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Peniocereus johnstonii 4-inch pots $15.00
From Baja California, Mexico, this species has gray-green stems with small black spines. The stems are roughly four angled and arise from an underground tubers. The flowers are a white and open at night. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Peniocereus maculatus 5-inch pots $20.00
From Guerrero, Mexico, this species has dark green stems with purplish blotches. The stems are three-to-four angled and arise from an underground tuber that resembles a carrot. The flowers are a dirty white and open at night. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Peniocereus maculatus one-gallon pots $25.00
From Guerrero, Mexico, this species has dark green stems with purplish blotches. The stems are three-to-four angled and arise from an underground tuber that resembles a carrot. The flowers are a dirty white and open at night. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Peniocereus marianus 2-inch pots $8.00
From Sonora, Mexico, this species produces extremely large flowers from very spindly stems. Those stems, which are thin, ribbed, and gray-green in color, arise from a very large underground tuber. We seriously doubt this plant is frost hardy. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Peniocereus oaxacensis 2-inch pots $8.00
From Oaxaca, Mexico, this species produces large flowers from short stems. Those stems, which are thin, ribbed, and gray-green in color, arise from large underground tubers. We seriously doubt this plant is frost hardy. The nocturnal flowers are white. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Peperomia asperula (Cactusville 1096) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is native to Peru. The plants are shrublets with pretty, light green succulent leaves. Eventually, these plants will form a roughened trunk. The flowers are held in terminal spikes and are insignificant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Peperomia asperula x dolabriformis (BGH 70496) 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid is from species that are native to northern Peru. The plants are shrublets with pretty, light green succulent leaves. Eventually, these plants will form a roughened trunk. The flowers are held in terminal spikes and are insignificant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Peperomia graveolens 3-inch pots $10.00
From Peru, this species is a small shrub with wide dark green leaves that have reddish-purple highlights. The flowers are dark red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Peperomia graveolens 4-inch pots $12.00
From Peru, this species is a small shrub with wide dark green leaves that have reddish-purple highlights. The flowers are dark red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Pereskia aculeata 5-inch pots $20.00
From the Caribbean islands, and naturalized on the surrounding mainland, this is one of the primitive cacti that has shrubby stems and rather simple flowers. It is a short shrub or produces climbing vine-like stems bearing leaves that are purple-green initially, aging to dark green. In areas with minimal frost, it can be a landscape plant. This species produces white to light- pink flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Pereskia grandiflora ssp. violacea 5-inch pots $20.00
From Brazil, this is one of the primitive cacti that has shrubby stems and rather simple flowers. It is named for its dark green leaves with a purplish hue, and it can be tree like to 12-15 feet tall. In areas with minimal frost, it can be a landscape plant. Subspecies violacea, as the name indicates, has violet bracts and pink-purple flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Pereskiopsis porteri 2-inch pots $8.00
This primitive cactus comes from northwestern Mexico, including Baja California Sur. This shrubby species has woody stems lined with fairly long spines and brownish green leaves. The flowers are large and mostly yellow with pinkish highlights. This species is hardy to at least 25F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Pereskiopsis porteri 4-inch pots $15.00
This primitive cactus comes from northwestern Mexico, including Baja California Sur. This shrubby species has woody stems lined with fairly long spines and brownish green leaves. The flowers are large and mostly yellow with pinkish highlights. We doubt this species is frost hardy. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Pereskiopsis porteri 5-inch pots $20.00
This primitive cactus comes from northwestern Mexico, including Baja California Sur. This shrubby species has woody stems lined with fairly long spines and brownish green leaves. The flowers are large and mostly yellow with pinkish highlights. We doubt this species is frost hardy. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Pereskiopsis porteri one-gallon pots $30.00
This primitive cactus comes from northwestern Mexico, including Baja California Sur. This shrubby species has woody stems lined with fairly long spines and brownish green leaves. The flowers are large and mostly yellow with pinkish highlights. We doubt this species is frost hardy. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Petopentia natalensis 5-inch pots $20.00
$20 Once known as Fockea tugelensis, this species is from the Kwa-Zulu Natal and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa. The thick, rounded caudex, which bears vines with spathulate leaves, is dull gray and is covered with thin bark that peels in vertical cracks. The leaves are glossy green on top with a prominent violet vein on the bottom. We offer seedlings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Pilosocereus azulensis 3-inch pots $10.00
From southern Brazil, this columnar cactus has a nearly turquoise epidermis between the ribs. The spine shield is continuous and bears yellow-gray spines that make for a very beautiful plant. The flowers are relatively small and white with yellow centers. This species is frost sensitive. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Pilosocereus azulensis 4-inch pots $15.00
From southern Brazil, this columnar cactus has a nearly turquoise epidermis between the ribs. The spine shield is continuous and bears yellow-gray spines that make for a very beautiful plant. The flowers are relatively small and white with yellow centers. This species is frost sensitive. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Pilosocereus azulensis one-gallon pots $25.00
From southern Brazil, this columnar cactus has a nearly turquoise epidermis between the ribs. The spine shield is continuous and bears yellow-gray spines that make for a very beautiful plant. The flowers are relatively small and white with yellow centers. This species is frost sensitive. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Pilosocereus calcisaxicolus 4-inch pots $15.00
From Brazil, this species is also known as Pilosocereus flexibilispinus for its flexible spines. This columnar tree-like cactus has blue-green stems lined with tufts of white wool. The continuous spine shield bears generally downward pointing yellow-brown spines that weather to white with age. The flowers are white to light pink. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Pilosocereus calcisaxicolus 5-inch pots $20.00
From Brazil, this species is also known as Pilosocereus flexibilispinus for its flexible spines. This columnar tree-like cactus has blue-green stems lined with tufts of white wool. The continuous spine shield bears generally downward pointing yellow-brown spines that weather to white with age. The flowers are white to light pink. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Pilosocereus calcisaxicolus one-gallon pots $25.00
From Brazil, this species is also known as Pilosocereus flexibilispinus for its flexible spines. This columnar tree-like cactus has blue-green stems lined with tufts of white wool. The continuous spine shield bears generally downward pointing yellow-brown spines that weather to white with age. The flowers are white to light pink. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Pilosocereus gounellii 3-inch pots $10.00
From northeastern Brazil, this shrubby to tree-form species has many-fluted branches bearing dense yellow-gray spines. The flowers are funnel-form and mostly hidden by long white hairs. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Pilosocereus gounellii 4-inch pots $15.00
From northeastern Brazil, this shrubby to tree-form species has many-fluted branches bearing dense yellow-gray spines. The flowers are funnel-form and mostly hidden by long white hairs. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Pilosocereus pachycladus 2-inch pots $8.00
From southern Brazil, this columnar cactus has a nearly turquoise epidermis between the ribs when it gets older. The spine shield is continuous and bears yellow-gray spines that make for a very beautiful plant. The flowers are relatively small and white with yellow centers. This species is frost sensitive. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Pilosocereus pachycladus 5-inch pots $20.00
From southern Brazil, this columnar cactus has a nearly turquoise epidermis between the ribs. The spine shield is continuous and bears yellow-gray spines that make for a very beautiful plant. The flowers are relatively small and white with yellow centers. This species is frost sensitive. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Pilosocereus pachycladus 5-inch pots $20.00
From southern Brazil, this columnar cactus has a nearly turquoise epidermis between the ribs. The spine shield is continuous and bears yellow-gray spines that make for a very beautiful plant. The flowers are relatively small and white with yellow centers. This species is frost sensitive. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Pilosocereus pachycladus one-gallon pots $25.00
From southern Brazil, this columnar cactus has a nearly turquoise epidermis between the ribs. The spine shield is continuous and bears yellow-gray spines that make for a very beautiful plant. The flowers are relatively small and white with yellow centers. This species is frost sensitive. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Pilosocereus palmeri 2-inch pots $8.00
From southern Mexico, ranging into Central America, this columnar cactus is supposedly lumped into P. leucophyllus. It has green stems that, on old plants, are tipped with tufts of wool. The continuous spine shield bears brown spines that weather to white with age. The flowers are pink to white with yellow stamens. These plants, which are frost sensitive, are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Pilosocereus ulei 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from a coastal area southeast of Rio de Janiero, Brazil. It is notable for a gray waxy appearance when aged, and it has thick stems that rarely branch except high above the ground. The flowers are relatively small and olive-green. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Plectranthus amboinicus 4-inch pots $15.00
From East Africa, and now naturalized in the West Indies, these plants are known for their colorful, aromatic foliage. Our plants are the variety known as “Cuban Oregano.” The flowers are small and purple. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Plectranthus amboinicus 5-inch pots $20.00
From East Africa, and now naturalized in the West Indies, these plants are known for their colorful, aromatic foliage. Our plants are the variety known as “Cuban Oregano.” The flowers are small and purple. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Plectranthus amboinicus 8-inch pots $35.00
From East Africa, and now naturalized in the West Indies, these plants are known for their colorful, aromatic foliage. Our plants are the variety known as “Cuban Oregano.” The flowers are small and purple. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Plectranthus amboinicus one-gallon pots $25.00
From East Africa, and now naturalized in the West Indies, these plants are known for their colorful, aromatic foliage. Our plants are the variety known as “Cuban Oregano.” The flowers are small and purple. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Plectranthus barbatus 4-inch pots $15.00
This species occurs in a broad range from Saudi Arabia to India and Ethiopia to Tanzania. Plectranthus barbatus has hairy semisucculent leaves that are aromatic and forms a woody, non-succulent stem. This species puts up spikes of attractive purple flowers in the fall and early winter. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots. They can be planted in the ground in warmer climates, or they make excellent hanging plant subjects.
Plectranthus igniarius (Lav 23156) 5-inch pots $20.00
Plectranthus igniarius is a woody shrub in the mint family that is native to the Horn of Africa and the Arabian peninsula. These plants are propagated from material originally collected near Ignieribo, Somalia (Lav 23156). These plants are shrubs with a woody stem and succulent, light green-yellow leaves. The flowers are light blue and are strongly recurved. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Plectranthus igniarius (Lav 23156) one-gallon pots $30.00
Plectranthus igniarius is a woody shrub in the mint family that is native to the Horn of Africa and the Arabian peninsula. These plants are propagated from material originally collected near Ignieribo, Somalia (Lav 23156). These plants are shrubs with a woody stem and succulent, light green-yellow leaves. The flowers are light blue and are strongly recurved. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Plectranthus prostratus 4-inch pots $15.00
This herbaceous perennial is from Kenya. Lacking a tuberous base, the stems arise from fibrous roots and bear succulent, ovate leaves that look from afar like a string of beads. The flowers are a light blue color. We offer this species as rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots. These plants do not possess well-developed root systems and are best placed with other species in larger pots.
Plectranthus prostratus 5-inch pots $20.00
This herbaceous perennial is from Kenya. Lacking a tuberous base, the stems arise from fibrous roots and bear succulent, ovate leaves that look from afar like a string of beads. The flowers are a light blue color. We offer this species as rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots. These plants do not possess well-developed root systems and are best placed with other species in larger pots.
Plectranthus prostratus 6-inch pots $25.00
This herbaceous perennial is from Kenya. Lacking a tuberous base, the stems arise from fibrous roots and bear succulent, ovate leaves that look from afar like a string of beads. The flowers are a light blue color. We offer this species as rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Pleiospilos bolusii 4-inch pots $15.00
Never abundant but widely distributed, this species, from western South Africa, features paired, hooded leaves. The leaves have the classic split-rock appearance, with small dark spots on a green-brown leaf. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Pleiospilos compactus 4-inch pots $15.00
Pleiospilos compactus is distributed in the area of southern Northern Cape Province, northeastern Western Cape Province, and lapping into the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This species is highly variable, and the subspecies are generally distinguished by fruits and flowering stalks, which we do not know for these plants. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Pleiospilos compactus ssp. canus 4-inch pots $15.00
Pleiospilos compactus is distributed in the area of southern Northern Cape Province, northeastern Western Cape Province, and lapping into the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This species is highly variable, and the subspecies are generally distinguished by fruits and flowering stalks, in the case of P. compactus ssp. canus (P. dekenahii) by 12 locules on the fruiting stalks. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Pleiospilos nelii Royal Flush 2-inch pots $8.00
Pleiospilos nelii is one of the most desirable of the mesembs for succulent plant collectors, and this cultivar is particularly nice. The plant has a rather narrow distribution in the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa, mostly north of Willowmore and south of Graaff-Reinet. The paired leaves have a purple blush, particularly on the new leaves. As with the regular species, the older leaves are mostly gray-brown with dense dark spots, earning the common name of Split Rocks. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Pleiospilos simulans 2-inch pots $8.00
This species, which is seriously threatened in its natural distribution near Jansenville in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, is quite striking. The leaves tend to lie flat and are much wider and longer than thick. The dark gray-green surfaces of the leaves have relatively dense black spots. The flowers are yellow and showy. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Pleiospilos simulans 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, which is seriously threatened in its natural distribution near Jansenville in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, is quite striking. The leaves tend to lie flat and are much wider and longer than thick. The dark gray-green surfaces of the leaves have relatively dense black spots. The flowers are yellow and showy. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Pleiospilos simulans 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, which is seriously threatened in its natural distribution near Jansenville in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, is quite striking. The leaves tend to lie flat and are much wider and longer than thick. The dark gray-green surfaces of the leaves have relatively dense black spots. The flowers are yellow and showy. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Plumeria pudica 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Panama, Columbia, and Venezuela. Like most Plumeria, it is a short tree but with thin, flexible branches. The leaves are roughly lanceolate with acute tips at the ends and vaguely resembles a spoon. The flowers are white and extremely fragrant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Plumeria subsessilis one-gallon pots $25.00
From the Caribbean Island of Hispaniola and others nearby, this is a short tree or shrub with green oblanceolate leaves not dissimilar to other Plumeria. The flowers are smallish, white, and have yellow centers. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Polaskia chichipe 4-inch pots $15.00
This short tree-like columnar cactus is from south-central Mexico. It is noteworthy for its light green, multi-fluted stems with short yellow spines. The smallish flowers open nocturnally and are white to yellow-green in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Portulaca molokiniensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This small shrub is from a dry part of the island of Molokini in the Hawaiian Islands. Branching mostly from the base, this stem-succulent has nearly round light green leaves. The flowers are crowded and bright yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Portulaca molokiniensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This small shrub is from a dry part of the island of Molokini in the Hawaiian Islands. Branching mostly from the base, this stem-succulent has nearly round light green leaves. The flowers are crowded and bright yellow. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Portulacaria afra (prostrate form) 6-inch pots $30.00
This small succulent shrub/tree, widely distributed in the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, has succulent branches and small, succulent, green leaves. The flowers are small and white. Although it frequently goes below freezing where this species grows densely in habitat, we‘ve found that the plants take severe damage below about 25F. These plants of the prostrate form are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Portulacaria afra fm macrophylla one-gallon pots $25.00
This small succulent shrub/tree, widely distributed in the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, has succulent branches and small, succulent, green leaves. The flowers are small and white. Forma macrophylla has large, obovate leaves that are a bright glossy green and vary substantially from the typical form. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Portulacaria afra variegata 5-inch pots $20.00
This small succulent shrub/tree, widely distributed in the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, has succulent branches and small, succulent, variegated yellow-green leaves. The flowers are small and white. Although it frequently goes below freezing where this species grows densely in habitat, We’ve found that the plants take severe damage below about 25F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Pseudolobivia kratochvilliana 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, an old Backeberg one, is from western Argentina and southern Bolivia, and some lump it into Echinopsis ancistrophora. It has a sparsely offsetting dark green globose body with light colored spines closely appressed against the ribs. The flowers are white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Puya alpestris 10-inch pots $40.00
From Chile, this spiny, rather large terrestrial bromeliad has gray-green leaves. The flowers are lavender in color, at times even turquoise, making these quite attractive plants when in flower. These plants are seedlings in 10-inch pots.
Puya mirabilis 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from Argentina and Bolivia, and it is one of the most frost-hardy succulent species around. Growing in size to clumps 6 feet across, this terrestrial bromeliad has numerous linear leaves with rather fierce marginal spines. The flowers are an unattractive greenish white but are borne on a large spike. Supposedly these plants are extremely easy to grow, but weve found establishing seedlings to be difficult. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Puya mirabilis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Argentina and Bolivia, and it is one of the most frost-hardy succulent species around. Growing in size to clumps 6 feet across, this terrestrial bromeliad has numerous linear leaves with rather fierce marginal spines. The flowers are an unattractive greenish white but are borne on a large spike. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Pygmaeocereus bieblii 4-inch pots $15.00
This small, solitary species is from arid areas of Peru. The dark green globose body contrasts strongly with the appressed white spines, making a nice-looking, albeit tiny, plant. The flowers are white and much larger than the plant. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Quiabentia verticillata 4-inch pots $15.00
From the dry lowlands between Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina, this tree-like species has shrub-like stems and glossy green lanceolate leaves. The flowers are a pale red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Quiabentia verticillata one-gallon pots $30.00
From the dry lowlands between Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina, this tree-like species has shrub-like stems and glossy green lanceolate leaves. The flowers are a pale red. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Rabiea albinota 4-inch pots $12.00
This species, with its affinity to Aloinopsis, is distributed in the Eastern Cape and Free State Provinces of South Africa. The plant produces twin succulent leaves that are dark green with white spots, and the spots give reason for the epithet. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Rabiea albipuncta (GM 93) 2-inch pots $8.00
This species, with its affinity to Aloinopsis, is distributed in the Eastern Cape and Free State Provinces of South Africa. The plant produces twin succulent leaves that are dark green with white spots. Rabbiea albipuncta differs from R. albinota because it has more leaves and tends to grow into more of a mat-former. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Rabiea albipuncta (GM 93) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, with its affinity to Aloinopsis, is distributed in the Eastern Cape and Free State Provinces of South Africa. The plant produces twin succulent leaves that are dark green with white spots. Rabiea albipuncta differs from R. albinota because it has more leaves and tends to grow into more of a mat-former. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Rabiea albipuncta (GM 93) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, with its affinity to Aloinopsis, is distributed in the Eastern Cape and Free State Provinces of South Africa. The plant produces twin succulent leaves that are dark green with white spots. Rabiea albipuncta differs from R. albinota because it has more leaves and tends to grow into more of a mat-former. The flowers are yellow. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Raphionacme flanaganii 2-inch pots $10.00
This species occurs in a broad swath across South Africa, spanning the area from the Eastern Cape Province up through Mpumalanga. It forms large tuberous caudex from which vines possessing dark green leaves. We offer these seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Raphionacme flanaganii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species occurs in a broad swath across South Africa, spanning the area from the Eastern Cape Province up through Mpumalanga. It forms large tuberous caudex from which vines possessing dark green leaves. We offer these seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Raphionacme flanaganii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species occurs in a broad swath across South Africa, spanning the area from the Eastern Cape Province up through Mpumalanga. It forms large tuberous caudex from which vines possessing dark green leaves. We offer these seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Rauhia peruviana 4-inch pots $15.00
This summer-growing bulb is from Peru, as its epithet suggests. It produces large paired leaves that are hairy and cordate with deep channels, and these leaves lie rather closely to the ground. The Amaryllid-type flowers are green and white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Rauhia peruviana 5-inch pots $20.00
This summer-growing bulb is from Peru, as its epithet suggests. It produces large paired leaves that are hairy and cordate with deep channels, and these leaves lie rather closely to the ground. The Amaryllid-type flowers are green and white. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Rebutia fiebrigii 5-inch pots $20.00
From Bolivia, this species once was known as Rebutia donaldiana. With its orange-red flowers and sparsely offsetting, medium green globose stems, this is quite a handsome plant for collections. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Rebutia fiebrigii one-gallon pots $25.00
From Bolivia, this species once was known as Rebutia donaldiana. With its orange-red flowers and sparsely offsetting, medium green globose stems, this is quite a handsome plant for collections. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Rebutia heliosa var. heliosa 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is endemic to Bolivia. The plants have small, cylindrical stems that are clustered around the central root system. The stems are gray-green with small white spines, making for an attractive plant. The flowers are highly variable in color, ranging from yellow to purple. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Rebutia heliosa var. heliosa 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is endemic to Bolivia. The plants have small, cylindrical stems that are clustered around the central root system. The stems are gray-green with small white spines, making for an attractive plant. The flowers are highly variable in color, ranging from yellow to purple. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Rebutia heliosa var. heliosa 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is endemic to Bolivia. The plants have small, cylindrical stems that are clustered around the central root system. The stems are gray-green with small white spines, making for an attractive plant. The flowers are highly variable in color, ranging from yellow to purple. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Rebutia marsoneri 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Argentina. The plants clump to form mounds of light green globose stems that bear numerous yellow-orange flowers from near ground level. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Rebutia muscula 4-inch pots $15.00
From Bolivia, this species has been lumped into Rebutia fiebrigii but doesnt seem to fit very well. It is a small globose species with gray-white spines covering most of the light green body. The flowers are variable and generally are yellow to red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Rebutia narvaecensis 3-inch pots $10.00
These plants are originally from Bolivia. This clumping species produces numerous globose stems that are green with small gray spines. The flowers are numerous, large, and pinkish-red in color. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Rebutia narvaecensis 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are originally from Bolivia. This clumping species produces numerous globose stems that are green with small gray spines. The flowers are numerous, large, and pinkish-red in color. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Rebutia perplexa 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Bolivia. The plants clump to form mounds of light green globose stems that bear pinkish-red flowers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Rebutia pygmaea var. pygmaea 2-inch pots $8.00
This garbage-can species has lots of previously recognized species in it, and all of these plants are from Bolivia. This is a small globose cactus has a dark-green body with whitish-yellow spines. The flowers are relatively small and reddish-purple. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Rebutia pygmaea var. rosealbiflora 4-inch pots $15.00
Although some consider this to be a form of Mediolobivia, well keep it under this name for now. These small globose plants are solitary and have no central spines. The flowers are a dirty orange red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Rebutia spinosissima 4-inch pots $15.00
From Bolivia and Argentina, this clustering species has numerous small light green stems with white spines. The flowers are orange and tend to be numerous. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Rebutia vulpina 2-inch pots $8.00
Lumped into a garbage-can species, Rebutia spegazziniana, we keep this species from Bolivia separate for now. This clustering species has numerous small light green stems with white spines. The flowers are bright red. These plants are small seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Rebutia vulpina 4-inch pots $15.00
Lumped into a garbage-can species, Rebutia spegazziniana, we keep this species from Bolivia separate for now. This clustering species has numerous small light green stems with white spines. The flowers are bright red. These plants are small seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Rhipsalis baccifera 4-inch pots $15.00
This is the most widely distributed cacti in the world, with a range of tropical South America, tropical Africa, Madagascar, and islands in the Indian Ocean. It is also a garbage can species with many othe former species tossed in. It can be an epiphyte (grow in trees) or be a shrub in the ground. The spineless stems are green and round. The flowers are small and white to dirty white. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Rhipsalis baccifera 6-inch pots $35.00
This is the most widely distributed cacti in the world, with a range of tropical South America, tropical Africa, Madagascar, and islands in the Indian Ocean. It is also a garbage can species with many other former species tossed in. It can be an epiphyte (grow in trees) or be a shrub in the ground. The spineless stems are green and round. The flowers are small and white to dirty white. These plants are rooted offsets in 6-inch pots.
Rhipsalis cereiodes 4-inch pots $15.00
We originally had this as Lepismium cruciforme until a customer corrected us. This primitive cactus, from eastern Brazil, can be epiphytic or grown in soil. It has highly variable stem segments but generally they are 3-4 angled and light green, turning reddish purple in higher light or stress. The flowers are relatively small and light yellow, and the fruits are little red berries. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Rhipsalis clavata 4-inch pots $15.00
This primitive cactus is from southeastern Brazil. It has highly variable stem segments but generally they are round or roundish and light green. The flowers are relatively small and white, and the fruits are little red berries. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Rhipsalis crispimarginata 4-inch pots $15.00
From Brazil, this species of Rhipsalis is considered synonymous with R. oblonga, but that seems rather arbitrary. The spineless stems are green, flattened, and wavy (crispate). It can be an epiphyte (grow in trees) or be a shrub in the ground. The flowers are small and white to orange. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Rhipsalis ewaldiana 4-inch pots $15.00
From Brazil, this species is an epiphyte but can grow in soil. The spineless stems are green and dimorphic, with 3-angled and 4-angled stems. The flowers are white. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Rhipsalis grandiflora 5-inch pots $20.00
From Brazil, this species can be an epiphyte (grow in trees) or be a shrub in the ground. The spineless stems are green and round. The flowers are large for the genus, as the epithet indicates, and are creamy white. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Rhipsalis mesembryanthemoides 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from Brazil. This epiphytic species, which we recommend for hanging pots, has many stubby green branches produced from cylindrical main stems. The flowers are small and white. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Rhipsalis oblonga 4-inch pots $15.00
This species of epiphytic cactus is from southeastern Brazil and is related to R. crispimarginata. The stems typically are flattened, olive green in color, and bear scalloped edges. The flowers are small, white, and borne at the ends of the branches. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Rhipsalis paradoxa ssp. paradoxa 4-inch pots $15.00
This species of epiphytic cactus is from southeastern Brazil. Usually 3-4 angled, the green stems are typically unarmed and but rather stout. The flowers are small, white, and borne at the ends of the branches. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Rhipsalis pilocarpa 2-inch pots $8.00
This Rhipsalis is from southeastern Brazil, where it is rare in habitat. The rounded stems typically are flat-lying and medium green in color with small appressed gray-white spines. The flowers are white, small, and borne at the ends of the branches. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Rhipsalis teres fm prismatica 4-inch pots $15.00
This species of epiphytic cactus is widespread in southern and southeastern Brazil. Usually cylindrical but also 3 angled, the green stems are typically unarmed and smooth. The flowers are small, yellow-white, and borne along young stems. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Rhipsalis triangularis (HBG 136518) 4-inch pots $15.00
From Brazil, this species can be an epiphyte or a shrub. The spineless stems are green and either triangular or 4-5 sided. The flowers are pink-green to light purple. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Ruschia uncinata 4-inch pots $12.00
The genus Ruschia is widespread in South Africa, and many species have been moved into the genus Antimima, but not this one. Ruschia uncinata is a small woody shrub with succulent leaves and new stem growth that grows in the winter rainfall areas of northwestern South Africa and potentially into southern Namibia. The flowers are purple with white stamens. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Ruschia uncinata 5-inch pots $15.00
The genus Ruschia is widespread in South Africa, and many species have been moved into the genus Antimima, but not this one. Ruschia uncinata is a small woody shrub with succulent leaves and new stem growth that grows in the winter rainfall areas of northwestern South Africa and potentially into southern Namibia. The flowers are purple with white stamens. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Ruschia uncinata one-gallon pots $25.00
The genus Ruschia is widespread in South Africa, and many species have been moved into the genus Antimima, but not this one. Ruschia uncinata is a small woody shrub with succulent leaves and new stem growth that grows in the winter rainfall areas of northwestern South Africa and potentially into southern Namibia. The flowers are purple with white stamens. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria aethiopica cv Alice Wadehofer 2-gallon pots $40.00
From South Africa and other southern Africa nations, the typical Sansevieria aethiopica has thin lanceolate leaves that are dark green and mottled with yellow and white. This cultivar has wide, nearly solid blue leaves and is sometimes called the blue form. These very attractive plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria aethiopica cv Alice Wadehofer one-gallon pots $25.00
From South Africa and other southern Africa nations, the typical Sansevieria aethiopica has thin lanceolate leaves that are dark green and mottled with yellow and white. This cultivar has wide, nearly solid blue leaves and is sometimes called the blue form. These very attractive plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria alwitrii (BG 98-293) 8-inch pots $40.00
This species is one of the largest broad-leaf plants in the genus. It was collected from the eastern side of Lake Victoria in western Kenya. The leaves are dark green with numerous lineations running their length. The inflorescences are relatively short and this species tends to flower annually or biannually. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria aubrytiana 8-inch pots $40.00
From East Africa, particularly Tanzania, this species sometimes gets lumped into S. kirkii var. kirkii. We find its leaves to be significantly different and not as undulating as S. kirkii, and we keep it separate. The broad leaves have a dark-green field with considerable variegation and are smooth to the touch. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria aubrytiana one-gallon pots $25.00
From East Africa, particularly Tanzania, this species sometimes gets lumped into S. kirkii var. kirkii. We find its leaves to be significantly different and not as undulating as S. kirkii, and we keep it separate. The broad leaves have a dark-green field with considerable variegation and are smooth to the touch. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria ballyi (ERC 12681) 5-inch pots $20.00
This tiny species, from southern Kenya and Tanzania, has numerous forms and appears to us to be an endpoint in the continuum between S. suffruticosa and S. gracilis. These plants are from material originally collected in the 1980s as part of the Euphorbia Reference Collection (ERC 12681). These plants have thin, relatively long cylindrical leaves. This plant is very easy to grow, producing clumps that are limited only by the size of the pot. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria ballyi (ERC 12681) one-gallon pots $25.00
This tiny species, from southern Kenya and Tanzania, has numerous forms and appears to us to be an endpoint in the continuum between S. suffruticosa and S. gracilis. These plants are from material originally collected in the 1980s as part of the Euphorbia Reference Collection (ERC 12681). These plants have thin, relatively long cylindrical leaves. This plant is very easy to grow, producing clumps that are limited only by the size of the pot. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria ballyi cv Tom Grumbley 5-inch pots $20.00
This tiny species, from southern Kenya and Tanzania, has numerous forms and appears to us to be an endpoint in the continuum between S. suffruticosa and S. gracilis. These plants are from material originally collected by Tom Grumbley, and these plants are propagated from material collected from his yard in Malindi, Kenya. These plants are distinguished from the typical by their long cylindrical leaves that generally are yellow-green. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria ballyi cv Tom Grumbley one-gallon pots $25.00
This tiny species, from southern Kenya and Tanzania, has numerous forms and appears to us to be an endpoint in the continuum between S. suffruticosa and S. gracilis. These plants are from material originally collected by Tom Grumbley, and these plants are propagated from material collected from his yard in Malindi, Kenya. These plants are distinguished from the typical by their long cylindrical leaves that generally are yellow-green. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria bhitalae (seedling) 5-inch pots $25.00
This broad-leaf species, once considered to be S. kirkii, has upright leaves that are thicker and taller than Sansevieria hallii, its potential relative. The leaves are stiff and dark, have a green background with obscure patterns, and have a thin, white-red shredding margin. This is the juvenile form of this species. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria canaliculata (dwarf form) 5-inch pots $20.00
This is a relatively small species from Madagascar. Like the full-size species, these plants have long, round leaves with 5-6 channels, superficially resembling S. erythraeae. The leaves on S. canaliculata, however, are light green compared with the typically darker S. erythraeae, which comes from region centered on Ethiopia. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria canaliculata (dwarf form) 8-inch pots $35.00
This is a relatively small species from Madagascar. Like the full-size species, these plants have long, round leaves with 5-6 channels, superficially resembling S. erythraeae. The leaves on S. canaliculata, however, are light green compared with the typically darker S. erythraeae, which comes from region centered on Ethiopia. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria concinna (EVJ 22370) one-gallon pots $25.00
These plants are from material originally collected by Ernst van Jaarsveld (EVJ 22370) from near the Pongola River in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. This small species loves shade. The plants are relatively small with spathulate leaves on relatively long petioles. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria concinna (EVJ 33) one-gallon pots $25.00
These plants are from material originally collected by Ernst van Jaarsveld (EVJ 22370) from near the Pongola River in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. This small species loves shade. The plants are relatively small with spathulate leaves on relatively long petioles. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria concinna (Lake Sibaya, South Africa) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from the Lake Sibaya region of extreme eastern South Africa south of the Mozambique border, is clearly a form of S. concinna. According to Chahinian (2010), Dave Hardy collected this plant as Hardy (19879). The leaves are spoon-shaped and green with faint banding and are larger in cultivation than typical S. concinna. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Sansevieria concinna (Lav 5933) 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are from material originally collected by John Lavranos (Lav 5933) from Mozambique. This small species loves shade. The plants are relatively small with spathulate leaves on relatively long petioles. The leaves are faintly variegated and tend to fold, particularly when placed in high-light situations. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria concinna (Lav 5933) 5-inch pots $20.00
These plants are from material originally collected by John Lavranos (Lav 5933) from Mozambique. This small species loves shade. The plants are relatively small with spathulate leaves on relatively long petioles. The leaves are faintly variegated and tend to fold, particularly when placed in high-light situations. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria concinna 5-inch pots $20.00
From Mozambique and the Northern Province of South Africa, this small species is, like many Sansevieria, shade loving. The plants are relatively small with elliptical leaves on relatively long petioles. The leaves are faintly variegated and tend to fold, particularly when placed in high-light situations. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria concinna 8-inch pots $35.00
From Mozambique and the Northern Province of South Africa, this small species is, like many Sansevieria, shade loving. The plants are relatively small with elliptical leaves on relatively long petioles. The leaves are faintly variegated and tend to fold, particularly when placed in high-light situations. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria concinna one-gallon pots $25.00
From Mozambique and the Northern Province of South Africa, this small species is, like many Sansevieria, shade loving. The plants are relatively small with elliptical leaves on relatively long petioles. The leaves are faintly variegated and tend to fold, particularly when placed in high-light situations. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria conspicua 4-inch pots $15.00
From Kenya, Tanzania, and Malawi, this species has dark green leaves with prominent dark longitudinal lines. The leaves are obovate and of intermediate length for this genus. The flowers are light purple to white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Sansevieria conspicua one-gallon pots $30.00
From Kenya, Tanzania, and Malawi, this species has dark green leaves with prominent dark longitudinal lines. The leaves are obovate and of intermediate length for this genus. The flowers are light purple to white. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria cv Balthasar 5-inch pots $20.00
This hybrid is S. concinna (Lav 5949) crossed with S. fischeri. The result seems to bear little resemblance to either parent. Instead, these medium-sized plants have relatively narrow leaves with considerable variegation and a continuous channel. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria cv Balthasar one-gallon pots $25.00
This hybrid is S. concinna (Lav 5949) crossed with S. fischeri. The result seems to bear little resemblance to either parent. Instead, these medium-sized plants have relatively narrow leaves with considerable variegation and a continuous channel. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria cv Boncel 5-inch pots $20.00
This cultivar, likely is a selection from within the large complex of Sansevieria suffruticosa, is a relatively small, slow-growing plant. Its leaves are highly decorated with mottling and, unlike S. suffruticosa, they are only slightly rough. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria cv Fernwood (ex Weld) 8-inch pots $40.00
This is supposed to be "the real Fernwood." Much larger than what is typically available, these plants have relatively narrow and unadorned green leaves that are somewhat stiff. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria cv Fernwood (ex Weld) 8-inch pots $40.00
This is supposed to be "the real Fernwood." Much larger than what is typically available, these plants have relatively narrow and unadorned green leaves that are somewhat stiff. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria cv Fernwood (ex Weld) one-gallon pots $25.00
This is supposed to be "the real Fernwood." Much larger than what is typically available, these plants have relatively narrow and unadorned green leaves that are somewhat stiff. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria cv Fernwood 5-inch pots $20.00
We don‘t know much about this one, except it seems to be a selection from one of the older nurseries. The plants have relatively narrow green leaves that are somewhat stiff. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria cv Fernwood Mikado one-gallon pots $25.00
We don‘t know much about this one, except it seems to be a selection from one of the older nurseries. It is now mass propagated as a clean-air plant, which is a lot of hooee. The plants have relatively narrow green leaves that are somewhat stiff and arching. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria cylindrica cv Skyline (light clone) 2-gallon pots $40.00
This spiky species is from Angola and Zambia. The plants consist of upright, cylindrical leaves that are banded on a slightly roughened surface with a medium-to-dark green color and white, and faintly yellow segments. Cultivar Skyline simply has more patterning than the typical S. cylindrica. These plants offset via underground stolons, like many Sansevieria. The flowers are white and slightly larger than most species in the genus Sansevieria. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria cylindrica cv Skyline (light clone) 5-inch pots $20.00
This spiky species is from Angola and Zambia. The plants consist of upright, cylindrical leaves that are banded on a slightly roughened surface with a medium-to-dark green color and white, and faintly yellow segments. Cultivar Skyline simply has more patterning than the typical S. cylindrica. These plants offset via underground stolons, like many Sansevieria. The flowers are white and slightly larger than most species in the genus Sansevieria. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria cylindrica cv Skyline 8-inch pots $40.00
This spiky species is from Angola and Zambia. The plants consist of upright, cylindrical leaves that are banded on a slightly roughened surface with a medium-to-dark green color and white, and faintly yellow segments. Cultivar Skyline simply has more patterning than the typical S. cylindrica. These plants offset via underground stolons, like many Sansevieria. The flowers are white and slightly larger than most species in the genus Sansevieria. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria cylindrica var. cylindrica 2-gallon pots $40.00
This spiky species is from Angola and Zambia. The plants consist of upright, cylindrical leaves that are banded on a slightly roughened surface with a medium-to-dark green color and white, and faintly yellow segments. The tips are sharp. These plants offset via underground stolons, like many Sansevieria. The flowers are white and slightly larger than most species in the genus Sansevieria. The flowers are produced on a relatively tall inflorescence and are generally a dirty white. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria cylindrica var. cylindrica 5-gallon pots $65.00
This spiky species is from Angola and Zambia. The plants consist of upright, cylindrical leaves that are banded on a slightly roughened surface with a medium-to-dark green color and white, and faintly yellow segments. The tips are sharp. These plants offset via underground stolons, like many Sansevieria. The flowers are white and slightly larger than most species in the genus Sansevieria. The flowers are produced on a relatively tall inflorescence and are generally a dirty white. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-gallon pots.
Sansevieria cylindrica var. cylindrica 8-inch pots $35.00
This spiky species is from Angola and Zambia. The plants consist of upright, cylindrical leaves that are banded on a slightly roughened surface with a medium-to-dark green color and white, and faintly yellow segments. The tips are sharp. These plants offset via underground stolons, like many Sansevieria. The flowers are white and slightly larger than most species in the genus Sansevieria. The flowers are produced on a relatively tall inflorescence and are generally a dirty white. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria cylindrica var. cylindrica one-gallon pots $25.00
This spiky species is from Angola and Zambia. The plants consist of upright, cylindrical leaves that are banded on a slightly roughened surface with a medium-to-dark green color and white, and faintly yellow segments. The tips are sharp. These plants offset via underground stolons, like many Sansevieria. The flowers are white and slightly larger than most species in the genus Sansevieria. The flowers are produced on a relatively tall inflorescence and are generally a dirty white. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria cylindrica var. patula one-gallon pots $25.00
This spiky species is from Angola and Zambia. The plants consist of distichous, cylindrical leaves that are banded on a slightly roughened surface with green, white, and faintly yellow segments. The tips are sharp. These plants offset via underground stolons, like many Sansevieria. The flowers are white and slightly larger than most species in the genus Sansevieria. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria dawei one-gallon pots $25.00
Sansevieria dawei is a broad-leaf species from Kenya and Uganda. The leaves are beautifully marked with alternating yellow-green variegated bands. The leaf edge is reddish and the flowers are an inconspicuous white. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria disticha (Lav 23154) 2-gallon pots $75.00
This species was originally collected by Lavranos (Lav 23154) north of Mogadishu, Somalia. These slow-growing plants tend to have a revolute form when young, changing to a distichous form with stout light-green unspotted leaves. The flowers tend to be mostly violet in color. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria dumetescens (WY 1157) 4-inch pots $15.00
This recently described arborescent species is from East Africa, typically the semiarid to humid areas in the savanna west of the coast. These plants came from material originally collected near Sala Gate, Kenya (WY1063). The leaves are wide and floppy with a slight upper channel and light gray-green. This plant differs from the similar S. ascendens and S. arborescens by the longer, floppy leaves and the multibranched panicle. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Sansevieria ebracteata one-gallon pots $40.00
Sansevieria ehrenbergii (Yemen) one-gallon pots $75.00
As presently conceived by some collectors, Sansevieria ehrenbergii has a wide range that includes East Africa. We prefer to reserve the range of plants fitting this species to the Sudan, northern Ethiopia, and Yemen. This is a common, small-to-medium sized, prolifically offsetting species in the mountains of western Yemen. The leaves are yellow-green and stiff, and they tend to be held in a distichous rosette. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria eilensis one-gallon pots $150.00
This rare Sansevieria comes from Eil (Eyl) Somalia. A short-statured, slow-growing species, it has only a few cylindrical stems patterned in white and gray-green. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria elliptica (Bhitala 1019) one-gallon pots $30.00
This species is from eastern Kenya and southern Somalia. These plants are propagated from material originally collected by Bhwire Bhitala (Bhitala 1019) near Tarassa, Kenya. The leaves are few, broad, and rough on the underside with longitudinal lines. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria elliptica (Bhitala 1019) one-gallon pots $30.00
This species is from eastern Kenya and southern Somalia. These plants are propagated from material originally collected by Bhwire Bhitala (Bhitala 1019) near Tarassa, Kenya. The leaves are few, broad, and rough on the underside with longitudinal lines. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria elliptica (Horwood 424) 2-gallon pots $40.00
This likely is a species from northern Kenya and was collected by Frank Horwood (FKH 424). It seems to have some relation to Sansevieria kirkii in the stout broad leaves with red margins and prominent blotchy variegation and a relation to S. elliptica on the basis of its overall leaf shape. The leaves also have longitudinal lines and are slightly roughened. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria elliptica 2-gallon pots $40.00
This species is from eastern Kenya and southern Somalia. The leaves are few, broad, and rough on the underside with longitudinal lines. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria fasciata (patterned leaves) 2-gallon pots $40.00
From Zaire, this broad-leaf species generally has spreading, dark brown-green leaves. Unlike typical plants of this species, these plants have considerable patterning. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria fasciata (patterned leaves) 3-gallon pots $50.00
From Zaire, this broad-leaf species generally has spreading, dark brown-green leaves. Unlike typical plants of this species, these plants have considerable patterning. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-gallon pots.
Sansevieria fasciata (patterned leaves) one-gallon pots $25.00
From Zaire, this broad-leaf species generally has spreading, dark brown-green leaves. Unlike typical plants of this species, these plants have considerable patterning. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria fasciata 2-gallon pots $40.00
From Zaire, this broad-leaf species has spreading, dark brown-green leaves. Unlike most species, our plants have view bands, and what banding occurs is quite faint. This is an attractive low-growing species. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria fasciata one-gallon pots $25.00
From Zaire, this broad-leaf species has spreading, dark brown-green leaves. Unlike most species, our plants have view bands, and what banding occurs is quite faint. This is an attractive low-growing species. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria fischeri 5-inch pots $20.00
This great spiky Sansevieria looks like a living javelin in the wild where it grows in Kenya, where We’ve seen it reach heights of more than 8 feet. Dimorphic, the seedlings have little strap-like leaves like Sansevieria hallii and then the mature leaves are cylindrical with a significant channel on one side. The mature leaves have some markings but generally are a dark green. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria fischeri one-gallon pots $25.00
This great spiky Sansevieria looks like a living javelin in the wild where it grows in Kenya, where We’ve seen it reach heights of more than 8 feet. Dimorphic, the seedlings have little strap-like leaves like Sansevieria hallii and then the mature leaves are cylindrical with a significant channel on one side. The mature leaves have some markings but generally are a dark green. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria forskaliana (Yemen) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Yemen (10 Zayed Awad), although reputedly it has a distribution that extends southward into East Africa. These plants have dark gray-green paired leaves with little or no mottling. Offsets are produced on the underground roots, which extend laterally and parallel to the surface. The flowers are held in a short inflorescent and are mostly white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Sansevieria francisii (FKH 432) 3-inch pots $10.00
Offered for many years as “Horwood 432,” these plants were originally collected by Frank Horwood from Kenya. These stoloniferous plants create spirals of very stout and sharp-tipped leaves. Those leaves are dark green with light yellow-green banding. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Sansevieria francisii (FKH 432) one-gallon pots $25.00
Offered for many years as “Horwood 432,” these plants were originally collected by Frank Horwood from Kenya. These stoloniferous plants create spirals of very stout and sharp-tipped leaves. Those leaves are dark green with light yellow-green banding. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria gracilis one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from coastal Kenya, possibly extending northwards into southern Somalia and southwards into northern Tanzania. This low growing, creeping species has thin smooth leaves with slight variegation. The inflorescence is simple, bearing numerous fragrant white flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria gracillima (Lav 27839) one-gallon pots $25.00
This species was described by Juan Chahinian from material originally collected by John Lavranos (Lav 27839) near Bur Heybe, Somalia. It is closely related to Sansevieria gracilis of the S. suffruticosa complex but has shorter leaves than S. gracilis. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria grandis (Mason 119) 3-gallon pots $55.00
This broad-leaved species is of unknown provenance but was collected by Mason (119). These plants have very faint banding on the broad, smooth leaves, which are vaguely spoon-like but upright. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-gallon pots.
Sansevieria grandis 5-inch pots $20.00
This broad-leaved species is of unknown provenance but probably is from South Africa. Possibly merely a form of S. hyacinthoides, these plants have very faint banding on the broad, smooth leaves, which are vaguely spoon-like but upright. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria grandis one-gallon pots $25.00
This broad-leaved species is of unknown provenance but probably is from South Africa. Possibly merely a form of S. hyacinthoides, these plants have very faint banding on the broad, smooth leaves, which are vaguely spoon-like but upright. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria hallii (large form) 2-gallon pots $65.00
This species is from Zimbabwe. The mature leaves are the familiar broad, channeled brownish-green leaves with blunt tips that create the common name “baseball bat.” The leaves are particularly wider and stouter in this form. The plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria hallii 5-inch pots $25.00
This dimorphic species is from Zimbabwe, and our seed originally came from Dave Richards. Our plants are still in the young stage, with dark brownish green leaves that appear like short folded straps. The mature leaves are the familiar javelin spikes variously called “bats.” The plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria hallii cv Blue Bat 2-gallon pots $65.00
This species is from Zimbabwe. These plants have dark blue-green leaves that appear like short folded straps. The mature leaves are the familiar javelin spikes variously called “bats.” These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria hallii cv Blue Bat one-gallon pots $35.00
This species is from Zimbabwe. These plants have dark blue-green leaves that appear like short folded straps. The mature leaves are the familiar javelin spikes variously called “bats.” These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria hallii cv Pink Bat one-gallon pots $40.00
This species is from Zimbabwe. These plants have blue-green leaves with a pinkish cast that appear like short folded straps. The mature leaves are the familiar javelin spikes variously called “bats.” These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria hallii one-gallon pots $30.00
This species is from Zimbabwe. The mature leaves are the familiar broad, channeled brownish-green leaves with blunt tips that create the common name “baseball bat.” The plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria hyacinthoides (EVJ 35) 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from South Africa, and these plants are propagated from material collected by Ernst van Jaarsveld (EVJ 35). Once called S. microphylla, it has light green leaves with smooth surfaces and yellow-white mottling. Those leaves arise from large roots, which create multiple offsets in this species. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria hyacinthoides (Shamva, Zimbabwe) one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from southern Africa, and this plant is from material originally collected near Shamva, Zimbabwe. it has medium green leaves with smooth surfaces and yellow-white mottling. Those leaves arise from large roots, which create multiple offsets in this species. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria hyacinthoides 2-gallon pots $45.00
This species is from South Africa. Once called S. macrophylla, it has light green leaves with smooth surfaces and yellow-white mottling. Those leaves arise from large roots, which create multiple offsets in this species. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria hyacinthoides one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from South Africa. Once called S. macrophylla, it has light green leaves with smooth surfaces and yellow-white mottling. Those leaves arise from large roots, which create multiple offsets in this species. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria kirkii var. kirkii 10-inch pots $45.00
From Tanzania, Malawi, and Zanzibar, this broad-leaf species has long, down curving leaves mottled with green and white and bearing limited pink-red tones. The leaves have a wavy margin, a rough feel on the backside, and a flexible apical tip and are smooth to the touch. These plants are rooted offsets in 10-inch pots.
Sansevieria kirkii var. kirkii 5-gallon pots $75.00
From Tanzania, Malawi, and Zanzibar, this broad-leaf species has long, down curving leaves mottled with green and white and bearing limited pink-red tones. The leaves have a wavy margin, a rough feel on the backside, and a flexible apical tip and are smooth to the touch. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-gallon pots.
Sansevieria kirkii var. pulchra cv Coppertone one-gallon pots $30.00
From Tanzania, particularly Zanzibar, this attractive, broad-leaf species has long, down curving leaves mottled with green and white and bearing substantial pink-red tones across the leaf surface. The leaves have a wavy margin, a rough feel on the backside, and a flexible apical tip. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria kirkii var. pulchra one-gallon pots $25.00
From Tanzania, this attractive, broad-leaf species has long, down curving leaves mottled with green and white and bearing pink-red tones. The leaves have a wavy margin, a rough feel on the backside, and a flexible apical tip and are smooth to the touch. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria lavranii 5-inch pots $25.00
This recently described species, formerly known as S. ehrenbergii, is the large, arborescent-sized species from coastal east Kenya. The leaves are green, channeled, and stiff, and they tend to be held in a distichous rosette like an oversized form of S. powellii. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria lavranii 8-inch pots $45.00
This recently described species, formerly known as S. ehrenbergii, is the large, arborescent-sized species from coastal east Kenya. The leaves are green, channeled, and stiff, and they tend to be held in a distichous rosette like an oversized form of S. powellii. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria masoniana 2-gallon pots $45.00
Sold for years as Sansevieria Mason Congo, this species is from the Congo and was collected originally by Mason. These plants are knock-out beautiful, with large, light green leaves with a distinctive pattern of white spots and mottling. We find that the best coloration occurs in less light, as these no doubt are forest plants. The leaves of these plants are a little less than 2-feet high. We’ve planted this in the ground and to our utter amazement this species survives both freezes (23 F) and drought. These plants are rooted offsets with two leaves in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria masoniana 3-gallon pots $65.00
Sold for years as Sansevieria Mason Congo, this one-gallon pots species is from the Congo and was collected originally by Mason. These plants are knock-out beautiful, with large, light green leaves with a distinctive pattern of white spots and mottling. We find that the best coloration occurs in less light, as these no doubt are forest plants. The leaves from some of our plants have reached 4-feet high upright. We’ve planted this in the ground and to our utter amazement this species survives both freezes (23 F) and drought. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-gallon pots.
Sansevieria masoniana 5-gallon pots $75.00
Sold for years as Sansevieria Mason Congo, this one-gallon pots species is from the Congo and was collected originally by Mason. These plants are knock-out beautiful, with large, light green leaves with a distinctive pattern of white spots and mottling. We find that the best coloration occurs in less light, as these no doubt are forest plants. The leaves from some of our plants have reached 4-feet high upright. We’ve planted this in the ground and to our utter amazement this species survives both freezes (23 F) and drought. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-gallon pots.
Sansevieria nilotica (WY 1000) one-gallon pots $30.00
From Uganda, this broad-leaf Sansevieria has mostly dark green leaves. These plants were collected at the type locality for Sansevieria nilotica var. obscura near Kampala, Uganda (WY 1000), which isn't significantly different from the typical species. Faint to prominent cross banding occurs with a zigzag pattern of yellow. The leaves are smooth to the touch. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria nilotica one-gallon pots $25.00
From Uganda, this broad-leaf Sansevieria has mostly dark green leaves. We now reject variety obscura and consider it to be S. nilotica. Faint to prominent cross banding occurs with a zigzag pattern of yellow. The leaves are smooth to the touch. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria parva (WY 1174) 5-inch pots $20.00
From Kenya and Uganda, this Sansevieria tends to grow in nearly complete shade beneath trees or shrubs. The leaves are dark green with vague banding of yellow green. The flowers are held in a spike-like inflorescence that bears small white flowers. These plants are from material originally from the Ngong Hills, on the eastern margin of the Great Rift Valley and west of Nairobi, Kenya (WY 1174). These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria parva (WY 1174) one-gallon pots $25.00
From Kenya and Uganda, this Sansevieria tends to grow in nearly complete shade beneath trees or shrubs. The leaves are dark green with vague banding of yellow green. The flowers are held in a spike-like inflorescence that bears small white flowers. These plants are from material originally from the Ngong Hills, on the eastern margin of the Great Rift Valley and west of Nairobi, Kenya (WY 1174). These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria pearsonii 2-gallon pots $35.00
This species is from southern Africa, typically from the arid and semiarid areas in the southwestern part. The leaves are narrow with a prominent upper channel and characteristic smaller channels all around. The leaves are distichous and light gray-green. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria pearsonii 5-gallon pots $75.00
This species is from southern Africa, typically from the arid and semiarid areas in the southwestern part of the continent. The leaves are narrow with a prominent upper channel and characteristic smaller channels all around. The leaves are distichous and light gray-green. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-gallon pots.
Sansevieria pearsonii one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from southern Africa, typically from the arid and semiarid areas in the southwestern part. The leaves are narrow with a prominent upper channel and characteristic smaller channels all around. The leaves are distichous and light gray-green. These plants are rooted offsets less than a foot tall and in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria phillipsiae (KEW 410-74-03700) one-gallon pots $25.00
From northern Somalia (KEW 410-74-03700), this upright species is one endpoint of a complex centered on S. suffruticosa. It has long, cylindrical leaves with sharpened tips arranged along a stem with the classic alternating pattern of white and green related to the bases of the leaves and their whitish marginal sheaths. The slightly down-curving leaves have green-yellow-white banding. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria pinguicula 2-gallon pots $65.00
From northeastern Kenya, this highly valued species is unique among the Sansevieria. The fleshy leaves are blue-green with a horny white margin, and the tip is very sharp. Reportedly, this plant is dimorphic, shifting from a rosette form in juveniles and offsets to a distichous form in mature plants. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria pinguicula 8-inch pots $55.00
From northeastern Kenya, this highly valued species is unique among the Sansevieria. The fleshy leaves are blue-green with a horny white margin, and the tip is very sharp. Reportedly, this plant is dimorphic, shifting from a rosette form in juveniles and offsets to a distichous form in mature plants. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria pinguicula one-gallon pots $25.00
From northeastern Kenya, this highly valued species is unique among the Sansevieria. The fleshy leaves are blue-green with a horny white margin, and the tip is very sharp. Reportedly, this plant is dimorphic, shifting from a rosette form in juveniles and offsets to a distichous form in mature plants. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria raffillii var. raffillii 8-inch pots $35.00
This quintessential Kenyan Sansevieria is one of the most beautiful of the broad-leaf species. The stiff leaves are erect, 1-2 feet long, and arise from stolons. As with many Sansevieria, these plants grow best in low- to medium-light conditions in Tucson. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria raffillii var. raffillii one-gallon pots $25.00
This quintessential Kenyan Sansevieria is one of the most beautiful of the broad-leaf species. The stiff leaves are erect, 1-2 feet long, and arise from stolons. As with many Sansevieria, these plants grow best in low- to medium-light conditions in Tucson. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria rorida (Lav 23319) 8-inch pots $90.00
These plants are propagated from material originally collected by John Lavranos (Lav 23319) at Herradura, north of Mogadishu, Somalia. These slow-growing plants have a squat distichous form with stout gray-green unspotted leaves. We have not seen the flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria roxburghiana (Sathiyar, India) 8-inch pots $50.00
From India, this stout Sansevieria is relatively proliferous. These plants are from Sathiyar, India, and were given to us by the late Meena Singh. The leaves slightly recurve downwards and are linear with a deep groove on the top. Like most Sansevierias, the flowers are nothing to write home about, just a glorious spike of cream-white flowers. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria roxburghiana ssp. longifolia 2-gallon pots $50.00
This is either an undescribed species or one of the many forms of Sansevieria roxburghiana from southeastern India. We got this from Meena Singh, and it is propagated from material originally collected near Mundanthurai, India. The leaves are green with prominent longitudinal strips and have relatively dull tips. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria rugosifolia (Bhitala 1008) 3-gallon pots $75.00
This is a newly described species from near Ngare Nanyuki, Tanzania (Bhitala 1008). This broad-leaf species has leaves that are rough on both sides, thickened in the center with a white-red margin, and stiff when long and mature. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-gallon pots.
Sansevieria rugosifolia (Bhitala 1011) 2-gallon pots $65.00
This is one of the species that Bhwire Bhitala collected from near Lake Eyassi, Tanzania (Bhitala 1011). This species has leaves that are vaguely patterned and upright, are thickened with an obscure gutter, have longitudinal striations, and have a crenate, almost frilly, white-red margin. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria senegambica one-gallon pots $25.00
Widely distributed in West Africa, this species has light green leaves with a green margin, which distinguishes it from similar species, such as S. liberica. The leaves have relatively indistinct light green bands and have a smooth surface. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria sp. (HS-103) one-gallon pots $25.00
This is one of those hybrids whose ancestry gets attributed to a long-discarded species name but instead is a hybrid among two or more recognized species. We see a lot of Sansevieria aethiopica in this one, but there could be other things as well, including Sansevieria trifasciata. Nice big plants, these are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria sp. (Lake Borgoria, Kenya) one-gallon pots $25.00
This undescribed species, from the Lake Borgoria region of central Kenya, is probably related to S. dawei. The leaves are green with prominent banding and are relatively narrow with sharp tips. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria sp. (Loboi, Kenya) one-gallon pots $25.00
This undescribed species, from the region of central Kenya between Lakes Baringo and Borgoria (MB-21), is probably related to S. dawei. The leaves are green with prominent banding and are relatively narrow with sharp tips. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria sp. (Mbaga Mountain, Tanzania) one-gallon pots $40.00
These plants have be an undescribed species propagated from material collected east of Mbaga Mountain in central Tanzania (ES 1847). The broad leaves look like many other species, with their patterning and color, and are mostly smooth on both sides. However, the closest species in terms of leaf shape is Sansevieria elliptica, which is mostly known from Kenya and has rough leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria sp. (Southern Africa) 8-inch pots $35.00
This plant is of unknown origin somewhere in southern Africa. It has a dwarf personality with narrow leaves sort of reminiscent of Sansevieria aethiopica but more flexible and with patterning like S. hyacinthoides only with more narrow leaves. The really distinctive feature of this undescribed species are the subcapitate flowers held in a rather short inflorescence. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria suffruticosa (Bittata Rocks, Ethiopia) 3-gallon pots $65.00
These plants are propagated from material originally collected at Bittata Rocks, Ethiopia (ES 20983). This is a small form of this stoloniferous species, and it has leaves about 6-9 inches long that are faintly marked with alternating dark green and yellow-green bands. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-gallon pots.
Sansevieria suffruticosa (Ethiopia) one-gallon pots $25.00
These plants are propagated from material originally collected from an unknown location in southern Ethiopia. This is a small form of this stoloniferous species, and it has leaves about 6-9 inches long that are faintly marked with alternating dark green and yellow-green bands. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria suffruticosa (Masai Mara, Kenya) one-gallon pots $25.00
These plants are propagated from material originally collected near the Masai Mara National Park in southwestern Kenya. This is a small form of this stoloniferous species, and it has leaves about 6-9 inches long that are faintly marked with alternating dark green and yellow-green bands. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria suffruticosa (Salimera, Kenya) 4-inch pots $15.00
These plants are propagated from material originally collected by Herman Schwartz from near Salimera, Kenya. This is a large form of this stoloniferous species, and it has long leaves (~1 foot) that are faintly marked with alternating dark green and yellow-green bands. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Sansevieria suffruticosa (Salimera, Kenya) one-gallon pots $25.00
These plants are propagated from material originally collected by Herman Schwartz from near Salimera, Kenya. This is a large form of this stoloniferous species, and it has long leaves (~1 foot) that are faintly marked with alternating dark green and yellow-green bands. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria suffruticosa 12-inch pots $45.00
This is a large form of this stoloniferous species, and it has long leaves (~1 foot) that are strongly marked with alternating dark green and yellow-green bands and are very rough. These plants are rooted offsets in 12-inch pots.
Sansevieria suffruticosa 5-inch pots $20.00
This is a large form of this stoloniferous species, and it has long leaves (~1 foot) that are strongly marked with alternating dark green and yellow-green bands and are very rough. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria suffruticosa cv Frosty Spears 5-inch pots $20.00
This cultivar is a small version of S. suffruticosa that features strongly marked cylindrical leaves with alternating dark green and yellow-green bands and a white coating (‘frosty‘) on young leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria suffruticosa cv Frosty Spears 6-inch pots $25.00
This cultivar is a small version of S. suffruticosa that features strongly marked cylindrical leaves with alternating dark green and yellow-green bands and a white coating ( frosty ) on young leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in 6-inch pots.
Sansevieria suffruticosa cv Frosty Spears one-gallon pots $25.00
This cultivar is a small version of S. suffruticosa that features strongly marked cylindrical leaves with alternating dark green and yellow-green bands and a white coating ( frosty ) on young leaves. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria suffruticosa one-gallon pots $25.00
This is a large form of this stoloniferous species, and it has long leaves (~1 foot) that are strongly marked with alternating dark green and yellow-green bands and are very rough. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata cv Bantels Sensation 5-inch pots $20.00
This variegated species likely is a sport or hybridized product of the little known species S. guineensis. These medium-sized plants have narrow leaves with considerable white variegation against a dark background, and the channel is not well-defined. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata cv Bantels Sensation one-gallon pots $25.00
This variegated species likely is a sport or hybridized product of Sansevieria trifasciata. These medium-sized plants have narrow leaves with considerable white variegation against a dark background, and the channel is not well-defined. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata cv Black Coral 8-inch pots $35.00
This cultivar of the classic Sansevieria trifasciata is a tall, broad-leafed plant with dark leaves bearing lighter wavy stripes on a dark green background. It possibly is a sport of S. trifasciata var. trifasciata and it bears resemblance to other cultivars. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata cv Black Coral one-gallon pots $25.00
This cultivar of the classic Sansevieria trifasciata is a tall, broad-leafed plant with dark leaves bearing lighter wavy stripes on a dark green background. It possibly is a sport of S. trifasciata var. trifasciata and it bears resemblance to other cultivars. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata cv Black Gold 2-gallon pots $35.00
This cultivar of the classic Sansevieria trifasciata is a tall, broad-leafed plant with dark leaves bearing yellow stripes on a dark green background. It possibly is a sport of S. trifasciata var. laurentii and it bears resemblance to another cultivar known as Lillian True. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata cv Forescate 5-inch pots $25.00
This cultivar was originally from the Huntington Gardens, attributed to K.D. Morgenstern in the UK, and distributed as ISI 2008-29. The plants have relatively broad green leaves with light yellow patterning. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata cv Forescate 8-inch pots $40.00
This cultivar was originally from the Huntington Gardens, attributed to K.D. Morgenstern in the UK, and distributed as ISI 2008-29. The plants have relatively broad green leaves with light yellow patterning. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata cv Forescate one-gallon pots $30.00
This cultivar was originally from the Huntington Gardens, attributed to K.D. Morgenstern in the UK, and distributed as ISI 2008-29. The plants have relatively broad green leaves with light yellow patterning. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata cv Futura one-gallon pots $25.00
This beautiful cultivar is an intermediate-statured member of the S. trifasciata complex. The leaves have a dark green field with narrow yellow margins and considerable yellow-green cross-banding that is regular, not random. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata cv Futura Superba 6-inch pots $35.00
This beautiful cultivar is an intermediate-statured member of the S. trifasciata complex. The leaves have a dark green field with narrow yellow margins and considerable yellow-green cross-banding that is regular, not random. These plants are rooted offsets in 6-inch pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata cv Moonshine one-gallon pots $25.00
This cultivar of the classic Sansevieria trifasciata is a short, broad-leafed plant with grayish-white, faintly variegated leaves. New leaves have a bluish cast; as they age, the leaves tend to be more yellow. It is an intermediate-stature plant between the very tall S. trifasciata and the very short S. trifasciata Hahnii . These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata var. hahnii cv Black Star 4-inch pots $15.00
S. trifasciata var. hahnii has the shortest leaves in the S. trifasciata complex. This cultivar has nearly yellow leaves with black markings that give it the cultivar name of Black Star. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata var. hahnii cv Gold Star 5-inch pots $20.00
S. trifasciata var. hahnii has the shortest leaves in the S. trifasciata complex. This cultivar has nearly yellow leaves with subtle green banding. This form also is more prostrate than the typical var. hahnii. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata var. hahnii cv Golden 4-inch pots $15.00
S. trifasciata var. hahnii has the shortest leaves in the S. trifasciata complex. This cultivar has nearly yellow-gold leaves with subtle green banding. This form also is more prostrate than the typical var. hahnii. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata var. hahnii cv Golden 5-inch pots $20.00
S. trifasciata var. hahnii has the shortest leaves in the S. trifasciata complex. This cultivar has nearly yellow-gold leaves with subtle green banding. This form also is more prostrate than the typical var. hahnii. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata var. hahnii cv Golden 6-inch pots $30.00
S. trifasciata var. hahnii has the shortest leaves in the S. trifasciata complex. This cultivar has nearly yellow-gold leaves with subtle green banding. This form also is more prostrate than the typical var. hahnii. These plants are rooted offsets in 6-inch pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata var. hahnii cv Silver Star 4-inch pots $15.00
S. trifasciata var. hahnii has the shortest leaves in the S. trifasciata complex. This cultivar has nearly silver leaves with black markings that give it the cultivar name of Silver Star. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata var. hahnii cv Yellow Edge 4-inch pots $15.00
S. trifasciata var. hahnii has the shortest leaves in the S. trifasciata complex. This cultivar has mottled light green leaves with a yellow edge on the leaves. This form also is more upright than the typical var. hahnii. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata var. hahnii cv Yellow Edge 5-inch pots $20.00
S. trifasciata var. hahnii has the shortest leaves in the S. trifasciata complex. This cultivar has mottled light green leaves with a yellow edge on the leaves. This form also is more upright than the typical var. hahnii. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata var. hahnii cv Yellow Edge one-gallon po $25.00
S. trifasciata var. hahnii has the shortest leaves in the S. trifasciata complex. This cultivar has mottled light green leaves with a yellow edge on the leaves. This form also is more upright than the typical var. hahnii. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata var. hahnii one-gallon pots $30.00
Sansevieria trifasciata var. hahnii has the shortest leaves in the S. trifasciata complex. The leaves have prominent light-green banding and generally are as wide or wider than long. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata var. laurentii cv Silver 2-gallon pots $40.00
From Zaire, this plant is widely available as the “Mother-in-Law Tongue.” Our plants have long, variegated leaves with wide yellow margins. This is a variant of the quintessential house plant as well as a landscape plant, but the leaves on this cultivar have a distinct silvery cast. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata var. laurentii cv Twisted Sister 6-inch $35.00
From Zaire, this typical variety of this plant is widely available as the “Mother-in-Law Tongue.” Our plants have twisting, variegated leaves with wide yellow margins. This is a variant of the quintessential house plant, but the twisted leaves on this cultivar tend to be persistent in the sports. These plants are rooted offsets in 6-inch pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata var. laurentii cv Twisted Sister one-g $30.00
From Zaire, this typical variety of this plant is widely available as the “Mother-in-Law Tongue.” Our plants have twisting, variegated leaves with wide yellow margins. This is a variant of the quintessential house plant, but the twisted leaves on this cultivar tend to be persistent in the sports. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria trifasciata var. laurentii one-gallon pots $25.00
From Zaire, this plant is widely available as the “Mother-in-Law Tongue.” Our plants have long, variegated leaves with wide yellow margins. This is the quintessential house plant as well as a landscape plant; one sees this planted outdoors in relatively frost-free areas. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sansevieria zeylanica 2-gallon pots $55.00
From Sri Lanka, this broad leaf species has dark brown-green leaves with lighter green banding. The margin is green, the terminal spine is more of a tip and soft, and the surface of the leaf is smooth. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Sansevieria zeylanica one-gallon pots $25.00
From Sri Lanka, this broad leaf species has dark brown-green leaves with lighter green banding. The margin is green, the terminal spine is more of a tip and soft, and the surface of the leaf is smooth. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Sarcocaulon l'heritieri (Monsonia spinosa) 4-inch pots $20.00
This species is from the Western and Northern Cape Provinces of South Africa. The name has been changed but we retain the prior name for now. The stems are succulent and light gray, bearing small branches with entire leaves on two different sizes of petioles. The spines are thin and dark brown. The flowers are yellow. These seedlings are in 4-inch pots.
Sarcostemma resiliens (WY 1016) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species occurs in East Africa, and these plants are propagated from material originally collected on the Laikipia Plateau in Kenya. This sprawling shrub makes a main stem, which is prominent in the wild owing to grazing pressure, and the stems are a yellow-green with prominent joints. The flowers are star-shaped and yellow-brown. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Sarcostemma resiliens (WY 1016) 6-inch pots $25.00
This species occurs in East Africa, and these plants are propagated from material originally collected on the Laikipia Plateau in Kenya. This sprawling shrub makes a main stem, which is prominent in the wild owing to grazing pressure, and the stems are a yellow-green with prominent joints. The flowers are star-shaped and yellow-brown. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Sarcostemma viminale 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is widespread in Arabia and Africa, extending south to South Africa and eastward to Australia. This sprawling shrub eventually makes a main stem, but in the wild what you see is a great splay of succulent green stems. The flowers are star-shaped and yellow-green. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Sarcostemma viminale ssp. crassicaule (WY 1037) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is widespread in Arabia and Africa, extending south to South Africa and eastward to Australia. This sprawling shrub eventually makes a main stem, but in the wild what you see is a great splay of succulent green stems. The flowers are star-shaped and yellow-green. Subspecies crassicaule, which has a type locality of Kasigau, Kenya (WY 1037), has larger stems than the typical species. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Scadoxus multiflorus var. multiflorus one-gallon pots $30.00
This bulb, which has a range from Yemen to East Africa, has a relatively slow growing bulb that produces offsets. Mature bulbs first put out extremely beautiful flowers (see photograph), then produce long green leaves in a sheath. These bulbs flower in May-June and put out leaves afterwards; they are dormant from about January through May. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Schlumbergera hybrid (red) 3-inch pots $8.00
Schlumbergera, or Christmas Cactus, is from eastern coastal Brazil. This genus has been hybridized considerably, so determining the genetic roster or any plant is difficult. A cluster of green leaves with purple veins is produced from fibrous roots, and these plants offset considerably. The flowers are red and more or less tubular. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Schlumbergera hybrid (red) 5-inch pots $15.00
Schlumbergera, or Christmas Cactus, is from eastern coastal Brazil. This genus has been hybridized considerably, so determining the genetic roster or any plant is difficult. A cluster of green leaves with purple veins is produced from fibrous roots, and these plants offset considerably. The flowers are red and more or less tubular. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Scilla paucifolia 3-inch pots $10.00
This species, from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, is a small bulb with beautifully marked leaves. Although some would lump this with Ledebouria socialis, this is a completely different species. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Scilla paucifolia 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, is a small bulb with beautifully marked leaves. Although some would lump this with Ledebouria socialis, this is a completely different species. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Scilla paucifolia 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, is a small bulb with beautifully marked leaves. Although some would lump this with Ledebouria socialis, this is a completely different species. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Scilla sp. aff violacea 2-inch pots $8.00
We don’t know where this species comes from, but here is what we do know. Some would lump Scilla violacea with Ledebouria socialis, which is very different. These plants are smaller, with narrower leaves, and the flowers are also smaller and more violet than L. socialis. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Scilla sp. aff violacea 3-inch pots $10.00
We don’t know where this species comes from, but here is what we do know. Some would lump Scilla violacea with Ledebouria socialis, which is very different. These plants are smaller, with narrower leaves, and the flowers are also smaller and more violet than L. socialis. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Sedum frutescens 3-inch pots $10.00
From Mexico, this species is a shrub that looks like a small tree with papery bark. It has light green lanceolate leaves that densely cover the stems. The flowers are white with red anthers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Sedum frutescens 8-inch pots $45.00
From Mexico, this species is a shrub that looks like a small tree with papery bark. It has light green lanceolate leaves that densely cover the stems. The flowers are white with red anthers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Sedum morganianum 2-inch pots $8.00
From Mexico, this species is frequently known in the trade as Donkey Tails for some unknown reason. It is a long-stemmed species with gray-green, nearly round leaves that densely cover the stems. The flowers are inconsequential. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Sedum morganianum 5-inch pots $20.00
From Mexico, this species is frequently known in the trade as Donkey Tails for some unknown reason. It is a long-stemmed species with gray-green, nearly round leaves that densely cover the stems. The flowers are inconsequential. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Sedum morganianum 6-inch pots $30.00
From Mexico, this species is frequently known in the trade as Donkey Tails for some unknown reason. It is a long-stemmed species with gray-green, nearly round leaves that densely cover the stems. The flowers are inconsequential. These plants are rooted cuttings in 6-inch pots.
Sedum nussbaumerianum 3-inch pots $10.00
This small shrub is from the state of Veracruz, Mexico. It has succulent stems and leaves that are green with reddish highlights. The flowers are white. Where heavy frost is not an issue, these plants can make significant ground cover. These plants are rooted offsets in 3-inch pots.
Sedum nussbaumerianum 4-inch pots $12.00
This small shrub is from the state of Veracruz, Mexico. It has succulent stems and leaves that are green with reddish highlights. The flowers are white. Where heavy frost is not an issue, these plants can make significant ground cover. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Selenicereus donkelaari 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the Yucatan of Mexico (FTBG 65342A). It has long, thin, gray-green branches with short spines, and the branches typically scramble through shrubs and low trees. The flowers are white and aromatic. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Selenicereus hamatus 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the Gulf Coast of eastern Mexico. It has long, thin, gray-green branches with few spines, and the branches typically scramble through shrubs and low trees. The flowers are white and aromatic. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Selenicereus inermis 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from the northern part of South America. It has long, thin, green branches with flexible spines, and the branches typically scramble through shrubs and low trees. The flowers are white and aromatic. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Selenicereus inermis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the northern part of South America. It has long, thin, green branches with flexible spines, and the branches typically scramble through shrubs and low trees. The flowers are white and aromatic. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Selenicereus macdonaldiae 4-inch pots $15.00
This species has a disjunct distribution in Honduras and Uruguay. It has long nearly spine-free green branches that are mostly round. The flowers are large, white, and fragrant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Selenicereus urbanianus 4-inch pots $15.00
This species occurs the Caribbean, particularly on Cuba and Hispaniola. It has long nearly spine-free green branches that are mostly round. The flowers are large, white, and fragrant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Selenicereus urbanianus 5-inch pots $20.00
This species occurs the Caribbean, particularly on Cuba and Hispaniola. It has long nearly spine-free green branches that are mostly round. The flowers are large, white, and fragrant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Selenicereus urbanianus 8-inch pots $35.00
This species occurs the Caribbean, particularly on Cuba and Hispaniola. It has long nearly spine-free green branches that are mostly round. The flowers are large, white, and fragrant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 8-inch pots.
Selenicereus vagans 5-inch pots $20.00
This species occurs Sinaloa, Mexico. It has long spiny green branches that are mostly round. The flowers are large, white, and fragrant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Selenicereus vagans 5-inch pots $20.00
This species occurs Sinaloa, Mexico. It has long spiny green branches that are mostly round. The flowers are large, white, and fragrant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Selenicereus wercklei 3-inch pots $10.00
This species occurs in Costa Rica. It has long spineless light green branches that are mostly round. The flowers are large, white (occasionally red), and fragrant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Senecio peregrinus 4-inch pots $15.00
This is the infamous String of Dolphins, which of course has nothing whatsoever to do with dolphins. Instead, it should rightfully be listed as a hybrid between S. rowleyanus and S. articulatus. These plants, which rightfully should be in hanging baskets, are a vine of channeled and pointed leaves that someone with a vivid imagination decided looked like dolphins. Whatever. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Senna meridionalis 5-inch pots $30.00
From Madagascar, this pachycaul tree forms a nice caudex-like trunk with time. It has beautiful pinnate leaves that are typical of much of the Fabacea (pea family), and it produces yellow flowers that also are typical of that family. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Seyrigia gracilis 4-inch pots $15.00
From southern Madagascar, this species has more-or-less round, reddish-gray and spotted stems that arise from an interesting combination of caudex and potato-like tubers. The stems range from hairless to bearing a thin coating of white hairs. This dioecious species a short raceme of yellow flowers on the male and female plants. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Seyrigia gracilis 5-inch pots $20.00
From southern Madagascar, this species has more-or-less round, reddish-gray and spotted stems that arise from an interesting combination of caudex and potato-like tubers. The stems range from hairless to bearing a thin coating of white hairs. This dioecious species a short raceme of yellow flowers on the male and female plants. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon -inch pots.
Seyrigia humbertii one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, from southern Madagascar, has 4- to 5-angled hairy stems that arise from an interesting combination of caudex and potato-like tubers. This dioecious species has small flowers, numerous on the male plants and solitary on the female ones, and the fruits are red. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Seyrigia humbertii x gracilis 3-inch pots $12.00
This cross of two species from southern Madagascar results in plants that have characteristics of both pure species. The stems can range from the round ones typical of S. gracilis and the 4- to 5-angled hairy stems typical of S. humbertii. Like the pure species, the stems arise from an interesting combination of caudex and potato-like tubers. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Seyrigia humbertii x gracilis 4-inch pots $15.00
This cross of two species from southern Madagascar results in plants that have characteristics of both pure species. The stems can range from the round ones typical of S. gracilis and the 4- to 5-angled hairy stems typical of S. humbertii. Like the pure species, the stems arise from an interesting combination of caudex and potato-like tubers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Sinningia bullata 4-inch pots $15.00
This geophyte is from Brazil. The root forms a grayish-brown flattened caudex. The leaves are ovate and are green with a blistered-like texture; the undersides have a woolly appearance. The flowers are relatively small and orange-red. We have seedlings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Sinningia bullata 5-inch pots $20.00
This geophyte is from Brazil. The root forms a grayish-brown flattened caudex. The leaves are ovate and are green with a blistered-like texture; the undersides have a woolly appearance. The flowers are relatively small and orange-red. We have seedlings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Sinningia leuchotricha hybid 5-inch pots $20.00
Once known as Rechsteineria leucotricha, this species from Brazil is a nice caudiciform. The root forms a grayish-brown base that appears silvery owing to the woolly hairs. The leaves are ovate and again are silvery grey because of the hairs. The flowers are a knockout, with their tubular orange-red corollas. We offer seedlings of this species in 5-inch pots and caudices around 2 inches in diameter.
Sinningia leuchotricha hybrid 4-inch pots $15.00
Once known as Rechsteineria leucotricha, this species from Brazil is a nice caudiciform. The root forms a grayish-brown base that appears silvery owing to the woolly hairs. The leaves are ovate and are grey green. The flowers are a knockout, with their tubular reddish corollas. We offer seedlings of this species in 4-inch pot.
Sinningia leuchotricha hybrid 5-inch pots $20.00
Once known as Rechsteineria leucotricha, this species from Brazil is a nice caudiciform. The root forms a grayish-brown base that appears silvery owing to the woolly hairs. The leaves are ovate and are grey green. The flowers are a knockout, with their tubular reddish corollas. We offer seedlings of this species in 5-inch pot.
Sinningia tubiflora 4-inch pots $15.00
This mostly herbaceous species from Brazil has a rosette of leaves arising from a small caudex. We grow this species outside in Tucson. It has white tubular flowers that are nothing short of spectacular. We offer seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Sinningia tubiflora 5-inch pots $20.00
This mostly herbaceous species from Brazil has a rosette of leaves arising from a small caudex. We grow this species outside in Tucson. It has white tubular flowers that are nothing short of spectacular. We offer seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Sinningia werdermannii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from Peru and is a nice caudiciform. The root forms a grayish-brown base that is a low hemisphere. The leaves are ovate to palm-shaped and are green with many veins. The flowers are tubular orange-red corollas. We offer seedlings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Soehrensia formosa 8-inch pots $35.00
These plants could be Exhibit A as examples of what is wrong with taxonomy of cacti today. Backeberg thought this was a natural hybrid between Echinocactus grusonii and a Trichocereus, which is a serious stretch considering those two species grow far apart on two continents. Then, someone decided to take it with Trichocereus formosa and lump them all into Echinopsis formosa. Huh? I think we’ll use Backebergs name. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Stapelia gettliffei 4-inch pots $15.00
Widely distributed in southeastern Africa, this species has weak stems lined with what might be either called leaves or tubercles that arise from the branches. Resembling E. grandiflora, this species also has relatively large, multicolored flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Stapelia gigantea 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is distributed over a wide area of southern Africa in the summer rainfall zone. It typically grows in rocky areas and produces multiple upright light green stems that are unremarkable. The flower, clearly, is remarkable. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Stapelia grandiflora 4-inch pots $15.00
Widely distributed in western South Africa, this species has a medium green, soft body with 5-7 flutes. The flowers definitely are grand, especially in terms of size and stench; they look and smell like rotting meat. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it typically takes flute and tip damage below 25F. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Stapelia grandiflora 5-inch pots $20.00
Widely distributed in western South Africa, this species has a medium green, soft body with 5-7 flutes. The flowers definitely are grand, especially in terms of size and stench; they look and smell like rotting meat. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it typically takes flute and tip damage below 25F. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Stapelia hirsuta 4-inch pots $15.00
This species comes from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It has a medium green, soft body with 4-7 flutes. The flowers are large, with yellow as the dominant color in the mosaic that is a Stapelia flower, and are densely hairy, hence the epithet. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it typically takes flute and tip damage below 25F. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Stapelia leendertziae 2-inch pots $8.00
From eastern South Africa and Swaziland, this clumping species has upright, yellow-green stems that have a dull appearance, as if they were covered with fine hair. The flowers predominantly are a dark purple color. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-inch pots.
Stapelia leendertziae 4-inch pots $15.00
From eastern South Africa and Swaziland, this clumping species has upright, yellow-green stems that have a dull appearance, as if they were covered with fine hair. The flowers predominantly are a dark purple color. These plants are rooted offsets in 4-inch pots.
Stapelia leendertziae 5-inch pots $20.00
From eastern South Africa and Swaziland, this clumping species has upright, yellow-green stems that have a dull appearance, as if they were covered with fine hair. The flowers are campanulate, quite large, and predominantly dark purple in color. We may have confused these with Stapeliopsis khamiesbergensis. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Stapelia schinzii 2-inch pots $8.00
From Namibia and Botswana, this clumping species has dark-green stems covered with tubercles. The flowers are dark red to dark purple in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 2-inch pots.
Stenocactus dichroacanthus 2-inch pots $8.00
From central to southern Mexico Mexico, this species, which is supposed to be synonymous with Stenocactus crispatus, has a green globose body with wavy ribs and sparse, relatively short gray-yellow spines. The flowers are purple colored. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Stenocactus vaupelianus 2-inch pots $8.00
From Hidalgo, Mexico, this is another would-be Echinofossulocactus, but we keep it in Stenocactus. This solitary globose species has a medium green body with folded ribs and long yellow central spines and much shorter white radial spines. The flowers are small and yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Stenocereus alamosensis 12-inch pots $55.00
This species is generally near the coast of the Sea of Cortez in Sonora and Sinaloa, Mexico. Somewhat resembling S. gummosus from Baja California, both plants are sprawling shrubs with few upright stems. The differences in S. alamosensis are in the smaller joints, a different arrangement and size of spines, and the flowers, which are red and tubular. Our plants have taken 20F with minor tip and rib damage. These plants are seedlings in 12-inch pots.
Stenocereus alamosensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is generally near the coast of the Sea of Cortez in Sonora and Sinaloa, Mexico. Somewhat resembling S. gummosus from Baja California, both plants are sprawling shrubs with few upright stems. The differences in S. alamosensis are in the smaller joints, a different arrangement and size of spines, and the flowers, which are red and tubular. Our plants have taken 20F with minor tip and rib damage. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Stenocereus alamosensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is generally near the coast of the Sea of Cortez in Sonora and Sinaloa, Mexico. Somewhat resembling S. gummosus from Baja California, both plants are sprawling shrubs with few upright stems. The differences in S. alamosensis are in the smaller joints, a different arrangement and size of spines, and the flowers, which are red and tubular. Our plants have taken 20F with minor tip and rib damage. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Stenocereus alamosensis 8-inch pots $35.00
This species is generally near the coast of the Sea of Cortez in Sonora and Sinaloa, Mexico. Somewhat resembling S. gummosus from Baja California, both plants are sprawling shrubs with few upright stems. The differences in S. alamosensis are in the smaller joints, a different arrangement and size of spines, and the flowers, which are red and tubular. Our plants have taken 20F with minor tip and rib damage. These plants are seedlings in 8-inch pots.
Stenocereus dumortieri 4-inch pots $15.00
From south-central Mexico, this is an unusual columnar species has small, nocturnal flowers and gray-green stems, yellow-white spines, and white flowers with yellow centers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Stenocereus gummosus 2-inch pots $10.00
One of the classic Baja California endemic, this winter-growing cactus forms a medusoid-like clump of wildly divergent branches, making it instantly recognizable in the wild. It is slow growing in cultivation, producing multiple stems from a central rootstock. The flowers are large and white with purple highlights, and the fruits are bright red. In Mexico, the plant is called pitaya agria for the slightly sour fruits. We grow this species in the ground in Tucson, where we have not noticed frost damage but have some problems during our summer rainy season. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Stenocereus marginatus 4-inch pots $15.00
Known in the trade as Mexican fence posts, this columnar cactus forms a clump of upright branches with black bristles on the margins of the light green stem. The flowers are reddish and funnel-form in shape. We grow this species outside in Tucson, and it rarely experiences frost damage below 20F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Stenocereus marginatus 5-inch pots $20.00
Known in the trade as Mexican fence posts, this columnar cactus forms a clump of upright branches with black bristles on the margins of the light green stem. The flowers are reddish and funnel-form in shape. We grow this species outside in Tucson, and it rarely experiences frost damage below 20F. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Stenocereus pruinosus 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the southern states of Mexico. A columnar cactus, it is a tree in habitat and is distinguished by its massive gray-green, typically 4-5 angled (sometimes more). The flowers can occur at any time of the day and are large and white. We grow this species outside in Tucson, but it can take a lot more water than typically occurs without irrigation in our climate. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Stenocereus pruinosus 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from the southern states of Mexico. A columnar cactus, it is a tree in habitat and is distinguished by its massive gray-green, typically 4-5 angled (sometimes more). The flowers can occur at any time of the day and are large and white. We grow this species outside in Tucson, but it can take a lot more water than typically occurs without irrigation in our climate. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Stenocereus thurberi (Organ pipe) 2-gallon pots $45.00
Organ pipe cactus is one of the most striking columnar species of the central and southern Sonoran Desert. Its range just enters southwestern Arizona, but most of the species is in Baja California and Sonora, Mexico. This beautiful species has relatively large white flowers and red fruits, whose sweet flavor earns the species its Mexican name of pitaya dulce, and the fruits commonly are sold along roadsides as a treat. We grow this species outside in Tucson, where it takes frost damage below about 20F. We offer seedlings that are in 2-gallon pots.
Stetsonia coryne 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from a monospecific genus, is from broad region of Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia. A massive columnar cactus, we grow this species in the ground in Tucson, where it is extremely hardy to drought and cold. It is noted for its extremely long spines on the blue-green mature stems. The nocturnal flowers are large and white with light yellow stamens. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Stetsonia coryne one-gallon pots $25.00
This species, from a monospecific genus, is from broad region of Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia. A massive columnar cactus, we grow this species in the ground in Tucson, where it is extremely hardy to drought and cold. It is noted for its extremely long spines on the blue-green mature stems. The nocturnal flowers are large and white with light yellow stamens. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Strelitzia juncea 5-gallon pots $90.00
This species, known as the rush-leaved strelitzia or narrow-leaved bird of paradise, is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Its mature leaves are cylindrical and green with dull tips. The flowers superficially resemble birds and are predominantly yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 5-gallon pots.
Strophocactus testudo 4-inch pots $20.00
This species occurs from Mexico southwards through Central America and into South America. This epiphytic shrub, formerly in the genus Selenicereus, has long green and round branches with soft bristles. The flowers are white with long floral tubes. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Strophocactus testudo 5-inch pots $25.00
$25 This species occurs from Mexico southwards through Central America and into South America. This epiphytic shrub, formerly in the genus Selenicereus, has long green and round branches with soft bristles. The flowers are white with long floral tubes. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Sulcorebutia arenacea 5-inch pots $20.00
From Bolivia, this small, globose species offsets to form clumps. The body is a deep greenish-brown with small light-colored spines. The flowers are relatively large and yellow to yellow-orange. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Sulcorebutia candiae 4-inch pots $15.00
Also known as Rebutia arenacea, this species is from Bolivia. The small globose bodies are green and can cluster or be solitary. The flowers range in color from yellow to orange. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Sulcorebutia mentosa one-gallon pots $35.00
This small, globose species is from Bolivia. Freely offsetting to form clumps, the body is medium green with small dark spines. The flowers are violet-purple and quite large. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Synadenium grantii cv 'Rubra' one-gallon pots $25.00
From East Africa, this wand-like species forms a tall plant in most greenhouses. This form has leaves that have a beautiful red color, particularly when new, which makes this species quite desirable. Warning! Many red-leaf species can turn green under certain conditions, including low light and abundant resources. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Synadenium sp. (Suyian) 5-inch pots $20.00
From East Africa, this species grows in proximity to Lake Victoria and its islands. From material originally collected by Gilfrid Powys, this species has green hairy leaves that mature with darker-green veins. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
T-shirt, Euphorbia pachypodioides, Large, blue $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia pachypodioides, by noted Tucson botanical artist Margaret Pope, on the front. The color is light blue.
T-shirt, Euphorbia pachypodioides, Large, gray $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia pachypodioides, by noted Tucson botanical artist Margaret Pope, on the front. The color is gray.
T-shirt, Euphorbia pachypodioides, Large, yellow $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia pachypodioides, by noted Tucson botanical artist Margaret Pope, on the front. The color is yellow.
T-shirt, Euphorbia pachypodioides, Medium, blue $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia pachypodioides on the front. The color is light blue.
T-shirt, Euphorbia pachypodioides, Medium, gray $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia pachypodioides on the front. The color is gray.
T-shirt, Euphorbia pachypodioides, XL, blue $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia pachypodioides on the front. The color is light blue.
T-shirt, Euphorbia pachypodioides, XL, gray $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia pachypodioides on the front. The color is gray.
T-shirt, Euphorbia pachypodioides, XL, tan $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia pachypodioides on the front. The color is tan.
T-shirt, Euphorbia pachypodioides, XL, yellow $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia pachypodioides on the front. The color is yellow.
T-shirt, Euphorbia schizacantha, Extra Large, Gray $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia schizacantha from Gerhard Marx, noted South African botanical artist, on the front. The color is ash gray.
T-shirt, Euphorbia schizacantha, Extra Large, Yellow $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia schizacantha from Gerhard Marx, noted South African botanical artist, on the front. The color is cornsilk yellow.
T-shirt, Euphorbia schizacantha, Large, Blue $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia schizacantha from Gerhard Marx, noted South African botanical artist, on the front. The color is light blue.
T-shirt, Euphorbia schizacantha, Large, Gray $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia schizacantha from Gerhard Marx, noted South African botanical artist, on the front. The color is ash gray.
T-shirt, Euphorbia schizacantha, Large, Tan $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia schizacantha from Gerhard Marx, noted South African botanical artist, on the front. The color is natural.
T-shirt, Euphorbia schizacantha, Large, Yellow $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia schizacantha from Gerhard Marx, noted South African botanical artist, on the front. The color is cornsilk yellow.
T-shirt, Euphorbia schizacantha, Medium, Gray $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia schizacantha from Gerhard Marx, noted South African botanical artist, on the front. The color is ash gray.
T-shirt, Euphorbia schizacantha, Small, Blue $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia schizacantha from Gerhard Marx, noted South African botanical artist, on the front. The color is light blue.
T-shirt, Euphorbia schizacantha, Small, Gray $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia schizacantha from Gerhard Marx, noted South African botanical artist, on the front. The color is ash gray.
T-shirt, Euphorbia schizacantha, Small, Yellow $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia schizacantha from Gerhard Marx, noted South African botanical artist, on the front. The color is cornsilk yellow.
T-shirt, Euphorbia schizacantha, XL, Blue $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Euphorbia schizacantha from Gerhard Marx, noted South African botanical artist, on the front. The color is light blue.
T-shirt, Haworthia magnifica var. splendens, Large, Gray $20.00
These high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Haworthia magnifica var. splendens commissioned from Gerhard Marx of South Africa. We have natural, daisy (light yellow), and ash; please color preference in the comment box of your order.
T-shirt, Haworthia magnifica var. splendens, Small, gray $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Haworthia magnifica var. splendens commissioned from Gerhard Marx, noted South African botanical artist, on the front. The color is ash gray.
T-shirt, Haworthia magnifica var. splendens, Small, yellow $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Haworthia magnifica var. splendens commissioned from Gerhard Marx, noted South African botanical artist, on the front. The color is yellow.
T-shirt, Sansevieria eilensis, 2X, Pistachio $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Sansevieria eilensis on the front. The color of these shirts is pistachio green.
T-shirt, Sansevieria eilensis, Extra Large, Black $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Sansevieria eilensis on the front. The color of these shirts is black.
T-shirt, Sansevieria eilensis, Extra Large, Brown $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Sansevieria eilensis on the front. The color of these shirts is brown.
T-shirt, Sansevieria eilensis, Extra Large, Pistachio $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Sansevieria eilensis on the front. The color of these shirts is pistachio green.
T-shirt, Sansevieria eilensis, Large, Black $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Sansevieria eilensis on the front. The color of these shirts is black.
T-shirt, Sansevieria eilensis, Large, Brown $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Sansevieria eilensis on the front. The color of these shirts is brown.
T-shirt, Sansevieria eilensis, Large, Pistachio $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Sansevieria eilensis on the front. The color of these shirts is pistachio green.
T-shirt, Sansevieria eilensis, Medium, Brown $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Sansevieria eilensis on the front. The color of these shirts is brown.
T-shirt, Sansevieria eilensis, Medium, Pistachio $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Sansevieria eilensis on the front. The color of these shirts is pistachio green.
T-shirt, Sansevieria eilensis, Small, Black $20.00
T-shirt, Sansevieria eilensis, Small, Black $20 Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Sansevieria eilensis on the front. The color of these shirts is black.
T-shirt, Sansevieria eilensis, Small, Brown $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Sansevieria eilensis on the front. The color of these shirts is brown.
T-shirt, Sansevieria eilensis, Small, Pistachio $20.00
Our high-quality T-shirts (Gildan Ultra Cotton T) have original artwork of Sansevieria eilensis on the front. The color of these shirts is pistachio green.
Tacinga inamoena 3-inch pots $10.00
From its distribution through northeastern Brazil, this species is shrubby with numerous light green pads. It has a lot of tiny glochids but no real spines. The flowers are orange-red in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Tacinga inamoena 4-inch pots $15.00
From its distribution through northeastern Brazil, this species is shrubby with numerous light green pads. It has a lot of tiny glochids but no real spines. The flowers are orange-red in color. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Talinum caffrum 4-inch pots $15.00
This cosmopolitan Talinum, which ranges from Kenya down through East Africa and over to Namibia, forms a large woody caudex and seasonally puts out lanceolate leaves. The flower color ranges from white to yellow, and it flowers a lot. This easy to grow species is winter dormant. We offer seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Talinum caffrum 5-inch pots $20.00
This cosmopolitan Talinum, which ranges from Kenya down through East Africa and over to Namibia, forms a large woody caudex and seasonally puts out lanceolate leaves. The flower color ranges from white to yellow, and it flowers a lot. This easy to grow species is winter dormant. We offer seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Tanquana prismatica 2-inch pots $8.00
From the Ceres Karoo, an area between the Klein Karoo and the Great Karoo of South Africa, this species formerly was in Pleiospilos. These plants are mat-forming with numerous chunky green leaves that can turn anything from orange to purple in strong sunlight. The flowers have numerous yellow petals. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Tephrocactus aoracanthus var. pediophilus 5-inch pots $20.00
From Argentina, this species features gray-green stems that are easily broken into segments that are pinkish-gray. Variety pediophilus mostly has spines at the aureoles near the apex. The flowers are white to light pink. These plants are rooted segments in 5-inch pots.
Tephrocactus articulatus var. inermis 4-inch pots $15.00
From Argentina, this species features gray-green stems that are easily broken into segments that are pinkish-gray. Variety inermis, sometimes referred to as variety diadematus, has essentially no spines but instead has small prickles at the aureoles. The flowers are white. These plants are rooted segments in 4-inch pots.
Tephrocactus articulatus var. inermis 5-inch pots $20.00
From Argentina, this species features gray-green stems that are easily broken into segments that are pinkish-gray. Variety inermis, sometimes referred to as variety diadematus, has essentially no spines but instead has small prickles at the aureoles. The flowers are white. These plants are rooted segments in 5-inch pots.
Tephrocactus articulatus var. papyracantha 4-inch pots $15.00
From Argentina, this species features easily broken segments that are pinkish-gray with long, flattened white spines. The flowers are white. These plants are rooted segments in 4-inch pots.
Tephrocactus articulatus var. papyracantha 5-inch pots $20.00
From Argentina, this species features easily broken segments that are pinkish-gray with long, flattened white spines. The flowers are white. These plants are rooted segments in 5-inch pots.
Tephrocactus articulatus var. papyracantha one-gallon pots $25.00
From Argentina, this species features easily broken segments that are pinkish-gray with long, flattened white spines. The flowers are white. These plants are rooted segments in one-gallon pots.
The Aloes of Arabia $160.00
Tom McCoy spent considerable field time to study the aloes of Arabia (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman), and the result is a magnificent piece of work on some very rare species. This book describes setting and the species of aloes in this very large peninsula. It is well illustrated with numerous habitat photographs that go along with the descriptions. This hard-cover edition is 441 pages long and well worth the investment as there is no other resource to learn about most of these plants, only a few of which are in cultivation. Shipping charges will be reduced to either first class or media mail.
The Aloes of Uganda $25.00
The authors of this book, Tom Cole and Tom Forrest, have spent considerable time in the bush of Uganda studying aloes and sansevierias. This book describes the aloes in this East African country in alphabetical order. It is well illustrated with numerous habitat photographs that go along with the descriptions. This cloth-bound edition is 176 pages long and well worth the small investment to learn about these plants, many of which are not long in cultivation. Shipping charges will be reduced to either first class or media mail.
The Genus Sansevieria: (pdf version) $35.00
This is a comprehensive book on the recognized species in the genus Sansevieria written by Robert Webb and Len Newton. It is approximately 200 pages long with photographs in habitat and in cultivation. This is a pdf version that will be sent via wetransfer file transfer service. Ignore the shipping charges, they will be removed from your order.
The Genus Sansevieria: A Pictorial Guide Book $75.00
This is a comprehensive book on the recognized species in the genus Sansevieria written by Robert Webb and Len Newton. It is approximately 200 pages long and covers more than 105 taxa with approximately 200 photographs in habitat and in cultivation.
Thelocactus bicolor (tricolor) 2-inch pots $8.00
This subspecies is from the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico, where it typically occurs in thornscrub. It is part of the larger T. bicolor complex, which features relatively small-bodied plants with large flowers, typically magenta petals with yellow centers. These plants can withstand significant frost and can be grown outside in Tucson. We offer seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Thelocactus bicolor ssp. bicolor 2-inch pots $8.00
This subspecies is from the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico, where it typically occurs in thornscrub. It is part of the larger T. bicolor complex, which features relatively small-bodied plants with large flowers, typically magenta petals with yellow centers. These plants can withstand significant frost and can be grown outside in Tucson. We offer seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Thelocactus bicolor ssp. bicolor 3-inch pots $10.00
This subspecies is from the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico, where it typically occurs in thornscrub. It is part of the larger T. bicolor complex, which features relatively small-bodied plants with large flowers, typically magenta petals with yellow centers. These plants can withstand significant frost and can be grown outside in Tucson. We offer seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Thelocactus bicolor ssp. bicolor 4-inch pots $15.00
This subspecies is from the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico, where it typically occurs in thornscrub. It is part of the larger T. bicolor complex, which features relatively small-bodied plants with large flowers, typically magenta petals with yellow centers. These plants can withstand significant frost and can be grown outside in Tucson. We offer seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Thelocactus bicolor ssp. bicolor 5-inch pots $20.00
This subspecies is from the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico, where it typically occurs in thornscrub. It is part of the larger T. bicolor complex, which features relatively small-bodied plants with large flowers, typically magenta petals with yellow centers. These plants can withstand significant frost and can be grown outside in Tucson. We offer seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Thelocactus conothelos ssp. argenteus 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the western Chihuahuan Desert relatively high in the Sierra Madre. It tends to be a solitary species with the body mostly obscured with white spines. The flowers can vary considerably in color, but these plants have flowers that are violet with yellow centers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Thelocactus hexaedrophorous 2-inch pots $8.00
This species is from the southern Chihuahuan Desert of north-central Mexico. It is a solitary species with a globose body bearing rather large, flattened tubercles, and the spination is sparse. The flowers are white with yellow centers and magenta midveins. These plants likely are frost hardy. We have seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Thelocactus hexaedrophorous 3-inch pots $10.00
This species is from the southern Chihuahuan Desert of north-central Mexico. It is a solitary species with a globose body bearing rather large, flattened tubercles, and the spination is sparse. The flowers are white with yellow centers and magenta midveins. These plants likely are frost hardy. We have seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Thelocactus hexaedrophorous 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the southern Chihuahuan Desert of north-central Mexico. It is a solitary species with a globose body bearing rather large, flattened tubercles, and the spination is sparse. The flowers are white with yellow centers and magenta midveins. These plants likely are frost hardy. We have seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Thelocactus macdowellii 2-inch pots $8.00
From the southern Chihuahuan Desert of Mexico, this is a sparsely offsetting globose species. The body is dominated by relatively long gray-white spines. The flowers are pinkish-white with violet tips. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Thelocactus macdowellii 4-inch pots $15.00
From the southern Chihuahuan Desert of Mexico, this is a sparsely offsetting globose species. The body is dominated by relatively long gray-white spines. The flowers are pinkish-white with violet tips. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Thelocactus macdowellii 5-inch pots $20.00
From the southern Chihuahuan Desert of Mexico, this is a sparsely offsetting globose species. The body is dominated by relatively long gray-white spines. The flowers are pinkish-white with violet tips. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Thelocactus matudae 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the eastern Chihuahuan Desert of Mexico, and some consider it to be a subspecies of Thelocactus tulensis. It is a solitary species with cylindrical green stems with numerous but vague ribs and grayish-white spines. The flowers are variable but typically purplish-red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Thelocactus rinconensis 2-inch pots $8.00
This complex group of plants is from the Chihuahuan Desert of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, Mexico, where it grows at high elevations. This species is solitary with a globose body bearing numerous ribs and tubercles, and the spination is highly variable. Likewise, the flower color is variable is well, ranging from nearly white to pink. These plants likely are very frost hardy. We have them in 2-inch pots.
Thelocactus rinconensis 3-inch pots $10.00
This complex group of plants is from the Chihuahuan Desert of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, Mexico, where it grows at high elevations. This species is solitary with a globose body bearing numerous ribs and tubercles, and the spination is highly variable. Likewise, the flower color is variable is well, ranging from nearly white to pink. These plants likely are very frost hardy. We have them in 3-inch pots.
Thelocactus rinconensis ssp. nidulans 2-inch pots $8.00
This complex group of plants is from the Chihuahuan Desert of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, Mexico, where it grows at high elevations. This species is solitary with a globose body bearing numerous ribs and tubercles, and the spination near the tip is arranged to vaguely look like a bird’s nest. The flower color ranges from white to pink with yellow centers. These plants likely are very frost hardy. We have seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Thrixanthocereus blossfeldiorum 4-inch pots $15.00
This is now supposed to be Espostoa blossfeldiana, but we fail to see the connection. This columnar species branches from the base and has stems with grayish-yellow spines. The yellowish tubular flowers are borne in a lateral cephalium. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Thrixanthocereus blossfeldiorum 5-inch pots $20.00
This is now supposed to be Espostoa blossfeldiana, but we fail to see the connection. This columnar species branches from the base and has stems with grayish-yellow spines. The yellowish tubular flowers are borne in a lateral cephalium. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Thrixanthocereus senilis 3-inch pots $12.00
This is now supposed to be Espostoa senilis, but this species is different. This columnar species branches from the base and has stems with grayish spines from the greenish stem. The yellowish tubular flowers are borne in a lateral cephalium. These plants are rooted cuttings in 3-inch pots.
Tillandsia cv Curly Slim 5-inch pots $35.00
Tillandsia cv 'Curly Slim' is an epiphyte cross between T. intermedia and T. streptophylla. It can be grown without soil and can be grown either horizontally or upright; these plants are board mounted for placement on walls. The hybrid has violet colored tubular flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Tillandsia cv Curly Slim 5-inch pots $35.00
Tillandsia cv 'Curly Slim' is an epiphyte cross between T. intermedia and T. streptophylla. It can be grown without soil and can be grown either horizontally or upright; these plants are board mounted for placement on walls. The hybrid has violet colored tubular flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Tinospora caffra one-gallon pots $25.00
This cosmopolitan species, which ranges down the eastern side of Africa, is a liana, or a climbing vine, with interesting, heart-shaped leaves. This is the kind of vine Tarzan used to travel through the forest. The species is dioecious with recurved flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Titanopsis hugo-schlecteri 2-inch pots $8.00
From southern Namibia into the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, this mesemb differs from T. calcarea because of the larger, reddish warts that are restricted to the tips of the mostly upright leaves. The flowers are yellow. These seedlings are in 2-inch pots.
Trachyandra saltii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species seems to have had more name changes than leaves. We’ve offered this previously as Anthericum fruticosum, but now it seems to have found a home in T. saltii. These plants form tall stems with splays of grass-like leaves. From the western provinces of South Africa, this plant is used for ground cover. The flowers are open and white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Trachyandra saltii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species seems to have had more name changes than leaves. We’ve offered this previously as Anthericum fruticosum, but now it seems to have found a home in T. saltii. These plants form tall stems with splays of grass-like leaves. From the western provinces of South Africa, this plant is used for ground cover. The flowers are open and white. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Tradescantia pallida 5-inch pots $20.00
From northeastern Mexico, this little species, often called Purple Heart, has silky, purple leaves arising from a root mass. Barely a succulent, this is a pretty species to have in a collection, either in a hanging pot indoors or as groundcover outdoors in nearly frost-free environments. These plants are rooted offsets in 5-inch pots.
Trichocereus angelensis (MLV 68) 4-inch pots $15.00
This low-growing species is from Argentina. It is a rather sprawing species with numerous yellow-green arms bearing numerous ribs and yellow spines. Its flowers are large and white. Likely this species would be hardy in the Tucson landscape, where it frequently goes below 20F in the winter. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Trichocereus angelensis (MLV 68) 5-inch pots $20.00
This low-growing species is from Argentina. It is a rather sprawing species with numerous yellow-green arms bearing numerous ribs and yellow spines. Its flowers are large and white. Likely this species would be hardy in the Tucson landscape, where it frequently goes below 20F in the winter. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Trichocereus bridgesii (monstrose) 4-inch pots $20.00
Trichocereus bridgesii is from Bolivia in the vicinity of La Paz. Its normal form is a short shrub with numerous branches. These monstrose plants produce numerous joints that are olive-green in color with scant yellow spines. We rather doubt these plants flower. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Trichocereus bridgesii (monstrose) one-gallon pots $60.00
Trichocereus bridgesii is from Bolivia in the vicinity of La Paz. Its normal form is a short shrub with numerous branches. These monstrose plants produce numerous joints that are olive-green in color with scant yellow spines. We rather doubt these plants flower. These plants are rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Trichocereus cv Deep Orange 3-gallon pots $45.00
This is one of the many Trichocereus hybrids that have sprung up over the years, and this one was developed by Mark Dimmitt of Tucson. These plants have vivid orange flowers. Like most of these Trichocereus hybrids, it can withstand around 15-20F freezing temperatures. We offer rooted cuttings of this hybrid in 3-gallon pots.
Trichocereus cv Hans Britsch 6-inch pots $25.00
This Trichocereus hybrid was developed by the late Hans Britsch of Western Cactus. They call it Trichocereus Hans and Gretle Britsch for the founders of that company. Similar to other Trichocereus cultivars, this has green offsetting stems with significant hardiness to cold and drought. These plants have many different flower colors. We offer rooted cuttings of this hybrid in 6-inch pots.
Trichocereus cv Incandescent Crimson x Ember Glow 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the many Trichocereus hybrids that Mark Dimmitt created over the years. These plants are expected to have reddish to purplish flowers. We offer rooted cuttings of this hybrid in 5-inch pots.
Trichocereus cv Incandescent Crimson x Ember Glow 5-inch pots $20.00
This is one of the many Trichocereus hybrids that Mark Dimmitt created over the years. These plants are expected to have reddish to purplish flowers. We offer rooted cuttings of this hybrid in 5-inch pots.
Trichocereus cv Incandescent Crimson x Ember Glow one-gallon pot $25.00
This is one of the many Trichocereus hybrids that Mark Dimmitt created over the years. These plants are expected to have reddish to purplish flowers. We offer rooted cuttings of this hybrid in one-gallon pots.
Trichocereus cv Orange one-gallon pots $25.00
This hybrid Trichocereus, which to our knowledge is an unnamed cultivar, came from material originally from northern Argentina. An offsetting shrubby plant, this hybrid has orange-red flowers. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in one-gallon pots.
Trichocereus cv Pink and Wine one-gallon pots $25.00
This is one of the many Trichocereus hybrids that Mark Dimmitt created recently. These plants feature colors of pink to red that are fairly large. This is one of the latest flowering Trichocereus hybrids. We offer rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots.
Trichocereus cv Purple Daze 2-inch pots $8.00
This is one of the many Trichocereus hybrids that Mark Dimmitt created recently. These plants have nearly iridescent purple flowers that are fairly large. We offer seedlings of this hybrid in 2-inch pots.
Trichocereus cv Purple Daze one-gallon pots $30.00
This is one of the many Trichocereus hybrids that Mark Dimmitt created recently. These plants have nearly iridescent purple flowers that are fairly large. We offer rooted cuttings of this hybrid in one-gallon pots.
Trichocereus cv Sun Goddess 4-inch pots $15.00
This is one of the many Trichocereus hybrids available in the trade, all with similar looking stems with similar hardiness to cold and drought. These plants have very large white flowers. We offer rooted cuttings of this hybrid in 4-inch pots.
Trichocereus cv Sun Goddess 5-inch pots $20.00
This is one of the many Trichocereus hybrids available in the trade, all with similar looking stems with similar hardiness to cold and drought. These plants have very large white flowers. We offer rooted cuttings of this hybrid in 5-inch pots.
Trichocereus cv Sun Goddess 8-inch pots $45.00
This is one of the many Trichocereus hybrids available in the trade, all with similar looking stems with similar hardiness to cold and drought. These plants have very large white flowers. We offer rooted cuttings of this hybrid in 8-inch pots.
Trichocereus cv Sunflower 8-inch pots $35.00
This Trichocereus hybrid was created by Bachs Cactus Nursery. These plants have rather unbelievable bright yellow flowers. We offer rooted cuttings of this hybrid in 8-inch pots.
Trichocereus cv Too Pink one-gallon pots $30.00
This Trichocereus hybrid came from Mark Dimmitt. These plants have rather pretty pink flowers, but the name may reflect disappointment because Mark likes red flowers ("dammit they are too pink!"). We offer rooted cuttings of this hybrid in one-gallon pots.
Trichocereus formosa 4-inch pots $15.00
This species occurs in the Andes of Argentina and Peru. It is relatively slow growing but eventually forms clumps with densely spined cylindrical stems that can have a reddish-brown appearance. The flowers are large and various shades ranging from yellow to red. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Trichocereus grandiflorus (magenta) 4-inch pots $15.00
This species of Trichocereus, which some want to lump in with Echinopsis, is from northern Argentina. An offsetting shrubby plant, this species is one of the species that was used to create many of the spectacular Trichocereus hybrids that have sprung up over the years. These plants have iridescent purple flowers. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Trichocereus grandiflorus 5-inch pots $20.00
This species of Trichocereus, which some want to lump in with Echinopsis, is from northern Argentina. An offsetting shrubby plant, this species is one of the species that was used to create many of the spectacular Trichocereus hybrids that have sprung up over the years. These plants have light red flowers. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Trichocereus grandiflorus 8-inch pots $45.00
This species of Trichocereus, which some want to lump in with Echinopsis, is from northern Argentina. An offsetting shrubby plant, this species is one of the species that was used to create many of the spectacular Trichocereus hybrids that have sprung up over the years. These plants have light red flowers. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 8-inch pots.
Trichocereus huascha 2-inch pots $8.00
Trichocereus huasha is from northern Argentina. This species is the basis for many of the spectacular Trichocereus hybrids that have sprung up over the years. These plants have variable-color flowers, but they should be predominantly red. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 2-inch pots.
Trichocereus huasha (long spines) 5-inch pots $20.00
Trichocereus huasha is from northern Argentina. This species is the basis for many of the spectacular Trichocereus hybrids that have sprung up over the years. These plants have variable-color flowers, but they should be predominantly red. Whats different with these plants is the very long yellow spines. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Trichocereus huasha 4-inch pots $15.00
Trichocereus huasha is from northern Argentina. This species is the basis for many of the spectacular Trichocereus hybrids that have sprung up over the years. These plants have variable-color flowers, but they should be predominantly red. We offer rooted cuttings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Trichocereus hybrid (white) 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid Trichocereus, which to our knowledge is an unnamed cultivar, came from material originally from northern Argentina. An offsetting shrubby plant, this hybrid has relatively large white flowers. We offer seedlings of this species in 4-inch pots.
Trichocereus hybrid (white) 5-inch pots $20.00
This hybrid Trichocereus, which to our knowledge is an unnamed cultivar, came from material originally from northern Argentina. An offsetting shrubby plant, this hybrid has relatively large white flowers. We offer seedlings of this species in 5-inch pots.
Trichocereus pecheretianus (huasha) 5-inch pots $20.00
This taxonomic nightmare started its existence as a Helianthocereus, then to Trichocereus, then lumped into T. huasha, now Echinopsis huasha according to some. We’re not returning to Helianthocereus, a long discarded Backeberg genus, but we will keep it in Trichocereus. This short-stemmed species is from northern Argentine, and it has a yellow-green body and numerous yellow-white spines. The flowers are showy and could be a number of colors, typically orange to red. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Trichocereus pecheretianus (huasha) one-gallon pots $25.00
This taxonomic nightmare started its existence as a Helianthocereus, then to Trichocereus, then lumped into T. huasha, now Echinopsis huasha according to some. We’re not returning to Helianthocereus, a long discarded Backeberg genus, but we will keep it in Trichocereus. This short-stemmed species is from northern Argentine, and it has a yellow-green body and numerous yellow-white spines. The flowers are showy and could be a number of colors, typically orange to red. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Trichocereus prolifera one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from Caribbean islands. These plants have multiple green stems with whitish spines. The flowers are small and white to yellow. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Trichocereus pseudocandicans (candicans) 4-inch pots $15.00
So the lumpers not only have put this into Echinopsis, they also merged it with T. candicans. Whatever - we'll keep it separate for now. It is very similar to T. candicans, being an offsetting short-columnar species that produces large white flowers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Trichocereus pseudocandicans (candicans) 5-inch pots $20.00
So the lumpers not only have put this into Echinopsis, they also merged it with T. candicans. Whatever - we'll keep it separate for now. It is very similar to T. candicans, being an offsetting short-columnar species that produces large white flowers. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Trichocereus pseudocandicans one-gallon pots $25.00
So the lumpers not only have put this into Echinopsis, they also merged it with T. candicans. Whatever, well keep it separate for now. It is very similar to T. candicans, being an offsetting short-columnar species that produces large white flowers. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Trichocereus purpureopilosus 2-inch pots $8.00
Now supposedly merged into the dubious species Echinopsis lamprochlora, well keep this Bolivian short columnar cactus separate for now even though it fits better with Echinopsis than Trichocereus based on size and clumping. The flowers are large and white. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Trichocereus purpureopilosus 4-inch pots $15.00
Now supposedly merged into the dubious species Echinopsis lamprochlora, we'll keep this Bolivian short columnar cactus separate for now even though it fits better with Echinopsis than Trichocereus based on size and clumping. The flowers are large and white. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Trichocereus purpureopilosus 5-inch pots $20.00
Now supposedly merged into the dubious species Echinopsis lamprochlora, we'll keep this Bolivian short columnar cactus separate for now even though it fits better with Echinopsis than Trichocereus based on size and clumping. The flowers are large and white. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Trichocereus terscheckii 6-inch pots $30.00
Sorry, we don‘t believe that this species belongs in Echinopsis. This marvelous columnar plant, from northern Argentina, is one of the most frost hardy cacti of any stature that we know of, rivaling Stetsonia. Unlike that species, the flowers are extremely large and bright white, flowering in mid-summer. These plants are seedlings in 6-inch pots.
Trichocereus terscheckii one-gallon pots $25.00
Sorry, we don’t buy that this species belongs in Echinopsis. This marvelous columnar plant, from northern Argentina, is one of the most frost hardy cacti of any stature that we know of, rivaling Stetsonia. Unlike that species, the flowers are extremely large and bright white, flowering in mid-summer. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Trichodiadema bulbosum 5-inch pots $20.00
This species, from the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa, forms many short branches from tuberous roots that typically are exposed in cultivation. The leaves are succulent, cylindrical, and crowned with white bristles, making for a very attractive plant. The flowers are a purplish red with a yellow center. This species is a good subject for bonsai and it can take considerable frost in Tucson. We offer rooted cuttings with very well developed caudices in 5-inch pots.
Trichodiadema densum 4-inch pots $15.00
This species, as its epithet indicates, has a dense structure of spiny green leaves, and its appearance, when grown compactly, has been likened to members of the cactus genus Mammillaria. It comes from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa from near Willowmore, and it has purple-red flowers. We have rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Trichodiadema intonsum 3-inch pots $10.00
This little known species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It is a dense shrublet with spiny green leaves, and it has pinkish-red flowers. These plants are seedlings in 3-inch pots.
Trichodiadema intonsum 4-inch pots $15.00
This little known species is from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It is a dense shrublet with spiny green leaves, and it has pinkish-red flowers. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Trichodiadema littlewoodii 5-inch pots $20.00
This species is from south-central Namibia. A rather tall shrub, it has cylindrical green leaves covered with crystal-like tubercles. Reputedly the most floriferous of the genus, it produces numerous white to pink flowers at the ends of the branches. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Trichodiadema littlewoodii one-gallon pots $25.00
This species is from south-central Namibia. A rather tall shrub, it has cylindrical green leaves covered with crystal-like tubercles. Reputedly the most floriferous of the genus, it produces numerous white to pink flowers at the ends of the branches. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Trichodiadema mirabile 4-inch pots $15.00
This low-growing shrub has spiny green, cylindrical leaves and white flowers. It comes from the Western Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa in a broad area over the southern Great Karoo. We offer seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Tunilla picardoi 5-inch pots $20.00
This is a mound forming and creeping species from Argentina. It has triangular stems bearing small green pads with numerous yellow spines. The flowers are deep red. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Tylecodon dinteri 4-inch pots $15.00
This hybrid between Tylecodon paniculatus and T. wallichii is a winter grower. It bears a strong resemblance to T. paniculatus in its pachycaul trunk, and bears resemblance to T. wallichii in its leaves and yellow flowers. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Tylecodon hirtifolius 4-inch pots $20.00
From the southern Richtersveld in South Africa, this rare species is a winter grower. It is a little pachycaul, with knobby medium-gray stems and yellow-green flowers. The leaves are grayish-green and tomentose. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Tylecodon paniculatus 4-inch pots $20.00
This elegant, short succulent tree is a landscape fixture in the Northern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. It has a stout pachycaul trunk with shredding, yellow-gray bark, and the dark green leaves have a glossy sheen. This is a winter grower that wants to be summer dormant. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Tylecodon paniculatus 5-inch pots $25.00
This elegant, short succulent tree is a landscape fixture in the Northern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. It has a stout pachycaul trunk with shredding, yellow-gray bark, and the dark green leaves have a glossy sheen. This is a winter grower that wants to be summer dormant. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Tylecodon schaeferianus 5-inch pots $25.00
This mat-forming species mostly occurs in coastal southwest Namibia with an extension into northwestern South Africa. It is a dwarf species with short stems and pear-shaped leaves. The flowers are reddish pink and held upright. This is a winter-growing species and should be sparsely watered, if at all, during the summer months. These rooted cuttings are in 5-inch pots.
Tylecodon striatus 4-inch pots $20.00
This species, from near Komkaus in South Africa, has channeled, linear leaves and a trunk with faint striping. The tuberous root is large, eventually creating a caudiciform base. These rooted cuttings are in 4-inch pots.
Tylecodon wallichii 4-inch pots $15.00
This species is from the Western and Northern Cape Provinces of South Africa. A winter-growing species, it is columnar with few branches. The leaves are green and cylindrical, and the leaf peduncles become elongated tubercles, creating an attractive appearance to the plant. The flowers are yellow, relatively large, and tubular. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Uebelmannia pectinifera 2-inch pots $12.00
This species is from the Minas Gerais Mountains in Brazil. One of the best forms within the Cactaceae, this species can grow quite large, and the spines on the fluted margins, as well as the generally green-purple body, are the big attractions. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots, generally 1-2 inches across.
Uebelmannia pectinifera 4-inch pots $20.00
This species is from the Minas Gerais Mountains in Brazil. One of the best forms within the Cactaceae, this species can grow quite large, and the spines on the fluted margins, as well as the generally green-purple body, are the big attractions. We’ve had these plants outdoors in Tucson, where they have been undamaged at 20F under shadecloth. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Uncarina roeoesliana x grandidieri 4-inch pots $15.00
Uncarina roeoesliana is short pachycaul from Madagascar has thick pale gray rounded stem that looks like a ball with branches covered with tufts of slightly lobed leaves at tips of stems. Uncarina grandidieri is a short tree. They have similar leaves covered with soft downy hair, and the flowers are yellow, and likely the throats of the flowers will be purple to magenta. These are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Veltheimia bracteata one-gallon pots $25.00
This bulb has a range that spans southern South Africa from the Western Cape to the Eastern Cape Province. The glossy green leaves are relatively broad and tend to be evergreen or briefly deciduous. The flowers are yellow to red and are densely packed in an unbranched inflorescence. These are seedling bulbs in one-gallon pots.
Weingartia chuquichuquinensis 2-inch pots $10.00
Like others in this genus, Weingartia chuquichuquinensis has been moved into Parodia. We’ll keep it in this genus for now. It is a clustering species with globose green bodies and white spines off of prominent tubercles. The flowers are yellow and quite numerous. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Wigginsia pauciareolatus 2-inch pots $8.00
This is supposed to be synonymous with Parodia sellowii, but well keep it separate for now. Distributed in Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay, the species has is a light-green body with appressed white-yellow spines. As with most species in the larger Parodia group, the flowers are noteworthy and are a showy yellow. These plants are seedlings in 2-inch pots.
Xerosicyos danguyi 4-inch pots $15.00
This strange member of the Cucurbitaceae looks like a bunch of green disks hanging off a vine. From western and southwestern Madagascar, it forms tall shrubs that branch from the base, and the stems look best if trailing up through a larger plant. The glowers are greenish-yellow and are relatively small; the species is dioecious. These plants are rooted cuttings in 4-inch pots.
Xerosicyos danguyi 5-inch pots $20.00
This strange member of the Cucurbitaceae looks like a bunch of green disks hanging off a vine. From western and southwestern Madagascar, it forms tall shrubs that branch from the base, and the stems look best if trailing up through a larger plant. The glowers are greenish-yellow and are relatively small; the species is dioecious. These plants are rooted cuttings in 5-inch pots.
Yucca baccata var. baccata 2-gallon pots $35.00
Widely distributed in the southwestern United States, this short tree yucca is slow growing and prefers a winter-rainfall climate, although it also grows in the summer-rainfall climate of the Chihuahuan Desert. The leaves shed marginal fibers from a deeply channeled, dark-green leaf. The flowers are cream and held in dense panicles. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Yucca capensis 2-gallon pots $35.00
This recently described species is from the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula, where it grows in the subtropical forests surrounding the Sierra de la Laguna. Long considered to be a form of Yucca valida, it differs in leaf form and overall size. These plants are seedlings in 2-gallon pots.
Yucca declinata 4-inch pots $15.00
Closely related to Yucca grandiflora, Yucca declinata is from the Sonoran Desert of Sonora, Mexico. This arborescent species can have a stout trunk and a height of 12-15 feet, and the leaves are relatively broad, green, and flexible. The flowers are borne in lateral panicles, distinguishing it from Y. grandiflora, and are cream colored. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Yucca declinata one-gallon pots $25.00
Closely related to Yucca grandiflora, Yucca declinata is from the Sonoran Desert of Sonora, Mexico. This arborescent species can have a stout trunk and a height of 12-15 feet, and the leaves are relatively broad, green, and flexible. The flowers are borne in lateral panicles, distinguishing it from Y. grandiflora, and are cream colored. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Yucca elata one-gallon pots $25.00
Yucca elata is one of the signature species of the Upper Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts, with a range extending eastwards from Tucson into New Mexico and Chihuahua. Considered to be part of the desert grassland, this species can have a stout trunk with a total height of 12-15 feet; more typically, these plants are around 6 feet tall in the wild and have a canopy of flexible, linear leaves. The flowers are borne in a dense panicle and are cream colored. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Yucca reverchonii 4-inch pots $15.00
A low-growing, mound forming species from Texas, Yucca reverchonii is related to Y. rupicola and Y. thompsoniana. This species has gray-green, rather rigid leaves with yellowish margins, and its inflorescence is relatively tall and bears cream-colored flowers. Like most Yuccas, this species is highly tolerant of drought and frost. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Yucca rostrata 4-inch pots $15.00
From Texas and north-central Mexico, this is another one of the well-known “Blue Yucca” that is common in desert landscapes. It forms a medium-sized tree with blue-green, sometimes twisted leaves. This species can withstand freezing temperatures less than 10F but requires temperatures to rise above freezing for survival. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Yucca rostrata 5-inch pots $20.00
From Texas and north-central Mexico, this is another one of the well-known “Blue Yucca” that is common in desert landscapes. It forms a medium-sized tree with blue-green, sometimes twisted leaves. This species can withstand freezing temperatures less than 10F but requires temperatures to rise above freezing for survival. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Yucca schidigera 5-inch pots $20.00
From California and Nevada, this medium-sized yucca has rigid, channeled leaves that tend to have shredding margins when mature. This species seems to be bipolar in terms of its botanical stature, because the plants growing in the California deserts are extremely slow growing and gnarled gray-green plants, while the plants in the southern California mountains tend to be light green and relatively fast growing. The flowers are white and held in roughly conical panicles. This winter-growing species can have problems during the summer rains in Arizona, but it is extremely hardy to frost. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Yucca schidigera one-gallon pots $25.00
From California and Nevada, this medium-sized yucca has rigid, channeled leaves that tend to have shredding margins when mature. This species seems to be bipolar in terms of its botanical stature, because the plants growing in the California deserts are extremely slow growing and gnarled gray-green plants, while the plants in the southern California mountains tend to be light green and relatively fast growing. The flowers are white and held in roughly conical panicles. This winter-growing species can have problems during the summer rains in Arizona, but it is extremely hardy to frost. These plants are seedlings in one-gallon pots.
Yungasocereus inquisivensis 4-inch pots $15.00
This thin columnar species of a monospecific genus has thin green stems with white spines. At maturity, it is a short tree or shrub with numerous stems. The flowers are white and borne near the tips of the stems. These plants are seedlings in 4-inch pots.
Yungasocereus inquisivensis 5-inch pots $20.00
This thin columnar species of a monospecific genus has thin green stems with white spines. At maturity, it is a short tree or shrub with numerous stems. The flowers are white and borne near the tips of the stems. These plants are seedlings in 5-inch pots.
Zamioculcas zamiifolia (clone 1) 2-gallon pots $45.00
This weird succulent, from the coastal and inland areas of eastern Kenya and other parts of East Africa, has to be one of the strangest -- and hardest to kill -- plant in collections. People reputedly have left this plant in garages and closets, only to find it still alive when they return. While we do not advocate plant abuse, we do suggest you have this plant in your collection. Do not buy it for the flowers, because they are an inconspicuous green. Clone 1 tends to have lighter green leaves and more succulent stems. These plants are rooted offsets in 2-gallon pots.
Zamioculcas zamiifolia (clone 1) 8-inch pots $35.00
This weird succulent, from the coastal and inland areas of eastern Kenya and other parts of East Africa, has to be one of the strangest -- and hardest to kill -- plant in collections. People reputedly have left this plant in garages and closets, only to find it still alive when they return. While we do not advocate plant abuse, we do suggest you have this plant in your collection. Do not buy it for the flowers, because they are an inconspicuous green. Clone 1 tends to have lighter green leaves and more succulent stems. These plants are rooted offsets in 8-inch pots.
Zamioculcas zamiifolia (clone 2) one-gallon pots $25.00
This weird succulent, from the coastal and inland areas of eastern Kenya and other parts of East Africa, has to be one of the strangest -- and hardest to kill -- plant in collections. People reputedly have left this plant in garages and closets, only to find it still alive when they return. While we do not advocate plant abuse, we do suggest you have this plant in your collection. Do not buy it for the flowers, because they are an inconspicuous green. Clone 2 tends to have darker green leaves, less succulent but longer stems. These plants are rooted offsets in one-gallon pots.
Zephyranthes cv 'Prairie Sunset' x 'Apricot' 4-inch pots $15.00
This bulb, one of the "Rain Lilies," produces linear leaves from a perennial bulb. The genus comes from Mexico, Central America, and Columbia. The flowers are multicolored, as the cultivar name indicates. These plants are in 4-inch pots.
Zephyranthes sulfurea 3-inch pots $10.00
This bulb, one of the "Rain Lilies," throws up linear leaves. The genus comes from Mexico, Central America, and Columbia. The flowers are white or yellow and are quite pretty. These plants are in 3-inch pots.
Zephyranthes sulfurea 4-inch pots $15.00
This bulb, one of the "Rain Lilies," throws up linear leaves. The genus comes from Mexico, Central America, and Columbia. The flowers are white or yellow and are quite pretty. These plants are in 4-inch pots.